Music lesson in the middle group winter. Music - integrated lesson"Весёлое путешествие" для средней группы. Исполняется распевка «Доброе утро!»!}

Summary of winter leisure in middle group kindergarten

Summary of a musical-themed lesson on the topic "How do birds live in winter?" in average preschool educational institution group

Valitova Larisa Vladimirovna, music director of MBDOU No. 44, Miass, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: This summary will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers, it is aimed at consolidating children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter. The content of the summary will make children want to take care of birds in the winter.
Target: children's desire to take care of birds.
1. consolidate children’s knowledge about the life of birds in winter;
2. clarify the concepts of “wintering birds”, “migratory birds”;
3. repeat musical repertoire about birds.
Equipment: multimedia projector and screen, presentation on the topic "Birds and animals in winter"

Progress of the lesson:

Musical director. Guys, winter has come - the coldest time of the year (on the screen there is a winter landscape).

Grandfather Frost is trying - he adds coldness, pours snow. It is very cold in the forest, but animals are not afraid of frost. Why do you think? How did they prepare for winter? (Children's answers)
A squirrel sits in a warm hollow and gnaws nuts. The bear climbed into the den and slept there all winter. The fox runs through the snow and covers its tracks with its tail. Her coat is fur, thick and warm. Hares warm themselves and jump over snowdrifts.
The music director's story is accompanied by a slide show.
Musical director. Only the birds in the forest can’t keep warm.
How can a bird survive the winter?
It is known that birds
There are no wadded robes,
No flannel shirts.
And if it snows for a long time,
And the blizzard stays angry for a long time,
Then, friends, you have to
It’s hard for our birds.
(K. Muhammadi)
Santa Claus took pity on the birds and advised them to fly to people. They will help the birds survive the winter. Santa Claus rang the ice bell, Blizzard flew ahead to show the birds the way to the city. The Blizzard is rushing and humming its winter song.
The music director invites the children to use musical instruments to show how the Blizzard flies.

Musical director. The birds flew into the city. Please tell me, how can people help birds?... (Children's answers). You and I also feed the birds, pour millet into their feeders. And now we will sing a song about it.
Children perform the song “My Birds” (music by E. Shalamonova)
Musical director. Many birds come to our feeders. The bullfinch has arrived (slide).

Conducted rhythm game“Snegirok” (author M. Kartushina).
Musical director. And then the titmouse arrived (slide).

Let's play with our titmouse - Dasha! (Children get up in a round dance, the song “Titmouse” is performed, music by M. Krasev)
Musical director. But the owl bird (slide) did not fly to the city, it remained in the forest, because the owl - bird of prey, which feeds on small birds and mice. And her plumage is warm and large, so she is not cold or hungry in the forest. Let you be the birds, and I’ll be the owl.
The folk outdoor game “Owl” is being played.
Musical director. Bullfinch, titmouse and owl are wild birds, but there are also birds that always live with humans. What kind of birds are these? What are they called? That's right, these are poultry. What birds do you know? (Slide with a picture of a chicken). Yes, it's a chicken. And you and I will sing the song “Chickens” (music by Filippenko).

Musical director. Geese are also considered poultry (slide). Let's play the game "White Geese" (music by M. Krasev)!
Musical director. But now, after a long time, cold winter Finally, spring is coming (slides depicting spring landscapes).

All the animals and birds are looking forward to her arrival. Why do you think?
Children. Because you can get your own food when the snow melts.
Musical director. Look, here is the sparrow cheerfully rejoicing at the arrival of spring! (slide)

The song “Sparrow” (music by N. Metlova) is performed.
Musical director. Guys, in the spring many birds arrive - rooks, starlings, larks and swallows (slide). What are these birds called?
Children. This migratory birds.
Musical director. Why are they called that?
Children. They are called that because they fly to warm regions.
Musical director. So, guys, what are the names of the birds that spend the winter in our area?
What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions? What are the names of birds that constantly live with humans? Which of these birds - wintering, migratory or domestic - find it especially difficult in winter? Why? (Children's answers)
Guys, I prepared millet and bread crumbs, and when you go for a walk today, please pour them into the feeders on your site!

Borodavina Irina Mikhailovna

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 38 Samara

Summary of direct educational activities

in the field of "Music" for the middle group

Topic: “Winter is beautiful.”

Target: give an idea of ​​winter


Encourage children to be creative through imaginative movements;

To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, weather phenomena, and the winter season;

Develop a sense of rhythm, breathing, fine motor skills hands;

Develop attention and the ability to respond to the end of a phrase;

Develop the ability to combine words with movements.

Integration of educational areas:

music, health, safety, fiction, communication.

Equipment: stereo system, TV, slides, snowflakes.

Musical material:

1.P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"

2. Singing " Winter fun»

3. A. Vivaldi “Winter” (1 hour)

4. A. Filippenko “Winter has come”

5. P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes”

6. R.N.P. “Like thin ice”

Preliminary work:

Remember A. Filippenko’s song “Winter has come”

Learn the song-game “Like thin ice”

Get acquainted with M. Kartushina’s song “Winter Fun”

The logic of direct educational activities

Children enter the hall to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, sit down.

The music director asks a riddle:

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a ride on a sled. (Children answer: winter)

Music director. That's right, winter. Do you like winter? Why? (children's answers)

Hearing “Winter” (excerpt from 1 hour) A. Vivaldi. Slide show on a winter theme. Against the background of music, the music director reads a poem:

You, winter, beautiful maiden,

You are a queen, a craftswoman,

Covered all the fields around,

Powdered with silver.

Les dressed in her outfit -

The snow caps are lying.

And winter admires

In Ice Mirrors.

Music director: What did you hear in this music? What is winter like here? (children's answers). Guys, do you like to walk in winter? What do you do on a walk? (children’s answers). So let's quickly go for a walk and go sledding, but first we'll sing song "Winter Fun"(step up and down, showing the steps with your hand).

Song performance “Winter has come” by A. Filippenko” with movements according to the text.

Music director: Guys, look out the window at how the snow is falling. He is so fluffy, light and very beautiful. Snow is many, many snowflakes. Tell me, what kinds of snowflakes are there? (children's answers)

Exercise for the development of speech breathing “Snowflake” by N. Nishcheva

Snowflakes are spinning children perform movements according to the text

In the frosty air,

Fall to the ground slowly squat, showing a smooth

Lacy stars. falling snowflakes

Here's one that fell

On my palm.

Oh, don't worry, snowflake!

Wait a little! children inhale through their nose and carefully

blow on a snowflake.

Music director: Oh, look, one snowflake flew into our hall and invites you to dance (hands out snowflakes to the children).

Dance improvisation to music “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. Tchaikovsky. The performance is accompanied by a slide show and reading of a poem:

Snowflakes are falling, spinning,

Everyone lies down like a carpet on the ground.

Frost skillfully crafted

He made them out of lace.

Everything is the same color

But believe me, there are no twins.

You can't find anything similar here -

Frost tried, and not in vain.

Music director: That's how much snow we got! All the paths and paths were covered with snow. Let's play and sing a song "Like thin ice"

Dramatization of the song.

Music director: Guys, do you like to sculpt snowmen? What will happen to them in the spring? (children's answers). Let's imagine that we are snowmen and with the arrival of spring we begin to melt.

Relaxation with calm instrumental music.

First, the snowman's head will melt (they lower their head),

Then the arms and legs melt (they squat),

And the snowman will turn into a puddle (lie on the floor),

But winter will come and the children will make new snowmen! (get up)

Musical director. And that's our winter walk ended. Goodbye, guys! (Children go to the group).

Target: Develop joyful behavior in children positive emotions from communicating with music in an accessible playful form.


1. Develop emotional and imaginative performance in singing, dancing, playing;

2. Teach children to move in accordance with the nature of the music;

3. Learn to perform precisely placed pulsation and simple rhythmic patterns when playing children’s instruments. musical instruments.

Methods and techniques: singing, listening to music, artistic word, improvisation;

Material: A package from Mother Winter (gloves, scarf, sled, hat, boots), music center, CDs with recordings of modern children's songs, musical games).

Progress of the lesson:

Children without music slowly enter the hall and sit on chairs.

IN. Guys, what do you think will be our activity now?

D. Musical.

IN. Right. Can we study?

D. No! We can't!

IN. Why?

D. Because Tatyana Vladimirovna is not in the hall.

IN. Something must have happened? But it seems to me that she is somewhere nearby, let’s try to call her with a song. Tatyana Vladimirovna, oh! Tatyana Vladimirovna, we are waiting for you!

IN. Now let's listen, does she hear us or not?

(Children from the hall can be heard singing preparatory group: Children, A-U! Children, I'm coming!)

D. No!

IN. Let's call again. (The game is repeated 2-3 times. last time the voice of the music director. A musical greeting sounds.)

M.R. Is everyone here? I want to know! I'm starting to check.

Dima, Katya and Artem raised their hands up,

Gosha, Vika and Diana nodded in unison,

Lisa, Galya and Seryozha - everyone clapped their hands!

Yaroslav, Nikita, Vanya stamped their feet in unison.

Who I didn’t say about, and whose name I didn’t mention,

As one family, let’s all sing “I” together.

M.R. Guys, do you want to know why I was late today?

Visit us at kindergarten The postman brought the parcel, so I was delayed a little while receiving it. Let's open it and see what's inside? (Takes gloves out of the package.)

M.R. These are gloves, I think they are not simple, but magical, let's put them on.

(Children imitate putting on gloves.)

M.R. and children together:

We put on gloves, our fingers start dancing.

They play together happily and entertain the children.

A song is being performed - the game "Boy with a Thumb".

M.R. Let's look into the package, what else is there? (Takes out a scarf).

The scarf is also not simple, it is an assistant in singing. Let's put on a scarf and sing. And the song is called “About the Snow Woman.”

M.R. Guys, let's take a look at the package again ( takes out the sled).

Do you like sledding? I suggest you sing the song "Sleigh" (Children perform a song standing near the chairs).

M.R. I'll take a look and see if I look at our package again? Look how beautiful this hat is! Let's put it on and warm our ears so we can hear the music better (here are all the guys gathered No. 7 t-x).

M.R. Who did the song tell us about? What is her character like?

Children play children's musical instruments: Tanya - a drum, Seryozha - a pipe, Dima - a bell, everyone - rattles, a whistle, spoons, tambourines. (Orchestra).

M.R. We want to play with such a beautiful hat!

(Children go out into a circle one after another, the game “Cap” is played).

M.R. There was only one item left in the package. Look, these are boots! Guys, have you already guessed who this unusual package came to the kindergarten from?

Children. From winter to winter!

M.R. Right! Zimushka invites us for a walk!

So we put on our boots and our feet danced (stomp)

We put on our mittens and wanted to go for a walk (clap)

A little white snow fell ( spring),

The children took the sled (couples holding hands)

And we went for a ride in a forest clearing (running in pairs).

They rolled quickly, quickly and fell into a large snowdrift.

Oh - yo - oh! Oh - yo - oh! The snow is fluffy and funny (shake themselves off).

M.R. You all did great, you sang wonderfully, danced beautifully, played cheerfully, probably magical things from Zimushka - the winters helped. Now let’s take off our boots, hats, and mittens and say thank you to Zimushka.

Children. Thank you!

M.R. This concludes our lesson.

MBDOU "Childhood" structural unit"Krasnoseltsovsky kindergarten"

IN winter forest on a sled

Integrated music lesson in the middle group

theme: "Wild animals"

Musical director: Repina I.V.

Target: Develop children's imagination, thinking, creativity. Strengthen interdisciplinary connections.



Teach children to get used to the game situation, creating the necessary images.

Learn to convey the content of the song text and features of the game image in motion.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space.

Improve your sense of rhythm.


Instill the skill of working in a new artistic technique.

Development of a child's musicality.

Development of artistic and creative abilities.


Cultivate kindness and sincerity in children.

Build self-control and the ability to act on a signal.

To educate children in the fundamentals of musical and emotional culture.

Preliminary work: learning songs, games, reading Russian folk tale“Winter quarters of animals”, looking at images of animals.

Material: animal caps for playing, metallophone, bells, cotton wool, album sheets, gouache, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

Musical director: Hello guys. So winter has come to us.

She invites you to play in the snow, sit on the sled,

Rush on frosty days to the hill to have fun.

Today we will go to the winter forest on a sled to see how animals spend the winter. Let's sing a song about sledding.

A. Starokadomsky « Song "Doll"

Musical director: Now get into the sleigh in pairs and let’s go to the forest.

Children stand in pairs and “ride” to A. Filippenko’s song “Sleigh.”

Musical director: We've come a long way. How quiet it is in the winter forest! Only the icicles on the tree branches tinkle. Let's show how icicles ring.

N. Kartushina “Music of the Forest” - playing bells and metallophone.

Musical director: And different animals live in the winter forest. Let's see who walks through the forest there.

Didactic game“Who goes how” music. G. Levkodimova.

Children listen to and recognize musical works, convey images of animals in the simplest imitation movements.

Musical director: Do you know how to dance like forest animals? (children's answers)

E. Gomonova “Dance of Forest Animals” - dance creativity.

Musical director: Well done, your animals danced well! And now we need to walk through the forest through the “drifts” to those tables over there.

A. Grechaninov “Horse” - walking with high knees.

Musical director: What other animals living in the forest do you know? (children's answers) Let's draw them using a cotton ball.

Educator explains how to use a cotton ball to draw the animal's body, then add details with a brush. The children work, the teacher watches them and, if necessary, helps.

Musical director: What wonderful hares and bears you have made! While the drawings are drying, let's play a game with the bear.

L. Olifirova “Game with a bear”».

Musical director: Do you want to take your animals on a sled? (children's answers) Then take your pictures and get on the sled.

The song “Sleigh” by A. Filippenko is played.

Children stand in pairs, pretending to be a sleigh, and “leave” from the hall

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 200 “Cinderella”

Summary of a music lesson in the middle group “Zimushka - Winter”


Goal: Introducing children to art through an artistic approach.


1. Call emotional response on the perception of works of painting, music and poetry about winter;

2. Develop children's creativity;

3. Foster love for native nature.

Musical works: A. Vivaldi “Winter” (excerpt), P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes”, S. Prokofiev “Fairy Tale”, D.B. Kabalevsky “Like a Waltz”

Painting: (picture, I. Shishkin “Winter”.).

Equipment: bags of starch, snowballs, bells, wooden spoons, tambourines, easels for illustrations, large leaf blue-blue, cut out white snowflakes, glue, tassels.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Dear guys! Today our lesson is dedicated to Zimushka - Winter. Poets wrote poems about it, composers composed music, artists painted pictures.

Now we will listen to a fragment of the musical work “Winter”, the music for which was written by composer Antonio Vivaldi.

( Listening to a fragment from the musical work “Winter”):

Tell me guys, what is the character of the music? (kind, magical, graceful, airy, fabulous).

Tell me the sounds of which instrument did you hear in this particular piece of music? (violin).

Absolutely right. These are wonderful, magical sounds of the violin.

(Teacher: draws attention to the painting, I. Shishkina “Winter”.)

Educator: Guys, now pay attention to the screen. What time of year is it in this picture?

Children call it: Winter.

Yes indeed, famous artist just like the composer Vivaldi addressed this time of year “Winter”

Guys, what do you like about this time of year?

    It's beautiful when the snow flies

    You can skate, ski, sled

    Make snowballs

    Build a snow woman

What makes you feel sad in winter?

    In winter, birds are both cold and hungry.

    IN severe frost and the snowstorm won’t let you go for a walk.

Indeed, in winter you can’t stay outside for long. And you need to play outdoor games.

(Game - song " Zimushka - winter»)

Educator: What kind of snow? (children answer). And when we walk on a frosty day, snow under our feet, what does it do? (crunches). Well done. Now I will give you bags of starch. I will read you a poem, and for the word “snow” you will have to imitate the crunch of snow.

Like a pile of snow, snow,

And under the hill there is snow, snow,

And there is snow on the tree, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow.

Children recite the rhyme using bags of starch.

Educator : Now let’s put the bags into a box and play a little. To whom I throw a snowball, he names any word associated with winter.

(Snowball game).

Educator : The Russian people have come up with many proverbs about winter.

Do you know proverbs about winter?

Children: “There is no snow, and there is no trace. The year ends and winter begins"

“Take care of your nose in the deep frost.”

“Winter without snow is summer without bread.”

“Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.”

“A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends.”

Phys. just a minute

Educator : as they used to say in Rus' in the old days, “Winter is for the frosts, and we are for the holidays.” Guys, you know that there are many holidays during the winter season. ( New Year, Christmastide, Christmas, Maslenitsa...).

And not a single cheerful winter holiday is complete without music. we will perform with you now piece of music on noise instruments

Well done! You are real musicians.

(Collect tools).

Guys, close your eyes and imagine that it is snowing. Large snowdrifts appeared.

Educator: .- Look how high the snowdrifts are on our way! So that we don’t drown in them, let’s walk with our feet raised high. Walking exercise with high knees through imaginary snowdrifts.(music sounds)

Educator: And now I invite you to listen winter's tale. Make yourself comfortable...

Fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a grandmother Vyuga, she had a large beautiful shawl decorated with snowflakes. At night, snowflakes rested on Grandma Blizzard’s shawl.

When Grandma Blizzard woke up, she shook her shawl and then the snowflakes flew across the winter meadow in a dance.

And one day all the snowflakes scattered, and Grandma Vyuga’s shawl was left without patterns. Let's help us collect snowflakes and decorate the blizzard grandmother's shawl with them.

Children collect snowflakes and decorate a shawl with them (you can spread them on the floor or attach a blue sheet to the easel in advance and glue the snowflakes). During work, any music about winter is played (A. Vivaldi “Winter”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes.”)

Teacher: praises the children.