Event for the night of the arts in a rural club. About the III annual all-Russian cultural and educational event “Night of the Arts” in the libraries of the Dinskaya district. Monologue theater “White Piano”

“Night of the Arts” 2014 is, first of all, a night of creativity. This is a large-scale event that affects all genres of creativity: painting, decorative and applied arts, sculpture, music, poetry, choreography, cinema, animation and much more. His the main task is to unite the creator and the viewer, to give everyone the opportunity to awaken their creative potential. Cultural events, presentations, master classes, meetings with popular artists contribute to the awakening of imagination and creative abilities among participants and guests of the event, a productive exchange of ideas, and the search for new friends and like-minded people.

This year, Vorkuta libraries took part in this nationwide event for the first time. Guests of the festival were able to take direct part in a wide variety of creative events.

Central City Library named after A.S. Pushkin welcomed everyone who wanted to join the world of art, reading and books. An interesting and rich program was prepared for residents and guests of the city. They were able to plunge into the world of the night, admire its beauty and mystery, travel through the virtual Russian Museum, and take pictures in theatrical paraphernalia. Our guests can take photos.

Next, they had a fun meeting with the students of the theater department of the Shakhtarsky District School of Arts, who were able to show their acting skills by playing the fable “The Eagle and the Chickens.” The music and poetry salon “Open your heart to music” was opened by Vorkuta poetess Olga Khmara, bard songs were performed by Sergey Korobka, Vyacheslav Borukaev, and city guest Alexey Brunov. There were many children and adults who wanted to learn at master classes on handicrafts - knitting, graphics, beading, scrapbooking, which were conducted by masters creative association"Shine". Former soloist of the Wings of the Arctic ensemble Vitaly Posrednikov helped our guests plunge into the World of Ballet. Young people took part in the entertaining quest game “In Search of an Artifact.” The guys, divided into 2 teams, received assignments, and looked for answers to them in the library collections. The winning team received a sweet prize. A screening of the feature film “The Artist” took place in the reading room. Throughout the evening, people could admire the exhibition of author’s works “Handmade” and get acquainted with the exhibition of book publications “The World of Art Gives Thoughts, Gives Feelings.” The “Book in Good Hands” campaign continued and everyone could choose a book to their liking. A tea table was set in the hall where guests could drink fragrant tea with sweets. That evening the atmosphere of celebration, creativity, comfort, and goodwill reigned in the library. The head of the Vorkuta administration, E.A. Shumeiko, congratulated everyone present at this event.

“Without a share of surprises, art fades” - in confirmation of the words of the classic director Robert Sturua, the night of arts at Gagarinka began with a surprise. The youth invited to the event, in turn, invited serious conversation... mayor of the city Evgeny Shumeiko.

And the “Night of Arts” in the Children and Youth Library began with the presentation of a directory of youth public associations in the city of Vorkuta, after which the activists of these same associations, including informals, had a serious conversation with the head of the administration of our city. Evgeniy Shumeiko outlined his position on a number of issues related to the youth movement and answered the guys’ questions.

The “youth part” was completed by Ilya Samoilov, head of the Amante youth theater, who announced the start of the “Minute of Words” project. He recited a Shakespeare sonnet, after which those gathered were invited to extend this “minute” by reading poems by poets of the day - Shakespeare or Lermontov, based on books of the early 20th century - in the Museum of Rare Books. So in “Gagarinka” they switched to the main line of the program - the line of theater and cinema.

“We invite you to take the road “back to the future,” the presenter announced, introducing the audience to the next number. After all, what followed was an experiment! In front of the rockers and bikers who made up the majority of the audience,… artists of the Republican Puppet Theater performed with an excerpt from the play “Scarlet Sails”. And the experiment was a success! While “the dolls were talking,” there was such silence in the hall that, as they say, you could hear a fly flying by! The performance of Alexey Brunov, a St. Petersburg performer in the genre of art song, was held on the same “high wave,” who in his performance continued the theme of “sails of life and destiny.”

And then the reading room was “captured” by the most important of the arts - cinema. The presenter of the KIS (Cinema and TV Series) club introduced the audience, including the guys Children's home, presentation “Cinema - the alluring world of art.” A video about the life of Shakespeare brought participants to the topic of authorship of well-known works. Was it written by Shakespeare or an unknown Anonymous? “Anonymous” was the name of the film that was later shown.

The “Night of Arts” began at Gagarinka at 15:00. And while the theater-cinema program was taking place in the reading room, Olesya Smoliy’s master class “Art with a peck of salt” was running on the subscription, great attention attracted by the exhibition “Collectibles as Art,” which was presented by collector Andrei Bobrov. Traditionally, the Museum of Rare Books was also crowded. Informals and activists of youth associations appreciated the “Rarities of Book Art” presented in the museum.

All-Russian event “Night of Arts” in children's department The Central Children's and Youth Library began with a matinee for the pupils of the Nadezhda orphanage. Also guests of our “twilight” were children from the Orphanage. “Funny Colors” was the name of the program of the Pre-Central Children's and Children's School. During this event, the guys got acquainted with various genres visual arts, amounted to genre paintings from puzzles, using only multi-colored stripes, they answered the questions of the “Multicolored” competition, mixed the main colors on the palette and got new ones, expanded their horizons by answering quiz questions, painted real pictures, completed drawing blots, recognized paintings and artists in the “Creators and creations,” guessed codes...and much, much more. In conclusion, the guys received prizes for their active and creative work, as well as a sweet gift of candy.

An unusual blotography lesson “Living Blot” took place in children's library No. 2. Blotography is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time, experiment with paints, create unusual images. Traditionally, blotography is the process of drawing an arbitrary blot on paper into a recognizable artistic image. Nowadays, this is a rather non-standard look visual arts received wide use. This type of art helps to develop creative thinking, increases interest in creative activity. Library readers, transformed into blots, learned about various types of blotography and took part in the process of creating pictures themselves. different ways. The kids made funny blots using a brush, thread, and palms. But most of all the guys liked the method of blowing through a straw. During the lesson, entertaining poems about blots by N. Alekseevskaya, D. Ciardi, and I. Vinokurov were read. After a photo session at the exhibition with their works, the children listened to famous children's songs by Soviet composers while drinking tea in a relaxed atmosphere.

“Night of the Arts” at children's library-branch No. 3 “Fairy Tale” was dedicated to the art of cinema and animation. The topic of the meeting was the work of the famous children's writer Kir Bulychev. This choice was not accidental, because it was Kir Bulychev who is the author of everyone’s favorite works about the girl from Earth Alice and her adventures. On this day, library visitors were treated to a “Reserve of Fairy Tales”, in which librarians introduced everyone to the biography of the writer and the film adaptation of his works. But, before watching the wonderful cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet,” library readers had to learn about the emergence and development of animation itself, and watch the very first Russian and foreign cartoons, which are already more than a hundred years old. Library guests also got acquainted with the most popular cartoon characters of those years and compared them with modern ones. Readers considered “Felix the Cat,” “born” in 1919, and his “grandson,” the modern “Simon the Cat,” to be very similar. At the end of the evening, everyone was presented with a master class “Creating a toy with an optical effect.”

Students of the 3rd and 4th grades of gymnasium No. 3 and their parents took part in the “Night of Arts” in the library-branch No. 4 of the village of Severny. The program was varied and rich. This is the reading competition “The City That Is Dear to the Heart”, and the theatrical performance “Invitation to the Country of Chitalia, or Old Tales in a New Way”, where the artists of the “Together” club showed their skills and talents, which was highly noted by the audience. The video salon started working after the puppet show. The children were shown the animated film “Prince Vladimir”. Some of the kids sat in cozy armchairs and read books out loud. Others enthusiastically explored the library's book collection, choosing their favorite books and magazines. Educational board games gathered the smartest and most savvy children around the playing tables. The literary photo salon was open throughout the event. Everyone could try on the costume literary hero and take a photo.

In the reading room of library branch No. 13, events were held for readers of all ages. On this day, the Vorgashors were given the opportunity to “Dedicate themselves to art.” In the afternoon for junior schoolchildren A lesson was held at the “Country of Masters” club, where young artists drew and made crafts in the origami style to the sounds of music. The lesson with the kids gave way to a master class given by the actors of the Blue Bird children's and youth theater. The guys showed exercises for the development of voice, breathing, plasticity, which are mandatory for any artist when preparing to go on stage, and also talked about their work on a new performance based on the book “Correction Class” by Ekaterina Murashova. In the evening, the halls of the library were filled with the sounds of guitars. Guitar song lovers shared memories of student years, when the bard song was a favorite in the world of music among young people of the 80s, they talked about their favorite singer-songwriters and songs with which hiking trips, home gatherings, quiet, intelligent and kind meetings of friends are associated. A great gift to Vorgashori lovers of bard song was the concert of Alexey Brunov and Vyacheslav Borukaev, which ended in the late evening of a truly real “NIGHT OF THE ARTS”.

The library "Inspiration" in the village of Zapolyarny has prepared an extensive program called "Miracles with your own hands." All events were aimed at revealing the creative potential of each reader who came to the library that day. It was so important to give children the opportunity to feel like an artist and an artist, a musician and a master of hand-made fantasies. Master classes on making origami, beloved by all the children, were not left out. Young readers also enjoyed creating three-dimensional pictures from plasticine. At the end of the event, a festive tea party took place in the library, where librarians and children gathered around the samovar, talked about Russian traditions, and read poetry. All visitors were able to choose books on different types of art to read.


NIGHT OF ARTS in the libraries of the MBUK "Akbulak ICBC"

“Night of the Arts - 2017” is, first of all, a night of creativity. This is a large-scale event that affects all genres of creativity: painting, decorative and applied arts, music, poetry and much more. Its main task is to unite the creator and the viewer, to give everyone the opportunity to awaken their creative potential.

This year, the libraries of the Akbulak centralized library system for the first time took part in this all-Russian cultural and educational event under the motto “Art unites.” Guests of the festival were able to take direct part in a wide variety of creative events.

A rich, varied program presented by librarians of the Akbulak Central District Hospital named after. Pravdukhin, was designed for visitors of all ages and cultural interests. The events were held under the common motto “Art unites” and everyone could plunge into real world art, in all its diversity.

The book exhibition “Russia - a country of unity and harmony” introduced the pages of the history of our homeland, the ethnocultural heritage of multinational Russia. The quest game “Culture Brings Nations Together”, based on the books presented at this exhibition, was exciting for schoolchildren. The participants of the game learned a lot of interesting and educational things about the culture, traditions and customs of the peoples living nearby.

The variety of cuisines of the peoples of the world was presented in the book row “Food in Art and Art in Food”, where those who wished could take with them a bookmark with interesting recipes. The exhibition “At the Turn of Epochs” was dedicated to the 100th anniversary October revolution 1917.

Those present were greatly impressed by the illustrated book exhibition “Color Palette in ECO Style,” where, along with reproductions of famous artists, works by students of the Akbulak Children’s Art School were exhibited.

For the women of the Sudarushka club, library staff prepared a multimedia mix “I will learn to protect my soul” based on the work of poetess Rimma Kazakova. Guests of the event learned many interesting facts from the biography of R.F. Kazakova and watched video clips of songs based on her poems. The women happily sang along to songs they knew from their youth: “My Beloved,” “I Didn’t Know,” “Madonna,” etc.

Then, over a cup of tea, the club members discussed the poetry of R. Kazakova. They said that Kazakova’s poems are close and understandable to everyone, they shock with sincerity, sound natural and easy, as if they were written in one breath.

It is known that art unites people, regardless of their nationality, linguistic background, political or religious beliefs. We were once again convinced of this after the successful holding of the “Night of the Arts”.

The night of art at the Akbulak Children's Library began with the opening. Deputy Director for Work with Children O.S. Davletova, talking about the history of this action. Participants of the action got acquainted with the literary and artistic exhibition “Art in Faces”. Librarian G.N. Listopad introduced the guests to a video presentation “Towards unity through art” about the art of peoples different nationalities living in the Akbulak district. At the creative platforms located in the halls of the library, everyone could plunge into the real world of art, in all its diversity. Children from the 4th grade of secondary school No. 2 took part in the master class “Appliqué from napkins” and learned about the blotography lesson “Live Blot”.

Akbulak needlewomen O. Shinkarenko and O. Evichenko took part in the cultural and educational event “Night of Arts”, preparing the exhibition “My New Products for Our Outback”.

At the end of the evening, words of gratitude were addressed to the organizers of the event, which created a great mood.

Rural libraries of the Akbulak Central Library have also prepared exciting journeys into the world of art.. Each of them invited the villagers to spend an evening in an atmosphere of creative inspiration, meet the characters of their favorite books, listen to good music and enjoy pleasant communication.

In Novopavlovskaya s.b.“Night of the Arts” began with a multimedia presentation about different genres of art, which was accompanied by a conversation “Art opens up the world.” Those present learned what genres and types of art exist, then tested themselves by answering questions in an educational quiz.

The book exhibition “With Love About Art” was presented in the library hall, where literature on various types of art was displayed.

Children who came to the library enthusiastically explored the book collection, choosing the books and magazines they liked. Some guys sat at tables and read books out loud. Educational board games gathered the smartest and most savvy children around the tables under the guidance of history teacher Aigaidarova A.U.

In a specially prepared “Magic Pencil” corner, students primary classes drew pictures using pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

In Novogrigoryevskaya s.b.. cultural and educational event “Night of Arts” was dedicated to the Day national unity. The event opened with a quiz game “Our strength is in unity”, the main purpose of which was to remember those historical events that caused the birth of the holiday of national unity. Those present also learned about the spiritual significance of the holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Then a drawing competition “Together” was held for the guests the whole country" Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs and traditions. But we all have one big, united Motherland, Russia! The guys showed this in their drawings.

"Art in a Book Frame"- under this name the action took place “Night of the Arts” at the Novouspenovskaya Rural Library. The meeting began with an introductory historical excursion “In spiritual unity is the greatness of the people.” Those present liked it literary narrative“About K. Minin and D. Pozharsky - the glorious liberators of the Russian land,” where they remembered what happened in Rus' almost four hundred years ago, how unity helped the Russians cope with the insidious enemy and get rid of the Polish invasion. The historical excursion smoothly moved into the literary cafe “The Art of the Word”. In the cafe they sang poems about autumn: “You are with me again, friend Autumn.” And in auditorium, another action was performed on stage - the art of song. Songs born of the revolution were sung here: “Cruiser Aurora”, “There, far beyond the river”, “Song about Shchors”, etc. The children were also taken aback by the wonderful world of dance. Already on stage there was unity: Russians and Kazakhs danced together to a Ukrainian video clip, echoing the motto of our night - “Art unites”! Next, an interesting conversation-dialogue “The Art of Making Wishes” took place, which suggested secrets for making your cherished desires come true. The funny episodes of our meeting were captured in the photo shoot “From an amateur photographer...”

Veselovskaya First Rural Library prepared an extensive program, the events of which were aimed at revealing the creative potential of each reader who visited the “Night of the Arts”. At the creative platforms deployed in the library, everyone could plunge into the world of art in all its diversity. Literature, cinema, theater, painting, music - that evening everyone who came to the holiday could find something to their liking. At the theatrical game program“Visiting Master Pencil”, readers met Master Pencil and his assistants - red, yellow and green pencils. They told the story of the origin of the pencil, held competitions “Merry Artists”, “Fantasy Artists”, “Create a Pictogram” and others. The children were presented with a dramatization from V. Suteev’s work “The Pencil and the Mouse”. For participation in competitions, readers were rewarded with medals " Young artist"and sweet prizes. In literary - musical composition The guys showed themselves as readers, reading poems and proverbs about the Motherland, about our multinational Russia. The song “Friendship” was performed by Tsutsareva D. and Pilipenko K.. A presentation “My Russia” was prepared for the event. After watching the educational film “Minin and Pozharsky”, the quiz “Our strength is in unity” was held. The guys were rewarded with prizes in the quiz. The children took an active part in the master class on making amulet dolls from woolen threads. In the library cafe “Tea House of Friendly Peoples” the children learned about the tea ceremony and its obligatory attribute - a samovar. Then the participants were offered tea from the samovar with sweets.

In Karakuduk s.b. The opening of the “Night of Arts 2017” event began with congratulations on National Unity Day. Everyone present was told about the history relating to the events of 1612, the significance and relevance of the holiday, etc. Then a flash mob “We are together - we are united” was held. Since the “Night of Arts -2017” event was held under the slogan “Art Unites”, those present were given the opportunity to “Dedicate themselves to art”, become artists and show their creative possibilities on the theater stage. The guys impromptu presented a dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way, showing the power of collectivism and joint work, coherence and mutual assistance.

Then, all present KFOR workers were offered a competitive and entertainment program “We are together - we are strong!”, which included all kinds of competitions related to various fields of art: music, fine arts, sculpture, etc. The event ended with a disco.

“Art Nights” program in Sagarchinskaya s.b. was varied and rich. This is an excursion into the history of the National Unity Day holiday and festive program“We are united and this is our strength,” where the guys performed in national costumes, danced, sang songs, and read poems about Russia. Then those present listened with interest to the conversation at the book exhibition “From Art to Knowledge of the World”, about genres of art, about the life and work of local artist I.V. Sablin, watched the presentation of his paintings, and answered questions from the quiz “In the World of Art”. The “Polyhedron” club hosted a master class on cross stitch “Flight of Fancy and Hand-Creation”; the library hosted a “Library Photo Salon” - you could take pictures near the books. At the end of the event, everyone took a photo with a “We are for peace” poster.

In the Karasai rural library, the “Night of Arts” was held under the motto “Together on the same land.” For little artists, children in grades 1-4, there was the “Living Blot” playground. The children drew and decorated national costumes. The children also made three-dimensional flowers from colored paper. The library also hosted the “Wheel of Fortune” intellectual tournament dedicated to the Day of National Unity. From the beginning, the presenter spoke about the history of the holiday, then the guys showed their erudition in knowledge of the peoples of Russia, their culture and customs. The final part of the evening was a festive concert on the SDK stage under the motto of the same name. Folk group showed the Russian ritual of seeing off autumn Kuzminki, the girls showed the Kazakh ritual “Cutting the bonds” and danced national dance, the spoon troupe performed their fiery performance, and patriotic and cheerful songs sounded from the stage. All visitors were able to choose books on different types of art to read.

Shkunovskaya s.b. Together with SDK employees, we held a “Night of the Arts” for readers of all ages. First, the librarian introduced those present to the history of the National Unity Day holiday. Then everyone took part in a game program, the competitions of which were selected so as to unite the players. Between competitions there were music and dance blocks. In conclusion, all participants joined hands, as there is strength in unity and shouted “We are together.”

The program of the Night of Arts in the libraries of the MBUK "Akbulak ICBC" was full of creative inspiration, vivid images, new feelings, positive emotions of guests, organizers of the holiday and gathered more than 400 people in the libraries.

Votes: 181

On November 3, 2015, the Alexin Library presented itself from a new perspective. Together with colleagues from other Russian cities We joined the annual all-Russian cultural and educational event “Night of the Arts”. We have proven more than once that a library is not only a place where you can take books home, but also a cultural, information, and communication center.

On this day, one of the citywide venues was open in the reading room of the Central City Library. cultural event"Night of the Arts". Art is an important part of our lives, because art speaks about things that are common and important to all people on the globe - about love and hate, about happiness and grief, about duty and honor, about loyalty and betrayal, about friendship...

The rhythm of cities, a busy work schedule, an endless to-do list, a busy schedule do not leave to modern man time to realize creative potential. That is why “Night of Arts - 2015” is, first of all, an event of creativity, the motto of which is “Art unites.”

That evening, people who were passionate about art gathered in the hospitable hall. The participants of the evening had the opportunity to realize their dreams in acting, in the ability to read poetry, improvise, in general, to become imbued with true art. As they say, “Only a chosen one can create art; every person can love art.”

Guests of the evening were presented with a correspondence video tour dedicated to Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, the great Russian artist, which was conducted by our guides Olga Shkurina and Natalya Berkasova.

Those present learned about Polenov’s life and work. The story was accompanied by an electronic presentation “A Devoted Servant of Art.”

Those present were greatly impressed by the virtual excursion to the State Memorial Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, the founder of which was V.D. Polenov. Beautiful nature, acquaintance with the halls of the museum: portrait, landscape, workshop caused delight among the meeting participants.

The first “Night of Arts in the Library” in our city was held by members of the amateur literary association “ALLO”. Local poets read beautiful, heartfelt poems about nature.

“Night of Arts 2015” became the final event of the Year of Literature for library workers and passed the baton to the Year of Russian Cinema. In this regard, Irina Morozova prepared a presentation of the book exhibition “Reading a Book - Watching a Film” for the guests of the meeting. It presented the works of great Russian classics, modern Russian writers who received a second life on the screen, and many of them became classics of Russian cinema.

We don’t have a professional theater in our city, but there are talented amateur actors from the “Visiting the Muses” club. In their amateur creativity, club members reveal themselves and liberate themselves, gaining experience of individual and joint creativity, a deeper understanding of themselves and others, delighting us, grateful viewers, with their creativity.

The mystery of the “Night of the Arts” was continued by Nina Tegina, Vera Khaikina, Zoya Vlasova, Tatyana Shelepina. They presented to the audience a mini-sketch based on the work of Konstantin Simonov “The Artilleryman’s Son”, especially since November 28, 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the writer.

An exhibition of decorative and applied arts, “Talent Chime,” was prepared for the guests of the evening. The creative works of the students of the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth were presented to those present.

At the end of the evening, all participants of the event were presented with small souvenirs in the form of a bookmark in memory of the meeting.

Night of the Arts - 2016

For the fourth year, the Leningrad Intersettlement Library MBUK has been taking part in the all-Russian cultural and educational event “Night of the Arts”. This year it was held under the motto “Time to Create”. The main events of the action were timed to coincide with the Year of Russian Cinema and the Day of National Unity.

In order to minimize the distance between art and the reader, to support literary process and propaganda of reading, organization of new formats for spending free time, the doors of the Leningrad region libraries were open to everyone from 18.00 to 23.00.

Particularly interesting and extensive were the programs presented Central Library named after B.E. Tumasov and the Central Children's Library.

“Beauty Autumn” served as an inspiring start for holding interactive platforms and master classes in the Central Children’s Library. “Autumn time is the charm of the eyes...” - these words contain the diversity of the autumn palette, and the sweet sound of the poetic lines of our classics, and a storehouse of folk wisdom, and the song of the soul of the Russian person, who never tires of being amazed at the diversity of the wonders of our nature.

The literary toy library “Autumn Kaleidoscope” was opened with games about the signs of autumn. On this site, children competed in vigilance and attentiveness, in knowledge of proverbs, sayings and poems about autumn, using pantomime to depict autumn phenomena: the farewell dance of cranes, how a bear and a hamster prepare for winter.

The “Poetry Vernissage” event continued. Children put together a puzzle picture of an autumn leaf to read the lines of poetry printed on the back. The listeners' task is to remember the author and the title of the poem and continue it.

In the creative workshop “Autumn Palette” everyone could make an autumn card: a gouache drawing on a maple leaf or an “Autumn Forest” appliqué from colored paper. Here there was a place for children's imagination to run wild. Chrysanthemums bloomed on maple leaves, still lifes of fruits and vegetables appeared, or entire landscape sketches. Handmade postcards will take their rightful place in the home collections of our readers.

Visitors of all ages took part in a master class on making dolls-amulets from scraps with great pleasure. This site was organized in the “Cossack’s Hut” and included an exhibition of literature on the history of art, folk art in Kuban and the technology of making dolls with your own hands. The exhibition was supplemented by ready-made crafts - a variety of dolls made by the master and children. The master class was led by Tatyana Viktorovna Ivashchenko, a teacher at the children's art school. Visitors could take all the crafts with them.

Next to the workshop there is a cozy photo studio “Queen Autumn”. Each visitor was able to create his own image of the “Queen of Autumn” and take a photo in this role. To create the images, a background was selected that matched the autumn palette, the frame was decorated, wreaths of leaves and fruits, a colorful shawl, baskets with fruits and autumn flowers were prepared.

The photo studio's stylized "wall" featured an exhibition of photographs of various library events this year. All visitors who found themselves in the photographs could receive a sweet prize.

A cozy chamber atmosphere was created in the senior reading room. Here, in the twilight, far from the noise and hubbub of the children's playground, teenagers and adults were invited to take part in the interactive quiz “Autumn time - the charm of the eyes...”.

In the prologue part, visitors were offered an overview of the exhibition “The World of the Writer on the Big Screen”, from which they learned what famous works A.S. Pushkina, L.N. Tolstoy, N.V. Gogol received a ticket to the light in a new capacity: a feature film, a fairy tale film, an animated film. The review included the names of famous domestic directors and actors.

The interactive quiz questions were roughly divided into thematic blocks and invariably came down to reading poems about autumn. Thus, in the “Autumn Poetry” block, the authors and the name of the given lines were remembered; in “Autumn Palette” they talked about masterpieces of painting and the names of artists whose works were inspired by autumn; “Melodies of Autumn” featured famous songs and romances based on poems by Russian poets. At the end of the quiz, together we created a literary “Fairytale Harvest”, remembering Russian folk tales.

Central Library named after. B.E. Tumasova invited everyone to recite their favorite works at the open microphone “Thin Threads of the Soul...”, the most popular authors of which were L. Rubalskaya, S. Yesenin, V. Tushnova and others. Thus, the rector of the Church of the New Martyrs, Father Konstantin, quoted A. Blok, the dean of the churches of the Uman district, the rector of the Church of the Three Hierarchs, Nikolai Chmelenko, quoted poems by Orthodox authors, and a participant in the “Literary Lounge” and a regular reader of the library V.I. Fedchenko recited several of her favorite love poems.

The creative workshop “Lavochka hand-made” was very popular among the guests of the event. All of them could take part in a master class on making kanzashi-style brooches for National Unity Day.

In addition, everyone could do virtual trip read books at the “Time of Wandering” station, visit the photo exhibition of the “Yesenia” salon, book exhibition"Pearls of Art", which presented books about various types arts: cinema, theater, circus, architecture, literature. And in the updated mini-museum of the writer-historian B.E. Tumasov could not only take a creative photo, but also get acquainted with his books, manuscripts, and letters from readers.

The library reading room was united a single theme- “The Year of Russian Cinema”.

In the mini-museum of cinema, the guests of the event learned about the history of cinema, got acquainted with an overhead projector, a video recorder and other rare things. Here you could also take part in a quiz on the history of cinema, an adapted version of the film program “Cinema in Details”. In the local history sector, folk songs were performed by an exemplary folk group choral singing“Uman Cossacks”, and the famous film “Kuban Cossacks” was also shown.

The interactive platform “Kinoentrakt” invited everyone to answer quiz questions, put together puzzles, and guess melodies from films.

Our guests took part in the screen tests with great pleasure. They were asked to independently voice a selected excerpt from a film, after listening to the original.

This evening did not go unnoticed by the public of our village. Thus, the guests of the action were: local historian, honored journalist of Kuban, writer V.V. Ter; Deputy of the Council of the Leningradsky District, Director of the music school I.A. Gorelko; Dean of the churches of the Uman district, Priest Nikolai Chmelenko; Priest Konstantin Maltsev, rector of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, media representatives. All of them gladly took part in all the events held as part of the campaign.