Matvey Sherling: “continue the traditions!” Russian theater director Sherling Yuri: biography, personal life and interesting facts A young musician, the director’s son, has died

Matvey Sherling is a famous Russian saxophonist, multiple laureate open competition saxophonists, laureate of the sixth Open Youth Delphic Games of the CIS member states, winner of the XI International Television Competition for Young Musicians “Nutcracker-2010”, laureate III festival"Rising Stars in the Kremlin."

The saxophonist performed with the State chamber orchestra"Moscow Virtuosi" under the leadership of Vladimir Spivakov and with the State symphony orchestra « New Russia"under the leadership of Yuri Bashmet.

Matvey Sherling cause of death: what caused the young musician to die

On May 10, a terrible tragedy occurred in the Sherling family. Matvey’s father came to visit his son, but for a long time he did not answer his calls or knock on the door, then the excited man called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. When the doors were broken down, Matvey was found dead on the floor of his own apartment on Bolshaya Nikitinskaya.

There were no signs of forced entry on the door, and there were also no signs of murder. The young man suffered from heart failure, so this disease is now called the cause of his death. A more detailed diagnosis will be revealed by an autopsy. Now the investigation into the case of Matvey Sherling is underway.


Date of birth of Matvey Sherling is October 13, 1999. WITH childhood he was instilled with a love of creativity, namely music - subsequently the boy masterfully performed classics and jazz. All members of his family had creative professions. Mother - Olesya Sherling, played the piano, was a vocalist, she is a talented musician. Father - Yuri Sherling, worked as a composer, theater director, and choreographer.

At the age of seven, Matvey began studying at the second art school. He studied piano and flute. A couple of years later, he successfully entered a music school, studying piano. Subsequently, he chose to play the saxophone as his main instrument, which came as a big surprise to everyone.

Passed less than a year, and he became a prize-winner at a saxophone competition in Moscow in two categories at once. This event happened in 2010. Afterwards, Matvey began to combine his studies with participation in concert events, captivating listeners with his excellent playing. So, he performed with the Hermitage ensemble, with his sister Alexandra, who was already jazz vocalist, reports the portal site. He has taken part in various festivals more than once.

One of major events his career was marked by victory in the world competition of young talents “Nutcracker - 2010”. Matvey became the laureate of the first prize, and also received “The Nutcracker”. Despite the fact that he lived short life, she was bright. He had many fans, and with his talent he captivated many spectators and music connoisseurs.


It is known that Matvey Sherling continued the famous musical dynasty, deciding to follow in the footsteps of his parents. According to media reports, Matvey was raised as a traditional performer, but the direction of jazz was successfully given young talent. The young man performed with national orchestra“Moscow Virtuosi”, as well as with the ensemble “New Russia”. In 2010, Matvey was awarded the title of Laureate of competitions that took place within the CIS countries, in Armenia and Yerevan.

One of the most significant victories for him was the triumph at the 11th world television competition of young and talented musicians"Nutcracker". One of the jury members spoke about the game young musician like absolutely adult work, who doesn't just play it right. He expressed his opinion that Matvey is well versed in jazz, he hears and loves this music. In addition, he manages to improvise in a way that is beautiful.

In 2011, Matvey again won the 9th World Capital Competition. Next year he becomes a laureate of the fifteenth festival in Izhevsk. At the beginning of 2014, he became the winner of a saxophone competition in the city of Pushkino.

He became the youngest participant in the sixteenth International Saxophonists' Congress in Scotland. In 2012, he performed as part of an ensemble in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Last news

Based on the latest news regarding the death of the famous saxophonist, Mariamne, the musician’s sister, said that her younger brother dreamed of living his life brightly, he was always a positive and cheerful person. The brother and sister were incredibly sincere with each other, so this loss is huge for the girl.

According to Mariamne, her brother had great talent, and he used it wisely. Matvey's family is taking the loss hard.

According to media reports, on May 12, 2018, farewell to saxophonist Matvey Sherling will take place at the Holy Trinity Church in Skhodnya. According to the information provided, the funeral service will take place on Monday at 13:00, 05/14/2018. This information was reported by elder sister young musician on his page on the social network.

The cause of death of Yuri Sherling's son Matvey is one of the most discussed news. Sherling's son died in his apartment in Moscow. The boy's whole family is creative. Most likely, this is why the boy followed in the footsteps of his parents. It is assumed that he died due to heart pathologies, but there are other alleged causes of death in the press.

What happened to Matvey Sherling

This year 10.05. year, a misfortune occurred in the Sherling family. Matvey's father, Yuri Borisovich, became worried when he could not reach his son. Then he decided to visit young musician, however, no one responded to the doorbells either. After this, the concerned father called the service to break down the door.

The young man was found dead. Before the door was opened by breaking in, no traces of illegal entry were found, and no signs of violence were found on the body of the young saxophonist. One version of what happened is a heart pathology from which the musician suffered. This cause of death of Yuri Sherling's son Matvey is official now.

Based on the data in the case, experts did not confirm the murder version. This is due to the fact that the apartment was not broken into, and no evidence was found that could indicate that criminals had acted. According to media reports, a forensic examination is expected, through which the details of the tragedy will become known.

Farewell to Matvey

For the young man’s family, what happened to Matvey was a tragedy that was very difficult to survive. About the condition of loved ones young man wrote the musician's sister. According to her, the musician liked his life, he made plans for the future, dreaming and enjoying every day.

The death of her brother was a difficult event for the girl; according to her, she lost a part of herself. Mariamne and Matvey were very close. My sister told me about Matvey’s gift - he had hearing, which allowed him not only to play musical instruments superbly, but also to compose magnificent works on his own.

She described her brother’s gift, saying that the Lord gave Matvey a large inheritance, which the musician used with dignity. According to the sister, the tragedy should not have happened, because her brother never wanted to say goodbye to life; on the contrary, he was happy and cheerful.

By latest news 2019, the musician’s funeral will take place near Moscow. Farewell to the saxophonist will include a funeral service. Detailed information about farewell to Matvey was posted on Mariamne’s page on the social network.

News about the circumstances of the tragedy

Based on media information, the cause of death of Yuri Sherling’s son Matvey is heart disease. Based on the data that is publicly available, the musician did not die from violence, since there are no traces that could characterize this incident. Based on information published in the press, Matvey was found dead in his bed.

The circumstances of the tragedy became known after Matvey’s father, Yuri Borisovich, was unable to reach his son by phone and came to him, after which he had to break down the door to get into the apartment. At this moment the musician was found dead. Medicines were found near the young man.

Experts are finding out what kind of pills were found and what group of drugs they belong to. These are supposed to be heart medications. Perhaps the young man felt bad, and he tried to stop the attack with medication. Currently, the version with the disease is being investigated by specialists.

It is considered the most popular, but only specialists can find official information. Matvey Sherling died early, having lived a short life. Nevertheless, he was able to win the hearts of many listeners with his talent. He was remembered by music lovers for his amazing playing, and many critics spoke positively about his improvisation.

What is the young musician famous for?

The birthplace of Matvey Sherling is Russia, Moscow. Born in mid-October 1999. The alleged cause of death of Yuri Sherling's son Matvey is heart failure. All the young men in his family were involved in music, this significantly influenced the boy’s future.

He went to school when he was 7 years old. Subsequently, he studied at the Gnessin College, his main instrument being the piano. However, then the saxophone became his main instrument, which greatly surprised the teachers and parents of the young man. He played it very talentedly musical instrument, his performance was admired by many critics. Calling his style adult, noting his skillful improvisation and sense of rhythm.

Later he becomes the winner in a competition held in the capital among saxophonists. I study in two educational institutions The young man combined this with participation in performances. In 2010, he became a leader in the international Nutcracker competition.

Matvey Sherling is a laureate of many festivals, winner of the international music competition “Nutcracker 2010”, a very talented and promising young man.

A few days ago it became known that the son of the famous Russian composer and writer Yu. Sherling had died, writes the portal 1rre. At the time of his death, Matvey Sherling was 18 years old. When such young people pass away, it is a loss not only for the family, but for the entire country.

It all started with the concern of Matvey’s father, Yuri Sherling. According to him, his son did not answer calls for a long time. And Yuri decided to go to his son’s house and check if everything was okay. When he got to Matvey’s apartment, no one opened the door, and it was quiet there. In order to open the doors, Yuri called burglary specialists.

According to the latest data, two reasons for the death of Matvey Sherling are named. The first is acute poisoning. And the second reason and most likely is heart failure, which the guy suffered from all his life.

At the moment, an investigation is underway into the death of the young saxophonist. But experts say the death was not violent. It was determined that the door had not been forced open at the time of death, and there was nothing in the apartment that indicated murder. The exact cause of death will be announced after a forensic examination.

Sherling's son died reason: young and talented saxophonist Matvey Sherling

The talented musician was born on October 13, 1999 into a family of famous musicians. Father - famous figure arts, writer, choreographer and composer Yuri Sherling. Mother – Olesya Sherling, vocalist, jazz performer, musician. The parents secretly hoped that their son Matvey would continue the activities of his parents.

And so it happened. The boy showed a love of music from an early age.

When the little musician turned 7 years old, he entered the children's art school named after. Mamontov, to flute and piano class. And already at the age of 9, Matvey entered the School of Music Gnesins, where he began to play the saxophone. He really liked this instrument. He became a virtuoso in this branch of music, and after some time won the international prestigious musical competition"Nutcracker 2010".

After his triumph, Matvey began performing famous musicians classical music. Repeatedly performed with the Moscow Virtuosi orchestra under the direction of conductor V. Spivakov.

Relatives and friends are taking this death very hard. And Mariamne says that the family will grieve for a very long time. The guy will be buried at the Khimki cemetery in the Moscow region.

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Biography, life story of Sherling Yuri Borisovich

Sherling Yuri Borisovich is a Russian theater director, choreographer, and choreographer.

early years

Yuri Sherling was born in Moscow on August 23, 1944. The boy’s mother, Alexandra Arkadyevna (Sarra Aronovna) Sherling, raised him alone. It was she who instilled in her son a love for high art, since she herself was a pianist and accompanist; at one time she graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory. As for the father of our hero, radio engineer Boris Abramovich Tevelev, Yura met him only at the age of eighteen. Before this, father and son had never seen each other in their lives.

At the age of four, Yura Sherling was already a student at the Moscow Secondary Special Music School named after. Gnesins. Later, Yuri graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School. In 1963, Sherling became a member of the State academic ensemble folk dance Igor Moiseev. In 1965, a talented young man was invited to the Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater, to join the ballet troupe. That same year, Yuri became a student at the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS. He ended up in the workshop of Andrei Goncharov, people's artist THE USSR. In 1969, Sherling successfully completed his studies and received a diploma as a director. musical theater.


In 1971, Yuri Goncharov’s mentor invited him to work together on the American musical “Man of La Mancha” at the Theater named after. Sherling agreed. This was his debut work as a director. Debut – and incredibly successful! The musical was shown for 14 years. And every time the hall was filled to capacity with grateful spectators.

In the early 1970s, Yuri Borisovich staged two television ballets (“Winter Rainbow” and “In the Old Musician’s Shop”) and a film (“Only One Movement”). Then he worked on the musical "The Skinny Prize" by the Cuban author Quintero. The musical was staged on the stage of the State drama theater ESSR, where Sherling was invited after his successful production of “Man of La Mancha”. At the premiere of “The Skinny Prize” was Yuri Zavadsky, the directors of the Moscow Mossovet Theater. He was delighted with the performance and “lured” him to his stage.


In 1977, Yuri Sherling founded the Jewish Chamber Musical Theatre. KEMT became the first long years professional Jewish theater in the country. Yuri Borisovich himself said that the idea to create such a theater was born to him as a response to the state anti-Semitism of the Soviet Union. Sherling wanted to do something that could raise Yiddish culture in the eyes of the public.

At the Jewish Chamber Musical Theater, Yuri Sherling was the artistic director, composer, and actor. The most famous productions his theater - the musical “Black Bridle for a White Mare”, musical performance“Let's All Together”, opera-ballet “The Last Role”, folk opera “Golden Wedding” and others.

In 1985, Yuri Borisovich left his native theater. He began staging plays in Norway and working there on television as the author of music shows. Sherling also gave concerts as a pianist in different countries world - in Switzerland, Great Britain, Japan, Hungary, Austria, USA and Germany. IN Soviet Union Sherling returned only in 1989. He immediately got to work and opened new theater called "School" musical art" Within the walls of this theater he staged the folk opera “When the Sand Rises,” the mystery opera “Have Mercy,” the art show “” and other spectacular performances. Many of the School of Musical Arts' productions have toured cities throughout the United States.

In 1999, Yuri Borisovich became vice president of public relations at Sobinbank.

In 2007, Sherling staged the musical “Black Bridle for a White Mare,” which was almost forgotten by the audience, on the stage of the Satire Theater. The revival turned out to be not the most successful and very soon the performance was stopped.

In 2009, Yuri Borisovich became acting rector Russian Academy theatrical arts. In the same year, on the basis of the School of Musical Art, Sherling created the production center Sherling Art, which began producing and organizing performances by classical and jazz musicians.

In 2010, the jazz performance Dream by Yuri's daughter took place at the Moscow International House of Music. Yuri Borisovich himself acted in the play as the director and author of the idea.

Beloved women and children

Yuri's first wife was famous ballerina Eleonora Vlasova. The choreographer's second wife was a film actress. In this union, Sherling had his first child - daughter Anna; Moreover, the lovers legalized their relationship after the girl was born. Anna graduated from GITIS, then got married, went with her beloved to Israel and devoted her life to caring for the house and children.

Yuri Borisovich's third wife was Maritte Christensen, a correspondent for Norwegian television. The fourth chosen one of the choreographer was Olesya, a pianist and singer (genres: timeless classics and jazz). Olesya gave Yuri three children - daughters

Yuri Sherling - talented person, whose name is known to everyone who is interested in the capital theatrical life. Choreographer, choreographer, director - in what capacity he did not have time to declare himself by the age of 73. What is the celebrity story?

Yuri Sherling: family

Honored Artist of the RSFSR was born in August 1944. Moscow is the city in which Yuri Sherling was born and spent his entire life. He grew up in a single-parent family. The boy was raised by his mother, Alexandra Sherling, a pianist and accompanist.

Yuri began communicating with his father Boris Tevelev, a radio engineer by profession, only when he reached adulthood. They had never met before.

First successes

When Yuri was four years old, he began to study music seriously. His mother gave him to Music school at the Gnessin School. Some time later, the child developed another hobby - dancing.

Yuri Sherling successfully graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School. In 1963, he began collaborating with the folk dance ensemble of Igor Moiseev. Two years later the young man joined ballet troupe and Nemirovich-Danchenko. At the same time, Sherling studied at the Higher Directing Courses in the workshop of A. Goncharov.

The beginning of a director's career

In 1971, Yuri Sherling first announced himself as a talented director. Together with his former teacher Goncharov, he staged the musical “Man of La Mancha.” For 14 years, this production was performed on the stage of the Theater. V. Mayakovsky.

Then Yuri Borisovich shot the film “Only One Movement” and staged two television ballets - “In the Old Musician’s Shop” and “Winter Rainbow”. This was followed by work on the musical “The Skinny Prize,” the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the same name by the Cuban writer Quintero.

Finest hour

For some time, director Yuri Sherling was famous only in narrow circles. In 1977, the creation of the Chamber Jewish Musical Theater helped him make a name for himself throughout the country. Yuri Borisovich took over the functions artistic director, also appeared from time to time as a composer and actor.

The most famous brainchild of KEMT was the musical “A Black Bridle for a White Mare,” presented to the audience in 1978, for which Sherling himself wrote the music. Also worth noting are the productions “Let's All Together”, “I Come From Childhood”, “Tevye from Anatevka”, “Golden Wedding”, “The Last Role”. All of them were a great success with the audience and received warm reviews from critics.

"School of Musical Art"

In 1985, Yuri Borisovich Sherling left KEMT. The reasons that prompted him to make this decision remained a mystery. The director staged several plays abroad, for example, “Ghetto,” the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the Israeli playwright Sobol.

In 1989, Sherling founded a new theater called the School musical development" Mystery opera “Have mercy”, folk opera “When the sand rises”, musical show“School of Musical Art” is the brainchild of Yuri Borisovich, which was staged on the stage of this theater.

Sherling and Vlasova

What is known about the personal life of Yuri Sherling? First wife famous director became Eleanor Vlasova. He met this ballerina through his work at the theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Eleanor was the wife of a famous opera singer Arkady Talmazov.

The rapprochement between Vlasova and Sherling occurred during their joint work on the production of “The Corsair”. Eleanor was older than Yuri, but this did not stop them from falling in love with each other. As a result, the ballerina left her husband for the director. It was because of this that Sherling was fired from the theater.

Soon after the wedding, conflicts began. Vlasova did not want to have children, as this could negatively affect her career. Sherling dreamed of having heirs. The newlyweds also had quarrels for other reasons. They moved away from each other, Eleanor had another man. Divorce was a natural outcome, but they parted as friends.

Marriages and divorces

What else is known about the personal life of Yuri Sherling? His second wife was a friend named Larisa who introduced him to this girl. Tamara asked Sherling to help her prepare for admission to college. theater university. Soon after this they started dating. Tamara and Yuri formalized their relationship only after the birth of their daughter Anna.

After the wedding, Tamara entered VGIK and focused on her career. She managed to declare herself as a talented actress. “In Search of Captain Grant”, “Sunday Dad”, “The Bride”, “The Lion’s Share”, “Katya: Military history" - films and TV series in which she can be seen. The marriage of Akulova and Sherling gradually became obsolete; even the presence of a daughter did not save the family.

The director's third wife was Maritte Christensen, a correspondent for Norwegian TV. This woman supported Yuri Borisovich when he began to have a dark streak in his life. With Maritt they were more friends and partners than loving spouses, so the marriage soon broke up.

Love, family

Sherling managed to find happiness only in his fourth marriage. The director has lived with the singer and pianist Olesya for more than thirty years. His fourth wife gave him three children - daughters Alexandra and Mariamne and son Matvey.

Olesya became a real life friend for Yuri Borisovich, who supported him in the most hopeless situations.


Yuri Sherling and his children are in great relationship. Anna, his daughter from his marriage to Tamara Akulova, lived with her father from the age of thirteen. The girl successfully graduated from GITIS, but did not become an actress. She chose to move with her husband to Israel and become a housewife. Anna has already managed to make Yuri Borisovich a grandfather, which he is very happy about.

All of Sherling's children from his fourth marriage connected their lives with creative activity. Alexandra achieved success as a singer. She also had the opportunity to work at film set, for example, a girl can be seen in the film “ Carnival Night 2”, series “Everything is for the better”. Mariamne is a talented pianist, laureate international competitions. Matvey is a successful saxophonist who is predicted to have a bright future. Yuri Borisovich is proud of his children and tries to help them as best he can.