Brief description of the painting lilac by Kustodiev. “Development of speech. Preparation for an essay - description based on the painting by B. M. Kustodiev “Lilac” lesson plan in the Russian language (7th grade) on the topic. Essay - description of the painting by B. Kustodiev “Lilac”

Essay preparation presentation contains brief information about the artist, reproductions of paintings by B.M. Kustodiev. In the presentation, students can see questions about the content of the picture, rough plan essays, working material for the essay.



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Speech development lesson in 7th grade Preparation for an essay - description based on the painting by B. M. Kustodiev “Lilac” Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU“Secondary school No. 22” Morozova I.E.

Goal: to introduce students to the artist B.M. Kustodiev; n prepare for an essay on the painting using the working material from the textbook.

Spelling warm-up A bouquet of lilacs, the play of flowers, a pink-lilac color palette, a flower cloud, the splendor of lilac foam, exude a delicate aroma. - Label the spellings. Are you familiar with these phrases? In what essay did we use them?

Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich (1878-1927) An outstanding Russian genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter, theater decorator, graphic artist, impressionist.

An impressionist artist is an artist for whom impressions, sensations, and the personal are important.

The works of B. M. Kustodiev In the works of B. M. Kustodiev there are absolutely lyrical, subtle works. In his works, the artist embodied himself as an author who feels life, its complex, but at the same time beautiful images

Work on exercise 182 For the first time, Kustodiev and his future wife Yulia meet in a quiet “Turgenev” house with a mezzanine, where antique furniture and antique china, an extensive library and darkened paintings on the walls create an atmosphere of leisurely, affectionate life. Here, while enjoying the music, they happily talk about painting. Kustodiev paints a portrait of his young wife. She is sitting on a wooden veranda-terrace, leaning her hand on the table. Sweet Turgenev woman. An elongated noble face, devoted, trusting, gentle eyes. There is some kind of infinity of constancy in her figure. Probably, ten years later, the woman, still softly glowing, will sit at the table and wait. Every letter from him is a holiday. She completely disappeared into his life.

The history of painting “Lilac” In the garden of his friends Polenov, Kustodiev painted “Lilac” (Yu. E. Kustodieva with her daughter Irina). A gentle flame of lilac and next to a woman in a lilac dress with a girl in her arms, like a symbol of renewing purity. The logs of the house melt orange in the sun, and their color echoes the color of the woman’s hair. Idyll picture: a beautiful woman among beautiful nature. A woman walks in a ray of light, the light runs ahead, across the grass. Luminous woman...

Working with a reproduction of the painting “Lilac” Who is depicted in the reproduction of the painting “Lilac” by B. M. Kustodiev? When does the action depicted in the picture take place? What do we see in the foreground of the reproduction? What is the background of the reproduction from the painting? What paints does B. M. Kustodiev use to create spring mood? How do you feel looking at this picture?

Working on an essay plan 1. Introductory part. You can add information to the artist to express general impression from the picture; mention which colors predominate? II. Description of the picture. You need to answer the questions: 1. What is shown in the foreground of the picture? 2.What do we see in the background? 3.What details does the author focus the viewer’s attention on? For what? 4 What attitude towards the world did the artist show with his painting? III. Conclusion. Mood, feelings of the audience What emotions and desires does the picture evoke in you?

Selection of working material Plan Plan Working material 1. Introductory part 2. Description of the painting 3. Conclusion. Mood, feelings of the audience Before us is a painting by the famous Russian artist B. M. Kustodiev “Lilac”. The title of the picture contains a kind, clear meaning that is understandable to us. Spring painting painted by a happy artist. Blooming white lilac, White dress wife, a dress with lilac stripes creates balance and correspondence between the woman and the flowers in the picture. In the foreground is the artist’s wife with a little daughter in her arms. In the background is a log house painted yellow, dark green leaves of a bush growing near the fence. The light greenery of the lilac leaves makes the picture even more soulful. The picture is sunny, warm, filled peace of mind and joy. When you look at the canvas, your mood rises, and it seems that it’s spring outside, the sun is shining brightly and long holidays are ahead

We are working on the language of the essay 1. What language constructs have you met? 2. What meaning do they carry? - add dynamics, contain additional information, - decorate speech, allowing you to describe objects in more detail and accurately.

Spelling and punctuation workshop In the background there is a log house painted yellow, dark green leaves of a bush growing near the fence. The canvas resembles a cluster of bright, saturated color spots, like a dense, lush brush of a lilac flower.

Reflection “Continue the sentence”: -I learned... -I liked it most... -Failed... -There are still questions...

Homework Write a short essay about your impression of the painting using necessary materials from the text read, from the lesson material, as well as information about the artist and his works posted on the Internet (http / artru. info)

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Speech development lesson in 7th grade
Essay – description of the painting “Lilac” by B. Kustodiev Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Chervonnovskaya” high school» Ametova E.R.

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Essay – description of the painting by B. Kustodiev “Lilac”
Purpose of the lesson: To teach a verbal description of a picture. Develop students' coherent speech. Learn the ability to express thoughts. Instill a love for Russian art.
LESSON OBJECTIVE: To get acquainted with the painting by B.M. Kustodiev “Lilac” and learn its description. Practice skills when selecting material. Search for information and analyze it.

Slide 3

Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich
Outstanding Russian genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter, theater decorator, graphic artist.

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Creativity of B. Kustodiev
In the works of Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev there are absolutely lyrical, subtle works. In his works, the artist embodied himself as an author who feels life, its complex, but at the same time beautiful images.

Slide 5

Your own genre
At the very beginning of the twentieth century, Kustodiev began to develop his own genre of “portrait-painting”, where main character and landscape are inextricably linked. This is a generalized image of the model and its individual features, which are revealed through the surrounding space.

Slide 6

Spring painting painted by a happy artist. He depicted his wife in a white dress against the background of blooming white lilacs, creating balance and correspondence between the woman and the flowers in the picture. In his wife’s arms is a little daughter in a long dress with lilac stripes that hides her legs.

The picture is sunny, warm, filled with peace of mind and joy. And the background - a log house painted yellow, the dark green leaves of a bush growing near the fence, the light green of lilac leaves - make the picture even more soulful.

Slide 7
Essay – description of B. Kustodiev’s painting “Lilac”

Plan of work on the essay 1. Introduction. Subject. General impression of the picture. What colors predominate? 2. Main part. A) What is shown in the foreground of the picture? b) What's in the background? Q) What details does the author focus on the viewer? For what? D) What attitude towards the world did the artist show with his painting? 3. Conclusion. What emotions and desires does it evoke in you? Even those who are not too closely familiar with the history of Russian painting have heard about Boris Kustodiev at least once. great artist known not only in his homeland, but throughout the world, his paintings are sold at auctions and presented in best museums

planets. What was his life like, and what works deserve attention first?

Biography of the master He was born on March 7, 1878 in Astrakhan, in the family of a theological seminary teacher. A year after the birth of his son, the father died and the mother, Ekaterina Prokhorovna, raised the children alone. Since childhood, the boy was fond of drawing, and in 1887 he visited an exhibition of Peredvizhniki artists, where he was so impressed by what he saw that it determined his entire life. later life . Boris took lessons from the local painter Vlasov, and in 1896 he entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. There he found himself in Repin's studio and turned to the portrait genre. One of the very first works - Kustodiev’s painting “Portrait of Ya. Bilibin” - was recognized at an exhibition in Munich (in 1901) as one of best works V in this direction . Thus, the genre became decisive in the painter’s work. The Academy was graduated with a gold medal, then there was a trip to Europe and acquaintance with great artists, which would soon include Kustodiev himself. which are most often associated with the bourgeois and, will become a real treasure for anyone interested in Russian culture of those times. In 1909 Boris fell ill with spinal tuberculosis and spent the last fifteen years of his life in wheelchair. Despite this, he remained cheerful and continued working until 1927. In May 1927 the artist died in Leningrad.

Description of the painting “Maslenitsa”

The most famous paintings The artist’s works are associated with scenes from Russian life and everyday life. This is precisely what applies to famous painting"Maslenitsa". Kustodiev depicted on it the main square of a small town during folk festivals. The foreground depicts painted sleighs on which people are riding; on the sides there are rosy-cheeked townspeople strolling and children playing snowballs; fair trade is taking place. The artist managed to perfectly convey the stunning palette with blue, red and gold tones, complemented by turquoise and emerald. The picture also shows a church surrounded by trees. The colors used emphasize the good emotions and purity of thoughts associated with faith, which permeate the bright, festive painting “Maslenitsa”. Kustodiev created the opportunity for everyone who looks at the canvas to feel like they are part of the festivities. This is an incredibly optimistic work that provides an intimate insight into the way people lived in the late nineteenth century.

Description of the painting “Lilac”

The painter created the spring and light canvas in 1906. Kustodiev’s painting “Lilac” is filled with joy and inspiration; in it the artist depicted his beloved family. A young wife and little daughter are drawn against the background of lush lilac bushes that grew in Yulia Kustodieva is dressed in the fashion of those times - in a lush white dress that emphasizes her slender silhouette. She holds her daughter in her arms in a white dress with blue stripes. Kustodiev’s painting not only perfectly conveys his affection for his family, but also embodies the very weather of that day - the blossoming of lilacs in the sun’s rays is depicted with stunning accuracy and harmony.

Description of the artwork “Merchant’s wife at tea”

The canvas depicting a Russian woman with a portly figure and a kind smile can be called key in the life of the master. This painting by Kustodiev is familiar even to those who have not heard of his work. The canvas depicts a tea party, there is a large samovar on the table and dishes with fruit, pies, jam, and white bread are displayed. Scenes of Moscow are visible behind: shopping arcades, monasteries, a white stone church. In the picture one can note slight irony- the magnificent and good-natured merchant’s wife with her feast makes the viewer smile. In addition, there is deep symbolism in the work - it was written in 1918, at a turning point, when it seemed to many that Russia would never be the same, and its national traits disappeared. The merchant's wife in this context becomes an image of traditional life that will never disappear.

Description of the canvas “Merchant Counting Money”

Like others, this painting by Kustodiev is dedicated to Russian people and scenes from life. The canvas depicts a merchant whose expressive face is impressive. He has a firm and confident look, he knows how to work and is very tight-fisted, if not greedy. The gesture of his hand holding the money emphasizes the impression. But there is no negativity in the portrait. It was the merchant class that developed the Russian economy of those times. The country ranked first in the world in 1913, and without people like the old man depicted in the portrait, this would simply not have been possible. Genre scene with features portrait genre Kustodiev succeeds perfectly - like “The Merchant's Wife at Tea,” this work clearly reflects the artist’s creativity.

A Russian language lesson in the 7th grade on the topic “Speech development. Preparation for a descriptive essay based on B.M. Kustodiev’s painting “Lilac”” teaches how to collect and record observational material. During the conversation, the teacher draws students’ attention to the signs of objects that are important for ideological development - the artistic concept of the painting.

Artist Kustodiev B.M. I really liked simple ones sunny days. He tried to depict on his canvases real life. He showed how people work, relax, and celebrate. Often among his works there are moments from his life.

The canvas “Lilac” is one of such simple and most beloved works.



Morozova I.E.,

Deputy Director for Educational Work,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary school No. 22"

Municipal entity

City district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea

Russian language lesson in 7th grade

(as part of the week “To you, young teacher”)

Topic: “Speech development. Preparation for an essay - description based on the painting by B. M. Kustodiev “Lilac”

Purpose: 1) to introduce students to the artist B.M. Kustodiev;

2) prepare for an essay on the painting, using the working material from the textbook;

Equipment: presentation, handouts, Russian language textbooks.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2.Spelling warm-up:

Open your notebooks, write down the number, “Cool work,” write down the words, graphically indicate the spellings.

A bouquet of lilacs, the play of flowers, a pink-lilac color palette, a flower cloud, the splendor of lilac foam, exude a delicate aroma. (slide 3)

Graphically indicate spellings.

Are you familiar with these phrases?

In what essay did we use them?

Conclusion: “We used these words when writing an essay based on P.P. Konchalovsky’s painting “Lilacs in a Basket” in 6th grade.”

3. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

So today we will prepare to write an essay on the painting “Lilac”, but only by another artist, B.M. Kustodiev (slide 1).

Let's learn to describe this picture (slide 2).

4.Vocabulary work according to the textbook (orally).

Why do you think artists turn to the theme of “lilac”?

Read the material in the “This is interesting” section in the Russian language textbook on page 93.

Conclusion: “This word means “flower”; flowers decorate our lives, and we decorate our speech.”

5.Meet the artist (slide 5).

First of all, let's get to know the artist.

5.1. B.M. Kustodiev is an outstanding Russian genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter,

theater decorator, graphic artist, impressionist painter

5.2. Vocabulary work (written).

An impressionist artist is an artist for whom impressions, sensations, and the personal are important.

6. Introduction to creativity (slide 7)

We see a bright spot and feel joy.

7. Work with the textbook (exercise 181, pp. 92-93) (slide 8)

Open the textbook on page 93, read two paragraphs.

Look at the slide, at the picture.

We saw that the personal is important for an artist.

8.Working with the textbook. The history of the painting (slide 9).

So, we see a woman with a child - something important in the life of an artist.

9.Working with a reproduction based on the painting by B.M. Kustodiev “Lilac” (slide 10)

1) Who is depicted in the reproduction based on the painting “Lilac” by B. M. Kustodiev?

2) When does the action depicted in the picture take place?

3) What do we see in the foreground of the reproduction?

4) What is the background of the reproduction from the painting?

5) What colors does B. M. Kustodiev use to create a spring mood?

6) How do you feel looking at this picture?

Conclusion. We feel good, it’s light.

10. Work on the plan (slide 11)

We draw up an essay plan. .

1. Introductory part.

You can add information about the artist, express the general impression of the painting;

mention which colors predominate.

II. Description of the picture.

You need to answer the questions:

1.What is shown in the foreground of the picture?

2.What do we see in the background?

4.What attitude towards the world did the artist show with his painting?

III.Conclusion. The mood and feelings of the audience.

What emotions and desires does the painting evoke in you?

Conclusion: “We remembered how to make a plan.”

11.Selection of working material (slide 12).

Now we are preparing the working material for the points of the plan.

Conclusion: “The material for the essay has been collected. Now let’s work on the language of the essay.”

12. Work on the language of the essay (slide 13)

1. What language structures have you come across?

2. What meaning do they carry?

Gives dynamics

They decorate speech, allowing you to describe objects in more detail and accurately.

Conclusion: “Our essay should be rich in the variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech used in the formulation of the statement.”

13. Spelling and punctuation workshop (slide 14)

Let's work on grammatical structures. Let's explain spellings and punctograms.

1 )In the background is a log house painted yellow, dark green leaves of a bush growing near the fence.

2) The canvas resembles a cluster of bright, saturated color spots, like a dense, lush brush of a lilac flower.

14. Oral essay on a painting.

Now let's listen to a few statements.

15. Reflection (slide 15)

15.1.Teacher's word:

You have unfinished sentences. Please finish them.

15.2. Statement using the “Continue the sentence” technique:

I learned…

I liked it most...


There are still questions...

16. Conclusion.

What did you learn in the lesson?

17.Evaluation with comments.

Were active...


Write a short essay about your impression of the painting, using the necessary materials from the text you read, from the lesson material, as well as information about the artist and his works posted on the Internet (http/ (slide 14)

The artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev loved simple sunny days. He tried to depict real life on his canvases. He showed how people work, relax, and celebrate. Often among his works there are moments from his life. The canvas “Lilac” is one of such simple and most beloved works.

We see a beautiful sunny day. The rays of the sun illuminate wooden house on the background. He is very big and beautiful. Light-colored logs indicate the recent age of the structure. Near the window of the house there is a large lilac bush.

She is very tall and thick. Whole flower buds are located at the very top, closer to the sun. Opens from the window incredible view for all this beauty, plus a mind-blowing smell fills the house.

But more than the lilac, what catches the eye is the young woman holding a child in her arms. Apparently, this is the artist’s wife and daughter. They walked through the open gate and were heading somewhere for a walk. It’s a very fine day, and the whole family is here, so why not take a walk among the beauty of nature. The young ladies are dressed in beautiful light dresses. The wife is wearing a long white dress with a closed neck and full sleeves. And the girl is wearing a fluffy dress

IN blue stripe. She is still very small, so the dress covers her legs.

For the author, the greatest joy in life was his family. This is evident because with what awe and love he portrayed them and everything connected with them. The entire canvas glows with love, care and happiness. Wonderful artist and a wonderful picture.

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