Short sayings about children. Children and parents: statuses and sayings, quotes and aphorisms. Beautiful sayings about children

You should never talk with children about lofty matters or reason ahead of time. There is nothing more vulgar than the children with whom they reasoned. Reason develops after all other faculties, and to begin with it means to begin from the end. If the reasons and reasons for all things were clear to children, then there would be nothing to educate them about.

The best age for children: you are no longer leading them by the hand, and they are not yet leading you by the nose.

Children are younger than us, they still remember how they too were trees and birds, and therefore are still able to understand them; We are too old, we have too many worries, and our heads are filled with jurisprudence and bad poetry.

A child is a perpetual motion machine, and also a kicker, a jumper, a biter, a hugger and a strong kisser.

From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!

A sleeping baby is not only cute, but finally!

Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.

Did you want a boy or a girl??? Actually, we just wanted to relax...

Parents' devices are so simple that even children can operate them.

Little children left unattended quickly become little parents.

An honest child does not love mom and dad, but tubes of cream.

The child is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Those who do not want to do this are behind their times.

It's worth being a father if only to look at your children without envy.

The baby is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

To put a child on his feet, you need to remove him from your neck...

Children wonder where everything comes from, and parents wonder where everything goes.

Women make us poets, children make us philosophers.

Children are the best alarm clock: set it once and for the rest of your life!

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!

Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be born.

The most vile ingratitude, but at the same time the most primordial, is the ingratitude of children towards their parents.

Love does not necessarily mean children, but children do mean love.

Motherly love is the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

He who has no children sacrifices death.

Children listen most attentively when they are not being spoken to.

Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.

Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home more often than children.

The main flaw of fathers: they want their children to be proud of them.

My son does meditation - after all, it's better than sitting around.

Children of fathers are always older than their parents: the age of the fathers is added to their age. (Unknown author)

Father and mother, dad and mom - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, that faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy.

Being truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education.

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from; adults - where does it all go?

From the first grade of school, a child should be taught the science of loneliness.

If kids love horror movies so much, why are they angry with their parents?

An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.

There are three ways to do something: do it yourself, hire someone, or tell your kids not to do it.

Childhood is a world of incredible adventures and opportunities, when everything around is painted in the brightest colors and every moment is filled with magic. Growing up, people plunge into a whirlpool of worries and lose the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child - admiring and being surprised by those around them. But with the advent of the baby, they again gain the opportunity to understand all the beauty of the universe.

We bring to the reader's attention selected quotes about children. Perhaps the thoughts of outstanding people will interest you and will be useful in raising the younger generation.

What do children teach adults?

The words of the song “Where does childhood go” from the film “Vesnukhin’s Fantasies” very accurately convey the bright sadness with which adults remember a wonderful time in their lives. And communication with children makes it possible to forget about problems at least for a while and return to the wonderful world of childhood. But, unfortunately, not many people manage to learn to understand it again. Therefore, it is useful to re-read and comprehend the statements and quotes of great people about children.

  • A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy, and to know how to demand what you want with all your might. (P. Coelho).
  • All children are artists. The problem is remaining an artist when you grow up. (P. Picasso).
  • Parents can learn a lot from their children, especially how to deal with life. (M. Spark).
  • Only where children gather is there a real chance for fun. (M. McLaughlin).
  • When I approach a child, he gives me two feelings: tenderness because he is, and respect for who he can become. (L. Pasteur).
  • The child is God's opinion that the world should continue to exist (K. Sandberg).
  • While we try to teach our children everything we know about life, our children teach us that life is everything. (A. Schwindt).
  • Adults are outdated children. (Dr. Seuss).

God's greatest gift to man is a child. With the advent of a baby, life takes on new colors and becomes more meaningful. Through His eyes the Lord looks at us and evaluates our actions. That's why quotes about children are so heartfelt and close to everyone.

  • Mother's hands are made of tenderness, so children sleep sweetly in them. (A. Kalam).
  • The only love I truly believe in is the love of a mother for her children. (K. Lagerfeld).
  • Remember that children, marriage and flower gardens reflect the kind of love and work they receive. (T. Hesberg).
  • Mother is the name of God in the mouths and hearts of little children. (W. M. Thackeray).
  • Children require love and sympathy much more than instructions and directions. (E. Sullivan).
  • The best thing parents can give their children is a few minutes of their time every day. . (O. A. Battista).
  • The love of parents for their children is always greater than the love of children for their parents. Their own children compensate for this injustice and inadequacy. (D. Eremin).
  • Children need your presence and love more than your gifts. (D. Jackson).
  • Children are the keys to heaven. (E. Hoffer).

Quotes and aphorisms: about children and education

There are many opinions and methods of education. Pedagogy does not stand still and develops with the times. Teachers around the world, however, have not come to common conclusions, but they are united on one thing - the child needs care and attention. Prominent people whose quotes about children are given below agree with this.

  • Someone whom the child does not love has no right to punish a child. ( D. Locke).
  • The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (O. Wilde).
  • If you have something to say to the world, write a book. And if you find it too difficult for adults, then write it for children. (M. Lengel).
  • We teach the child to walk and talk for the first year of life, and for the rest of his life to shut up and sit down. Something went wrong. (N.D. Tyson).
  • If you want your children to become better people, let them hear you say nice things about them to other people. (H. Ginott).
  • If people talk bad about your children, then they are talking bad about you. ( V. Sukhomlinsky).
  • Raising children is a creative endeavor and more of an art than a science. (B. Bettelheim).
  • Less worried that kids never listen to you, worry less that they are always watching you. (R. Fulum).
  • Everyone knows how to raise children, except those people who have them. (P.J. O'Rourke).
  • Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children. Now I have six children and no theories. (D. Wilmot).

About children and life

  • Children see magic because they look at it. (K. Moore).
  • Children are hands with which we can grasp the heavens. (G. Ward Beecher).
  • The most interesting information comes from children because they say everything they know and don't stop. (M. Twain).
  • A child is a ray of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal. With the possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet uncolored. And it depends on us whether he will choose the light or dark side. (L. Abbott).
  • The best thing you can pass on to your children and grandchildren is not money or other material things, but an accumulated legacy of character and faith. (B. Graham).
  • We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, but we forget who he is today. (S. Tauscher).

We hope the reader was interested in the statements and quotes we selected about children. And the article will conclude with the words of the famous Indian scientist and statesman Abdul Kalam: “Children are one third of the Earth’s population and our entire future.”

Modern young mothers want to share their joy associated with raising children not only with friends and family. Therefore, they begin an active search for beautiful statuses with meaning about their son or daughter, which will help them tell the whole world about their happiness.

Statuses about your beloved son: what to choose?

  • “It won’t be long before you realize that your parents were right. And this will happen at the moment when you yourself become a father, and your son will think that you are wrong.”
  • “Having returned from school, my son joyfully declared - Mom, you’re lucky today, we were only assigned one reading.”
  • “Only their own children can be the best sons in the whole world.”
  • “If you have a house, you don’t have to be afraid of the cold; you have a son, you don’t have to be afraid of need.”
  • “This morning I finally realized that my little son has become a real man when I heard from him a purely male question - where are my socks?”
  • “No precious stone can adorn a woman like a son walking next to her.”
  • “God gives a woman a son so that she can raise a real man herself, who will be able not only to give beautiful compliments, but also to confirm his words with actions.”
  • “The best man in the world is always next to me. He says every day that he loves me, kisses me every time we meet and gives me very nice gifts. But there is one drawback: he doesn’t want to go to kindergarten.”
  • “There is one man in the world whom I will love under any circumstances, regardless of any of his mistakes and misdeeds. He is the only one I will always trust and when I ask if he loves me, he always answers - Yes, mommy!”
  • “There is a man in the world who holds my heart in his hands. One of his smiles can brighten my whole day, his laughter is brighter than the sun for me. His happiness can make me the happiest on the entire planet. And this is my favorite son."
  • “One man has appeared in my life whom I love most in my life, besides, even my legal husband is crazy about him - this is our little son.”
  • "There's one cool guy in the world, and that's my son."
  • “If the Lord wants to give protection to a woman, he will give her a son.”
  • “If a man is ready to do any crazy thing for a woman, then he is her husband. If a woman is ready to do something crazy for a man, then he is her son.”
  • “The sooner a mother starts treating her son like a real man, the sooner he can become one.”
  • “My son is my love, happiness and wealth.”

Children's statuses: selection for all ages

  • “For children you cannot regret exactly two things - your time and love.”
  • “There is no greater happiness in a person’s life than hugging his child.”
  • “Children are strong threads that tie us to this world in case one day we get really tired of it.”
  • “A woman can be indecisive and weak if the matter concerns only her personally, but as soon as it comes to her child, she becomes like a beast.”
  • “With the birth of a child, parents begin to sleep on the edge of the bed, and there is a star in the center.”
  • “I had to give birth to the best man in the world myself.”
  • “We used to think that the most terrible and unpleasant thing in the world was doing homework. But when you become parents, you understand that the worst thing is to teach homework with your child.”
  • “There will be order in the house only when the grandchildren go to visit their grandmother.”
  • “Don’t forget to spoil your children as children, because no one knows what trials fate has in store for them.”
  • “Parental love for their children is much stronger than that of children for their parents. After all, parents are capable of not loving each other, but continue to live together for the sake of their child, and children can abandon their parents out of love for a completely random person.”
  • “The smile of a beloved child in the morning can replace a cup of coffee and remove fatigue after a sleepless night.”
  • “Children hug very tightly and sincerely, and most importantly, just like that and with love.”
  • “Only a mother can call herself the happiest woman.”
  • “We give children life, and they give us the meaning of life.”
  • "Children are our future, but don't panic too soon."
  • “Looking at your child, you understand that it’s not in vain that you live in this world.”
  • “At first boys are interested in cars, and girls are interested in dolls. But over time, their interests change and now boys are interested in dolls, and girls are interested in cars.”
  • “Every boy wants to marry a princess, but after meeting her, they begin to dream of something simpler.”
  • “A new maniac named Johnson and Johnson has appeared in our city, who constantly walks from house to house and pinches children’s eyes.”
  • “As children, they think that the hole punch was invented specifically so that you could make confetti.”

Beautiful sayings about children

  • “The key to a peaceful old age for parents is good upbringing of their children.”
  • “Only children are able to hug tightly and sincerely, with love and for no apparent reason.”
  • “The love between spouses will never end, because after their death it will live on in their children and grandchildren.”
  • “Don’t forget that over time, your children, following your example, will treat you exactly the same as you treat yours now.”
  • “A child needs parental love most at the moment when he least deserves it.”
  • “A child is your mirror in which you can recognize yourself and see your own actions from the outside.”

Quotes and Aphorisms 21.04.2018

Dear readers, if you have children, then when asked what is most important to you in life, you know what to answer. And despite the fact that with the appearance of children in our lives, we acquire a lot of new problems and difficulties that we have not encountered before, along with this, children fill our lives with meaning and great love.

Quotes and aphorisms about children succinctly and accurately express feelings and thoughts associated with childhood and children. And, perhaps, the main idea is that, first of all, they give us the opportunity to become better.

We all come from childhood

“All adults were once children. Only few people remember this,” said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Quotes about children will help us remember the feeling of lightness and fullness of life that we experienced in childhood.

“Children are younger than us, they still remember how they too were trees and birds and therefore are still able to understand them; We’re too old, we have too many worries, and our heads are full of jurisprudence and bad poetry.”

Heinrich Heine

“It’s only a step from a five-year-old child to me. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, probably, will be someday again.”

Mikhail Lermontov

“Be yourself both man and child, so that you can teach the child.”

Vladimir Odoevsky

“Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“In each of us there is still a three-year-old child who is scared, who just wants a little love.”

Louise Hay

“A great man is one who has not lost his childish heart.”


Ah, childhood, your days are pure, like frames from an old film...

Quotes and aphorisms about children with meaning indicate that children are not just little people who are just beginning to experience life, but also a chance for our world to become a little brighter and kinder.

“Children are the reason why heaven has not yet destroyed the world.”

Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

“How terrible the world would be if children were not constantly born, bringing with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!”

John Ruskin

“Your children are not your children. They appear through you, but not from you. You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, because they have their thoughts. You can give a home to their bodies, but not to their souls. You are only bows from which living arrows are sent forward, which you call your children.”

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

“There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children’s lips.”

Victor Hugo

“There are no children, there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings.”

Janusz Korczak

“Children’s play often has deep meaning.”

Friedrich Schiller

“Nature wants children to be children before they are adults. If we want to disrupt this order, we will produce early-ripening fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will not slow down in deterioration.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Children are happiness, children are joy...

Very often happiness comes to our home with the birth of a child. And life changes completely along with this, it becomes different, it makes you look at yourself, other people, and the world around you in a new way. And we begin to see what we have not seen before. Quotes and aphorisms about children and happiness so vividly describe the joy that children bring into our lives.

“Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because they themselves, by their nature, are joy and happiness.”

Victor Hugo

“Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us.”

Francis Bacon

“Children are the anchors that hold a mother in life.”


“A child is love made visible.”


“Children are happiness that grows over the years.”

“Happiness cannot be bought. But he can be born.”

“I take your hand in my hand and kiss the crown on your wrist. It was not in vain that I suffered to give birth to such happiness.”

“The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else. Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter.”

“When children are born, order, money, peace, relaxation disappear in the house - and happiness comes.”

“Only when you have children do you understand that there is a life that is more valuable than your own.”

Children are the flowers of life

The quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery that children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down is familiar to everyone. Maxim Gorky called children “the living flowers of the earth.” Because a child is a vessel filled to the brim with trust in this world. Children decorate our lives and give it meaning.

“Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them the plaything of your mood.”

Anton Chekhov

“The child’s state of mind runs through our entire lives - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God.”

Vladimir Levi

“In the theater of life, the only real spectators are children.”

Vladislav Grzeszczyk

“Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Children are the living force of society. Without them it seems bloodless and cold.”

Anton Makarenko

“I am sure that if you had to choose to live where the noise of children does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer incessant noise to incessant silence.”

Bernard Show

Only one world is limitless - childhood

There are many beautiful quotes and aphorisms about children. They contain all the wisdom and the very essence of such a magical time of human life as childhood.

“Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.”

Jean de La Bruyère

“Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.”

Maksim Gorky

“Children teach adults not to become completely immersed in something and to remain free.”

Mikhail Prishvin

“The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.”

“You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them.”

Jan Rainis

“Take care of the tears of your children so that they may shed them at your grave.”


“Children’s charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew for human judgment.”

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

“Tell something to the children - all the way to the end. But they will certainly ask: “What next? What for?" Children are the only brave philosophers.”

Evgeny Zamyatin

The purpose of education is the development of the child

Quotes about parenting give an idea of ​​what exactly it should involve and when it is most effective. After all, education is not only and not so much moral teaching and reading morals, but the ability to understand what children really need and provide them with the opportunity for further development.

“Preaching from the pulpit, captivating from the platform, teaching from the pulpit is much easier than raising one child.”

Alexander Herzen

“Education means nourishing the child’s abilities, and not creating those new abilities that he does not have.”

Giuseppe Mazzini

“A child needs your love most when he deserves it least.”

Erma Bombeck

“Let the child’s first lesson be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary.”

Thomas Fuller

“Children need role models more than criticism.”

Joseph Joubert

“All the difficulties of upbringing arise from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but also justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Don’t make an idol out of a child; when he grows up, he will demand sacrifices.”

Pierre Buast

“Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy? This is to teach him not to refuse anything.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Parenting is the most difficult thing. You think – well, it’s all over now! No such luck – it’s just beginning!”

Mikhail Lermontov

“Parents often confuse the concepts of “upbringing” and “education” and think that they have given their child an upbringing when they have forced him to study so many subjects. Hence the frequent disappointment of parents in their children in subsequent years.”

Anton Rubinstein

“Sow an action and you will reap a habit; sow a habit and you will reap a character; sow a character and you will reap a destiny.”

William Thackeray

“If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them.”

Sukhomlinsky about children and their upbringing

The great teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky dedicated his life to children. Tips on how to discern the personality in a child are reflected in Sukhomlinsky’s quotes on raising children. They will never lose their relevance.

“The most important feature of pedagogical culture should be a feeling for the spiritual world of each child, the ability to give each as much attention and spiritual strength as necessary for the child to feel that he is not forgotten, that his grief, his grievances and suffering are shared.”

“Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child.”

“By raising your child, you are raising yourself, asserting your human dignity.”

“Children don’t need to be told a lot, don’t stuff them with stories; words are not fun, but verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiations. The child needs not only to listen to the teacher’s word, but also to remain silent; in these moments he thinks, comprehends what he heard and saw. We must not turn children into passive objects of perception of words.”

“Let your pupil be rebellious, self-willed - this is incomparably better than silent obedience and lack of will.”

“Where everything is based on punishment, there is no self-education, and without self-education, education in general cannot be normal. It cannot, because punishment already frees the pupil from remorse, and conscience is the main engine of self-education; where conscience sleeps, there can be no question of self-education. The one who has received punishment thinks: I have nothing more to think about my action, I got what was due.”

“A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.”

Personality education according to Makarenko

The brilliant teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko had his own view on raising children. His methodology was criticized and persecuted, however, according to UNESCO, he is one of the four people who had the strongest influence on modern pedagogical science. Makarenko’s quotes about raising children show his vision of how to raise a full-fledged personality.

“Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.”

“The educational process is a constantly ongoing process, and its individual details are resolved in the general tone of the family, and the general tone cannot be invented and artificially maintained. The general tone, dear parents, is created by your own life and your own behavior.”

“Do you want to corrupt the soul of your child? Then don’t refuse him anything. And over time you will understand that you are not raising a person, but a crooked tree.”

“Concentrating love on one child is a terrible delusion.”

“If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about education: you are already raising your children, and raising them poorly, and none of the best advice and methods will help you.” .

“So we all invent educational systems: this is how we should educate, this way... But in fact, parents and educators have one task: to keep the child’s nervous system safe and sound by the age of 18. Life will put such a burden on his shoulders that his nerves will need to be intact, and we tear them to shreds from an early age...”

Quotes about children and parents

The relationship between parents and children is not always cloudless. And if you are faced with the problem of fathers and children, let's remember that it is we, parents, who contributed to their emergence to a large extent. Children are our reflection, and this idea is clearly visible in quotes about children and parents.

“Children and parents are birds of a feather, but grown at different times.”

Natalya Rozbitskaya

“How often do children hear that they should be grateful to their parents. Because they spent their entire lives on them, didn’t sleep at night, and simply because they gave birth to them... Have you ever wondered how much children give to their parents? Real love, joy, hope... How often, next to a child, we feel smart and omnipotent. A child gives us a sense of self-worth. So maybe we shouldn’t expect gratitude from children, because they gave us no less?”

“Children rarely misinterpret our words. They repeat, amazingly accurately, everything we shouldn’t have said.”

“It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; It follows from this that increasingly good parents grow up from worse children.”

Wieslaw Brudzinski

“Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.”

Johann Friedrich Schiller

“When children baffle their father, he sends them to the corner.”

Valery Mironov

“Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them.”

James Baldwin

“When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up convinced that his father is usually wrong.”

Peter Lawrence

“He who has no children sacrifices death.”

Francis Bacon

Children is our future

We all want our children to grow up better, smarter, happier than us. Quotes on the topic that children are our future reveal to us the full meaning of this famous phrase.

“You will live in the world ten times, repeated ten times in children. And in your last hour you will have the right to triumph over conquered death.”

“Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.”

William Shakespeare

“Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children.”

Anatole France

“Children are one third of our country’s population and our entire future. Children make me want to live.”

Muhammad Ali

“By raising children, today’s parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world.”

“Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, our guilt before other people.”

Anton Makarenko

“Children are living messages that we send to a future that we will not see.”

Alfred Whitehead

“Fear for a child is more than fear for one’s own life. This is fear for one’s immortality.”

Victoria Tokareva

The magical world of childhood

You don't always need a lot of words to express the essence of things. Short quotes with meaning about children only confirm this.

“The child is the future.”

Victor Marie Hugo

"A child gives birth to parents."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“All the children in the world cry in the same language.”

Leonid Leonov

“Most of us become parents before we stop being children.”

Minion McLaughlin

“Children listen most attentively when people are not talking to them.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“We always make up our children.”

Voldemar Lysyak

“Every person is always someone’s child.”

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

“Women make us poets, children make us philosophers.”

Malcolm de Chazal

“The efforts of adults are aimed, in essence, at making the child comfortable for themselves.”

“The loneliness of a child gives the doll a soul.”

Janusz Korczak

“Abandoned children often live with their parents.”

“Children are a strict assessment given by life itself.”

About children with a smile

Where there are children, there is fun and laughter. And it is right. After all, childhood is the most carefree time of life. Let this selection of funny quotes about children once again remind us of this.

Education is the acquisition of good habits.

Raising children is difficult because nothing human is alien to them.

We are all born sweet, pure and spontaneous; therefore, we must be educated to become productive members of society.
Judith Martin

For the education of young minds, the most useful things are the useless.
Georges Duhamel

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
Oscar Wilde

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to refuse anything.
Rousseau J.-J.

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.
Rousseau J.-J.

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that from childhood a person is not taught to manage his desires, he is not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of what is possible, what is necessary, and what is not.
Sukhomlinsky V. A.

The best school of discipline is the family.
Smiles S.

The main function of the new family should be the function of educating a person and a citizen.
Gramsci A.

The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.
Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but calm, serious and business-like orders - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should have any doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team.
Makarenko A. S.

Self-will should be extinguished sooner than a fire.

Let the child's first lesson be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary.
Fuller T.

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.
Komensky Ya.

The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.
Louise Hay

Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children; Now I have six children and not a single theory.
John Wilmot

Everyone knows how to raise children, except those who have them.
Patrick O'Rourke

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us.
Ernst Legouwe

There was a time when nothing but obedience was expected of children; now everything except obedience is expected of them.
Anatole Broyard

Parents no longer raise children - they finance them.

Comrades raise much better than parents, because pity is not characteristic of them.
Andre Maurois

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society.
Robert Orben

We demand from other people's children that they behave the way we should behave.

When you talk to children, it goes in one ear and out the other. Because there is nothing between the ears.
Robert Orben

The main thing in raising children is that they do not notice this.

To educate means to develop immunity to television.
Marshall McLuhan

There would be no problem with children if they had to cut down trees to power the TV.
Bill Vaughn

I love children, especially when they cry: they are usually taken away immediately.
Nancy Mitford

Those who do not need education respond well to education.
Fazil Iskander

Anyone who does not remember his own childhood very clearly is a bad teacher.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother.
Victor Hugo

The teacher himself must be educated.
Karl Marx

Self-education is the most difficult type of self-service.
Eugeniusz Korkosz

No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well.
Boris Zamyatin

Children do not need teachings, but examples.
Joseph Joubert

Children need to be pampered - then they grow up to be real robbers.
Evgeny Schwartz

Don't make children cry too often, otherwise they won't have anything to drop over your grave.

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least.
Erma Bombeck

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices.
Pierre Buast

Be gentle with this boy: you are dealing with an extremely sensitive, easily excitable bastard.
"L. & N. Magazin"

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Before you reproach your son for the fact that his pockets are filled with all sorts of rubbish, look first in your purse.
Unknown American

Your children will learn to write faster if they are allowed to write on uncured cement.

If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.
Unknown American

Parenting... is the hardest thing. You think: well, it’s all over now! No such luck: it’s just beginning!
Lermontov M. Yu.