Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group “Journey to the spring forest. Birds collect crumbs. The wind plays in the branches

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MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Herringbone” by Urensky Municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region Presentation on getting to know nature" Spring suffering»Prepared by: teacher of the senior group Maltseva Firuza Nikolaevna TOPIC: “SPRING FEAR” Program content. Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature. Expand ideas about the features of agricultural work in the spring. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture. Intensify lexicon(spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.). Develop curiosity, creativity, initiative. Brief description of the slides. Slide 4. Organizational moment. Reading a poem. Slide 5. Behind the forests, behind the meadows Thunder is heard in the field: These are tractors with plows Plowing the light black soil. The tractor is carrying a plow - a ripper of the earth. He turns over the top layer of soil. Slide 6. And this is a harrow. About Us sharp teeth, that’s why it’s called “dental”. The harrow breaks large clods of earth into small ones. They harrow the land with a harrow. Slide 7, 8, 9. When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The seeder makes furrows. From the seeder, the seeds evenly fall to the ground in the furrows. Slide 10-15. Grains and leguminous crops are sown in this way. Cereal crops are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley and others. Slide 11. Wheat ( semolina). Slide 12. Rye. Slide 13. Fig. Slide 14. Millet. Slide 15. Barley (pearl barley and barley). Slide 16. Leguminous crops are beans, peas and others. Agronomists are specialists Agriculture– know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: A SPRING DAY FEEDS THE YEAR. What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? (From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls. Do you know why bread comes in different colors? (There is wheat flour - its made from wheat, and rye - it is made from rye Slide 17. Baked from wheat flour. White bread, buns, loaves. Slide 18. Black bread and rye gingerbread are baked from rye flour. Conclusion. How should one treat bread? Proverbs about bread. - Bread is the head of everything. - Bread and water are heroic food. He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread. Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.

Summary of the lesson for children of senior preschool age "On a visit to spring"

Target: to educate the basics of ecological culture and the culture of communication among children of senior preschool age.

Educational: consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, its signs, characteristics, be able to understand the signs of spring, consolidate the ability to work in different unconventional technology drawing, be able to select the appropriate color scheme and arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.

Developmental: develop in children creative thinking, perception, fantasy, form a sense of color, creativity.

Educational: cultivate a love of nature, interest in activities, and continue to teach how to work collectively.

ICT (presentation about spring, audio recording “Voices of Nature”), gouache, brushes, hard brushes, sippy cups with water, cotton swabs, cotton wool, wax pencils, napkins, paste.

Children enter the group accompanied by calm music and stand around the teacher.
Educator: listen.

Who came so quietly? Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, the hippopotamus could not pass quietly like that.
And none of you heard how the leaf came out of the bud,
And you couldn’t hear how green blades of grass
Taking off their green boots, they quietly emerged from the ground.
And the snowdrop quietly came out. And there is silence everywhere.
This means, this means: spring has come quietly!

Today we have an extraordinary meeting. We are going to visit Spring. What do you think, what will you and I be able to fly, sail, ride on? (children's answers).

Let's fly on a magic carpet. We sit on the magic carpet and go flying. (Children sit on the magic carpet, music plays). On the magic flying carpet, everyone closes their eyes and flies away. We are flying to magical land. I will tell you what is happening there, but your eyes must be closed, otherwise you will not hear anything (nature sounds, birds singing).

The sun is shining brightly. The buds on the trees are swollen, forest clearings Snowdrops appeared timidly. The birds flew in and sang their merry songs. Slowly our magic carpet descended into the clearing, we open our eyes and stand up.

Educator: Guys, look around, what time of year did you arrive? Spring has come to us. You know that every word has relatives. Choose related words for the word “spring” (freckle, freckle, spring...). Now come up with definitions for the word “spring”, what is it? (warm, early, beautiful, kind...). How can you affectionately call the sun? (Sun). Smart girls! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

I suggest you play a little: the game "Sun"
Sunshine, sunshine,
Golden bottom,
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
A stream ran in the garden.
A hundred rooks flew in.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
And the flowers are growing.

Now let’s sit down on our magic stumps and remember the riddles about spring.....
1. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does this happen? (in spring).
2. It’s a housewarming party for the starling, he rejoices endlessly, so that we can have a mockingbird, we make...(birdhouse).
3. Spring nature is dear to us all. Cold snow flows in streams. And the first to appear in the thawed area... (snowdrop).
4. It grows upside down. It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake it, melt and flow (icicle).
5. The snow has melted and a nimble stream is running from the fields... (stream).

Oh guys, look at this clearing, how sad it is. Perhaps winter has cast a spell on her. Let's break the spell and, like real artists, draw a picture of spring.
- What would you draw in this picture? (Trees, flowers, sun, clouds, birds).
- Flowers can be painted with a hard semi-dry brush. (Demonstration of drawing with a hard semi-dry brush).
- We will draw trees wax crayons, and buds and leaves can be drawn with a poke with a cotton swab. (Drawing demonstration).
- We will draw the sun with gouache, and we will make clouds from cotton wool. (Production demonstration).

But before you get started, I suggest you play the game “Funny Rain”.

Now think and choose what you will do. Choose your material and paints. (The guys choose work at will).

Creative work of children. Calm music sounds.

Guys, look what beautiful picture we succeeded. The sun is shining brightly, the first leaves have appeared on the trees, the first flowers have bloomed, birds have flown in, animals have woken up after hibernation. Well done guys, you tried your best and painted a spring picture. What is this painting called? You take this picture with you and show it to your loved ones, and spring will admire the picture from the window.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Get on the train and let's go! So we have arrived at your kindergarten. And spring gave me its magical spring flowers for you, and the flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise.

Class over, thank you very much!
Photos from the lesson

Presentation on the topic: Visit Spring!


Program content.

Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature.

Expand your understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring.

Foster a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture.

Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.).

Develop curiosity, creativity, initiative.

Brief description of the slides.

Slide 4. Organizational moment . Reading a poem.

Slide 5. Behind the forests, behind the meadows Thunder is heard in the field:

These are tractors with plows plowing light black soil.

The tractor carries a plow behind it - a ripper of the earth. It turns over the top layer of soil.

Slide 6. And this is a harrow. It has sharp teeth, which is why it is called “tooth”. The harrow breaks large clods of earth into small ones. A harrow is used to harrow the ground.

Slide 7, 8, 9. When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The seeder makes furrows.

From the seeder, the seeds evenly fall to the ground in the grooves.

Slide 10-15. Grains and leguminous crops are sown in this way. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley and others.

Slide 11. Wheat (semolina). Slide 12. Rye. Slide 13. Fig. Slide 14. P roso. Slide 15. Barley (pearl barley and barley).

Slide 16. Leguminous crops are beans, peas and others.

Agronomists - agricultural specialists - know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: A SPRING DAY FEEDS THE YEAR.

What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? (From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls.

Do you know why bread comes in different colors? (There is wheat flour - it is made from wheat, and rye flour - it is made from rye.

Slide 17. White bread, buns, and loaves are baked from wheat flour.

Slide 18. Black bread and rye gingerbread are baked from rye flour.

Conclusion. How should you treat bread?

Proverbs about bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread and water are heroic food.

He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.



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Slide captions:

MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Yolochka” Urensky Municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Presentation on acquaintance with nature “Spring Passion” Prepared by: teacher of the senior group Maltseva Firuza Nikolaevna

TOPIC: “SPRING HAPPY” Program content. Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring. Foster a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture. Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.). Develop curiosity, creativity, initiative.

Brief description of the slides. Slide 4. Organizational moment. Reading a poem. Slide 5. Behind the forests, behind the meadows Thunder is heard in the field: These are tractors with plows Plowing the light black soil. The tractor carries a plow behind it - a ripper of the earth. It turns over the top layer of soil. Slide 6. And this is a harrow. It has sharp teeth, which is why it is called “tooth”. The harrow breaks large clods of earth into small ones. A harrow is used to harrow the ground. Slide 7, 8, 9. When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The seeder makes furrows. From the seeder, the seeds evenly fall to the ground in the grooves. Slide 10-15. Grains and leguminous crops are sown in this way. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley and others. Slide 11. Wheat (semolina). Slide 12. Rye. Slide 13. Fig. Slide 14. P roso. Slide 15. Barley (pearl barley and barley). Slide 16. Leguminous crops are beans, peas and others. Agronomists - agricultural specialists - know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: A SPRING DAY FEEDS THE YEAR. What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? (From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls. Do you know why bread comes in different colors? (There is wheat flour - its made from wheat, and rye - it is made from rye. Slide 17. White bread, buns, loaves are baked from rye flour. Conclusion: How should you treat bread? - Bread is the head of everything. - Bread and water are heroic food. He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread. Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.

Krivosheina E.V., Kuptsova A.V. – educators, Akshatina N.A. – educational psychologist, MADOU No. 99, Tomsk.


  1. Systematization and consolidation of children’s knowledge about the changing seasons, consolidation of the names of the spring months; give an idea of ​​the changes that occur in early and late spring in nature.
  2. Development of basic research skills, logical thinking, physiological respiration. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, humane manifestations in behavior and activities in nature.
  3. Strengthening teamwork skills.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what time of year today’s lesson will be devoted to.

Comes with goodness
Blows with warmth
Red in the light of the sun,
And her name is... (spring).

Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited). What mood do you get when you talk about spring? (Fun, good, perky, beautiful, ...). Let's find our mood and remember what other moods there are.

Didactic exercise: “Find the mood. Show your mood.” (Using pictograms)

Speech exercise: “Which one?” Which? Which? "You can say - spring mood? What's the sun like in spring? (Spring). What are puddles like in spring? (Spring). And what is the sky like in spring? (Cloud, streams, trees, grass, thawed patch, icicle, rain, day)

Let's tell you what happens in spring. Start your answer with the word “spring”...

In spring... the sun is shining brightly.
In spring the snow melts.
In spring thawed patches appear.
In spring, puddles appear.

In spring the buds swell.
Birds arrive in spring.
Icicles appear in spring.
Streams flow in spring.

Do insects wake up in spring?
In spring, wild animals change the color of their coats.
In the spring, the animals give birth to cubs.
In spring the first flowers appear: snowdrops, mother and stepmother.

In spring grass appears.
It rains in spring.

(Children answer, the teacher displays pictures with signs on the easel in two “paths”: early, late spring)

What kind of spring are we having now? (Early)

Outdoor game: “Spring, red spring.”

Spring, red spring! (children walk in a circle holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy, (go the other way)

With great mercy:

With high flax, (stop, raise their hands up, stand up

on your toes, inhale)

With deep roots, (squat, lower arms, exhale)

With abundant bread. (holding hands and running in a circle).

Breathing exercise: “Oh, how it smells!” ” (offer to smell what spring smells like: air, grass, first flowers - deep breath, slow exhale; sniff - several short breaths, long exhale with the word “Ah!”)

Spring has prepared a surprise for you.

Guess what it is?
Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring. (Icicle)

That's how many icicles there are. Take one at a time.

Touch the icicle, what is it like? (Cold, wet, slippery, smooth, icy, sharp)

What is its shape? What does she look like? (On the carrot)

Look at her, what is she like? (Transparent, shiny, shimmers in the sun...)

If an icicle falls, what happens? (She'll break). Let's check. (I drop). So what is she like? (fragile). What else breaks when you fall? (Glass)

What happens to an icicle in heat? (melts)

Take an icicle in your hand, what do you see? (Droplets flow down the icicle). Listen to the drops ringing. (Place the tray)

When a lot of icicles melt on the street at once, it turns out to be droplets.

Finger gymnastics:

“Drip-drip-drip the drops ring - (drum your fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano)

April has come to us.”

Listen to the poem. (Child reading the poem “Drops”)

The spruce warmed up in the sun,
The pine tree has melted,
It's April
The drops are ringing

It's spring outside.

What month name did you hear in the poem?

What other spring months do you know?

Let's say together: “March, April, May - don’t forget them.”

So what shines brightly, warms, and bakes in spring?

Let's call the sun.

Nickname “Sun” (with clapping):

Bright sunshine, dress up! (claps on shoulders, crossing arms over chest)

Red sun, show yourself! (claps hands)

Put on the scarlet dress, (claps on knees)

Give us a red day! (clapping overhead).

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Ray up, ray down,
Smile at the children as a ray of rays,
Look to the right, to the left,
Go around the sun.

What can be done? (Children's answers)

Educator: Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?

Children say proverbs:

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.
Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies
Work hard in the spring and you will be well-fed in the winter.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.
Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher.

Educator: Guys, when it gets really warm, you and I will plant our flowers in the flowerbed of our plot. These flowers will delight you and me all summer, until autumn.

Hello, first grass of spring! How did you bloom? Are you happy about the warmth? I know you have fun and crowd there, They work together in every corner. To put out a leaf or a blue flower Each young root is in a hurry Before the willow from its tender buds is the first to show a green leaf. Sergey Gorodetsky

The role of nature in the spiritual life of society is great. The more we recognize the beauty of our region, the more we begin to love it. Introducing children to nature is a means of education and the accumulation of knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. This project is aimed at developing children’s horizons, developing their cognitive activity, moral values. We believe that the direction of the project will allow children to learn the material through joint activities, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Work on the project is complex.

1. develop project activities of all types (research, creative, regulatory); 2. teach the child to pay attention to analyzing the effectiveness of information sources; 3. promote project activities individual and group nature; 4. help children symbolically display the situation, live it and express them in figurative form; 5. develop a system of productive interaction between participants educational process(children involve their parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher); 6. expand and systematize children’s knowledge about spring; 7. develop and enrich vocabulary on the topic of the project, monologue and dialogic speech; 8. cultivate love and careful attitude to nature; 9. develop children’s cognitive activity through didactic games; 10. develop children's creativity through productive theatrical activities; 11. support children’s initiative in independent observations.

How to most effectively build work in this direction? Forms of work Integration of narrow specialists and educators Introduction of new technologies, methods and techniques in productive activity children Integration educational areas Creation of a subject-development environment Interaction with the family Interaction with other social institutions

Select and compile notes on all areas of psychology - pedagogical work with kids. Search for information in the media, the Internet (cooperation with parents). Replenish the subject development environment with aids, attributes, etc. Observe natural changes. Pick up books about spring. View presentations on this topic. Select teaching aids.

1. Directly educational activities(notes): “Spring phenomena”, “Spring, spring on the street” “Examination of the painting by Yu. Levitan “Spring”. Big water" (communication); "Journey to spring forest" - (cognition - mathematics); "Spring is coming! Make way for spring" ( artistic creativity- drawing); "Observation Diary" ( artistic reading, artistic creativity); “Bring the larks, bring the red spring!” (artistic creativity - modeling); "Birds of Spring", "Day of the Vernal Equinox" "Spring has come - welcome the children"

Spring, spring lives and breathes all around, Spring, spring makes noise from all sides! The rooster flew up to the very ridge of the roof and crowing so loudly that the whole area could hear it. The windows are open. A warm wind blows, And light steam swirls by the river, And children noisily rejoice in the sun, And old people think about life.

What did we buy? Ability to independently organize project activities of all types (research, creative, regulatory). Find and analyze the effectiveness of using information sources. A creative approach to individual and group project activities. The ability to symbolically display a situation, experience its main meanings and express them in figurative form. Skills of interaction between participants in the educational process (involvement of parents in the project, communication with each other and with the teacher). Developed such qualities as: love for nature and animals. We expanded our understanding of spring through search and research activities. Knowledge about spring, signs of spring, animal life in spring.

What are we sure of? The fact is that: the skills, abilities and knowledge acquired by children will be actively implemented throughout their lives; our children will begin to take care of plants and animals in the spring; they will read poems about spring and observe nature.

Spring is coming. It was sunny in the morning and quite warm. A wide lake flowed across the yard. At noon it froze, Winter came again, The lake was covered with a crust of glass. I split the thin, ringing glass, and the wide lake began to flow again. Passers-by say: “Spring is coming!” And this is me working, breaking the ice. Agniya Barto