When loved ones die quotes. Death of a loved one. Dealing with grief

You will have to live with the pain of loss. There is no escape from this pain. You can't hide from it, you can't run away. Sooner or later it hits again and you want only one thing - deliverance.

THE DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.

Life and death are just two moments, only our pain is endless.

Ah, I... I regret... I'm Calling... I'm Crying!!!

Everyone died, what's the point of denying it now? But how can you understand this with your heart?

Take me, Lord, instead of him, and leave him on earth!

The first time you experience loss loved one, then you understand the price of life and the inevitability of death.

Denial of death. Family members may act as if their loved one is not dead; waiting for him, talking to him.

No matter how sad it sounds, our lives are short and sooner or later we will all fade into oblivion.

The feeling of loss gives rise to torment similar to the torment of a person thrown overboard a ship...

Take care of those you love!!! Appreciate the minutes spent together! Know how to forgive! So that later there will be no excruciating pain for unspoken words, for unperformed actions!

Probably, if you truly love a loved one, you will never come to terms with their loss.

On stone wall A poem called “Loss” was carved out of the temple, it has only three words, it has only three words. But the poet scraped them off. Loss cannot be read… it can only be felt.

People do not regret what was or is. People regret lost opportunities.

The loss of a loved one shatters our familiar world.

Time may heal, but they don’t live long enough to forget someone who was dear to them.

Death passes through the Earth, separating loved ones so that later they can unite in eternity.

Friends always live in each other's hearts, even after one dies, he will remain in the heart of the other forever.

You left so suddenly... It’s unthinkable that your life was interrupted like that, all we were left with were tears and the truth: Remember and pray all the time.

There is no life on earth where there is no child. Why do I live on earth if children are dying?

It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget... Time is inexorable!!! Half a year has already passed. Life flows by... Realization has not come!!!

Giving up your love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be compensated either in time or in eternity.

We mourn for Lokomotiv, we feel sorry for the guys, but we were waiting for them in Minsk... Life is very unpredictable...

Most main man my life is you, daddy, and no matter how old I get, I will always remain for you daddy’s little daughter, and you are my main man, no one can replace you. May you rest in peace.

As soon as we lose faith in our strength, we lose ourselves. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

It is very painful and scary to lose loved ones, relatives, loved ones, but with each loss the feelings become dull and the heart becomes colder...

We must pray for those who have gone into the dream world of silent silence. So that tears do not flow from heaven, for us... for sinners... they.

They say that time heals... It seems to me that it simply tears out pieces of our memory, with blood...

It hurts to look into your eyes and realize that you can’t help... It hurts to be close and know that this is the last night... When the doctor declares death... The pain from the loss of those closest to you is unbearable! ... There is no replacement for them!!!

Damn... it’s so scary... you see a person, say hello to him... and a couple of days later they call you and say that he’s no longer there... Scary...

When a loved one dies, you feel like you have lost a part of yourself.

Don't try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is a real tragedy. It must be felt, experienced.

The memory of the deceased can become an incentive for later life.

Only when we lose do we begin to appreciate... only when we are late do we learn to hurry... Only by not loving can we let go... Only by seeing death do we learn to live...

Somehow I came to terms with fate... there were two of us... and you were alone there. We stocked up on a pound of salt with you... now my son and I eat it...

Life is too short to have time to understand its meaning, death comes too quickly without having time to understand that there is only one life given.

This status is for all those who once foolishly lost their soulmate and, because of pride, missed the moment when they could get them back.

How to relieve the pain when a loved one leaves where there is no way back???

Do you know why people look at the sky when it hurts them? So they try to hold back their tears...

It's sad when people die!!! It’s even worse when the scum that killed them is still alive!!!

Talk about the past in the past tense.

I have a lot to do today: I need to completely kill my memory, I need my soul to petrify, I need to learn to live again.
Anna Akhmatova.

And I burned everything that I worshiped, I worshiped everything that I burned.

How often, for the sake of fidelity, you are tormented by loneliness, your love is not needed by the dead, your love is needed by the living.

Loss of illusions - is it a profit or a loss?

The worst thing is to lose what you believed in, hoped for, and then bam! and a black hole formed inside.

The person cannot accept the loss. He experiences shock, which manifests itself in complete absence feelings.

It’s just... periodically... it happens... your messages and voice are not enough... I ask... don’t forget me... gradually turning into the past...

What heart can bear it??? All the pain and sorrow cannot be expressed in words. No one can love like a mother. How painful it is to lose your mommy.

Departed feelings can still return, but a departed loved one never does.

When one person dies, it is a sad loss, but the death of millions of souls is a statistic.

A person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves.

The highest wisdom is in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

You left the pain in my heart forever! Gone from this life forever! Dear, sweet and gentle, my beloved mother!

I can’t live without you... My heart cries and my soul groans... I, too, my dear, have “GONE” from life.

I recognize you... in the touch of a birch branch, I recognize you... in the river with seething water, I recognize you... in the dew that looks like tears, I know darling!!! you're near me.

You may be 14, 20, 30, 42, 50... You will still cry when dear people leave.

Getting attached to a person is a huge risk; when they leave, they take your soul with them.

Those who have known the sadness of loss appreciate the joy of what is found.

I love and remember. We remember those who left us, We remember those who closed their beloved eyes forever.

Getting out of depression gradually becomes possible, heartache gets smaller. A person begins to look for solutions psychological problems, not related to loss.

Nobody dies too early, everyone dies on time.

Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

Pain, sadness, anger, confusion...? All the feelings seemed to be mixed up, turning into one lump that got stuck in the chest...
Our breath is taken away, and we don’t understand what we should do next without this person? How to live when a part of you, your soul, heart is gone... just empty, died away. How to fill the void that has consumed us?
They say that time heals, that everything passes and is forgotten... Is this really so?
Is it possible to cure a chronic disease with expensive medications? No…
You can only heal...for a while...
This happens with feelings... with life...
We are losing a loved one loved one. Our heart breaks from pain. Our brain “explodes” from our thoughts... It seems to us that life no longer has meaning.
We seek consolation wherever possible and each in our own way. We think that just a little more and time will heal everything. And then everything will be as before.
But this doesn't happen...
Time heals the wound, but does not heal...
Because when we lose a loved one, we become vulnerable...mentally and physically. We pretend that everything is fine, but inside us “a hurricane is raging.” I want to shout to the whole world about my pain, tell everyone so that it becomes easier.
We are angry with fate, asking: “Why???”... Why is fate so cruel to us today?... We experience unbearable melancholy, despair... I want to fall asleep, soundly, soundly, and when I wake up I want to see that it’s all a dream. And we just dreamed it... But, returning to reality, we understand that we have lost......
How to cope with this loss?
What needs to be done to make time the best medicine. How to heal a wound so much that you can move on without experiencing pain?
Perhaps we simply do not want to accept this reality. Although we understand that we need to move on with our lives......
Live, for the sake of life. To love, for the sake of love. A play on words... and so much sense.
Perhaps we need to stop being selfish with ourselves. Learn to accept reality as it is sent to us from above. It is very difficult, sometimes almost impossible. But if you think about it, we are actually stronger than we think. We just don't want to understand it. Each of us has strength - spiritual strength.
The force that makes us move on and not stop in the middle, even if it seems that life is over. Think about it. What kind of strength should there be in order not just to REMEMBER, but to live on, keeping in your soul, in your heart, every moment spent with a loved one.
We lost... It hurts... Life separated us... Separated us forever. But we stayed, here in this World... Why? After all, each of us asked ourselves this question, but never found an answer to it.
Perhaps I can answer this question, I don’t know...
It seems to me that Life must go on, no matter how painful and difficult it is... and if you stay here, you need to live! Live for the sake of loved ones, live for the sake of the person you lost. Live and Remember, cherish every moment, every minute spent with him. Do something so that Memory does not become an empty word. Anything you want - write a book, dedicate beautiful lines, compose music, draw a picture, “discover” new star, finally! Whatever you would like to tell a person, say it... Not with words, but with actions and deeds, in Memory of this person.
And no matter how painful it is, live...
No need to feel sorry. No need to cry. Just take a step forward... One small step - towards life... Look around... Smile, even through your tears.
I know it's very difficult... But try anyway... Like I did :)
After all, I don’t even write these lines just like that... I dedicate them to my closest people whom I lost. For them and for their sake! For the sake of Memory....
But I don’t forget that I have close people who need me today, people who help me move on. People worth living for, even if your heart sometimes breaks from melancholy... I live...
Because I have no right to be weak! Because I love...
Maybe everyone who reads my words will understand something for themselves and decide something. Perhaps someone will disagree with me. But I will be happy if my words help someone. So everything I do is not in vain...
Life goes on... Never stop! Live, Love and Remember...
You are not alone... There are always people who need you... Let them into your life and into your heart...

Don't close...

Everything will work out...

You left us so early
You left us alone
For some reason it was missing
Your tender words
You created us in this world,
You gave us a family
After all, you once wanted
Raise my family
There's a lot you didn't manage to do
Crying out your dream
After all, there is a lot to do in the world
It's hard to overcome life
To give your life
But it’s very difficult without dad
It's difficult to create your own life.

Letting go of a person is very difficult, especially if he was dear to you. You understand that you will have to live with the memories of him, but he himself will not be in your life. I must say that memories only cause pain if they are associated with someone who is gone forever. You try not to think about him, not to remember, just so as not to hurt yourself, but then suddenly you catch yourself thinking that you are really ashamed of yourself. It seems to you that you are not abstracting yourself from the pain, but that you are vilely forgetting the one you honestly valued.
At first, I tried not to think about my grandmother at all, because every moment that surfaced in my consciousness doomed me to whole hours of suffering and powerless tears. I did not come to her house while living with my aunt, I did not visit her grave for the first two years, I did not look at her photographs and did not talk about her with anyone close to me. Over time, I actually managed to dull the pain a little. I allowed myself to hang my grandmother’s photograph in my room, visited her grave a couple of times, and even discussed my feelings with my aunt, reminiscing a little about my childhood spent next to my grandmother. Years passed and I often visited my grandmother’s grave, looked after her, sat for hours at the gray mound, putting my hand in damp earth and looked at the stone tombstone. Her stone eyes looked at me from there, but they didn’t have the same sparkle. I understood this, but I couldn’t do anything.

Lord forbid, I ask for at least one more day,
Without her in this world I am like a shadow.
I don’t want warmth and life without her,
I can’t and I don’t want anything.

Her last breath and tender eyes,
I will remember this moment forever.
I'm suffocating at night and the blow strikes again,
That moment has now become for me nightmare.

With tears in my eyes, I hugged her
From hellish pain, I then shouted to you:
Why did you take my love from me?
I closed my eyes and walked her into the night...

And loneliness closed my eyes,
The soul is torn now, Love is dead.
At the edge of the abyss I shouted into the sky:
Now I'm dead forever! I have become a shadow!

A. N Ibragimov

Certificate of publication 116 102 606 495

I write to you again and again
I know you won’t read it anymore...
I write to you, letters of love
I write letters to you out of tears.

I forgot that there are sunrises,
I forgot what a sunset is...
There is no you, you are in the sky somewhere
My life is like a cool waterfall...

Your death took my soul
My heart burned out a long time ago.
Like winter took away my summer,
So I was covered in snow...

I can't see, my eyes are dim
And now I have wrinkles.
I've aged a century in a week
Death took you from me.

I write to you again and again
About myself and about our love.
I write letters to you, but I know
That you will never read them...

A. N. Ibragimov

Copyright: Aga Ibragimov, 2016
Certificate of publication 116 102 606 845

The last handful of earth
In my hands I hold my dear,
The last handful of earth
I'll throw it standing at the edge...

Everything was covered with earth,
Love, dreams and hopes..
Left alone with you
Life will not be the same as before...

Friends are long gone
Relatives don’t interfere now,
Pieces of my soul
They fly quietly into the cemetery.

I look into the distance, into the darkness
And tears burn me.
I'm lying next to you,
Hugging your grave...

Copyright: Aga Ibragimov, 2016
Certificate of publication 116 102 607 005

You came to me like a summer rain,
These drops are incredibly bitter.
I only regret that
That he couldn't be sincere with me.

I'm letting you go to nowhere
Keeping the joy of dating in your heart,
The bitter word “forever”
And broken expectations...

Loving yourself for the benefit of others.

A woman dies and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said that she was ready.
-What are you ready for? – asked Death.
- I’m ready for God to take me to Heaven! – the woman answered.
- Why did you decide that God would take you to him? – asked Death.
- Well, how about it? “I suffered so much that I deserve the peace and love of God,” the woman answered.
- What exactly did you suffer from? – asked Death.
- When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was at school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my soul, and in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I was working, my boss yelled at me all the time, delayed my salary, left me on weekends, and then fired me without paying me. The neighbors gossiped about me behind my back, saying that I was a prostitute. And one day a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.
- Well, what good have you done in your life? – asked Death.
“I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, took care of everything on myself. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserved Paradise...
“Well, okay...” Death answered, “I understand you.” There remains a small formality. Sign one agreement and go straight to Paradise.
Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence to tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused with ice water, said that she could not tick this sentence.
On the piece of paper it was written: “I forgive all my offenders and ask forgiveness from everyone I offended.”
- Why can’t you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? – asked Death.
- Because they don’t deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means nothing happened, it means they won’t answer for their actions. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness... I didn’t do anything bad to anyone!
-Are you sure about this? – asked Death.
- Absolutely!
- How do you feel about those who caused you so much pain? – asked Death.
- I feel anger, rage, resentment! It’s unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done to me!
- What if you forgive them and stop having these feelings? – asked Death.
The woman thought for a while and replied that there would be emptiness inside!
- You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give significance to your life. Now tell me, why do you feel emptiness?
- Because all my life I thought that those whom I loved and those for whom I lived would appreciate me, but in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!
- Before God said goodbye to his son and sent him to earth, he finally said one phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life...
- Which one? – the woman asked.
- What does it mean?
- So he didn’t understand what God told him... It’s about the fact that only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life! You CHOOSE to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?
“It turns out I’m on my own…” the woman answered in a trembling voice.
- So who can’t you forgive?
- Myself? – the woman answered in a crying voice.
- Forgiving yourself means admitting your mistake! Forgiving yourself means accepting your imperfections! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they don’t deserve your forgiveness... And you want God to accept you with open arms?! Have you decided that God is like a soft, stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers?! Do you think he created the perfect place for people like you? When you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the others, will feel good, then you will knock on the doors of the heavenly abode, but for now God gave me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn to create a world in which love and care reign. And those who cannot take care of themselves live in the deep delusion that they can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?
- How? – the woman asked.
- He sends her children whose destinies are broken before her eyes...
- I realized... I couldn’t make my husband loving and devoted. I couldn’t raise my children to be happy and successful. I couldn’t preserve a hearth where there would be peace and harmony... In my world, everyone suffered...
- Why? – asked Death.
- I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and have compassion... But no one felt sorry for me... And I thought that God would definitely take pity on me and hug me!
- Remember that the most dangerous people on earth are those who want to arouse pity and compassion for themselves... They are called “victims”... Your greatest ignorance is that you think that God needs someone’s sacrifice! He will never allow into his abode someone who has known nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world...! Go back and learn to love and care for yourself, and then for those who live in your world. First, ask yourself for forgiveness for your ignorance and forgive yourself for it!
The woman closed her eyes and began the journey again, but only under a different name and with different parents.