Calendar and thematic planning of the theater club. Calendar and thematic planning of the work of the theater club"карусель" мадоу комбинированного вида "радость" Календарно тематическое планирование театрального кружка школе!}

with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, Basic educational program NEO schools, art programs aesthetic development and education of students of non-governmental educational institutions, based on teaching aids N.F. Sorokina, I.B. Karamanenko, S.M. Alkhimovich, Yu.L. Alyansky - M.: Education, 2009.

as the final result educational activities portrait of a graduate is recorded at a Russian school primary school, in which the most important place is given creative qualities child: “Curious, interested, actively exploring the world; able to learn, capable of organizing his own activities.” The program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results.





(basics of theater skills)

for the 2015/2016 academic year

for 1st grade students

  1. Explanatory note

Work program for extracurricular activities designed in accordance
with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Basic Educational Program of the NOU School, the Program for the Artistic and Aesthetic Development and Education of NOU Students,based on teaching aids N.F. Sorokina, I.B. Karamanenko, S.M. Alkhimovich, Yu.L. Alyansky - M.: Education, 2009.

Modern elementary education puts his main goal development of the child's personality. In the concept of federal state standards of the second generation
as the final result of the educational activities of a Russian school, a portrait of a primary school graduate is recorded, in which the most important place is given to the creative qualities of the child: “Curious, interested, actively exploring the world; able to learn, capable of organizing his own activities.” The program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Main goal programs creating conditions for implementation creative interests and abilities of students, development of artistic taste and moral principles through puppet theater.

Program objectives:


  • introduce the history of puppetrytheater ;
  • awaken interest in reading, feel poetry folk tales, songs, love and understand art;
  • to ensure that children can use the skills acquired in theatrical games in everyday life.


  • develop individual Creative skills children;
  • develop children's imagination and spatial thinking;
  • promote the development of fine motor skills.


  • develop a respectful attitude towards labor activity person;
  • develop artistic and aesthetic taste and a creative approach to completing tasks of varying complexity;
  • develop communication skills.

Working programm "Young Actor Theater"Intended for 1st grade students of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 6 with in-depth study of individual subjects." The duration of the program is 1 year.

Planned results

  • They are able to voluntarily tense and relax individual muscle groups.
  • They are able to move in a given rhythm, joining in pairs, trios or chains at the teacher’s signal.
  • Find an excuse for a given pose.
  • They are proficient in a complex of articulation gymnastics.
  • They are able to compose an individual or group sketch on a given topic.
  • They know and clearly pronounce 8-10 tongue twisters at different rates.
  • They are able to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.
  • They can read a poetic text by heart, pronouncing the words correctly and placing logical stresses.

Evaluation of results:

  • knowledge of the main types of theaters and theatrical art;
  • mastery of primary “acting” skills;
  • performances in front of audiences at school and kindergarten;
  • participation in competitions and festivals of theater groups.

II. general characteristics extracurricular activities course

Program " Young Actor Theater» is aimed at developing socially active schoolchildren creative personality capable of understanding universal human values, being proud of the achievements of national culture and art, capable of
to creative work, writing, fantasizing, to raising from it a vitally adapted person who is psychologically ready
to various stressful situations.

Forms and methods of classes

Forms of classes - group and individual sessions, with the whole group at the same time and with participants in a specific performance to practice diction.

Main formsactivities are: theatrical games, competitions, quizzes, conversations, excursions to the theater and museum, performances, holidays.

Types of activities – practical: game exercises, work on the expressiveness of speech when reading poetry, dramatization of fairy tales, etc. Game, game exercises act as a way of adapting the child to the school environment.

Are used different kinds games:

● emotional-sensory games based on the development of sensory and emotional sphere child’s personality (dating games, attention games, emotionally warming games, finger games);

Mind games oriented towards the development of non-standard independent thinking, logic, intuition, sense of humor, intellectual reaction (verbal, visual-subject, competitive and interactive);

● creative games that promote the development of an associative, non-standard, constructive and modeling view of the world, imagination and fantasy, the desire for creativity in the process of life (verbal, plastic and dramatic, visual);

● outdoor games that are multifunctional in nature, developing a sense of rhythm, thought, communication skills, imagination, will, attention, etc. One of their most important features is variability and the possibility of complication (story-based, competitive, relay races, attractions, folk round dance games). . Changes can be made to the content, thereby supplementing practical classes with new techniques for practical execution.


Illustrations and Literature;

Audio and video recordings (use of technical means).

Development program material occurs through theoretical and practical parts, mainly the practical direction predominates. Class

includes organizational, theoretical and practical parts. Organizational stage involves preparation for work, theoretical part very compact, reflects the necessary information on the topic.

Lesson mode

The class schedule is based on one lesson per week. Each lesson lasts 35 minutes. The educational process is structured in accordance with the age, psychological capabilities and characteristics of the children, which implies a possible adjustment of the time and mode of classes.

Program " Young Actor Theater» implements interdisciplinary connections with rhetoric, literary reading, music, technology, physical education.

III. Description of the extracurricular activities course location

Classes are held once a week, for a total of school year 33 hours.

IV. Description of the value guidelines of the course content

  • The value of truth is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of humanity, reason, understanding of the essence of being, the universe.
  • The value of man as a rational being striving to understand the world and self-improvement.
  • The value of labor and creativity as a natural condition human activity and life.
  • The value of freedom as freedom of choice and a person’s presentation of his thoughts and actions, but freedom naturally limited by the norms and rules of behavior in society.
  • The value of citizenship is a person’s awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of the country and state.
  • The value of patriotism is one of the manifestations of a person’s spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, and in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.
  • The value of art and literature is as a way of experiencing beauty, harmony, spiritual world person, moral choice, meaning of life, aesthetic development of man
  • The purpose of classes in the puppet theater is to develop children's creative abilities through means.

V. Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities

The program ensures the achievement of the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results

Students will develop:

  • the need for cooperation with peers, a friendly attitude towards peers, conflict-free behavior, the desire to listen to the opinions of classmates;
  • integrity of the view of the world through literary works;
  • ethical feelings, aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings based on the experience of listening and memorizing works of fiction;
  • awareness of the importance of classes theatrical art for personal development.
  • Cooperation skills with adults and peers.
  • Holistic perception of the surrounding world.
  • Installation on healthy image life, the presence of motivation for creative work, to work for results.

Regulatory UUD:

The student will learn:

  • understand and accept the learning task formulated by the teacher;
  • plan your actions at individual stages of working on the play;
  • analyze the reasons for success/failure, develop, with the help of a teacher, positive attitudes such as: “I will succeed,” “I can still do a lot.”

The student will have the opportunity to learn

  • Determining a common goal and ways to achieve it: the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately evaluate one’s own

behavior and behavior of others.

Cognitive UUD:

The student will learn:

  • understand and apply the information received when performing tasks;
  • demonstrate individual creative abilities when composing stories, fairy tales, sketches, selecting simple rhymes, reading by roles and dramatizing.

The student will have the opportunity to learn

  • use methods of analysis and synthesis when reading and watching videos, compare and analyze the behavior of the hero.

Communicative UUD:

The student will learn:

  • engage in dialogue, collective discussion, show initiative and activity,
  • work in a group, take into account partners’ opinions that differ from your own;
  • ask for help;
  • listen to your interlocutor;
  • agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, come to a common decision;
  • adequately assess your own behavior and the behavior of others.

The student will have the opportunity to learn

  • formulate your difficulties;
  • offer assistance and cooperation;
  • formulate own opinion and position;
  • exercise mutual control.

Subject results:

The student will learn:

  • read, observing spelling and intonation reading standards;
  • expressive reading;
  • develop speech breathing and correct articulation;
  • express various emotional states (sadness, joy, anger, surprise, admiration.

The student will have the opportunity to learn

  • distinguish works by genre;
  • types of theatrical art, the basics of acting.

Section title

Number of hours

Content elements

Getting to know the history of the theater

Introduction to the functions of a puppet theater. Puppet theater as part of theatrical art Safety precautions. Types of theatrical art. Rules of behavior in the theater. Acting out scenes and poems by V. Dragunsky, A. Barto.


7 hours

Getting to know the basics theatrical terms: theater, auditorium, stage, theater ticket, performance, game, sketch, actor. Introduction to the concept of “decoration”. Familiarization with the design elements of the performance. Consolidating skills in working with screens. Articulatory gymnastics The general concept of imitation and parody, the difference between one type of art and another. Breathing exercises. Game “Guess who I am? Guess what I am? Formation of the criterion “we believe - we don’t believe”, “it’s distorted - it’s true.” Coming up with a fairy tale about a cat basking in the sun, stretching, washing itself, or scratching the rug with its paws and claws.

The initial idea of ​​“transformation and reincarnation” as the main phenomenon of theatrical art.

Scenic speech

5 hours

The concept of speech gymnastics and the peculiarities of speech of various characters puppet show. Speech gymnastics. Working with tongue twisters. Various training exercises for practicing speech breathing, exhalation training. Expressive language actor - behavior, action. Gesture, facial expressions, movement, speech are components of action. Articulation gymnastics. " Speech warm-ups", "Development of articulation in tongue twisters." Exercises to develop rhythm.

Plastic games, rhythmic gymnastics. Articulation gymnastics “Speech warm-ups”, “Development of articulation in tongue twisters”. Voice modulation. Breathing exercises.

Development of stage speech, exercises to improve diction, correct pronunciation, familiarization with the tempo and timbre of speech, work on the expressiveness of speech. Watching videos about animals. Dialogues: wolf - fox, wolf - bear, mouse - wolf.

Features of the puppeteer's work

4 hours

The concept of the variety of movements of various parts of dolls. Peculiarities psychological preparation young artist - puppeteer. Strengthening the skills of gestures and physical actions. Practicing doll movement skills in the depths of the screen. The concept of theatrical professions. Practicing the skills of moving a doll along the front flap of the screen. Strengthening the skills of gestures and physical actions. Independent choice of roles. Practical work: calculation of the time of certain scenes, mise-en-scène and the length of the entire performance.

"We are the puppeteers"

15 h

Choosing a play. Reading the script. Connecting verbal action with the physical action of characters. Distribution and audition for roles. Learning roles using voice modulations. Design of the performance: production of accessories, selection musical arrangement.

Working off musical numbers, rehearsals. The concept of acting and the artistic means of creating a theatrical image.

The concept of acting and the artistic means of creating a theatrical image.Drama, plot, roles. Installation of the screen and placement of all performers. Sound, color and light design of the performance. Analysis of the results of the dress rehearsal. Organization and performance of the performance; showing the performance to students primary classes, preschoolers.

VII. Thematic planning with identification of the main activities of students

Section title

Number of hours


Getting to know the history of the theater

1 hour

Get to know the functions of a puppet theater. Safety conversation. Familiarize yourself with and apply the rules of behavior in the theater. Participate in role-playing game, acting out behavior situations in the theater.

2. Types of theaters

1 hour


1 hour

Get acquainted with the concepts of drama, puppet show, performance, sketch, partner, premiere, actor. Understand the concept of “decoration”. Perform exercises in pronunciation of the same phrase with different intonations. Get to know how to work with a screen. Do exercises to pronounce a phrase or quatrain in one breath. Pronounce tongue twister and poetic text in movement and different poses. Perform creative and exploratory tasks, apply knowledge and methods of action in changed conditions.

Create plastic improvisations to different types of music. Express different emotions, moods, individual character traits.

1 hour

1 hour

6.Imitation and parody.

1 hour

7.Theatrical game.

1 hour

8.Mysterious transformations.

1 hour

9.Mysterious transformations.

1 hour

Scenic speech

1 hour

Perform a complex of articulatory gymnastics. Pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.

Perform freely and naturally on stage simple actions. Compose a dialogue between fairy-tale characters. Distribute work in the group, evaluate the work done.

Imitate the behavior of an animal. Participate in role-playing, acting out behavior situations in the theater.

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

Features of the puppeteer's work

1 hour

Hold and perform various movements of various parts of the dolls. Hold and perform various movements of the doll along the front flap of the screen. Hold and perform various movements of the doll in the depths of the screen. Remember role words; find the right poses and actions.

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

"We are the puppeteers"

1 hour

Read by role. Pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations. Distribute work in the group, roles, read by role. Remember role words; find the right poses and actions. Read the role using voice modulations. Evaluate the results of mastering the topic, show personal interest in acquiring and expanding knowledge and methods of action.

Read the text, pronouncing words correctly and placing logical stresses. Distribute work in the group, evaluate the work done. Remember role words; find the right poses and actions. Evaluate the results of mastering the topic, show personal interest in acquiring and expanding knowledge and methods of action.

20. Distribution of roles.

1 hour


1 hour

22. Expressive reading words of each fairy tale hero"Kolobok"

1 hour

1 hour

24. Dress rehearsal.

1 hour

25. Creative report.

1 hour

1 hour

27. Distribution of roles.

1 hour


1 hour

29. Expressive reading of the words of each fairy tale hero"Teremok"

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

32. Dress rehearsal.

1 hour

33.Creative report.

1 hour

Total: 33 hours

Calendar thematic planning

Lesson topic

Number of hours


1.Introductory lesson. History of puppet theater in Russia. Safety briefing.

1 hour

2. Types of theaters

1 hour

3. ABC of theater. Theater concepts and terms.

1 hour

4. ABC of theater. Theatrical concepts and terms.

1 hour

5. Theater begins with a hanger, and a puppet theater begins with a screen. Culture and technique of speech

1 hour

6.Imitation and parody.

1 hour

7.Theatrical game.

1 hour

8.Mysterious transformations.

1 hour

9.Mysterious transformations.

1 hour

1 hour

11. An actor is the main miracle of the theater.

1 hour

12. Peculiarities of speech of various characters in a puppet show

1 hour

13.Articulation and expressive reading of various texts

1 hour

14.Imitation of animal behavior

1 hour

15.Movements of various parts of the dolls.

1 hour

16.Movements of the doll along the front flap of the screen.

1 hour

17. Theater professions (actor, make-up artist, director, etc.)

1 hour

18. Calculation of the time of certain scenes, mise-en-scène and the length of the entire performance.

1 hour

19. Expressive reading of a fairy tale.Production of the tabletop puppet theater "Kolobok".

1 hour

20. Distribution of roles.

1 hour

21. Initial development of the skill of working withdolls

1 hour

22. Expressive reading of the words of each hero of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

1 hour

23. Expressive reading of the words of each hero of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

1 hour

24. Dress rehearsal.

1 hour

25. Creative report.

1 hour

26. Expressive reading of a fairy tale. Production of the puppet theater "Teremok"

1 hour

27. Distribution of roles.

1 hour

28. Initial development of the skill of working withdolls

1 hour

29. Expressive reading of the words of each hero of the fairy tale “Teremok”

1 hour

30. Expressive reading of the words of each fairy tale hero

1 hour

31. Expressive reading of the words of each fairy tale hero

1 hour

32. Dress rehearsal.

1 hour

33.Creative report.

1 hour


33 hours

VIII. Description of material and technical support for educational activities


  • music Center;
  • music library;
  • audio and video cassettes;
  • CD-disks;
  • costumes, scenery necessary for working on the creation of theatrical productions;
  • costume elements for creating images;
  • finger puppets;
  • stage makeup;
  • Electronic presentations “Rules of conduct in the theater”, “Types of theatrical art”
  • Scripts of fairy tales, plays, children's books.

Digital educational resources

Name of digital

educational resources

Email address

Electronic innovative training and metodology complex“New Primary School” on the website of the unified digital educational collection

Website “We Are Together Teachers Mutual Help Community”

Lesson plans, methodical piggy bank, information Technology At school

Presentations of lessons “Elementary school”.

I'm going to an elementary school lesson (lesson materials)

School portal

Educational materials and dictionaries on the Cyril and Methodius website

Using special biofeedback software

1. Unnamed. O., School Theater, M, 2001

2. Karishev-Lubotsky, Theatrical performances for children school age. M., 2005

3. Program for out-of-school institutions and secondary schools. – M., 1988

4. B. Begak “Education through art.”

5. T.S. Zenalov “Literature Lessons and Theater.”

6.B.E. Zakharov “The skill of the actor and director.”

7. Mochalov Yu. First theater lessons. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1986.

8 . Mochalov Yu. Composition of stage space. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1981.

9. Children's encyclopedia AiF. Theater from A to Z. Moscow, AiF, 2003.

  1. Cognitive development: mathematics
  2. Physical development: Swimming
  3. Cognitive development: familiarization with the environment.

“Theater” - what is it?

Goal: to introduce children to the history of the theater. Continue to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater, develop children’s abilities through the means of theatrical art, deepen children’s knowledge about different types of theater.

Hod.Theater originated in Greece, “Theatre” is the word Greek origin, meaning “place for viewing.” Educator: Today I would like to continue the conversation with you about the theater. I will now give you tickets, according to which you will take your seats, as in a theater, according to your ticket number. Educator: You already know something about the theater, you will learn something today. Today we will fill an empty vase with knowledge about the theater, for this you have cups with beads on your tables, and I have an empty one on my table. And as your knowledge increases, you will fill the empty cup with beads. I have the same diary on the board, I will fill it out based on your answers.. The children tell what they know about the theater, and for each correct answer they fill an empty bowl on the teacher’s table with beads. Educator: Tell me, please, what theaters do you know? Educator: Today I invite you to try yourself as an artist. As you correctly noted, there is a puppet theater, a theater for young spectators, where actors play roles, a pantomime theater, finger theater, bi-ba-bo theater. So, you will now divide into groups. We have three theaters in our group:

1. Theater for young spectators.

2. Pantomime theater.

Z. Concert hall.

Educator: You go to the door of the theater, the color of which corresponds to the color of the number of your ticket number.

Children are divided into groups.

Educator: Now I will read you the tasks that you will need to complete. You will agree among yourself who will perform what role or who will perform what task. When you are ready, signal me by raising your clasped hands.

- theater artists young spectators you need to show a fragment of the fairy tale “Teremok”;
– show pantomime theater artists in motion fairy tale hero to the appropriate music “Tarantella”, “Baba Yaga”;
– artists performing in concert hall, perform Marshak’s poem “The Young Moon is Melting” or the song “Pussy, pussy, how are you.”

Children play the role of artists, the role fairy tale characters, perform pantomime to music.

Educator: You are convinced that it is not easy to become an artist, for this you need to change your voice, speak with expression, change your facial expression, make some kind of hand gestures. All this takes a long time to learn. We will now learn some points that are necessary for an artist.

Children go out onto the mat and sit down.

Educator: I suggest you play “Mimic Cube”. One of you rolls the dice and you get a fruit or vegetable. You need to portray his taste on your face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is played.

Educator: Now I suggest you play the game “Fan”. I show you an image of a face, and you need to say the phrase “We have guests” with the intonation in your voice that matches the mood you see on the depicted face. Here's an example: scared "...".

Educator: Now take your seats in the theater. Theater is public place. You need to behave culturally in it. Do you know about the rules of behavior in the theater?

Educator: Today we have another guest, the doll Tanya. She wants to introduce you to the rules of behavior in the theater.

The teacher speaks on behalf of the doll.

If you came to the theater,
Conduct yourself politely there:
Don't shout, don't make noise,
Calmly go everywhere.
Come to the wardrobe
Ask politely
I'll take your coat.
Don't forget to take your number with you.
When you go to the theater with your family,
Always choose a clean outfit.
You yourself are pleased
And the boy sitting next to you will also be happy.
When the artists perform,
Don’t bother showing them a fairy tale.
Clap for their performance
Give a bouquet of spring flowers.
During the break, which is called intermission,
Don't do it like this:
Don't push spectators with your elbows when exiting.
At the buffet, don’t shout: “Give it to me!”
In the hall where the artists perform,
They don’t chew, they don’t throw candy wrappers on the floor.
They try to remember the fairy tale,
And then they try to tell it to their friends.

Educator: Now you have learned about the rules of behavior in the theater. Educator: Would you like to know anything else about the theater?

If the children are silent or doubtful, ask them leading QUESTIONS: How does the theater work from the inside? What are the names of the seats in the hall and on the balcony? Who first created the theater? What theaters are there in our city of Nizhneudinsk? How to become an artist?

Educator: I am very pleased that you still have questions about the theater. Well, we'll talk about this next time. You were very active and emotional today. And thanks to you, I also did a good job.

Sections: Corrective pedagogy

Every year more and more children appear with speech disorders.
And there are more and more children with systemic disorders, which manifest themselves not only in impaired pronunciation, but also in impaired intonation expressiveness of speech, in the inability to construct even simple sentences and statements, and inability to express their emotions. These children also experience motor awkwardness, uncertainty, and tightness.
In the complex of corrective measures with such children, theatrical activities provide great assistance. Since it is in the process of this activity that you can solve the problems listed above in a playful way.

Calendar and thematic planning

Class no.

Lesson topic

October What is theater? Give an idea of ​​the theater, introduce the types of theaters – a conversation-dialogue with the display of illustrations, posters, photographs.
– i/u “Say your name affectionately”
– musical and plastic sketch “I am a maple leaf”
Theater professions Activate cognitive interest to theatrical professions. Cultivate a desire to learn new things – conversation-dialogue about theatrical professions (actor, director, artist, composer)
– i/u “Guess who I am”
– speech exercise (pure speech)
Introduction to the fairy tale “The Bag of Apples” Introduce children to the script musical fairy tale"A bag of apples". To foster kind, humane feelings, to develop children’s speech and the ability to express their opinions. - introduction to a fairy tale
– conversation on the content of the fairy tale:
identifying positive and negative heroes fairy tales (substantiation of answers)
- theatrical game “Who came to visit?”
homework: “draw a forest and a house of hares in the forest.”
Expressive means of an actor Intensify the use of the concepts of facial expressions and gestures in children’s speech.
Develop the ability to act coherently in a team and develop confidence in one’s abilities.
– demonstration and discussion
– and/u “We smile, we are surprised”
– i/u “Match the fairy tale hero to the diagram”
music game
– plastic sketches based on the characters of the fairy tale “The Bag of Apples”
November Speech technique Learn to use intonations by pronouncing phrases sad, happy, angry, etc. Learn to build dialogues. Cultivate endurance, patience, complicity
– facial gymnastics
– pure talk
– conversation on the topic (Makhaneva p. 106)
– analysis of the hare’s monologue
6 Rhythmoplasty Remind children of a fairy tale.
Teach children to imitate movements characteristic of various animals with and without music
- a reminder of a fairy tale for children.
– listening to music for the dance of hares and kids.
– improvisational dances
– learning the dances of kids and hares
7 Dialogue Teach children to act out dialogues using expressive means ( gestures and facial expressions, voice)
– theatrical game “Get to know the hero”
– playing out the dialogue “The Crow and the Hare”
8 Distribution of roles Convey images of fairy tale characters in actions and movements. Foster friendly, respectful relationships between children. – warm-up (articulation gymnastics, speaking, facial gymnastics, pantomime)
– discussion of the main characters
– plastic sketches: bear, crow, hedgehog, mole.
– identifying actors for each role
– acting out the dialogue between the hare and the bear
December 9 Song Practice intonation expressiveness of speech and singing, create integral, full images fairy tale characters. – warm-up (articulation gymnastics, tongue twister, facial gymnastics, finger play)
– musical game
– listening to the bunny’s lullaby, discussion
– learning a lullaby
10 Expressive means Stimulate the desire to look for expressive means to create a game image of a character.
Learn to interact with a partner theatrical play, encourage expression of emotions in the role.
– psycho-gymnastics
– plastic sketch
– work on the roles of the wolf and the crow
creative task- portray a blind mole
11 Children's creativity Develop the ability to act coherently in a team and develop confidence in one’s abilities.
Develop a sense of rhythm in movements, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.
– warm-up (articulation gymnastics, tongue twister, facial gymnastics, pantomime)
– rhythmoplasty
– work on the roles of a bear and a hedgehog
- theatrical play
12 Speech technique Practice intonation expressiveness of speech and diction.
Develop diction in children. Learn to work together, together, together.
articulation gymnastics
- Tongue Twisters
– practicing the dialogues “Hare – baby squirrels”, “Hare – hedgehog”.
– and/u “who called?”
January 13 Pantomime theater
“What kind of fairy tale hero is this?”
Exercise children without words using facial expressions and gestures to show the heroes of fairy tales, their character traits. Expand familiarity with the concept of “Pantomimics”. – psycho-gymnastics
– plastic sketch
– theatrical game “What kind of hero?”
– work on the roles of the crow and wolf
14 Song Improve the ability to portray a particular emotion using facial expressions and intonation during the performance of a song. Encourage open expression of emotions and feelings in a variety of ways – chant
– facial gymnastics
– m/n “sing like...”
– learning the final song
– d/z “Make your favorite hero from the fairy tale “The Bag of Apples””
February 15 Dress rehearsal. Working with costumes.

Teach children to choose costumes for themselves. Prepare them for the performance. Develop independence, creativity, imagination.

Cultivate a desire to help a friend. Develop aesthetic feelings. Determine the readiness of children to show a fairy tale.
16 Joint rehearsal of a musical fairy tale.
Fairy tale premiere
17 Showing a fairy tale to parents Introducing techniques for controlling glove puppets such as bi-ba-bo.
Introduce children to glove puppets and some techniques for guiding the puppet (moving along the screen, manipulating the hands, head, leaving the screen)
– demonstration of bi-ba-bo dolls and basic leadership techniques
– each child works with a doll on the ground and behind a screen
18 – musical and rhythmic game “Little Red Riding Hood” based on a song from the film of the same name Introduction to the scenario of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” Introduce children to the scenario of a fairy tale. Teach children to express their opinions about fairy tales new way . Complete the tale with the necessary episodes. Cultivate the ability to listen to the opinions of others, develop endurance and patience.
– warm-up, psycho-gymnastics
– familiarity with the scenario of a fairy tale
– discussion and comparison with the generally accepted version of the fairy tale
– sketch for the development of imagination “A Good Animal” (Alyabyeva, p. 79) 19 March Getting to know the peculiarities of an actor's work behind a screen Improving mastery of driving dolls on a screen. Fostering a culture of behavior and the ability to work in a team.
– finger game
– i/u “Show with a doll how...
– showing and explaining the rules of conduct for actors behind the screen
20 Speech technique

– playing out the dialogues of the wolf cubs

Develop speech breathing, train exhalation. Learn to use intonation, improve diction.
– warm-up, including tongue twisters and tongue twisters
– game exercises with a candle
– work on the roles of the wolf and red riding hood
21 - game “damaged phone”. Expressive means in a puppet show Improve children's skills in using glove puppets. Develop imagination, creativity, self-confidence.
– warm-up
– game sketches on a screen
(grandmother is walking, a wolf cub is running, a doll is happy, crying, etc.)

– musical game “Mood”

22 d/z “Make your favorite hero of our fairy tale” Exercise children's ability to control dolls on a screen according to music. Develop ear for music, attention, motor dexterity. – warm-up, including chants
– m/i “Guess the Music”
– learning the final song, accompaniment with dolls
– work on the first scene
April 23 Song creativity Improve children's ability to control dolls. Exercise in coordinating the movements of the puppets and the nature of the song Improve children's skills in using glove puppets. Develop imagination, creativity, self-confidence.
– i/u “Sing like...”
– repetition of the final song with the movements of the puppets
– work on the roles of grandmother and little red riding hood
24 Children's creativity Develop children's imagination and creativity. Improve speech skills. Improve children's skills in using glove puppets. Develop imagination, creativity, self-confidence.
– and/u “The Unseen Beast”
– work on the second scene
25 Introduction to the theatrical profession of decorative artist

To develop children’s ability to independently make attributes for a fairy tale.

Cultivate accuracy when working with fabric and cardboard. Develop memory, attention, creativity and imagination. – warm-up, including
finger game - conversation about
theater profession
– joint production
forest scenery for the play
– work on the roles of mom and K. hat
26 – D/Z “Prepare attributes for staging a puppet show. "Funny essays." Learn to build dialogues. Cultivate endurance, patience, complicity
Encourage children to create simple stories with children as their heroes.
Cultivate a sense of humor and help improve children's self-esteem. Develop children's coherent speech (dialogical).
– and/u “Once upon a time...” inventing dialogues between random characters (card index method) 27

– work on the third scene


Improve children's skills in using glove puppets. Develop imagination, creativity, self-confidence.
Practicing dialogues.
Develop the ability to build dialogues between characters in imaginary circumstances. Develop children's coherent speech.
Build confidence. Expand the figurative structure of speech.
28 Speech technique – and/u “Continue the phrase” – work on the dialogue between Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf
m/i "Shoemaker"
Practice intonation expressiveness of speech, movements, and emotional feelings. To cultivate the musical and aesthetic taste of children.
- tongue twisters and tongue twisters
29 – speech game “recognize by voice”

– work on the roles of the wolf cubs and Little Red Riding Hood

Improve children's skills in using glove puppets. Develop imagination, creativity, self-confidence.
– musical and speech game “Grandma and I will buy...”
dress rehearsal Develop independence, creativity, imagination. Cultivate friendly feelings, the ability to support a friend, and praise his successes. Determine the readiness of children to show a fairy tale.»
30 – rehearsal of a puppet show in the scenery - and/u "
Good words
Showing the play “Little Red Riding Hood” to parents and children of other groups.


Theater where children play. What is this phenomenon? What type of human activity can it be classified as: art or education?
The theater in which children play, like most cultural phenomena, has its roots in a syncretic, essentially primitive culture. The background to this phenomenon begins with the participation of children in various forms of theatrical and pre-theatrical performances. The ancestors of modern directors and teachers of the theater in which children perform should be recognized as the guardians of the cults of the most ancient pagan religions: elders, priests, leaders of tribal unions - in a word, all those who once guided children through the trials of the initiation rite, helping them enter into adult life and revealing the secrets of tribal culture. Summarizing the data on the participation of children in the earliest forms of development of theatrical art, we come to the conclusion that they performed primarily as a choir and as students.
The development and understanding of this phenomenon in history takes place in two main directions:
- theater in which children play as a learning and developmental environment;
- a theater in which children play, as a search for a new theatrical real aesthetics.
These two directions may seem fundamentally different. More recently, in the 80s of the twentieth century, at conferences dedicated to children's theater movement, directors and teachers convincingly argued that the goals of art and pedagogy in children's theater groups are incompatible. However, real practice, with its persistence, often refutes the most convincing theory. Children's theater groups, following very different paths, again and again try to combine the solution of pedagogical and aesthetic problems and do not want to differentiate between them. Among the groups that have been working in this direction for 16 years, the Exemplary Children and Youth Theater Studio “+” continues to operate.
Behind long years Working with children of all ages, the teachers of the theater-studio “+” have formed a very clear and specific idea of ​​​​the undoubted benefit of the theater in which children play - in the development of the child’s personality:
It has long been universally and unconditionally accepted that theater contributes to the external and internal socialization of the child, i.e. helps him enter easily teamwork, develops a sense of partnership and camaraderie, will, determination, patience and other qualities necessary for successful interaction with the environment social environment;
the theater activates and develops the intellectual and at the same time figurative and creative abilities of the child, he begins to freely fantasize both in the field of text, and in the field of spatial layout, and in the field of musical design;
theater stimulates interest in literature, children begin to read with pleasure and more meaningfully than before;
When using the dramatization method in classes in any subjects, children learn the material undeniably better for several reasons: it becomes personally significant for them, and, in addition, it is passed through motor skills, through the body, which perceives information much better than hearing alone.
Based on these undoubtedly important factors, this program was created to highlight the educational and creative process of the junior level students of the “+” theater studio.
This program is part of the educational comprehensive program of the theater studio “+” and is the first stage of training. It is aimed at solving a number of pedagogical problems related to the general processes of training, education and development, and not just the tasks of artistic pedagogy.
The “Theater in which Children Play” program is built, first of all, on teaching students self-regulation and establishing interpersonal processes. The teacher’s activities are aimed at developing voluntary attention, work mobilization, the ability to distribute responsibility, the ability to read the behavior of another person and choose the right type of behavior to solve life problems.
During the work of this program, a significant amount of creative works, but throughout the entire learning process, the teacher, first of all, faces educational, and not artistic tasks.
The program involves the rapid adaptation of newly arrived children in groups with a permanent contingent, at any time during the school year.
The specificity of theatrical art is such that the process of acquiring technical skills in speech and plasticity is long and difficult path from the creation to the embodiment of an actor’s image in a performance is simply unthinkable within the framework of exclusively collective, group activities. Working on a role is difficult, painstaking work, which requires close creative contact between the student and the teacher. That is why the acting program “Theater in which Children Play” implies the availability of individual and small-group classes on current topics. Individual work is an integral and obligatory form of work in the process of teaching a complex of theater disciplines. Each student has his own, purely personal characteristics of the physiological and mental structure, and the problems that arise at the stage of mastering the material can be different. It is impossible to slow down the learning process of the entire group as a whole due to the fact that one of the students does not master the topic right away. It is also impossible to allow students to have blind spots in the material they have covered; all problems that arise must be solved immediately, without wasting time. In this case individual work the only thing left is possible option solutions to the problem that has arisen. Classes are held once a week on topics that have caused particular difficulty for students. As practice shows, most often individual work is required in the stage speech section, as well as at the stage of working on the role. The teacher selects exercises and tasks based on specific problems and questions from a specific student.
Creating an image is a complex, painstaking process that requires close contact between the teacher and the student actor. Determining the character's character, his background, end-to-end action hero, speech and plastic special elements as means of external expression inner essence- This long haul on the way to creating a role. It is impossible to imagine this fragile process solely within group sessions. The desire to reduce all work to a purely collective nature is fraught with a lightweight, generalized, ostentatious attitude towards the role. To do this in curriculum Individual hours of work with students are provided for a more painstaking, thoughtful analysis of role-playing material. Individual work with students on stage speech is also required, since the quality of speech of studio students on stage and in life is one of the most pressing issues. problematic issues in the field of theatrical education and training of children.

Raising a child through introduction to theatrical art;
Creating a creative space in which children could organically coexist different ages;
Development creativity personality.


In education:
To raise a socially adequate personality capable of active creative collaboration;
To instill a culture of meaningful reading of literary and dramatic works;
Educate team spirit, mutual assistance and support in the group;
To develop artistic taste;
Teach students to communicate correctly with each other during rehearsals.

In development:
Develop the skill of a creative approach to working on a role;
Develop plastic and speech abilities of pupils;
Develop imagination, imagination and memory.

In training:
Teach the entire range of principles and techniques necessary to work on the role;
Involve children in theatrical art;
Expand students’ knowledge in the field of drama.
Theater is a collective art. This is a truism. And at the same time, theater is the art of individuals, an ensemble united by one common goal. This goal is usually to stage a play. It is towards achieving this goal that all efforts and all components of the creative learning process are directed. It is in this direction that the fantasy and imagination of students is rapidly developing, both in the field of creating an image and in the field of creating costumes, scenery, props, etc.


Number of hours

the date of the

Lesson equipment



Hello theater

Introductory lesson

Playful theater pedagogy

Situational mass scene “A Thousand Days and One Daughter”.

Creative interaction with a partner. Exercise "Attitude".

Conversation "On stage". Complicating circumstances.

Let's act out the sketch.

About the basics of acting

Basics of Acting

Acting Basics

Gesture, facial expressions, movement.

Creative interaction with a partner.

Pointless everyday sketch.

Sketches for movement.

Intonation, mood, character character.

Working on creating a stage image.

Practical work

Preparation and design of the performance.

Rehearsal of the play.

Preparation of posters.

Theatrical performance for elementary school students

Show of the performance.

Basics of Acting

Acting lesson to develop memory.

Role-playing game.

Communication technology in the process of human interaction.

Practical work. Lesson to develop attention.

Independent work: dialogues with a partner.

Practical work: excursion to the senior theater studio «+».

Basics theatrical activities

Speech technique, movement technique

Expressiveness of speechless human behavior.

Distribution of roles, reading by role.

Rehearsal classes on speech technique, facial and stage movements.

Selecting a work and working on it.

Competitions "Mime" and "Gait".

Work on movement techniques.

Practical work

Humorous miniatures based on the work of A.L. Barto.

Practical work: Watching a performance.

Practical work: Discussion of the performance.
