How to ask a director for a salary increase. Transfer of experience or experienced knowledge. How long before you can ask for a salary increase

In the West, periodic reminders to management about salary increases are an element of work culture. In Russia, workers who initiate conversations about raising salaries are often perceived as upstarts. But what to do if the volume of work grows, and management is in no hurry to please with the news of the increase? wages? The main thing is to control your emotions and carefully think through your argumentation.

The research center of the recruiting portal, together with the heads of domestic enterprises and organizations, found out what arguments will help achieve a salary increase, and also analyzed the most common mistakes made by employees in such a situation.

Calm and only calm
Obviously, like any important conversation, . Phrases like: “I work like a slave without lunch or weekends,” “I work alone in my department,” or “If you don’t raise your salary, I’ll quit,” most likely will not cause management to want to increase your salary. Moreover, they can lead to sad consequences, for example, delaying a long-awaited promotion or, which is also not very pleasant, ruining your business reputation.

It is important to choose the right time to talk. This should be a time period that is convenient for your manager and successful for the company (seasonal increase in sales, etc.).

But the most important thing is a clear understanding of what arguments should be given to prove that not only your personal budget, but also the company will benefit from increasing your salary.

Merits to the Fatherland
Almost every third manager (32%) is sure that only those employees who have made a personal contribution to the development and prosperity of their company deserve a salary increase. At the same time, it is important that the employee’s opinion about the significance of his own merits coincides with the point of view of his superiors. “A real increase must be based on a person’s real dedication to the cause he serves”; “If an employee documents his contribution to the development of the company, then he can apply for an increase in remuneration,” the managers explain their position.

I work like a bee
28% of managers consider new responsibilities, an increase in the amount of work and an expansion of the employee’s area of ​​responsibility as a good basis for starting a conversation about increasing wages. “If they provide me with evidence of an increase in functionality, of course, the salary will be revised upward”; “You have to pay for new responsibilities in new ways,” they comment.

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes
Advanced training, mastering new computer programs acquired in the process professional activity knowledge and experience - the presence of such baggage allows you to declare yourself as a more qualified, and therefore more expensive, specialist. 17% of managers are sure of this: “Time passes, and the employee becomes more experienced”; “The knowledge acquired during work is a powerful argument.”

Pro with character
Personal qualities such as determination and perseverance, combined with professionalism, are a serious requirement for success. It is not a sin for such a specialist to increase his salary, say 9% of managers. “If he convinces me, then his work is worth something”; “I love people who adequately evaluate themselves,” they comment.

Homemade preparations
And finally - important point: in order for a conversation with management about increasing your salary to be successful, all the arguments that you plan to present to management during the conversation should be written down on a separate sheet of paper or in a notebook, highlighting the most important ones - this will make it easier to cope with anxiety and competently build a dialogue . The “cheat sheet” should also contain your initial and expanded functionality and the amount of your desired salary. If you strongly doubt your readiness for a conversation, rehearse the conversation with your boss at home in front of the mirror.

But don't expect a salary increase if you:

- did not present serious arguments - in other words, you yourself do not fully understand or cannot formulate why you should increase your salary;

- they chose the wrong time - the conversation took place at the wrong time (seasonal decline in sales, the manager is very busy, etc.);

- overestimated their importance - it is unlikely that the manager will be pleased with inflated salary expectations without good reason;

- do not have tangible achievements - unsatisfactory work results, failure to fulfill the plan;

- not confident in their abilities - a pessimistic and pitiful tone is not at all what your manager wants to hear;

- you use blackmail - the ultimatum nature of the request or the threat of dismissal will only set the boss against you;

- refer to your colleagues - comparing your salary with the salaries of your colleagues, as well as complaints about their allegedly dishonest work, is not an argument for increasing your salary;

- show excessive persistence - the manager may get the impression that you are not interested in anything else in the company except your salary.

What do the numbers say?
51% of employed Russians have had a conversation with their manager about a salary increase at least once. It is interesting that among the “petitioners” more men(57% versus 45% among women), however, women ask for raises more effectively - 32% of the fairer sex achieve a salary increase in the desired amount (versus 29% among men).

Therefore, if you think that you are underpaid, you should not wait for the weather by the sea. It's better to go straight to your boss and talk to him about the need for corrections in the staffing table.

My light, mirror, tell me...

Of course, it seems to you that your hard work, business acumen, responsibility and enthusiasm cannot be ignored. But, alas, among bosses there are slow-witted types, and therefore your boss may sincerely consider you a completely mediocre employee who deserves an equally mediocre salary. And in response to a request to finally increase your salary, the boss will look sternly from under his glasses and ask why you suddenly considered yourself worthy of such “exorbitant big money, which will place an unbearable burden on the company’s budget.”

Don't be intimidated by such questions - all bosses ask them in one form or another, without exception, so think about your answer in advance. An argument in your favor could be overtime work, which you perform due to the constant absence of your sick colleague, or the high degree of responsibility that management has generously endowed you with. Perhaps you constantly have to train young employees, or the volume of your work has increased significantly after reducing the company's staff.

It’s not bad if you have some skills behind your back that your colleagues lack - for example, you are a master of foreign language, have completed advanced training courses or have extensive work experience. All this knowledge must be paid for.

Well, if you have a rough idea of ​​how much specialists of your level are paid in other companies, it may turn out that after you acquire this valuable information, the desire to ask for a salary increase will disappear by itself. Or, on the contrary, you will once again be convinced that you are not driven by extreme greed, but by the desire to restore justice.

When presenting all your thoughts to your boss, the most compelling argument should be saved until the end of the conversation. Psychologists are sure that a person remembers best what was said at the end of the conversation.

When talking to your boss, try not to repeat what has already been said several times. It may seem to you that your boss lacks intelligence, but it is unlikely that the boss will like such tediousness.

Don't miss the moment!

Choosing the right time to negotiate with your superiors is half the success. The best time is right after you have completed difficult task or have done a lot of work.

You should not come with your request when the boss is up to his ears with work: your arguments will be difficult to accept. And, of course, you should not start a conversation about raising your salary in the presence of other employees who receive the same money: even if the boss is ready to increase your salary, he may not do so, fearing a crowd of visitors with similar requests.

It is unnecessary to warn that you should not start a conversation about raising your salary if your company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and it is even more foolish to count on an increase in such a situation.

Blackmail is appropriate

If in response to all your arguments you only hear indistinct muttering about the difficult situation of the company and the need to save, you can try to intimidate your boss with a resignation letter. Sometimes this works, because if you are a truly valuable employee, it will not be easy for management to come to terms with your dismissal.

However, you can only resort to blackmail if you really have somewhere to go. For some managers, such talk acts like a red rag to a bull, and therefore this argument should be used in last resort, otherwise you risk actually staying on the street.

Taboo topics

When talking about a salary increase, you can make several serious mistakes that can ruin all your efforts.

Don't make vague arguments. For example, the phrase: “I sit in the office until nightfall every day” can mean both an abundance of work and the fact that you don’t have enough workday to master a new “shooter” or “adventure game.” Therefore, it is better to talk about what specific benefits you have brought to the company recently.

There is no need to refer to colleagues who earn more than you. Firstly, it is likely that the large salary of your colleagues is a reward for some merits that you are not aware of, and besides, any boss does not like it when his subordinates gossip about each other’s salaries.

Try to speak in a firm voice, avoid pleading intonations and stories about how bad life is for your hungry relatives without your financial support. In the end, you are not asking for alms, but selling your labor, and besides, it is a rare boss who is distinguished by increased compassion for the relatives of his subordinates.

Don't be greedy. There is no need to try to immediately get yourself a triple salary increase. Slightly stunned by the number you mentioned, the boss will certainly begin to show stinginess. It is much smarter to ask for money regularly - every two or three years, but little by little.

If, despite all your efforts, the order to increase the salary has not been signed, be sure to inquire about the reason for the refusal. Perhaps the boss will explain what needs to be done in order for your salary to increase, and will make a new meeting for you.

Scientists from the United States have calculated the best time to ask for a salary increase is Wednesday of every week. On Wednesday afternoon, four out of five bosses prefer to discuss salaries, according to British psychologists who surveyed 1,500 managers. The study was aimed at identifying patterns in the thinking of company leaders and yielded unexpected results. “Emotionally, a leader’s week is divided into repeating patterns, since the whole week is a series of meetings replacing one another. Their thoughts and patterns are easy to learn and can be used to your advantage,” said one of the experts. According to him, Thursday - good time to offer original idea, and on Friday it’s easiest to ask for time off early, since the bosses are most relaxed due to the end of the work week.

And European sociologists have established the time of day when it is best to ask your boss for a salary increase or promotion. It's one o'clock in the afternoon. It is at this point in the work cycle that management is at its most positive mood to satisfy the requests of subordinates. And the most critical moment is three o'clock in the afternoon. “Each cycle of biorhythms is regulated by the brain, and it is on these cycles that a person’s psychological and physical state depends,” said research director Evie Bentley. “That is why taking into account natural emotional peaks and the natural schedule of changes in a person’s mood can help achieve greater success in his personal life and professional career,” she noted.

Many employers like to talk about salary increases in the future. But in practice, they prefer to avoid this issue, citing a difficult period in the company’s work or promising to consider the request tomorrow (next week, next year). Let's try to understand how to ask for a salary increase from management and whether this will be of any use.

Is it worth asking for a salary increase?

You have been working in a company for several years, your employees respect you, you cope with your responsibilities, and your bosses praise you? It makes sense to ask for a salary increase, otherwise management will happily limit itself to only verbal gratitude and a handshake. There are many reasons that may motivate you to ask for a salary increase. But many people are constrained by fear of rejection, modesty or shyness. What to do in this case?

Any request must be supported by arguments, especially if it concerns management. It is necessary to explain why you now need to increase your salary if you were satisfied with everything before.

Low salary. This argument can be made if your work in the labor market is valued higher than in your company. Perhaps, at the time you got a job, your wages corresponded to the market wage, but now they have begun to “lag behind” it.

There is one caveat to this argument - the employer may offer you to familiarize yourself with the market salary, so bluff in this case Not recommended.

How to properly ask for a salary increase

New skills. When you came to work, you knew only a few programs, now your knowledge has expanded. You have mastered the language perfectly, you can translate documents without the help of a dictionary or online translator, and you have also learned to type at high speed. All these achievements can and should be voiced as arguments when they help you do your work better - faster, better, or to a greater extent.

If your productivity has not changed, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve anything. The manager cares about the result, but how you achieve it is not important to him, because it was for the result that he assigned your salary.

How long before you can ask for a salary increase?

Significant experience. Extensive work experience with excellent performance of one's duties may result in a salary increase. If you are sure that your bosses value you and your work. A person who has been sitting for a long time and suddenly starts talking about a promotion looks strange. Whatever the answer, know that significant experience will be a huge bonus if you decide to change jobs.

Competition. If you have been offered a position at another company, but want to stay at your current one, it makes sense to ask for a salary increase. In this case, it all depends on how indispensable you are in the company. A good specialist will be forgiven for possible betrayal and will turn a blind eye to some kind of blackmail. Otherwise, suggest trying your luck at the other company you're talking about. In this case, you have nothing to lose, but if you still have doubts, it is better to be careful.

Thinking about how to ask for a salary increase from management if there are a number of arguments that definitely will not bring the desired result. We believe that they should never be voiced, even if it is true.

How much to ask for a salary increase

Comparing your salary with a colleague's salary. Most likely, you will be told that the work you do is different, and the results are different. In addition, comparing yourself to other people can characterize you unfavorably. After all, you don’t know what the relationship is between your boss and your colleague.

A story about taking out a loan, lack of money, etc.. Pressing for pity is the last thing, especially since compassionate and very sensitive people rarely occupy leadership positions. The boss can reasonably object that he did not force him to take out the loan, and he is not involved in charity work.

Inflation. The company also operates in an inflationary environment. Therefore, you will most likely be sent to complain to the Ministry of Finance.

You need to negotiate for a salary increase, not beg. As is known, without preliminary preparation and no action plan is being negotiated.

First of all, find out how often wages are increased at the company, by how much, for what, and whether such cases ever happened. This data will help you find suitable arguments. It is also necessary to find out who decides the issue of salary increases.

In small private companies, salaries are handled directly by the boss, but in large companies, most likely, you will have to pass the request through management to higher authorities. In this case, you will have to rely not so much on your eloquence as on the diplomacy of your boss.

What day to ask for a salary increase

It is important to choose the right time, so On Monday morning and Friday evening it is better not to start talking about salary. Choose a moment when the company is doing well, or when a project in which you were involved was successfully completed. In such a situation, your chances of achieving what you want are much higher. You should not choose a period when the company is “broke” or has arrived tax office with verification.

No matter how convincing your arguments are, it is unlikely that the manager will immediately answer you in the affirmative. Then how to ask for a salary increase from management? Most likely, you will have to remember all the techniques for convincing clients in order to achieve the desired result. If the boss refers to a lack of time and suggests discussing this issue later, then clarify exactly when you will come. You shouldn’t demand an exact answer; let the person think. There is no point in hoping and waiting that he will remember on his own - be sure to come at the appointed time and ask about the decision.

If in response to your request there was a refusal, don’t take it to heart. Explaining the rejection can motivate you to work harder, at least you'll know what to rely on next time. Perhaps a refusal will be a reason for you to think about a new place of work, where your work will be more highly valued.

Let's look at two typical situations faced by people who want to ask for a salary increase.

Option 1. A person performs routine, monotonous work, does it well, but does not have the opportunity to do anything beyond the norm to show an outstanding result.

Head Nadezhda Lyakhovskaya commented on this situation. She argues that a salary increase in this situation is possible if the employee performs his functions well and has been working without a salary increase for several years. Over these few years, requests from applicants for your position have increased. Therefore, you have every chance of getting a positive answer from the director. Since the work itself is routine, focused on the process, not the result, your arguments need to emphasize your role in the work of the company, the achievements of your department, etc. Don't forget to add that you want to grow and develop for the benefit of the company.

Option 2. In addition to all the work, the employee is burdened with many functions that were not specified in the contract. He completes all his tasks on time and efficiently. How to ask for a salary increase in this case?

It would seem that in this situation there should be no questions, but this is not at all the case. How to ask for a salary increase from management, because during the crisis, many companies have reduced the number of employees, dividing their functions among the remaining ones. This also happens on large enterprises, and there’s nothing to say about the small ones. Speaking of salary, ask to include all functions in the contract or exclude them.

The main thing is to do without whining, blackmail and complaints about hard life. The Secret asked bosses and recruiters how to get promoted career ladder, and publishes the best tips.

Alena Vladimirskaya

Head of the Anti-Slavery Project

First, never justify your request for a raise with personal reasons! “My son was born”, “I have a mortgage”, “they haven’t raised it for a long time” - no one cares about this. Secondly, never mention general economic reasons in a conversation with your boss - for example, inflation or the dollar exchange rate. It’s better to give your boss two or three personal achievements that were reflected in the company’s income. Before meeting with him, quantify all your results for the last one or two years based on what important you have done for the business. And find out how much it costs now open market your position with similar work experience. Salary reviews that are regularly published will help with this. recruitment agencies. With these two arguments - achievements and market value of the position - come to the manager.

Anna Chukseeva

Chief editor of the site

In my experience, employees tend to be promoted for either professionalism or loyalty. I had stellar subordinates who worked exclusively on their resume. And it's a worthy career strategy. But as a boss, I understood that they were, in essence, selling themselves rather than devoting themselves to the task. As a rule, such people know perfectly well why they are fulfilling and exceeding the plan, and are the first to start talking about a promotion. They bring profit to the business - and that's great! But their loyalty within the company is low: as soon as the opportunity arises, they will run away to another employer. Therefore, it is illogical to promote and reward stars. Most employers are impressed by team players who are genuinely involved in business processes. In my opinion, these are the ones that are important to invest in. They must have the opportunity to develop. They may not yet have all the necessary competencies, but they are motivated to obtain them and benefit the company. At the end of that year I had to evaluate two project managers. The first portfolio was perfect. He always met KPIs. But I also saw that the person always left the office on time and devoted a lot of time to his hobbies. His colleague made more mistakes, but his rate of professional growth was higher. He communicated a lot with other departments, tried to learn more about the business as a whole, asked me, as a manager, interesting and non-trivial questions, strived to gain new competencies, and sometimes put work interests above personal ones. That's why in the reviews I highlighted the second one more than the first one. Although, according to formal signs, it should have done the opposite.

Kirill Krasnov

Director of the R2 business development system, Rybakov Fund

Management promotes those it trusts. When a subordinate comes to the boss and asks him for a promotion up the career ladder, this is obviously a losing situation. It is better when an employee shows his intentions not by word, but by deed: he takes responsibility, drives processes, and does more than his duties imply. I've met people with five higher education, who came to the company with pathos, promising mountains of gold for cosmic conditions on the part of the employer, and nothing good came of it. And there were specialists who simply started doing great work, and positions and privileges were not long in coming. Career growth is always a matter of priorities: either a person is chasing money, or he wants to become a highly paid professional who is respected, appreciated and from whom they want to learn.

Oleg Ryazhenov-Sims

Project Manager “Conscience” of the QIWI payment service

If you think you really deserve a promotion, say so. It’s a difficult conversation to have, but you’re working for your future, so get it together. You should not start a conversation with your superiors with grievances and personal sadness. I also recommend avoiding ultimatums and threats “if you don’t promote me, I’ll leave” in such dialogues. Come with achievements and suggestions. Justify the reason for your growth, tying it to the benefits for the company.

Alexander Sinerkin

Owner of the furniture factory "Fort"

In our company, promotion is given to those who show initiative. Every employee knows that at any moment he can come up to me and ask how he can increase his salary. What I value most in employees is ambition, drive and energy. I am always ready to help with a promotion. We sit down with the candidate and make a plan. If this is a sales manager, we increase the number of calls, trips, and meetings for him. If it’s a workshop worker, we increase the workload in hours and offer new tasks. After a while we will summarize. If I see that an employee is coping, I add more responsibility. For him, this period is a test of strength. He must show his best because he wants to get what he doesn't have. Additionally, I always recommend books for self-development: on time management, productivity, management, leadership. It is important for me that a person who wants to develop in my business is a versatile, purposeful person who knows how to think outside the box. These are the people who increase business profits.

Evgeniy Potapov

General Director of ITSumma

For a long time, within the company we maintained a “flat” organizational structure. New employees usually came with expectations of career growth and consistent salary increases. And we explained that already initial stage We pay the maximum possible. But then they changed the rules. People need raises. It is important for them to understand that they are moving in the right direction and doing good work. When we realized this, we began to introduce different levels specialists and lead employees from minimum wage to maximum. We have two types of promotions. The first is when a new employee Good work they promote him in categories, positions, and give him the most interesting tasks and projects. The second is when an employee begins to do some special things and it becomes clear that he can be more than an ordinary employee. But there is another problem. In that crisis, when there were more than 20 people, we came to the understanding that managers were needed. And they fell into the classic trap: they made managers of employees who work well in their position as a performer. Of course, you can’t do this, despite the fact that the first thought that arises in your head is: he helps so well, he works well, which means he can also help manage other people. An employee does not have to be a good specialist to become a good manager; you need to pay attention to this and transfer him to positions. With the people we made managers, a lot has changed. For example, one was the head of system administrators - at first he simply worked with them as equals, a few years later he understood what it was to manage, he became interested in it, and he became a manager again. We promoted another to executive director, he worked a lot and did a lot himself, burned out and left us for a year, and then returned as a simple executive - he’s working great now.

Igor Shulinin

Director of the Russian division of the Workki coworking network

Cover photo: Twentieth Century Fox CIS

To get a salary increase, prepare mentally, think through successful arguments, choose a convenient moment and place for negotiations. Show your manager your importance, but do not resort to banal blackmail. If you receive a refusal, find out when you can return to the issue of reviewing your salary, and what you need to do to get a raise in the future. Experts advise taking the extreme step - dismissal - when all options have been tried, and the income remains at the same level.

If the range of responsibilities is constantly expanding, the number of subordinates is increasing, and the tasks are becoming more complex, it’s time to ask for a salary increase. But what if your boss doesn’t notice or pretends not to see your achievements? How to decide to approach the boss? What arguments can you give to avoid getting rejected? There are many techniques for conducting successful negotiations. But not all of them are effective for the boss to make a positive decision regarding the increase in the subordinate’s salary. Therefore, we will figure out how to ask for a salary increase from management, what arguments will definitely make the boss think about reconsidering the motivation of a valuable employee.

Even if you have been thinking about the idea of ​​an increase in earnings for several days, weeks and even months, believe me, you are not ready for negotiations. Experts advise on preparatory stage think over a few important nuances.

The right time to negotiate

Experts advise starting a conversation about increasing your earnings no earlier than six months after starting work at the company. This period is a confirmation that the employee intends to continue working and not leave the company at the first problems.

Note! More than half of the directors classify employees as permanent no earlier than after a year of work.

You can talk about a new increase six months after the last increase.

Bad time for negotiations:

  • immediately after making a serious mistake at work - wait until the situation changes in your favor;
  • a period of sales decline or failure of serious projects;
  • during problems at the company. Inspections, litigation, accidents or accidents at work do not help improve the boss’s mood.

The best time for negotiations is the afternoon, when all urgent issues have been resolved and the boss is in good location after a hearty lunch.

Choose a place for negotiations

Talking on the go will not give the desired results. It will not be possible to conduct full-fledged negotiations between the cases.

Not best idea is considered a request during corporate party. The boss, despite great mood, is not inclined to resolve work issues in such situations.

During a joint business trip or business lunch, it also makes no sense to start a conversation. Even if the boss promises to consider your arguments, you will have to return to the conversation again later.

The ideal place is the manager's office. Here the boss is on his territory, so the negotiations will be most productive.

Determine your value to the company

The value of an employee consists of three main components:

  • real significance for the work of the company;
  • employee potential;
  • average cost specialists of a similar profile in the labor market.

Analyze all the components, answer the question why the manager should raise your salary, support your arguments with numbers and documents.

Designate the promotion level

Be extremely objective. Coaching experts advise targeting a 10-15% increase. It is possible to receive a 30% increase if the level of earnings in the market has increased significantly, or salaries in the company have not been revised for a long period.

Also decide which part of the salary will be discussed: salary or bonus part. Management is not always ready to revise the basic part of employee remuneration, as they are afraid that they will have to increase the salaries of other employees. But they go to increase the premium part much more often.

Common mistakes

If you don’t know how to justify your request, formulate why your salary should be increased, you shouldn’t even start a conversation. The manager will not spend extra money even if you overestimate your importance or express yourself in a pessimistic and pitiful tone.

But there are a number of arguments that experts do not recommend resorting to under any circumstances:

  1. “I work until 10 pm and on weekends; I haven’t been on vacation for 2 years.” If you do not have time to complete your workload in the allotted time, this is not a reason for a salary increase.
  2. “My colleagues got their salaries raised last month.” Such an argument will only cause irritation. The management apparently had grounds for revising remuneration for other employees, which does not necessarily have to apply to the entire team.
  3. “If you don’t raise my salary, I’ll quit.” You can resort to the blackmail method only if you are an irreplaceable employee or are really ready to leave the company and have already prepared a letter of resignation.

Remember that excessive persistence can cause complications in your relationship with your boss. The boss will not tolerate regular reminders about the level of remuneration after each successful step.

Don't leave without a clear answer

Experienced leaders are great at avoiding direct answers. Postponement of negotiations, a request to show your abilities, a reference to a superior - all these are manipulations.

Don't leave until you get a clear answer to your question. Even if on this moment the boss is not ready to answer “Yes”, clarify what needs to be done to ensure the answer is positive. Or suggest what personal responsibilities you are willing to take on in order to get a raise.

A clear example of how you can take the initiative into your own hands is in the video:

Advice! If you are not confident in your negotiation abilities or you know that the boss will definitely avoid answering, write official letter to the manager, where you state your request and justify the requirement. The manager will be obliged to give a reasoned answer to such an appeal.

After negotiations

If the negotiations end with your request being granted, congratulations! But this does not mean that you can calm down and continue to go with the flow. A new salary implies greater responsibility or an increased amount of work. At any time, the decision to increase can be canceled, especially if the increase concerns the bonus part.

You will have to work hard if the manager promised an increase under certain conditions. Everything is in your hands here.

But even if you receive a negative answer, you should not give up. The company may not be doing well right now. financial situation, and the budget does not allow increasing wages. Remember that negotiating a salary increase is a game and you can always make a new move. The main thing is that the boss remembers that you adequately value your work and apply for a higher reward. Often, when the situation changes, it is these employees who are the first to receive increases, even without an additional reminder.

But if for a long time, despite inflation, wage growth at similar enterprises, personal professional growth and no comments from management, your income remains at the same level, it’s time to think about changing jobs.

Or choose a job where income depends on the abilities of the employee himself, his ambitions, for example, in.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in the production sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
November 26, 2018.