Character history. Character history Patrick the starfish

Patrick doesn't work and spends most time to sleep or play with SpongeBob. He has a very high aspirations in life, SpongeBob once convinced him that some of his goals ("I want to defeat the big ape and save the 9th dimension!") were too difficult given his abilities.

Patrick's behavior is childish, nevertheless, like SpongeBob, he is proud of his imaginary “masculinity”. Like his friend, he enjoys things considered "childish", such as lollipops and homemade cookies. Although Patrick is kind and friendly, when he gets angry, he goes into a rage and sometimes attacks others (for example, in the episode "Valentine's Day").

Patrick's body is the cause of much controversy. He himself stated many times that he was deprived of fingers, nose and ears, but this is not true. It is also known that Patrick cannot detect sound. In one of the episodes, his nose appears and the hero begins to smell. However, the unpleasant odors irritate Patrick very much, as a result of which he begins to eliminate them. Thus, Patrick's nose caused a lot of inconvenience to the city and by the end of the series the hero returns to his original state.

Patrick's character is similar to that of a monkey, he always follows his impulse, listens to SpongeBob, his shallow humor is similar to some of Leslie Nielsen's jokes in the films "The Naked Gun" and others.

Patrick's house

Patrick lives under a big rock, across

  • Sometimes Patrick comes up with such brilliant ideas and thoughts that they overshadow the rest of the minds of the underwater inhabitants.
  • Patrick is the main attraction of this series. In fact main character Patrick Star here
  • Patrick Star- hero of the cartoon "SpongeBob" Square Pants", stupid buddy.

    Patrick is a pink, plump star with one tooth, wearing green flowered shorts. He was born on May 1, 1986, on the ocean floor in Bikini Bottom.

    The star is the bosom friend and neighbor of the eccentric sponge SpongeBob, with whom he enjoys catching jellyfish, blowing bubbles and watching the show “The Adventures of the Sea Superman and the Barnacle Boy.”

    All Patrick does is play with a sponge and sleep, being the laziest resident of Bikini Bottom. Otherwise, he is an unemployed lazy person who doesn’t know how to do anything, takes the simplest positions, gets a job and eats at 3 am. His behavior is similar to that of a child who is happy simple things lollipops, cookies. He always relies on his impulses and listens to Bob without having any brains of his own. When Patrick starts to think, his brain starts to smoke.

    Despite the lack of a brain, the star often manages to get his friend into trouble.

    Unlike Sponge, the hero is a wonderful driver.

    The character lives under a rock on which a weather vane is installed, next to SpongeBob and. The star's home has a TV and an armchair, top floor, below is the bathroom, living room, kitchen, and even lower is the basement. Since there is no bedroom, Patrick sleeps on the sofa, drooling.

    From the animated series of the same name. This is a starfish whose mental abilities (or rather lack thereof) set her apart from other heroes. Patrick lives in Bikini Bottom and becomes SpongeBob's frequent companion on adventures. Infantility, spontaneity and unpredictability made Patrick a favorite character of children and adults.

    History of character creation

    Stephen Hillenburg, the author of the cartoon about the underwater inhabitants of the seabed, drew inspiration from the profession to which he devoted his life. As an oceanologist, he noticed many ambiguous nuances and features. Dreaming of creative fulfillment, the scientist set himself a new goal.

    After taking animation courses, Hillenburg decided to capture everything he had encountered throughout his career. He started drawing characters and then coming up with ideas for them. funny stories and stories. I added humor and irony, a bit of fantasy and a non-trivial view of things. This is how the animated series “SpongeBob” appeared on television.

    To devote himself to a project in which he saw a future, Hillenburg left the institute where he led teaching activities, and took up animation in earnest. The first episode of SpongeBob aired on television in 1999. The cartoon was broadcast for children entertainment channel"Nickelodeon" famous for projects"Hey, Arnold!" and "Catdog". Now the children's series has 12 seasons, in each of which a fat character invariably appears pink character– Patrick Star.

    The author assures that Patrick, like the other heroes of the project, was created with a focus on Hillenburg’s relatives and friends. He - collective image everyone who manages to get their friends into trouble and prefers childish behavior. A stupid starfish in Hawaiian shorts is the embodiment of superficial thinking, idleness and laziness.

    Animated series

    Patrick Star is SpongeBob's naive neighbor. His house is located under a brownstone on Conch Street, and an octopus lives in the adjacent apartment. Patrick doesn't need furniture. He prefers to lie flat in inaction, and the absence of everything justifies his chosen lifestyle and species affiliation.

    The main characters of the cartoon "Spangle Bob"

    It is curious that from episode to episode the hero’s home changes, gaining or losing floors. The character has a sister named Sam, but she only appears a few times. The hero also has parents, but he doesn’t remember their faces well.

    Patrick was born in 1986, and now does not go to school or work. He spends his time idly playing with SpongeBob or sleeping. The star loves to play the fool and gets carried away with unimaginable nonsense. Patrick's body is a separate subject for discussion. He has no hair, ears or fingers, although the latter sometimes appear in the frame. One day he acquired a nose that could distinguish clean from dirty. Another similar series dealt with the appearance of ears.

    The hero loves to catch jellyfish and inflate bubble and watch a show about the adventures of Sea Superman and Barnacle Boy. Despite his lack of intelligence, Patrick has become an excellent driver and is superior to Sponge in this regard. Despite his friend's stupid behavior, SpongeBob trusts him and comes to consult difficult situations, supports his initiatives, although the ideas have no prospects. Together with the starfish, Sponge goes to visit Sandy the Squirrel and indulges in a variety of fun.

    Interestingly, Patrick is one of the characters who has the least contact with . He doesn't work at his diner like the main characters do, and he doesn't interact with him in the background. Patrick plays the role of a simpleton, representing the usual type of “happy fat man.”

    At the right moments, his intelligence and non-trivial abilities, which the situation requires, awaken in him, and the star becomes a hero. But most of the time he is a parasite and a simpleton.

    • There are 1,600 species of starfish in nature. When working on Patrick's physique, Hillenburg took into account the characteristics of the typical subspecies of these sea creatures. As you know, starfish have two stomachs, and this is how the author explains the hero’s amazing appetite. By the way, these creatures are cannibals; they feed on their own kind.

    • Patrick lives independent life and prefers to do without pets.
    • The character is dedicated to manga of the yaoi genre, an impressive number of photos, art fanfictions and original fan videos created by fans of the character.
    • Patrick met with a ghost ship called " Flying Dutchman"and saw the pirates whose souls live on it.

    Patrick Star in Minecraft
    • The hero image is used in computer games, including in the popular Minecraft project.
    • In the Russian dubbing, artist Yuri Malyarov gave his voice to Patrick.


    “I can’t hear you, it’s too dark in here...”
    “Patrick, good idea!
    - This is my calling.
    - What? Any good ideas?
    “No, call me Patrick.”
    “He left for another world.
    “And I thought he died!”