Research work “Problems of youth in modern Russian literature” (based on the work of T. Mikheeva “Don’t betray me”). The problem of youth in modern literature The influence of modern literature on youth

The problem of youth in modern literature

The poison of the criminal world is incredibly terrible. Poisoning with this poison is the corruption of everything human in a person. Everyone who comes into contact with this world breathes this foul breath.

Varlam Shalamov.

We know what it means to be decent in the army. Many guys broke down morally after service, especially the intelligent ones.

From a letter to a newspaper.

“I’m sixteen, I embrace the world lovingly...” wrote the young Volgograd poet, who tragically died at the age of 18. I, too, will soon be 18. Sometimes I feel the immensity of vitality, causeless cheerfulness and love for the whole world. Why worry when everything is going well in life? Why is it that sometimes a cruel melancholy overwhelms me, nothing makes me happy, life seems meaningless? I noticed that most often this happens when, in reality or in art, I encounter phenomena of injustice, cruelty, and inhumanity that are new to me.

How do most of my peers spend their time? They drive motorcycles until they are stupefied, preventing residents from resting, wandering around the streets, looking for a place to drink, or having fun with fights and outrages at discos. It’s interesting that many of my comrades don’t even think about helping their parents. Sometimes I don’t even have anything to talk about with those with whom I belong to the same generation. But what amazes me most is the cruelty of boys and girls. To everyone: To parents who are not pitied at all; to teachers who are driven to illness; to the weak, who can be bullied endlessly; to animals.

I have thought a lot about where cruelty comes from and why it so often triumphs. Of course, there are many reasons: the wars and revolution of this century, Stalin’s camps, through which almost half the country passed through, widespread drunkenness and fatherlessness, even the fact that the school gives C grades for nothing, allowing you to do nothing. And in recent years, when facts of abuse by the authorities became clear, many of us completely lost faith.

But in this essay I would like to talk about two phenomena and times in our society that give rise to cruelty. A lot of people go through the colony, and almost all through the army. There are two works of modern literature about the zone and the army.

Leonid Gabyshev's novel "Odlyan, or the Air of Freedom" is a story about a teenager, later a young man, Kolya, nicknamed first Flounder, then Eye, later Cunning Eye. In short, this is a story about a world dominated by complete humiliation and violence. “It became unbearable for the eye. The vice squeezed the hand so much that it bent in half: the little finger touched the index finger. It seemed that the hand would break, but the flexible bones held out.

Eye, come on, smile. And know: I will slowly squeeze until the bones crack or until you confess.

Okay, Eye, that's enough for now. In the evening we will go with you to the firehouse. I’ll put your hand, your right hand, into the firebox and we’ll wait until you confess.”

The worst thing is that, at the request of the zone manager (in this case Kamani), Kolya himself puts his hand in a vice or exposes his head to a blow. Otherwise it will be even worse. You read the novel and understand: a person ends up in a colony, and society stops protecting him. The camp authorities pretend not to notice anything. No, worse, he deliberately uses some of the prisoners (the so-called horns and thieves), who are given benefits and concessions, so that they keep everyone else in order." And the convicts in charge know how to restore order... There are many scenes confirming what has been said in the novel Here is one: Kolya’s first days in the zone. Major, nicknamed Ryabchik, checks his duty. He asks the guy:

Have you registered?

Kolya was silent. The guys smiled.

“We did it, Comrade Major,” answered the gypsy.

Did you get the pins?

“I got it,” Kolya answered now.

What nickname did you give?

“Flounder,” answered Misha.

What the major smiled at with the prisoners, registration and kirkkas, was a brutal beating and humiliation, but the people assigned to monitor the correction of prisoners take this for granted.

A significant part of the novel consists of similar episodes. Well, perhaps, thanks to the writer, not only the Cunning Eye, but also the reader understands what freedom is.

Sergei Kaledin's story "Stroibat" shows several days in the life of military builders who perform the "honorable duty of Soviet citizens." This is a prefabricated part, a kind of dump, where the “filth” from many construction battalions was collected. Therefore, the morals here are not so different from the zone, and the interests are the same. “In short, we were going to hell, but ended up in heaven. Here is the gate, and on the right, two hundred meters away, is a store. And in the store there is Moldovan powder, seventeen degrees, two twenty liters. Since ten in the morning. Raspberry!”

The law is here: the powerful are always to blame for the powerless! The strong are grandfathers, the weak are salabons. It would seem that the difference is small: he came to the service a year earlier. But it's like skin color or tongue. Grandfathers may not work, get drunk, or bully first-year children. They must endure everything. Moreover, being separate bosses, the grandfathers give orders like slave owners. “At first, Zhenka decided to give Egorka and Maksimka to Kostya, but then he changed his mind - these two are just plowmen for him. Egorka, in addition to his main work, takes care of Zhenka and Misha Popov: make up the bed, bring rations from the canteen, do small laundry, and Maksimka - Kolya, Edik and Stary." The elders also quickly put things in order here: “Zhenka treated Yegorka right away, he barely struggled. A couple of times he bled him lightly, and for some reason the Chuchmeks are afraid of their own blood. And... I tinkered with Maksimka a little longer...”

The story more than once describes how soldiers drink or inject drugs. The central scene is a grandiose fight between companies. After all the terrible bullying, the characterization of Kostya Karamychev is perceived. For the last eight months he had been working as a loader at a bakery and stealing what he could. He “didn’t dry out” from drunkenness. When, “completely out of luck,” he was caught, company commander Doschinin “offered Kostya a choice: either he starts a case, or Kostya urgently cleans... all four detachment toilets.” He chose the latter, taking, of course, young assistants. During demobilization, this commander gave Kostya the following characterization: “During his service... private Karamychev K.M. proved himself to be an proactive warrior who fulfilled all statutory requirements... morally stable... The characterization was given for presentation to Moscow University ". Well, the intellectual is ready. Lawlessness, as the prisoners say. Now they are preparing military reform. I'm afraid, however, that my peers will not have time to use it. Perhaps soon I too will have to go to serve. Do you really have to live with guys who have no human feelings for two years? No, I'm not afraid of physical deprivation. As the saying goes: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Both works have been read. They are not very artistic, there are errors against the style and laws of literature. But there are no errors in them against the truth. You trust the writers. And you also believe that if we really want to, there will be less cruelty.


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“Problems of youth in modern Russian literature” (based on the work of T.V. Mikheeva “Don’t betray me!”)


In the adult world, it is generally accepted that childhood should be happy. However, in life we ​​have to observe episodes that are very far from well-being and happiness. I seriously thought about the problem of my peers when I read T. Mikheeva’s youth story “Don’t betray me!” Of course, in modern society this topic regarding the problems of adolescents is not new. Now it seems to me especially relevant. It is raised on television, on the radio, and in newspaper publications. The interest of writers in the “teenage” topic is due, first of all, to the opening opportunity to explore the initial, complex and dramatic process of the formation of a person, his worldview, and the ethical foundations of personality. The image of a teenager in literature is shown in dynamics: the moral and ethical content and the way of characterizing the hero change.

An object – youth story by T. Mikheeva “Don’t betray me!”

Item – problems of the heroes of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!” and teenagers in our group.

Relevance of this work lies in the significance of teenage problems. Young people are often prone to inadequate self-esteem: to overestimate or underestimate it. Both interfere with the normal formation of personality and the development of correct life ideas. Literature that truthfully depicts the life of young people with all its difficulties meets the need of adolescents to read “about themselves”, to look at themselves from the outside.

The purpose of this work : to identify the range of problems of adolescents reflected in modern literature (using the example of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”) and in life.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of specific tasks:Tasks:

    study the characters of the story’s heroes, the motives of their actions;

    identify complex situations in the world of the characters in the story and the reasons for their occurrence;

    conduct a survey in group 5PNG52 to identify the range of problems of adolescents;

    analyze profiles of group students;

    summarize the problems in the lives of teenagers and draw conclusions.

Research hypothesis : I assume that the external and internal problems of modern teenagers, illuminated in the work of writer T.V. Mikheeva, truthfully reflect the experiences of growing children, which explains the popularity of the story “Don’t Betray Me!” among readers. Scientific novelty The work is due to the fact that the phenomenon under study has not previously been the subject of special study by literary critics, since the work of Tamara Mikheeva, a modern writer, has been little studied; in critical literature it is reviewed only briefly. Practical significance The work is determined by the possibility of using its results in the study of modern Russian literature. The research materials can have practical value in teaching literature and can be used as didactic material in lessons and extracurricular activities.

Research methods : analysis of specialized literature on the topic of work, descriptive method, comparison and contrast method, questionnaire.

    Review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology

Let us begin our review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology with the characteristics of adolescence in general. This period is complex and contradictory. Difficulties and questions arise for both adults and adolescents themselves. It would be easier to get through this time if the parents remembered themselves at this age, as well as the problems that they had to solve. “The most important function of parents in adolescence is to help the child solve complex life problems, inform, explain, and assist in the formation of an assessment of various aspects of life.”

It is quite obvious that warm, trusting relationships in the family are a guarantee of a normal life, healthy from a psychological point of view. The gap between the aspirations of a teenager, expressed in awareness of his capabilities, and the position of a schoolchild, dependent on the will of adults, causes a desire to break out into an independent life, which is, in particular, reflected in plans for the future. In the dreams of modern teenagers, compared to the dreams of young people of the 50-60s of the 20th century, “the share of romance has significantly decreased and the pragmatic aspect has increased” (4, p. 114).Recently, psychologists have been concerned about the “significant deepening of the crisis of self-esteem in adolescent children. Even compared to the 70s of the 20th century, there are 25-27% more teenagers who have a prevailing negative self-esteem.” Modern teenagers have a clearly expressed “need for friendship with a person of the opposite sex, which, in essence, expresses the need for love. The relationship between friendship and love is a problem for young people” (4, p. 272). Tamara Mikheeva confirms these theses: “When growing up, children often experience a fear of loneliness. They have already moved away from their mother, they are afraid of being misunderstood with their friends, so they try to be like everyone else, to join the “herd”. And the personality inside requires a way out. Hence the conflicts. In public, the teenager tries his best to look “cool” and “successful.” And alone with himself he realizes that he is not so “cool” at all. A young man can be scared and lonely, but it seems that such problems are unique to him. At this moment, you need a person who can listen and understand. My heroes are living people, with their fears, problems and conflicts. Teenagers see themselves in them. In addition, I help readers look into someone else's soul. To believe that each of them is an individual is, perhaps, the main thing that modern teenagers need.”

    Analysis of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”

Tamara Mikheeva’s story “Don’t betray me!” Just by its name it attracts. And the first chapter leaves no chance to stop reading. From the first lines, the author forces you to open the doors to the world of true memories.The teenage world is cruel, and a few words, gestures, and glances from adults are always added to the cruelty of this world. Sometimes carelessly thrown, they significantly influence the course or even the outcome of an entire intrigue. And there is plenty of intrigue in the teenage world!School is often not a “abode of knowledge.” Rather, it is a battlefield, a battlefield where there are always winners and losers, strong and weak, lucky and unlucky, “stars” and “outsiders.” Mathematical problems in this field are solved as if “by the way,” during short breaks in the fierce battles for recognition, and sometimes even for existence. Here “A”-shki against “B”-eshek, class to class. And in the class, in addition to the leaders and their subordinates, there are always outcasts. No one can explain why everything happens this way. It just happens. Because this is a school...Yulka Ozarenok, a student of 8 “B”, according to the test results, is among the “outsiders” of the class.It hurts to realize that you are an outsider - a person who is not valued, not respected, who is not needed... Quite by accident, eighth-grader Yulia overheard a conversation between her class teacher and a psychologist: according to test results, Yulia was an outsider in her class.

On the battlefield there is always room for a knife pointed at the back. So Yulka is betrayed by her best friend Anyuta - she writes the name of someone else, not Yulka, on the test.Is this betrayal? Anyuta, unlike anyone else, is smart, open, honest. Only she knew Yulina’s secret. However, being an extraordinary and courageous person, Yulia does not take the path of conformity with her peers, but continues to defend her individuality, even in an unequal struggle...

She is also betrayed by her own father, who has his own family and two children. She is also betrayed by her lover, who allows her classmates to mock her. But what caused these betrayals? A mistake? Rules of life? Fear? Is it possible to heal wounds and forgive?Tamara Mikheeva describes the school exactly as it is, without embellishment or misconceptions. With all the problems that a teenager is surrounded by while studying. With those problems that seem “insignificant” to us, adults... The naked truth. The truth from the inside.Here is the imperfection of psychological tests, based on the results of which the work of the class teacher is “simple but effective”. Here is the eternal metamorphosis - when a teacher turns from a personality into a simple “crust”, not only by nickname, but also by his actions. When you dye your hair and dress brightly, even if you are at least three times a good person, you are guaranteed to be disliked by most teachers. And the story “Don’t Betray Me” so accurately describes what the label “not like everyone else” entails.Is it possible not to fall under the influence and not become an instrument of someone’s intrigues? How to learn to understand those who are recognized by everyone as “outcasts” for poor academic performance? And what kind of academic performance can we really talk about when your father has died and you are forced to work part-time after school?! What to do when the most secret, the most personal thing - your diary - is read by the whole class?Fortunately, no one canceled love on the battlefield. This feeling most likely leaves only good memories of school. And when this feeling is mutual...Love in Tamara Mikheeva's story is revealed from all sides. If a classmate constantly mocks and teases, then he is simply trying to express his sympathy. If a girl tries to talk to you as little as possible, it means she is secretly in love. And most often, everyone knows this “secret” except the “object” of love itself. How many secrets, their own and those entrusted by adults, can a teenager’s heart hide? And what does such a “sacrament” threaten him with?Tamara Mikheeva does not strive to teach. And this is what makes the story especially captivating.For some of the heroes, love is a trophy, another “tick” in the list of victories. But the one who will win this trophy is the one who makes it a reality of his existence. After all, love does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. In love, it is important, bypassing all intrigues and obstacles, to believe, trust and forgive...

The teenage heroes are at a crossroads: on the one hand, they are enthusiastically involved in the life of the community, and on the other hand, they are seized by a passion for loneliness. They oscillate between blind obedience to their chosen leader and defiant rebellion against any and all authority.

Thus, in the literature of the 21st century, the problem of moral development of the individual has several aspects. The most important of them is the teenager gaining independence and his place in life. Adolescence is characterized by experts as transitional, complex, difficult, critical and is of utmost importance in the development of a person’s personality: the scope of activity expands, character changes qualitatively, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and moral ideas are formed.

Having analyzed the work of art by T. Mikheeva, correlating it with psychological and pedagogical literature on adolescence, we can draw the following conclusions:

    The idea of ​​the victory of good over evil is the main idea of ​​works of modern prose about teenagers; this idea is affirmed through the depiction of contradictions and conflicts that hurt people, especially young ones.

    The plots of works of modern prose about teenagers are based on psychological and pedagogical subtext.

    The work covers not only the problems of moral maturation, but also the social problems of modern society.

    The genre's originality is not rich; it is a story in which the compositional parts are clearly defined.

    The work not only has a spiritual function, but also serves as practical material for educating teenagers.

    The teenage heroes live real lives, their characters correspond to the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of “teenager”.

Processing questionnaires, thinking about them is like the second part of the story “Don’t betray me!” The characters in the books, my friends in life - they are so similar, and their problems are so similar. I didn’t think about them seriously until I read Mikheeva’s book. It makes you think about yourself and about the lives of all people.

6. References

1. Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: textbook. manual – 2nd edition, revised. – St. Petersburg: publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 1998. – 379 p.

2. “Literary newspaper” No. 37, September 17-23, 2008.

3. Mikheeva T. “Don’t betray me!” (romantic story). – M., 2012. – 192 p.

4. Psychology of a teenager. Complete guide. Ed. A.A.Reana – St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2003. – 432 p.

5. Feldshtein D. I. “Psychological aspects of the study of modern teenagers.” Questions of psychology, 1985, No. 1. – p. 34-43

, Cool tutorial

Contemporary literature about youth and for youth.

Modern literature arouses a certain interest among teenagers. How to make extracurricular reading lessons on this topic interesting and necessary for modern boys and girls? Together with the city library and film center, we conduct extracurricular reading lessons on works of modern literature, the main characters of which are teenagers aged 15-18, which is of great interest to lyceum students and students of our college.

The library offers a list of works on this topic:

  1. Abramov S. Wall. Tale. M., 1990.
  2. Anisov M. The vicissitudes of fate. Novel. M, 1996.
  3. Astafiev V. Lyudochka. Story. “New World”, 1989, No. 9
  4. Basova L. Zoyka and Bag. Tale. M, 1988.
  5. Bocharova T. Friend. Tale. “We” 2004, No. 1
  6. Voronov N. Escape to India. Novel. “School novel - newspaper”, 2001, No. 10.
  7. Gabyshev L. Odlyan, or the air of freedom. Tale.
  8. “New World”, 1989, No. 6
  9. Zheleznikov V. Scarecrow – 2 or Game of Moths.
  10. Tale. M., 2001.
  11. Zolotukha V. The Last Communist. “New World”, 2000, No. 1, 2
  12. Likhanov A. Nobody. Novel. “Our Contemporary”, 2000, No. 7, 8.
  13. Likhanov A. Broken doll. Novel. “Our Contemporary”, 2002, “1, 2.
  14. Krapivin V. Grandmother's grandson and his brothers.
  15. “School novel - newspaper”, 2001 No. 4
  16. 13. Melikhov A. Plague. Novel. “New World”, 2003, No. 9, 10.
  17. 14. Pristavkin A. Kukushata, or a plaintive song to calm the heart. Tale. “Youth”, 1989, No. 11.
  18. Simonova L. Circle. Tale. M, 1990.
  19. Shefner V. Happy loser. The Man with Five “Nots” or Confession
  20. simple-minded. Stories. “School novel - newspaper”, 1998, No. 8
  21. Shcherbakova G. Boy and girl. Novel. “New World”, 2001, No. 5
  22. Korotkov Yu. Wild love. Tale. M, 1998
  23. Korotkov Y. Popsa. Tale. “We”, 2000, No. 7
  24. Korotkov Yu. “The Ninth Company.” Tale. “We”, 2002, No. 7
  25. Krapivin V. Explosion of the General Staff. Tale. M, 1998
  26. Murashova E. Barabashka is me. Tale. M., 1998
  27. Polyanskaya I. Between Broadway and Fifth Avenue.
  28. Stories. M., 1998
  29. Solomko N. The white horse is not my grief. Stories.

M., 1998 Trapeznikov A. Should I be afraid!.. Stories. M., 1998

  • Tuchkov V. Death comes on the Internet. “New World”, 1998, No. 5
  • Shcherbakova G. Mitina's love. Tale. “New World”, 1997, No. 3
  • Shcherbakova G. Love - history. Tale. “New World”, 1995. No. 11.
  • Yulia Latynina. Novels “Industrial Zone”, “Wapit Hunting” (2004)
  • Yuliy Dubov. Novel “Big Soldering” (2002)
  • Victor Pelevin. Novels “Generation “P”” (1999) and “DPP (nn) (2003)
  • Ilya Stogoff. Novel “Macho Men Don’t Cry” (2001)
  • Irina Denezhkina. Novel “Give it to me!” (2002)
  • Sergey Bolmat. Novel “On Our Own” (2000)
  • Victoria Platova. Novels “In Still Waters...”, “Scaffold of Oblivion”, “Lovers in a Snowy Garden” (1999-2002)
  • Ergali Ger. Novel “The Gift of Words, or Telephone Tales” (1999)
  • Award “National Bestseller 2003”
  • Garros and Evdokimov’s novel “[Head]breaking” (2002)

    A stand is set up in the literature room, where the children independently prepare annotations for the books they read. For example:

    Tatiana Bocharova. The story “Girlfriend”
    Magazine “We” 2004 No. 1 pp. 9 – 55

    “Who came up with the idea that life begins with the first breath and the first cry of a baby? Nonsense. Life begins when you turn fifteen. When you are behind a carefree, cloudless childhood, in which you unconditionally believe in fairy tales and the victory of good over evil, in which you are convinced that there are no ugly, unhappy people, and everyone is beautiful in their own way. When there are reliable defenders from all troubles and misfortunes - the closest and dearest beings, parents. And suddenly it all ends - a warm, glorious world, where it smells of sweets and milk, where a fearless toy wolf is always chasing a brave, elusive hare, where you are the center of the universe, the most important and most beloved. And life begins: everything around is alien, cold, indifferent, terribly frightening, repulsive.”

    This story is about friendship and first love, betrayal and fidelity, maternal love and jealousy.

    "LITERATURE" 1990

    The action in the story takes place in Moscow V end 80 -X years 20 century. The main characters of the story are residents of a large house. “The house was huge, brick, multi-story, a bastion house, a fortress house. People of various ranks lived in it - some lived richer, some poorer; There were different worries, different troubles...”

    Symbolically Name stories: Walls indifference, mistrust Friend To friend, walls lies, falsehood, hypocrisy. Walls misunderstanding.

    “At the described time—May, a weekday, ten in the morning—a young man of about twenty years old entered the yard...” And amazing events began in the house...” In each from us sleeping wizard, tightly sleeping, we about him even Not suspect. But If his to wake…”

    After all, the wall, according to the author, is a symbol. A symbol of our disunity, our reluctance to understand each other, our damned habit of living only by our own ideas and inability to accept others. Who needs it for relatives to make speeches to each other? Came home at the wrong time - lecture. I took the wrong book - lecture. He went to the wrong place and with the wrong thing - an accusatory speech. Not life, but debate between the parties. It’s as if we don’t live in separate apartments, but in separate courtrooms, we attack - we accuse, we retreat - we defend, we execute, we pardon, we make speeches of indictment and acquittal, we look for evidence, we catch contradictions. And that’s all you need: a hint, a glance, a casual word, act , finally…

    Read this story! She will become yours OTHER!

    Library methodologists offer teenagers questions for debate:

    1. Any time is revealed not in the hero of this time, but in those who resist time in one way or another.
    2. Any teaching in a book turns me off.
    3. There are people who don’t read—they don’t spend time reading, they just don’t know how to do it. I'm embarrassed to look at them. Not pleasant, not disgusting, but shameful. You can’t look at, for example, a cripple, a freak, a quasimodo. A non-reader is like a beggar to whom you cannot give money.
    4. That's why it's a shame.
    5. There is an opinion: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” Can we rephrase this and say, “Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are?” Your opinion.
    6. “I don’t read books because everything in them is not true. And if you want to know what modern youth live with, it’s better to watch some reality show, everything there is real. And reading books is a useless activity.” Your opinion.
    7. Literature is one of the foundations of human civilization.
    8. From a letter to the editor of one of the newspapers: “Every day I hear: books are a source of knowledge, read books, love reading. They just keep saying it. I don’t know who it is, but I think that all this advice and reasoning about the role of the book smacks of mothballs. After all, everything around has changed. New media have appeared that are much better able than books to provide food for thought, knowledge, and convey the experience of others. Television takes us to any point on the globe, allows us to see and hear what is happening there, and brings a lot of experiences.
    9. The book pales in comparison, and even reading requires five times more time than watching a TV show. Visuals, sound, and color... all this has a stronger effect and is better remembered.”
    10. Do you share the point of view of the author of this letter? Give reasons for your position.
    11. “When reading a book, you must not forget, first of all, that the main essence of the matter, the very essence of the usefulness of the book, is not in it, but in you, dear reader.” How do you understand these words of N.A. Rubakin? Give reasons for your point of view.

    Are there such concepts as “fashionable reading” and “reading for the soul” among young people? What “fashionable” authors do you know, and what would you read for your soul?

    “When we read, our own thoughts and associations are born in us. The book seems to “grow” within us. With each reading, it is as if she is born again. Behind every book there is an author, but it is we, the readers, who breathe life into it. Therefore, reading cannot be compared with watching a video or cider. Reading requires more activity, co-creation, and self-realization than watching a film, because in this case the “machine” reads for us.” Is this point of view close to you?

    The city Cinema Center “Sputnik” offers teenagers viewing feature films - adaptations of works of modern literature. With particular interest they watch films based on the works of Yu. Korotkov “Carmen”, “The Ninth Company”, “Pops”, B. Akunin “Turkish Gambit”, “State Councilor”.

    Such work arouses keen interest among teenagers and a desire to read works of Russian literature.


    Cyril and Methodius readings“Reading youth is the future of Russia”

    Forum II . “Reading and literacy: sociocultural aspect”

    Direction: research in the field of Russian language and literature

    Problems of teenagers in modern Russian literature and in life

    Performer: Alina Barsukova

    9b grade, municipal budget

    Head: Bobarykina Galina Mikhailovna,

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    educational institution "Gymnasium"




    Research plan…………………………………………………………………………………......... .......4

    Scientific article……………………………………………………………………………………….....6

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the problem…………………………………………….6

      1. A look at the problems of modern teenagers from a psychological point of view…………………..…6

        Psychologists about the causes of child cruelty………………………………………………………..7

    Chapter 2. Problems of teenagers through the eyes of modern children………………………………………….9

    2.1 Sociological survey of students “Problems that concern teenagers in our school”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..9

    2.2 Sociological survey of teachers of the MBOU “Gymnasium”………………………………………………………10

    2.3 Sociological survey of parents of students at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school…………………..…11

    Chapter 3. The image of a teenager in Russian modern literature……………………………...………..13

    3.1 The problem of child cruelty in V. Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”…………………......13

    3.2 Sociological survey: “Causes of child cruelty”……………………………………………………….14

    3.3The problem of friendship in T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”……………...................15

    3.4 The problem of relationships between teenagers and their parents (according to the story of T. Kryukova

    “One who lied once”)…………………………………………………………………………………......16

    Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………................... ......18

    Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………......... ....20

    Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

    Appendix 2………………………………………………………………………………...………..22

    Appendix 3…………………………………………………………………………………….24

    Appendix 4…………………………………………………………………………………….26

    Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra

    Municipal budgetary educational institution



    The relevance of the problem lies in the following: More and more often on the pages of newspapers, television screens and in everyday life we ​​see fights between teenagers, the use of rude, insulting words in their speech, including obscene language, daily attempts to humiliate, insult each other, and make it as painful as possible. Moreover, aggression, according to our observations, can be observed in children not only towards each other, but also towards adults. Of course, in modern society the topic of adolescent problems is not new, but now it seems to me especially relevant. The choice of topic was influenced by personal interest, because such people live among us, and if you do not encounter them, then there is a very high probability that your loved ones may suffer from their cruelty. Literature that truthfully depicts the life of young people with all its difficulties meets the need of adolescents to read “about themselves”, to look at themselves from the outside.

    The relevance of our problem is confirmed by the results of a sociological survey of parents, teachers and a conversation with the social teacher of our gymnasium. (Annex 1)

    The purpose of this work: using literary material to trace how consonant the range of teenage problems is with the real picture of the difficulties faced by teenagers – our contemporaries – on the path to growing up.

    Tasks :

    1. Study data and statistics confirming the relevance of the chosen topic.

    2. Identify the characteristics of adolescence.

    3. Conduct a sociological survey to identify the range of problems of teenagers in our school.

    4. Explore and describe teenage problems using the example of works of modern literature.

    5.Identify the reasons for the appearance of cruelty in adolescents from the point of view of the writer, as well as from the point of view of psychologists, the school’s social teacher and adolescents.

    An object : a teenager on the pages of modern literature and in life.

    Item : problems of modern teenagers and heroes of works of modern literature.

    Hypothesis: we assume that the external and internal problems of the heroes of works of modern literature reflect the problems of today's teenagers.

    Research methods:


    1Comparative analysis.

    4. Contextual.

    5. Questionnaire.


    1. Literature analysis.


    This work relates to theoretical and applied research.

    Scientific novelty Our work is due to the fact that the phenomenon under study has not previously been the subject of special study by literary critics, since the work of Tamara Kryukova and Tamara Mikheeva, modern writers, has been little studied; in critical literature it is reviewed only briefly.

    Practical significance determined by the possibility of using its results in the study of modern Russian literature,become the subject of discussion atextracurricular activities.The research materials can be used as didactic material in elective classes on the subject, as well as as an argument in literature when writing an assignment for block C1.

    Research material

    In the course of our work, we relied on the artistic works of V.K. Zheleznikov. “Scarecrow”, Mikheeva T.V. “Don’t betray me!”, Kryukova T.Sh. “Who Lied Once,” as well as on Internet resources dedicated to their creative biography. Each of them reveals images of modern teenagers with their problems and joys that are close to every reader.

    We also relied onarticles by psychologists, a conversation with a school psychologist and social teacher at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school,interviews with teachers and parents.

    Review of information sources: The research is based on the work T.M. Prostakova "The Crisis of Adolescence". In her work she examines the main approaches to penetrating the inner world of a teenager, problems typical for this age, and behavioral characteristics of adolescents. The question is raised about the responsibility of parents for raising a teenager. In the textbook Averin V.A. the diverse and contradictory empirical material on the mental development of a child from birth to early adolescence is generalized and presented in a systematized form. On the website of Tamara Kryukova (www. fant- Asia. ru ) you can find advice on both creativity and raising children.

    Research Article


      1. A look at the problems of modern teenagers from a psychological point of view

    We began our work with a review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology, with characteristics of adolescence in general.

    Humanity has not always had the concept of “teenager” in its vocabulary. As F. Aries notes, in pre-industrial Europe they did not distinguish between childhood and adolescence, and the very concept of “adolescence” arose only in the 19th century. The American psychologist was the first to suggest considering this period as a transition from childhood to adulthood. .

    When considering the image of a teenager from the point of view of his psychological characteristics, it should be noted that in science there is no precise definition of the age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years, 14-18 years, 12-20 years. In this study, we rely on the opinion of supporters of the social approach when determining the boundaries of adolescence, i.e. We consider the main criterion to be social influence on personal development.

    Modern teenagers have a clearly expressed “need for friendship with a person of the opposite sex, which, in essence, expresses the need for love. The relationship between friendship and love is a difficult problem for young people.”

    From a conversation with a school psychologist, we came to the conclusion that the study of adolescence is a very complex, long and multifaceted process that has not been completed to this day. It is no coincidence that this age is called “transitional” from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning; it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods of emotional response take shape, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity. As a rule, teenagers, in search of the correct answer to moral questions, turn to sources such as scientific and popular literature, fiction, works of art, print, and television.

    Adolescence is characterized by imitation of models. As noted by modern psychotherapist A.A. Shchegolev, a teenager with his characteristic maximalism, tries not only to copy, but also in many ways to surpass his idol. It is important that such a role model be a worthy, aesthetically elevated and morally stable example.

    As children grow up, they often experience a fear of loneliness. They have already moved away from their mother, they are afraid of being misunderstood among their friends, so they try to be like everyone else. And the personality inside requires a way out. Hence the conflicts. In public, the teenager tries his best to look “cool” and “successful.” And alone with himself he realizes that he is not so “cool” at all. A young man can be scared and lonely, but it seems that such problems are unique to him. At this moment, you need a person who can listen and understand. An example, in our opinion, can be the artistic image of literature. The heroes of modern literature are living people, with their fears, problems and conflicts. Teenagers see themselves in them. In addition, these works allow readers to look into someone else's soul, to believe that each of them is an individual - this is the main thing that modern teenagers need.

    Thus, a feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, i.e., determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values, norms and personal meanings.

    1.2 Psychologists about the causes of child cruelty

    The problem of child cruelty has always existed. However, in the 21st century, according to statistics, a wave of child cruelty has swept through the prosperous countries of Europe and America. And in our country these data are not reassuring. About 8% of crimes in the country - that is, up to 155 thousand crimes a year - are committed by children and adolescents. According to experts, most modern children from 8 to 17 years old would agree to be torturers. 6% of schoolchildren are ready to kill if it is paid for. There is no particular desire to list all these facts.

    Where does aggression in children come from? We tried to understand this complex issue. After studying the theoretical material and talking with school psychologist V.V. Serbina. , we came to the conclusion: throughout the life of mankind, people have always shown cruelty to their own kind. Many scientists have tried to determine the nature of cruelty, the causes of its occurrence, and the factors contributing to its formation and manifestation. Nadezhda Yuryevna Vasilyeva, a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Ethnic Psychology, divided all currently existing theories of aggression into four main categories.

    1. Aggression as an innate instinctive, genetically programmed form of behavior . Even the most positive changes in the environment cannot prevent its manifestation. At most, perhaps weaken it. And if a person has a certain gene, then he will follow the criminal path. In addition, aggression is associated with impaired brain function.

    2. Aggression as a need and impulse that arises in response to what is happening to a person in life . A person’s behavior changes especially strongly under the influence of a group. The law of the crowd comes into play when the mass becomes stupid, that is, the general level of intelligence decreases. Each individual would not have done this, but in a crowd, personal responsibility for what they did is removed. And in adolescence, the desire to be accepted into a peer group is stronger than any other need.

    3. Cognitive activity and emotions. All information that a person receives and any life experience causes certain emotional reactions. With the spread of social networks on the Internet, the phenomenon of “publicizing” private life arose. In order to increase their ratings, teenagers film violent scenes, which are extremely popular because they evoke strong feelings in viewers, and post them on their pages.

    4. Aggression is a model of social behavior acquired in life.

    Not only in cinema, but also in everyday life there are plenty of examples of impunity for cruelty and encouragement of violence. If a child sympathizes and experiences strong emotional experiences with every cruel scene he sees, then his heart will simply not stand it. And a kind of immunity to other people’s pain appears, protecting the little person from psychological trauma. And a person who is unable to worry about another can harm him.

    We came to the conclusion that children behave this way because violence has become the norm in society.


    We have decided on the circle of respondents – these are students in grades 7–9, their parents and teachers teaching in these classes. In total, we surveyed 150 respondents, boys 46%, girls 54%,

    2.1 Sociological survey of students in grades 7-9

    “Problems that concern teenagers at our gymnasium”

    Modern teenagers are very different from their peers, whose difficult time of growing up occurred at the end of the 20th century. Previously, feelings of respect and responsibility were decisive in the relationships of adolescents; now profit and the pursuit of power prevail. Today's children are more practical and calculating, less romantic. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by us in the 9B grade of the MBOU “Gymnasium” in the city of Yugorsk. In order to identify the problems that children have to face during adolescence, students were asked the following questions:

    1. Do you have a goal in life? Which?

    2. In difficult times, you will turn to ... (parents/friends) for advice.

    3.What is your relationship with your parents (prosperous/conflict)?

    4.Have you ever experienced such a feeling as love? (Not really)

    5.Can you cope with a difficult life situation on your own?

    6. Do you think those around you are indifferent to you? (Not really)

    100% of respondents see the purpose of their life in their future work. (Appendix 1) At the same time, 25% of teenagers consider family and children to be the meaning of life. 87% of respondents already experienced the feeling of love at the age of 14-15. These data appear controversial. Doubts arise whether young people are confusing two concepts - love and passion. 92% of respondents note a successful relationship with their parents; the remaining respondents found it difficult to answer this question. To the question: “Can you cope with a difficult life situation on your own?” - only 35% answered “yes”, the rest found it difficult to answer. 65% of respondents believe that those around them do not care about them, except for their relatives, 35% are confident that those around them will not stand aside if modern teenagers need help.

    Thus, the results of the study showed that modern teenagers are concerned about the eternal questions that arise in children on the way to growing up.

    Problems that concern teenagers in our gymnasium

      Be responsible;

      learn to understand each other;

    2.2 Sociological survey of teachers at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school

    Goal: Identify the main problems of adolescents

    The teachers were diagnosed anonymously.

    Instructions: teachers are asked to answer a number of questions.

    1. Having worked at school for some time, what do you think is the degree of influence of the Internet on the socialization of teenagers?

    2. In your opinion, what problems does a modern teenager face?

    3. Which one is the main one (takes first place)?

    4. Could you name the reasons that encourage teenagers to be cruel?

    5. What is your own attitude towards such teenagers?

    6. What work do you do to prevent teen violence?

    Based on the results of the questionnaire, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    Teachers name the main reasons:

    60% - dysfunctional family;

    10% – the child’s environment;

    2.3 Sociological survey of parents of students at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school

    In families, problems often exist between parents and teenagers. To understand why this happens, we chose a research method such as a survey, since respondents have the opportunity to truthfully answer questions and provide the necessary information. For this purpose, 2 questionnaires were compiled with questions regarding the relationship between adults and children (Appendix 1). A total of 47 people took part in the survey. Of these, 22 are adults and 25 teenagers. To the 1st question “Where would you like to spend your free time and with whom?” 8 teenagers answered “at home, with their parents”, the rest - “with friends”, “in a society where they understand me”, “on the street”. To the question “how do your parents feel about your friends coming home”, everyone answered “normal”, “positive”, and only 3 people said: “they kick you out”, “depending on which friends”. 15 respondents do not have adults whom they would like to imitate, 5 people see their relatives as an ideal to follow, and only three chose friends. However, almost all respondents prefer to turn to their mother or relatives for advice. Only a few of them go to friends and one of them tries to solve a problem himself.The survey showed that in adult adolescents, the most attractive traits are humor, kindness, freedom to take responsibility for oneself, prudence, honesty and independence. And what repels is reluctance and inability to understand, anger, rudeness, hatred of someone, drunkenness, swearing, laziness, a lot of teachings and explanations, pressure. In communication, teenagers most often prefer to have friends as their interlocutors, because “it’s easier for them to tell”, “I trust them more”, “they better understand the current life of young people”, “and parents don’t want to listen”, “they don’t want to waste time on trifles” . Only 7% of teenagers answered that they do not feel the difference between communicating with adults and friends, and they prefer to spend the evening at home with their parents. In most cases, quarrels in families, according to teenagers, occur frequently and over various trifles, on everyday grounds, but everything ends in a truce or is forgotten. listen to each other and it all ends with long lectures. However, there are also families where conflicts rarely occur or do not occur at all. Bad character traits - grumpiness, hot temper, laziness, selfishness, disobedience, stubbornness, touchiness, inattention, uncertainty, rudeness.

    In some families, according to parents, there is always peace and harmony, there are no conflicts or they are very rare. Others resolve conflicts, improve relationships so that “no grudges remain overnight,” and everything ends in a truce. And the causes of problems are seen mainly in the lack of mutual understanding, difference of views and in everyday life. 90% of parents feel good about their children’s friends coming home, and 10% feel bad or because of their mood. Also, most people know who their children communicate with. There are parents who don’t know their teenager’s friends well. Some parents are satisfied with their upbringing and do not want to change anything. Others consider it necessary to devote more time to the teenager and his studies. 50% of parents consider their children to be independent. The rest do not think so, or at least consider children to be independent “not in all matters and issues.” Thus, one can see how in real life teenagers and parents relate to many issues and to each other.

    Thus, families are different: with and without problems, it depends on how strong the relationship between teenagers and parents is. Most of the former prefer to spend their time outside the home. This is due to the fact that they do not have a common activity with their parents, and they strive to communicate with peers, as it seems to them that people of equal age can understand and listen to them. At the same time, most parents think that they understand teenagers. This causes conflicts in some families. Despite the problems, teenagers love their parents and turn to mom and dad for advice. That’s why it’s so important to maintain good family relationships, because both parents and teenagers need each other.

    2.4 Meeting with the social teacher of the MBOU “Gymnasium” Korolkova Irina Alekseevna

    We asked you to answer several questions:

    2. How does the family influence the socialization of a teenager?

    3. How do teenagers from this family feel about the educational process? Are they having difficulties?

    4. Are teenagers registered with a doctor?

    5. What assistance is provided to families and adolescents?heroes of modern literature

    There are 9 people registered at the MBOU “Gymnasium”.Reasons: extortion - 1 person, theft - 3 people, escape from home - 2 people, damage to property - 2 people, use of intoxicants - 1 person. This happens due to the socially dangerous situation of children, as well as due to a difficult life situation.

    Based on the results of the conversation, we determined that there are families that negatively influence the socialization of a teenager. These are children from “difficult families”. Such children do not find a common language with their peers. For many teenagers, their parents are their authority. Individual conversations are held with the teenager and family.

    CHAPTER 3.The image of a teenager in Russian modern literature

    3.1 The problem of child cruelty in V. Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”

    The problems of my peers are confirmed in the works of modern literature.

    Where does cruelty come from in children? What are the reasons for the soulless, sometimes chilling statistics of children’s criminal behavior?

    For a long time, writers, understanding the importance of this problem, its significance, have been trying to convey this to people. Such a writer, in our opinion, is Zheleznikov, because his works show the very cruelty of children, with all its nakedness and openness, and, most importantly, the true reasons for its appearance are named. After all, if you know the causes of the disease, you can find the appropriate medicine, methods and treatment options.

    All his life, Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov wrote about children and covered teenage problems.

    The story “Scarecrow” is a story about the difficult relationships between schoolchildren. Zheleznikov showed the image of a teenager from the 70s and 80s. There are very few positive heroes here. The only bearers of good are the grandfather and granddaughter of the Bessoltsevs. Here everything is upside down - evil is perceived by teenagers as heroism, and kindness is persecuted and considered a manifestation of weakness of character. You can become a real person only by having your own interests, views, beliefs and being able to defend them. The heroes of the writer, Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov, come to this conclusion

    The story “Scarecrow” is a story about the difficult relationships between schoolchildren. It gradually becomes clear that Lena Bessoltseva’s inner world differs from the world of her classmates. She has the inner strength to resist lies and preserve her spirituality. Unlike all the characters, Lenka turns out to be a strong personality: nothing can push her to betrayal.

    The story “Scarecrow” raises another question: Where does cruelty come from in children?

    Although the book was written a long time ago, it seems that the writer only looked into our school yesterday and brought to the reader’s attention everything that was happening in it.

    After all, even today this cruelty reigns among teenagers and is perceived by many as a normal phenomenon. Whoever is stronger and bolder is right. But the worst thing is that soulless “iron buttons” have support among us. Few people dare to speak out in defense of the weak: they are afraid for themselves.

    The participants in the conflict in the story “Scarecrow” behaved aggressively, the sixth graders greet the new girl unfriendly, call her Scarecrow, and then, taking revenge on her for an offense that she did not commit, they drive her around the city, stage a burning scene, and declare a boycott. As a result of this persecution, two people become outcasts and leave the town in which they dreamed of settling.RThe development of the conflict was also determined by bitterness. In its desire to punish the guilty, the class turns into a crowd that knows no mercy. That's why the Iron Button received such a nickname - she will never back down, will not forgive, will not regret.

    The very nicknames of the characters in the story speak volumes. Valka the Flayer, he sells stray dogs to the knacker for a ruble, he does it completely calmly, because he is sure that the main thing in life is money. There is a lot of cruelty in the world, and the writer wanted to show that it begins in childhood. Before us are not just classmates, but cruel, ruthless people, even towards each other.

    Here are a few moral rules that we formulated while studying the relationships of teenagers in Zheleznikov’s work:

      In any situation, you must remain human, not humiliate the dignity of another person, and not follow the lead of the crowd.

      You can't please everyone, you can't love everyone, not everyone can be loyal friends , because we have different characters, educational needs, tastes. But we can live in harmony with each other.

    Thus, we see that in the children's team there is envy, a desire for leadership, anger and indifference, and most importantly, cruelty towards each other.

    The book “Scarecrow” teaches us to be kind, strong-willed, honest, to hate cruelty and cowardice that poison the lives of other people.

    3.2 Sociological survey of students “Causes of child cruelty”

    The results of a sociological survey of students in grades 7-9 of the MBOU "Gymnasium" in Yugorsk on the topic "What are the causes of child cruelty?" (Appendix2)

    From the answers of the students of our school it is clear that almost everyone in their lives has encountered cruelty towards themselves, but high school students are more able to openly resist evil due to their age characteristics.

    As already noted in our work, the main “sources of cruelty,” according to respondents, are the Internet and television. But in determining the main reason for the cruelty of children, opinions are divided: students in grades 7-8 “blame” the Internet and television for this, and high school students blame computer addiction.

    3.3 The problem of friendship in T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”

    Dysfunctional families, unsettled life, lack of sensitivity, big financial problems - this is the world of teenagers in the 21st century.

    Is there a fair “hierarchy” in school classrooms? Where do the “stars” and “outsiders” come from? What does it mean to be an interesting person? Tamara Mikheeva, the author of a wonderful school story, reflects on these and other questions"Don't betray me!"It hurts to realize that

    you are an outsider - a person who is not appreciated, not respected.The teenage world is cruel, and a few words, gestures, and glances from adults are always added to the cruelty of this world. Sometimes carelessly thrown, they significantly influence the course or even the outcome of an entire intrigue. And there is plenty of intrigue in the teenage world!At school there are always winners and losers, strong and weak, lucky and losers, “stars” and “outsiders.” And in the class, in addition to the leaders and their subordinates, there are always outcasts. Nobody canexplain why things happen the way they do.

    Tamara Mikheeva describes the school exactly as it is, without embellishment and misconceptions, with all the problems that a teenager is surrounded by while studying. At the center of the story is the image of a teenager in the 21st century.Yulia Ozarenok found out by chance that she was an outsider.
    This is where her misfortunes began.
    What to do when the most secret, the most personal thing - your diary - is read by the whole class? If a classmate constantly bullies and teases, is he simply trying to express his sympathy?

    We see: the teenage heroes are at a crossroads: on the one hand, they are enthusiastically involved in the life of the community, and on the other hand, they are gripped by a passion for loneliness. They oscillate between blind obedience to their chosen leader and defiant rebellion against any and all authority.

    Yulka is betrayed by her best friend Anyuta. She writes the name of someone other than Yulka on the test.Is this betrayal? Anyuta, unlike anyone else, is smart, open, honest. Only she knew Yulina’s secret.However, being an extraordinary and courageous person, Yulia does not take the path of conformity with her peers, but continues to defend her individuality, even in an unequal struggle..

    Thus, adolescence is characterized by changes in the development of friendly feelings. The friendship of the heroines serves as a warning against committing frivolous acts and selfish actions that can break the friendship.

    3.4 The problem of relationships between teenagers and their parents

    (based on the story by T. Kryukova “Who Lied Once”)

    While on a business trip abroad, she and her family survived a military coup. The little son was evacuated, and letters with fantastic stories flew to Russia. And now her exciting and at the same time smart books are read with pleasure by both children and adults.

    The amazing phenomenon of T. Kryukova’s creativity lies in the fact that in her works complex human problems are solved against the backdrop of an exciting plot. The main characters of the story:

    Lena Semyonova - It was not easy to get along with people, she knew how to be grateful. With strangers she became constrained, tongue-tied, always lost, and could blush. She was distinguished by modesty, did not know how to ask direct questions, even if she was dying of curiosity, and did not know how to lie.

    Inna Lena's friend, sociable, frustrated, envious, talkative, loves to gossip, took patronage over a new classmate.

    Sasha Pankov This hero's nickname is Pan. He's tall and handsome. He acted relaxed. One of the best students in the school, he intelligently answers the teachers’ questions, and all the girls “run” after him.

    Svetlana Pavlovna mother of Lena Semyonova. She loves to read, controls her daughter, and believes that it is too early for Lena to go to night discos. She understands Lena, although the girl feels that her mother is betraying her.

    Lena was just a part of the faceless mass, the background against which she and her friend Sergei were counting their not very rich resources, wondering what to buy.
    Lena couldn't tell her friend that her father was not a banker. “Lena wanted to blurt out: “No,” but, seeing the interest in his eyes, she only smiled vaguely, which could well pass for a positive answer, and, at the same time, was not a lie.”

    Mom, Svetlana Pavlovna, is reluctant to let her daughter go to the disco? “It’s not too early for you to go to such places.” In ordinary discos there is also plenty of dirt: both booze and drugs.”
    Lena needs money not so much for the disco as for Pankov, who now had no money. The mother did not give the girl money, because the mother has her own ideas about the relationship between a man and a woman: it is immodest to impose.
    Lena assessed her mother’s action in her own way. “Lena stood confused in the middle of the room. How could her mother betray her at the most important moment of her life? How cruel could she be! Is she really

    Didn’t you fall in love yourself?”
    After a quarrel with her mother, Lena burst into tears and ran away. By running away she can escape the deep pain that the person closest to her caused her. Before, her mother always understood her, and they never quarreled. Lena did not expect that her mother turned out to be so petty. For a few pennies, she was ready to destroy her relationship with Sasha. “The resentment towards the mother came with renewed vigor...” When Lena returned home in the evening, she expected her mother to appear and interrogate her. But to Lena’s surprise, Svetlana Pavlovna did not say a word about what had happened during the evening.

    As a result, we see that it was not she herself who was important to Pan, but where her father works!
    In moments of shame, she feels: “He only wanted money. And she still condemned her mother!.. Life is over... She will never be able to survive the shame and humiliation... Sasha roughly trampled her love.” He appreciated Lena and turned out to be a true friend of Seryozha. “It’s stupid to be ashamed of your parents.”

    So, the heroes of the work - teenagers of the 21st century - are very similar to us. They experience the same feelings as us. They have the same problems that we do. To grow up and develop character, you need to think, you need to learn to understand people, yourself.

    Thus, T. Kryukova in the story “Who Lied Once” raises the problem of mutual understanding between adults and children.

    We tried to determine the type of conflict that arose between mother and daughter from the story “Who Lied Once.” The test was taken as a basis: “Assessment of one’s own behavior in a conflict situation.”(Appendix3)

    The conflict goes through several stages of development :

    “A” – “a tough type of resolving conflicts and disputes” (on the part of Svetlana Pavlovna and Lena, who has had a negative attitude towards her mother for some time);

    “D” - “leaving” (mother does not go out to her daughter in the evening to read morals);

    “B” – a compromise style is achieved when mother and daughter strive to understand each other.

    Thus, we have come to the conclusion that we must strive for compromise in resolving conflicts. Our parents are our friends, allies. This is our support, the rear that a person needs at any age.


    Results of the studyand dataobtained during the social survey allow us to draw the following conclusions:

      The statistics on child cruelty are not reassuring. About 8% of crimes in the country - that is, up to 155 thousand crimes a year - are committed by children and adolescents.

      A feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, that is, determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values.

      The most significant problems turned out to be the problems of cruel attitudes towards each other among peers and misunderstanding on the part of parents, which confirms the relevance of our work.

      The problems of teenagers from the point of view of a writer's position coincide with the problems named by modern teenagers.

      Having identifiedthe reasons for the appearance of cruelty in teenagers from the writer’s position and from my peers came to the following conclusions:

    There are several reasons why child cruelty occurs:

      disagreements with family;

      fear, humiliated pride, terrible resentment not only for parents - for everyone around them;


      the child's environment;

    New knowledge gained

    In the course of our work, a number of works written at different times were analyzed. The central image of the considered stories and stories is the image of a teenager.

    We found that the view of an adolescent changes depending on the period. In the works of the 70s and 80s, the heroes gradually come to the conclusion that you can become a real person only by having your own interests, views, beliefs and being able to defend them.

    In the literature of the 90s - the first decade of the 21st century, teenagers face not only their peers, but life. They no longer have the desire for ideals and adventure. They find themselves in difficult life situations and undergo serious tests. These are confused teenagers.

    Processing the questionnaires, thinking about them says: the characters in the books and the guys in real life are so similar, and their problems are so similar.

    The working hypothesis put forward was confirmed: the external and internal problems of the heroes of works of modern literature reflect the problems of today's teenagers

    1. Organize a competition at school for the most cultured and well-mannered student among students in grades 5–9 according to the criteria: culture of speech, culture of behavior, desire to acquire knowledge, emotional balance in relationships with teachers.

    2. Organize a campaign among students to collect anonymous letters “Revelation to my parents.”

    3. Organize a campaign among students to collect anonymous letters “I wouldn’t tell anyone about this...”.

    Work on the study showed us that there are no hopeless situations and the problems of teenagers at school and at home have their own solutions.

    The research materials may have practical value: used as didactic material in elective classes on the subject, as well as as an argument in literature when writing an assignment for block C1.


    1.Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: textbook. manual – 2nd edition, revised. – St. Petersburg: publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 1998. – 379 p.

    2. Zheleznikov V.K. Scarecrow. Tale. –M.: Pushkin Library: Astrel: AST, 2005.- 382 p.

    3. Kryukova T.Sh. The One Who Lied Once: A Tale and Stories. M.: Aquilegia-M; 2009. –

    352 pp.

    4. Mikheeva T.V. Don't betray me! (romantic story). – M., 2012. – 192 p.

    5. Feldshtein D. I. “Psychological aspects of the study of modern teenagers.” Questions of Psychology, 1985, No. 1. 34-43p.

    Internet resources

    6. .

    7. .

    8. Prostakova T.M. "The Crisis of Adolescence."

    9. .b /article /2399/ Child cruelty

    Annex 1

    Sociological survey of 9B grade students

    A questionnaire was administered to children in grades 7-9.

    One of the survey questions: “What teenage problems can you identify?” The guys identify the following problems among teenagers:

      misunderstanding on the part of teachers – 40%

      misunderstanding on the part of parents – 47%

      cruel treatment of each other among peers – 58%

      aggressiveness towards others – 43%

      inability to defend one’s opinion – 27%.

    The most significant problems turned out to be cruel attitudes towards each other among peers and misunderstanding on the part of parents.

    Survey participants suggested ways to solve these problems as follows:

      Be responsible;

      conduct team-building activities;

      learn to understand each other;

      conduct class hours together with parents.

    Appendix 2

    Questions for teenagers.

    1.Where would you prefer to spend your free evening? With whom?

    2. How do your parents feel about your friends coming home?

    3. Is there a person among your relatives, adults, or acquaintances who makes you want to imitate him? If so, who is he in relation to you?

    4.Who do you turn to for advice?

    5.What character traits attract you in adults, and which ones repel you?

    6. Do you consider your parents to be good people? Why?

    7. Do you have a need to communicate with adults?

    8.Have you ever felt that it was easier for you to discuss something with

    friends than with your parents? Why?

    9. Do quarrels often occur in the family? What is their reason, in your opinion?

    Who is most often to blame? How does it usually end?

    10.How much time do you spend with friends?

    11. Do you love your parents?

    Questions for parents.

    Please answer the following questions:

    1.How old is your child?

    2.Do you think you understand him?

    3.What topics do you avoid when talking with children?

    4. Do you and your children have at least one activity that you would do as a family?

    5.What good and bad character traits of your child can you name?

    6. Do quarrels often occur in the family? What is their reason, in your opinion? Who is most often to blame? How does it usually end?

    7.How do you feel about your children’s friends coming home? Do you know those who are they friends with? your children?

    8. Do you think you are a good parent?

    9.Are you ready to change anything in your parenting style? Why?

    10. Do you consider your children to be independent?

    Appendix 3

    The results of a sociological survey of students in grades 7-9 of the MBOU "Gymnasium" in Yugorsk on the topic "What are the causes of child cruelty?"

    Students from our school were asked to answer the questionnaire.

    A) yes;

    B) no;

    A) indifferent;

    B) I sympathize in my heart, but I don’t show it;

    B) I stand up;

    A) television;

    B) Internet;

    B) special programs;

    D) films;

    Survey questions

    7-8 grades

    9th grade

    1.Have there been any cases in your life when you encountered cruelty?

    Yes -90%

    No – 10%

    Yes -98%

    No – 2%

    2. How do you feel when you see someone being humiliated or insulted in front of you?

    Indifferent - 1%

    Sorry -76%

    I stand up - 23%

    Indifferent – ​​1%

    Sorry -50%

    I stand up – 49%

    3. Where can you most often see videos and films about cruelty to children and teenagers?

    Internet -62%

    Television – 28%

    Movies – 10%

    Internet -46%

    Television – 40%

    Movies – 14%

    4. Why do you think children are cruel?

    From watching videos -77%

    Out of desire to stand out - 20%

    From family - 3%

    From watching videos – 42%

    Out of desire to stand out - 10%

    From the family -1%

    From friends -1%

    Computer addiction-45%

    From character -1%.

    Appendix 4

    Test: “Assessment of one’s own behavior in a conflict situation.”

    The test is aimed at resolving conflict situations.

    Taken from “50 Classroom Scripts” by E.M. Adzhieva

    “How do you usually behave in a conflict situation or dispute?”

    If this or that behavior is typical for you, put the appropriate number of points after each answer number that characterizes a certain style of behavior. If you behave this way often, give 3 points; occasionally – 2 points, rarely – 1 point.


    1. I threaten or fight.

    2. I try to accept the enemy’s point of view.

    3. I am looking for compromises.

    4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot completely believe it.

    5. Avoiding the enemy.

    6. I wish to achieve my goals at all costs.

    7. I’m trying to figure out what I agree with and what I absolutely don’t agree with.

    8. Changing the subject.

    9. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

    10. I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

    11. I offer peace.

    12. I'm trying to turn everything into a joke.

    Processing test results:

    Type “A” - the sum of points numbered 1, 6, 11.

    Type “B” - the sum of points numbered 2, 7.

    Type “B” - the sum of points numbered 3, 8.

    Type “G” - the sum of points numbered 4, 9.

    Type “D” - the sum of points numbered 5, 10, 12.

    “A” is the “Hard” type of resolving conflicts and disputes. You stand your ground until the last moment, defending your position. You strive to win at all costs. This is the type of person who is always right.

    "B" is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that it is always possible to reach an agreement. During a dispute, you try to offer an alternative, looking for solutions that would satisfy both sides.

    “B” is a “compromise” style. From the very beginning you agree to compromise.

    "G" - "soft" style. You “destroy” your opponent with kindness. You readily accept the enemy's point of view, abandoning your own.

    “D” is the “outgoing” style. Your credo is “leave on time.” You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.