Grigory Osipov baritone singer. About the small weaknesses of famous baritones. – What is the key to a good performance for you

Honored Artist of Russia Grigory Osipov is often compared by critics and admirers of his talent to the legendary Muslim Magomayev. By timbre of voice, manner of performance and even appearance. The young baritone himself takes such comparisons calmly and is not afraid of being in the shadow of the great singer. He spoke about this and much more in frank interview"A week."

Passion according to Magomayev

The exciting lyrical-dramatic baritone sounding in the telephone receiver makes thoughts confused and all prepared questions are forgotten. But for its owner - the Russian singer Grigory Osipov - we have accumulated a lot of them...

– Grigory, on October 27, for the first time on the stage of the Organ Hall of Naberezhnye Chelny you will present the program “My Love is a Melody”, dedicated to the memory of Muslim Magomayev. In your opinion, why, even after the death of this performer, his personality and work arouse such strong interest among the public?

– Muslim Magometovich was not just a multifaceted and versatile singer, but also a competent baritone. And the way he performed songs, no one else could ever do it. His voice had a unique oriental flavor. The highlight was also that Muslim Magomayev had a unique timbre. After all, even now many performers are trying to imitate him, but these are just attempts. And copies, as we know, are always worse than the original.

Our dossier

Grigory Osipov – Russian singer(baritone). Honored Artist of Russia, laureate and winner of prestigious creative competitions: International Festival choirs and vocalists in Athens (Greece), the Mario del Monaco International Competition in Marsala (Italy), the Verviers Competition (Belgium), the Bilbao Vocal Competition (Spain) and the Chariclea Darkle Competition (Romania). Soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic.
The most famous roles are Count (The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart), Figaro (The Barber of Seville by Rossini), Silvio (Pagliacci by Leoncavallo), Valentina (Faust by Gounod), Aleko (Aleko by Rachmaninov), Onegin (Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky). In addition, the singer's repertoire includes romances, Russian folk and Neapolitan songs.

With a parade of the best baritones in Russia as part of the “My Love is a Melody” project, we pay tribute to the memory of the great singer. With this program, we traveled to many cities in Russia and other countries: we were in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Israel... In the near future - Germany and Spain. Russians also live there, who are madly yearning for the songs of Muslim Magomayev. They are waiting for us with great impatience.

– Believe me, they are yearning for it in Tatarstan too! How will you satisfy the longing of our viewer?

– Famous and time-tested songs: “Ferris Wheel”, “Thank You”, “Wedding” and “Beauty Queen”. In addition, the program will include opera arias, classical romances and Neapolitan compositions.

On the stage - “holy simplicity”

– You said that Muslim Magomayev was unique and inimitable. This means that you are not faced with the task of singing like the legendary baritone in this project...

– No, we just want to convey to the listener the best that was in his work, to remind of that wonderful time when Muslim Magomayev shone, and the song had a completely different character and had deep meaning. After all, now on the Russian stage everything is ridiculously simple. And behind this “holy simplicity,” alas, there is nothing worth it.

We are trying to do what Muslim Magomayev did in his time - to combine classical music with the stage, so that the listener would be interested. After all, now is a time when you can’t limit yourself only to the classics.

– Are there any performers, besides the imaginary stars, who personally resonate with you?

– Valery Meladze: I see deep meaning in his songs. I also like the wonderful singer Valeria. In general, there are many singers on the Russian stage, and everyone maneuvers in show business in their own way.

– What concert would you like to go to yourself?

– I don’t focus only on classical concerts, sometimes I visit pop shows.
I’ll be honest, I recently attended a concert by Stas Mikhailov at the Kremlin Palace. And I liked it. This artist has very soulful songs and an interesting musical rhythm.
Do not create for yourself... Muslim

– Grigory, how do you feel about the fact that you are often compared to the great baritone?

– You know, I’m always pleased to hear this. I'm really trying to reach out high level his skill. But I am aware that I will never succeed. But it is necessary to try to achieve the ideal. Any singer. Like Muslim Magometovich, I come from Baku. And his work is very close to me, I understand this performer perfectly. On stage I always sing with him and let every song pass through me. I confess to you, for me he really was an idol and a great love.

– What is the key to a good performance for you?

– Routine and proper sleep – at least six hours. I’ll say right away: I don’t believe in any signs. If a singer gets enough sleep, then he should perform successfully. There are performers who like to sleep for a long time, but this is rather harmful for their voice. It is also necessary to take care of the ligaments - our most fragile instrument. The weather has changed, it has started to rain - all this can affect the quality of the timbre. And also, don’t get carried away with ice cream.

– Do you follow all these rules strictly?

– Not really (Laughs). I love good ice cream - it's my little weakness. Vanilla ice cream. But I try not to overuse this delicacy. But I don’t smoke - it erases the timbre. If the singer has one bad habit, he cannot count on creative longevity. So in the case of Muslim Magomayev, smoking had a negative impact on his singing, especially in recent years life. You know, talent can easily be ruined by tobacco!..

P.S.. On October 27 at 19.00, the international gala concert “My Love is a Melody”, dedicated to the memory of the legendary Muslim Magomayev, will take place in the Organ Hall of Naberezhnye Chelny. A trio of world-famous baritones – Filip Banjak, Grigory Osipov and Andrey Breus – will perform best compositions from the repertoire of the great singer.

Artists of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. A 19-year-old dancer who only recently realized her dream and joined the Ensemble. Alexandrova, tenor who performed in Bolshoi Theater, singers, dancers - the old Tu-154 claimed the lives of 64 Alexandrovites and the main military conductor of Russia.

He did not go on the attack, but claimed that good music lifts the soldier's spirit

“On board the Tu-154 plane that crashed today was my friend Lieutenant General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov, until recently the chief military conductor of the Russian army, and in lately- director of the ensemble. Alexandrov,” wrote journalist Vladimir Snegirev on his page in Facebook.

“I have seen many times how the most important military musicians from different countries, conductors, orchestra directors, people with big stars on their shoulder straps stood at attention in front of the general. “At ease,” Khalilov told them, smiling, but they still retained obvious respect for him, while others remained in awe. And it’s clear why. Our general was an absolute indisputable authority for them. As service people, they understood: Khalilov is the commander-in-chief of all military musicians. He liked it. He knew his worth. And we also knew that only he, our Khalilov, was capable of conducting a combined orchestra of musicians from 15 countries and making them play “Farewell of the Slavyanka” in such a way that tears welled up in the eyes of the audience. Only he, Khalilov, on May 9 could control an orchestra of 1.5 thousand people, and this orchestra played so that its music could be heard in the most remote corners of the world.
Valery Mikhailovich was nine years old musical director International festival "Spasskaya Tower".

In the photo taken in September on the sidelines of the Spasskaya Tower: V.M. Khalilov is second from left. To his right are the Kremlin commandant, Lieutenant General S. D. Khlebnikov, and the Austrian military conductor, Colonel H. Apfolterer. Photo

I have seen this picture many times. Here they are all lined up on Red Square: people, trumpets, drums, shoulder straps, aiguillettes, the last rows are hidden behind St. Basil's Cathedral. A thousand people! They freeze for a moment. And the conductor confidently steps onto the platform full dress uniform Lieutenant General He waves his wand. And the miracle begins. Khalilov seems to be hovering above the square, above this entire army, his energy, his will, his excitement are somehow incredibly transmitted to all the musicians - they play as they may have never played before and will never play.

If the Spasskaya Tower became one of the main musical events of the year, it was largely thanks to Khalilov, his talent, passion, and authority.

Khalilov should not be considered an “Arbat” or “parquet” general. Yes, he did not go on the attack, but he always maintained that good music raises the spirit of a soldier and makes him invincible. He repeated the words of A.V. Suvorov: “Music doubles and triples the army. With unfurled banners and loud music, I took Izmail,” wrote Snegirev.

Liliya Pyryeva was only 19 years old

Only this year she graduated from the Voronezh Choreographic School, according to her relatives, TASS says. Lilia was counting the days until her final exam. That’s what she wrote on her page on social networks: “4 months until the dream”, “82 days until the dream”, “2 days until the dream”. And also - “Waiting makes you go crazy, but the desire to wait makes you live.”

Lilia Pyryeva. Photo – Liliya Pyryeva’s personal page on VK

According to the teacher, from the first year she noticed Lilia’s special love for dancing, her dedication and hard work.

After the final exam, various ensembles bombarded Lilia with offers, but she chose the one she had dreamed of all her years of study: she wanted to get into the Ensemble named after. Alexandrova.

25-year-old Mikhail Vasin and his fiancee, 22-year-old Ralina Gilmanova, were supposed to get married after returning from Syria

“We are all shocked by what happened. “Overnight, a beautiful young couple who planned to get married passed away,” the deputy director of the children’s art school in the city of Labinsk told TASS ( Krasnodar region) Angela Dzyuba, who once taught Mikhail to play the piano.

Mikhail Vasin and his fiancee, 22-year-old Ralina Gilmanova, were supposed to get married after returning from Syria. Photo

Angela Ivanovna knew Misha from the age of 13, when the boy, accompanied by his mother, came to the Labinsk House of Culture for a vocal consultation.

According to the teacher, it was a real nugget, a talent that appeared in ordinary family. Within a few years, he brilliantly graduated from the local art school in piano, participated in all competitions - both as a pianist and as a vocalist, with an extensive repertoire from classical to modern music.

After school, Mikhail, who has a rare voice timbre - bass profundo, entered the Krasnodar College of Arts, and then became a student Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins.

Mikhail's fiancée Ralina Gilmanova joined the Alexandrov Ensemble after graduating from a choreographic school in Kazan. The young people met 2 years ago, and on the eve of the New Year, Misha proposed to the girl. The lovers planned their wedding for the beginning of next year.

Alexander Shtuko, vocalist of the Alexandrov Ensemble choir

Alexander Shtuko called his sister Emma before taking off from Moscow and sent him a photo from the plane’s cabin. He promised to call again from Sochi, but Emma did not receive this call.

Mom begged Alexander to refuse the flight to Syria. Photo

“When Sasha said the day before that he was flying to Syria, his mother begged him to refuse, but he calmed him down, saying that there was nothing to be afraid of, because the generals were flying with them,” Emma tells a TASS correspondent. “And he loved to fly, in this work he liked the opportunity to perform, travel around the world, and always sent different photographs from tours.”

During his childhood, which he spent in Tver, Alexander studied in the 1st music school, then lived for some time in Lvov. Two years ago he graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University.

“Sasha came to audition for the ensemble after graduating from university, and he was immediately accepted,” says Emma Shtuko. - He really liked his work. He said that he found exactly what he liked, a male team, where he immediately made friends with many. I dreamed of buying a house for my mother and me and living there together. In Moscow he had a girlfriend, Yulia, they dreamed of a family and children. He was fond of sports, loved to play football and table tennis, loved animals, dreamed of having a German shepherd. He loved the sea very much. It took him...”

“My father was killed, my aunt, my colleagues, my friends... For what?”

Ksenia Kuznetsova, who danced in the Alexandrov Ensemble, could also have flown to Syria if she had not previously gone on maternity leave. Two months ago her daughter Alice was born.

“It’s hard for me to say... my father crashed,” Ksenia Kuznetsova tells Komsomolskaya Pravda.

This is her dad - 61-year-old choreographer, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Ermolin. It was he who was preparing for the All-Russian festival-competition “I Serve My Native Fatherland”, participated in the Festival of Children’s and Youth Creativity “Circle of Friends” and has already for many years was devoted to the ensemble.

“Dad, aunt, my family, loved ones, colleagues, friends?! How so?! For what?! God, why are you doing this to them?! Dear ones, may you rest in peace,” Ksenia Kuznetsova will leave this message on her page. - It’s impossible to believe... Emptiness... Shock... I want it all to be just the most bad dream in life... How to survive this?!”

Hovhannes Georgiyan, soloist of the Alexandrov Ensemble

“I met Oganes and another soloist of the Alexandrov ensemble, Grisha Osipov, in Moscow about 10 years ago,” singer Vladimir Ognev, Honored Artist of Russia, tells TASS. - For several years we traveled with the guys, performing in the “Talents of the World” project, and sang at the Bolshoi Theater. Even one joint concert or performance brings people together, and here it does for several years. We have already, one might say, “grow into” each other. I can’t believe they’re gone, I’m still hoping for a miracle.”

According to the singer, Hovhannes Georgian had a tenor - a unique high voice; his crowning number was Tonio's aria from Gaetano Donizetti's opera “The Daughter of the Regiment”. “This is a complex aria, there are 9 upper Cs, few people can perform it - the audience roared with delight,” recalls Vladimir Ognev.

According to a friend, Oganes was also an excellent teacher, he had an excellent understanding of vocals and could sort out any performance, explain what was wrong, what needed to be worked on. And Grigory Osipov is a baritone, a real academic singer; according to Ognev, he had impeccable vocal technique.

“But in life... Hovhannes loved to joke, his eyes always smiled. Grisha is a real Russian intellectual, sympathetic, very decent, always delved into the problems of others, tried to help,” notes Ognev. “We haven’t seen each other for 2 years already, when I moved to Novosibirsk, but we corresponded, called each other, like loved ones, like family.”

Dmitry Babovnikov came to his daughter dressed as Santa Claus and promised to return

37-year-old Dmitry Babovnikov. He worked in the ensemble for more than 15 years.

“Literally a week ago we gave a concert with Kalina, Dima said: I’m flying to Syria, I’ll come back - we’re on New Year We’ll work with you again!” Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Elena Komarov, Dmitry's colleague. Once upon a time she and Babovnikov finished Gnesinka.

Dmitry Babovnikov was divorced, but maintained friendly relations with ex-wife, and the artist tried to see his 5-year-old daughter as often as possible - as much as work allowed. Literally a few hours before departure on the fateful flight from Chkalovsky, Dmitry posted a photo on his social networks - his daughter and him, dressed as Santa Claus.

Literally a few hours before departure on the fateful flight from Chkalovsky, Dmitry posted a photo on his social networks - a beautiful baby and him, in a Santa Claus costume. Photo: VKontakte.

“I congratulated my beloved daughter on the New Year! She said he has daddy’s voice and daddy’s nose!” Friends say that dad promised to return for the holiday with gifts.

Former backing vocalist of the Lyube group Evgeny Nasibulin

Evgeny Nasibulin worked in the group in the early 90s, said Andrey Lukinov, head of the Igor Matvienko Center. According to Lukinov, the Lyube group often recorded songs with the Alexandrov Choir.

Evgeny Nasibulin. Photo frame from the film “Lube Zone”

Nasibulin left the group in 1995. He went to work in the Pyatnitsky choir, and then in the Alexandrov ensemble. The Lyube group often recorded songs with the Alexandrov Choir. Last time The groups collaborated in October, when they recorded the anthem of the Ground Forces.

Final tour

The first performance of the Alexandrov Ensemble took place on October 12, 1928, writes Novaya Gazeta. At that time there were only 12 musicians in the band. The organizer and first musical director was a professor at the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR, composer, Major General Alexander Alexandrov, who led the ensemble for 18 years. Today the ensemble has about 200 people, including 170 professional artists: soloists, orchestra, male choir and a mixed dance group.

In a plane crash over the Black Sea, virtually a third of the famous group and almost the entire composition of the legendary choir died. All over the world, the Russian Army Ensemble is one of the most recognizable domestic brands. Each person has a very personal feeling of homeland, which, perhaps, in the best possible way expressed in our favorite songs. A month ago, the “Alexandrovites” gave a concert at the Bolshoi Theater, ending with “Farewell of the Slavic Woman”...

We worked hard in the choir good singers, those who were expected to have both a bright pop career and the glory of opera performers. But when the time for military service in the army approached, they were “conscripted” into Alexandrov’s ensemble and often stayed for life.

A few days ago, on his social network page, Kirill Lyashenko wrote: “Hurray! Demobilization is coming soon...” No one could have imagined that this front-line tour, which was supposed to be, as they say, a “one day” trip to congratulate the Russian military at the Khmeimim base in Syria, would be the last in their lives.

Young, talented graduates of the Moscow and St. Petersburg conservatories, the Sveshnikov Choral Academy died... People who are so rarely spoken of in person.

“An incredible tragedy for our culture. Something very important, great, irreplaceable was interrupted. When and how it will be restored is unknown. But it must be reborn!” said the famous conductor Vladimir Fedoseev.

There are 4 artists left alive who were supposed to fly on this tour, but various reasons couldn't do it.

Roman Valutov was simply not allowed on board the plane due to an expired foreign passport. And the 3 leading soloists were allowed not to fly to Syria for family reasons.

Vadim Ananyev, Valery Gavva and Boris Dyakov remained in Moscow. "I'm shocked. Everyone died - colleagues, friends, the godfather of my eldest son...” says Boris Dyakov.

“Three deserving, one popular and one promising,” - this is how the program’s compere Marianna Galanina, jokingly, introduced the “A-chips” correspondent to the eminent cast: Andrei Baturkin and Anatoly Loshak (both from the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko), Grigory Osipov (State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and Moscow State Academic Philharmonic), Igor Tarasov (Moscow musical theater“Helikon-Opera” and “La Fenice, Italy”), Evgeniy Lieberman (“Dell Aquila”, Fermo, Italy). All these incredibly talented artists are laureates of international and all-Russian competitions.

The concert program “Parade of the Best Baritones of Russia”, according to good tradition, was presented by the “Talents of the World” foundation, which is led by the author of the project, president and artistic director fund, no less famous opera singer, tenor David Gvinianidze.

Unfortunately, he was unable to come to Belgorod, as previously stated. On December 3, he celebrated his thirty-third birthday, and an enchanting concert took place in Moscow, dedicated not only to his birthday, but also to the day the foundation was created (December 17, 2002). Currently D. Gvinianidze is preparing for solo concert in one of the cities near Moscow.

The program “Parade of the Best Baritones of Russia” was previously called “My Love is a Melody” and is dedicated to the memory of the 20th century legend Muslim Magomayev. It is significant because it was first performed on November 26, 2008, a month after the death of the great singer, with the permission of his widow Tamara Sinyavskaya.

It’s nice that our fellow countryman, professor of the Moscow State Conservatory, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the Grand Prix and first prize of the International Vocal Competition (Italy), as well as the silver medal of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation - Anatoly Loshak.

He was greeted with thunderous applause, flowers, and looked off with admiring glances. He turned out to be the only artist from the group, which at the dawn of its musical career sang with Muslim Magomayev on the same stage in Germany and earned approval from the master.

The program included classical opera roles - Robert's aria (Iolanta), Vindex's epithalamus (Nero), Aleko's cavatina (Aleko), Valentina's cavatina (Faust). The trio A. Baturkin - E. Lieberman - G. Osipov demonstrated vocal art and high acting skills, especially in the performance of Figaro's cavatina.

The owner of the lyric-dramatic baritone Grigory Osipov charmed the audience with the richness of his voice palette. Thoughts from Aleko, passionate love lyrical hero in Muslim Magomayev’s song “Passion” - different faces The artist’s images were a success.

The genre of operetta music was represented by the works of Imre Kalman and Johann Strauss. The mood, lightness of the genre, and the comedy of situations in the performance of their parts were conveyed to the viewer by the virtuoso masters of operetta Evgeny Lieberman and Andrey Baturkin.

In the second part of the concert, more than 15 songs from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev were performed: “My joy lives on,” “Troubadour Serenade,” “Tenderness,” “Make a Wish,” “ Best city lands" and others. Piano accompaniment was provided by the laureate international competitions Mikhail Yeghiazaryan.

But, probably, the concert would not have become so soulful and lyrical if it were not for the magical voice of the only woman involved in this concert program– presenter Marianna Galanina.

Possessing extraordinary charm, she was able to convey to the viewer the magnitude of Muslim Magomayev’s talent and tell about this interesting and difficult person.

And the audience fully enjoyed the meeting with the high musical art. From the long, incessant applause, one could understand that the audience was yearning for emotional singing and vivid musical impressions.

, Hero of Socialist Labor.

  • Boka - chansonnier
  • Leonid Weinstein - composer, uncle of Garry Kasparov. Honored Artist of Azerbaijan.
  • Moses Weinstein - composer and conductor; grandfather of Garry Kasparov.
  • David Gazarov - Russian, German jazz pianist, composer.
  • Albert Grubyan - Russian chansonnier, public figure.
  • Alexander Green is a singer and actor.
  • Stanislav Gorkovenko - composer and conductor. Professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. People's Artist of Russia.
  • Bella Davidovich is an outstanding Russian, Soviet and American pianist and teacher.
  • Larisa Dolina - Soviet and Russian pop singer, jazz singer, actress. People's Artist of Russia.
  • Veronika Dudarova - conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1977).
  • Lutfiyar Imanov - Azerbaijani opera singer ( dramatic tenor), People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Murad Kazhlaev is a composer and conductor. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Lyudmila Karagicheva is a famous Soviet musicologist, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, Candidate of Art History.
  • Kara Karaev - outstanding composer and teacher. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Faraj Karaev - composer and teacher; son of Kara Karaev.
  • Fidan Kasimova - Azerbaijani opera singer. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Khuraman Kasimova is an Azerbaijani opera singer and teacher. People's Artist Azerbaijan, laureate of international competitions.
  • Alexander Kasparov - music producer, in the s. program director of Radio Maximum, headed EMI Eastern Europe.
  • Arnold Katz - conductor, professor. People's Artist of the USSR. Knight of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and II degrees. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia.
  • Muslim Magomayev is a Soviet, Azerbaijani and Russian opera and pop singer. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Valery Mardakhaev - trumpeter, conductor brass band"RETRO" (Israel), teacher.
  • Arif Melikov is an Azerbaijani composer. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Alexander Akimovich Milovanov - vocal teacher Music College named after Asaf Zeynalli.
  • Aziza Mustafa-zadeh is a jazz singer.
  • Vagif Mustafa-zadeh is a jazz composer and pianist.
  • Elmira Nazirova is an outstanding pianist, composer, and teacher. Honored Artist of Azerbaijan.
  • Vyacheslav Olkhovsky - pop singer
  • Grigory Osipov - baritone, Honored Artist of Russia, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Mikhail Parkhomovsky - violinist, violist, leader of the ensemble "Virtuosi of Israel".
  • Polad Bul-Bul Ogly - singer, composer. Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan.
  • Leonid Ptashka - jazz pianist, composer, producer.
  • Georgy Samvelovich Portnov is a vocal teacher at the Asaf Zeynalli Music School.
  • Rostropovich, Mstislav Leopoldovich - great Russian cellist, conductor, public figure. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Vladimir Rubashevsky - composer (including theater and cinema), conductor. The leader of the first Moscow Dixieland (he created), from to - chief conductor Moscow Music Hall. .
  • Sabina is a composer and singer.
  • Huseynkuli Sarabsky - composer, playwright, theater actor, stage director, musician (tar), People's Artist Azerbaijan SSR.
  • Vladimir Sermakashev - tenor saxophonist. One of the outstanding soloists of the 60s.
  • Dmitry Sitkovetsky - Soviet, American violinist and conductor.
  • Vladimir Tartakovsky - trumpeter, composer. One of the outstanding soloists of the 60s. Soloist of the Murad Kazhlaev Orchestra, soloist of the ensemble “Singing Hearts”.
  • Maria Titarenko is an opera singer. Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR.
  • Zeinab Khanlarova is an outstanding Soviet and Azerbaijani singer. People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1975), People's Artist of the USSR ().
  • Vladimir Shainsky is a graduate of () the Baku Conservatory (class of Kara Karaev). People's Artist of the RSFSR. Recipient of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Order of Honor, Order of Friendship.
  • Anton Sharoev - conductor, violinist. Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Georgy Georgievich Sharoev - professor, vice-rector of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, one of the creators of the professional music education in Azerbaijan.
  • Joakim Sharoev - violinist, director. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Artists and architects

    • Kandilis, Georgios [Georges] [Κανδυλης Γεωργιος] world famous French architect and urban planner Greek origin, born in Baku in 1913
    • Igor Volkov (. . - . .) - architect, author of the Baku cinema in Moscow. Honored Architect of Russia, laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize.
    • Lev Ilyin is an outstanding Soviet architect. He was the Chief Architect of Baku and a consultant for the project of the General Plan of the city (-), as well as the author of the layout of the mountain park named after S. M. Kirov () and the architectural part of the monument to S. M. Kirov.
    • Rafis Ismailov is a theater and film artist, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, laureate of the State Prize.
    • Pinkhos Sabsai is an outstanding artist and sculptor, author of monuments to M. F. Akhundov and S. M. Kirov. People's Artist of the USSR.
    • Tair Salakhov - People's Artist of the USSR, Azerbaijan and Russian Federation.
    • Alexander Tikhomirov - Soviet artist, works are stored in museums in Russia, Azerbaijan, Italy, in private Russian and foreign collections (France, Canada, USA, Australia, etc.).
    • Gennady Tishchenko is a Russian animator director and artist.
    • Lev Shimelov - entertainer. Honored Artist of Russia.
    • Stas Shpanin - modern chart and painter. After international exhibitions and awards was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest professional artist planets.


    • Chingiz Abdullayev is a Soviet, Russian and Azerbaijani writer.
    • Pavel Amnuel - Soviet and Israeli physicist, writer, teacher.
    • Ashot Grashi is a Soviet and Armenian writer.
    • Chingiz Huseynov - Azerbaijani and Russian writer, literary critic, doctor philological sciences, professor. Honored Artist of Azerbaijan.
    • Leonid Zorin is a Soviet and Russian playwright, screenwriter, and prose writer. Knight of the Order of the Badge of Honor, Order of Friendship of Peoples
    • Maksud Ibragimbekov is a Soviet and Azerbaijani writer and screenwriter, President of the Pen Club of Azerbaijan, member of the Azerbaijani Parliament.
    • Rustam Ibragimbekov is a Soviet and Azerbaijani writer and film playwright, laureate of State Prizes, People's Writer of Azerbaijan, Honored Artist of Russia and Azerbaijan, Oscar winner, professor.
    • Lidia Borisovna Libedinskaya - writer, translator.
    • Inna Lisnyanskaya is a poet. Studied at Baku University. The first collection of poems, “It Happened to Me,” was released in Baku in 1957. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia.

    Directors, actors, cameramen

    • Yuri Avsharov - professor at the Moscow Shchukin School, artist of the Satire Theater, director. People's Artist of Russia.
    • Kotik Adamov is a theater and film actor and director. A leading and beloved artist for decades. People's Artist of Azerbaijan. Laureate of the State Prize of Azerbaijan.
    • Mikhail Ashumov - theater and television director. Producer. Chief director.
    • Emmanuil Vitorgan is a theater and film actor. People's Artist of Russia.
    • Nikolai Volkov is a theater and film actor. Graduated from Baku theater studio. He served in the Baku Workers' Theater.
    • Pavel Leontievna Wulf is a Russian actress, teacher. She served in the Baku Workers' Theater.
    • Sergey Gazarov - actor, director, screenwriter.
    • Rakhil Solomonovna Ginzburg - actress (travesty). She served at the Russian Drama Theater named after Samed Vurgun.
    • Grigory Gurvich - actor, director, founder of the cabaret theater "The Bat".
    • Yuliy Gusman is an actor, director, and producer. Recipient of the Order of Friendship, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Honored Artist of Azerbaijan. Founder and artistic director of the Nika Prize, popular member of the KVN jury.
    • Teresa Durova - People's Artist of Russia and artistic director of the Moscow Clown Theater.
    • Lyudmila Dukhovnaya - actress, leading artist of the Russian Drama Theater named after Samad Vurgun
    • Mikhail Zharov is an outstanding actor and director. People's Artist of the USSR. He served in the Baku Workers' Theater.
    • Sergo Zakariadze - outstanding Soviet and Georgian actor, laureate of the Stalin Prize, People's Artist of the USSR ().
    • Rasim Ismailov is a Soviet and Azerbaijani director, cameraman, and screenwriter. Author of many feature films and films for children. Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR, State Laureate. Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR.
    • Joseph Koshelevich - theater and film actor. For many years, he has been the leading artist of the troupe of the Russian Drama Theater named after Samad Vurgun.
    • Pavel Lebeshev is an outstanding cinematographer. Cavalier of the Order of the Badge of Honor (Russia)Order of the Badge of Honor, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees. Laureate of Russian State Prizes. Honored Artist of Russia.

    He considered himself a Baku resident. During the evacuation, the family ended up in Baku - I went to kindergarten and school here. Pavel Timofeevich Lebeshev's paternal grandfather was the manager of Nobel. He was friends with Leo Tolstoy. Grandfather was encyclopedically educated, very progressive, modern. He was the first to start playing football in Baku.

    • Valery Levushkin is a circus, stage and television artist, director, and producer. Creator and artistic director of the ensemble of musical eccentricities and parody “BIM-BOM”. The long-term hero of ABCDeyka.
    • Alexander Macheret - director, screenwriter.
    • Vladimir Menshov - Soviet and Russian actor, director, screenwriter and producer. Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia. Winner of the Oscar Award.
    • Rasim Odzhagov is a film director and cameraman. People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (), Laureate of the State Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR.
    • Irina Perlova - actress, director of the Russian Drama Theater named after Samed Vurgun. Leading artist of the Baku Chamber Theater. People's Artist of Azerbaijan.
    • Faina Ranevskaya - great Russian Soviet actress, served in the Baku Workers' Theater. People's Artist of the USSR.
    • Vladislav Reznik is a Russian actor.
    • Dzhannet Selimova - student of G. A. Tovstonogov (famous graduate of the year), for a quarter of a century - chief director Russian Drama Theater named after Samed Vurgun. Teacher. On the basis of the graduate course of students of the Azerbaijan University of Culture and Art, which she led, the Baku University was created chamber theater, of which she is now the main director. People's Artist of Azerbaijan.
    • Robert Sahakyants is a director, screenwriter and animation artist. Honored Artist of Russia
    • Vladimir Tatosov is a theater and film actor. People's Artist of Russia. He spent his childhood in Baku.
    • Dina Tumarkina is an actress, leading artist of the Samed Vurgun Russian Drama Theater. A favorite of the Baku public. People's Artist of Azerbaijan.
    • Ramiz Fataliev - director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, laureate of the State Prize of Azerbaijan and the KGB Prize of the USSR.
    • Rafael Tsitalashvili - outstanding illusionist, consultant to David Copperfield
    • Tofik Shakhverdiev - photographer, film director, screenwriter, journalist. Laureate of international film festivals.
    • Dmitry Shcherbina is a theater and film actor. Artist of the Mossovet Theater.
    • Anatoly Eyramdzhan - actor, director, screenwriter, producer.


    • Karen Avanesyan is a parodist.
    • Vitaly Vulf - art critic, theater critic, literary critic, translator, television and radio presenter, critic. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
    • Mikhail Gusman - first deputy General Director ITAR-TASS, presenter of the “Formula of Power” program, translator.
    • David Kon - Popular presenter of Channel 9 “Israel Plus”, permanent presenter of the daily program “ Open studio" Journalist, writer and screenwriter.
    • Tair Mamedov is a Russian film actor, resident of the TV show Comedy Club.
    • Chingiz Mustafayev is a civilian and military journalist, National Hero of Azerbaijan.
    • Evgeny Petrosyan - comedian, artist conversational genre and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia.
    • Garry Sarkisov is the editor-in-chief of the TVC program “Business Moscow”.
    • Vladislav Flyarkovsky - TV presenter, journalist. Head of the “Culture News” studio of the “Culture” TV channel.


    • Hrant Avakyan - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War.
    • Avramiy Aslanbegov - naval commander and fleet historian, vice admiral.
    • Vladimir Balandin - guard senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Lev Govorukhin - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Abulfas Guliyev is one of the first pilots of Azerbaijan.
    • Mehdi Huseyn-zade - partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Georgy Demchenko - Lieutenant, Hero Soviet Union.
    • Vladimir Ionosyan - guard lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Alexander Isipin - sergeant major, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Nikolai Kalinin - guard senior sergeant, full Knight of the Order of Glory.
    • Grigory Kalustov - guard colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Pavel Klimov - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Yuri Kochelavsky - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Adil Kuliev - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Semyon Levin - Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Democrat Leonov - colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Leyla Mamedbekova - pilot, the first female pilot in the Caucasus.
    • Kafur Mamedov - sailor, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Yunis Mustafaev - Major General, Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Moscow Region.
    • Ibrahim Nuraddinov - National hero Azerbaijan.
    • Pavel Osipov - sailor, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Armais Sarkisov - guard corporal, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Boris Tikhomolov - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Alexander Chernozhukov - senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Evgeny Tsyganov - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    • Vladimir Yavrumov - guard senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union.


    • Richard Sorge - Soviet intelligence officer during World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union.


    • Lutfi Asker Zadeh is an American mathematician, founder of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
    • Togrul Bagirov - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Executive Vice President of the Moscow International Oil and Gas Club. UN expert on global energy issues.
    • Ziya Buniyatov - Soviet, Azerbaijani scientist, orientalist, academician of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union. Author of concepts on the history of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.
    • Kerim Kerimov - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin, Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, chairman State Commission for manned flights (-), Lieutenant General.
    • Igor Kurchatov is a nuclear physicist. Academician. Studied at the Baku Polytechnic Institute.
    • Lev Davidovich Landau - physicist. Nobel Prize winner.
    • Mikhail Abramovich Listengarten - nuclear physicist, professor.
    • Tamara Ananyevna Listengarten is a famous Baku pediatrician. Honored Doctor of Azerbaijan.
    • Yusif Mamedaliyev is an Azerbaijani chemist. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. President of the Academy of Sciences of the AzSSR.
    • Akop Mamikonov - professor of automation and telemechanics. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Recipient of the Order of the USSR Badge of Honor, awarded medals from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
    • Evgeniy Pakhomov is a famous Soviet numismatist, archaeologist, professor, organizer of the Museum of Azerbaijani History of Communications, founder of Azerbaijani numismatics.
    • Konstantin Slavin - neurosurgeon, professor. President of the Russian-American Medical Association.
    • Bukar Talibov - linguist, specialist in the field of phonology, historical lexicology, lexicography and descriptive grammar of Lezgin languages; Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia ().
    • Boris Ishkhanov is a Russian nuclear physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Head of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Member of three dissertation councils at Moscow State University, full member of the Moscow Academy of Sciences.


    • Musa Manarov - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, reserve colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Oil and gas workers

    • Nikolay Baibakov USSR (-)
    • Majid Kerimov - Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan
    • Vasily Kokorev - merchant, philanthropist, oil industrialist. He built and built the first kerosene plant in Russia in Surakhany. Established the Trans-Caspian Trade Partnership “V. A. Kokorev and Co.”
    • Abram Kornev is a Soviet mining engineer specializing in geological exploration, laureate of the Stalin Prize.
    • Pavel Mravyan - director of the Turkmenneft association
    • Sabit Orujov - minister gas industry USSR.

    Politics and economics

    Ilham Aliyev

    • Ilham Aliyev - President of Azerbaijan (c).
    • Enver Alikhanov - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR (-).
    • Kamran Bagirov - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR (-).
    • Rafael Bagoyan - minister social security Armenia (-).
    • Nikolay Baibakov - people's commissar oil industry(-) and the Minister of Oil Industry of the USSR (-)
    • Boris Vannikov - People's Commissar of Arms (-) and Ammunition of the USSR (-); Minister of Agricultural Engineering of the USSR ().
    • Isa Gambar - Chairman of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan (-).
    • Mirza Davud Huseynov - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR (

    Grigory Osipov was born on May 12, 1960 in Baku, Azerbaijan. In 1989 he graduated from the Saratov Conservatory named after L. Sobinov in the class of Professor A.I. Bystrov, after which he worked at the Saratov and Baku Conservatory opera house. Since 1992, Grigory Leonidovich became a soloist at the Moscow State Philharmonic. In 1996, he completed an internship in Vienna with Professor Ingeborg Wamser. He made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in 2009 as Ebn-Hakia in P. Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta. In the same year he performed the part of Afron in N. Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel.

    He is a laureate of prestigious international singing competitions in the city of Verviers, the city of Bilbao, and the name of Hariklen Darkle in the city of Braila. Winner of first prizes at the International Festival of Lyric Voices in Athens and the April Spring Festival in Pyongyang.

    In 2009, Grigory Osipov was awarded an honorary badge - the silver order “Service to Art” by the International Academy of Culture and Art. Toured in the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Greece, Denmark, Slovakia, South Korea, China, as well as in various cities of Russia and Belarus. In 2010 he took part in the 1st Korean opera festival, performing the part of Georges Germont - “La Traviata” by G. Verdi, on stage National Opera Korea in Seoul.

    Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - Grigory Osipov, became a soloist in 2010 academic ensemble songs and dances Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov. His baritone amazed everyone with the beauty of his timbre and the richness of his vocal palette. The singer’s flexible and flying voice sounded captivating and sincere, strict and significant - in full accordance with performed music and text, revealing different facets of the image. Together with the team, Grigory Osipov traveled literally all over the world - toured Russia, as well as the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain. The ensemble also took part in tours in hot spots.

    Grigory Osipov's repertoire included such opera roles as: Aleko - "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninov, Figaro - "The Barber of Seville" by G. Rossini, Silvio - "Pagliacci" by R. Leoncovallo, Valentin - "Faust" by Charles Gounod, Onegin - " Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky, Robert, Ebn-Hakia - "Iolanta" by P. Tchaikovsky, Malatesta - "Don Pasquale" by G. Donizetti, His Serene Highness - "Cherevichki" by P. Tchaikovsky, Count Almaviva - "The Marriage of Figaro" by V.A. Mozart, Count di Luna - “Il Trovatore” by G. Verdi, Alfio - “Honour Rural” by P. Mascagni, Morales and Escamillo - “Carmen” by J. Bizet, Duke - “ Stingy Knight» S. Rachmaninova, Chairman - “A Feast During the Plague” by Ts. Cui, Sharpless - “Madama Butterfly” by G. Puccini, Eletsky - “ Queen of Spades» P. Tchaikovsky.

    Osipov Grigory Leonidovich died tragically on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash of a Russian Ministry of Defense plane in the city of Sochi, heading to Syria. A total of 92 people died, including 64 artists of the Alexandrov ensemble, almost the entire choir and some of the orchestra’s musicians - accordion and balalaika players.