The Blue Hole in the Red Sea is a paradise for divers. The Great Blue Hole and the Blue Hole in Dahab

The sea is beautiful, its depths fascinate and beckon. But every time you approach the water you need to remember - you can’t joke with the sea. It is especially important to remember this for those who are planning to go diving.
This is one of the most famous places for scuba diving - the famous Blue Hall located in Dahab, Egypt. There are no exact statistics, but over the past fifteen years at least one hundred and thirty people have died here. The cause of these deaths was either ignorance or carelessness.

This is what the famous Blue Hall arch looks like from the water column

This is a shot of the Blue Hole from above. Do you see the thin bridge covered with water that separates Blue Hall from the sea? The arch from the top photo is located several tens of meters below.

Here is a diagram of this unique formation in the Sinai rocks:

But this is a spontaneous memorial on the shore. One sign - one life.

This is Barbara Dillinger from Holland. It has remained at 114 meters since 1998.

Almost everyone who died in Blue Hall was killed by the so-called “deep air”. This is the name for air diving at depths that are dangerous for this, primarily due to nitrogen narcosis. This activity can be compared to how a driver drives into the oncoming lane and begins to dodge cars flying towards him. One will be able to “grab adrenaline” with impunity, the other will not.
Diving is safe if you do not drive into such “oncoming lanes”. And everyone is taught this. But then people decide that they have achieved mastery and can do anything. And a new sign appears on the rocks.

The Blue Hole, located in the Red Sea, near the resort of Dahab, is one of the ten most dangerous diving places on the planet.

But despite the fact that the vertical, deep underwater cave is dangerous for inexperienced divers, it is incredibly popular among diving enthusiasts and is a cult place for technical divers who strive to dive in this place.

About the Blue Hole

If you look at the Blue Hole from above, then in the expanse of the sea the karst hole, surrounded by beautiful coral reefs, will look almost black hole, because its depth is 130 meters. This underwater hole was called Blue because the walls of the coral tunnel are painted blue due to the reflection of the bright southern sun in the water. The azure reflections coloring the walls of the tunnel make an indelible impression on divers, and everyone who has been here talks with admiration about this amazing creation of nature. The round-shaped cave, 50 meters in diameter, is connected to the sea by a narrow strait, and the depth of the strait is approximately 55 meters. At the strait, massive rocks hang over the abyss, which are called Arch. Another exit to the open sea is located at a depth of seven meters and is a dense coral garden. In the tunnel, at a depth of six meters, there are small holes called “saddles”.

The attraction attracts both ordinary divers who dive into the depths for pleasure, and technical divers for whom the dive is carried out with the goal of setting a personal record or winning a diving competition. At the Blue Hole there are also recreational divers who try again and again to experience the unforgettable sensations of the route leading into the huge Arch. For any category of divers, this is an excellent place for active recreation, since entry into the water is convenient, the cave itself is located near the shore, the waves on the sea surface are not high and there are no currents underwater.

Traditional route for diving enthusiasts There are two ways to enter the Blue Hole: through the nearby Bells drive site and from a wooden bridge, which offers stunning views of the interior of the deep-sea bowl.

The majority of tourists pass through “Bells” - it is a narrow well, about thirty meters, leading to the Blue Hole; divers swim along the amazing coral wall to the cave, and walk around it, admiring the beauty underwater world. This dive takes place at a depth of 20-30 meters.

The depths are of interest only to experienced divers, while technicians using Nitrox know the route - diving to a depth of 54 meters and passing through the Arch. By the way, hammerhead sharks are found at a depth of 50 meters. It is very dangerous to dive even deeper without special training, but, unfortunately, not everyone heeds the warnings, as evidenced by the body of an unnamed diver who died here at a depth of 111 meters.

The Blue Hole has made famous Russian freedivers who dive into the beautiful abyss with only a snorkel and mask; this dive is called “in one breath.” In the deep-sea cave, divers have set many records for deep technical diving, and it was here that the world record for trimix diving was set.

Mystical speculation and reality

There is a legend that the padishah drowned his depraved daughter here, who managed to curse it before her death most beautiful place, but the death of divers in the Blue Hole is not caused by an ancient curse, but only by tourists’ neglect of mandatory safety rules. For example, completing an Arc “in one breath” usually leads to a tragic ending.

There are mystical speculations that at a depth of about a hundred meters, when their deep well comes out, the fish turn over and swim about their business with their belly up, and the diver, turning upside down, begins to move in a different direction than he had planned. It is difficult to say whether this is actually true, but without the appropriate equipment and without sufficient qualifications, diving into the Blue Hole without the accompaniment of an experienced and professional diver is not advisable. As a rule, death is caused by depletion of the oxygen supply in the cylinder during ascent and nitrogen narcosis.

A memorial erected on the shore reminds tourists of the divers who died due to negligence and as a result of a tragic accident. Dozens of plaques with the names of the victims are attached next to the memorial.


On the shore there is everything for tourists to feel comfortable here: parking lots, cafes, shops and a paid toilet. There are also trailers in which those who wish can spend the night. Prices, of course, are higher than even in the most average Egyptian eatery, but inflated price tags do not hinder many tourists from relaxing and calmly swimming. In Dahab, you can get quality diving equipment and several lessons from numerous diving clubs. For example, renting equipment for four dives will cost a tourist 120 euros.

How to get to the Blue Hole

Dahab is only fifteen kilometers from the Blue Hole, and you can get to the place either by taxi or by excursion bus.

Among the most mysterious places on our planet are natural formations in the depths of the sea - the so-called blue holes. They are vertical caves that are part of underwater cave systems. From above they look like dark blue spots, contrasting with the general background of the water surface. One of the most attractive for divers is the sea well located off the coast of the Egyptian city of Dahab.

The Blue Hole (Krasnoe is also one of the most dangerous vertical sea caves on the planet, for which it received its second name - “Divers’ Graveyard”. It can be called “Everest” for divers: it is both beautiful and scary. This The article will tell you about this beautiful, mysterious and dangerous place for underwater diving.

Blue Hole in Egypt: how to find it

To get to one of the most dangerous "attractions" for divers, you need to head to the city which is located in the eastern part. This city has up to 60 diving training centers, so it is a hub for divers.

The cave is located 15 km from the city of Dahab. It only takes a few minutes to get there by excursion bus or taxi. As in the waters of other countries, the Blue Hole (Red Sea) has a cafe, toilet and parking on the nearby coastal area. Anyone who wants to dive underwater for the first time has the opportunity to choose one of the nearby diving clubs, where they will be explained the basic rules for using equipment and behavior under water.

Brief description of the Blue Hole in Egypt

The depth of this vertical cave is 130 m, the diameter is at least 50 m, and it is surrounded by coral reefs. At approximately 56 meters deep, corals overhang the passage connecting the cave with the red sea, forming the so-called Arch. The traditional route allows divers to begin entering the cave at a depth of 6 m. Exiting through it to the sea requires extensive experience and special training.

In addition to the immediate pleasure of diving to depth and achieving large or small personal records, the blue hole, or blue hole near Dahab, opens up a magnificent living underwater world for divers. Inside the cave they can see unusual marine life.

Blue hole turned cemetery

Many underwater caves sooner or later become a cemetery for someone. There will always be a few inexperienced divers who want to prove something to themselves or others, and the result of their outrageous arrogance will be a tragic end to their lives and a stain on the reputation of a great dive site. Some experienced divers died here because they simply did not calculate their strength. Thus, the Blue Hole (Red Sea) has already buried more than a hundred divers in its waters.

The stain on the reputation of the blue hole in Egypt became especially obvious after memorial plaques with inscriptions containing the names of the divers who died in the cave began to be installed on the coast near it. True, although this cave still sometimes becomes a cemetery for some, they have stopped installing signs near the coastal rocks. “This is a very depressing picture for tourists who enrich the city and the country,” the authorities probably thought, and banned the expansion of the coastal memorial.

Why the Blue Hole in Egypt attracts divers

Divers from all over the world flock to Dahab to admire the beautiful cave from the inside, raise their adrenaline levels, fill every cell of their body with new sensations and improve their skills. Divers love this sea hole because it is easily accessible from the shore. In addition, the water in this area is always calm both on the surface and at depth.

The cave approaches a depth of 80 m directly vertically, and then, with a slight slope, it reaches the 100 m mark. The exit from the tunnel is located at a depth of 130 m. The structure of the cave is very convenient for diving for both divers and freedivers.

Main routes for divers

Beginners can easily descend into the cave along a chord or coral wall, and then easily get out of the water using a wooden bridge. Due to the fact that the entrance to the cave is shallow, inexperienced divers can get acquainted with it by diving only 20-30 m. Coral growths and schools of bright fish will be a magnificent sight for them.

Experienced nitrox divers dive to a depth of 54-55 m and go out to sea through the Arch. Only the most experienced divers risk descending to great depths, approaching the bottom of the cave. For those with little experience, such a dive often ends tragically. In addition to the natural dangers of diving to great depths, at a depth of 50 meters divers risk coming face to face with a hammerhead shark.

Records in the Blue Hole

The Blue Hole was tough for only a few professional freedivers. Herbert Nietzsch from Austria, Alexander Bubenchikov from Ukraine, and Konstantin Novikov from Russia were able to overcome the tunnel while holding their breath. And a diver from Canada named William Trubridge completed the hole not only without an oxygen tank, but even without fins.

The only woman who was able to pass through the Blue Hole Arch while holding her breath - In addition, she is famous for being the only woman in the world who was able to hold her breath for 9 minutes, and her depth record for free diving is 100 m.

The Legend of the Blue Hole in Egypt

There is a folk tale that describes the life and death of a young girl. They say that she was the daughter of an emir who lived on the coast, and when her father went to battle, she arranged a wild life for herself. The young people with whom she had intimacy were drowned in the sea when her father arrived. So they tried to hide the truth from him.

However, the father eventually found out everything and ordered his daughter to be executed. The girl did not wait for the verdict and drowned herself in the blue hole. Before her death, she declared that she would drown everyone who ended up in the water at the place where she died. Some people try to explain this with this story. large number deaths in the cave.

Why do divers drown?

The reason divers die while trying to overcome the Blue Hole in Egypt is the same as when trying to overcome other large holes. At depth, they suffer the inevitable effect of “nitrogen intoxication.” A diver begins to feel a state of slight intoxication at a depth of 60 m. At a depth of 80 m, he may lose the ability to reason sensibly, become prone to reckless behavior and lose orientation. And descending even deeper, the diver can fall into a state of uncontrollable panic.

What caused this reaction? When on land or at shallow depths, a person does not experience any effect of nitrogen on his condition. But when it is at a decent depth, water pressure leads to a change in the properties of this substance and the penetration of a large amount into the blood. This is how “nitrogen narcosis” occurs.

Despite its notoriety, the Blue Hole (Red Sea, Egypt) still attracts divers like a magnet. Some of them use it to achieve new records, others gain their first underwater diving experience in this extreme place, and some dive there just to admire the mesmerizing scenery. With good preparation, this cave is not as scary as many people think.

Blue Hall (blue hole) is a unique, mysterious place located 15 kilometers from Dahab, and just two hours from Sharm El Sheikh. Like a magnet, divers are drawn here from different countries peace. It's always crowded and lively here. If you climb to the top of the rock, you can observe the activity of the diving community, really see unique beauty and a breathtaking view of a huge well, alluring and mesmerizing. Unfortunately, this place forces many divers to walk on a knife's edge.

The Legend of Blue Hall

Like all popular places, Blue Hall also has its own beautiful and at the same time tragic legend. They say that in ancient times One of the daughters of the local emir ordered her unwanted lovers to be thrown into these waters. But after a while, the father learned about his daughter’s indecent behavior and ordered her to be drowned at the bottom of the well. Before her death, the woman promised to take the men she liked from the abyss. Since then, accidents have been happening. Some scientists also add tectonic faults to the tragedies, as well as magnetic fields, because of which all tragedies are aggravated.

What's going on?

In fact, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of tragedies is the so-called human factor, namely, one’s own self-confidence. Errors in planning a dive, illusory savings on equipment configuration and proper preparation, the desire to pass the arch at any cost despite insufficient technical training, overestimation of one’s capabilities, take their toll and often lead to dire consequences. Evidence of this is the memorial of tablets on the rock - a tragic memory of the carelessness of the divers, which the arch did not forgive.

Description of the Bells - Blue Hall recreational route.

For amateur diving, a fairly safe Bells – Blue Hole route has been developed in this place. Bells is translated from English as bells. The route begins with a vertical descent through a peculiar well 3 meters wide to a depth of 27 meters. The well has the shape of a horseshoe, and if desired, at any time each diver has the opportunity to exit it into the open sea. Many divers periodically hit its walls with their cylinders, making a characteristic sound. This is where the name Bells comes from.
At 27 meters we dive through the well lintel and find ourselves in the open sea, opposite a steep wall, very picturesque and overgrown with a huge variety of corals. It is possible to descend to a depth of 30 meters. Then the dive goes along the wall along right hand, with a gradual decrease in depth. On the left, in the “blue water” we can see huge tuna and schools of barracudas. After about 20 minutes, we go to a depth of 8-10 meters and see a saddle in the reef, this is the entrance to the Blue Hole well. After entering inside, we move along the left side, swim along the perimeter, simultaneously observing the freedivers training in the center of the well. Soon a bridge appears, opposite which we make a safety stop and go to the surface.

Technical dive with arch passage

The dive for technical divers begins in the Blue Hall well itself. Entry into the water is carried out from a wooden platform, and stages, previously prepared at the edge of the reef, are fastened there. Next, we move along the surface closer to the left edge of the well, the reference point is the buoy located on the left side. A rope for freedivers is attached to it and goes into the abyss. The dive begins with a fall along the wall to 54 meters. There, we will see the upper arch of the arch and a 26-meter tunnel through it into the open sea. The width of the tunnel reaches 25 meters, and its lower part is deeper than 100 meters. The equipment configuration and gas mixtures depend on the route and the planned depth of passage.

The Egyptian resort of Dahab became a real “Mecca” for divers when an amazing place was discovered near Dahab called Blue Hole, which attracts extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world.

This is truly a paradise for diving enthusiasts.

The Blue Hole is a natural round hole formed in a coral reef. Clear waters This failure gives diving and freediving enthusiasts the opportunity to truly enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

Sunrise... Mecca for give... Just everyday... Cafe near the goal...

The Blue Hole was simply a real find, because Egypt is primarily famous for its pyramids, palm trees and resorts. However, in lately Extreme types of recreation that can deliver as much adrenaline as possible into the blood are becoming increasingly popular.

Due to the fact that north winds predominate here, Dahab, which is a hundred kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh along the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, is never hot or stuffy. In the relatively narrow Gulf of Aqaba there is almost never big waves, like in other resorts in Egypt.

The “Mecca” of divers is called the Blue Hole because the sun, reflected in the water, colors the walls of the coral tunnel leading under the water blue. This amazing creation of nature makes an irresistible impression on any person, but imagine the anticipation of a diver who has the opportunity to admire these azure reflections from inside the tunnel.

There are several such holes in the vast expanses of the world's oceans. But this one, which is located near Dahar, is of particular interest. The diameter of the Egyptian Blue Hole is just over 50 meters, and it goes more than 100 meters deep. Located right next to the shore. Inside the crater there are two exits to the open sea: one in the form of a dense coral garden at a depth of about 7 meters, and the other, shaped like a huge arch, which is located at a depth of 55 meters. It is difficult to overestimate the appeal of the Blue Hole for divers, both ordinary ones who dive just for fun, and for the so-called “techno-drivers” for whom diving is a way to set a personal best or win a competition. In addition, there is a separate direction - recreational divers, who claim that the route inside the tunnel leading into the huge Arch, and from it into the open sea, is impossible to forget. As a result of this influx of enthusiasts, enterprising natives organized recreation areas and rental equipment for diving.

The abundance of tourists is quite reasonable. The underwater world, especially one as rich as that in the Red Sea, can charm even the most inveterate cynic. Just imagine the glowing blue of the open sea when viewed from within. On the way to the Blue Hole, tourists will have to swim past a sheer wall covered with a variety of underwater plants. On the approach to the Hole, the profile of the wall changes, it becomes more gentle and sometimes from here you can see the inhabitants of the Red Sea - barracudas and tunas. In total, the journey from the start of the dive to the Hole takes about half an hour. They live in the Blue Hole itself various representatives underwater world, including such rare ones as clown fish and triggerfish. Coral thickets are diverse and multifaceted. You can also see regular corals, with tentacle-like appendages, and a huge wavy carpet of coral called Elephant Skin.

The Blue Hole Arch is legendary and huge, as tech divers say. Strictly speaking, it is the entrance to a giant tunnel that passes under the water column and has access to the reefs. Techno-divers, suitably equipped and the most experienced, have the opportunity to observe fantastic streaks of light under Gothic vault Arches, as well as unique animals and plants found only at such extreme depths.

It should be noted that there are several such coral “wells” in the sea. For example, they can be seen off the coast of America and the Bahamas. They are of natural origin and quite often it is discovered that between them there are passages at unimaginable depths, like communicating caves. Even the famous underwater explorer and traveler Jacques Yves Cousteau did not ignore the mystery of the Blue Hole at one time. Perhaps this is where his famous “euphoria of the abyss” came from. Today's tourists descend into the depths of the coral structure using scuba gear and accompanied by an experienced diver. Of course, before diving, each diver is necessarily instructed and provided with valuable advice, but doing without help at first is simply dangerous.

A standard dive for tourists under the guidance of a dive guide usually does not exceed 20-30 meters. The cost of renting equipment plus four dives costs about 120 euros per person. Since the Blue Hole is located at a distance from the resort, about 15 kilometers, you can get to it by car or bus. It is not customary to spend the night there, but there is a place to relax and have a snack.

However, this beauty is very dangerous and quite often leads to tragedies. Many even experienced divers who broke the rule of diving deeper than 25 meters remained forever in the Blue Hole. The names of divers who disappeared without a trace in the Blue Hole are written on signs along the road to the dive site. It should be so that everyone who passes this road seriously thinks about their own safety. But despite this, the Blue Hole is becoming more and more visited.

Typically, those who come to try their hand at the Blue Hole stay in Dahab, where there are plenty of hotels for every budget. The Dahab resort itself is a peculiar, almost unique resort town. In addition to water activities, you can relax here for nothing. Of course, there are no noisy discos in Dahab, it is a fairly quiet place, but there are a lot of small cafes and very family-friendly restaurants located right on the bay. Here you can ride bicycles, motorcycles or ATVs. There are several interesting cycling routes of varying difficulty. IN recent years rock climbing enthusiasts come here very often, this is also for them great place. The unique attractions of Sinai are nearby. One of these is one of the most revered Christian shrines.

Holidays in Dahab also have a huge advantage - it is not seasonal, but year-round. In addition, prices here are much lower than in the elite Sharm el-Sheikh, although the conditions are almost the same. Have a nice holiday.

Video: Blue Hole (Red...