Fortune telling by coffee balloon. Fortune telling by coffee grounds, the most accurate interpretation of symbols

Of the many fortune-telling and predictions, fortune telling on coffee grounds always remains relevant. The interpretation of symbols is a sacrament that will reveal the turning points in your life. The popularity of this type of fortune telling is determined by its ingredient - coffee, and the procedure for obtaining information itself. After all, in order to get an answer to an important request, you need to enjoy the aroma of fresh coffee, drink it to the bottom and listen to your heart, looking at the contents of the cup.

Probably because this fortune telling is sometimes perceived as fun. However, fortune telling on coffee grounds at home carries very powerful information inherent in each sign.

Fortune telling is a simple and universal way to get an answer to an important question. The difficulty of this fortune telling lies only in the interpretation of the symbols. To be able to recognize signs and symbols, you need to use your imagination and focus on the first bright images that are visible at the bottom of the mug.

Fortune telling with coffee grounds at home requires special preparation. As with any fortune telling procedure, it is necessary to prepare for this ritual. Necessary attributes for fortune telling:

  • light cup,
  • Brewed coffee,
  • Turk,
  • saucer.

To understand how to correctly guess on coffee grounds at home, Just remember the basic rules:

  • concentrate;
  • don't let anything distract you;
  • devote an hour or more to the fortune telling procedure and interpretation of symbols;
  • calm down and focus on inner sensations.

How to guess correctly using coffee grounds?

If you are used to drinking sweet coffee, then for correct fortune telling you should sacrifice the habit. Coffee must be prepared without sugar. This has magical meaning. Correctly maintained proportions and the right combination of ingredients are the main conditions for obtaining accurate information.

Important! Do not repeat fortune telling often. Helpers in the subtle world do not welcome a frivolous attitude towards receiving predictions. In order not to anger fate, be extremely careful and use the fortune-telling procedure using coffee gruel when the answer to a question has a fateful decision.

Preparing for fortune telling on coffee grounds

  1. Before starting fortune telling, prepare some coffee. At the rate of one teaspoon of ground coffee per glass of boiling water. You need to brew coffee over low heat. At this stage of preparation, calm down and concentrate. It is especially important to concentrate if the question is related to precise choice. Don't let phone calls or uninvited guests distract you from fortune telling.
  2. For fortune telling, you definitely need a mug and saucer. A fortune telling mug should be round and plain inside. When choosing between several mugs, give preference to a light one, as it will be easier to see the patterns. A clear understanding of the symbols in the coffee grounds is one of the necessary conditions for correct interpretation.
  3. The accuracy of fortune telling is determined by any movements and emotions. Make sure you perform the basic steps correctly. As you pour Turkish coffee into a cup, mentally ask a question. And devote the entire process of drinking coffee to concentrating on the topic of interest. Turn off all devices that distract you and try not to communicate with anyone.
  4. Fortune telling on coffee grounds requires proper use of the drink. An important condition for correct fortune telling is the correct position of the pen. The cup must be taken in the right hand so that the handle is on the right side.
  5. You should drink coffee thoughtfully and slowly. Drinking coffee in small sips will prevent the thickening from rising and the drink can be drunk to the end. You need to leave about two teaspoons of liquid at the bottom to perform fortune telling.
  6. A simple combination of movements will help you get the most accurate symbols. When the coffee is finished and some liquid and grounds remain at the bottom, take the cup in your left hand. Making circular movements clockwise, ask an exciting question and turn the mug over on the saucer. You don't need to lift the mug right away. Let the magical ritual take place.
  7. After a couple of minutes, when the coffee grounds have dried slightly and the liquid has finally flowed down the sides of the mug, open the cup. Take your time to interpret the signs, carefully study the location of the figures. Each area of ​​the inside of the mug has its own meaning.

How to correctly interpret the arrangement of figures?

When the mug is upside down, you need to examine all areas of the mug. To correctly understand the meaning of symbols, remember the main features:

  • First you should pay attention to the edge of the cup and its center;
  • you need to study the arrangement of figures from left to right, and from right to left;
  • Particular attention is paid to the bottom and center of the cup.

General principles of interpretation

The signs located on the inside of the cup are distinguished not only by shape and location, but also by size. It is important to remember that the larger the symbol, the greater its influence on the fortuneteller. Groups of symbols located together carry a single semantic meaning and are interpreted together.

A peculiarity of the interpretation is that the signs located near the pen relate directly to the fortuneteller, and symbolize events occurring at the moment. First of all, it is necessary to note the number of dark spots.

It is generally accepted that the more coffee grounds in a mug, the more problems and obstacles in a person’s life, and the lighter and airier the patterns of coffee grounds, the more joyful a person’s life. However, fortune telling should be repeated if the coffee grounds have completely spilled out of the cup.

Interpretation of symbols

All over the world they know how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. The meaning of symbols and signs is interpreted differently, but the basic signs are read the same.


Arc is an enemy, a dangerous rival.

The star symbolizes freedom. You will be able to avoid unpleasant relationships and free yourself from hardships.

Square – stability, happiness.

A cross (solid) is a bad sign.

Cross (outline with white inside) - successful family life, happiness.

The circle predicts a pleasant acquaintance and is a symbol of sociability and understanding. This sign relates to the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Circle (light inside) – money;

Circles (with spots) – children;

Several triangles - profit.

A uniform dark spot is misfortune;

An oval is the most favorable sign in the interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds. The sign symbolizes a wedding. This sign is interpreted equally for both men and women.

Dots are an auspicious sign, symbolizing happiness and success.

Triangle - new prospects in work;

Triangle (with clear outlines) - unexpected success, good luck in business.

Dashes - portend changes.

The quadrangle is a symbol of good luck. A favorable sign if your question concerns your personal life.

Interpretation of lines

Lines have many different variations of interpretation, and the shape and length and division of the line into parts are taken into account. The meaning of the lines in the coffee grounds should be interpreted as follows:

line (zigzag) – trip, adventure;

a line intersecting with other lines - problems and grievances, unresolved problem situations;

long and (or) straight line - carefree life, happiness;

a broken line portends losses, illnesses, and minor troubles. This symbol symbolizes indecision and uncertainty, which can negatively affect the realization of your desire.

oblique lines are dangerous. Do not disregard this warning;

broken lines foreshadow financial difficulties;

short lines (dashes) predict changes in the professional sphere. One option may be to change jobs.


Car - trip, road.

An angel is an astral sign that predicts help from the subtle world.

A fork is a luxury, success in the material sphere.

A coffin is a misfortune, a misfortune.

Door - you will find the right way out, good luck.

Home – well-being, family idyll.

The dagger is evil, the enemy.

The key is successful beginnings.

Wheel – road, path, journey.

Ring – marriage, engagement.

A hammer is an action that foretells good luck.

Shoes are a warning of danger.

Weapons – coldness, rupture, quarrels.

Folder - good luck in business.

The noose is death.

Glove - renewal of old relationships.

Horseshoe - success.

Dishes are a pleasant encounter, a surprise.

The candle is a dream.

The chair is a quick implementation in the professional field.

The flag is a warning.

Hat - power, recognition, glory.

Anchor (clear image) – happiness.

Anchor (blurred pattern) - minor problems.

Animals and birds

The stork is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and successful changes. The stork portends good luck in trade and money matters. If you are planning a major purchase and see a stork, then your purchase will be successful.

Stork (bottom of the cup) - imminent birth of a child. This sign can be interpreted as success with your children.

Stork (on the roof) - successful acquisition of new housing, change of residence.

Stork (in the nest) family well-being, creation of a family.

Stork (in flight) – new place of residence.

Shark – enemy, illness, misfortune. The sign is a warning, beware of envious people.

Butterfly - love.

Squirrel - cunning, the desire to rise in the eyes of others.

Squirrel (on a tree) – sought-after creativity, well-deserved reward.

The bull is a symbol of danger, brute force.

Bull (on a hill) - improvement of material condition.

Bull (in the lowlands) – good health, absence of chronic diseases.

Camel - wealth, success in money matters.

Raven is a misfortune in the family. This is one of the most powerful harbingers of trouble.

Dove is a pure person in your environment;

Hare - fear of analyzing the future, cowardice.

- ill-wisher, insidious friend, liar.

Cow - luck, prosperity.

Cat - major financial problems.

Chicken - someone needs help.

Swan - cash receipts.

Leo – power, authority, breadth of soul.

Fox - cunning, flattery, deception.

A frog is good news.

– warning of danger.

Ant - troubles, anxiety, vanity.

Fly - cash injection, wealth.

Deer – sociability, openness, gullibility.

Eagle - victory in a planned business.

- present.

The rooster is a lying friend.

- unrequited love.

Fish is good news.

Elephant - material stability, power, might.

A dog is a friend.

Owl - illness, death.

Tiger – rage, aggression.

The lizard is a pleasant surprise.


Oak - a confident victory.

Willow - tears, disappointment, sadness.

Clover - all problems will be resolved in your favor.

Bush - the matter will end in failure.

The forest is the wrong path.

Lily (at the bottom) - disagreement.

Lily (on the wall) – loyalty, devotion.

Rose - marriage, wedding.

Violet is a profitable marriage.

Chrysanthemum - love.

Apple tree – bright, rich life.

People and body parts

Girl - meeting with great love.

Boyfriend - separation awaits.

Child - the likelihood of a newborn, troubles with children.

Changes are predicted.

The head portends the appearance of a man who can have a beneficial effect on your life.

The head in profile signals the presence of powerful protection.

A woman's head predicts love and relationships.

A man’s head is a negative symbol, which is interpreted as separation from a loved one.

Head (turned up) - the appearance or presence of a powerful patron in your environment. This sign speaks of help from a superior.

Head (turned down) - warns of danger. You should think about the issue and try to avoid risks.

They have several meanings. If you see lips at the bottom of a cup, then this sign portends good news. Lips at the edge of the cup indicate the support of friends.

Two heads - unity, wedding.

Two heads (looking at each other) - portend good luck in love, mutual understanding and long-term relationships.

Two heads (with a vertical line) is a negative sign. It should be interpreted as a quarrel, separation or divorce.

Several heads seen in the coffee grounds predict help from friends or relatives.

An elderly woman is a symbol of family life, love, strong family ties.

The hand portends disappointment, rethinking.

Person with an animal - pay close attention to your surroundings. A person who is ready to take care of you is in your environment. Don't neglect help.

Any symbol can be interpreted in different ways. To find out more precisely what fate has in store for you, listen to yourself. Feel what associations and emotions emerge before you when you look at the drawing of coffee slurry. The negative meaning of the figure presented in modern interpretations will not necessarily be negative in your particular case. It's easy to explain. because each pattern and sign can be something special, iconic or simply familiar to you. If we consider in detail the interpretation of numbers, then numbers, like visual images, carry important predictions.

What do the numbers mean in fortune telling on coffee grounds?

The number 0 indicates your security. You are protected by higher powers.

Number 1 is a symbol of love.

Number 2 is dangerous. This is a symbol of the fact that the question that was asked carries danger and the likelihood of betrayal or collapse in financial affairs. It may be worth refraining from undertakings if the question was related to the business sphere.

Number 3 portends success and the absence of financial difficulties.

Number 4 indicates hope and desire to realize your plans.

The number 5 symbolizes ill-wishers in your immediate environment. You should take a closer look at your loved ones and friends.

Number 6 foretells harmony in relationships. This figure could mean a quick wedding.

The number 7 symbolizes success. If you saw this figure, then you don’t have to worry about resolving your issue. If your question related to the professional sphere, it’s time to try your hand. The number seven means that luck is on your side in any matter.

Number 8 – disagreements with loved ones, quarrels. The number eight warns of possible conflicts.

Number 9 is a new acquaintance that can have a successful impact on your destiny.

The number 10 portends success in the professional sphere.

The interpretation of numbers is suitable for both Roman and Arabic signs.

The relationship of numbers, their combinations and combinations are easy to interpret if you know their meaning. Nevertheless, each result is individual, and each number carries a hidden meaning that only a fortuneteller can understand. The number can mean a date or time; the numbers should be interpreted strictly based on the question asked.

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