What does the color purple mean in a dream. “Lilac” from Miller’s dream book. A room in purple tones

Purple may be dreaming about something unusual higher powers. Perhaps some superpowers will be revealed in a person that he did not know about before. This color also means a surge of strength that gives a person the opportunity to move forward.

What if you dream about the color purple?

So, why do you dream about the color purple? Purple is considered the color of wealth and luxury. This color can get rid of arrogance, vanity, hypocrisy, pride, resentment and others negative qualities. The color itself gives faith in the future, in the good, sets one up for positive emotions. He gives you faith in yourself, in your strength. If the color in a dream is bright, then this is a sign of positive moments in life. If the color is dim, dull, with streaks, then this does not mean a very good sign. Rich purple color means detachment from the real world.

You can also consider various items, which are painted with this color. This could be clothes, the color of the room or flowers. Since ancient times, purple has been considered the color that draws an invisible thread between the past, present and future.

Purple is a fairly rare color in dreams. Most often, dreams are made of black, white, and possibly red tones. But this color is interesting precisely because of its unusualness. This color, like crimson and lilac, which are close to purple, can mean affection and love. For different zodiac signs, this color can mean different things, both positive and negative. For example, for water signs, it is an auspicious color, signifying love. For fire and air signs, this color symbolizes danger and warns about it.

What does it portend?

If you dream of a room painted purple, then such a dream portends difficulties in family relationships. If a person sees a variety of purple clothes, then this may promise a little sadness, grief, or some kind of participation in an important event. If you dream of purple flowers, then this is not very good, as they portend unrequited love or distance from a loved one. The color purple is mystical, spiritual, otherworldly. It can be mysterious and inexplicable, which is why many people are interested in this color.

The main thing is to carefully consider this color. You should take a closer look at what it is: bright or faded, what it can illuminate or is it just lighting, perhaps it is some kind of object or something incomprehensible. If you consider the color and the subject, this can greatly facilitate the understanding of the dream.

In any case, don’t worry if you dream about the color purple. Perhaps what you dream about will not mean very good things; you shouldn’t constantly think about it. The main thing is the attitude. It is enough to remember that this is a mystical, and maybe magical, color.

Why do you dream about the color purple?

Azar's Dream Book

Seeing purple flowers in a dream means unrequited feelings.

Why do you dream about the color purple?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Purple – Without dark tones – religiosity, intuition; with dark tones - danger.

Lots of people wearing purple clothes - indicates abuse. Rich purple is the color of spiritual suffering, detachment from the worldly. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of eternity, connecting the present with the past and future. Why dream of Violet without dark tones - religiosity, intuition; with dark tones - danger.

Why do you dream about the color purple?

Assyrian dream book

Purple color - Light shade purple and pink, purple is considered a symbol of the spiritual in many religions. It symbolizes purification and enlightenment.

Why do you dream about the color purple?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Instills Inspiration, vision, foresight, faith in the future, the ability to penetrate inner world other people, hypersensitivity.

Relieves the inability to live here and now, isolation from reality, forgetfulness, indiscipline, resentment, feelings of loneliness, arrogance, pride, contempt for people.

Why do you dream about the color purple?

Gypsy dream book

Purple is the color of wealth and luxury.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. Bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

19th lunar day

Dream pictures reveal secret facets of the sleeper’s personality, which he was not previously aware of. Most of these dreams cause a feeling of fear that remains after waking up. Their interpretation is the work of professionals, not amateurs.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

Symbol of mental discord. It portends disagreement with oneself and constant hesitation about decisions made. A person cannot remain in such a state for any length of time. long time. This can even lead to it (first spiritual, then mental, and after a couple of years physical). If you I had a dream V purple tones, then you need to devote more time, first of all, to yourself, otherwise, and then life collapse is just around the corner.

Purple bag

This dream does not mean absolutely anything, except, perhaps, the desire to surpass another in some aspect that worries you most (more beautiful, more luxurious, more loyal attitude of employees, or simply higher).

Purple tongue

If you dreamed of a purple tongue, it means you are not aware of what you are saying and thinking. The most common form is living with memories from the past. This could be a thought about, about, or simply about some fatal failure in the past. It's time to pull yourself together and free yourself from the shackles that bind you on the path to a happy life.

A person’s dream is an amazing phenomenon that allows you not only to read the clue of fate and find out what you should prepare for in the future, but also to understand yourself. Most often, people see colored images, but night dreams, in which a particular color predominates, take on special significance, creating fantastic pictures and visions. We invite you to find out why the color purple is seen in dreams and what events this vision foretells.

General value

First of all, we note that the symbolism of color is a controversial concept and not fully studied. The interpretation of a particular shade directly depends on the personal perception of a particular person, therefore there is no single interpretation and cannot be. We suggest getting acquainted with the most general approaches presented in authoritative sources.

So, why do you dream about the color purple? The meaning, as interpreters suggest, is rather pessimistic: the shade represents mental imbalance, self-searching, doubt, uncertainty. A person can remain in such a state for some time, suffering and not understanding how to act. A dream in which the violet-lilac-lilac color scheme predominates most often means depression, uncertainty, negative changes that will only bring disappointment in oneself or oneself a loved one. For married people, it may foreshadow the betrayal of a partner.

However, to more accurately understand the meaning of the dream, you should analyze its details and plot.

Interpretation of subtleties

Most often, a dream in which the sleeper had to plunge into a real riot of purple color does not bode well. If the whole thing appears in this color the world around us, then we must prepare for the fact that a life crisis or the collapse of all endeavors is very likely. The business will fail, the marriage will collapse, the long-awaited promotion will not happen.

Only in some cases can a dream be interpreted in a positive way, for example:

  • A person feels comfortable being in such a strange world, he feels good, happy, he feels a surge of energy. This is rare, but it happens to people who have unconventional thinking. The dream suggests that in reality the dreamer will have a chance to prove himself.
  • If there is no particular pleasure from being in the violet reality, but you manage to leave it. Such a night dream should be interpreted as follows: problems cannot be avoided, but the dreamer will cope with them, gaining invaluable life experience.

A bright color most often foreshadows well-being and the acquisition of significant material wealth. Dull, faded tones can symbolize both mental problems and deteriorating health, resentment, bitterness, and tears.

Subject topics

When considering what the color purple is in dreams of, you should pay attention to what exactly is painted in it, what objects. There can be many options, so we will consider only the most popular:

  • House, apartment, any other dwelling. In personal or family life A difficult period is approaching, there is a high probability of betrayal or even a breakup.
  • Flowers. Loss of a friend, cooling towards a lover. In general, lilac or purple bouquets are a sign of sadness and sadness in the world of night dreams.
  • Hair. The vision warns the sleeper: he should not give advice to anyone now. Anything he offers to his friends or family will cause them trouble. Therefore, it is better to keep your opinion to yourself. Fate tells the dreamer: he is not as perspicacious as he would like to be, it is impossible to take into account all the circumstances and vicissitudes.
  • The dream is negative and signals that serious changes will soon occur in a person’s life: he will lose his job, lose all his money in gambling. Friends and acquaintances will turn away from him, creditors will annoy him, threatening to sue him. The dark streak that will come soon can break your will. However, it must be endured; sooner or later this test will end.

A dream in which I happened to observe in myself purple eyes, if in reality the sleeper is not their owner, it means that he has a creative gift that must be developed. Otherwise, there will be a feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

Interpretation from various sources

Let's look at what the color purple means in dreams according to the most authoritative dream books.

According to the Wanderer's Dream Book, to see such a dream means to face danger in reality. However, if the shade is light and even, then such a night dream means the spirituality and religiosity of the dreamer.

The Assyrian dream interpreter says that such monochrome night visions help to understand oneself and suggest that the person seeing them needs faith. According to the Gypsy dream book, after such a dream one should expect sudden wealth and luxury.


Let's find out why you dream about a purple dress. Dream books suggest that in this case the dreamer should be more critical of his surroundings. There are a lot of deceitful people around him who only pretend to be friends, but in reality they spread dirty rumors behind their backs.

Such “friends” can become a significant obstacle to achieving the goal, and the more saturated the color scheme is presented in a night dream, the more dangerous rumors and gossip can become. Having seen such a dream, a person should stop trusting his secrets to everyone.

However, if in a dream only the bag was painted purple or lilac, then there is no reason to worry, this means that the sleeper himself wants to stand out from the crowd with all his might.

We got acquainted with what the purple color of clothes and other items means in dreams. More often similar dreams have a negative interpretation, but you shouldn’t be upset. Knowing what difficulties await you, you can easily get rid of them.

The reality around us is colorful. That is why we often see colored objects, things, clothes, etc. in our dreams. But if some color is superior to others, this may indicate certain feelings or desires hidden in our soul. Let's find out what the dream is about blue or any of its shades.

In general, dream books believe that blue in a dream does not bode well. It’s like the sky before a thunderstorm - a sign that it will soon “break”, that is, unpleasant news will come. Witches and witches have long loved the color blue, and we can’t say anything good about them. Perhaps a dream painted with this color warns of danger. But not everything is so one-sided.

Blue, found in nature, often carries a negative meaning. For example, when we feel bad and are sad or sick, the skin becomes pale and bluish. When you are scared or very cold, your lips or cheeks turn blue. The dark blue uniform is worn by employees of the highest authorities who are authorized to use force to subdue those who show disobedience.

Therefore, if this is the color you dreamed about, this could mean pressure from others. But rich, bright, beautiful blue is a sign of vigor and life.

Blue dream is a symbol of spirituality, eternity, patience. Dreamed water can be compared to human emotions. Deep blue water indicates to you that you are not in control of your emotions. Be more attentive to them. But if you saw the air or wind blowing in blue waves, most likely you feel unfree at work.

A column of blue smoke is a sign that you have a goal, but achieving it is not easy. However, you strive with all your might to do this.

Blue jewelry promise you a quick solution everyday problems . Clothing made from materials of this color shows your masculinity. A blue dress promises travel or a business trip than newer dress, the more successful the trip will be.

If you dream blue bird, This good symbol. It brings hope, faith, happiness, long-awaited freedom. But if the bird was in a cage, it means that you are shackled and want to throw off the bonds that have entangled you. You lack independence.

To dream of a picture dominated by blue paints, or the same drawing is just evidence of what is happening in your life in at the moment. But if you dreamed of a photograph instead of a painting or drawing, it means you are losing something important. A dream about a blue heart foreshadows a quarrel with someone close to you.

This dream book believes that you should not pay attention to objects blue dream. The main thing is that there was a blue color there. And this can only mean one thing: troubles and problems. Reconsider your views on many things, and you will be able to change your life for the better.

According to Loff's dream book, blue the dream indicates that everything is calm in your soul, and you yourself are a noble and decent person. You soberly assess any situation and have the right worldview. Everything in your life will be fine.

Miller advises paying attention not only to the color of the dream, but also to how you felt when you saw it. If a blue dream was associated with unpleasant sensations and inconvenience, then in real life you will achieve balance and harmony.

If the dream was oversaturated with blue and similar colors, it means you are dissatisfied with yourself, suppressing your feelings and desires. But in your soul there is actually a lot of warmth and love for others, you are able to sympathize and understand others very well.

The most accurate decoding of a blue dream is possible if you remember which shades of this color predominated in the dream. If they were light colors, the dream promises good things. The dark ones speak of the dreamer’s depressed state, perhaps even depression and melancholy, as well as the threat of committing an unexpected act that will lead to problems.

A blue dream is a sign of wisdom, peace, sincerity, the desire to love and be loved. You are positive, don’t worry about trifles, but still feel a little sad.

Sky blue color personifies peace of mind and safe journey. If you have lost something, you will definitely find it. If there is an important matter ahead, you can solve it in your favor.

Some dream books consider the color blue to be a symbol of dissatisfaction with oneself. This is especially true for blue clothes. Reflect on your behavior: if you understand why this dissatisfaction arose, you will be able to correct your actions.

Blue promises fulfillment of desires, positive changes in personal life, income. This is the color of harmony, peace, relaxation, and healing. Having seen it in a dream, try in real life to find an opportunity to relax and indulge in spiritual reflection.

The blue clothes that a young girl saw in a dream indicate that she is infatuated with a young man and is tormented by her love. In general, blue wardrobe items can be interpreted as a harbinger of bad fame. Pay attention to your words and actions, they can harm you.

But if the room in your dream was blue or you were inside a building with blue walls, be prepared for financial difficulties.

It is believed that purple is the color of luxury. At the same time, it perfectly “corrects” character and eliminates bad habits. However, seeing purple in a dream can also promise troubles and misfortunes.

If you dreamed of flowers of the specified color:

  • Violets– the dreamer has sincere feelings for her fiancé.
  • Iris- you will be sad for any loss.
  • Lilac– expect wild fun.
  • Flowers that are not purple in real life or they happen, but rarely - to finding harmony.

Purple clothing is a harbinger of financial problems that you and your friends will overcome. Perhaps you will receive a large sum money. In this case, try not to become arrogant.

Purple Shoes – to relax with close friends, which will go far from your home; underwear - to a love affair with one of your old acquaintances.

Well, if in a dream you tried on hats, caps or purple hats, meticulously examining yourself from head to toe, it means that next to you there is a person who can barely tolerate your impudence.

It is not difficult to unravel a dream in which the color lilac was present if you remember whether the hue was more blue or red. If lilac was close to pink, know: you are in love. If towards purple, expect success and prosperity.

Lilac flowers in a dream are considered depending on the type and proximity to other colors:

  • Violet, forget-me-not- your chosen one is sincere and frank with you, you can not doubt him.
  • Iris- a sign of sadness.
  • Flowers stand in a vase along with yellow tulips- you are happy and happy, but there is no particular reason for that.

A bird with lilac plumage is a harbinger of the fact that very soon a person will appear in your life who will become your best friend.

Lilac clothes are a great sign. It allows you to have confidence in your friends. If trouble happens to you, for example, of a material nature, your comrades will definitely come to the rescue.

You can lose friends because of your own arrogance and excessive impudence, and a dream in which lilac clothing accessories were present will tell you about this: wrist watch, handbag, belt, or jewelry (earrings, chain, ring, bracelet).

And a few more items of a delicate lilac color with their own meanings:

  • Automobile- to a safe trip.
  • Toys- to care and attention from family and friends.
  • Furniture items- to meet a good person.
  • Cosmetics (cream, mascara, lipstick)– you will delight others with a fresh and beautiful appearance.

The uniquely beautiful turquoise color is the personification of success in personal relationships and in resolving pressing issues. Did you have a turquoise dream? Get ready for dramatic changes in your life that will delight you. Work affairs will go uphill.

Ocean turquoise color promises you a meeting with a new person, which will give previously unfamiliar emotions and sensations. You will be delighted with them.

The turquoise water that a young girl saw in a dream, especially if the dreamer moved along this water with one of the male representatives, means fulfillment of desires, happiness.

Fate will turn to you with a shining smile if you dreamed of an endless turquoise sea. IN business sphere color promises good ending started things, new prospects.

The turquoise color in clothing is interpreted in different ways:

  • Negotiations at work will go great.
  • The agreement signed by you, will bring you profit.
  • A new joint venture with someone will become a source of great income for you.
  • You will reach your goal without anyone's help.
  • If in real life you get sick, then get ready for speedy healing.
  • If you can boast of excellent health, it will be just as strong for many years to come.

The combination of turquoise and blue in your dream guarantees freedom from problems, hassles and troubles. Your cherished dream will come true in the near future. You will feel light, joyful and cheerful.

Swimming pool with turquoise water puts you in a loving mood, promises a meeting. The chosen one will delight you with a delightful gift if in a dream you or someone else was wearing a turquoise dress.