What does it mean to be in the present moment or how your mind interprets it. Meditationfest: Djeda Mali - awareness in the present moment

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Sentences containing the phrase "in currently»

  • That's why V real moment evolution of the Earth, that is, its spiritual growth, has reached its most important turning point.
  • IN real moment there are great chances for achieving major success in this area.
  • IN real moment the robot (network spider) crawls 5000 servers (about 4 GB of texts) every week, the list of servers is updated.
  • IN real moment two of them were intently kicking the body, which was gradually rolling down from the top of the hill.
  • So we are powerless V real moment fulfill the request of General Wrangel.
  • Every time we will join the atmosphere that V real moment exists in one or another pavilion of large studios.
  • It was necessary to find someone who V real moment free and who has a good sense of humor and developed self-irony.
  • And the actual work itself V real moment also very interesting.
  • Commission V real moment explores what is happening in Northern Greece and the border violations by Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.
  • IN real moment we use plaster confiscated from the Russians.
  • IN real moment nothing more is known about him.
  • IN real moment we should limit ourselves only to preventing attempts by this group to attack the flank of Army Group South.
  • I was a machine gunner, but V real moment due to the lack of machine guns, he commanded a rifle company.
  • IN real moment The directive is kept at the Royal Archives in Windsor.
  • IN real moment best conditions to develop success, they form on the left flank of Army Group Center (3rd Tank Group).
  • Dutov asked for permission to deprive them of their officer rank, and also not allow them to leave the army V real moment .
  • My brain is not able to adapt to the chaos that V real moment surrounds me.
  • To spoil relations with Arthur Wilson, which, according to Churchill, V real moment were of a “pleasant character”, he also did not intend to.
  • After all, I, like everyone else, real moment I have the right to rest: I sit and smoke.
  • AND V real moment , as in everything moment Yes, it produces a revitalizing effect on a person’s life.
  • Let "Franconia" quickly pass through the stage of formation in which it is located V real moment ».
  • IN real moment I work a lot with charcoal and black pencil, I also try sepia and watercolor.
  • IN real moment Spring sowing has not yet ended.
  • It turned out that V real moment the most the best remedy transportation was a horse.
  • Fifth, in all cases, projects must primarily provide employment to those who V real moment receives benefits.
  • However V real moment there was nothing left to do but wait.
  • Believe us, you real God for us, you real lord of all creation.
  • Convincingly and almost amused, he reassured Funk: the money was in real moment do not play a decisive role.
  • In general V real moment The Fuhrer is not at all interested in Moscow, and all his attention is focused on Leningrad.
  • IN real moment 953 substances are classified as such.
  • IN real moment , for example, several people, 11 if I’m not mistaken, work as assigned in foreign branches, outside of Russia.
  • All they could tell us V real moment , we knew by heart from the combat reports of Reich fighter pilots.
  • IN real moment I would have been jealous, but knowing myself, I had no doubt that I would have stopped being jealous as soon as I took possession of my treasure.
  • A young man in a civilian suit listened to the visitor and explained that the consul V real moment busy.
  • In any case, our failure as “chicks of Petrov’s nest” V real moment no doubt.
  • Is it possible to base an operation in the south-east direction on this? V real moment It’s not clear to me yet.
  • In essence, it is “liberation from” and the struggle against everything that is not liberal ( V real moment or potentially).
  • On real moment managed to find 90.
  • My whole nature is organized in such a way that real moment doesn't affect her at all.
  • Indeed, what I achieved on real moment, all this is primarily due to my character than my intellect.
  • And Plato then thought: real a man is not the one who cums violently, but the one who at the right time moment knows how to restrain himself!
  • The Romans in that moment felt only a slight breath of wind, which later grew into real Hurricane.
  • It was definitely not worth doing this: at the same time moment I experienced real shock.
  • They were arguing about who real communist, and who isn't real.
  • She is proud that the children kept their word and gave her real mansion and real automobile.
  • This real a masterpiece that captures the sweet moment lyrical inspiration, where words and music complement each other perfectly.
  • A month later we signed with the association real contract for real play.
  • And I liked to be reckless, and I dreamed that moment, when we go to sea, played out real storm.
  • IN real same moment I will just briefly touch on this issue.
  • Non-quantum causation includes moment accidents, and our formulas include moment probability as significant moment.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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You need to treat the current moment in your life the same way you would treat a loved one - accept him as he is, without constantly and persistently trying to change and adjust to suit you, says writer and author of the Raptitude blog David Cain. “Theories and Practices” translated his essay about how meditation helps to make life happier and learn to respect the present.

If anyone tries to convince you that eating breakfast will prevent you from gaining weight or that you can get sick simply from cold weather, send them one of Tyler Vigen's charts. It plots strange similarities between seemingly inconsequential statistics, demonstrating that you can find correlations between any unrelated events. It turns out that per capita cheese consumption correlates with the number of people who died from getting tangled in sheets, and the number of drownings in swimming pools rises and falls with the number of films in which Nicolas Cage starred in a year. Vigen wrote a book about this phenomenon, False Correlations.

However, we cannot help but notice some patterns in life - and these are not necessarily just coincidences. I don't have any proof, but I'm sure meditation makes your phone drain slower. I have observed this relationship for several years and believe there is a cause and effect relationship. As soon as I stop practicing meditation, I have to charge my phone earlier. During the summer my activities were inconsistent and the battery drained really quickly. Now that I'm back to two short sessions a day, I don't have to charge my phone before going to bed.

The explanation is quite simple, but it points to something more serious. A regular app that tracks phone usage activity will accurately confirm that the more regularly I meditate, the less time I spend staring at a screen. There are other changes in behavior that I am sure are related. I eat less junk food, make fewer stupid purchases, get up easier in the morning; work fascinates me more.

In general, I become much less impulsive. This is because regular meditation practice makes me more alert throughout the day. When you are mindful, you don't feel like the present moment needs improvement. This means there are fewer situations that I feel would be better if I took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter. This way, my phone stays in my pocket, I stay in the moment, and my battery stays charged.

When ordinary moments are good in themselves

When I meditate regularly, I am less likely to want to be entertained or comforted because most time and current moments suit me. The smartphone is a great barometer of this desire because it is often used to escape: from boredom, from having to make a decision, from anxious thoughts. This is something that seems to work 100% - even if it doesn't work all that great.

Checking the weather on your phone before going outside is one thing. But checking Instagram for the sixth time in a day is obviously a form of mindless pursuit of entertainment that we wouldn't bother ourselves with if we found pleasure in ordinary moments. As my practice became consistent again, I noticed signs that I had regained some confidence. The anxiety associated with communicating with people has subsided. I'm looking forward to getting started. I am less likely to be interrupted while working. I think less and move much more, do, complete things. I found myself pleased by rather strange details: the hem of my shirt sleeve, the blackness of a tree's shadow, the orderliness of city blocks, the hum of the refrigerator.

The constant uncertainty about the future, about what I'm capable of, about certain life dilemmas has evaporated - despite the fact that I have more work and tighter deadlines than in the summer. It's like a layer of calm that doesn't depend on external circumstances, lay on top of my everyday affairs.

Now I am very familiar with this background feeling of confidence that comes with a conscious approach to life, although it evaporates without a trace when I stop practicing. I've known for a long time that life gets better the more often I sit and meditate, but now the principle of this action is clear: mindfulness is the opposite of constantly needing something. The more regular my practice (even if I only meditate for a few minutes a day), the less often I want to add something to the moment, and least of all that base excitement that comes from updating social media.

Ordinary moments (my favorite example is walking through a parking lot) begin to bring a certain satisfaction that is not dependent on the outcome or outcome. They strangely turn out to be self-sufficient. And since in life there is always an almost unlimited supply of such moments, at some point you begin to feel like a rich man.

Mindfulness is simply respecting the present moment.

For those who don't quite understand what meditation is, it's essentially taking time to sit and observe in detail what it's like to be the person sitting there. This is much more interesting than it sounds, because when you are attentive, you notice many processes.

Firstly, there is whole line sensations inside the body: breathing, pressure, colored spots before the eyes, subtle pain, vague pulsation and tingling, air touches the skin, tongue touches the teeth, joints and muscles make themselves felt. There are sounds and vibrations in the room around you. And above all these specific details is a changing firmament of thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations.

The basic idea is to quietly observe some parts of this sea of ​​experience; Usually they start with breathing: when you notice that your thought is wandering somewhere, you bring it back to the present. The most important thing is to make this mindfulness conscious, that is, simply pay attention to what the current moment is, excluding the desire to change it. What the experience is is more important than what it should be or what you would like it to be.

This "observing something without immediately trying to change it" becomes a new experience for many people; it is precisely this that is responsible for the emerging feeling of normalcy and confidence. You will learn what it is like to allow time to take its course, without fear or hope that it must pass in a certain way.

This fear and this hope, which accompany our experience in many areas, are a type of internal need - a demand for the present to be better, nicer and more comfortable than it really is. To develop mindfulness is to practice unconditional courage. You develop the intention to feel reality exactly as it is.

This is not something that usually happens automatically. We are highly reactive creatures, still imprisoned for life on the savannah. A stain of mustard on a shirt cuff can cause us to experience a fight-or-flight adrenaline rush. This “non-reactivity” and “non-neediness” needs to be developed, and there is no more convenient time for this than a few minutes when you are sitting on your meditation cushion at home.

Think of it as learning to respect the present moment as it is, just as we learn to respect a person despite their mistakes and imperfections. Essentially, your whole life is a series of such encounters: the present moment arrives, warts and all, and you can either respect and welcome it for the imperfect thing that it is, or insist that it must be better, more beautiful, more responsive to you. But, of course, he cannot change in an instant.

The side effects of such basic respect can manifest themselves in unexpected situations - it depends on your personal quirks and problems. Your work ethic improves because you are determined to continue working despite difficult situations and unpleasant compromises. Social interaction improves because you intentionally accept the fact that you may be judged or misunderstood. And your phone battery stays charged longer because very few moments in the present make you want to turn away and stare at a tiny screen.

When a person comes across a description of the practice of mindfulness and contemplation, in most cases, he seems to “embed” this practice into his world, creating a projection of this practice in it. Reader lost in thought as he encounters a description real world, begins to look for this real in what he is immersed in. When you need to find something, a person, out of habit, plunges into the world of his thoughts. Even if we consider the search for such a simple object as, for example, a glass on a table, we first look for this glass in our own mind. The body mechanically performs actions and goes to “photograph” reality, so that the mind then continues to search for the glass on these mental “photographs”, imprints of reality.

See everything as it is

When it comes to starting to see everything as it is, it must be taken literally, as simply and practically as possible. It would be a mistake to think that seeing everything in real light means remembering events and trying to draw any (even correct or useful) conclusions from them.

Seeing everything as it is means seeing the present, what is now between the past and the future without mental coloring. Seeing everything as it is is realizing that you actually always exist now. The mind projects pictures of time on the screen of consciousness. But in reality, you are always present in the present spontaneously, without special tension or intention for this. Seeing everything as it is means that all so-called events are perceived in their true light, as thought forms occurring in the present. They have nothing to do with the future or the past, but are a kind of illusory, unsteady ripples against the background of the simple, spontaneous present moment right now.

Habits of Mind

Why does it often take years to realize a self-evident simple truth? It's all a matter of habit of mind. The personality cannot perceive the impersonal due to its nature. When the light comes, the darkness simply dissipates. The personality and the Higher consciousness also interact. However, if it seems to us that this is some kind of labor-intensive process, or something mystical, transcendental, these very thoughts and experiences give rise to all these complex aspects. To overcome the habits of the mind, there are techniques of concentration and contemplation (meditation). But these techniques, to some extent, are something artificial, a kind of tension against the background of what exists by itself, easily and freely at every moment of life.

Meditation as a way to stay in the here and now

However, meditation is one of the last steps. If we throw it away prematurely, we may be depriving ourselves of a real opportunity to rise higher. In a sense, all contemplative techniques are subtle tensions, residual vanities. It’s as if we are rushing through life, expecting some results from practice in the future. This is one of the great paradoxes. There's no hurry. The “future goal” of this practice is always present now.

You can try to imagine this in the form of a kind of virtual pyramid, the foundation of which is the basis of the movement, and, in fact, the main goal. The body of the pyramid is a path extended in time. And the top of this pyramid is crowned by a source, a great eye, as we approach it, we are amazed to discover that there is nothing there. The top of the pyramid endlessly thins and disappears. The goal of the path, which was waiting for us somewhere in the future, suddenly reveals itself in the present. It is not just an achievement, it is a paradoxical realization that this goal is not some tangible experience or form, but is something in which these forms and experiences continually happen.

Everything happens in the space of the present moment, here and now. We can say that a year ago you were in the present, and you are in it now. However, it is worth remembering that this very “year ago” is not an event left in the past, but is just our thought. And it doesn’t even matter what this thought is about, what’s important is that it happens now, in the present. Everything that is exists exclusively in the present. All we know about ourselves and about life are thoughts occurring in the present. And if we recognize each thought in this way, as something happening spontaneously in the present moment, we finally stop rushing.

The transition to spontaneous awareness of the present occurs effortlessly, unexpectedly for the individual. Something within us on a subconscious level recognizes the wisdom of this simple truth, as if the mind that makes the final decisions has finally heard the desire of the practitioner. The practitioner himself did not even know exactly what he was waiting for, because... was immersed in the world of thought. The desired freedom for him did not exist as it is, in its true essence of pure being. Freedom, before its acquisition, is rather negation, freedom from shackles, from suffering and restrictions without which it does not exist. Clinging to this “freedom” we clung to these shackles and suffering, because... without them there would be no concept of freedom. Therefore, understanding at the mental level alone will not achieve anything. True Understanding- intuitively and happens in an incomprehensible way by itself when we completely relax in the present.

In true freedom there is neither denial nor clinging. When the mind is silent, reality is reflected in it. How simpler attitude to what is happening, the calmer the mind. Simplicity, peace, clarity in the absolute sense - all this is one whole, bottomless, indivisible being, happening now.

The present moment between the past and the future is the only reality. Human life is a series of various kinds of stress and... In tension, we fall into sleep so as not to feel ourselves in the present moment, because tension creates suffering, and then the illusion of sleep is nicer than such reality. That is, it is a kind of vicious circle: tension creates suffering, which forces you to flee from reality into dreams. But this running around is precisely the main cause of our tension. Therefore, at some point, in order to get out of the vicious circle, one total, decisive “action” is necessary in which we go through ourselves.

The path comes down to accepting the freedom of the present moment - between the past and the future. There is no way because the present is always here and now. We are always in the present. The continuous rush of the mind plunges us into sleep, in which we dream of the path. – this is the last step, the transition from the gross tension of everyday life to the subtle tension of the world of consciousness. From restless sleep to a dream where there is self-awareness. To leave sleep completely there is no way, no method. How to get to a place where you are already here and now? How to become yourself if you are so you? How to find yourself in the present moment, between the past and the future, if you never left it?

Acceptance of the present can be relative - consciousness relaxes and experiences reality more deeply and clearly. different levels. In this plane, such concepts as correctness, genius, and holiness represent one whole. They are like beads strung on a thread, each one moving a little closer to the present.

Correctness is when actions are felt as right, and then it is a little easier for consciousness to accept what is, because it feels like right. Genius and beauty are also just moments of awakening, in which, having assessed what is happening with these epithets, the mind “agrees” with what is, approaching the truth of the present moment.

Perhaps true saints who live according to the laws of conscience are close to the truth, because they accept that with all their souls clean world, which their consciousness creates and projects outward. Why is the saint transformed? Because in his holiness it is easier and simpler for him to accept what is - the space of light of his own consciousness. It's easy to embrace the present moment when it's dominated by bliss.. If the consciousness is clouded with husks internal contradictions, there is resistance to what is and immersion in the illusion of time - an escape from reality here and now.

But when an artificial image of how one should behave arises - be it correct, beautiful, or holy - this can give rise to another internal conflict. An artificial role model dictates what is right and condemns what is. Then a person inevitably denies the present. On the one hand, in this way we can move and change. On the other hand, such a movement of avoiding the present becomes painful and tiring. Constant rejection of oneself, as not being similar to the ideal artificial image, gives rise to suffering. Therefore, from the very beginning it is better to see everything as it is. You are the consciousness of the present, you always appear without resistance. Accepting oneself as oneself spontaneously eliminates everything unnecessary, coarse, and illusory with the least resistance.

The point is not to behave correctly or holy, but to feel that everything that happens in the present is already correct and cannot be otherwise. No one and nothing can be different - everything is in its place. If there is a genuine experience of living the present, then holiness becomes a spontaneous consequence of being in the truth, in the reality of the moment here and now - between the past and the future.

Sometimes you may feel that along the way, you are waiting for something, as if you could always become happy, but constantly, year after year, you pushed back this moment in order to enjoy the game a little more. The realization of the truth happens in an instant. The experience arises that you are what you are and this is how it always was and will always be, and no one can do anything about it - and this is freedom. It doesn't matter what you do, what your mind thinks. The important thing is that this always happens in the present. No matter how much the mind avoids it, you still remain in your true nature here and now.

Igor Satorin

Article " In the present moment - between the past and the future» written specifically for
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