What to draw in a reading diary. How to design a reading diary for schoolchildren. The secret of an A in literature. Ready-made reading diary

If you read regularly but can't remember the contents of a book after a month, stop. Think about it: why is this happening? And while you're thinking, I'll tell you about my reading diary, which helped me get the most out of reading.


No surprise, but I love to read. At the journalism department we had the subject “History foreign literature”, thanks to which giant book lists appeared in my life. During the semester, it was necessary to overcome from 50 to 70 works. Complex, deep, heavy. “Doctor Faustus”, “The Magic Mountain”, “Ulysses”, “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, “Billiards at Half Nine” - all these books stuck in my head for a long time, because we spent hours sorting them out in pairs.

But time passed, and the contents of the books gradually faded from memory. I began to read literature completely differently. After reading, too little remains in my head: I realize this after a month or two.

Who was the main character? Why was he in conflict with the world? How did it all end?! What to do: read again?

What to do

The solution was born in conversation. My friend and I were discussing this problem and suddenly we realized that we need to start a reading diary. Like at school, but only more interesting. Don’t just list what happened, but give detailed analysis read.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source @books.cards

I got excited about the idea. I started looking for something similar on our website. I found a diary for schoolchildren - “Reader's Diary” by Marta Reitses. It has 4 columns: book, author, translator, quotes and my thoughts. There are pages with facts from the book. Fields where you can draw a mind map, write fan fiction or a review. Add a recipe that you read in the work. And even create a crossword puzzle based on the book.

Author of the photo: Anna. Source @annakrolly

It didn’t even bother me that the diary was for children. After all, this will not stop those who decide to read and disassemble books brick by brick. But I didn’t want to wait for him to come, so I left the option on a note.

My version of the diary

I decided to start with something simpler. And in the end I bought a notebook, opened the first page and divided it into several columns:

  • Name,
  • author,
  • the year of publishing,
  • Main characters,
  • action takes place
  • What's happened,
  • what is the book really about?
  • quotes.

I filled out almost all the lines in one fell swoop. Until the column “What is the book really about?” It's stalled here. Last time I analyzed works using the phrases “Cool book! I really wanted to re-read it right away” or “Be sure to read it! I couldn’t sleep because of her until three in the morning.” But for reader's diary this scheme was not suitable. And then I realized that I needed a book about how

Reading Rules

4. Don't always look for the "main idea."

This advice applies to fiction. Sometimes we want to reduce works to a list of problems that are described in the text. But often it is not created for this at all. Fiction book- this is the world into which the writer calls us.

Don't forget to enjoy its colors - stylistic devices, language, charismatic characters, manner of the author.

American writer, poet and critic Mark Van Doren writes: “When we read Shakespeare’s play, we are in it. We are drawn there quickly or smoothly - most often quickly - and, once in this world, we are completely immersed in it. This is the secret of Shakespeare's power over us - and it remains unsolved. The author creates a special world around us that we did not even suspect. And this world absorbs us completely.”

5. Draw a plot.

My reading diary is not limited to text. Visual images help me remember what I read: I draw the cover or scene from the book that caught my attention the most. For what? The book Visual Notes explains that our brains process information verbally and visually. This means that sketches are not simple pictures, and a way to reproduce in memory important points from the work.

Photo credit: Source @infopres18

What's the benefit

Keeping a reader's diary turned out to be terribly interesting. For now, I do it the “old fashioned way” - by hand, in a notebook, filling out each cell with my imperfect handwriting. I’m thinking of switching to an electronic version: making a big GoogleDoc. Or adapt a creative notebook: one of them will come to me soon.

The diary has several important advantages.

  • A holistic feeling from what you read. The book does not disappear in the abyss of thoughts, but stands on the shelf of memories. With a cover, explanations and a bookmark on the right pages where you liked the quotes. There is a feeling that you have “lived” the story and understood the author. I figured out everything that was bothering you.
  • Like a detective. Writing about a book is like an investigation: you try to dig deeper than usual. It seems that you are reading an action-packed thriller, but in fact it is a psychological drama. Or at first glance it was simple story about the life of a choreographer. On the other hand, a guide for survival in a creative profession.
  • Memory. The content is truly remembered many times better. Especially when you write the text by hand, think about the decision of the main character, highlight the thoughts that you like.

My diary is slowly growing

On summer holidays teachers often provide a list of literature recommended for reading in free time. During the school period, this will reduce the time spent preparing for the lesson. In the process of reading, a person of any age broadens his horizons, which is very important, especially for teenagers. Note taking short story will help you remember key points stories, remember the names of the heroes. Subsequently, during school lessons, such a reminder will become an indispensable assistant. To ensure that all entries are concise and easy to read, it is important to understand how to design a reader’s diary.

Start by choosing a notebook, let the child independently decide what the reading diary should be. You can do it yourself, using a simple suitable notebook or notepad, or purchase a ready-made version in the store, for example, choosing it according to the class.

At the beginning of the diary, you can leave a sheet for compiling the content; it is filled out in last resort, after designing all subsequent pages.

To add uniqueness and individuality to the diary when filling it out, you can use various beautiful stickers, magazine clippings, but the best option There will be your own interesting drawings.

Depending on the age of the reader, the size and essence of the written text changes. For younger children school age It is enough to allocate 1-2 pages to fill out. Here the title of the story or fairy tale, the surname and first name of the author are indicated, and the main characters are listed. Next, you need to briefly describe the plot - literally a few sentences, so that the child can remember what the book was about. And be sure to write your opinion about the material you read. For first-graders, a sketchbook often serves as a reading diary.

Literature lessons at school are among the most interesting and exciting. Many modern children enjoy reading epics and fairy tales, express their opinions about the plot and characters, and are not afraid to ask questions. But often this is not enough to get an excellent mark in this subject. We offer you to get acquainted with several recommendations that will help you figure out how to design a reader’s diary.

What it is

A reading diary for a schoolchild is a thick notebook in which students write down quotes from the work they are studying and retell its plot. The benefits of such work are undeniable: if you need to prepare for a test or write an essay, you don’t need to re-read the text, just open your diary and refresh your memory of events or characters.

Design secrets

How to properly design a reader's diary so that it is convenient to use?

  • First of all, you need to number the pages and content - this will help you quickly find the work you need.
  • It is mandatory to indicate the sections - “Oral folk art", "Literature of the 18th century", "Literature of the 19th century", etc. The titles of these sections should be written in large font, you can use printed capital letters and colored pens. To make the diary look neat, you need to use one color for headings of the same level.
  • Within each major section, subsections must be distinguished. Thus, “Literature of the 19th Century” will necessarily include parts “Pushkin’s Works”, “Lermontov’s Poetry”, “Gogol” and so on, depending on school curriculum. The name of the subsection must also be highlighted and underlined.

As a rule, at school, teachers do not put forward clear requirements for how to design a reading diary, because this is primarily a hint for the student. Therefore, you can freely express your imagination.

Shape Features

A very convenient form is a table that includes the following columns:

  • Author's full name;
  • title of the work;
  • main characters;
  • place and time of action;
  • key events or quotes.

It is very important to make columns of different widths in the table. The last one should be the widest.

How to create a reader's diary without a table? You can write in solid text, underlining or highlighting the names of works, authors and main ideas. Some students with a rich imagination come up with diagrams themselves that depict the relationships of the characters literary work and the events that happened to them. Working on such a presentation of the material will take some time, but remembering the text later will not be difficult.

Content specifics

How to design a reader's diary so that it is easy to prepare for writing an essay? First of all, when retelling, it is necessary to indicate the pages of the book or textbook where this or that event is discussed. This will allow you to quickly find the required place in the text and quote it.

An obligatory part of the diary are quotes from the work, which help to characterize the hero, understand the author's intent, the idea of ​​the text. They can be shortened if necessary, marking the places of reduction with ellipses. It would be useful to indicate the genre and year the text was written; this data can be used in the introduction to the essay. Be sure to write down names of characters that are difficult to pronounce, especially from ancient or foreign literature. This will save a lot of time, because you won’t have to look for them in a book.

Younger students can decorate their notebooks with illustrations and pictures.


Let's look at how to design the cover of a reader's diary. There are several ways:

  • The easiest one is to buy a suitable notebook, on which it will be written “Reader's Diary”; you just need to indicate your full name and class.
  • You can buy a regular notebook with a one-color cover and show your imagination: stick an illustration from your favorite work on it, write a few quotes you like, in beautiful letters(for example, in Old Church Slavonic style) display the words “Reader's Diary”. Then the notebook will become a real treasure for any student.
  • Using ordinary braid, you can make a bookmark: take a braid whose length is approximately 7 cm longer than the notebook, one end of it is carefully glued with tape in the upper left corner of the back cover, and the rest is placed on the required page. The cover can also be covered with braid.

We looked at how to beautifully design a reader's diary so that long years he pleased his owner. You shouldn’t throw away such notebooks, because when preparing for graduation and entrance exams Literature will require recalling previously studied texts. And diary owners won't have to go to the library.

Parents' meeting No. 4.

Topic: Why do you need a reader's diary?

Purpose: to introduce main goal introducing a reader's diary into primary school and requirements for its design.

Improving reading technique is one of the main tasks of teaching junior schoolchildren. The formation of children not only as a student, but also as a person, the formation of their attitude to learning, school, teacher, comrades, class staff, to themselves, etc. largely depends on how children are taught to read.

Keeping a reading diary will allow you to:

1) fall in love with the book and the process of reading;
2) improve the quality of reading;
3) expand the reader’s horizons;
4) develop it Creative skills; 5) teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, help the child better remember and understand the work.

In elementary school, it is very difficult for students to formulate their thoughts, not only in writing, but even orally. Ask your child to say what he read about. IN best case scenario, the child will begin to retell the text in great detail and this will drag on for a long time. And say in one sentence what is written in this fairy tale, what this story teaches or main idea Students of grades 1-2 and often even grades 3-4 will not be able to express the text. They just don't know how to do it.

When keeping a reading diary, a child needs to write down the main idea in a separate column and express it in 1-2 sentences. This means that the child learns to draw a conclusion and express it in a very short phrase.

By analyzing the work and formulating a conclusion, the child better remembers the meaning of the work and, if necessary, he will easily remember this work.

By writing down the author of the work and the main characters, the child remembers this data. If this work is read during extracurricular reading, during competitions, quizzes, the child, after leafing through his reading diary, will easily remember both the characters of the work and the plot.

By reading various works and writing down the general content in a reading diary, the child trains not onlywriting skills , but also learns to analyze the work, highlight the main idea of ​​the author, and understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader with his work. The child develops reading skills and reader culture.

Parents, by monitoring the maintenance of a reading diary, can easily track the interests of the child, understand which genre or direction interests the child more and, if necessary, adjust the direction of reading, offer the child books of a different genre.

How to design a reader's diary?

There is no uniform requirement for the design of a reading diary at school. Therefore, each teacher introduces his own requirements.

The main goal of keeping a Reading Diary is not to burden the child and parents. extra work, but to teach to draw conclusions and develop the culture of the reader. Consequently, the requirements for the Reader's Diary are based on this goal and they are minimal. When keeping a reader's diary, immediately after reading a work or chapter, if the work is large, write down your conclusions.

1. First you need to decide on the design of the reader’s diary. The easiest way is to take a simple checkered notebook as a basis. On the title page you need to write: “Reader's diary”, your first and last name, class (you can design the cover at your discretion).

2. Draw it into several columns:

♦ reading date,

title of the work,

♦ main characters,

♦ My impressions of reading “About what?” Here the child, with the help of his parents, writes down the main idea of ​​the text in 1-2 sentences.

When writing information about the book you read, you can follow the sample given in the table.

In addition, you can indicate the author’s biography and place his photo.
Next, you need to list the main characters of the book, you can give them a brief description.
The next point is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when the events take place, what the conflict is, when it is resolved, etc.)
Here are some questions to help:
Describe the character's appearance.
Name his character traits.
What are his favorite activities?
Who are his friends? What are they?
Would you like to be like this hero? How?
Is there anything you don't like about him? Why?

3. Which passage from the book did you like (or remember) most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it. You can draw an illustration for the passage.
You can also format it differently:

If you liked the book:

you can draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him,

If you fill it out regularly, it doesn’t take much time, but it does a good job of cementing the work in the child’s memory. And then, when in academic year, we conduct quizzes, extracurricular reading, children turn to their Reader's Diary and remember what stories they read, what characters are in fairy tales, the authors of the works and other data. Moreover, if the work is large and the child reads slowly, then individual chapters can be written down.

Teach your child to keep a Reading Diary from the first grade, help him in the second, and then the child will do it himself. By spending very little time filling out the Reading Diary, you will teach your child to analyze what they read, better understand and remember books, and form a culture of reading.


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Cl. head Demina V.O. How to create a “Reader's Diary”

Improving reading technique is one of the main tasks of teaching primary schoolchildren.

Keeping a reading diary will allow you to: 1) fall in love with the book and the reading process; 2) improve the quality of reading; 3) expand the reader’s horizons; 4) develop his creative abilities; 5) teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, help the child better remember and understand the work.

The main goal of keeping a Reading Diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop a reader’s culture.

How to design a “Reader’s Diary” On the title page you need to write: “Reader’s Diary”, your first and last name, class (you can design the cover at your discretion).

In your notebook, indicate: date of reading title of the work author main characters my impressions of what I read “About what?” Here the child, with the help of his parents, writes down the main idea of ​​the text in 1-2 sentences.

When writing information about the book you read, you can follow the sample given in the table. Date Title of the work Author Names and main characters My impressions of what I read 01/30. 2015 "Unknown flower" Andrey Platonovich Platonov ( real name Klimentov) was born on September 1, 1899 in Yamskaya Sloboda, a suburb of Voronezh. 1. Dasha 2. Unknown flower This is a story little flower who wanted to live. I felt very sad when I read that an unknown flower died. The fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties, but to do everything so as not to “live sadly.”

Here are some questions to help: Describe the character’s appearance. Name his character traits. What are his favorite activities? Who are his friends? What are they? Would you like to be like this hero? How? Is there anything you don't like about him? Why? Which passage from the book did you like best? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent?





Memo “LEARN TO READ CORRECTLY” Make sure your eyes move along the line. Try not to go back to reading a word you have read once you understand it. When reading, be attentive to every word. Try to understand what you are reading about. Read daily: out loud, silently...


Many parents try to instill a love of reading in children with early childhood. Of course, how well a son or daughter reads quickly and outperforms his peers.

However, many children are often dissatisfied with reading; they simply do not want to read and are not interested in books.

To do this, many literature teachers suggest making a reading diary, which will make this process interesting and exciting.

Child psychologists say that a reading diary is a necessary thing.

It will make reading easier, the child will be able to write down all the stories he read, starting from early childhood, and in the future it will become his pride and pleasant memory.

So, what does a reading diary give, namely, what does it teach the child:

  • It helps to correctly understand the main idea of ​​the story you read.
  • With its help, the child learns to retell correctly, express his thoughts, and speak competently.
  • His memory improves, he analyzes the work and draws his own conclusion.
  • Remembers the works read and their authors.
  • It develops reading skills and reader culture.

Sample design

You can design a reading diary for grades 1, 2, 3, 4 at your discretion.

On the Internet you can view samples of ready-made options that can be taken as a basis.

But it’s still worth considering its sections and their contents first:

Chapter Description
Title page This is the cover that should contain important information– student’s first and last name, class, school number.

The title “Reader’s Diary”, “Reader’s Diary”, “I Read with Pleasure” is also indicated.

Additionally, you can decorate the cover colorfully, draw pictures, patterns, stick pictures

Content It's a good idea to leave a few blank pages at the beginning of your diary for content. They will indicate the names of the books that the child has read
Diary spread This part states the most important thing - summary, story, main characters, main idea. Frames, tables, logos, drawings can be used for design.
Additional sections You can include sections called “My golden collection”, “I recommend reading”, “Read it, you won’t regret it!”

Many literature teachers use ready-made forms in which the student can indicate the stories he has read, write a summary, reviews, and write down other important information.

Below are sample designs:

Example of correct filling

For students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, there are items that must be included in the reading diary.


  • Title of the work.
  • FULL NAME. author.
  • You must indicate the genre in which the work is written.
  • It is advisable to draw a picture for a book you read.
  • List of the main characters of the story. It is recommended to provide a brief description of each.
  • Brief content of the work. This paragraph should indicate what we're talking about in the story, what you liked and what you didn’t.

Each parent can fill out a diary with their child. You can also think over your own filling and design options.

The child can add drawings himself; colored pens, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens and other decorative devices can be used for decoration.

Important! If a diary is being made for a 1st grade student, then it will be difficult for him to compose a description and description of the story on his own.

Parents must fill it out with him at first; they must explain how this is done and attract his attention.

Ready reader's diary

  • Read the title, first name, last name of the author.
  • Flip through me, look at all the illustrations.
  • Guess what I'm going to tell you about.
  • Read the text yourself in small parts, check and clarify your assumptions.
  • Think about why I have this name.
  • Work on the features of speech: voice color, volume, tempo.

Sample recommended list of extracurricular reading
S. Marshak “Children in a cage”, “Why was the cat called a cat?”, “Mail”, “He’s so absent-minded”
L. Tolstoy “Two Comrades”, “Bulka”
B. Zakhoder “Bird School”
A. Barto "Katya"
Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers"
M. Prishvin “Birch bark tube”, “Hedgehog”
N. Nosov “Entertainers”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Living Hat”
S. V. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, “What do you have?”
K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Stolen Sun”
A. S. Pushkin “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye”
V. V. Mayakovsky “Horse-Fire”, “Who to be?”, “What is good and what is bad”
M. Gorky “Sparrow”, “Burning Heart”, “About Ivanushka the Fool”, “Morning”
C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Puss in Boots”

An example of the design of columns in a reader's diary:

When filling out a diary, many may have difficulties in presenting brief description works, especially for 1st grade students.

To understand how this is done, you can consider a brief summary of famous children's stories and fairy tales:

Stories, fairy tales and authors Brief contents of the works
"The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A parable about how you cannot see the most beautiful things in life with your eyes, you must see and hear with your heart, otherwise among many people a person is lonely and unhappy
"Scarlet Sails", Alexander Green The work tells about the dreams and faith of a young girl in love and dreams.

She was waiting for the prince who would one day sail to her big ship With scarlet sails, and her dream soon came true

“Gray Neck”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak When someone gets into trouble, some rush to help, while others are not averse to taking advantage of weakness.

A fairy tale about how to help your comrades out of trouble when you yourself are afraid to get into it

“White Poodle”, A. I. Kuprin A boy from a wealthy family likes the white poodle that traveling performers perform with.

The dog is persuaded to sell, then stolen. Little acrobat rescues the dog

“French Lessons”, V. Rasputin The main character of the story is a boy from a poor village family. In order to continue his studies at school, he is forced to leave home for the regional center.

Only there can he go to 5th grade. The boy studies well, with the exception of French

“Frog Traveler” by V.M. Garshin The author tells the story of a frog who was bored with life in his native swamp, and went in search of adventure by air, on ducks.

On the way, the unlucky traveler falls into another swamp and decides that it is more interesting

“Malachite Box” P. Bazhov Traditions are told Ural mountains, about the hard underground labor of mountain workers, about the art of folk stone-cutters and lapidaries.

The work describes the events of ancient times, when many people did not have complete freedom, and were entirely dependent on their master

“The Wonderful Doctor”, A. I. Kuprin The family is beset with illnesses and misfortunes one after another.

The father of the family is already thinking about suicide, but he meets a doctor who helps him cope with difficulties and becomes their guardian angel

“Children of the Dungeon”, V. Korolenko A boy from a good family is faced with the cruelty and injustice of the world towards the poor.

Despite the difficulties, he shows compassion, kindness and nobility in helping the disadvantaged

"Robinson Crusoe", D. Defoe The book is about the fact that there are no hopeless situations, but think with your child about the question: “What kind of people surrounded Robinson, and what did they do?

Who and how understood their life path?. Who knows at what age these questions will be useful

“Chameleon”, A. P. Chekhov The police supervisor is trying to fulfill his official duty, but the instilled servility prevents him
“Three Fat Men”, Y. Olesha Thanks to a lucky coincidence, the circus performer Suok ends up in the palace of the rulers.

She is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, Suok will do everything to overthrow the tyrants from the throne

“The Scarlet Flower”, S. T. Aksakov The fairy tale introduces the reader to a merchant who tenderly loves his daughters and the youngest daughter in the family, who, in order to save her father’s life, agrees to live in the monster’s palace

There are others interesting stories that you can read with your children - “ ugly duck", "Flint" - Andersen. “Pantry of the Sun” - M.M. Prishvin, “Gutta-percha boy” - D.

Grigorovich, "Steel Ring". “Warm bread” - K. Paustovsky, “ Silver hoof", "Stone Flower" - P. Bazhov. “Lilac bush” - A.I. Kuprin, “Sivka-burka” - A.N. Tolstoy, “Mary Poppins” - P. Travers.

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” - M. Twain, “In the Country.” “Tanka”, “Numbers”, “Snow Bull” - I.A. Bunin.

A reading diary for children is good remedy to improve reading and develop a love for this activity.

The main thing is to attract the child, come up with a colorful design and motivate him to conduct it.

IN further child older students (3rd grade or 4th grade) will teach it themselves with special interest and will try to read as many works as possible.

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