What a Taurus woman loves in bed. Taurus man and Pisces woman. Pisces man sex life and favorite Kama Sutra positions

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus man in bed - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Anyone who is lucky enough to fall into the network of a representative of this sign will soon become convinced that Taurus in bed is a tireless lover who can make love all night long. This loveliness is partly explained by the fact that sex is an excellent way for Taurus to escape reality and everyday routine.

Taurus in bed - what kind of lovers are they?

And although Taurus prefer to make love at home, since comfort is above all for them, they love variety. Therefore, depending on the mood, it can be conversations, fantasies and even sexual toys.

What is a Taurus man like in bed?

Women are happy to marry Taurus. They are captivated by the fact that men of this sign are self-confident and have self-esteem, but at the same time they are always correct and gallant with their partner. Many of them cannot be called sophisticated and sophisticated lovers, but they fully compensate for this with their strong passion.

The Taurus man in bed is inclined towards equality: he is open to intimacy in all its manifestations and does not seek to suppress his partner’s sensuality. However, it assumes the same openness on the part of the woman. When choosing a life partner, he is guided only by his intelligence, experience and insight. That is why it is almost impossible to “seduce” him using the most common feminine tricks. He is jealous with the lady of his heart, but this does not prevent him from being an excellent family man.

What is a Taurus woman like in bed?

They are sensual, capricious, sophisticated and charming. They surround themselves with beautiful things and brilliant men. The Taurus woman in bed is a magnificent partner who can give her chosen one a refined sense of pleasure. She is sincere and recklessly surrenders to her attraction. She prefers to make love for a long time, in an atmosphere of complete emancipation.

However, often for men it is not only alluring and attractive, but also ruinous. As for family life, it is worth noting that for Taurus women it is often unstable and chaotic. There is no point in trying to pursue or seduce this woman - she chooses her own partner and only reveals the depth of her feelings to him.

With other men she will be unapproachable, cold, dismissive and obstinate. It should also be said that many Taurus women are polygamous in bed - they can have several men at the same time and be faithful to them.

Man under the zodiac sign Taurus

at the Women's Club!

Women love Taurus - and how can you not love them! These are special men.

Honesty, intelligence, charm, gallantry - all this is not a list of ideal qualities, but a characteristic of a Taurus, this unusual sign zodiac, which simply attracts to itself.

Every lovely lady will confirm that a Taurus man corresponds to the ideal in many ways. You can rely on him, he is courageous, wise and strong. He is reliable and good to be with, such a man knows how to listen and understands women, and loves to behave like a true gentleman.

In addition, there is a lot to learn from this man - he is freedom-loving, does not do anything under duress, values ​​himself and knows how to achieve his goal. Taurus does not fuss or rush; to some, such a man may seem slow, but he is simply balanced and does not like to rush.

A godsend for a woman

It's no secret that a Taurus man in love is just a dream. He is romantic, appreciates and loves the fair sex, knows how to look after and care. His compliments are original and his gifts are valuable.

A Taurus in love treats his lady with reverence and tenderness, surrounding her with affection and romance. A man is jealous - winning a lady for him means making her his, and he will not share with anyone.

But he loves it when people are jealous of him - he likes to feel his worth. This man is faithful, honest and simple-minded, you can trust him, but you will not be able to manipulate a Taurus - he does not like games and intrigue, and will not allow himself to be deceived.

What to expect in bed and marriage?

In bed, Taurus is a gentle and strong lover, although he is not inclined to experiment. A man is not looking for adventure; for him, relationships in bed are, first of all, affection, warmth, he loves touches and hugs.

The man is not used to behaving in intimate relationships quickly and temperamentally. Slowness, enjoying every minute, tenderness - these are the characteristics of a Taurus in bed.

Taurus are faithful and enviable husbands, but winning him and making him a husband is not easy. This man is serious, so he will look closely at his chosen one for a long time before he proposes. In the family he is loyal, conservative, a real breadwinner and master. Taurus are ideal fathers and husbands; with them, families are stable, prosperous and strong.

Is it worth starting a relationship?

Taurus is not ardent, but he is gentle and romantic, and you can feel it right away. Many women wanted to win the heart of a Taurus man - however, before trying to build a relationship with him, it is worth finding out whether the couple has high compatibility.

1. The Aries woman is ardent, passionate and impetuous, she is irritated by the slowness and slowness of the Taurus. The different paces of life and habits of these zodiac signs make compatibility difficult and unlikely. A man will not change, but whether the Aries lady can change herself is a question.

2. A Taurus woman is the same as he is - unhurried, economical, serious. Soul to soul - that’s what can be said about the compatibility of this sign with its own kind. It will be easy for them to understand each other, and a strong, reliable and harmonious marriage is possible.

3. If you are a Gemini woman, do not rush to try to win his heart. Geminis are restless and active people, and you will feel uncomfortable with a Taurus. Such a union has an unreliable characteristic, and compatibility is rather doubtful.

4. If a Taurus is in love with a Cancer woman, then the man will not only be able to conquer her, but will also quickly be able to understand her, surround her with what she wants, and make her his wife. If you are a Cancer, know that you have perfect compatibility with a Taurus, next to him you will feel reliable, comfortable and happy.

5. It may seem that a Leo woman and a Taurus man are too different and should be with other partners, but the compatibility of this union is high. The Leo lady is stubborn and ambitious, just like her chosen one, Taurus.

In bed they will have complete harmony, and stability in the family. The main thing is that the lady is not aggressive and hot-tempered, and tries to behave with the chosen one of this sign gently, without pressure.

6. Virgo is an ideal sign for Taurus, the characteristics of this couple are good, and the compatibility is ideal. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman will be able to surround each other with care and love, it is easy for them to understand each other, they have the same goals and requirements, there will be harmony and happiness in the couple.

7. A sensual and sublime Libra girl is a good match for a Taurus. If you are a Libra, try to behave sincerely with him, praise and admire him, and he himself will try to win you - no active actions are needed. This couple has good compatibility, both of you are aesthetes, do not like haste, and value pleasure and tenderness in bed.

8. When a man under the sign of Taurus and a woman under the sign of Scorpio meet, the couples form almost instantly. It is easy for them to understand each other, they know how to respect and appreciate their partner, and a Taurus in love will be able to make a Scorpio lady happy.

9. Sagittarius is a swift, bright sign, unlike Taurus. Therefore, the characteristics of a couple in which a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman come together is quite difficult. The romantic period will be bright, but then you will realize that you are too different - and it will not be easy to adapt yourself to your partner.

10. A wonderful union: a Taurus man and a Capricorn woman, both of these zodiac signs are practical, earthly, they value reliability and order. Their families turn out to be strong, harmonious and happy.

11. Sensuality and tenderness connect Taurus with an Aquarius woman. This sign, like Aquarius, is very soft, sensitive, and romantic.

There are differences in many ways, but the union has prospects. Compared to others, Aquarius is a spiritually close sign for Taurus, and this can guarantee understanding and intimacy.

12. A Pisces woman is an ideal for this sign, because Taurus finds in her everything that he values ​​- tenderness, vulnerability, a defenseless and subtle nature. These two zodiac signs sometimes come together forever - and create incredibly harmonious families, and the love and tenderness in them never runs out.

The eastern horoscope will help

This sign is not easy; it is impossible to understand and unravel it completely. But Eastern horoscope will help to reveal more widely the complex nature of a Taurus man and find out what this zodiac sign hides, what to expect from him and how to approach him.

  • If this sign was born in the year of the rat, then the person is endowed with the abilities of a diplomat, the man is accommodating and avoids conflicts, and knows how to benefit from any business. For Taurus, the Rat is a successful year; he remains as slow, calm and focused, but also acquires qualities that will help him achieve great goals.
  • The Ox is the most “native” sign for Taurus, and it only enhances its features. Such a man is patient, simple-minded, but mysterious, he is serious and intelligent, focused and disciplined.
  • The Tiger is a leader, bright and courageous, and this adds the missing qualities to Taurus. He is calm, not nervous, not conflicted. But at the same time he knows how to manage people, lead, and knows how to achieve success. This good leader and a great family man.
  • Taurus the rabbit does not like responsibility and risk; he is handsome, romantic, and loves beauty. It's pleasant and interesting to be with him. The rabbit man is an esthete, loves pleasure and hates difficulties, therefore he does not get involved in dubious enterprises.
  • The dragon makes Taurus invincible. He will achieve everything - and only on the outside he seems soft and passive. There is an iron rod inside the dragon's body; it cannot be broken on the way to the goal.
  • A snake in combination with a Taurus is a soft, but cunning person, able to predict and build cunning chains, and gracefully achieve any goal without going ahead. And bypass.
  • Taurus the horse is an earthly, practical creature. You can build a reliable family with him - he loves well-being, does not build castles in the air and is incredibly hardworking.
  • The sheep is afraid of everything new and needs support. Such a person is gentle, not inclined to fight and does not like to take risks.
  • Taurus the monkey loves fun, relaxation and comfort, he is sociable, charming, but hard work is not for him.
  • The Rooster is a leader, a winner, a conqueror. He can do anything and believes in himself. In love, this is a real hero.
  • Taurus dog - a true friend, a protector, he is loyal and honest. With such a person it is reliable, easy and pleasant, he will not deceive, and will do everything for his loved ones. In addition, this person is able to work and is not lazy.
  • Pig - good sign for Taurus, this man is kind, simple, open, loves and knows how to make money, he is not stingy. He is fun and always interesting, he loves pleasure, but at the same time he is smart, not lazy and knows when to relax and when to get busy.

If your chosen one is a Taurus, know that it is very difficult to study his complex, hidden soul. There will always be a mystery in him - but with this man you won’t be bored. Let the horoscope help you, and let attentiveness and openness in real communication allow you to build true friendship and a strong couple!

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Taurus man horoscope

The Taurus man is the person you can easily rely on in any situation. life situation. Such a guy is quite patient and practical, he is honest towards everyone around him. Such men are quite passionate and beautiful.

Representatives of this sign rarely spare money, but at the same time, they constantly think about tomorrow. You shouldn’t even try to tell such a man where to go and what to do. Such individuals will never do anything under pressure.

His main goal in life is to learn for himself and give others happiness and pleasure. It's quite difficult to piss him off. But if a representative of this sign gets too angry, he will immediately fly into a rage. Taurus men are jealous by nature.

He wants it to be his only and not belong to anyone else. He loves to be jealous of himself, because he believes that it is jealousy that can add a little spice to feelings. They are too stubborn.

Taurus man in love and marriage

Such men are quite romantic in nature and treat love with with special awe. His love is simple and very pure. The loving nature of such a man will give his beloved fidelity and devotion. A representative of this zodiac sign will do everything for the woman he loves.

During a romantic courtship, such a man will prefer to dress only in outfits that are in fashion. Most of all, representatives of this sign prefer fairly long and very gentle kisses. They are very skillful and gentle lovers.

Men of this sign know very well how to please their beloved. In response to his affection, a woman should give love and tenderness. As for the bed, it plays a significant role in his life, which cannot be compared with anything.

In order to become his wife, you will need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. He will look closely at the woman for a long time. He is in no hurry to get married. The thing is that such men consider marriage to be a rather serious step and an act that will radically change his life.

In marriage, he will constantly desire comfort, stability and constant care for him. Having married, a representative of this sign remains faithful to his soulmate. The whole point is that he chose his wife very carefully and chose exactly the woman he needed for life.

He is quite generous and will gladly provide finances to his wife for her whims. At home he can be quite lazy, you shouldn’t scold your beloved man for this. Under no circumstances should you push him or constantly rush him. He doesn't like to rush. The representative of this sign prefers large companies and is a very hospitable and cordial host.

Even if family life things aren't going well, they're in no hurry to get a divorce. They go through a divorce quite difficult, and then it takes even more time to find a new companion. Most likely, being married to this person will be somewhat boring, since a representative of this sign is quite rarely able to change his habits.

How to understand that he is in love

It is generally accepted that representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign are quite secretive personalities and keep to themselves. In the process of determining his love, some difficulties may arise. But there are many actions by which you can determine that this man is in love.

  • First of all, a Taurus man in love will spend as much time as possible with the object of his affection.
  • If he really fell in love, then all his secrecy instantly disappears, which allows him to have frank conversations with his beloved.
  • They are quite reserved, but while they are in love, Taurus will try in every possible way to cheer up their chosen one and make her laugh at something.
  • In the event that the girl rejects him, the Taurus man will become more persistent, but at the same time he will be as courteous as possible.

Taurus man in bed

Such men are not one of the most temperamental lovers, but they are very patient, gentle and strong. These are very sensitive people, so affection and simple touches are very important to them. In bed, such a man wants to get the best. He is simply insatiable and madly loves to dominate a woman.

He will never give up experimenting in bed, but on the contrary, he will insist on it. For a representative of this sign, sex is an entire art. He will be incredibly proud that he gave the woman he loves pleasure. Such men do not accept relationships without intimacy.

What kind of women does a Taurus man like?

Representatives of this zodiac sign are too picky, unless we are talking about a girl for one night. A Taurus can only fall in love with a purposeful woman, very sexy and successful, who will not impose herself on him. Moreover, his lady love must be a housewife and love children.

It is also important for Taurus that his chosen one is not only pretty, but also smart. Only by possessing all of the above qualities will a woman be able to conquer a Taurus man.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

Considering that the representative of this zodiac sign is quite practical and thorough, he will approach the choice of a wife very seriously. He chooses for quite a long time, but with high quality. He wants his women to combine the qualities of an excellent lover and an ideal housewife.

The sexuality of his chosen one plays an equally significant role. He prefers fairly kind women, gentle and caring, who have calmness and restraint. At the same time, she should not be passive, since the representative of the Taurus sign himself is not very energetic.

Taurus: Sexual horoscope

Taurus, ruled by Venus, is the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac. Taurus prefer real love with all the joys of sex and platonic love.


Her ruler is Venus, so she knows all the techniques of seduction without the help of textbooks. Being very sensual, she is incomparable in the art of attracting men. But, attracting many, she chooses only a select few. She relies on her intuition about her potential lover.

True love with her will not flow smoothly. She is jealous from birth and is capable of causing very noisy scenes. If she believes that she is being neglected, she will not insist on her position through indirect or artificial means. She will say directly everything that is on her mind.

The Taurus woman knows what she wants, and in her stubbornness she can seem unreasonable. If she achieves something, she goes straight to the goal, even if this means resorting to tears, threats or breaking dishes. If you are involved with a Taurus woman, be prepared to either give in or quit the game.

She is willing to give and take in equal measure. She is very affectionate, but has innate common sense. She quickly detects deception, but instinctively reciprocates her partner's sincerity. She relies on her emotions. Some people make the mistake of underestimating her intelligence since she is not inclined to show off her wit in public. She has a rare form of intelligence - she knows that to understand the truth you need to trust your intuition.

She is practical and not prone to idealism. She won't sigh over a hero on the silver screen when a much more approachable man is sitting next to her. She does not believe in platonic love; for her, love exists only together with physical attraction.

As a young woman, the Taurus woman is eager to learn more about life, and the man who can teach her has the best chance of winning her heart. However, the more men she gets to know, the more demands she makes when choosing a lover. She defines a set of requirements for herself and will not go far with a man who does not satisfy them.

She appreciates luxury. A man who can provide her with furs and emeralds, and surround her with visible wealth, will remain the owner of her heart for a long time.

She needs an object of affection, but due to her innate conservatism, she would rather count on marriage than on a relationship. She needs to be connected to someone who is close to her. However, she tends to treat her lover as property and does nothing to guarantee his fidelity.

She is a good cook, a wonderful lover and can make a good wife as she has a very devoted and loving nature. However, a word of warning: she never forgives infidelity.

She is the quintessential woman.


A woman born under the sign of Taurus expects you to be kind and patient and to make love as advised in the books. She hopes to enjoy sex and is not interested in unusual ideas. If you want to develop new techniques, you should do it very gradually, after she has confidence in you. Although she has great potential for sexual experimentation, she is faithful to her preferences and will not change them easily.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. One way or another, sooner or later you will end up in bed. Your partner will leave you breathless. After all, she performs better than anyone else on this platform. Each of her connections is tense, like a bullfight.

Her behavior in the bedroom is deeply romantic. She will always be as seductive as possible. When she walks into the bedroom wearing only perfume and jewelry, you know the time has come. This tiger's fire burns brightest in the bedroom.

She loves to fulfill her sexual fantasies. To enhance the eroticism, she will act out resistance, of course, if you play along with her in the role of a ruthless, unobtrusive lover. Or she will attack you like a vampire on a sleeping victim. All of her actions are very authentic, healthy expressions of real passion.

She is very sensual, and if you cannot satisfy her, she will have no remorse in finding someone else.


In many ways, the Taurus man is the ideal lover. He understands his partner and knows how to approach any woman.

The Taurus man is strong-willed, very sexy and patient. He will get his way in due time and will never give up halfway. His passions are not immediately visible, but when he clearly intends to conquer you, it will not be easy for you to get rid of him.

He is very stubborn. He can try to get by with persuasion if he has an intellectual mindset, but if necessary, he will eventually move on to commands. If he can boast physical development, he, having difficulty communicating with you, will go ahead. A Taurus man is usually well-developed physically, this is part of his charm. He is an earthly, strong, sensitive nature.

The Taurus man is jealous. He is an owner and wants everything he owns to be his only. He hates to part with anything unless it has already lost its value in his eyes. If your relationship is over, he will try to maintain friendly relations.

You will not be able to control Taurus, but you can only try to make assumptions. Persistence on your part will make him turn away from you. Taurus is an earth sign and very stubborn, and subtle hints will more likely lead you to your goal.

By choosing him as your partner, you are choosing a rich and intense sexually a life in which there is no place for eternal headaches and even momentary malaise. If you even once deny him physical intimacy, he will immediately decide that he no longer needs you, that you no longer love him or have found yourself a lover.

If you do not have the temperament to constantly strive for physical intimacy, then the desires of your chosen one can create many problems. If you have always dreamed of an insatiable partner, rest assured - it is with Taurus that you will always feel satisfied in this regard.


The Taurus man is a person with enormous erotic needs. He firmly believes that sex is the surest and most perfect path to happiness, one of the most valuable gifts of nature. Therefore, a woman interested in Taurus should not neglect, even to a small extent, his physiological needs.

He loves to make love. This may sound strange - who doesn't love it? But there are people who use sex to relieve stress, to satisfy feelings of ownership, to feel masculine, or just for fun. They don't enjoy sex itself. Taurus enjoys.

His foreplay is almost whole theatrical performance. No intimacy “in a hurry.” Only when he feels that the moment has come. He prefers it to be slow and easy. He has a wonderful imagination. Don't think that he will lead you down unknown sexual roads. He will follow the tried and tested path, but will design it in such a way that the results will not disappoint you.

The Taurus man is very resilient and can overcome anything. His huge advantage is strength. If he sometimes lacks imagination, he compensates for this with his ability to move forward. You will have to take the initiative if you want to try exotic positions.


TAURUS - ARIES: Two different personalities. Taurus does not like to be rushed, and will dampen the enthusiasm of Aries, who is prone to the more impulsive joys of sex. Taurus does not have a developed sensual imagination, and if Aries relies on emotions, then Taurus will find it difficult to respond to him. The relationship can be hot, but in marriage, Taurus must learn to overlook Aries's infidelity.

TAURUS - TAURUS: They are not always sexually compatible. A woman is sentimental in love, a man has a more earthly nature. The Taurus man prefers the company of other men. He loves to chase women. The Taurus woman cannot tolerate deception or lack of attention to herself. The relationship can and should be pleasant, but one can only guess about the fate of the marriage.

TAURUS - GEMINI: Dual, changeable, many-faced Gemini is the opposite of the constancy of Taurus. Taurus is attracted to Gemini's artistry and imagination. Taurus's reserve arouses Gemini's interest. However, Gemini is annoyed by Taurus's slow reaction and his clumsy, amateur caresses. A colorless relationship and not the best prospects for marriage.

TAURUS - CANCER: Cancer appears to Taurus as a romantic, satisfying partner. The stability of Taurus will not be shaken by the changeable mood of Cancer, and the constancy of his aspirations provides reliable reasons for postponing the start of a sexual relationship. Both have a strong desire for a passionate, emotional life. If the physical side satisfies them, then there will be a strong connection and a prosperous marriage.

TAURUS - LEO: Taurus will have to put up with Leo's grandiosity complex. Leo considers it natural for himself to occupy a central place in his lover's life. Leo is cheerful and responsive; Taurus is prone to restraint and selfishness. There are no problems expected in the sexual area, but for this Leo must set the pace and mood. It's difficult to please a Leo and this can complicate the connection, and in the long term, this is not an important combination.

TAURUS - VIRGO: Taurus is more physical and may be irritated by Virgo's puritanical tendencies. When making love, Virgo prefers simple ways and avoids excesses whenever possible. Taurus is not against simplicity, but his tirelessness in sex may bother Virgo. Other than that, there are few problems. Good communication: A successful marriage is possible. But it requires compromise in the area of ​​sex.

TAURUS - LIBRA: Libra will bring into their sex life a large amount of emotional warmth and understanding, necessary for analyzing and solving all physical problems. Libra will try to excite and satisfy their partner. Taurus is also persistent, so the chances for mutual satisfaction in this area are good. Taurus can take the lead in the bedroom. The connection is “cute”, and a good, long-term union is possible.

TAURUS - SCORPIO: They have an equally developed sexual appetite. In addition, none of them feels the need for outside connections. When irritated, Taurus can be stubborn, and Scorpio's anger, if angered, should be feared by all signs of the zodiac. A relationship full of storms is expected, and marriage is possible only with extraordinary tolerance.

TAURUS - SAGITTARIUS: The danger is that Taurus will try to “put the freedom-loving Sagittarius on a short leash.” It won't work. Extremely sexy Taurus will be pleased with the voluptuousness of Sagittarius, but irritated by his desire to seek love wherever possible. They will be happy together, but carefree Sagittarius is usually a much better lover than a spouse.

TAURUS - CAPRICORN: Sexual attraction is equal in strength. Neither of them is looking for wild, over-the-top sex. Taurus will not like Capricorn's innate tendency to hide their expectations. And, accordingly, Capricorn will react negatively to Taurus’ attempts to insist on his own. There will be no “romance” in their relationship, but they are capable of sensual love and a good, long-term partnership.

TAURUS - AQUARIUS: Introspective Aquarius is not as interested in the physical side of love as Taurus. Aquarius prefers intellectual communication, but this type of love will not satisfy the sensual Taurus. On the other side. Taurus will seem too demanding to Aquarius. However, Aquarius likes to master the technique of sex, and this can fascinate him. Casual relationship, unpromising marriage.

TAURUS - PISCES: Pisces have a lively, unpredictable temperament in sexual relations. Taurus may find it difficult to deal with. By helping Pisces realize their fantasies, tactfully and reliably encouraging them, persistent Taurus can achieve a lot. The success of sexual harmony depends on Taurus. Good prospects for a passionate relationship and for a satisfying marriage.

Horoscopes can be treated differently. But the fact that the stars under which we are born influence our character cannot be denied. This effect can also be traced on a person’s sexual life. So, a Taurus man in bed is a fireworks display of sensuality and pleasure. So, let's talk about the intricacies of love and relationships with Taurus.

Not a lover, but a dream!

Men born from April 21 to May 20 are characterized by sexual tirelessness. They are able to make love for a long time and with special enthusiasm, bringing their partner to the peak of pleasure again and again. However, they are distinguished by a number of features that the partner should know in advance. After all, having encountered misunderstandings in bed, Taurus can end the relationship without further ado, including outside of it.

  • Comfort. Exactly! The Taurus man prefers to make love in a soft and warm bed. An elevator, a park or a car are not his element.
  • More and more. Even after a devastating orgasm, Taurus will look for continuation again and again. So a woman should be ready for a sex marathon.
  • Words, words... Nothing excites a Taurus more than declarations of love. If his partner tells him how good she feels, that she is in seventh heaven with him, then he will do everything possible to hear this as often as possible.
  • Fantasies. Despite their dislike for extreme sports, Taurus loves role-playing games and using sex toys. He is especially turned on by the initiative coming from his beloved. An unexpected transformation into a nurse or Little Red Riding Hood will leave an indelible mark on his soul.
  • Long lasting pleasure. A man born in the sign of Taurus really values ​​long caresses. So don’t rush him if he wants to fully enjoy the gentle foreplay.

For guys born in late April-May, sensual pleasures play perhaps the most important role in relationships. So they look for women who can share the desire to get the most out of sex. This is precisely why Taurus tries to persuade the girl they like to have sex already on the first date. In this way, they check how suitable they are for each other, and do not at all add to their Don Juan list.

So a woman who dreams of conquering a Taurus simply needs to know where to direct her affections so that he doesn’t even think that she is not an ideal couple. The astrological bull has several particularly sensitive zones:

  • back of the head;

Taurus do not like too intricate touches, so stroking, caressing with the tongue and lips are suitable. An attempt to get under his shirt and stroke his back can cause a real storm of emotions. In general, tease and give in, beckon and run away - such contrasts will greatly excite the ardent bull. And absolutely a win-win to become an ideal lover in the eyes of Taurus - give him a massage with aromatic oils (for example, tangerine, ylang-ylang).

Sexual compatibility with other zodiac signs

Taurus is compatible with many zodiac signs, but not always with a woman born under the same constellation. This is due to the fact that she, as a rule, is a romantic person who needs a long candy-bouquet stage. But the man turns out to be too impatient and strives to get to the “core of the issue” as quickly as possible.

  • We can say with 90% confidence that an alliance with an Aries woman is doomed to failure. She is too demanding, temperamental, can get carried away with other gentlemen, and Taurus does not like it when they cheat on him and demand more than he can give.
  • The compatibility of a Gemini woman with a Taurus man in bed can be rated 8 points out of 10 - a good result. It does not reach the maximum only because an overly impulsive young lady may begin to be irritated by the possible slowness of her partner. But if she can be patient, the result will be worth the effort.
  • A Cancer woman and a Taurus man quickly achieve complete compatibility in bed. This is the same mistress for Taurus who gives him confidence in her fidelity, but at the same time requires the neutralization of her hot temper and irritability with tenderness and strength at the same time.
  • For the temperamental Taurus, Leo is an object of taming. But if a bull manages to tie such a lady to himself, then in her he will find a friend, a lover, and a partner. At the same time, by giving up a little on her ambitions for independence, the Lioness will have a lot of fun.
  • A union with Virgo will probably not be interesting for Taurus. She is very reserved intimate life, and to satisfy his thirst for sensual pleasures, the companion must be more temperamental.
  • Relationships with Libra will give Taurus harmony. Women of this zodiac sign know how to “balance” all the doubts of the man who is nearby. And for sex, such a partner is a real find, because she allows you to perform the most incredible somersaults with you and is happy to join in sensual games.
  • Scorpio and Taurus are incredibly sensitive, passionate lovers. But in life, their union is doomed to failure - in particular, because of his possessiveness and her vindictiveness.

  • It’s a similar story with the Sagittarius woman. In sex, they both love long foreplay and romance, and in life they will strive to limit each other’s freedom.
  • The Capricorn woman's love arsenal is often limited to a certain set of poses and techniques, which she does not want to expand. So the sensual Taurus will be bored in bed with her. But if you build a relationship on mutual respect, then such a partner will turn out to be a very suitable match.
  • As Mikhail Zhvanetsky said, “If you can’t love, sit and be friends.” This is how it is in the relationship between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman. She is mainly interested in intellectual self-development, so it is unlikely that she will be able to persuade a lady to have sex, not only on the first, but also on the tenth date. And the pleasure will be doubtful: she read that it will be different! Patience to prove that you can enjoy sex, and different ways, Taurus simply doesn't have enough.
  • But with Fish, Taurus will be able to express himself in all his glory. She will gladly accept whatever he wants to do from bed, and he will like her playfulness, changeability and sensuality.

People of this zodiac sign have developed erotic abilities. A Taurus man in bed is an affectionate and sensual partner who knows how to bring true pleasure to his other half. Women of this constellation are gentle, but at the same time demanding sexual partners.

As a rule, Taurus are endowed with an attractive appearance, charm and inner strength, which, like a magnet, attracts representatives of the opposite sex. Sex for men of this sign is one of the priority things, as it helps them assert themselves and feel more confident. For women, making love is a source of energy and cheerfulness.

People of this sign are incredibly strong and resilient in bed, and can please their other half with several sexual acts in one night. Despite their passionate behavior in bed, Taurus are quite conservative, not demanding incredible erotic experiments and actions from their partner.

How to satisfy a Taurus in bed is not a very difficult riddle. It is enough to have passionate, but “standard” (without surprises or impromptu) sex with him. Few of them will appreciate any form of perversion and deviation from the classics.

Physical contact with a partner is of great importance for “bulls”. Mutual erotic caresses increase the degree of excitement and give indescribable sensations to both participants in foreplay. Their erogenous zones are the neck, the area behind the ears and the collarbone. Knowing this, you can disarm and drag into bed almost any representative of this zodiac sign, paying active attention to sensitive places on his body.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity born under this sign are distinguished by their directness and openness.

A Taurus woman in bed will tell you without any modesty where to caress her and how to kiss her in order to give her maximum pleasure. Moreover, the more she likes you, the more she trusts you. High level trust, in turn, contributes to her greater liberation on the sexual bed. By fulfilling her erotic fantasies, in return you will receive the fulfillment of yours.

From here the answer to the question of how to satisfy a Taurus woman emerges: Be mutually open and be attentive to her requests. For men, such a lady is simply a godsend: if she really likes him and she feels protected next to him, then the man will not have to think and guess what is on her mind. She will tell you everything herself, the partner just has to do it.

Still very important nuance For her, sexual intimacy is the setting in which everything happens. Such a lady loves unusualness, romance, luxury - anything, as long as it is not ordinary. At least burn candles in an erotic costume, or even have sex with her on the beach or in the bath.

A sexual partner under this constellation is sexy, assertive, and powerful. He is very loving, so it’s quite easy for him to like you. Arousing his sympathy is one thing, but how to satisfy a Taurus man in bed? Here are three tips for women:

If a Taurus wants to please a woman himself, he becomes as insinuating and courteous as possible. He will achieve any charming woman who has aroused his interest. If this does not happen, such a man will feel a severe defeat, a blow to his self-esteem.

Love and relationships

A man needs not only quality sex, but also stable relationships. In the family he occupies a dominant place. If you want him to stay with you for life, love his mother. For Taurus, the mother is the main woman in the world. The woman who is accepted and loved by the mother of Taurus is forever doomed to be loved by him, even if she herself wants to break off their union.

What kind of Taurus is family relationships? All his life he strives to have strong family, arranging your life as comfortably as possible. He likes to come home, where a faithful wife, beautiful children and delicious dinner. He's a homebody. Spontaneously deciding to travel to an unknown destination is not his style. Rather, he would prefer this interesting book or a newspaper.

In conclusion: the “bull” husband can be briefly characterized by three points:

  1. An excellent lover.
  2. Caring family man.
  3. Powerful partner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus. And this undoubtedly affects his character. More details about the man himself, who was born under the sign of Taurus and his behavior in relationships with women we'll talk in the article.

This nature can be named several complex and contradictory. Taurus, first of all, has practicality and a sober mind. But at the same time, he is very romantic and sensitive. A girl who will be next to such a man needs to be patient and understanding.

  • Taurus man - great romantic. For him marriage is forever! Therefore, he approaches the choice of his chosen one very carefully. If a girl has fallen into his heart, then he will pursue her long and diligently.
  • He also has the following character trait: indecision. Taurus can walk in circles around his beloved and decide to speak only after two weeks. Therefore, the girl needs to gently hint to him of reciprocity and help him advance the relationship. Because Taurus can also be called slow.
Taurus is a romantic
  • Taurus loves to eat well and really values ​​comfort and coziness in the home. Therefore, first of all, he will like economical girls.
  • Romeo and Juliet will act in his eyes as ideals in love. This is exactly how relationships should be. For life and until death. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that Taurus is a huge owner and jealous.
  • He is soft and compliant, on the one hand. But, at times, he can be very stubborn and hot-tempered. Especially in small things. Quarrels will be inevitable next to such a man, but reconciliation with him will be worth it.

How to attract the attention of a guy and a Taurus man?

Like any other man, Taurus is a breadwinner. Therefore, in order to attract such a guy, you need to unobtrusively flirt with him and patiently wait for masculine actions. Sometimes, you will need to be pushed to take more decisive action. But do it as if he himself wanted it. Attracting such a man is not easy, but it is possible.

  • First of all, this sign appreciates like no other femininity and beauty. Pays a lot of attention to appearance. You should always take care of yourself! And in in this case, it is better to abandon vulgar and provocative things.
  • But only external beauty you won't be full. Such words sound literally about such a man. He loves delicious food and eating in general. Therefore, you should practice well before inviting him to dinner.
  • Taurus, as mentioned above, loves girls who are economical. Therefore, the house should be clean, neat and comfortable. And if you offer your help at his home, you will definitely not leave him indifferent.
  • Also, such a man appreciates thriftiness in a girl, especially in financial issue.

What kind of compliments do Taurus guys and men like?

This man not only appreciates the beauty of his chosen one, but also carefully looks after himself. And a girl who wants to win his heart should not forget to compliment him.

  • A Taurus can be immediately recognized by his neat appearance. He loves beautiful and high-quality things. Therefore, you should not skimp on compliments about his appearance. Suffice it to say how good he looks today. Or appreciate his new perfume, or notice that this shirt matches his eye color perfectly. Praise him with the words: “Your perfume is divine.”

Compliments for Taurus
  • Such a man, as a rule, watches his figure. Therefore, he will be incredibly happy to hear a compliment about how toned his abs are or how strong his arms are.
  • And, of course, don’t forget to praise and thank your man. He definitely won't be able to resist this. Even for banal acts, like helping around the house or taking out the trash on time. Tell him, “I’m so glad there are still men who do such sweet things for their women. You are ideal."

How will a Taurus guy or man like you?

Since Taurus is very romantic, soft and sensitive, the girl next to him should be like that. Do not be mistaken that only appearance is important to him. It is important for him inner world and intelligence of the chosen one.

  • For Taurus, a girl should also be a friend and a good conversationalist. She needs to be able to support any conversation and receive guests well. Don't be afraid to defend your point of view. He values ​​devotion in a woman, but complete submission.
  • Taurus is very appreciates kind and sympathetic girls. Only your help must be sincere. Because Taurus categorically cannot stand falsehood and hypocrisy.
  • A little banal, but for this representative of the zodiac sign it is important that his chosen one finds mutual language with his relatives. Including with my mother. Because of her stubbornness, she still won’t influence his choice. But Taurus will be very pleased.

Don't make Taurus jealous
  • And, most importantly, do not try to make him jealous. Never! Taurus is the most jealous sign of the zodiac and he himself will find something to complain about. And in a state of jealousy, he loses his temper so much that there will be no salvation for anyone.

How to make a girl and woman fall in love with you, conquer, conquer a Taurus guy or man according to your zodiac sign?

Taurus is a real man. And starting from their appearance and ending with their actions. Therefore, he is popular with the opposite sex. But not every girl can be close to such a man. And the point here is not only not in the similarity of characters, but also in the compatibility of zodiac signs.

Taurus Man and Aries Woman

  • Such an alliance will not be without conflicts. Aries is too active and active, while Taurus acts slowly but confidently. A woman will always try to push her man, stir him up and rush him.
  • Such an alliance will only last on the patience of Aries. But it won't last long. These two personalities are very stubborn. And when one of them defends their point of view, a quarrel will be inevitable. And there will be scandals between them more often than peaceful days.
  • In addition to all this, these representatives are leaders by nature. And will be constant struggle for this place. Therefore, not only love, but also friendship rarely arises between Aries and Taurus.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman

  • Such a union can be called ideal. Both partners have the same views on life, values ​​and requirements. Although both representatives are very stubborn and jealous, quarrels will arise extremely rarely. They understand each other perfectly, they are ready to work slowly and hard, rejoice and solve problems.
  • For Taurus, home and money come first. Yes, preferably enough to last until old age. Therefore, they are both ready to work hard and save, equip their homes and raise children together.

Taurus Man and Gemini Woman

  • This marriage does happen, but rarely. One cannot immediately say that they will not see a happy family future, but they are too different. And, first of all, they have a different pace of life.
  • Geminis lead an active lifestyle, and are completely unprepared to devote themselves to children and the family hearth. Taurus will immediately be annoyed by this. It is important for him to know that he comes first for his chosen one.
  • Therefore, Geminis should devote more time to their partner. The main advantage of this couple will be finances. Both know how, love and want to make money.
  • Gemini will be able to properly guide Taurus, and he, in turn, will teach him how to manage them well. The only and fatal thing will be the jealousy of Taurus. Gemini should not provoke, and the man should try to react less violently.

Taurus' attitude towards women

Taurus Man and Cancer Woman

  • Excellent compatibility. It is precisely this pair that can make a strong married couple. They seem to complement each other. Cancer will take care of the house and children, and Taurus will only be happy about this.
  • After all, this is what he values ​​in a woman. Both want to have their own home, furnish it well, and they will also make wonderful parents. Of course, there will be disagreements in this couple, but they will always be able to find a common solution.
  • The main thing is that Cancer should speak to his partner directly and without hints.
  • Also, Cancer is very touchy and this too should not be kept silent. And Taurus needs to trust his partner more and be less jealous of every little thing.

Taurus Man and Leo Woman

  • Such a couple has so many chances to long life together, as in complete failure. They are completely different, both in character and in the rhythm of life. Although this union occurs quite often, it is rare for couples to maintain their relationship.
  • Main problem– this is the financial side. Yes, they both love to eat well, decorate their home beautifully and look rich. But Leo does not know how to value and save money.
  • Taurus often thinks that his chosen one is often wasting money. More precisely, he does not always understand how to spend them, especially when it comes to fun and entertainment. Therefore, in order to be together, they both need to find a middle ground and compromise.

Taurus Man and Virgo Woman

  • This couple has very high chances of creating strong and long-lasting relationships. They will be able to complement each other’s strengths - Taurus is a wonderful owner and family man, and Virgo is very neat and responsible. This will help them create their own cozy nest, achieve financial well-being and become wonderful parents.
  • The important thing is that Taurus in this pair takes on the role of leader. And this, undoubtedly, suits both. True, there will rarely be a lot of passion and love in their relationship.
  • From the outside it may even seem that their relationship is more like a business one. But the partners are satisfied with their quiet, calm and stable life. There will be practically no quarrels in their family, since they are able to calmly discuss the problem and find a solution.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman

  • These representatives will live in perfect harmony. Taurus will find in his chosen one that feminine, gentle nature that can always support her in difficult times.
  • They have the same values ​​and needs, and also in intimate terms they have complete harmony. But Libra should not put pressure on their partner or try to change him.
  • Taurus is very stubborn. And once he has something in mind, there will be no turning back. But, as a rule, all their conflicts will not develop into big scandals. It is these zodiac representatives who understand each other perfectly and will be able to find a compromise.

Taurus man in a relationship

Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman

  • Strange as it may sound, this couple will have good chances. They are completely different, they have only one thing in common - they are very strong personalities.
  • They will not make a quiet married couple; this is where passion will come first! But in financial matters they have complete mutual understanding.
  • Taurus earns money, and Scorpio spends it wisely. True, they are united by one more character trait - jealousy. They are both terribly jealous and can come up with problems out of nowhere.
  • To be together, you should think less and discuss more.

Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

  • If such an alliance occurs, it is often on mutually beneficial terms. Taurus is fascinated by the fearlessness and optimism of the other half; with her it will never be boring, much less monotonous. And Sagittarius is attracted to such a successful and strong man.
  • But, unfortunately, such a relationship will not last long. Even the birth of a child will not save the situation. It will be very difficult for Sagittarius to sit at home, within four walls. And Taurus will soon get tired of holding on to his partner.
  • Also, disagreements cannot be ruled out in the financial aspect. After all, Sagittarius loves to spend more, and Taurus loves to accumulate.

Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman

  • Both of these signs are earthly. Therefore, their values ​​and outlook on life are the same. Everything in them is harmonious and calm.
  • For both, home and family come first, and the role of breadwinner goes to Taurus. All earthly needs are important to them; loyalty and devotion come first.
  • It is in such a girl that Taurus can be confident and ease his jealousy a little. Their pair can safely be called ideal. And not only in the love sphere, but they will become wonderful friends and even business partners for each other.

Taurus in relationships

Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

  • Unfortunately, this the union does not last long. This is because Aquarius becomes bored with earthly and practical Taurus. A woman is constantly attracted to something new and unusual. But the partner does not see any need for this.
  • For him, rest and entertainment are not so important. But a house in which it smells delicious and has kids running around is of great importance.
  • To maintain such a couple, Aquarius needs to soar less in the clouds and become an ideal housewife for her lover. But can a girl change so much for the sake of love?

Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

  • We can say about this couple in one phrase - they complement each other. In all aspects of life. It is here that the role of a strong man goes to Taurus, and Pisces becomes the flexible mistress.
  • They do not have to share leadership in the family or society. They become not only good lovers, but also wonderful friends. And both were looking for exactly this. They are devoted, faithful and trust each other, which is important in a family.
  • Taurus will try with all his might to give the best to his chosen one, and she will become an ideal wife for him.

How to seduce a Taurus guy or man?

Many men prefer the natural beauty of a girl. But it is for this zodiac sign that this criterion comes first. Less makeup, long nails, beautiful smile and a neat appearance will definitely appeal to Taurus. Seducing a Taurus is not an easy task. After all, he doesn’t like assertive girls, and he himself may not dare to take bolder actions for a long time.

  • Look beautiful, be feminine and gentle. That's what Taurus needs. You need to flirt with him a little, but leave the final word to the man. And don't forget about modesty.
  • Love and the stomach have a direct connection for Taurus. It sounds a little strange, but to be seduced you need to use your culinary skills. By the way, cooks are often found among this zodiac sign. Therefore, he can be a little picky when it comes to food.

Seduce Taurus
  • And most importantly, not worth it try to get into his soul. He opens up gradually and only to those whom he completely trusts. You should also open your cards sequentially. Always leave a little mystery for him.
  • If you want a date with a Taurus to turn into something more, cook him a romantic dinner. It is with candles, rose petals, slow music and good food. Yes, the food has already been mentioned above. But he will appreciate a beautifully decorated dish more than a new peignoir!

How to keep a Taurus guy or man?

If a Taurus man really fell in love, then he himself will never let his beloved go. Even if there is freedom in the family. He will try his best to preserve it. That's the way he's built. For him, a relationship, and even more so a marriage, is forever. He is not used to leaving things halfway. Therefore, in order to part with Taurus completely, you need to try very hard. But keeping him near you is not an easy task. You need to become the one and only one for him.

  • Taurus is terrible doesn't like scandals. Although he himself can often lose his temper, he cannot tolerate this in a girl. His chosen one should be calm, balanced and harmonious. He cannot withstand the storm of emotions and inconstancy.
  • This is the man who will try to provide your family completely alone. You could even say that he is anti-working wife. But the girl must become a keeper of the hearth and a good mother for children.
  • He jealous and possessive. Therefore, there should be no friends - guys at all. Otherwise, Taurus can plague you with his suspicion and jealousy.

Hold Taurus
  • Taurus needs a girl who will not rush him and, especially, put pressure on him. He himself will want to shower his beloved with flowers and arrange the house in the best possible way. It’s just moving towards this goal slowly. Still, he is not omnipotent.
  • And Taurus also reminds me a little little boy. Especially if the question concerns illness. He needs that caring woman who will give him the medicine on time and will cherish him like her own child.

How to understand a Taurus guy or man that he is in love, that he likes you?

It is very difficult to understand that a Taurus likes you. He doesn't have love at first sight. More precisely, he needs to take a good look at his passion and make sure of it one hundred percent. And even after that, he will not attack by storm. Such a man will walk in circles for a long time before taking the first step. But still there are small nuances that can give away his feelings.

  • Taking care of someone is in Taurus's blood. He will try his best to help you. Even in the most basic things, like carrying packages home, helping fix a chair, throwing on your jacket when you’re cold.
  • Taurus himself loves to eat well and will also feed his girlfriend. Sometimes he can even cook dinner himself. Depending on what stage of the relationship you are at or how much you know each other.
  • But don’t expect expensive gifts from him right away. Some may think he is stingy. But that's not true. He just needs time to be convinced of his choice. He is ready to shower with gifts and flowers. Taurus loves to pamper his significant other, you just need to become one for him.

Recognize a Taurus in love
  • If Taurus calls you to take a walk in the park, this will also be a signal. He does not consider going to a club or an expensive restaurant necessary. For him, this is a waste of both money and time. And since he is also a romantic nature who loves nature, it is in a simple and banal walk that his sympathy will be hidden.
  • Another important pointTaurus in love becomes shy. Even if he can talk with other young ladies for hours, but with you he becomes silent, it is worth taking a good look at his behavior.

What does a Taurus man like in bed?

Taurus cannot be called a passionate and ardent lover, but he will be completely devoted to his beloved. In this matter, he will also look closely for a long time to understand what his soul mate likes. For Taurus, not only personal pleasure is important, he will also satisfy his chosen one in every possible way.

  • Taurus people use only proven methods and methods in bed. This doesn't mean he's against experimentation. But for this it needs some time to mature. Sometimes, a girl should take the role of an innovator.
  • But aggressive and too vulgar measures can scare him away. Do not forget that this is a sensitive and gentle nature. Therefore, more affection and charm.

  • Taurus loves consistency in everything, and even more so in sexual terms. This should not only be done regularly, but also of high quality. A refusal can especially offend him. But we're talking about not about first dates. At the beginning of a relationship, it is even better to keep him at a distance.
  • And it is important to be faithful to him. Taurus, in principle, very rarely cheat on their girlfriends. But for his chosen one this is generally unacceptable. Only with such a girl can he live for many years.

What kind of girls and women do Taurus guys and men like?

Taurus has many demands on his chosen one. That is why this man He has been looking for her for so long and looking closely at her. First of all, he is looking for a girl to marry, and she must also be similar in character to him.

  • He is attentive to detail. Loves order in everything, including appearance. Manicure, hair make-up - Taurus will immediately pay attention to all this. That's why he likes well-groomed girls.
  • But no vulgarity or vulgarity. He will appreciate simple and modest girls with minimal makeup more. Tattoos and piercings are also quite skeptical. This type is not for him.
  • If a girl is neat and knows how to cook well, this is her main trump card. Taurus cannot be bought by ordinary feminine tricks. But delicious food a lot can be achieved.
  • And most importantly, the girl should be balanced, patient and predictable. He sees the girl as his wife and mother of his children.

What to give a Taurus guy or man for his birthday, New Year?

Taurus won’t have to rack his brains when choosing a gift. He won’t really appreciate an unusual or strange gift, but he will like a practical and earthly one.

  • Since he highly values ​​the comfort of home, this will be the first clue. But the thing must be necessary and productive. You should not skimp on a gift, since a banal trinket will not attract him either.
  • Not at all original, but money is best gift for Taurus. Especially if you don’t know his hobbies or desires well.

Gift for Taurus
  • It has been mentioned more than once that Taurus loves to eat and often knows how to cook well. Let your imagination run wild and give them a needed item in the kitchen or a good cookbook.
  • It's even better if you cook gourmet dish do it yourself or bake a cake.
  • Because this earth sign loves nature very much, and is also a real romantic. Give him a flower that will symbolize your love. Believe me, his joy will know no bounds.

Now you have all the trump cards to seduce Taurus. Listen to our advice and very soon you will hear a serenade under your window from a loving Taurus.

Video: Who will a Taurus man be happy with?

If you choose a good sexual partner, you should take a closer look at Taurus. Men of this sign are incredibly attentive lovers. Taurus is simply the perfect romantic sign. Its constancy and reliability are favored by the female gender. This applies not only to his personal life, but also to his sexual relationships.

Taurus prefers to gradually watch his partner in bed. He notices exactly what she likes, what makes her “turned on.” This continues for some time and the partner begins to suspect that something is wrong. Don't be disappointed! The Taurus partner, having studied all the preferences, will give his chosen one a real sensation in bed! So you should be patient and it will definitely happen.

The goal of Taurus is to please his partner, and only then demand satisfaction for himself. Taurus gives themselves completely to the sexual adventure and their woman, and expects the same from her. Men of this sign simply cannot imagine life without sex. This is their credo! The coldness of a partner will scare away Taurus. The lack of regular sex offends and worries a vulnerable partner. He needs a woman who shares his interests, including nightlife.

Men of this sign are not averse to playing role-playing games. They generally like to experiment in bed, they love novelty and unusual sex. They enjoy playing the role of a dominant and vice versa.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign may offer intimacy on the first date. You should not agree to a provocation. These men are old-fashioned and romantic by nature. They are not fans of one-night stands. So refusing sex on the first date can intrigue a Taurus man for life!

What Taurus likes in personal relationships

Taurus love harmony, they want consistency in everything. Not every temptress can seduce a Taurus and drag him into bed. So, this sign is very careful in its choice. He carefully looks and studies new acquaintances. A vulgar miniskirt and boots cannot “tame” him. These demanding partners prefer elegant people; they are attracted to well-groomed and stylish girls.

You shouldn't try to seduce a Taurus if he already has permanent relationship, and even more so if he is married. These signs are very faithful both in love and in sex, devoted to one partner. If Taurus nevertheless plunges into a sexual adventure on the side, then it will be the first and last in his life. Taurus men almost never leave their family!