What to do if your hair can’t be styled? Hair can’t be styled, what to do

Getting the perfect hairstyle like a Hollywood star's at home has always been difficult. Even though you try, you can't get that shine and bounce, right?! With recommendations from famous Hollywood hair stylists - Petra Flannery, Kate Young, Mariel Henn and Rob Zangardi. Among their clients: Jennifer Lopez, Kanye West, Natalie Portman, Sienna Miller.

The article presents eight tips that will help you correct your mistakes and create the perfect home styling, as well as video tutorials.

You're not preparing your hair well for styling.

Hair should be washed clean and conditioned with conditioner or conditioner, Petra Flannery insists. Clean hair is 50% of beautiful styling. But, not completely rinsed off hair conditioner leaves a film on it that weighs down the hair, which means that you shouldn’t expect any volume. The healthy shine is hidden, the hair looks unwashed - this is the first thing that can prevent you from doing a good styling.

Solution: Rinse off the conditioner or hair rinse generously with warm running water!

Are you using a terry towel?

To absorb moisture, use only natural cotton towel. If your household doesn’t have one, an old T-shirt will adequately replace it. The smooth and soft texture of a natural towel (T-shirt), compared to a terry towel, will help minimize hair tangling, maintaining its natural smoothness and silkiness.

Forgetting to apply heat protectant

Using a heat protectant or styling cream will help protect your hair from heat and will also help detangle your hair. According to Kate Young, “The main beauty of thermal protection is that it gives the hair a special shine, brightness, and makes it manageable when styling.”

Do not use a hair dryer concentrator

The concentrator attachment will make your hair shinier and smoother. It helps to “close” hair scales, giving them a well-groomed and healthy appearance. It is this attachment + comb that polishes the hair.

Do not separate your hair into strands when styling

Using a round brush and sectioning your hair into sections will help you control it better. The thinner the strand, the better the styling, more precisely its shape and volume, this is especially true for cascading haircuts. Although the strand styling method will take more time, remember we want a super result.

Laying by strands:

You start styling from the back

“Many girls start styling at the back of the head, while the most important areas are in the front,” say Mariel Henn and Rob Zangardi. Start at the front to create a beautiful look before your arms get tired. If you have heavy, thick hair, then this rule does not apply to you, since you should lay out the main part of your hairstyle at the very last moment, so it will last longer (the heaviness of thick hair spoils styling faster).

Don't use large curlers

Use Velcro curlers at the roots of already dry hair. This will help maintain volume and lightly create large curls while your hair cools completely.

Use a strong hold varnish

Lower your head down and fix the style with light-hold hairspray. This will help maintain your style and give your hair lightness. Strong hold hairspray will destroy the natural appearance of the hair; it is very noticeable on the hair.

How to do a Hollywood hairstyle video instruction:

Hollywood wave hairstyle for medium length hair video tutorial:

Step-by-step video instructions on how to make voluminous Hollywood curls with a curling iron for long hair at home:

Article source: http://stylecaster.com/beauty-high/blowout-hair/

How to prepare your hair?

So, it's time to create spectacular curly hair. As was written above, first of all, your hair must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Shampoo must be selected for a specific hair type, and not use the one that is on the common shelf in the bathroom. It is also necessary to moisturize your hair: using conditioner or balm.

But it is better not to apply these products to the hair roots if they are prone to oiliness - this will make the hairstyle unkempt and deprive it of volume. In order for the hair to curl well, it must initially be smooth and thoroughly combed.

How to curl curls correctly?

    The most effective is hot perm. A curling iron gives excellent results, but can negatively affect the quality of hair and singe it. Therefore, it is important to take care of protecting your hair from high temperatures. These can be special sprays that will provide excellent protection against damage. Then you can use those products that will provide your hairstyle with durability and additional volume. And here mousses and gels with powerful fixation will come to the rescue.

    REFERENCE! Our task is not to weigh down your hair. Therefore, you need to use a small amount of styling products.

  1. Before winding, the curling iron must be warmed up. A higher temperature is suitable for hair that does not curl well. And you need to keep such strands a little longer.
  2. When curling, it is better not to use wide strands. They will lose their shape faster, so make thin partings or use smaller curlers.
  3. Thermal curlers are removed after they have cooled completely. If curlers are used for curling rather than a curling iron, then some points should be taken into account: you can remove the curlers only after the hair is completely dry, otherwise it will develop.

How to cool strands so as not to develop them?

Stylists use bobby pins or small bobby pins to hold curls in place while curling. This is necessary so that the strands cool completely and fix the curl. Ideally, you can remove the hairpins after 15-20 minutes. After unraveling, you should never comb your hair; simply separate it with your hands. This procedure will help maintain the styling for a longer period.

How and what is the best way to fix it?

If your hair does not curl well, it is recommended to spray each strand with a small amount of hairspray before curling.

It must be applied from an arm's length distance. It is better to choose those varnishes that do not stick your hair together, leaving it alive and flowing.

Further, To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to distribute the varnish over the entire length of the curls. In this case, the hairstyle will be fixed 100%.

What determines the maximum lifespan of curls?

The lifespan of curls depends on many factors: the size, thickness and length of the hair, and its structure. Small curls always last longer than large ones. Thin strands, if all the rules are followed, can easily last for about a day or even more. The lifespan of curls will be increased if you do not touch them or comb them.

Extra touches will negatively affect your hairstyle. Thus, using these tips, you can reconsider the process of creating curls. Perhaps it has already become clear what was done wrong before and what points should be taken into account in the future so as not to repeat mistakes.

“My clients often complain that in humid or windy weather their hair simply does not hold its style, and many face this problem even without negative weather conditions. Below I have listed the 7 most common reasons why hair doesn’t hold its style well!”

1. You're doing heat styling wrong.

“There is an opinion that very thick hair does not lend itself well to heat styling. This is nothing more than an outdated myth that arose at a time when straightening irons and curling irons did not have the option of adjusting the temperature. A good curling iron should have a ceramic coating and the ability to set the temperature from 160 to 200 degrees. Dyed, thin and split hair will turn into perfectly smooth or perfectly curled hair at a temperature of 150 degrees, normal and undyed or colored but hard hair at 180 degrees, and hard and undyed hair can be turned into tight curls or silky straight strands at 200 degrees.”

2. You forget about protective sprays!


“They are needed not only to prevent overheating and destruction of the hair frame, but also serve as a good means of fixing the hairstyle. By using a professional spray, you are more likely to maintain your style until the evening.”

3. You don't let your curls cool down.

“Ordinary clamps will help to cope with the problem. After twisting the curl, gather it in rings at the roots of the hair and secure with a clip. Do this with each subsequent strand and look like a “lady in curlers” for about 10 minutes after styling is complete. Now your curls will stay with you for a long time!”

4. You're creating too big curls.

“There is a simple rule: the smaller the curl, the longer it lasts. If your hair doesn't want to be styled in relaxed waves, try a style with a finer curl. As the day progresses, the curls will increase slightly, and by evening you will get the desired effect!”

5. You touch your hair

“Many people have an unconscious habit of touching their hair throughout the day: twirling curls on their fingers, pulling them, combing them with their fingers. Don't do this! The hairstyle will look better the less you “disturb” it during the day.”

6. You wear a tight-fitting hat

“Sorry, but it’s either the hat or the hairstyle. In cold weather, I advise you to get by with a warm, voluminous hood (possibly with fur inside) or a hat that fits to the forehead and neck, but remains voluminous on the top and back of the head. And yes, be sure to take off your hat in public transport or in a car, otherwise your scalp will sweat and that will be the end of root volume.”

7. You wash your hair too often

“Yes, it’s true: second-day styling is more durable than straight after washing. If your hair is not very oily and does not look greasy on the second day, plan your formal appearances on the second day after washing your hair - any styling will last longer and better.”

Of course, a hairdresser will tidy up even the most unruly hair without much effort, but you can’t always afford the services of a specialist. But you always want to look good and have to style your hair yourself every day. If your hair does not want to obey and does not style itself the way you want, then you need to find out the real reason for this and take measures to eliminate it.

Reasons why hair may be unruly

Some people have unruly hair from birth, and it's hard to argue with nature. But in this case, women from childhood learn to cope with the unruliness of their strands. Moreover, modern hair care and styling products help them with this. If your hair has recently become unruly, then you should think about why this happened.

This problem can arise due to improper hair care, for example, using unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products or washing your hair with too hot water. Hair can become unruly after bleaching or dyeing. If you often use a hair dryer, curling iron or straightening iron to straighten your hair, then you need to be extremely careful, since incorrect use of these devices can make your hair not only difficult to style, but also unhealthy.

Of course, the enemy of beautiful, healthy and manageable hair is bad weather conditions. Winter is the most dangerous period because it is characterized by dry, cold air and low humidity, and such conditions have a rather detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. Therefore, during the cold period, hair needs to be given special attention and additional care. It is also worth protecting them from sudden changes in low and high temperatures, which the hair perceives as additional stress, which also negatively affects its health.

These are the main reasons why hair can be unruly (or painful). Of course, some women are lucky and all they need is a good haircut to look good, while others need to deal with the unruliness of their strands every day. In order to style your hair well and as quickly as possible, you need to use the right, appropriate devices, and for this, first of all, you need to know your hair type.

Main hair types

Conventionally, there are three main types of hair: African, European and Asian.

Easiest hair to style European type They are usually soft and quite thin. The main condition when styling hair of this type is a careful approach. Fine hair should not be exposed to very high temperatures. When using a hair dryer, curling iron or tongs, it is imperative to use heat-protective cosmetics. Without such protection, the ends of the hair will begin to split, and the hairs themselves will become overdried, and the hairstyle will not look particularly attractive. To make your hair healthier and more manageable, use a conditioner while washing your hair. The best effect will be obtained if during styling you also use a gel or foam with a light or medium level of fixation.

One of the most gentle ways to style thin, soft hair is to use curlers. If you don’t want to sleep the whole night with your hair wrapped in curlers or spend two hours of your morning curling it, then you can use hot rollers with a protective soft surface. With the help of hot rollers, you can create a gorgeous hairstyle in just fifteen minutes. To style European-style hair, you can sometimes also use a hairdryer, but you need to be careful with the temperature; warm or even cool air will be enough. It is best to finish styling with a hairdryer using cold air, then the hairstyle will hold the desired shape for a long time. The iron is not recommended for use on thin hair, but if it is really necessary, its temperature should not exceed 160 degrees.

To make your styled hair look natural and relaxed, you can finish your hairstyle with a softening lotion.

Asian hair, as a rule, straight, rigid and heavy. Such hair is quite difficult to deal with; it is difficult to style, color, and even perm. To make hair of this type more manageable, you should not wash it very often, maximum once every three days. Shampoos for washing should be selected that contain natural moisturizers and nutrients, for example, wheat germ oil, coconut oil or shea butter. Such components give the hair additional protection from drying out and adverse external influences.

A hairdryer or curlers are not particularly suitable for styling this type of hair; using a flat iron or curling iron will be most effective. Modern curling irons have a protective ceramic coating and an ionization function, so their use is quite gentle. The maximum heating temperature should be no more than 200 degrees.

To make coarse Asian hair more manageable, you should use cosmetics that do not contain alcohol. Any fixing agents should be applied to the hair in minimal quantities; if there is too much of it, it can lead to the opposite effect - the hair will become completely unruly.

African hair type(popularly simply “curls”) requires special special care. They cause a lot of trouble and require the patience of the owner. To style this type of hair, you can use a straightening iron. Modern flat irons have a gentle tourmaline or ceramic coating, which makes such a device quite safe. Also, most irons provide a choice of temperature, from about 120 degrees to 200, the coarser the hair, the higher the temperature should be. To provide your hair with additional protection and protect it from lack of moisture and drying out, it is necessary to use special protective cosmetics.

Curly hair has a rather fragile structure, so it requires especially careful care and additional nutrition. To care for such hair, it is best to choose products that contain protein compounds and panthenol. Also, restorative masks, which are recommended to be done every 3 hair washes, have a very good effect on such hair.

When styling naturally curly hair, it is best to use light-holding cosmetics (for example, various mousses) so as not to weigh it down.

Whatever type of hair you have, you need to treat it with care and attention, choosing the right hygiene and cosmetic products and not overdoing it. Only careful treatment and systematic hair care will help make it more manageable, beautiful and healthy.