Abraham Russo: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Amazingly gentle and strong voice Abraham Russo personal biography

Childhood and family of Abraham Russo

Future famous singer was born in Syria, where at that time his father, a legionary of the French Legion, was in the hospital, and his mother worked there as a nurse. The parents were deeply religious people, so they decided to name their son the meaningful name Abraham.

The boy was not even seven years old when his father died. Mom was left alone with two children - Abraham had a brother. They moved to Paris and lived there for some time. Circumstances were such that they had to leave for Lebanon.

Already in Lebanon, Abraham began to study at monastery. He really enjoyed studying there. There he discovered his ability to sing. Participating in religious music festivals, he immediately became the favorite and favorite of all those present.

The first songs and the first success of Abraham Russo

In 1987, the young man completed his studies at the monastery. He decided that he would connect his life with singing. He had excellent vocals, charming appearance and talent, which contributed to Abraham quickly becoming in demand in Europe, the Middle East, and even North America.

One day, during a performance in one of the prestigious restaurants in Cyprus, the owner of the establishment became interested in his work, who suggested that he try to be creative in Russia. Abraham signed a contract with NOX-musi, which at that time was one of the largest record companies in Russia. Soon his songs were broadcast by many radio stations in the country, and his CDs were successfully sold.

Popularity of Abraham Russo's songs in Russia

In 2001, the singer sang the song “Love That Is No More” with Kristina Orbakaite in a duet, which immediately became a hit. This is how the whole country recognized Rousseau. In the same year, another hit of his, “Amor,” appeared. This song stayed in the top ten for almost three months. popular songs, according to the European music channel “VIVA”. Some songs were written by Rousseau himself - both words and music.

Abraham Russo - Far, Far Away

“Just Loving You” is the second song performed in a duet with Orbakaite. She was loved and remembered by the singer’s fans, as well as his other songs – “Far, Far” and “Engagement”. The performed composition “I Know” was at the top position of the charts and stayed there for more than three months.

The year 2006 turned out to be very successful for Abraham; at that time he was at the top creative success. His tours did not stop, and the number of album copies sold exceeded ten million. During the year, Russo managed to perform in no less than 220 shows. The press responded more than enthusiastically about the singer. When the singer performed in the Caucasus during the period of hostilities there, he was called national hero South Ossetia.

Abraham Russo - Not mine

The singer has always considered himself a citizen of the World; he knows many languages. As Rousseau says, when he arrived in Russia, he did not know a single Russian word. He mastered the language quite quickly and now speaks it fluently.

Attempt on the life of Abraham Russo

In 2006, an attempt was made on Abraham's life. He had almost arrived at his house when an unknown person fired several shots towards the car. The singer was seriously injured, but managed to press the gas pedal. When the car stopped, he lost consciousness.

The bodyguard took Russo to the hospital. The singer lost at least three liters of blood, so the forecasts were disappointing. However, Abraham survived, but there was still a possibility that he would lose his leg. Everything worked out, but Rousseau had to learn to walk again.

After this, the singer took his wife to New York, fearing for her life, realizing that the attacker was still at large.

"Gospel Inspirational" is the style in which Russo began writing music after his recovery. Translated, the name of the style sounds like “Inspirational music.” It was 2009. The new album, created in this style, contained compositions that were distinguished by great spiritual depth. The released CD was called "Resurrection" and was the artist's first disc in English.

Return to Russia, Abraham Russo today

Abraham returned to Russia only at the very end of 2009. Its producer again became Joseph Prigozhin, with whom the artist signed a contract and renewed his concert activities in Russia.

In February 2010, Abraham announced that he was starting a concert tour of Russian cities, which he called “Return.” He performed, giving more than 170 concerts.

Personal life of Abraham Russo

The singer got married in the fall of 2005. His chosen one was a US citizen named Morella Ferdman. The marriage was registered in Moscow, and the newlyweds got married in Israel. Sometimes she performs with her husband, performing songs as a duet.

When Morella was four months pregnant, Abraham was nearly killed by gunfire outside his home. To protect the life of his wife and their unborn child, the family left for New York. There Morella gave birth to a daughter. The happy parents decided to give the girl the name Emanuella, which means “God is with us” translated from Hebrew.

After a miraculous recovery, Abraham understood that he remained alive only by a miracle. He began to think seriously about God and faith and decided to start new way to perform solely in the name of God. He turned to highly spiritual music.


Singer Abraham Russo became a guest of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast." The performer admitted that he was experiencing difficulties in his relationship with his wife Morela Ferdman. The chosen one herself prefers to abstain from public statements about the current situation.

According to Russo, he tried to save his family, but he failed. Abraham also doesn't think Morela is ready to fight him over property. According to Abraham, he transferred it to his wife luxury home in the USA, which is estimated at approximately 300 million rubles.

"Our problems last quite a long time long time, but we didn't talk about it. Today I spoke about this for the first time. I don't think she's after the money. My goal was to save the family, because we have two children, and the second child is only three years old. I didn’t want to taste this bitter taste of divorce... I’m trying to save the family for the sake of the children,” Russo shared.

The man also stated that his significant other did not cheat on him. “To be honest, there are no questions for her. There are certain misunderstandings. We are a little from different cultures. The initial stage is love. Over time, it fades into the background, and you begin to live differently,” the singer believes.

Morela Russo’s lawyer and friend Oksana Sokolova, who represents the woman’s interests in the United States, said that she was extremely surprised when she learned about the topic of the program with her husband’s participation. As it turned out, the artist did not sue for divorce, but sent his wife a prenuptial agreement - a proposal for the division of jointly acquired property. So far, the performer’s chosen one has not signed this document.

“Morela called me tonight and said: ‘Please save me, I don’t know what’s going on,’” Sokolova said. – Morela never laid claim to any property. She found herself in serious trouble financial situation, because the taxes on their house were so high that the house became unsaleable. It is impossible to find a buyer for it. This house was valued at a large sum, for which it is impossible to sell it, and accordingly, a tax is imposed. The house has a mortgage. The little children are abandoned by Abraham. I know that Morela is begging for any amount to cover his debts.”

Abraham Russo’s mother Maria Ipjyan, who lived with her granddaughters in her son’s house in the USA for some time, admitted that Morela’s attitude towards her had changed. According to the woman, the daughter-in-law prevents her from communicating with her granddaughters, and Ipjian has not seen the girls for six months. The artist’s parent is worried about the conflict that arose in Abraham’s family.

“My heart hurts because of their divorce. I don't interfere in their situation, but I don't want a divorce, especially since they have children. I don’t even know what divorce is, because it’s not customary here. In the last year and a half, difficulties have arisen in the relationship between my son and daughter-in-law, and I immediately noticed this because I lived with my granddaughters in their house in America. There was a lot of tension between them, both were nervous and were constantly arguing. And I was very worried, I almost didn’t sleep afterwards. When I wanted to say something to Morela, she perceived me as an enemy. The worst thing for me is that Morela put a barrier in my communication with my granddaughters,” admitted the performer’s mother Maria Ipdzhyan.

The American lawyer of Russo's wife denied the accusations against her client. According to the lawyer, Morela's house is always open to Abraham's loved ones. “You’re trying to turn the situation inside out,” the woman turned to the artist.

Alexander Karazhelez, Morela Russo’s lawyer in Russia, outlined his client’s opinion on the current situation. The man claims that Abraham could have fallen under the influence of an outsider - a confessor or adviser who is related to religion and uses the singer to achieve selfish goals. Being a believer, Rousseau even built a temple at home.

“Two hours ago I had another conversation with Morela. Her version is as follows. After the birth of his second child, most likely, Abraham had a certain confessor or adviser who began to take him away from his family, Karazhelez shared. – Constant scandals, insults against him, she was limited in communication with her friends, that is, a kind of reclusiveness. She is a rather patient and non-public person, so she did not share family squabbles.”

Morela's spokesman added that things weren't always smooth sailing for Abraham at home. “And with all due respect to Abraham, he did not treat his wife well. As Morela told me, it came down to assault. Families are different, but I hope that they will not separate,” said the lawyer of the artist’s wife. Karazhelez believes that Russo’s proposal sent to his chosen one is the first step towards divorce. According to the marriage contract, most the property remains with Abraham.

The host Andrei Malakhov asked the hero of the program whether he really raised his hand to his wife.

“Lord forbid. When was this? – said the singer.

“I want to tell the whole country that I will give exclusive interview my version for you. I invite you to my home in America, I want to show you and tell you everything. I have a lot of evidence that will confirm all my facts. I want to talk about many things, including fraud, how I was used as a cover. When he fled to America, he needed something to hide behind. And I was that for him. He slandered many people, including his sponsor,” said the performer’s chosen one.

Official biography

Born July 21, 1969 in Syria. Rousseau lived for some time in France. From childhood he was fond of singing, and also did not miss the opportunity to participate in various creative competitions. The future artist spent several years in a closed monastery in Lebanon.

Traveling around the world, he performed in various countries, and during my trips I studied foreign languages. Abraham Russo speaks 11 languages ​​fluently. Among them are English, Armenian, French, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian.

Abraham's father was Greek by origin, but was born in southern Turkey. Mom - Maria Russo - is half Italian. At the age of seventeen, Abraham's father enlisted as a legionnaire in the French army: at that time both Syria and Lebanon were French colonies. In the Syrian hospital "Saint Louis", mom and dad future star and met, and Abraham was born there.

Rousseau's cousin is Armenian by nationality and lives in Yerevan.

Abraham loved to sing since childhood and participated in all kinds of music competitions. His idols were Dire Straits and Tom Jones. One Iranian singer, having heard Abraham sing, advised him to take up singing seriously.

Abraham entered the professional stage when he was seventeen years old. After graduating from university, he began traveling around the world, performing in prestigious clubs in England, Spain, France, Sweden, Greece and Cyprus. About ten years ago he settled in Cyprus. It was there that the owner of the Prague restaurant, Telman Ismailov, heard him and invited him to Moscow.

In Prague, the singer was noticed by the director of the Knox Music record company, Joseph Prigozhin, and signed a contract with him. This is the first international project Knox Music Company. Two videos - for the compositions Amor and Tonight - were in heavy rotation on Russian TV channels for a long time. Two more videos are being prepared for compositions from the same album. In June 2001, the premiere of the Spanish-language version of the single "Amor" took place, which throughout the summer occupied the top lines of the charts in the CIS and Baltic countries. In March 2002, the Knox Music company carried out the Russian release of Abraham Russo's debut album "Tonight". In general, both critics and fans of the star agree that Abraham Russo is a performer with enormous potential, capable of captivating both Russian and international audiences.

Abraham Russo with his mother

And here's what he says about himself

I don't consider myself French. My father has mixed blood. He was born in southern Turkey. And my mother is half Italian. Therefore, when they ask me what my nationality is, I honestly don’t know what to answer. I am a man of peace.

- Many people are interested in your religion. What faith do you adhere to?

I studied in a monastery in Lebanon and studied the Koran at school. I know the Old Testament. I know all three main faiths well, but I don’t want to say that I single out any one. All roads lead to God, why choose faith? For me there is only one God, and I have my own, personal faith. I’m not proud of this and I’m not trying to show people how religious and devout I am. I'm proud of my voice, and I show it off.

- Tell us about your team.

I have a wonderful team from Bulgaria. We get along very well with each other, although many of the musicians are much older than me. However, they treat me like a professional. Professionalism comes with experience; If you studied your profession for a long time, this does not mean that you are a professional. I haven’t studied singing anywhere, but I’ve been singing for a long time, fifteen years. The fact that I became a singer is probably fate, because everything depends on God. I started singing so early that I never thought about who I would be if not a singer. Although, probably, he could become an engineer, a doctor or a priest:

- Where did you learn to speak Russian so well? Did someone teach you the language?

Here in Russia. When I arrived, I didn’t know a single word, but gradually I learned it myself.

Russians' love for everything oriental is eternal, but inexplicable. Can you explain your love for us and Russia in general? It’s not for nothing that you study Russian and live with us for so long.

Until recently, I knew absolutely nothing about Russia. When Telman Ismail invited me to work in Moscow, I came knowing about Russia only that it is a closed country and it has a red flag with a hammer and sickle. I came here with the intention of staying just a week to look around. But I liked Moscow so much that I flew home to get my things and now I live here. To be honest, I was not driven by a thirst for money, or a burning desire to perform a lot and successfully or record albums. It's just... I won't lie. I had love. A girl from Tunisia, very beautiful. Something didn’t work out with her, and besides, there, at home, there were many obstacles for us to live together. Then I decided to find a country where everything would be perfect. Russia was the best fit. Only my girlfriend didn’t want to come here. Like, I’ll come, only later. In general, I went alone. I didn’t know the language at all. But with God's help I got used to it, got acquainted with good people, learned the language. Now, if I leave here for a while, I am drawn back. I'm probably used to it. And also Russian people, they are like that... you can always find people with them common language. And I, despite the fact that all people are different, love to communicate with everyone. This is incredibly interesting!

- How do you relax here in Russia?

I go to clubs and play billiards. At home I like to watch news and sports on TV.

- What style of clothing do you prefer?

I like leather things. I love wearing a suit, but that doesn’t mean I wear it all the time.

- What qualities do you value in people?

I love smart people, I can't stand stupid people. Of course, I never tell a person directly that he is stupid, I don’t offend him... I like polite people.

-Have you often fallen in love?

Yes, very much. The first time this happened was when I was ten years old. She was the daughter of a Lebanese priest and lived next door to us. By the way, she was seventeen years old. Our romance lasted six months. I loved her very much. When we moved to another place, I even fell ill from frustration... My feelings then were quite adult, as if I were fifty or sixty years old. A person - he both loves and hates from birth... By the way, that girl taught me how to kiss.

- Which of your videos do you consider the most successful?

My favorites are "Amor" and new clip"Arabica".

- What about “Far, Far Away”? After all, there is an original Arabic, performed by Omar Diyab.

Yes, this is an Arabic song. Lyricist: poet Taj Sharif. The Russian version is not literal translation, but a newly written text. Translating the song is very difficult. And why translate if I can write poetry myself? (Probably, during the five years he spent in Russia, Abraham had not yet learned Russian thoroughly and in this case meant that he could choose the text himself. Because the words to “Far, Far Away” were written by the poetess Inessa Kamenskaya.)

- Do you like giving interviews?

It depends on who. Sometimes there are smart questions, and I want to answer them. I like to speak sincerely.

Little-known facts from the singer's life
Based on articles from 2006

The singer turned his life into a complete mystery: he hid his first wife, brother and real biography.

The singer Russo at one time claimed that his parents named him Abraham, although his real name is Ipd-Jian Apraham and he is a native of Syria.

He said that he came to live and work in Moscow at the invitation of the capital’s millionaire sponsor Telman Ismailov, who allegedly noticed the singer on vacation in Cyprus.

However, when Abraham changed his Syrian passport to a Russian one, as the reason for moving to permanent residence in Russia, he indicated the invitation not of his sponsor, but of his first wife!

It turned out that in the late 90s, Russo officially married a Russian girl, Zhanna Efremova. And, as we found out, Rousseau has a brother, Jean, about whom the singer never told anyone!

Brothers Jean and Apraham came together to conquer Moscow, where, as they say, they fell in love with two girlfriends and married them.

True, Jean’s modest appearance did not give him the opportunity to conquer the capital. And Russo began singing in restaurants, got a job in “Prague”, where show business sharks noticed him.

Jean soon divorced his wife Lydia. And Rousseau still remained bound by marriage. Although in front of his fans he played the role of an enviable and single “eastern prince”.

We reached the apartment of Russo’s ex-wife Zhanna Efremova. Picked up the phone common law husband. He claimed that there was no love between the singer and Zhanna. “Apraham simply entered into a fictitious marriage with my Zhanna, a marriage of convenience. Apraham registered in Moscow and received Russian citizenship. It was all with me. I am Zhanna's common-law husband, the father of her two children. So, you know, Russo is not my competition! It seems that his brother Jean went to America, and Rousseau wanted to move there after him.”

For the sake of his career, Rousseau forgot about his daughter?

According to the artist’s entourage, before marrying an American, the singer lived for some time in a civil marriage with realtor Svetlana Khmylova.

But as soon as Russo found out that Svetlana was pregnant, they broke up. According to rumors, Abraham asked to register his daughter Lisa, who was born 8 years ago, in her mother’s last name. They say that the offended Svetlana took her daughter to her homeland in Kaliningrad, and Russo never visited the girl over the years.

Abraham Russo: “Prigozhin quarreled between me and Drobysh”
Material from 2006

The presentation of Abraham Russo’s new album “Engagement” took place at the Golden Palace casino in the capital. Before it started, the singer talked to the press. This is what he told reporters...

“For the last two years, my producer Joseph Prigozhin stopped working with me. I toured a lot, so I couldn’t select the repertoire. Prigogine generally ceased to be interested in my career, which is why I had to part with him. After which I spent six months selecting songs for the new album. I even composed some of them myself.”

“The new disc has a pop-rock song - “I won’t stop loving you.” Singing music in fundamentally different styles is not my wardrobe. Although I once performed underground, sang my favorites “Dire Straits” and “Pink Floyd”, I would not work in this style now. If you turn 180 degrees, you can lose a lot. Although, of course, I will use new musical elements.”

“I have plans to record an entire album of duets. I also have a song for a male duet. Or maybe for a trio. But I can’t write it down because I don’t have time to do it. This is a very serious, courageous song about male friendship. It should be done in such a way that we don’t look like people of a different color.”


With my wife at the wedding

“Morela is not a singer. We just wanted to surprise people and recorded one song with her. When I heard Morela sing, I even opened my mouth in surprise! But I didn’t marry her so that she could become an artist. If I wanted, I would already marry ready-made singer, which brings money, like a goose that lays golden eggs. Whether Morela herself wants to be a singer, I don’t know. She just didn’t have time to ask her about it.

In general, singers in Russia have a very difficult life, and God forbid Morela goes through the same path that I went through. All our singers want to show that they are the best, but when you talk to them, you see how evil they are. Do you start to analyze why? Unstable sex life poor nutrition, wrong sleep... But my Morela can cook well. I found some site on the Internet and downloaded recipes from there. He cooks very tasty borscht and soups. When my mother is not at home, Morela goes to cook. No, her mother doesn’t forbid her, she just doesn’t want the young girl to stand at the stove. He feels sorry for her."

“With Viktor Drobysh, we didn’t have very good relations for a long time. good relationship. Because one person told Drobysh that I treated him badly, and he told me that Drobysh treated me badly. Who is this man? Guess three times. Prigogine? See, you are smart. So, only two months ago it turned out that Drobysh and I always treated each other well.”

“Prigozhin likes to repeat: “Wherever you kiss an artist, there’s an ass everywhere.” I don't agree with him. Look, none of the artists ended up staying with him. Where is Noskov, where is Marshal, where is Orbakaite? Why is Joseph all bad and only he is good? Prigogine has no right to say this, if only because he himself used to be a singer. He even released his album “Prigozhin – 90”. Then, what about Kobzon, Pugacheva? They are very respected artists. Who gave him the right to say such things about them?!”

Punched in the face by Drobysh because of his mistress
Abraham Russo fought with producer Drobysh over Gorbachev's granddaughter? (material from 2006)

It recently became known that the singer not only had a fight with Prigozhin, but also had a quarrel with producer Viktor Drobysh. This time because of a lady. The granddaughter of Mikhail Gorbachev, Ksenia Virganskaya, was at the center of the passions. About a year ago, the modest blonde Ksenia got a job as a PR manager at the Prigozhin Center. Then no one knew that she was a relative of the former president.

Ksenia was married to Kirill Solodov, with whom she studied together at MGIMO. At that time, composer Viktor Drobysh, creative producer of singer Abraham Russo, worked with Prigozhin. It was Joseph who introduced his colleague to the charming blonde. Drobysh is actually married too. But people in the party say that he and his wife have not been together for a long time. And Victor began to court Ksenia.

Victor and Ksenia often secluded themselves, walked holding hands, and after work drove off in Drobysh’s car. Perhaps the relationship between 38-year-old Drobysh and 25-year-old Ksyusha was prompted by the fact that Ksenia herself was in the process of divorcing her husband - as they said, he left her for the daughter of a millionaire. But then a native of Cyprus, the “hot guy” Abraham Russo, began to show her signs of attention.

They say that this terribly irritated Drobysh. And one day, right in the center of Prigozhin, Drobysh and Abraham attacked each other with fists, grappled and started a fight over the blonde, but they were separated. Later, some suggested that it was not because of the girl that Russo got it?

By the way, Prigozhin and Drobysh also quarreled, since the latter opened his own production center. He took Ksenia with him. When we asked Victor if he loved Ksenia, he playfully said: “Yes, I like her. And everything else is our personal business.” A friend of Virganskaya said that Ksenia shared her doubts with her: should she connect her fate with Victor? She is not ready to take this step yet, but the future will tell...

Material from 2006

An attempt was made on the life of pop singer Abraham Russo in Moscow. This happened at the moment when the singer was returning from a concert - he sang half the night in the Astoria restaurant. I drove the car myself. A security guard from the singer Fitisov’s security service was sitting nearby. When there were literally 100 meters left to the house, the singer slowed down a little. He lowered the window and pressed the key fob, the signal from which opened the iron gate into the yard.

These gates are designed in such a way that you have to wait 8 seconds until they open completely,” said local resident Ivan Yezhov.

It was during these 8 seconds that the jeep was shot.

The criminals were watching the victim in a car on the side of a nearby lane. When the Land Rover braked, a man with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands jumped out of this ambush car...

The work was carried out by professionals, the operatives told us later. - They hit with aim - at the bottom of the driver's door. They clearly planned the attack - they knew for sure that this is where the singer always slows down before entering the yard.

Four bullets were fired into the car. Three hit Russo's left leg. Abraham hit the gas pedal with his right foot. Run!

The singer tried to turn into the nearest alley. While turning around, Russo hit his neighbor's Acura Jeep. So much so that he was thrown onto the “ten” standing opposite.

Then Russo rushed at top speed to the turn towards the Garden Ring. And then he began to lose consciousness from pain and loss of blood.

Fitisov took the wheel, dragging the singer into the back seat, and rushed through the city at night to the security headquarters, located not far from the Golden Palace casino (1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya street). Flew halfway through Moscow in 10 minutes.

Already there an ambulance was called for Russo.

The car with the criminals fled immediately after the shooting, says Mikhail Shcherbakov, prosecutor of the Khamovnichesky Prosecutor’s Office. “On the way, they threw out the machine gun.

Investigators are confident that the mercenaries were not tasked with killing Russo. The Kalashnikov had full ammunition (60 rounds of ammunition, which were in two magazines, secured with tape in Afghan fashion). And the ambush attackers could have simply riddled the car. But they didn’t do it.[...]

It is appropriate to remember that there had already been an attempt on Russo’s life. And practically in the same place. In February 2004, several people attacked the singer in the courtyard of his house. Russo was forced into a car and a few hours later, beaten, he was thrown out on the street. Then doctors diagnosed the artist with a broken nose, a concussion, a closed head injury and many bruises.

The singer himself commented on this event extremely reluctantly. Only once, in an interview with the Voronezh newspaper Ether 365, explaining why he could have been attacked, Russo said: “The sponsor who invested money in me expected a much larger profit.” According to some reports, the famous capital businessman Telman Ismailov (president of the AST group of companies, which owns the Cherkizovsky and Warsaw markets in Moscow, the capital's Prague restaurant and much more) invested about $2.5 million. At the same time, according to Russo, of the money allocated for him, “he did not see a penny” - everything was allegedly taken by the director of the Knox Music record company, Joseph Prigogine, with whom the singer had a contract (now no longer valid).

In the hospital

Telman Ismailov's trail
Media version. Taught the singer a lesson former sponsor(material from 2006)

It is known that Abraham promoted himself with the money of millionaire Telman Ismailov, with whom he later broke up with a scandal. The media immediately suggested: perhaps the singer owed a debt to his former sponsor, and he decided to intimidate the debtor? Russo himself previously told reporters that he wanted to go to America (where his current wife is from), since he has serious reasons to worry about his life. And he complained that his former sponsor was putting a lot of pressure on him. After the first beating, when his nose was broken, Russo hinted in the press: it is possible that this was the result of his conflict with his former sponsor.

Business people in a conversation with us expressed doubt that Ismailov, with his billion-dollar income, would begin to sort things out with the singer - not his level! “Thälmann is a very influential person, close friend Luzhkov and Kobzon. Loves to buy mega-stars for his parties. Ricky Martin sang at his son’s wedding, Mariah Carey sang at his birthday, to whom Telman paid about $1.5 million. For Telman, $2.5 million to promote Abraham is a trifle, because of which he will not hire a killer.” .

Meanwhile, one well-known PR person in the show world, who also worked with Russo, assures that it might not have been a matter of money! Ismailov, as a Caucasian person, does not tolerate disrespect. And Russo spoke unflatteringly and even insultingly about him in the press and on television and claimed that he would have promoted himself. Their personal disputes are said to have sometimes ended with fists.

“Ismailov was not only not given his money back, but they were also rude and told everyone how they had cheated him, which spoils his image in business,” says the PR man. -So Ismailov could theoretically decide to rein in the presumptuous youth. After all, after the first beating, Russo began to pay off the debt. And then it seemed like he clamped it again. Although he sings regularly in restaurants. So that night I was driving from the restaurant. He was beaten once, twice. Now - more serious measures. They scared him and taught him a lesson. But they didn't kill me. Couldn't a professional machine gunner shoot an unarmored jeep? Not long ago I expressed an idea on the Internet that the sponsor would try to go somewhere far away from Moscow in order to make an alibi for himself if he decided to get even with Russo. And after all, Ismailov left, he is not in Moscow!”

Reference: Ismailov Telman Mordan Ogly (Mordanovich). Owner of the capital's markets, OJSC "Central Military Store", restaurant "Prague", 000 ACT International, ACT Kapstroy. Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at $620 million, and his company ACT's revenue last year at $1 billion.

The second version of the assassination attempt - showdown between producers

A person working in a production company told us that some show business figures associate the attack on Russo with a showdown between his producers. At one time, Rousseau, as they say, set up Prigogine. It was he who persuaded Ismailov to invest money in promoting Russo, and when the singer did not repay the debt, he quietly disappeared, leaving them to deal with each other.

Ismailov has nothing to do with Russo,” said our informant. -Why disable a singer who owes you money? Meanwhile, they have long been talking about a showdown between our two prominent producers - Prigozhin and Viktor Drobysh. Previously, Drobysh was only a composer, working for Prigozhin. However, later he began promoting groups together with the influential Joseph. If a singer became popular, Prigozhin notified the public that he was his producer. So he declared Rousseau his pupil. But in reality, Drobysh was involved in the singer as a creative producer, and his company owned the rights to some of Russo’s songs. Everyone was happy with everything, until recently Drobysh, according to rumors, “dumped” Prigozhin with the youth groups “Tutsi” and “KGB”, removing his companion from their rental. In retaliation, Prigozhin persuaded his friend Russo to break off relations with Drobysh and go to him. A scandal broke out. And now there is talk that Drobysh decided to annoy the competing producer. Russo was put out of action, which meant Prigozhin was left without income.

Rumors were also fueled by official information that Prigozhin’s name appears in the criminal “Russo case”. As we were told by the prosecutor's office, producer Prigozhin was summoned for questioning by the investigator, although it is not known what he will be asked about. However, most likely, these rumors themselves are the result of a production war, because both Prigozhin and Drobysh have plenty of enemies. And Rousseau himself claims that he now does not depend on anyone.

Prigozhin sued Russo for 100 thousand for the “rotten bazaar”
Material from 2007

Famous producer and husband of singer Valeria Iosif Prigozhin celebrates his victory. On May 30, he won the court case to protect his honor and dignity.

The Savyolovsky District Court of Moscow considered a civil case based on the claim of Joseph Prigozhin against the singer Abraham Russo for the protection of honor, dignity, good name and business reputation and compensation for moral damage. The court decided to recover compensation from Abraham Russo in the amount of 100,000 rubles in favor of Joseph Prigozhin.

Prigozhin went to court after the newspaper " Komsomolskaya Pravda"excerpts of an interview that Russo gave to the NTV channel were published after the singer was subjected to an armed attack. The producer was offended by the fact that in the interview Russo called him a thief and said that Prigozhin participated in gangster “showdowns.” This is what became grounds for the producer to go to court.

Court hearings were postponed for a long time due to the fact that neither Russo nor his lawyers appeared in court. As a result, the court considered this case without Russo’s representatives and the decision was not made in favor of the singer. Russo’s scandalous statements addressed to Prigozhin were recognized as discrediting the good name and business reputation famous producer. And the newspaper in which the interview was published must publish a refutation within 30 days.

It was a matter of honor,” Prigozhin said. - We must be responsible for the rotten bazaar!

Larisa Rubalskaya about Russo
The TV show “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to the attack on the singer, culminated in an attack on famous poetess(material from 2006)

Fearing that the program would turn out to be too tear-jerking, the host Andrei Malakhov, in addition to Russo’s relatives and friends, invited the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya, who worked with the singer at the dawn of his career, to the studio. Russian career and what she said about him on the pages of “KP” was very impartial. Rubalskaya repeated everything she told Komsomolskaya Pravda, - Abraham is not at all white and fluffy, but a greedy and ungrateful man.

Imagine the reaction of Spartak fans who were told on the street by a lone passer-by that CSKA is the champion. Here, too, there was a feeling that the studio guests would throw their fists at the unfortunate poetess. Creepy-looking women who called themselves fans of Rousseau were waving a cake specially baked “for Avraamushka” and it seemed that they were about to throw it at Rubalskaya. Russo's pregnant wife, spluttering, shouted insults in Larisa Alekseevna's face that would have done honor to any market trader. When composer Viktor Drobysh took the microphone and said: “Larisa Rubalskaya is an outstanding poet...”, the woman leaned forward with hope - here she is, support! But I immediately received new blow: “...but now I’ll never write songs based on her poems!”

It is interesting that Russo himself, whose direct connection with the hospital ward was organized by Malakhov, did not seem to communicate with Rubalskaya in the best possible way. Abraham clearly did not expect that after the pathetic statements of Drobysh, Prigozhin and others - they say, hang in there, friend! - he will hear the insinuating voice of the presenter: “Our guest is Larisa Rubalskaya - do you want to say something to her?”

Russo, who until now had cheerfully reported that, despite the machinations of his enemies, he would continue to sing to the delight of the public, was openly confused and began to apologize lamely, as if confirming Rubalskaya’s claims. She smiled sadly and answered: “I forgive you, Abraham...”

Will she forgive all those show business colleagues whose aggression she experienced on television? When the next day the KP correspondent called the poetess, Larisa Alekseevna burst into tears: “I didn’t try to prove anything, I just always say what I think!”

A television program dedicated to the execution of one person became an “execution” for another, who only expressed his opinion. Thank God everyone survived. Although we, TV viewers, will be ashamed for a long time for Russo’s supporters, who unanimously attacked the lonely Rubalskaya.

Left Russia
Material from 2006

Having recovered a little from the assassination attempt, Abraham realized that every day it was more and more dangerous for him to be in Russia, and decided to urgently leave its borders. Faithful and loving wife Morela supported her husband in this decision, and yesterday afternoon they flew to Germany. When asked whether his departure can be considered an escape and whether he will return to our country at all, the singer replied:

“I’m not running away anywhere, although I understand that danger awaits me here at every step.” But I’m going to get treatment, because my health and that of our future baby is the most important thing to me now. I want to get away from this whole terrible situation, and the main thing is that Morela feels completely safe. I can no longer calmly look at how she doesn’t sleep at night and constantly takes pills.

I don't know when I'll be back here, but I don't think it will be soon. I hope this situation will be resolved someday...

Abraham arrived at the airport two hours before the flight took off. He was accompanied by close people and security guards who drove the singer in a wheelchair, the newspaper “Your Day” writes.

It is still very difficult for Russo to move independently; the only thing he can do so far is take a couple of steps on crutches. People seeing sad young man in a stroller, it was difficult to recognize him as a cheerful and not despondent artist. Now Russo is really worried hard times, and only the support of his family and wife helps him cope with his problems. Although he himself tries not to become limp and believes that the worst is already behind him.

Despite all the haste, Abraham did not want to leave the country where the audience loved him and he became a popular singer. Nevertheless, according to his admission, he was forced to do it.

Avraham spent an hour in the Sheremetyevo VIP lounge: he took some medicine before the long flight, checked if they had forgotten any necessary things (the couple’s luggage amounted to five suitcases), and said goodbye to their friends.

More than for himself, the singer worried about his mother, Maria. At his insistence, she left Russia a few days before she and Morela left. The woman flew to Cyprus, to visit her eldest son, who recently gave her a grandson. The boy was named Abraham in honor of his uncle.

Years later...

Rousseau with his daughter from his wife Morela. 2009

With my wife and daughter. 2009

Abraham Russo - the return of the hot Syrian

Returning to Russia, Abraham Russo forgave Joseph Prigogine
Material from 2010

The famous Russian singer of eastern origin Abraham Russo, after an attempt on his life in August 2006, returned to the stage.

Moreover, he reconciled with producer Joseph Prigozhin, whom he then accused of assassination.

“Everyone makes mistakes. Eight months ago I met Joseph in Europe. I have long been nurturing plans to return to Russia. When the question of returning arose, I immediately decided that I would work with the person with whom I started - with Prigozhin.

During the meeting, we sorted things out and shook hands. And here is the result - waiting for me tour in Russia,” said 40-year-old Abraham Russo in an interview with the Fakty newspaper.

Now the singer lives in the USA with his wife Morela and daughter Emmanuelle, where he underwent several complex operations. And in Russia it will only work. By the way, Russo bought an apartment in New York eight months before the attempt on his life.

“It was as if something pushed me to do it. He started renovating it and ordered furniture from his Moscow friends. At the end of July 2006, the apartment was completely ready, and in mid-August a misfortune happened to me. So, when I flew to America a month later, I had housing,” shared Abraham Russo.

Joseph Prigozhin also said that today he has no disagreements with Abraham Russo, but the question of further cooperation still remains open. They learn to build relationships in a new way, forgetting all grievances.

“We were able to understand and forgive each other. After all the crap that was thrown at me, after all the accusations, I was able to shake Abraham's hand. I’m not a vindictive person,” said 40-year-old Joseph Prigozhin.

The initiator of reconciliation was Abraham Rousseau. In turn, Prigozhin forgave him financial debts (it was previously reported that Abraham Russo owed him a million euros).

“I forgot everything. And I advise everyone: learn to forgive and you will be forgiven. In everything the world is coming a battle for money, for wealth... I think the world doesn’t have long to live in this regime.

Even Michael Jackson, when leaving, said in his film: “The world has four years left.” He was probably right. And this is not a natural apocalypse, but a moral one,” Joseph Prigogine emphasized.

Helped an Armenian girl suffering from heart disease
Material from 2011

Currently, the state of health of the one-and-a-half-year-old Armenian girl Virsavia Mkhitaryants, who suffers from a rare heart defect, is satisfactory. The girl’s mother, Daria Mkhitaryants, said this in a conversation with a correspondent of Armenian News-NEWS.am.

She also said that thanks to the assistance of the city administration of Novorossiysk, the girl received the expensive drugs necessary for treatment, and therefore fundraising for the purchase of medicines was temporarily suspended. Daria Mkhitaryants also reported that the famous singer Abraham Russo, among others, provided financial assistance to the girl. “He met with us in Moscow and personally handed me the money,” noted the girl’s mother. At the same time, Daria Mkhitaryants noted that Versavia is currently taking medication, and the date of the operation has not been determined.

Let us note that little Bathsheba from the Russian city of Novorossiysk has a cardiac anomaly - her heart beats not in her chest, but outside. It is located on the stomach. The organ is not covered by anything and is located almost under the skin. If physical impact is exerted on the child’s heart, the girl will die. Bathsheba's parents are divorced. The girl's father, Arthur Mkhitaryants, a Russian of Armenian origin, suffers from drug addiction. Daria Mkhitaryants refused to comment on this side of the issue, saying only that “he loves her very much, but, you know, he is not able to help.” Arthur and Daria Mkhitaryants were married for 4 years.

Revealed all the secrets of his colleagues
Popular singer Abraham Russo told reporters about some details from the life of world stars (material from 2011)

Abraham Russo, who was recently involved in a serious accident, now lives and works mostly in America. Therefore, it is quite natural that he knows many Western celebrities not by hearsay, but in person, and therefore he learns all the latest gossip, so to speak, first-hand.
For a long time he has been “fraternizing” with Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Carlos Santana, Charles Aznavour, Tom Johnson, Celine Dion, Robert Cavalli and many others.

As for the recent frank confession of Ricky Martin, Russo, as it turned out, knew about his non-traditional sexual orientation long before the whole world began to buzz about it...

By the way, the singer assures that Tarkan is also “one of those people,” but he still prefers to hide it, and, according to the same Abraham, he does it completely in vain.

Naturally, those who, from the very beginning of their ascent to the Olympus of fame, admitted that same-sex love was not alien to them, had their fans even then, but such “home-grown” machos as Martin, of course, suffer.

By the way, among domestic celebrities there are also more than enough of these “chameleons”, but they don’t even think about revealing all their cards.

As for one of the most popular performers, the outrageous Lady GaGa, he explains the phenomenon of her popularity very simply - she was able to do something that no one else had been able to do before, and besides, she actually sings live. It was rumored that she stole her style from her late friend, who was originally from Ukraine, but this does not mean at all that she does not have her own talents.

Notorious and sung by all Madonna, according to Rousseau, is a complete zero without a stick. She is completely unworthy of her popularity, since she was not able to build her career on our own, but on other people's shoulders.

So, if you compare her talent with that of Lady GaGa, then Madonna is completely dull!

Russian regions are beginning to forget Rousseau
The first city where the performer’s tour failed was Tula (material from 2011)

The concert of the once popular Tula performer Abraham Russo, scheduled for February 6 in the Palace of Culture, has been cancelled.

As it became known, the reason was the poor sales of tickets; there was not the required number of audiences willing to pay from 500 to 1800 rubles for the star’s performance in Tula.

Live" to talk about difficulties in your family. After 12 years life together he is on the verge of divorce from his wife Morela Ferdman (Russo).

They got married in September 2005. At that time, the artist was 35, and his beloved woman was 22 years old. Even at the wedding, the bride and groom had an incident: the young couple put each other’s rings on incorrectly, which the guests considered bad omen. For the sake of her husband, Morela, as a loving wife, accepted Christianity.

And only now Abraham admitted that their family, in which two daughters are growing up - Emanuella and Avemaria, is on the verge of divorce. “We had problems for quite a long time, we didn’t talk about them, but our loved ones knew about it. Today I decided to talk about it publicly for the first time,” Russo said.

At the same time, he noted that no matter what, he would like to save the family for the sake of the children and the love that connected them with his wife. “I don’t want to feel the bitter taste of divorce,” the singer admitted. According to the artist, the reason for the breakdown of the relationship was Morela’s jealousy.

However, Abraham believes that how popular artist he has the right to confess his love to his fans. According to him, the fact that he and Morela are from completely different cultures also played a role.

Russo admitted that he was going to share property with his wife, and had already sent her the relevant documents, because he was afraid of being left with nothing in the event of a divorce. Their house in American New Jersey, where Morela and her children now live, costs more than 300 million rubles.

The singer emphasized that most of all he is interested in the temple that he made inside this house. “There are icons there... There are more than a thousand relics of saints, it took me a long time to collect them,” says the artist. He himself now rents an apartment in Russia with his 90-year-old mother Mariy Ipdzhyan.

According to Russo, two years ago he completely rewrote a house in the United States to Morela. However, this is not the only home he acquired during his marriage. During the program, it turned out that Abraham also has a house in Russia, which he bought as a reserve airfield in case of divorce, which, by the way, none of the spouses has officially filed for yet.

Morela's lawyer Oksana Sokolova also went on air from America via video link. According to her, for her client, Avaam’s statement about the division of property and hints at divorce was a real shock. The lawyer said that Russo is disingenuous when he says that he fully provides for his family: the house in New Jersey is under a mortgage and there are many significant debts on it. Oksana claims that the singer left his wife in a deplorable financial situation.

In turn, another lawyer of Morela, Alexander Karazhelez, who represents her interests in Russia, said that he knows real reasons family discord. According to him, it turns out that Abraham is strong influence from outside. “After the birth of the second child, a confessor appeared who took him away from the family,” the lawyer assured. In addition, Alexander said that Russo raised his hand against Morela.

At the end of the program, Morela herself contacted the studio. She turned to Malakhov and accused her husband of fraud. “I want to tell the whole country that I will give an exclusive interview with my version of you. I invite you to my home in America, I want to show you and tell you everything. I have a lot of evidence that will confirm all my facts. I want to tell you a lot , including about fraud, about how I was used as a cover. When he fled to America, he needed something to hide behind. And I was that for him. He slandered many people, and his sponsor. stated the chosen one of the performer.

Abraham Russo became popular in Russia thanks to his performances in the late 90s, when he began singing in the restaurant of businessman Telman Ismailov. His first solo album was recorded in our country with the assistance of producer Joseph Prigozhin and a contract with the Knox Music company. This happened in 2001. In 2006, Abraham’s fame peaked, after performing several songs in a duet with Kristina Arbakaite. Being a star Russian stage, he often goes on tour in other countries, speaks several languages. IN lately he lives in the United States, of which Abraham Russo’s wife, Morela, is a citizen.

Russo married Morela Ferdman, an American of Jewish origin, at the Butyrsky registry office in Moscow in September 2005. According to unofficial data, she is from a Jewish family that left Odessa about 20 years ago and settled on Brighton Beach. The newlyweds' wedding took place in Israel on Christmas Day. The wedding ceremony became a bright and spectacular event with magnificent outfits, delicious treats and a select audience.

In 2006, an assassination attempt was made on Avrram, who had become a real celebrity: his car was fired at by unknown bandits using a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The singer received two serious wounds in the leg and lost a lot of blood. Having recovered from this tragedy, he immediately took his pregnant wife to the United States, and she did not appear in Russia for 10 long years. The daughter born overseas was named Emannuela, which translated from Hebrew means “God is with us.” After 8 years - in 2014, the Russo couple had a second daughter - Ave Maria (Hail Mary - lat.).

They first visited our country as a family in 2016 in honor of the presentation of the new video by Abraham Russo and Sogdiana “No Impossible,” which took place on board the capital’s floating restaurant “Chaika.” The singer was on fire, the children were slightly tired after a long journey, and Marela was shining with freshness and beauty. Although evil tongues and they claim that her attractiveness is the result of plastic surgery and dyeing her hair blonde, she actually looks very good for her 34 years.

Abraham is already 47 and tries to see his family more often, finding time between tours. Sometimes Marela sings one or two songs with him at concerts. Her main activities are family and helping with her husband’s affairs. A home was built in the courtyard of their house Orthodox church, can accommodate up to 50 people, and an altar has already been purchased for it. To decorate this sanctuary it is planned to use family collection from 150 icons.