Astrological forecast for every day of the year. Financial horoscope - work, business, career. Predictions for the New Year for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

The year 2018 according to the Eastern calendar will come into effect on February 16th. It will be held under the auspices of a good totem - the Yellow Earth Dog, which will replace the scandalous Fire Rooster and bring peace and tranquility to people. The symbol will relate to the peaceful element of the Earth, changing the destinies of people and their way of life for the better. The star horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs confirms this, promising good luck in career matters, love and creative achievements.

Before writing out the horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs, we will give general advice and recommendations to all fans of the star forecast.

Astrologers' forecasts for 2018 for all zodiac signs are quite favorable, because the Earth Dog favors the warmth of the hearth, a friendly attitude and everyday joys. This totem animal does not tolerate lies, hypocritical ingratiation, anger, and perfectly recognizes all human vices and thoughts. That is why 2018 will correspond to comfort, friendliness, the emergence of new love and family ties.

The horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs, according to famous astrologers, will be calm, filled with hope and improved financial well-being. Some will be lucky in business, others in creative self-expression. The Earth Dog will protect relationships and strong families, push for career growth, education, and self-improvement.

A big role in the favorable location of the stars is played by the fact that the position of the planets according to the sextile type will open up access to new opportunities for the zodiac symbols. The ascending Lunar Node in the sign of the royal Leo will allow you to show your talents and calculate possible moves several steps ahead. The Earth element will protect people from strong shocks, including political and financial ones, and will give stability. On the love front, you will also not be able to do without new acquaintances, filled with romance and the expectation of happiness.

The main parting word of astrologers in 2018 for each sign is to go full speed ahead towards innovation, good luck and success. Those who get married after February 16, give birth to a child, change their attitude towards their career and work on themselves will find happiness. We’ll tell you what exactly the horoscope for 2018 promises for each zodiac sign, guided by the predictions of the eastern calendar.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The coming year of the Yellow Dog will bring many changes to this symbol. It will take all your perseverance and stubbornness to change your life for the better without making serious mistakes. In 2018, Aries will have to lose his balance many times, so he must learn to be more restrained and tolerant of relatives and work colleagues.

In terms of health, there won’t be any particular concerns, but moderate physical activity certainly won’t hurt. The stars advise you to relax more and maintain relationships with your family. In love, astrologers predict success and strengthening for Aries family relations, reconciliation with former lovers.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The stars for Taurus in 2018 will turn out well in all areas of life. Big changes in family and financially You shouldn’t wait, but there will be a lot of positive emotions, and in various areas of activity. However, you will have to be vigilant more often to avoid falling into the hands of scammers.

At work, Taurus will have stability and an average salary, so they will need to be smart about spending. This zodiac sign is susceptible to colds, so astrologers recommend strengthening the body and increasing immunity in 2018 in various ways. In love affairs, everything will remain as before; new relationships are possible only with a decisive attitude.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

The horoscope for Gemini in 2018 promises good luck in financial and love affairs. Any undertakings will be successful, talents will be recognized and appreciated. Thanks to their sociable nature, Geminis will find new friends and keep good relationship with colleagues. However, quarrels in the family and cooling of relations between lovers due to money issues and trips are not excluded.

It is important to see a doctor on time, pay loans on time and monitor the health of loved ones. With due effort, your superiors will appreciate your work, so career growth or transfer to another position is not excluded. Also, 2018 is a good year for marriage, having children, and creating new relationships.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The Year of the Dog will bring changes to this zodiac sign. In which specific areas depends on age and place of work, here the totem animal chose to maintain intrigue. Astrologers advise making repairs, traveling, making new acquaintances, and moving towards your goal even in small steps.

Business Cancers might consider running own business- stars favor undertakings, even the most risky ones. Any business will be successful if you make an effort. The symbol of 2018 advises single and unmarried representatives of the zodiac to settle down and start a family. There will be no changes in terms of health.

Leo (July 23 - August 21)

The planets for this sign are positioned in the most successful way. Any undertakings will not be in vain, and workload, perseverance and systematic work will bring the expected results. The main thing is to enlist the support of like-minded people and relatives, and take into account the comments of colleagues. In the coming Year of the Dog, it is important to trust your intuition, especially when preparing documents.

Also, in 2018, Leos will have to monitor their reputation and avoid compromising situations. In summer, you should relax away from home, with your family or children. It is not forbidden to occasionally pamper yourself with expensive gifts, but significant expenses should be avoided. In love, everything will remain unchanged if new acquaintances and flirting communication do not arise before February.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23)

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Virgos should think about their health and take care of their nerves. The emotional state in difficult situations can be unstable. Outdoor trips, get-togethers with friends, and new acquaintances are recommended. Married people need to devote more time to their other halves, single people need to choose their partners more pickily.

It will be useful to spend more time in the gym and start doing exercises in the morning. Possible takeoff career ladder if you keep your emotions under control. In love, the stars advise being more calm and trying to maintain the relationship.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

The measured life of Libra will be successful in financial and career terms. Astrologers prophesy to the sign the support of the stars in business, new beginnings, and business projects. Good health and cheerfulness will help you achieve all your dreams if you put in the effort. However, you still need to take care of yourself by strengthening your immune system and getting plenty of rest after work.

Also, 2018 promises Libra good luck and reciprocity in love, especially in the summer. It will be more difficult for those who are single - they will have to lower the requirements for candidates, change something in themselves. In all areas of activity there will be a lot positive emotions, if you manage to keep your personal and business life secret from gossipers and envious people.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

The stars advise Scorpios in the coming year of the Earth Dog to experience less envy, jealousy, and try to avoid negativity. It is better to direct your seething energy to solving problems, building a career and relationships. It will not be superfluous to take care of the nervous system.

But in Scorpio’s affairs, the implementation of any undertakings and financial growth in profits from investments awaits. It is recommended that you direct your ardor not to love experiences and scandals, but to achieve career heights. The other halves will be faithful to this hot-tempered sign, so there is no need to worry about family relationships.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22)

In 2018, this sign will want everything at once, but will not have enough strength for many things. The stars advise setting goals more specifically, discarding insignificant and costly ideas. Otherwise, due to difficulties, problems with health, relationships at work and in the family will arise.

In love, you will have to control your emotions, trying to avoid casual relationships. Inconsistency will lead to scandals and divorce, but is this necessary? It is advisable for Sagittarius to show patience in business too - otherwise they will have to change jobs and prove their professional suitability. Another warning concerns injuries and fractures - there is a high probability of getting damaged this year due to carelessness or haste.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

For Capricorns, the Year of the Dog promises development, a surge of strength and efficiency. The stars also advise traveling more and spending time with old and new friends. If you wish, you will find a new job, another rented apartment, and an opportunity for entertainment.

Stability awaits Capricorns in their career, including financial stability. You will have more time to do your favorite things, and there will be a minute left for hobbies. The desire to become more romantic and responsible towards a permanent partner will awaken. There will be no problems with health either, especially if you work out in the gym, run in the morning, and harden yourself.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

For Aquarius, the element of Earth has prepared a number of surprises. Firstly, representatives of this fickle sign will be able to complete important undertakings. Secondly, many will achieve success in creative professions, areas of activity related to art, literature, music.

By combining dreaminess and business acumen, Aquarians will be able to climb the career ladder and win many hearts on the love front. Have you spent too much time in brides and grooms? Feel free to marry your other halves, the stars favor lovers. There are no problems with health; on the contrary, energy, including sexual energy, will be in full swing.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Pisces in 2018 should not go with the flow, but they also do not need to break barriers. The horoscope advises assessing your strength when planning things, and taking on feasible tasks. A non-standard approach, some cunning and resourcefulness will help. This is the only way to achieve a promotion at work and improve your financial condition.

Single Pisces will be able to meet their love and start a romantic relationship. Perhaps this will be a person who has been in the status of a friend for a long time. The stars favor love family happiness and marriage. Health will allow you to play sports, yoga or swimming, make friends while walking together

This year of the Yellow Earth Dog in the eastern calendar is characterized only positively: loyalty, reliability, courage. A wonderful year for moving, getting married, traveling, creativity, friendship, having children, making profits...

He will bring peace and prosperity, say experts of eastern wisdom.

It is this year that it is good to decide on big changes, and they will, of course, be for the better!

60 years ago

1958: just some events at a glance.

The USSR announced a reduction armed forces for 300,000 people. Our country has repeatedly proposed stopping testing, making Berlin demilitarized, etc. These proposals were rejected.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of Novosibirsk State University.

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, was dismissed. First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee N. S. Khrushchev personally headed the government of the USSR.

The USSR announced a unilateral cessation of nuclear testing, calling on the United States and Great Britain to follow suit. The call was not heeded.

The World Exhibition, the first since World War II, opened in Brussels.

General Charles de Gaulle, a supporter of his country's independence from the dictates of the United States, came to power in France.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created.

The Taiwan crisis (the conflict between China and the United States over Taiwan) could lead to serious military action if the USSR took the side of the PRC. However, at the height of the events, USSR Foreign Minister A. A. Gromyko was sent to Beijing on a secret mission, who informed Mao Zedong that Moscow would not help the PRC in the event of an armed conflict with the United States. At the same time, outwardly, the USSR vigorously supported the PRC and threatened the United States in the event of an attack on China. The “decorative” nature of the threats to the USSR was clear to Beijing. The intensity of the crisis was eased as a result of negotiations between China and the United States. As a result, relations between China and the USSR began to gradually deteriorate, while relations between China and the United States began to improve. This was the year of the beginning of the most important turn towards a new world order. As a result, China made a strategic decision to cooperate economically with the United States and then became the "workshop of the world."

As practice shows, often after 60 years events occur from one semantic series. Sometimes they change the vector to the opposite, but more often they still maintain continuity: relationships between peoples last for thousands of years, and they have gigantic inertia.

Main astrological events of 2018

Saturn transiting into Capricorn: order comes first

This will happen on December 20, 2017. And immediately there will be a chill. Saturn will stay in Capricorn until March 22 (or even December 17), 2020. In this sign he is strong and in his right.

Saturn is the planet of order, discipline, structure, restrictions and strategic long-term goals. He usually acts quite frankly. Sometimes it's rude if we're talking about about the penitentiary system, which is under his jurisdiction.

We can expect that goals in international and domestic politics will become much clearer and more realistic. Saturn speaks directly, he represents reality in all its unsightly nakedness.

Various boundaries are associated with Saturn, from ideological and social to state and epochal. He is also in charge of the hierarchical pyramids of power and state coercion. Therefore, in the left bony hand of Saturn, an hourglass is always ready to mark deadlines and a wrench for freedom-loving nuts.

The most important role of Saturn is the lord of time. In his right, weary hand is a scythe, and with one swing of it he sends everything that is not durable to the islands of the blessed. Whether they actually exist does not interest him.

The last time Saturn was in Capricorn was in 1959-1962, when the confrontation between “two worlds and two systems” led to the construction of the Berlin Wall (August 13, 1961) and Cuban missile crisis, which ended in a draw (it occurred in October 1962, when Saturn was already in Aquarius, but matured earlier).

The last time Saturn passed through the sign of Capricorn was in 1988-1991, when the wall was demolished, and one of the systems, having degenerated and surrendered, was absorbed by the other.

Now a wall is being built along our western border again, but this time much further to the east. It may not be so noticeable physically, but it is felt metaphysically, politically, and, so to speak, militaristically. And, apparently, in the next two to three years, with a strong Saturn, it will become higher.

However, not everything is so simple. Oil and gas pipelines crawl under, above, and around the wall, entwining and penetrating it like vines - an ancient dilapidated temple in the political jungle

Transition of Uranus into Taurus

In the next 7 years, Taurus according to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mars, MC will be progressors of civilization. It is they, like the needle of a compass of time, that will determine the direction of the future. It is in their destinies that many seemingly random, but in fact deeply logical events will occur that will form a mosaic portrait of tomorrow.

Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus on May 15, 2018. Usually, the ingression of the planet of revolutions and surprises into any sign is accompanied by an event that changes our understanding of what is associated with this sign. Uranus immediately puts the sign into fifth gear, and the world, shuddering, rushes forward, squealing tires. An event can occur either shortly before or shortly after the entry of Uranus itself, and it is usually prepared in advance, but after this event the world becomes different. Each such event shows us one of the signs of the Zodiac from the point of view of the coming era of Aquarius. In some cases, Uranus “stands with one foot in the past and the other welcomes the future,” in others it literally blows down the door to the future with a crushing mae geri kekomi.

The accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant occurred exactly on the day Uranus entered Aries. Aries = energy.

The 2003 US invasion of Iraq began a week after Uranus entered Pisces. Pisces = deception, illusions, oil.

Uranus moved into Aquarius in April 1995. Uranus in Aquarius, its sign, is especially expressive. On August 30, Operation Deliberate Force began - the first large-scale military action in NATO history, in which the Bosnian Serbs were bombed by the combined aircraft of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, and Spain. Aquarius = a group of like-minded people united by a common interest. “Free labor of freely assembled people,” as subbotniks once characterized it. This was also a kind of NATO “cleanup” to clean up the territory.

However, there were other events in 1995. Worldwide started working Trade Organization. Seven countries belonging to the European Union (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) have abolished border controls at internal interstate borders and tightened them at borders with other countries.

In both cases, the unification took place with the aim of strengthening one group of countries and exploiting another group. Aquarius is not always an altruist for everyone.

Previous transits of Uranus through Taurus

Very soon (once again: May 15, 2018) Uranus will show what Taurus is from the point of view of the Age of Aquarius. Some idea of ​​this is given by the previous transits of Uranus through the sign of Taurus. Taurus is stability, stability. But Uranus is quite the opposite. Taurus is related to Cancer, the most conservative sign, whose energies are strongly manifested in Russian national character. Uranus rules Aquarius, the most unpredictable and rebellious sign, which is also far from alien to us. Therefore, each entry of Uranus into the sign of Taurus can be compared in Russia to a painful night birth that ends on a gloomy morning, and the day that follows is full of hard work, but brings victory.

So, Uranus visited Taurus in the following years:

1599-1607 - Time of Troubles, change of dynasty, crop failure, famine, Polish intervention, False Dmitry, civil war, read Pushkin's "Boris Godunov"; it all ended with the expulsion of the Poles and national unification, but already under Uranus in Gemini;

1683-1691 - first, the vague regency of Sofia Alekseevna under two princes - Peter and Ivan, then a crisis of power and Peter's victory in the confrontation with Princess Sophia. "Eternal peace" with Poland, by this time no longer as strong as before. Peter, having matured and imbued with the reformist spirit already under Uranus in Gemini, “raised Russia on its hind legs.”

1767-1775 - Catherine II on the throne. The peasantry is enslaved and reduced to a slave state. This is a time of cruel, "senseless and merciless" Pugachev revolt, which was the greatest internal political crisis during the reign of Catherine. In fact, it was a civil war.

Also during this seven-year period, the First Partition of Poland, the First Russian-Turkish War (successful), and the annexation of Crimea begin.

It was completed in 1783, after Turkey unsuccessfully tried to retake Crimea during the transit of Uranus in Gemini.

1850-1859 - Crimean War (unsuccessful), repelling attempts at intervention (successful) in the North and Far East, victories in the Caucasus. The heroic defense of Sevastopol, one of the cornerstones of Russian patriotism.

The Crimean War led to the breakdown of the country's financial system. It demonstrated the deepest crisis of conservatism as a basic principle Russian Empire. It became clear that by following this path (or rather, standing or retreating), the empire was doomed to fall into the margins of history. The “guardian” Nicholas I was replaced in 1855 by the “reformer and liberator” Alexander II. The subsequent passage of Uranus through Gemini brings the beginning of Great Reforms. However, they were not completed.

Each of the listed passages of Uranus through Taurus brought a crisis of power in Russia. The next transit of Uranus through Taurus began in June 1934.

In the USSR, at the beginning of the same year, the XVII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) took place - the “congress of the victors”, most of whom were subsequently shot. On December 1 of the same year, Kirov was killed, and the flywheel of the Great Terror began to work. A major purge of the bureaucratic and party apparatus began, “conspiracies of generals and engineers” and many others were uncovered. Which of them existed in reality and to what extent, historians still argue. This was an inevitable and necessary concentration of power in pre-war conditions and the destruction of any opposition. However, in the USSR they took on the most severe, hypertrophied forms and gigantic scope. There was a distinct smell of World War II in the world. Through the hum of the giant factories, the clanging of caterpillars, the howl of dive bombers and the roar of impending explosions became increasingly distinct. Design bureaus developed new types of weapons. The industry was working at full capacity.

Uranus exited Taurus in August 1941. Great Patriotic War mostly marched under Uranus in Gemini and, for all its incredible heaviness, was marked by the liberation of the people's spirit.

And in 2018, Uranus again enters the sign of Taurus. So what will happen now?

First of all, there will be a surprise. Uranus loves to surprise and amaze, loves paradoxes and giant oxymorons. Examples from movie and book titles: “Hot Ice”, “Honest Thief”, “Eloquent Silence”, “Optimistic Tragedy”, “The End of Eternity”. Yes, in general, we already live in a complete oxymoron.

Arms race. This is obvious. The country must be ready to transfer industry to a war footing, as the President directly said.

The crisis of power, the need for its concentration and one or another change in its character. And not only in Russia. But it is not for astrologers to judge this.

Revolution in finance. Virtual (Uranus) money (Taurus). Even more virtual than today. There may very well be a serious and distinct crisis in the existing currency system. Rehearsal for a single world currency. Stock market crisis. The scale and depth may vary from country to country, from continent to continent. Naturally, they will try to weaken him. Redirect the shock wave. Collapse financial situation entire classes. All this is already happening, but Uranus will give these processes speed and shocking frankness.

Stock up on popcorn. As studies by b…x scientists have shown, this is a powerful sedative, since its use includes the psychological mechanism of reality virtualization. Simply put, you feel like you're in a historic movie theater watching a Hollywood blockbuster.

And later (for example, from 2020) there will be a serious transformation of world money. So far, the paradoxical and clearly crisis processes in the stock exchange and currency world are growing, and analysts are wondering how long is left before the bubble bursts and the debt crisis worsens to the utmost (and in China it is deeper than in the USA! This makes the intrigue more unpredictable). Very likely three years. But a clear hint is possible already in 2018. Although, as the wits write, the financial world has stood at attention and is afraid to cough, lest it cause... As they say, diarrhea is the best remedy for cough.

Let's look further:
Upcoming conjunctions of slow planets -
the end of the old and the beginning of a new era.

And the familiar world shrinks like an armadillo into a ring.

The old system, feeling that its time is running out, is trying to shape the future. But it is unpredictable. But the new system is still on the horizon. So far only foam is flying here from the ninth shaft.

Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto in Russian history

Saturn and Pluto (power and transformation) are passing Capricorn (the sign with which the very idea of ​​management is associated) and are striving for a meeting that will take place on January 12, 2020. This connection is very tough, meaning the desire to concentrate power and intensify the struggle for leadership in the world. From this moment on, the global balance of power will become clear, alliances and conflict confrontations will take shape, and new Walls will be built. But this conservative-imperial-dictatorial combination is from the past. It says: “I am the coolest! I will retain power!”

Consider past conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto:

1819-1820: the final turn to reaction in Russia and Europe. France admitted to Holy Alliance, which now unites everything large countries Europe (England and Türkiye were not included). Russia, Austria and Prussia sign a protocol stating that they have the right to armed suppression of revolutionary activity in any country.

1851-1852: an objective conflict of interests, like the desire of Nicholas I to decide the destinies of Europe, pitted Russia against the rest of the European states. The tsar's protective policy, conservatism, and the lack of modern industry made the navy, artillery and small arms uncompetitive. As a result, in Crimean War 1853-1856 Russia faced serious difficulties and temporarily lost shipping on the Black Sea.

1883: establishment of conservative domestic policy in Russia Alexandra III. Years of reaction. In the international arena - the formation of a military-political alliance with France, the beginning of confrontation with Germany.

1914-1915: Beginning of the First World War. Patriotic upsurge. The unpreparedness of industry, transport networks and the economy in general for big war. The backwardness of the military-industrial complex. The interests of monopolists (oil, coal) are opposite to the interests of defense: for them, profit comes first. Some military enterprises belong to foreigners; they need to be nationalized. Enormous price increases, embezzlement, military regime at enterprises, disproportionate economic development. Increasing crisis and dependence on other, more developed countries.

1947: beginning cold war, "Iron Curtain". The USSR has adopted a policy of developing the heavy industry, primarily the defense industry, and tightening its internal political course. Accelerated creation of the atomic bomb. Difficult years of restoration of the national economy.

1982: L.I. Brezhnev leaves this world. The culmination of an era of stagnation (in the field of ideology and politics, but not in the army, air force and navy, not in industry, not in science!) and confrontation with the United States. The following year, Reagan officially declares the USSR an “evil empire.” According to some authors, the United States was facing collapse at this point, but its elites were able to turn the steering wheel of history in their favor.

And note that none of these conjunctions fell into the sign of Capricorn! The previous conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn was at the end of 1517!

Rus' was then ruled by Vasily III (father of Ivan the Terrible). This was a time of growth of the Moscow state and the active formation of the Russian autocracy. This year specifically there was nothing extraordinary, but three years earlier a symbolically important event happened. In the agreement of 1514 with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, Vasily III was named Emperor of the Rus for the first time in the history of Rus'.

What can I say: the history is worth studying. And now ahead is the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in 2020. Another exam! Again, a step that needs to be climbed somehow - at least climb, at least scramble!

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is the beginning of the Air 200th anniversary

However, in the same year 2020, another astrological event will occur. It will hint to us what the “wonderful new world". This is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 in Aquarius, the most futuristic sign.

The meeting of Jupiter and Saturn occurs once every 20 years and is called the Great Conjunction in traditional astrology. Each Great Conjunction shapes the agenda for the next 20 years. Every 60 years, the meeting place of Jupiter and Saturn in the Zodiac repeats itself (with a slight shift). Therefore, in political forecasting, a period of 60 years often works. About 10 connections in a row occur in one element, then the element changes. Therefore, the influence of each element lasts about 200 years. For the last 200 years (since 1802 and especially since 1842), this has been the element of the Earth: pragmatism, tangible benefits, practicality, concentration of capital, giant construction projects, development of heavy industry, mining.

In 1981, Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Air for the first time since 1405. In 2000, the conjunction returned to the element of Earth (Taurus). Earth and Air are now in confrontation, but Air will finally win in 2020. Starting in 2020, all Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn for 200 years will occur in Air signs. The information age will come. Everything will change - energy production, lifestyle, industry, professions, the idea of ​​family. The first signs are flying cars and taxis without a driver, robots receiving citizenship, artificial girls whose intelligence can be adjusted depending on the time of day. And a lot of other things. In fact, these swallows already fly in flocks, turning into bats, then into dragons. Although sometimes in swans.

Air has no barriers - “neither at sea nor on land.” Therefore, the unification of the world, at least informationally, is inevitable. Moreover, the elements of the Great Conjunctions and the Age of Aquarius are the same. This means that the overall “airiness” will increase. Air is not only a breeze, it can also be a hurricane. Habitual earthly things lose strength, reliability, perceptibility, and significance. The orange trailer flies off into the distance along with Ellie, Totoshka and several billion other people. A person is very uncomfortable in a world blown through by seven winds, and he tries to cling to at least something, like a cloak on an old nail in the absence of the owner. In the new airy world, the ease of being is simply unbearable. And the girls from the taverns can only sing, addressing everything that has gone:

Map of Russia 882 in the coming year

An interesting and quite workable map of Russia, which I have been using for several years. In particular, it clearly showed the deterioration of relations with outside world and even open hostility on the part of some “partners” in 2017. Moreover, these events are a historical “echo” of the war between Russia and Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea (the beginning of the 18th century), and if you look even earlier - the Time of Troubles, which began (conditionally) with the death of Ivan the Terrible (1584) and lasted until 1613 , it was a time of “rukh”, terrible population decline, dynastic crisis and anarchy, Polish intervention. The question was about the very existence of Russia as a state. If not for the two stone men on Red Square, Russia could have become part of Poland!

So, according to this map, the conflict is unlikely to end in the coming years. Although its content will change.

Astrology considers many cycles, their combination is never repeated, therefore each historical situation is unique.

One of the very significant cycles in the horoscopes of states is 365 years. 2018 - 365 = 1653. Very, very important year in our history. This is the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, which divided the country, and the annexation of the Zaporozhye Army “with cities and lands” to Russia on the initiative of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, which immediately led to a difficult war with Poland (1654-1667), which ended due to the exhaustion of the parties (!). Ukraine, in 1657-1687, experienced one of the most terrible periods of its history, when Russia, Poland and Turkey fought for control over its territory, supported by various Cossack colonels, atamans and hetmans. As a result, Russia won, and even advanced into Polish territory.

It is unlikely that we will face direct clashes tomorrow. But we need determination and activity. And there is a resource for a breakthrough. Just like 365 years ago, the Sun in the map of Russia for 882 years in progressions (a slow forecasting technique in which one day is equal to one year) moves into the sign of Aries for the next 30 years!

And this is a powerful indicator of accelerating the country’s development. Aries is a fiery, proactive, courageous sign. It is ruled by Mars (energy and will), which is exalted in Capricorn (the state), which Saturn soon enters (concentration of power).

Astrological phenomena of 2018

In the chart of the Sun entering Capricorn on December 21, 2017, the daylight is in exact conjunction with Saturn. This means very great value everything Saturnian, that is, conservative, powerful, ordering in the coming year. Although in the chart of ingression into Capricorn, built on Moscow, Uranus, the planet of revolutions and renewal, occupies a strong position in the house of power. However, Uranus is retrograde, which likely means renewal + return.

In the chart of the Sun's ingression into Aries on March 20, 2017, built for Moscow, Saturn is also very emphasized - it is located at the foundation point of the map, transparently hinting that it is time to establish strict order in the country. The card is very energetic, it shows that the year will be very turbulent for heads of state.

On April 2, 2018, another meeting of Mars and Saturn will take place, this time in the 9th degree of Capricorn, where - attention! - Jupiter and Saturn met in 1842, when the cycle of their conjunctions in the Earth element began. This means that in 2018 there will be important events concerning the very essence of the world order established with the advent of capitalism. And they can be tough.

Who will be lucky, who will have to work hard, when and where to lay the straws

Of course, the following material is too general. You can consider in detail the impact of transits and other forecasting techniques on your chart only during a personal consultation. In general, it makes sense to look at your horoscope at least once and get even a superficial interpretation of it (but not from the program!) in order to understand why so many people have been interested in astrology for so many centuries.

Jupiter transits the sign of Scorpio in 2018. Basically, its beneficial influence will be experienced by 14-24 degrees of this sign and other signs of Water - Cancer and Pisces. This is also a good transit for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

But with Capricorns, everything is not so simple. The stern Pluto has been traveling through their sign for a long time, and now Saturn will be added to it. Over the next two-plus years, Capricorns will face serious testing on many levels: professional, physical, psychological, and for some, economic and legal.

Moreover, when Mars also moves through Capricorn from March 18 to May 16. This will be the most difficult time in 2018 for all signs. Those experts who predict the possibility of some social problems during this period are probably right.

On March 18, Mars enters the sign of Capricorn, where it is exalted, that is, very strong. On the day of the Presidential election, Mars will be in the first degree of a cardinal sign, which is an extremely effective and action-motivating position. It's probably no coincidence that Mars is so strong on Election Day this year. Obviously, Martian energies will play a special role in Russia in the coming years.

Spring (mid-March - mid-May) will be difficult for all cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), but especially for Cancers and Capricorns. Moreover, in a personal horoscope you need to look not only at the position of the Sun, but also Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, the Moon, the Ascendant, the Lunar Nodes, and the MC. All of these are very sensitive points, and how they react in a particular person is determined by an astrological analysis of his unique life path.

Women's Moons in Capricorn and Cancer in 2018, and especially in spring, are sensitive and vulnerable; I advise you to pay very serious attention to this. The stars encourage you to pay attention to your health, especially the female organs, stomach, pancreas and thyroid glands, and nervous system.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius should be careful during these months, especially according to the Ascendant. Caution is needed not only in the physical sense, but also in finances and in matters at work.

This time can also be difficult for ascending Aquarius (i.e. people with an Ascendant in Aquarius): they should take care of their health, get plenty of rest and clean up everything they can at work. Serious checks cannot be ruled out.

From May 13 to October 14, Mars will make a loop at the end of Capricorn - the first half of Aquarius. This time may be difficult in terms of health and work checks for Aquarius and Pisces ascendants.

And good news!

The year can be very productive for Scorpios, Virgos and Taurus.

And these signs, worthy in all respects, and many others, no less worthy, will be able to earn very decent money this year. From January 16 to September 12, the “millionaire aspect” will be in effect - a sextile between Jupiter in Scorpio (money) and Pluto in Capricorn (power, career, competence, authority).

Happy New Year!
Good luck, love, happiness, health to everyone!

Yours Alexey Agafonov

Master of Beam Weaving
Observer of celestial bodies

The new year is just around the corner, which will bring changes that the majority of Russian residents are waiting for. The most long-awaited predictions for Russia will not turn out to be true, since the previous prophecies of these people have come true.
Global disasters and maneuvers of politicians, the economic situation of the country, social policy, and unexpected innovations. People will change their attitude towards oracles and become more careful.
The world is destined for a turning point in 2018, and only one thing can help us quickly achieve prosperity - morality and honesty.
The predictions of clairvoyants, astrologers, psychics, and the predictions of saints are suspiciously similar and speak of one thing - changes are coming in everyday life and more. So what awaits Russia in 2018?

The astrological forecast for 2018 for Russia is very multifaceted. We will enter the year of the yellow Dog, which will show its teeth, subject to deception. This means that processes and relationships that are built on lies and profit will be in decline.
The economy and ecology will begin to rise after some shake-up, ensured by a careless attitude towards natural resources, humanity will begin to listen more carefully to natural processes. A person’s desire for harmony with nature will improve the lives of many. One thing remains in question - what awaits the world in a new role, how will the international community react to the changes in Russia?

Family, loyalty, integrity and spirituality - these components of society will become more important.

Business can take on completely different shapes, and those who take humanity, honesty and sincerity as a basis will be able to achieve significant heights.
Politicians will decide to take a course towards unification and strengthening relations with the countries of the former Union.
Astrologers' predictions for 2018 are full of hopes for the emergence of a new peacemaker in the country - a person who will create or open the way to reconciliation between warring states.

Pavel Globa sees the end of the crisis and the beginning of dawn

Already at the end of this year, like a modern stargazer, a period of stability will begin, which may be mistaken for stagnation. In fact, this moment will be the starting point for the ascent.
The predictions for 2018 for Russia are literally extraordinary, but they contain many similar positions. No natural disasters should be expected, and global climate change should not be feared. The average weather for Russia will remain normal.
The astrologer, like some interpreters of visions, hints that the North and Siberia will make their own adjustments, and from there a new movement will begin, bringing a sip fresh air into stagnant. The West as a measure will cease to exist, and people will begin to pay attention to the origins.
Science and art will develop in conjunction with spirituality. Pavel Globa sees a new person who will significantly turn the course of history and direct it in a different direction.

Nostradamus' hint at progress and changes in values

Starting from 2016, according to the records of Nostradamus, Russia is entering a phase of revival, and the 18th year of this journey is a turning point when you need to get rid of ballast and move forward with the baggage of experience.

People will become the most valuable material, spiritually rich people will take their rightful places. Education and family will become privileged topics for development.

There are no obstacles to the development of science without compromising morality, and this is the path the country will choose. Spirituality, mutual affection, return to brotherly relations, reverent attitude to nature - all this will become fundamental from mid-2018 in the country.
Are we really going to face a serious natural disaster that will force us to change our attitude towards environment? Predictions for 2018 make you think about the quality of life.
Neighboring states may change their attitude towards Russia's policies and reconsider their views. This will avert the risk of war and the threat of long-term strained relations.

Vanga spoke about the time when values ​​will be revived

This time will come in the coming year, and the values ​​that were erased by the 1917 revolution will begin to be revived in the country. about Russia.

Family and integrity, respect for the history of one’s ancestors, church, love - these concepts will be at the forefront.

The predictions of clairvoyants, who predict the fate of the world as ambiguously as this blind prophetess, can be viewed from different angles, and not come to one opinion. But she clearly says that the chaos that began with the illness of the strong beast, under which she had the Union, “will end with the emaciation of the beast, and that beast will become fat in the year of the dog.”

Matrona of Moscow called for a return to faith

The predictions of saints such as Matrona are incomprehensible to us only because they did not know what to call the event or place they saw. If you pay close attention to the little things that Matrona described, then the events described by her take place in our time. Description of the number of refugees - brothers who returned home, the strengthening of the country due to the increase in peoples.

Matrona calls not to lose your roots, not to lose your culture and foundation, so as not to lose the essence of life. Love and spirituality are what will save you from diseases that doctors cannot study for a long time. The family and the church will preserve the most important thing for which they died during her time, even after her death.

The predictions of seers quite often focus on morality and ethics, and here the biblical covenants are the basis. Living in love for one's neighbor will put everything in its place; a selfless, pure-in-thought idea will bring good. The vision of change is very similar to the words from the elders for 2018 -2020. Many Orthodox and Muslim prophets call this period of time long-awaited for the Russian land, where God will return.

Edgar Cayce on the financial well-being and integrity of Russia

The clairvoyant left enough notes and predictions about Russia, including for “years of slow restoration and regaining integrity.”
Predictions for Russians for 2018 from Casey make us believe in a coming recovery. He saw the strengthening of relations with the East, and saw initial degree degradation of the country in the era of collapse. The beginning of the path to the title of the strongest power has already been passed. What lies ahead is the breaking of stereotypes, some throwback to the past, and the development of a new level of relations with the world.
Casey's predictions about Russia are always full of details, and this time, instability can be seen in them agriculture, poor development of small businesses.

Wolf Messing predicted Russia's superpower status

Difficult relations with the East will result in cooperation and prosperity. Diplomatic relations with the United States will become tense. The country will return to its roots and find a new leader. Advances in science will launch new machines into the air, and doctors will learn to exchange useful information
The people will change their attitude towards the confrontation and stand under one banner. The difficulty ends for those who valued physical labor, as it will be appreciated. In 2018, the predictions will begin to come true, just as his previous predictions came true.

Psychics of our time foretell a difficult year

Psychic predictions for 2018 are full of contradictions, and most of them do not bring the best forecasts for the country.
Popular discontent, according to them, will increase significantly, and the state will begin to weaken from this mood of the Russians. This is not the most correct political step that can weaken the country.
History will open from a new side, and the one who was the enemy will become a symbol of a bygone time. This can be applied to the figure of Stalin, who has already begun to be identified with honesty, restraint, and purposefulness. The country needs a strong and cool step. The predictions of the saints are somewhat more humane.

Fatima Khadueva

The psychic explains the reason for the difficulty of the year by the end of the payment for royal blood. People had to be punished, and they did. Those who realized the mistake will never take up arms again, and the world will begin to change in relation to Russia in 2018.
Politicians and doctors will not be able to take office if they do not have the proper level of competence, and the clergy will take a step towards the people. Everyone will see the predictions of the prophets and will begin to take them more seriously.

Julia Wang

Predictions about the chaos the country is entering in 2018. Julia delivers with confidence in her sources. It says that the people will stand up to defend their rights, foundations, and principles if they do not coincide with the view of the government. What awaits us in 2018, and what the price of peace within the state will be, depends largely on ourselves, on the ability to build a dialogue.
Siberia, which modern visionaries talk a lot about, can become a strong center for the emergence of new values ​​that are more similar to the old ones, or a return to them. A completely new time will begin in Russia.

Malakhat Nazarova

Having predicted the political situation from 2015 to the present day, she continues to surprise people with accurate data. Malakhat told what awaits Russia in 2018, and her new predictions are full of optimism.
Predictions for Russia for 2018 can be considered a start to prosperity and development. The country will gather around itself a close-knit ring of states and form a new Union. This will be the beginning new era, where the United States and Japan will give up their positions in soybeans.
Conflicts with these countries will be the main destabilizing factors, but they will be the reason for a new step - unification with the East.

Alexander Litvin

The latest events that are shaking the sister countries will soon appear in a different light, and the culprit in this discord will be identified. The war will fade away in 2018, and predictions about peace and joint development of the Slavic countries are quite accurate and clear.
Russia, according to Litvin, can only be judged towards the end, when the external economy really gets stronger.
Clairvoyant predictions very often concern some kind of man-made disaster, but Lytvyn argues that this is not true, and the maximum that can shake up the country is new idea ecological settlements. Over the past few years, this idea has been popular, and in 2018 it will reach its peak, when even a small investment in this business will bring incredible profits.

Alexander Sheps

The medium undertakes to tell in detail what awaits the world next year, and his statements regarding the further influx of migrants to Europe and Russia may turn out to be unfounded. Unemployment, low wages in Russia, popular discontent and outbreaks of uprisings in some places - predictions for 2018 from Alexander.
The country will begin to rise no earlier than in five years, but for now it will develop in the field of sports, science, and raise its moral potential. What awaits Russia in 2018 can be guessed based on the current time, and some aspects are historically cyclical, says Sheps. The war in 2018 will end in many countries, or will take on slightly different shapes.

Read the horoscope for 2019 for your zodiac sign and find out what to expect good luck, what difficulties there may be, how circumstances will turn out in love, career and finance.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

Horoscope 2019 predicts a big year for Aries professional achievements, because Saturn and Pluto are located in the career sector. Many representatives of your sign will receive very interesting and profitable offers regarding work or business. The desire to achieve high goals pushes you to leave your comfort zone and change your usual environment. For many of you, the year will be a time of change of place and even a change of direction in life.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

For Taurus, the main themes of 2019 are personality renewal, liberation from the past and wrong patterns of behavior. It's time to take action, step out of your comfort zone and decide to try something new. The transit of Uranus in Taurus marks a period of change. You are driven by the desire to defend your freedom and develop in the direction that you yourself have chosen. People around you will be surprised by your sudden desire to change your usual lifestyle and try something completely unusual.

Horoscope for 2019 for Gemini

For Gemini, financial and professional matters become a hot topic of the year. Horoscope 2019 says that you can achieve a lot if you have such valuable qualities as perseverance and hard work. Thanks to this, you will increase your reputation and can advance in your career. Social life remains active until early March while Uranus is in Gemini's house of friendship and social connections. The stars advise making the most of the first months of the year to establish new contacts, as they will be very useful to you in the future.

Horoscope for 2019 for Cancer

Cancer's focus is on personal life and relationships. The 2019 horoscope promises positive developments in circumstances related to home and family, including an improvement in financial situation. Family tensions that may have troubled you last year are dissipating like clouds after a storm. Eat necessary conditions to resolve long-standing conflicts, to free yourself from grievances and negative emotions. Cancers are more willing to step out of their comfort zone to socialize more and even take more risks.

Horoscope for 2019 for Leo

Horoscope 2019 predicts that Leos will be very busy throughout the year, but their efforts will be generously rewarded. There are excellent opportunities to improve your professional status through the valuable experience gained over the previous years. One of the main questions is to decide what is most important to you, what are your main goals. It can be said that you will have a better understanding of who you really are, what your talents and limitations are, whether you are dependent on others or whether you are a leader, strong and generous.

Horoscope for 2019 for Virgo

The 2019 horoscope promises Virgos impressive changes, both in relation to work and family. Representatives of your sign are supported by Uranus, which moves into the ninth house on March 6, 2019, as well as transits of Saturn and Pluto in the fifth house. Thus, creativity and the desire to expand your horizons will change a lot. Perhaps you will change your workplace if it does not suit you, or unexpectedly find your dream job.

Horoscope for 2019 for Libra

For Libra, 2019 will be a time of meeting with the past, a period of studying roots, understanding the influence of childhood and upbringing on current situations. It's time to overcome the prejudices inherited from your parents and the environment in which you grew up, because they can limit your opportunities to grow and develop. The presence of Saturn and Pluto in the fourth house (family, origins and subconscious) suggests that you feel more responsible for your loved ones.

Horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio

The 2019 horoscope foretells an active year during which you will take significant steps towards achieving your goals. Many representatives of your sign will find that they have been able to improve their financial situation and make positive changes in their work environment. The transit of generous Jupiter through Scorpio's house of money indicates the chances of receiving significant sums of money - this could be money earned, financial help from relatives, or even profit as a result of a successful combination of circumstances.

Horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius

A successful year awaits you with great potential for professional and material growth. After the stress of previous years, all the difficulties and plot twists, you will be able to make the most of the energy of this year, find inner balance and regain the optimism that is inherent in you. Jupiter, the ruler of your sign and a great benefactor of the Zodiac, transits in Sagittarius, helping you achieve your greatest aspirations and ideals. Beneficial planetary influence provides support.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn

Capricorns benefit from the presence of Saturn in their sign, where this planet feels most at home. If you overcome the tendency towards pessimism, 2019 will be favorable for both your personal life and your professional life. The influence of Saturn helps you more than ever to realize the fact that everything depends on you, that success and failure are a direct consequence of your own actions.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aquarius

The difficulties of previous years go away and space opens up for growth and a successful future. Compared to last year, your ideas are now more constructive, and even the most unusual ones seem more developed. However, compromise will be required because the professional sphere and personal life will intersect in some cases. Careful analysis is required to determine priorities.

Horoscope for 2019 for Pisces

2019 is becoming a time of career growth for Pisces. The transit of Jupiter through the career sector indicates great success in work and social activities. Relationships with authorities and large organizations can be real gold mines for your career. Perhaps you will find a high-ranking patron who will contribute to your advancement.

The most accurate science, thanks to which people manage to foresee their future, is astrology. The main task in this teaching is to accurately interpret the signs given by the heavenly bodies.

Astrologers from all over the world are trying to build the correct calculation algorithm to make forecasts for the future, but Alexander Zaraev has made the most progress in this area.

Zaraev’s correct predictions ensured his popularity not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also beyond. Officials, stars and other successful individuals listen to his prophecies.

Astrological notes by Alexander Zaraev contained information about the collapse Soviet Union, about the abrupt change of power in 1999 and the arrival of a ruler who will remain at the top of power for many years in a row. Several years ago, an astrologer saw that in 2016 international conflicts would escalate to the limit, East and West would continue their confrontation, and a wave of crisis would sweep across all of Europe and Russia.

The ability to interpret the signs given by celestial bodies helped Zaraev find out that Donald Trump would soon win the elections in America. As we see, his words came true with incredible accuracy, so Zaraev’s predictions for 2018 worry many residents of our country.

Everyone wants to know whether the financial instability in the country will end in the near future, whether the government will change, and whether there will be reconciliation with Ukraine. Let's look into the future together with Alexander Zaraev and find answers to all the exciting questions.

Future forecasts for Russia

Despite the fact that many political scientists and economic experts are confident that the country is not yet ready to show an increase in prosperity, Alexander Zaraev insists on speedy stability. Most astrologers agree with the Russian astrologer and are of the opinion that the era of progress began in 2012, and the full flowering of the power is scheduled for 2024.

All unfavorable processes and internal updates will allow Russia to reach a completely new level economic development.

Currently, Russians need to be prepared for various government programs aimed at all areas of their lives. People will have to go through tense relations with the West, conflicts with the Ukrainian government and many other unpleasant moments before 2018 comes.

Zaraev is confident that fundamental changes in the fate of the state will not occur until the presidential elections come. Most of all, he fears mass protests, protests, and rallies on the part of ordinary Russians, because their level of well-being is recent years has decreased significantly and the discord within the country is clearly evident.

It is worth recalling that a few years ago Zaraev saw radical changes in the administrative apparatus. Putin's departure from the presidential post will be extremely necessary and the opposition will try to do everything to ensure that their nominee wins the election.

Future forecast for Ukraine

Favorable. According to Alexander Zaraev, peace may finally come in the country in 2018. Everything depends on the actions of the government. The astrologer hints that next year a change of power is possible, which will help resolve the conflict in Donbass and begin to conduct peace negotiations with Russia.

Ukraine is already tired of the eternal disagreements between the ruling parties, so it needs a person who can immediately stop all disputes and direct the activities of officials in a peaceful direction.

Future forecast for the whole world

Based on the astrologer’s statements, 2018 will be a turning point in the fate of many states on the planet. Zaraev predicts their further development, which began in 2017.

We must thank the Fire Rooster for such positive dynamics - the symbol gave a powerful charge of energy to all people and aimed them at achieving their goals. When considering interstate conflicts, it is worth remembering that the belligerence of the fire element cannot be tamed in an instant, so outbreaks of aggression and crisis phenomena will continue across the planet.

At the same time, I would like to note that they will gradually weaken and by the end of 2018, perhaps, there will be a large-scale reconciliation.

In 2018, our planet will begin to enter a new favorable phase. First of all, such positive changes will affect people. They will stop feeling a sense of danger and will tune in to achieving their goals by any available means. True, this phase will not be successful for everyone: back in 2015, Alexander Zaraev warned of destructive processes that would begin in the European Union and lead to collapse.

Let us note that these should be taken with full attention, because gaps in the unity of the countries of the European Union are already noticeable. As for the Europeans, they will witness a full-fledged political and social confrontation. It is this phenomenon that can influence the change of constitutional provisions and lead to a revision of geographical boundaries.

The United States of America and its new president will undertake a tough policy towards Muslims. Because of this, the conflict with the Middle East may escalate to the limit. This behavior will not prevent the American president from making his country a leader in the political arena; moreover, European disagreements will only play into the hands of the United States.