Andrei Usachev and his heroes. Writer Andrei Usachev: biography, photos and interesting facts Interesting facts from the biography of Andrei Alekseevich Usachev


Born in 1958

"333 CATS"

PUNK Master, this is not deprived, But a punk outfit... Don’t deprive me of lunch For my cool look. You should have seen how the cats were dragging themselves away from the new haircut and earrings!..

Page from a book

Big time Andrey Usachev pays song creativity. To date, more than a dozen of his author's collections have been published.


Resources used:

  • http:// portrait of a poet
  • http:// - portrait A. Usacheva
  • http:// cover of the author’s book “Flying”
  • http:// cover of the author’s book “Multiplication Tables in Poems”
  • http:// cover of the book “House at the Crossing”
  • http:// biography of the author
  • http:// MIET
  • http://,fs-KRYLOV,07-11,5760.jpg?ez6t1xib– Tverskoy (Kalininsky) building state university
  • http:// cover of the collection “If you throw a stone up”
  • http:// cover of the magazine “Koster”
  • http:// cover of the magazine “Murzilka”
  • http:// illustration No. 1 by Chizhikov for the book “333 cats”
  • / - illustration No. 2 by Chizhikov for the book “333 cats”
  • / - illustration No. 3 for the book “333 cats”
  • C0%C001079.jpg- "Dragon and Company"
  • http:// “Merry Kampania”

Children's writer, poet and prose writer.

Andrey Alekseevich Usachev was born on July 5, 1958 in Moscow. The poet's father is a worker, his mother was a history teacher. According to family legend, Usachev’s grandfather knew Nadezhda Krupskaya and saw Hitler live. The poet began writing poetry as a teenager in a vocal and instrumental ensemble, where he played the drums. After school, Andrei Usachev entered the institute to study electronic technology, but after the 4th year he dropped out. After the army, the poet was enrolled in the philological faculty of Kalinin State University, from which he graduated in 1987. The thesis was on the topic: “The poetics of poems for children by Daniil Kharms.”

In 1985, the author began to be published thanks to the magazine “Murzilka”. After that, Usachev collaborated with Pioneer, “ Funny pictures", "Crocodile"; for them he wrote feuilletons, humoresques, and poems. In addition, Andrei Usachev worked as a watchman and dishwasher. He was also a janitor and stagehand.

In 1990, the poet published his first children's poetry collection, “If You Throw a Stone Up,” for which he received first prize at All-Russian competition young writers for children. A year later he joined the Writers' Union. For several years, Usachev worked as a screenwriter and presenter of programs for children “Merry Kampania”, “Quariete”, “Flying Sofa”. Very quickly, Usachev became a popular author in Russian children's literature. In 1994 he wrote the poetic book “Petushkov’s Dreams”, in 1996 - “The Magic ABC”, in 1998 - “The Fairytale ABC”, in 1999 - “Planet of Cats” and “Box”, in 2003 - “Rustling Song ", "Curious Varvara" and "A bug was walking down the street." He also has collections of fairy tales and fiction for children, “Smart Dog Sonya” - 1996, “ Fairy tale story Aeronautics" - 2003, "Orange Camel" - 2002, etc.

More than 100 children's books by Usachev have been published in Russia. Two of his books were published in Israel in Hebrew, two books in Ukraine, two in Moldova. It is also published in Japan, Poland, and Serbia. 5 books by Andrey Usachev recommended Russian Ministry education for teaching in schools as textbooks. Music based on the writer's poems was composed by famous composers: Theodor Efimov, Maxim Dunaevsky, Pavel Ovsyannikov. Andrei Usachev wrote music for individual poems himself. Twenty audio cassettes with his fairy tales and songs were published.

From this virtual exhibition you can find out what books the hero of the day wrote, and what books of his you can borrow from our library.

Usachev, A. A. The ABCs of Baba Yaga [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [ill. V. Chizhikova]. – St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2011. – 63 s.

"In the evenings in the dense forest
With Yaga we are learning the ABC.
Why should she at her age
Know "A", "B", "C", "D", "D", "E", "E"?
Yaga will answer you seriously:
“It’s never too late to learn!”

In this illustrated book, children, together with the main character, Baba Yaga, will be able to learn the alphabet in a fun way. Artist: V. Chizhikov.

Usachev, A. A. ABC for Buki [Text]: manual for young children and elderly aliens / A. A. Usachev; artist S. Babkina, O. Babkin. – Moscow: Olma-Press, 1999. – 205 p.

Wonderful children's writer and the poet Andrei Usachev with his “ABC for Buki” goes into intergalactic space! With the help of this manual, which he created specifically for aliens who found themselves in trouble on Earth, the basics of Russian literacy can be taught to an inhabitant of any planet solar system. At the same time, these basics will become clearer and closer to some little earthlings... And all because the famous professor of AU owns the universal secret of a fascinating and have a fun game with words and their meanings.

Usachev, A. A. Magic tree [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [art. Igor Oleynikov]. – Moscow: Dolphin, 2016. – 40 s.

On the magical planet O there is an extraordinary tree. It helps everyone open their hearts to dreams and fantasies. Here, even fidgets have magical dreams, and parents feel like children again. A book of happy falling asleep stories from the poet and writer Andrei Usachev and the artist Igor Oleinikov

Usachev, A. A. Father Frost from Dedmorozovka [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Alexander Alir. – Moscow: Samovar: Samovar 1990, 2008. – 143 p.

The famous writer Andrei Usachev wrote New Year's story about the adventures of Santa Claus and his assistants. Far in the North, somewhere in the Arkhangelsk or Vologda region, there is an invisible village of Dedmorozovka. Invisible, because she is covered with a magical invisible blanket. In this village he spends most time Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. And Santa Claus' assistants, snowmen and little snowmen, also live there.

Usachev, A. A. Drakosha and company [Text] / A. Usachev, A. Berezin; [art. A. Gardyan]. – Moscow: Rosman: ROSMEN-PRESS, 2011. – 124 s.

The heroes of this fairy tale, Masha and Pasha, come with their parents to the dacha and unexpectedly find a huge green egg, from which a little dragon hatches a little later. And then this begins... Raising a dragon is not an easy task, especially when mom and dad are also involved. Funny stories about the adventures of Drakosha and the guys who befriended him will make little readers laugh more than once, and maybe even think about their relationships with their parents, brothers and sisters and, of course, friends.

Eruslan Lazarevich [Text]: old Russian fairy tale / retold by Andrey Usachev; drawn by Daria Gerasimova. – Moscow: ROSMEN: ROSMEN-PRESS, 2013. – 46 s.

The tale about Eruslan Lazarevich has been known in Rus' since the beginning of the 17th century. It was then that it was recorded for the first time, and before that, stories about the exploits of the Turkic hero Rustem, who was also called Araslan, were passed on from mouth to mouth. The tale about Eruslan Lazarevich quickly fell in love and to the common people, and educated nobility. To such an extent that A.S. Pushkin used the plot and characters when he wrote the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” - here is a hero of incredible strength, and talking head, and a treasure sword hidden under it, and a potion of immortality, and of course a happy ending!

Usachev, A. A. If you throw a stone up [Text]: poetry / Andrey Usachev; thin Oleg Estis. – Moscow: Nigma, 2015. – 33 s.

The bright and amazing poet Andrei Usachev writes for children different ages. His unique poems, fairy tales and stories are amazingly diverse, cheerful, full of good humor, they bring joy to readers and good mood. In this collection you will find poems about a sprinkler that ran away from the driver and watered everything around, you will learn how firefighters extinguished the sun, what will happen if you throw a stone up, why a flying roach stopped reading, where did such a big hump on a camel’s back come from and many other wonderful stories. Unusual and fantastic illustrations talented artist and cartoonist Oleg Estis accompany these funny and infectious poems. The stunningly bright color scheme captures attention, and such an unusual depiction of familiar things opens up new possibilities for the reader’s imagination.

Usachev, A. A. Interesting geography: Asia, America, Africa [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [ill. Alexandra Zudina]. – St. Petersburg: ABC-classics, 2009. – 60 s.

This book contains poems about five parts of the world! Here are Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and even Antarctica! Reading it, you will follow in the footsteps of great discoverers such as Magellan and Columbus, and learn about the most high mountain on Earth - Everest, and where the iron tree grows. Travel the world with Professor AU!

Usachev, A. A. Funny zoology [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [ill. Vladimir Drikhel]. – St. Petersburg: ABC-classics, 2009. – 79 p.

Have you ever heard of guanaco? Do you know how to properly feed a giraffe? Do you know what the turukhtan wears around his neck? The young reader will find answers to these and many other questions in the book. famous poet Andrey Usachev. Here are collected poems about the most different representatives animal world. Zoology is a very serious science, but at the same time a little funny. That is why studying it is not at all boring - especially if you hold this book in your hands.

Usachev, A. A. Ivan is a fool [Text]: based on the fairy tale by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy / Andrey Usachev; artist Igor Oleynikov. – St. Petersburg: ABC-classics, 2008. – 31 s.

The wonderful children's poet Andrei Usachev told his story about Ivan the Fool based on the fairy tale by L. Tolstoy.

The book is illustrated worldwide famous artist and animator Igor Oleynikov. He has drawn more than 40 children's books, which are published in 13 countries.

For his illustrations for the fairy tale “Ivan the Fool,” the artist became a laureate of the Bologna Book Exhibition.

Usachev, A. A. Ivan - son of a cow [Text] / A. Usachev; artist I. Maksimov. – St. Petersburg: “Child’s World”, 1997. – 95 ​​s.

The book includes poetic versions of Russian folk tales“Ivan the Cow’s Son” and “Marco the Rich Merchant.”

Usachev, A. A. Kozma Prutkov - for children! [Text] : from literary heritage/ Andrey Usachev; [art. Dmitry Trubin]. – Moscow: Time, 2017. – 78 s.

As you know, Kozma Prutkov is a literary mask, under which in the 50-60s years XIX centuries, the poets Alexei Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers performed. The preface to this book states that Kozma Prutkov’s children’s works were recently found in the archives of one of the writer’s great-granddaughters. These are mainly fables and poetic retellings of some aphorisms, deep meaning which, to the chagrin of the father, did not always reach the heirs. It is obvious that the great writer’s pen was driven by a natural desire to be understood by his descendants. Is this really so or is the reader facing a literary hoax?

Usachev, A. A. Lullaby book [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Igor Oleynikov. – Moscow: RIPOL classic: RIPOL-KIT, 2009. – 34 s.

The stars of Russian children's literature - poet Andrei Usachev and artist Igor Oleynikov - have created a delightful book of lulling poems and paintings. "Lullaby Book" will help you see a colorful and kind fairy tale in your dreams.

Usachev, A. A. Kotoboy, or Cats go to sea [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Igor Oleynikov. – Moscow: Clever-Media-Group, 2011. – 32 s.

It is known that cats love fish. But they don't like water. But if there is nothing else left, they go... out to sea. Where, of course, real dangerous sea adventures await two experienced cats and a junior sailor, the mouse Shuster!

Usachev, A. A. Nightmare Horrors [Text] : creepy stories/ A. A. Usachev, E. N. Uspensky; artist I. Oleinikov. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood: AST: Astrel, 2006. – 121 p.

Have you ever been to summer camp?

Do you remember what kids do at night? That's right, they tell each other horror stories. How do they end?

As a rule, the narrator does not have enough imagination and he screams loudly and grabs those around him by the sides. Is this professional? Would you like to tell real horror stories? Then stop being afraid of the dark and shaking under the covers: take this book and read!

Usachev, A. A. Summer goes to bed [Text] / Andrey Usachev; rice. Polina Yakovleva. – St. Petersburg: Speech, 2012. – 16 s.

Everyone - both children and adults - believes in magic. And it lives in the collection of poems by Andrei Alekseevich Usachev.

Poetic world, full of miracles, laughter and at the same time not excluding seriousness, is understandable and close to everyone. And fabulous and endless good illustrations Polina Yakovleva creates an atmosphere of confidential conversation with the reader.

All children, as well as adults who have allowed themselves to become children for a while, will undoubtedly receive a lot of pleasure from communicating with talented poet and an artist.

Usachev, A. A. Curious giraffe [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [ill. Evgenia Antonenkova]. – Moscow: Clever media-group, 2011. – 23 s.

The little naughty giraffe is interested in everything in the world: is a cloud soft, can a boa constrictor tie itself in a bow, why does a river flow... And his mother is constantly distracted - here, of course, you won’t be able to sit still and you’ll definitely end up in history! This is a funny fairy tale about growing up and learning about the world. This is a book that you can read, listen to, watch, because it comes with a DVD with a cartoon based on this book.

Usachev, A. A. Malusya and the hornologist [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [art. Lena Savina]. – Moscow: Egmont Russia Ltd, 2003. – 118 p.

If you want to change the world, change one letter! An ordinary girl, Marusya, didn’t really like meeting anyone, because when they asked her name, she had to answer: “Malusya.” And one day, instead of Romashkova Street, she found herself in extraordinary country, where I became friends with KoLova and Molyak. There were many more amazing things in this country, where everything was ruled by a not at all harmless mysterious wizard.

not a harmless mysterious wizard. Talented artist Elena Stanikova helped Marusa find friends, overcome all obstacles and defeat Rogoped. Elena Vyacheslavovna is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia; books with her illustrations have repeatedly received various awards.

U Sachev, A. A. Mishka clubfoot [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Vera Khlebnikova. – Moscow: “Melik-Pashayev”, 2009. – 32 s.

"Bear Clubfoot" is a completely unique picture book, with its help kids get into fairy world, where on every page they meet their good friends - a horse and cart, a dog, a little bear.

The book includes three poems by the famous contemporary children's poet Andrey Usachev, laureate international competition on best work for children "Peter and the Wolf. 2006". A book for young children that they will surely remember for the rest of their lives thanks to the color pictures, which themselves are bright colorful stories. Illustrated the book famous artist, book designer Vera Khlebnikova.

Usachev, A. A. Myshariki [Text]: book of Mice for big and small children / Andrey Usachev, Dmitry Trubin; [rice. Dmitry Trubin]. – Moscow: Time, 2010. – 95 ​​s.

It happened in the city of Krasnoyarsk, at a book fair, during a meeting between the writer and readers. One little girl in the audience stood up and asked Andrei Usachev: “Why do you always write about cats? Could you write a book about mice too?” Usachev hesitated a little, and then suddenly promised: “Okay. I’ll write. Otherwise, it really turns out unfair.”

The poet kept his word. And the artist Dmitry Trubin supported this poetic word your business. This is how the “Book of Mice for Big and Small” was born.

Usachev, A. A. Wrong fairy tales [Text]: Children under 6 years old are not recommended to read! / Andrey Usachev; [drawn by S. Gavrilov]. – Moscow: Egmont, 2018. – 48 p.

If your priority is books that bring you a good mood, make you laugh and at the same time encourage you to deepen your knowledge, engage in self-education and broaden your horizons, you are, of course, familiar with the name of Andrei Usachev. However, it is probably difficult now to find in the Russian-speaking reading community a person - whether a child or a parent - who could somehow miraculously avoid becoming acquainted with a living classic of children's literature. There is never too much of it; it is self-sufficient and perfect in any design, but with illustrations by the artist Sergei Gavrilov, the publication presented in the “City of Masters” series (Egmont Publishing House) shone even brighter and became even more original. Why are fairy tales wrong? Yes, because the master, with a decisive hand, pushes together heroes who would never have met without him: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter and the whole four-legged company pull a fish from the river (instead of a turnip); the hungry Wolf eats a fly agaric instead of the lost Little Red Riding Hood (well, the gray one was almost right with the color of the cap); and besides the little gray goat, my grandmother also had other animals - all of them, as if chosen, gray... The catch is that only a trained reader can understand the author’s irony - one who knows “The Turnip” by heart and has read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” carefully. And therefore, “Wrong Tales” is a book, although hooligan in places, but overall it is motivating, inspiring and instructive; you can and should simply instruct not in a boring way, but allegorically, winking slyly, with a mischievous sparkle in the eyes - as Andrei Usachev and Sergei Gavrilov did.

Usachev, A. A. Singing fish [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Ekaterina Kosmina. – Moscow: Makhaon, 2011. – 33 s.

We present to your attention the illustrated book "The Singing Fish" in which there are wonderful poems by Andrei Usachev for younger children school age.

And the drawings performed by Ekaterina Kostina are simply amazing. They are beautiful without any discounts on modern Art, author's style, etc.

Usachev, A. A. Adventures at the Zoo [Text] / Andrey Usachev; [ill. Anahit Gardyan]. – Moscow: Clever media-group, 2012. – 94 s.

Classic children's writer Andrei Usachev loves to tell stories about animals. His new kind and funny stories– about the zoo: about the adventures of the hedgehog Vovka, the zebra Vera, the tiger Kuzma Yegorych, the ostrich Emma and other charges of director Lev Pavlinich Komarov. Their life is not boring: either they paint masterpieces of world art, then they get a job in a circus, or they catch intruders.

And when the holiday comes, real fun begins!

Usachev, A. A. Walking around Tretyakov Gallery with poet Andrei Usachev [Text] / A. A. Usachev. – Moscow: Bustard-Plus, 2007. – 117 p.

The book you hold in your hands is unique. Together with the poet Andrei Usachev, you will see in a new way the paintings of Russian artists familiar from childhood, presented in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Usachev, A. A. Fabulous ballooning [Text] / Andrey Usachev; ill. Igor Oleinikov. – Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2010. – 92 s.

Do you know what aeronautics is, how it appeared, who was the first to risk conquering the sky? Today famous writer Andrey Usachev will introduce you to the history of aeronautics. From this book you will learn about six ways to fly to the Moon, about the contribution of Baron Munchausen to the development of aeronautics, about the use of the jet principle in modern aviation, as well as the Serpent Gorynych and much more. You definitely won't be bored!

Usachev, A. A. Fabulous sailing [Text] / Andrey Usachev; ill. Igor Oleinikov. – Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2010. – 118 p.

"Where does navigation begin? Navigation begins with a puddle in which they test the depths or launch a boat through it... Christopher Columbus, I think, got his feet wet in more than one puddle before he crossed Atlantic Ocean and discovered America.

Big things always start small.

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a traveler. And I wrote this book in order - albeit on paper - to wander a little through the seas and oceans, to see lands never seen by anyone and to repeat the exploits of outstanding travelers and fairy-tale heroes.

It seems to me that there is not much difference between fairy tales and real story. After all, life is very similar to a fairy tale. This book is the beginning of a fabulous history of navigation.

And if you swim with me to last page, then you might want to read new book and make many new amazing discoveries.

Happy sailing!"

Usachev, A. A. Multiplication table in verses [Text] / A. A. Usachev; artist S. Bogachev, V. Uborevich-Borovsky. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood: Premiere, 2000. – 32 p.

“The Multiplication Table in Poems” by the modern children's poet A. Usachev is a wonderful example of a book that contains funny poems that will not only entertain your child, but will also help him understand the basics of the multiplication table. For each example from the table, A. Usachev came up with short rhymed lines - quatrains and couplets - which simply beg to be spoken and are easily remembered by even the smallest children. Start reading a poem to your child, and let him finish it with the correct answer in rhyme (The octopuses went swimming: / Twice eight legs - sixteen).

Usachev, A. A. Tiger in a checkered pattern [Text]: fairy tales, story-fairy tale / Andrey Usachev; artist E. Kostina. –Moscow: Bustard-Plus, 2007. – 93 s.

After reading this book, you will find out what the Earth actually rests on, where the Checkered Tiger came from, and what the smart dog Sonya loves more than anything in the world.

A collection of fairy tales for children of primary and secondary school age. Color illustrations by E. A. Kostina.

Usachev, A. A. One thousand and one mice[Text] / Andrey Usachev; pictures of Uncle Kolya Vorontsov. – Moscow: ABC: Azbuka-Atticus, 2012. – 78 s.

The famous poet Andrei Usachev poses the eternal cat-and-mouse question on the pages of his truly witty, kind and funny book. Not every mouse will dare to laugh at a cat, not every mouse will dare to challenge a cat... But if there are a lot of mice, if a thousand and one of them gather, and they all go on the warpath, then hold on! The artist Nikolai Vorontsov depicted the relationship between mice and cats cheerfully and ironically. Not a single detail escaped his attentive gaze. And be careful! So, a thousand and one... mice!

Usachev, A. A. Smart dog Sonya [Text] / A. A. Usachev; artist D. Trubin. – Moscow: Onyx 21st century: Center for universal humanity. values, 2004. – 63 s.

This book by writer Andrei Usachev contains funny and exciting stories about the royal mongrel Sonya, who really wants to be smart. Not wanting to get bored, she always gets into interesting stories, and thinking about why this happens, he learns good manners and gets to know the world around him better.

Usachev, A. A. Black, White and Red [Text]: based on the books by Cecil Aldin / Andrey Usachev; [rice. Cecil Aldean]. – Moscow: Melik-Pashayev, 2012. – 77 s.

Cecil Charles Windsor Aldean is known as a book and magazine illustrator, artist and writer. Hunting was his life's passion. Cecil Aldean became famous for his watercolors of fox hunts in the English countryside. Their main characters were dogs and horses, as well as wild animals... Today his works are appreciated thanks to the artist’s special talent for creating portraits of dogs. Whether it's a funny pose, the tilt of a head, or the position of an ear, Aldin captures each dog's individual personality. "Puppy Books" is one of the most famous works Cecil Aldean.

Usachev Andrey Alekseevich. Snowman School

Usachev, A. A. Snowman school [Text] / Andrey Usachev; artist Alexander Alir. – Moscow: Samovar, 2008. – 130 s.

Far in the north there is a small village of Dedmorozovka, where Ded Moroz, his granddaughter Snegurochka and Ded Moroz’s assistants – snowmen and snowmen – live. They study in a special school for snowmen, and with them, like with ordinary boys and girls, different things happen all the time. funny stories. The book was also published under the title “School in Dedmorozovka.”

Andrey Alekseevich Usachev(07/05/1958) was born in Moscow. The father of the future poet was a worker, his mother was a history teacher. If you believe the family legend, the grandfather of the future poet had the opportunity to meet Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya and personally meet the young Adolf Hitler. Andrei Usachev began writing poetry as a teenager - the vocal-instrumental ensemble where he played drums needed lyrics for songs. After graduating from school, he became a student at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, but after the fourth year he dropped out of school. Having served in the ranks Soviet army As a signalman, Andrei Usachev entered the philological department of Kalinin State University, from which he graduated in 1987. Subject thesis- “Poetics of children's poems by Daniil Kharms.” He became a published author in 1985 thanks to the magazine “Murzilka”. Then there was collaboration with “Pioneer”, “Crocodile”, “Funny Pictures”, for which Andrei Usachev wrote poetry, feuilletons, humoresques. Literary activity combined with the work of a watchman, a dishwasher, a janitor, and a stagehand. In 1990, with the help of Eduard Uspensky, published the first collection of poems for children, “If You Throw a Stone Up,” for which he received first prize at the All-Russian Young Writers Competition. A year later he became a member of the Writers' Union. Andrei Usachev actively worked for several years as a screenwriter and presenter of children's programs “Quarterete “Merry Kampania””, “Merry Radio Kampania”, “Flying Sofa”. Various studios in the country based on his scripts produced more than a dozen cartoons, as well as a 40-episode television feature film “Dragon” and Company." Andrey Usachev, author of five teaching aids, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. His works have been translated into several languages ​​of the world and published in a total circulation of three million copies. Andrey Usachev is also known as the author of popular plays for children's theater, screenwriter of the Kremlin Christmas trees. Besides everything else, he great attention devotes his attention to songwriting - to date, more than a dozen of his author’s collections have been released. Andrey Usachev is a laureate of the Golden Ostap festival, the national competition Book of the Year, international award"Peter and the Wolf."

Andrey Usachev was born on July 5, 1958 in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, but after the fourth year he transferred to the philological faculty of Tver State University. Before becoming a professional writer, he changed many jobs and positions: he was a janitor, a watchman, a security guard, a musician in a restaurant, and the editor of the magazine “Funny Pictures.”

Published since 1985. In 1990, his collection of poems “If You Throw a Stone Up” was awarded first prize at the All-Russian competition of young writers for children. The following year he was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union. Quite quickly, Usachev became one of the most popular authors in Russian children's literature. Among his books are the poetic "Petushkov's Dreams" (1994), "The Magic ABC" (1996), "We Played Popovoz" (1998), "The Fairytale ABC" (1998), "The Box" (1999), "Planet of Cats" (1999), “Rustling Song” (2003), “Curious Varvara” (2003), “A Bug Was Walking Down the Street” (2003), as well as collections of fairy tales and fantasy stories for children “Flum-pum-pum” (1992), "Smart Dog Sonya" (1996), "Drummer, or A Great Reward is Promised" (1998), "Orange Camel" (2002), "Little Boy and Rogoped" (2003), "The Fabulous History of Aeronautics" (2003).

In total, more than 100 books by the writer were published in Russia. Some of his works have been translated into Hebrew, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Polish and Serbian. His “Fundamentals of Life Safety” grades 1, 2, 3-4, “Declaration of Human Rights”, “My Geographical Discoveries” were recommended for study in schools by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

In addition to poetry and prose, Andrei Usachev also writes plays for puppet theater and songs. He worked a lot on television - he wrote scripts and songs for the program "Quarteret "Merry Kampania"" and for the multi-episode feature film"Dragon and Company" For several years he hosted children's radio programs "Merry Radio Campaign" and "Flying Sofa". Based on his scripts, a number of animated films, including "Smart Dog Sonya" (1991, dir. Vadim Medzhibovsky), "The Bigelow Girl or Chewing Story" (1995, dir. Elvira Avakyan), " Romance"(2003, directed by Elvira Avakyan), "The Girl and the Mole" (2005, directed by Tatyana Ilyina) and "Menu" (2007, directed by Aida Zyablikova). In 2005, as an author of children's songs, he was awarded the Golden Ostap Prize “, and the book “333 Cats”, created by him together with the artist Viktor Chizhikov, won in the category “Together with the book we grow” at the “Book of the Year” competition. The next year he became a laureate of the international competition “Peter and the Wolf-2006” for the best work for children.

Andrey Alekseevich Usachev

Andrey Usachev is a famous Russian children's writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter. More than 100 of his books for children have been published in Russia.

Andrey Alekseevich entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. I studied there for 4 years and transferred to the philological faculty of Tver State University.

Since 1985, Andrei Usachev began publishing his poems.

In 1990, his book of poems “If You Throw a Stone Up” received first prize at the All-Russian competition of young writers for children.

In 1991 he became a member of the Writers' Union.

Andrei Usachev's books have been translated into many languages: Hebrew, Moldavian, Polish, Serbian, Ukrainian.

Music was written to the poems of Andrei Usachev famous composers, such as Maxim Dunaevsky, Theodor Efimov, Pavel Ovsyannikov. He composed music for some of his poems himself.

In addition to poetry and prose, Andrei Usachev writes scripts for puppet theaters. His plays are performed in 20 theaters in Russia.

Usachev worked on television. He wrote scripts and songs for the program “Quarterette Merry Kampania”, for the multi-part feature film “Dragon and Company”. For several years he hosted children's radio programs “Merry Radio Company” and “Flying Sofa”.

In 2005, Andrei Alekseevich became a laureate of the Golden Ostap festival of satire and humor for songs for children, as well as a laureate of the Annual National competition“Book of the Year” for the book “333 Cats”.

In 2006, he became a laureate of the international competition “Peter and the Wolf 2006” for the best work for children.