Andrey Lefler biography. Biography. Active creative activity of Andrey Lefler

Andrey Lefler – musician, performer, composer. He is not even thirty, but he has considerable experience of performing in front of large audiences, experience of collaborating with various musical groups, and experience of working on multi-genre projects.

Childhood and family of Andrei Lefler

Andrey was born in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in the city of Nartkala. His parents are simple people. Mom works as a teacher, father is a builder. Andrey has a brother Artyom. The parents of the future singer are completely unconnected with the world of music, except for the fact that my mother sang during her school years, and my father played bass guitar in an ensemble.

The parents did not put any pressure on their son when choosing additional activities. By the age of eleven, he had already tried football, weightlifting, freestyle wrestling and boxing, and tried playing music. None of these activities really interested Andrey. Already in his teens, he became acquainted with rock after seeing a rock band perform on stage. This music captivated him. Lefler decided to create his own group. It was originally called "EXTREME". Later the name was changed to “Apocalypse”.

The first songs and groups of Andrei Lefler

In this rock group, Andrei was the youngest; he learned from guys much older than himself. He was interested in mastering sound engineering in order to be able to record at home. Recording studios were out of reach for the young aspiring musician. Soon, in a home studio, the Apocalypse group recorded three albums, which were sold throughout the Republic.

Moving to Moscow

In 2004, Andrey moved to Moscow. There he planned to continue his education. He dreamed of becoming a musician or singer in order to perform on stage. At that time, the Mavrin group was looking for a vocalist. Lefler offered himself by sending them the recording. In July 2005, he received an offer to become a member of this group.

Andrey almost immediately “joined” the performances, although to do this he had to master the repertoire in a short time. In just fifteen days, the Mavrin group performed forty-one times. Performing in front of a huge audience was an important experience for the aspiring vocalist.

In parallel with his serious passion for music and working in a group, Lefler received an education. He was a student at MSTU "Stankin".

Active creative activity of Andrei Lefler

In 2005, Andrei became a participant in the capital’s festival of student creativity “Festos”. Having performed his own composition “Dollar”, he became a laureate in the “Author’s Song” and “Best Vocalist” nominations.

The second half of 2007 turned out to be a very eventful year for the vocalist. Lefler participated in the project “Dynasty of the Initiates” by Margarita Pushkina, as well as in the New Year’s edition of the Zapashny Brothers’ theatrical and circus show. After a successful collaboration with the Zapashnys, Andrei received an offer to write music for their new show “Camelot”.

Alexander Gradsky invited the young vocalist to perform the role of Pontius Pilate in his opera “The Master and Margarita”. Andrey was lucky enough to work with such famous performers as Joseph Kobzon, Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Buinov, Alexey Kortnev, Lolita Milyavskaya and others.

At the beginning of 2009, Lefleur stopped working in the Mavrin group. Then he created his own group. Its name is “Camelot-Z”. His goal was his album, which was released at the end of 2009 and was called “The Lion's Share.” In the summer of 2010, together with Russian pop masters, the vocalist took part in the recording of the song “The Road to Happiness,” which

is the Anthem of the Paralympic Games. In October 2010, together with the group Ark, the performer recorded a cover version of the song “Ballad of the Old Russian Warrior.”

Andrey Lefler on the show “The Voice”

Andrey became a participant in the show “The Voice” in 2014. During the “blind” audition, he performed the composition “I Dreamed.” Lefler ended up in the team of Alexander Gradsky.

At the “fights” stage, Lefler’s opponent was Sergei Onishchenko. Together they performed the complex Italian composition “Miserere”. Both vocalists sang their parts perfectly, but Gradsky gave his voice to Andrey. Thus, he remained on the show.

In the “knockouts,” the singer presented Gradsky’s song, which is called “Song about the Ship.” The performer himself said in an interview that he had never heard it before “The Voice.” Alexander Borisovich praised Andrey after his speech. The performer was also pleased with himself. At this stage of “The Voice” Lefler, Stanislas Vitort and Ramin Alkhansky competed.

In the quarterfinals, Andrei performed the song “That’s How Dad Sang.” This performance was rated by many as his best performance on the project. Despite the fact that the singer did not make it to the semi-finals, his bright performances were remembered by the audience.

Personal life of Andrei Lefler

Andrey Lefler is married. His wife's name is Daria. In December 2009, a son was born into the family; the boy was named Eric. It is known that immediately after the birth of the child, Lefler refused to perform and tour for some time, as he wanted to be close to his family. Andrey's pet is a cat named Elastik, a Don Sphynx breed.

The performer visits his native Kabardino-Balkaria at least once a year. He comes there to stay and always brings his son. Andrey likes to be surrounded by beautiful nature, breathe clean air, and eat delicious food. He still has many friends in his hometown.

Andrey Lefler is a singer and composer, participant in the 2014 “Voice” project on Channel One (third season, team of Alexander Gradsky).

Andrey Lefler was born on July 8, 1987 in the city of Nartkal, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Andrey had a very ordinary childhood. Full of vivid impressions and carelessness of childhood days. Andrei, like all children, was fond of different sports, trying himself in football, freestyle wrestling and even weightlifting. At that time, he had no idea that his real passion would not be playing football or weightlifting, but music. Although Andrey was accustomed to loud music in his apartment from early childhood, and he himself often took part in home events, singing songs of famous performers in front of guests. But naturally no one took it seriously. Andrei Lefler came to rock only when he was 11 years old. Until that time, he did not attach much importance to music and listened to music just because. Andrey's parents are very simple people. They never got him into music. The desire to study musical notation and play the guitar came to Andrey on his own. Andrey Lefler continued his creative career for a long time as part of the APOCALYPSE group. During the existence of this group, the group gained many fans. As part of the APOCALYPSE group, Andrey recorded three albums. Later, Andrey independently re-recorded all the tracks recorded in the studio, thus trying himself as a sound engineer and arranger.In 2004, Andrei Lefler entered one of the universities in Moscow and left his hometown for the capital, leaving the APOCALYPSE group. At the end of August 2004 Andrey is recording his solo album, which is called VICTORIA. Andrey's album includes compositions that have long been known and recorded as part of the APOCALYPSE group, as well as completely new songs. The album includes 17 tracks. At the end of 2008, Andrei Lefler took part in the recording of Alexander Gradsky’s opera “The Master and Margarita”, where he performed the role of Pontius Pilate.In 2009, the premiere of the grandiose show project of the Zapashny Brothers Circus “Sadko” took place at the St. Petersburg Sports Palace “Yubileiny”, where Andrei played the main role of the guslar Sadko and wrote all the music for this performance. There were 30 performances in St. Petersburg and 46 in Moscow.From 2012 to 2013, together with the poet and composer Andrei Ismagilov, the lyrical songs “Forgive”, “Where are you”, “Two Loves”, “With Your Breath”, “Everything is not by chance” were recorded. At the end of December 2013, at the arena of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, the premiere of the New Year's show “Tale” took place, in which Andrey acted as a composer, arranger and performer of vocal parts.

In the fall of 2014, Andrei Lefler became a participant in the third season of the show “The Voice” on Channel One, in the team of Alexander Gradsky.

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Andrey Lefler was born on July 8, 1987 in the city of Nartkala (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). As a child, he played football and weightlifting. At the age of 13 he began to sing and play the guitar, and with his friends he created the rock group “Apocalypse”, which achieved popularity in the republic. The musicians performed on the radio, festivals and gave solo concerts, recorded 3 albums with their songs.

At the age of 17, Andrei moved to Moscow, entered the Faculty of Technology of MSTU "STANKIN" and, in parallel with his studies at the university, began to get acquainted with the capital's musical world.

The chance to prove himself came quite soon; in 2005, the famous rock band “Mavrik” was looking for a vocalist and held an all-Russian casting, and Andrei Lefler, at the age of 18, became the frontman of the group.

The Mavrik group with Andrey Lefler toured the entire CIS territory with solo concerts. There was also a lot of studio work! The musicians recorded the album “Revelation”, the live album “Live in Studio”, and released the DVD “Made in St. Petersburg”.

Andrei was recognized by all fans of rock music in Russia, including the famous trainers Askold and Edgard Zapashny, who in 2008 were preparing a new music and circus show “Camelot” and invited Andrei to play one of the main roles and write all the music for the performance.

The Camelot show was a huge success! This performance was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most attended circus show in the world. In Luzhniki, more than 230 thousand spectators watched it in 2 weeks! A DVD was released with the show and a Soundtrack with music by Andrei Lefler.

The next musical victory was the opera “The Master and Margarita” by Alexander Gradsky, in which Andrei Lefler performed the role of Pontius Pilate. According to Gradsky, they could not find a performer for this role for a very long time; the best tenors in Russia were auditioned, and no one coped with the task. And only among rock vocalists was it possible to find a suitable voice.

In 2009, the premiere of a new, this time Zapashny’s comedy show “Sadko” took place, in which Andrei Lefler played the main role and wrote all the music.

At the same time, Andrei’s first solo album, “Lion’s Share,” was released, which was recorded with the group “Camelot-Z” (musicians from the Zapashny brothers’ band).

At the end of December 2013, at the arena of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, the premiere of the New Year's show “Tale” took place, in which Andrey acted as a composer, arranger and performer of vocal parts.

In the fall of 2014, Andrei Lefler became a participant in the third season of the show “The Voice” on Channel One. Andrey reached the quarterfinals in the team of Alexander Gradsky.

The songs that appeared after the “Voice” project in Andrei Lefler’s repertoire “Breath of the Day”, “Eh, Rus'”, “Heart”, “Song of the Ship”, as well as the acoustic version of “The Show Must Go On” - this is the beginning of a new stage in creativity Andrey. The new songs are noticeably different from previous works and are quickly gaining popularity among connoisseurs of good music and soulful songs!

Since July 2015, Andrei Lefler has been a soloist of the Gradsky Hall Theater and regularly participates in the theater’s concerts.

In June 2016, Andrei Lefler’s new album “Second Wind” was released. The disc includes lyrical and philosophical songs by various authors.

Andrei Lefler’s first big solo concert took place on November 11, 2017 at his home theater “Gradsky Hall”. A video version of this concert was released, which received a lot of positive feedback from viewers. In addition, after this release, the number of Andrey’s fans increased significantly. At the concert, for the first time, Lefler’s original songs were performed accompanied by an orchestra, as well as several very successful cover versions, the arrangements for which were written by Andrey himself.

In 2019, Lefler’s third album, entitled “THE SEA,” was released. The album can be called conceptual. The disc includes 8 new songs, directly or indirectly related to the sea. It is noteworthy that the album was recorded in 432 Hz, which is in accordance with the harmonics of the Universe. 432 Hz based music is believed to have beneficial healing energies because it is the pure tone of nature's mathematical foundation. The presentation of the album took place in the City Hall in November 2019. The concert was filmed and a video version is expected to be released.