2 3 raised inevitable. Speech errors: types, causes, examples. Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

Recently, Russia managed to gather a significant part of the European political elite in Lubmin, Germany. At a special site, in the forest near an artificial bay, next to a closed nuclear power plant, about 400 invited guests gathered in several tents.

Including European Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. And even half sweet couple Merkazi”, which is dealing with the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, including its energy and water resources, using not at all sweet methods. The second “half”, Nicolas Sarkazy, was sent by French Prime Minister Francois Fillon.

Distinguished guests gathered for the official opening of Nord Stream, a gas pipeline connecting Russia and Europe along the seabed Baltic Sea. And leaving such transit countries as Ukraine and Poland out of business.

The ceremony left a strange feeling... Europe has always opposed Nord Stream. More recently, in July, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, for example, that Germany does not need to increase gas imports from Russia and build a third branch of the gas pipeline.

Streams flow...

But when turning the symbolic gas valve that started gas supplies from Russia, Madam Chancellor (only she and President Medvedev) tenaciously grabbed it with both hands. But she spun it very energetically, even biting her lip with excitement. Then she said that this project really meets the interests of not only both countries, but also the whole of Europe, and even added that “The Third Energy Package must be rethought.”

And this is almost a sensation. After all, the Third Energy Package is a “stumbling block” in the energy negotiations between the Russian Federation and the EU, a number of legislative acts of the European Union that prohibit energy companies from simultaneously being sellers and transporters of gas. Of course, no one will allow Germany to reshape the Third Package, and Merkel's words can even be considered a slip of the tongue. But then this is a “Freudian” clause, when “the repressed is actualized bypassing consciousness.”

But we must be aware that the Nord Stream project is a political project. Both its construction and its opening were accompanied by a powerful critical campaign, primarily from environmentalists and transit countries. Environmentalists always question large construction projects, although their doubts are not without political overtones. For example, Swedish opposition to the project contained a wide range of environmental concerns. Much broader than the assessment of those energy transit projects in which this country is actively involved: the construction of the Baltic Gas Interconnector undersea gas pipeline (Germany Denmark Sweden) and the Baltic Pipeline pipeline (Denmark Poland). This is such a politicized ecology...

Former Ukrainian President Yushchenko's envoy for energy security, Bogdan Sokolovsky, recently noted that the launch of Nord Stream is a political success for Russia: “For Gazprom, this is a good trump card in negotiations with Kiev on the sale of the gas transportation system.” Guys woke up! Of course, success, and, of course, political. The inevitability of such success is not what they have been saying - they have been shouting for a long time!

After all, theoretically, the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS) is able to provide the entire European gas supply to Russia. Its output capacity to Europe is 176 billion cubic meters per year. And in the most “fruitful” year of 2006, Russia sold 176.7 billion cubic meters of gas to non-CIS countries and the Baltics.

However, Russia, in addition to Nord Stream (with a potential capacity of 55 billion cubic meters), is still holding out:

Blue Stream through the Black Sea to Turkey (16 billion);

“South Stream” through the Black Sea to the Balkans and Austria (30 billion);

and also the Altai project, a gas pipeline that will connect gas fields Western Siberia with the Xinjiang Uyghur region of China, 80 billion.

That is, additional capacity for 181 billion cubic meters of gas. And this is not even additional capacity, but replacement capacity.

Back in 2007, I proposed the term “streamofon” as a definition of a new political instrument (or, if you prefer, a weapon) for Russia. This is the number of pipes serving Russian gas exports, the total throughput of which will significantly exceed the actual volume of exports themselves. This is a very convenient tool - you can always offer a certain country the benefits and income of energy transit status in exchange for political preferences. And take away such benefits from an unwanted country.

Although the “streamofon” is by no means a Russian exclusive. Both existing (such as “Baku Tbilisi Erzerum” or “Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan”) and projected (such as “Nabucco” or “ITGI corridor”) Eurasian energy transit projects of Europe and the USA are also a “streamphone”, only bypassing Russia.

“Remove the middleman!”

But the West is simply laying new pipes. Russia, it seems, has developed a qualitative new approach, which can be characterized as: “Remove the middleman”, since the transit country is the “delivery intermediary”

After all, underwater pipelines are very expensive. The cost of the same Nord Stream more than doubled in two years, to $10.6 billion (from the originally planned five billion). And it tends to continue to grow.

For this money, it would be possible to repair the Ukrainian gas transmission system twice, according to the deputy head of the board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Vadim Chuprun, who estimated the modernization of the Ukrainian “pipe” at 5.3 billion dollars.

During the implementation of Nord Stream, its cost was one of the main arguments of critics of the project. Moscow, for example, was stubbornly pushed forward with a replacement project for the Amber Stream, through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Motivating it, by the way, is a “very important plus” - it will pass exclusively through the territory of Russia and the countries of the European Union. This, as the Poles (their Prime Minister Donald Tusk) argued, would avoid unauthorized gas withdrawals and unpredictable increases in transit fees. I wonder who the bosom friends of Ukraine meant?

But what is important here is not “who,” but “what.” Because the second reason for Russia’s refusal to provide services to transit countries is the banal theft of energy resources during their transportation. In Ukrainian-Russian relations, this theft (or, if politically correct, “unauthorized gas extraction”) has already led to the phenomenon of the notorious “gas wars.” While this did not concern Europe, it quietly rejoiced at the discord of the once most powerful regions of the USSR. But when, in the winter of 2008, EU member countries began to feel a shortage of gas, the idea of ​​Russian-Ukrainian “gas wars” lost its charm in the eyes of Europe, and the first branch of Nord Stream was quickly completed and opened.

Moreover, gas theft is not Ukrainian know-how at all. This is a natural component of the existence of any energy pipe. Hundreds of cases of illegal connections are recorded annually on main pipelines for the purpose of taking away products. Measures to prevent illegal access to pipes by third parties carried out by the security services of oil and gas transportation companies do not bring positive results. Thefts of product from the pipe continue and have a positive trend

I won’t remember the Ukrainian incidents of unauthorized selection, they are already boring. But, for example, in the Caucasus it is no better. But it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Caucasus, with its light Caspian oil, in the planetary energy balance.

Selection always, selection everywhere...

Information about the problems of the Trans-Caucasus pipelines - the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), Baku-Tbilist-Erzurum (BTE), Baku-Supsa oil pipeline - is not particularly disclosed. Still, respectable company British British Petroleum, American Chevron, Italian ENI, Norwegian Statoil, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The entire length of the pipe is buried in the ground and is very well guarded. The Georgians created special patrol groups under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on the operational principles of anti-terrorism groups (that means cool!). Based on the criterion of pipeline protection, NATO generally called Turkey “the safest energy country in the Alliance.” And, anyway, already in June 2008, at a meeting on ensuring the safety of the BTC, theft, terrorist attacks and pollution were named as the main risks of the project external environment. And in June 2011, the BTC operator, a Turkish company Botas announced losses of $400 million as a result of the project's risks. Including about 20 recorded attempts to steal oil in Turkey alone.

And it cannot be otherwise. The pipeline runs through Georgia and eastern Turkey, where the population is not very prosperous. But n and at the peak of the construction of the oil pipeline, 22 thousand people worked there, of which 70-80% were the local population. Once the pipeline is put into operation, it will employ about 850 permanent workers. What does this mean? The only thing is that there are tens of thousands of people who know where the pipe runs and how to get to it.

But such theft is, indeed, inevitable and everywhere (in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey). However, Caucasian pipes also suffer from another defect: centralized selection of raw materials.

Example. On August 7, 2008, CJSC ArGazprom (Armenia) reported that the Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation had reduced the volume of Russian gas supplied to Armenia by 30%. And this despite the fact that Gazprom supplied gas to the Transcaucasus in in full. The Corporation explained this as a repair, then referred to the war (although the Russians entered Ossetia only 2 days later). But, one way or another, it is not easier for consumers.

Moreover, we must be aware that the examples that “penetrated the press” are only a small part. According to a number of experts, accidents on gas pipelines are associated with attempts at unauthorized selection. For example, in January 2003, on the Baku-Supsa pipe, according to the Ministry of Protection environment and natural resources of Georgia, unknown persons dug under the oil pipeline and damaged the gas pipe.

Around the same time, Baku reported “Azerbaijan’s practical loss of hopes of receiving payment from Georgia for previously supplied energy resources (Chingiz Veliyev, expert on oil and gas complex Azerbaijan). And this despite the fact that Tbilisi, without investing any funds in BTE, receives 1.5 million cubic meters of gas per day from Baku at a very discounted price of $167 per thousand cubic meters. Plus 3.5 dollars/thousand cubic meters for gas transit through Georgia (according to Yulia Tymoshenko in 2006). Therefore, it is not surprising that Azerbaijan and Türkiye are preparing to take measures to provide monetary support for the economic risks of the project. Including and the abolition of preferential gas prices for Tbilisi.

So, returning to the problem of the economic feasibility of Nord Stream, it should be noted that it contains another incentive for Russia: “Fish don’t steal gas.” And the underwater gas pipeline not only reduces transit costs, but also makes impossible what we correctly call “unauthorized selection of products.”

In the 14th century, the French chronicler Juvenal Yursan described King Charles VI as a ruler of France "who himself needed a steward." History has preserved the nickname “Mad” for Karl. So it is now, only madness can be called the scrapping of the system of gas relations between Ukraine and Russia in 2005 and their transfer to a monetary format. After all, the price of $49 per thousand cubic meters was fixed until 2013. And where would the Russians go? No matter how you feel about this country, you cannot help but admit that it fulfilled long-term gas contracts scrupulously.

lift, -nimu (sya), -nimet (sya) and ( decomposition.) lift (s), lift (s); please. for the day l, rose, -yala (s), for the day, rose

nesov. bring down - raise
Drop - raise
Throw to the ground - lift from the ground. To bring down a fence is to raise a fence. Ο Potemkin muttered: “I’ll knock down everything that’s standing, I’ll pick up everything that’s fallen.” Pikul. Favorite.
Wed. Throw - pick up.

Raise - lower.
Raise - lower. Drop - pick up
INCREASE - DECREASE owls raise - lower
Raise the water level - lower the water level. Raise prices - lower prices. Raise your voice - lower your voice. Ο Such activities involve
Raise - lower. peculiar work
brain, decreased activity of the first signaling system and increased activity of the second signaling system. S. Antonov. I'm reading a story. “A cyclone,” she thought without any connection, “is apparently an area of ​​low pressure.” Anticyclone - increased. G. Semenov. Earthly paths. - Don't be greedy! - they told him [the people] and everyone increased the land rent, everyone lowered wages for labor. M. Gorky. Notes on philistinism. The senior lieutenant raised his tone and lowered it, but for some reason the words “putting yourself in proper shape” sounded most significant. O. Smirnov. A promise to live. - Seriously, if it were my choice, I would go with you as a commissar. One problem: since they promoted me, now, until I sin, they won’t demote me back. K. Simonov. Living and dead.
Raise - lower. increase - decrease
Increase demands, decrease demands. Ο We made the usual clarification of [plans] for individual crops - for some the plans were lowered, for others they were increased. Rybakov. Children of Arbat. RAISE - LOWER raise - lower
Raise prices - lower prices. Ο The Troubles made a big bulkhead
Raise - lower. service names
, raised some, lowered others. Klyuchevsky. Russian history course.

INCREASE - DECREASE raise - lower He spoke measuredly, emphasizing every word, without raising or lowering his voice. Chekhov. Belated flowers. Now the crowd disperses from the stairs to the apartments - they gasp, argue, call to each other, sometimes raising their speech to a shout, sometimes lowering it to a whisper. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment.
Raise - lower. LIFT UP
raise - lower Rise - fall. The stallion will raise his leg, lower the other, as if he is trying the road, the steppe road. Bagritsky. Thought about Opanas. Nikita hastily lowered the lamp, directing a sheaf of rays at his feet, but immediately raised it again. Igishev. Miners. [The diver] only ordered over the phone to be... moved with a winch to the sides, lifted up and lowered. Kuprin. Listrigons. Pierre lowered his eyes, raised them again and again wanted to see her as such a distant, alien beauty as he had seen her every day before. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace. The clerk raised and lowered the triggers, breathed on the barrels, took aim and pretended to be out of breath with delight. Chekhov. Avenger. Don't lift me high, and don't put me low. Proverb.
Rise - fall
The girl's hot, light breath slightly rose and fell the silk fabric on her chest. Nagibin. Oh you, last love!..
Raise - lower. raise - lower
Beginning his sentence, he oratorically exalted right hand with a stick of split green celery, when finished, he lowered the celery, dipped it in the gravy and put it in his mouth. S. Kondratov. In someone else's element.
Raise - lower. exalt - bring down
Napoleon fell for the same reason he rose: the same mighty right hand overthrew him, which lifted him up. Belinsky. Menzel, critic of Goethe.

2. Request 2 No. 5495. In what va-ri-an-te from-ve-ta co-lives in-for-ma-tion, not-about-ho-di-may for os-but-va-niya from-ve- she answered the question: “Why did Ko-ro-kov himself not intervene in the conflict between his wife and daughter?”

1) Because he doesn’t understand the essence of the conflict.

2) Because Korol-kov is not small, that both sides are in the conflict.

3) Because Korol-kov is not small, that in the conflict you are the mother.

4) Because Ko-ro-kov loved his daughter and helped her in everything.

(1) Screams and screams were heard throughout the house. (2) On-the-table-on-the-roof and quarrel-with-Ok-sa-noy, who-was-in-the-bathroom-and-from-the-veh- cha-la through the wall. (3) No words were heard, but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. (4) The conflict was that Na-dezh-da wanted to sit at the table with the youth, but Ok-sa-na did not want this -te-la and with-in-di-la as an example of other mothers, who not only do not sit at the table, but even leave home. (5) Nadezh-da shouted that she didn’t spend time preparing the festive table and all the pro- I spent my whole life on raising Ok-sa-na and I can’t sit in the kitchen like a servant. (6) Ko-ro-kov was lying in his room on the di-va and thinking that Ok-sa-na doesn’t know how to talk with ma-te- Ryu, and Na-dezh-da - with do-che-ryu. (7) She co-man-does, humiliating her. (8) And they live against each other, like a match against a box. (9) Ko-ro-kov knew from himself: you can also get something out of him only through flattery. (10) Flattery seemed to under-mind his capabilities, and he strove to raise himself to this new and pleasant he was pre-de-la.

(11) The door opened, and Ok-sa-na came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, or, as she called it, “re-tru-hi” .

- (12) Dad, tell her, Ok-sa-na complained loudly. - (13) Why is she getting on my nerves?

- (14) How do you eat with your mother? - Korol-kov retorted.

- (15) Well, dad. (16) Well, why is she sitting with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She always makes a mistake, and everyone is inconvenient...

- (19) What does “blunder-no” mean?

- (20) Well, not a blunder, no. (21) Pro-iz-raises a toast to world peace. (22)Or he will begin to pay attention to me... (23)Or he will begin to put food on the plate for everyone, as if he is hungry...

“(24) It’s quite contrary to listen to you,” announced Korol-kov. - (25) You speak like a complete egoist.

- (26) But it’s my birthday. (27) I’m sixteen years old. (28) Why can’t I do it the way I want on this day?

(29) Ko-rol-kov looked longingly at her clean-looking face with bright-white teeth -ba-mi and thought that she was over-loved in childhood and now she will have to reap what she has. (30) He had no idea that he needed her not when he was carrying her in his arms and visiting her in a recreational children's camp . (31) Namely now, at the age of sixteen, when the foundation of the whole future life is laid. (32) And not am-bu-la-tor-but, as the doctors say, he came, he left. (33) A sta-tsi-o-nar-no. (34) Every day. (35) So as not to miss possible complications. (36) And the complications, as small as he is, cannot be avoided.

(37) The doorbell rang. (38) Ok-sa-well, like the wind blew away along with her displeasure, and after a second her voice was heard - tight and ringing , like a stream flowing under the rum. (39) Everything was fine with her. (40) A holiday is ahead, and life is like a holiday.

3. Request 3 No. 5833. In what va-ri-an-te from-ve-ta means of speech is phraseo-logism?

1) (5) Nadezh-da shouted that she didn’t spend time preparing the festive table and the whole past life to remember Ok-sa-na and not to sit in the kitchen like a servant.

2) (36) And complications, no matter how small they are, are coming.

3) (38) Ok-sa-well, like the wind, it blew away along with her dis-satisfaction, and after a second her voice was heard - tight and ringing -like a stream, flowing under the rum.

4) (40) A holiday is ahead, and life is like a holiday.

4. Request 4 No. 4740. From sentences 6-10, you write a word in which the right-to-pi-sa-nie of the prefix defines it meaning - “incomplete action.”

5. Request 5 No. 4770. From sentences 31-38, you write the word in which the right of the suffix defines the right -vi-lom: “In the short form of the name pri-la-ga-tel-no-go there are as many N as in the full form of this pri-la-ga-tel -no-go."

6. Request 6 No. 3416. Replace the simple word “blunder” in the sentence 18 with a neutral si-no-ni-m . Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.

7. Request 7 No. 3910. Replacing the word “in the children’s la-ger” (sentence 30), built on the basis but-ve with-gla-so-va-niya, si-no-mic-word-in-with-what-ta-n-it with connection management. Let's write a word.

8. Request 8 No. 3935. You-pi-shi-te gram-ma-ti-che-os-no-vu pre-lo-zhe-niya 21.

9. Request 9 No. 3912. Among the proposals 6-11, find a proposal with a separate situation, you-ra-married de-e-e- in particular terms. Write the number of this proposal.

10. Request 10 No. 5204. In the sentences given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, the pro-well-me-ro-va-ns are all for fifths. You write the numbers that represent the commas in the input structure.

The door opened, (1) and Ok-sa-na came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, (2) or, (3) as she called it, ( 4) “re-tru-hi.”

- Dad, (5) tell her, (6) - Ok-sa-na complained loudly. - Why is she getting on my nerves?

11. Request 11 No. 3937. Indicate the number of grammatical fundamentals in sentence 28. The answer is the number.

12. Request 12 No. 5189. In the sentences given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, the pro-well-me-ro-va-ns are all for fifths. You write the numbers that indicate the commas between the parts of a complex sentence, connected with -chi-no-tel-noy connection.

No words were heard, (1) but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. The conflict was (2) that Na-dezh-da wanted to sit at the table with the youth, (3) and Ok-sa-na I didn’t want this and used it as an example for other mothers, (4) who not only don’t sit at the table, (5) but they even leave home.

13. Request 13 No. 3977. Among the 5-8 sentences, find a complex sentence with the same sub-word at the same time . Write the number of this proposal.

14. Request 14 No. 3905. Among sentences 6-11, find a complex sentence with an unconnected connection between the parts. Write the number of this proposal.

Writing clichés OGE essays according to structure 15.2

First paragraph: introduction (explanation of the meaning of this phrase):This (Suggested) phrase, I believe, speaks of...

OR: The given phrase expresses the main idea of ​​the text: ... ( or means the following:...)

Third paragraph – 2nd argument (also from the text): Reasoning over or about ( act of a hero... or qualities of a boy/girl)the narrator gives an examplehis courage/cowardice, etc.in sentences…-…

Fourth paragraph – conclusion

OR: Thus, ... is a qualitative indicator of a person’s spirituality, his moral level.

Clichés for writing an OGE essay on structure 15.3

First paragraph: introduction (explanation of the concept):What's happened…? … - This….

Second paragraph – 1 argument (from text): Exactly about... the text talks about....

Third paragraph – 2nd argument (from life experience): In my life, I also often had to deal with…. ( or I haven’t had to deal with it yet, but I read about it in the newspaper... watched a TV show on this topic. It told (discussed)….) I remember a case when…

OR: I consider participation in... Even if this is a very small contribution to..., a big one grows from a small one as a striking manifestation... in my life.

Fourth paragraph – conclusion: Thus, .. important quality person (human personality).

OR: Thus, ... is a qualitative indicator of a person’s spirituality.


Option 3 (1319)

(1) At dawn, Lyonka and I drank tea and went to the mshars to look for wood grouse. (2) It was boring to go.

- (3) You, Lenya, should tell me something more fun.

– (4) What to tell? - Lyonka answered. – (5) Is it about the old women in our village? (6) These old ladies are daughters the most famous artist I'm sorry. (7) He was an academician, but he came out of our shepherd kids, from the snotty ones. (8) His engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and here in Ryazan. (9) I suppose you saw it?

(10) I remembered the beautiful engravings, slightly yellowed by time, on the walls of my room in the house of two busy old women. (11) I also remembered the first, very strange feeling from the engravings. (12) These were portraits of old-fashioned people, and I could not get rid of their glances. (13) A crowd of ladies and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, a crowd of the seventies of the nineteenth century, looked at me from the walls with deep attention.

“(14) One day the blacksmith Yegor comes to the village council,” Lenya continued. - (15) There is nothing, he says, to repair what is required, so let’s remove the bells.

(16) Fedosya, a woman from Pustyna, interrupts here: (17) “In the Pozhalostins’ house, old women walk on copper boards. (18) Something is scratched on those boards - I don’t understand. (19) These boards will come in handy.”

(20) I came to the Pozhalostins, said what was the matter, and asked to show these boards. (21) The old woman brings out boards wrapped in a clean towel. (22) I looked and froze. (23) Honest mother, what fine work, how firmly carved! (24) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look at it for a long time: it seems that you are talking to him yourself. (25) “Give me the boards for storage, otherwise they will be melted down for nails,” I tell her.

(26) She cried and said: (27) “What are you talking about! (28) This is a national treasure, I won’t give it up for anything.”

(29) In general, we saved these boards and sent them to Ryazan, to the museum.

(30) Then they called a meeting to try me for hiding the boards. (31) I came out and said: (32) “Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but the work of others must be respected. (33) The man came from shepherds, studied for decades on black bread and water, so much work, sleepless nights, human torment, talent was put into each board...”

– (34) Talent! – Lenya repeated louder. – (35) You need to understand this! (36) This must be protected and appreciated! (37) Isn’t it true?

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)*

* Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892–1968) – Russian Soviet writer and publicist, master of lyrical-romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, fiction memoirs.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why didn’t the old woman want to give Lyonka the engraving boards?”

1) The old woman believed that she should be rewarded for preserving the engraving boards.

2) The old woman believed that the engraving boards belonged only to her as a representative of the people.

3) The old lady understood artistic value boards, perceiving his father’s work as real art.

4) The old woman considered Lyonka an unreliable person.

colloquial vocabulary.

1) – Lenya, you should tell me something more fun.

2) Fedosya, a woman from the Pustyn, butts in here...

3) These boards will come in handy.

4) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look at it for a long time: it seems that you are talking to him yourself.

4. From sentences 14–19, write down the word in which the spelling consoles determined by its value- “approximation”.

5. From sentences 20–25, write down the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “In short passive participles, one letter N is written.”

6. Replace the colloquial word"I suppose" in sentence 9 stylistically neutral synonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase"sleepless nights"(sentence 33), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control

8. Write it out grammatical basis sentences 35.

9. Among sentences 14–19, find a sentencewith a common application

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas inintroductory design.

– One day the blacksmith Egor comes to the village council,(1) – Lenya continued.

– There is nothing, (2) says, (3) to fix what is required, (5) so let's take off the bells.

11. Specify quantitygrammar basicsin sentence 33. Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts complex sentence related subordinating connection.

I came to the Pozhalostins,(1) said, (2) what’s the matter, (3) and asked to show these boards. The old lady takes out the boards,(4) wrapped in a clean towel.

13. Among sentences 28–32, find the complex offer with consistent submission

14. Among sentences 15–19, findnon-union complex offer . Write the number of this offer.

15.2 . Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “- Talanta! – Lenya repeated louder. – You need to understand this! This must be protected and appreciated! Isn’t it true?”

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the phrase REAL ART? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is real art”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 4 (1310)

(1) That morning Dinka woke up with anxiety in her soul and, as soon as she opened her eyes, she remembered Andrei, remembered that today, as usual, he, Khokholok, would arrive. (2) We had to think carefully about how to tell him that she, Dinka, had grown up and would never sit on the frame of his bicycle again, would not go for a ride with him. (3) Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor along a long path among a sea of ​​ears of rye. (4) None of this will happen again! (5) There will be no secrets told true friend Khokholka's childhood.

(6) Dinka is anxious in her soul. (7) She no longer thinks about herself, she thinks about how to soften the undeserved offense in order to ease the blow. (8) She remembers how difficult it was for Khokholok to buy a bicycle and with what triumph he rode it for the first time. (9) “Now I will take you for a ride every Sunday!” - he said then. (10) And since then, already the second summer, every Sunday he was sure to rush her somewhere.

(11) Just the memory of this tormented Dinka unbearably; she saw familiar eyes in front of her and knew well: these smart eyes read in her soul... (12) And it was useless to deceive them. (13) And how can you deceive a friend?

(14) Of course, many small twists, many childish lies lie on the conscience of the former Dinka. (15) But all this was different. (16) And Dinka grew up, and life posed more and more difficult and serious tasks. (17) These tasks required bold decisions, but never before have they required such a sacrifice from Dinka - to give up one thing for the other.

(18) Dinka sat silently at the table, smiling absently at Lena, not noticing that he had been watching her for a long time with a restless gaze. (19) “How will I tell Andrey?” – Dinka thought painfully. (20) And in the depths of the terrace stood Lenya, and his heart was squeezed by pain.

(21) Following Dinka’s stopped gaze, Lenya saw a bicycle driving in from the road.

“(22) Don’t tell him anything,” Lenya said quickly, squeezing his friend’s cold hand. – (23) Can you hear me?..

“(24) I hear,” Dinka whispered, and her lips trembled. - (25) Of course, I understand everything, Lenya... (26) We were three friends. (27) And now there should be two! (28) And none of the three of us can be deceived!

(According to V. Oseeva)*

* Oseeva-Khmeleva Valentina Aleksandrovna (1902–1969) – children’s writer. Her most famous works were the stories “Dinka” and “Dinka Says Goodbye to Childhood.”

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why was Dinka anxious in her soul?”

1) Dinka was upset that she would no longer be able to ride a bike with Khokholok.

2) Dinka would like to deceive Khokholka, but it was impossible to do so.

3) Dinka was tormented by memories of how Khokholok bought a bicycle.

4) Dinka was having a hard time with the upcoming decisive explanation with Khokholok.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) I had to think carefully about how to tell him that she, Dinka, had grown up and would never sit on the frame of his bicycle again or go for a ride with him.

2) There will be no secrets told to the faithful childhood friend Khokholka.

3) Dinka sat silently at the table, smiling absently at Lena, not noticing that he had been watching her for a long time with a restless gaze.

4) And in the depths of the terrace stood Lenya, and his heart was squeezed by pain.

4. From sentences 7–11, write down the word in which the spelling consoles determined by its meaning – “ approaching."

5. From sentences 2–7, write down the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed with the help of the suffix -N- from nouns with a stem in -N, NN is written.”

6. Replace spoken word"lies" in sentence 14 stylistically neutral synonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase"ears of rye" (sentence 3), built on the basis of management, synonymous with communication coordination . Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 6.

9. Among sentences 18–22, find a sentencewith a non-separate agreed common definition. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas inintroductory design.

This morning Dinka woke up with anxiety in her soul and,(1) as soon as I opened my eyes,(2) I remembered Andrey,(3) I remembered, (4) that today, (5) as usual, (6) he will come, (7) Khokholok.

11. Specify quantitygrammar basicsin sentence 18. Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating connection.

I had to think carefully(1) how to tell him(2) what is she, (3) Dinka, (4) has grown up and will never sit on the frame of his bicycle again,(5) won't go for a ride with him.

13. Among sentences 3–10, find the complex sentence with homogeneous subordination subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 11–16, find complex sentence with non-union connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “And how can you deceive a friend?”

In your essay, provide 2 (two) arguments from the text you read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Cliché to OGE tasks(essays)

Option 1. 15.2.

The final phrase of the text speaks of great power musical art, about its impact on the emotional state ( or to the feelings) of the heroine.

That is why Dinka stopped being afraid when she heard the enchanting sounds of the violin (sentence 24).

We also see the impact of the art of music on a person in proposals..., where does it talk about...

Option 1. 15.3.

What is real art? The phrase “real art” means genuine ( or true) talent possessed by a creative person.

So talented person in the text is Yakov Ilyich playing the violin. His art music game so great that Dinka stopped being afraid of the portrait and even the owners themselves, as stated in sentence 24.

Tchaikovsky's music has a similar influence on me. Listening to his “Seasons”, I find myself as if in a fairy tale, forgetting about everything in the world.

Indeed, real art can work wonders with the souls of people.

Option 2. 15.2.

The final phrase of the text speaks of the great power of the art of words, of its impact on the emotional state ( or on the feelings) of a person, on his fantasy and imagination.

This is exactly what happens to the hero of this text V proposals..., where does it talk about...

The hero turns out to be a “resident” of the book country more than once. For example, the sentences... talk about his flight of fancy after reading various works.

Option 2. 15.3.

What are real books? The phrase “precious books” denotes interesting, fascinating and expensive (not for the price!) printed publications for the hero.

Books for the hero were also precious because there were few of them in the library and they were in very poor condition, as stated in sentence 1.

Astafiev’s works have a similar influence on me ( Yu.Yakovleva ). Reading his autobiographical stories and stories (works about teenagers), I myself ( herself ) I find myself participating in the events described, forgetting about everything in the world.

Indeed, books truly talented writers can work wonders with inner world person.









cut out





should have




lace scarf/with lace

battles in Paris

nights without sleep

rye ears

sofa pillow


I smiled and wiped

need to understand


everything happened again



dried up

stood up


snapped up










will take off


steamship whistle

everyday life at school

in the water paths

on the sand near the shore

bumblebees buzzing

there is a studio

know they don't like

liked to run

darkness covered


ruined it



without a trace





fenced off







student choir

book store

says with joy

flock of geese

Golubkin's conscience

I wanted to study

the book was expensive

don't scold

must have

do not believe










put to shame











beat up

iron lever

said with a mockery

Glebov's power

steel colors

dog mouth

it didn't work out


life went on

no need for a jacket

beat up







will come


got tired of it













Lyalya's beauty

dog language/

dog tongue

human life

paper doves

rocket tail

didn't promise

three windows were dark

come in

I didn't want to let in

whim is more expensive
















to the iron gates

read with enthusiasm

in a crystal vase

ship deck

porcelain dogs

it was necessary to make

this was a consequence

he took it and went

tears flowed

a lot has changed













ugly /


Weird /



pull out/


henceforth /



strokes with tenderness

log house

well bottom

front news

to Alka's house


don't think, live


It was




dressed up

sat down


get angry












take offense/be angry






wooden seats

cloth blanket

treat with humor

mother's tears

man's faith



this happened

no, I was sick

did not have

did not have
























































let's reveal

















Accept the inevitable

I will give you the wise advice of one of my favorite philosophers - William James: “Agree to accept what already is,” he said. “Coming to terms with what has already happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” Elizabeth Connley learned this the hard way. I recently received from her next letter: “On the day when all of America celebrated the victory of our armed forces in North Africa“, - the letter says, - I received a telegram from the War Ministry: my nephew - whom I loved more than anything in the world - has gone missing. Soon another telegram arrived announcing his death.

I was heartbroken. Before this, I was satisfied with my life. I had a favorite job. I helped raise my nephew. For me he personified everything that is beautiful about youth. I felt that my efforts were rewarded a hundredfold!.. And suddenly this telegram. The whole world collapsed for me. I felt that life had lost its meaning for me. I lost interest in work and forgot about my friends. Everything became indifferent to me. I became bitter. Why was this dearest boy, before whom his whole life was open, killed? I couldn't come to terms with this. My grief overwhelmed me so much that I decided to quit my job, hide from people and spend the rest of my life in tears and grief.

I was cleaning out my desk, getting ready to leave work. And suddenly I came across a letter that I had long forgotten about - a letter from my murdered nephew. He wrote it to me several years ago when my mother died. “Of course, we will miss her,” the letter said, “and especially you. But I know you'll get through this. Your personal philosophy will keep you going. I will never forget the beautiful wisdom you taught me. Wherever I am, no matter how far we are from each other, I will always remember that you taught me to smile and courageously accept everything that might happen.”

I re-read this letter several times. It seemed to me that he was standing next to me and talking to me. He seemed to be saying to me, “Why don’t you do what you taught me? Hold on no matter what happens. Hide your worries, smile and hold on.”

I started working again. I stopped getting irritated and complaining about life. I told myself over and over again, “This happened. I can't change anything. But I can and will carry on as he advised me.” I completely devoted myself to my work, investing all my moral and physical strength. I wrote letters to soldiers - someone's sons and relatives. I enrolled in evening courses for adults. I wanted to have new interests and new friends. I find it hard to believe how my life has changed. I stopped mourning the irrevocable past. Now I live every day with joy, as my nephew wished for me. I have come to terms with life. I now live a more joyful and fulfilling life than ever before.”