Stars and athletes are preparing for the start of “Ice Age.” “Ice Age”: Alexey Serov was prevented from skating... pies! Filmography of Aglaya Tarasova

Aglaya Tarasova (real name - Daria Viktorovna Tarasova). Born on April 18, 1994 in St. Petersburg. Russian actress.

Her real name is Daria, but she decided to take Aglaya as her creative pseudonym.

Mother is a famous Russian actress.

Father - Viktor Tarasov, businessman.

My great-grandfather was an archaeologist; they use his textbooks to study at the history department at St. Petersburg University. Grandfather is an architect, grandmother is an engineer.

Her parents were not married; the girl was raised by her mother.

Has a maternal sister, Sonya. As Aglaya said, at first she was a little jealous of her sister and her mother, but then she fell in love and, despite the difference in age, they became very close.

During my childhood I visited music school, studied ballet. She also went in for sports - tennis.

Aglaya has a good ability for languages, which she studied intensively during her school years.

In addition, with early years her mother took her with her to film set, where Aglaya fell in love with cinema, she was impressed by the creative atmosphere and thought about following in her mother’s footsteps. Among the paintings, the shooting of which she witnessed with her own eyes - “ White Guard", "The Man Who Loves", "Double Hour".

In 2008, she and her mother visited the Venice Film Festival, which made a huge impression on her. Among the stars she saw up close were.

Despite her dreams of acting, after school she entered the St. Petersburg state university, studied to be a political scientist. However, in the end she dropped out of university for the sake of cinema.

As Aglaya said, from an early age she wanted to be independent, asserted her individuality and in no case wanted to make her way in life at the expense of her mother’s fame: “The surname Rappoport sounds, in my opinion, much more beautiful than Tarasova, but that’s how I gave it to myself.” I have the opportunity to achieve everything on my own... I see that at the auditions they don’t know whose daughter I am, and that’s very good, because I’ve had experiences about this since childhood,” she said at the beginning of her career.

Aglaya’s debut work was the role of Frida in the musical youth comedy “After School,” which tells about the life of high school students, their adventures and relationships with the outside world.

Aglaya Tarasova in the series "After School"

She became widely famous for her role as intern Sofia Kalinina, the niece of venereologist Kupitman in the popular project "Interns". In a sitcom about the life of a hospital, Aglaya revealed her talent as a comedic actress.

Aglaya Tarasova in the series "Interns"

The roles of Lucy (Infanta) in the military drama about intelligence officers “Heteras of Major Sokolov” and the daughter of the main character Gali in the crime detective “Investigator Tikhonov” became noticeable.

Aglaya Tarasova in the TV series "Investigator Tikhonov"

In 2016 she took part in the show “ Ice age", where she performed in tandem with Alexei Tikhonov, their coach was Ilya Averbukh.

Aglaya Tarasova and Alexey Tikhonov - “Chrysanthemums” (“Ice Age”)

Aglaya Tarasova's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Aglaya Tarasova:

She was in a relationship with an actor - a partner in the TV series “Interns”. It was while working on this project that their relationship began, which lasted about three years.

For some time the couple met secretly, then they appeared in public together at the premiere of the comedy “Only Girls in Sports,” in which Ilya starred. The couple separated several times, then got back together; there were rumors about scenes of jealousy that Glinnikov staged. At the beginning of 2016, the couple finally broke up - Aglaya went to another actor.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Aglaya was having an affair with a Serbian actor. In April 2018, noting that they maintained friendly relations.

At the end of 2018, rumors appeared that Aglaya Tarasova had an affair with a famous Hollywood director and producer, who is 25 years older than her. They met during Darren's visit to Moscow. Later Aglaya became a frequent visitor to the USA. In April 2019, Aranofsky attended the premiere of Kirill Serebrennikov’s play “Baroque”, where he made joint photo with Tarasova. In October 2019, the couple came out together, appearing on the red carpet of the 67th San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain.

Filmography of Aglaya Tarasova:

2012 - After school - Frida
2014 - Hetaeras of Major Sokolov - Lucy (Infanta)
2014 - Interns - Sofya Kalinina, intern, Kupitman’s niece
2016 - Investigator Tikhonov - Galya, Tikhonov’s daughter
2017 - - Dasha, secretary
2018 - - Lida Kataeva
2018 - - Anya
2018 - An ordinary woman
2018 - Shards - Ulyana, Oleg’s eldest daughter
2018 - - Nadezhda Lapshina
2019 - Happiness is... Part 2
2019 - - Anna
2020 - Ice-2 - Nadezhda Lapshina

After a long break on Channel One new season the Ice Age show, in which movie and pop stars collaborate with figure skating champions for the next dose of PR. Well, they cannot live without being fueled by audience attention and dubious fame. I'm not against talent shows at all. For example, when people come to make a dress out of a trash bag on Project Runway, scream like a bear that hasn’t been given honey on the show The Voice, or show off their acting talent on Battle of Psychics - this is the norm. But when idiots try to show off in areas where people have earned authority over years of hard training, this is not the norm. Andy is against it! But I’m ready to figure out what’s what and whether this farce is worth watching in principle, even in the background.

The rules of the Ice Age show are primitively simple: every week couples compete in how well they have learned a demonstration number, the jury evaluates the technique and artistry of the participants on a scale of 5 to 6 points, and whoever scores the least is eliminated.

Pairs of participants are made up according to the principle: celebrity + figure skating champion. Often the celebrity is much less famous than her professional partner. I suggest you watch and figure out who the participants of Ice Age 2016 are - after all, many watch this kind of show solely because of their favorites. Perhaps yours will be among them.

Couple No. 1: Yulia Baranovskaya and Maxim Shabalin

Arshavin's ex-wife, and now Channel One TV presenter, skates with the bronze medalist Olympic Games 2010 and multiple European champion. Despite all my dislike for this woman with a smoky voice, she performed the best in the first episode. I’m afraid to imagine how much time it took to train the host of “Male/Female” to such a level.

Couple No. 2: Irakli Pirtskhalava and Yana Khokhlova

Participant of one of the “Star Factories”, former (or maybe current?) ward of Maxim Fadeev and European champion, who skated together with Dmitry Khrustalev in the previous season. The “singer” skates about as bad as he sings.

Couple No. 3: Yulianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov

Another former factory owner and former soloist 5sta Family, which released their debut album “Feeling Yu” the day before the premiere of “Ice Age 2016,” performs in tandem with the two-time winner of the Sochi Olympics. The first impression is an average performance, both of them.

Couple No. 4: Mikhail Gavrilov and Tatyana Totmyanina

Actor of shabby TV series + winner of the Turin Olympics. Pairs figure skating more female appearance sports, so Mikhail will just need to drive normally on the ice and hold his partner tightly.

Couple No. 5: Natalia Medvedeva and Maxim Stavisky

Totally unexpected star Comedy Woman and just a comedic actress ("30 Dates", "I Remember - I Don't Remember") went wild: first she took work from Elena Vorobey, taking her place in "Saturday Evening" on Russia-1, and now she has penetrated the First. I dare to hope that at the same time she is acting in new comedies and will not waste her talent. Well, as partners the world champion of the shaggy years and member of three Olympics The emphasis is placed on comic images.

Couple No. 6: Tatiana Navka and Andrey Burkovsky

The scandalous millionaire wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, ex-wife Zhulina, the 2006 Olympic champion and just a regular at Ice Age, is skating with a little-known KVN performer/MKhAT actor (whose existence she didn’t even know existed). The comrade will be quite suitable as furniture for skates.

Couple No. 7: Oleg Vasiliev and Daria Moroz

Olympic champion in 1984 (I was 2 years old at the time) and a pretty good actress ("Pioneer Heroes", "Fix It All", TV series "House with Lilies", "Red Bracelets"). No matter how much he dropped the woman on the ice, it’s been a lot of years already... I’m worried.

Couple No. 8: Adelina Sotnikova and Alexander Sokolovsky

The winner of the Sochi Olympics in single skating and the star of Molodezhka, whom we will soon see on the big screen in the crime comedy Superbad. In this couple, the star is still SHE.

In addition to the above-mentioned comrades, the following will take part in the competition for the right to be called the winner of the show “Ice Age” 2016 (they will be shown in the second episode):

I would like to say a special “feel” to the project’s hosts, the “neat man” Alexei Yagudin and the mannered blonde Alla Mikheeva. Alla needs to be kicked out of the project with pissing rags - she speaks through force, as if after a stroke. Well, clearly the person is not in the right place. And Yagudin has a minus for the fact that he couldn’t find a worthy partner and agreed to be paired with this one.

The Ice Age 2016 jury is... Hmm-hmm...

An actor who is in cinema last time I don’t remember when we saw Dmitry Kharatyan. I think he hates people more than I do.

A man who ostentatiously loves everyone and tries to be funny is Mikhail Galustyan. Pretended to be a cutie and a shirtless guy. Nu-nu

Did you know that Oksana Pushkina is now a deputy? This is what it means to be friends with friends strongmen of the world That’s why I’m going to make tearful programs about them. She got the role of the bitch.

Unfortunately, I can’t say anything good about Elena Isinbayeva, even if she were a 10-time Olympic champion. After numerous odious statements and hysteria in the media, for me personally, she annulled her victories in the past and all her achievements in the future.

A permanent member of the jury of all sorts of shows and the face of Dormeo mattresses is Tatyana Tarasova. This “divine” voice cannot be confused with anything. Sometimes he makes jokes.

I watched the first episode of Ice Age without much enthusiasm. Yes, my favorites - Medvedeva and Varnava - will perform, but they are not such favorites that I would spend two hours watching them squirm on the ice, making faces or pretending to have sex.

As I said above, in pairs figure skating, the woman is still in charge. Women have more opportunities to express themselves, and a man’s task is to provide support and act as strong furniture. And in general, ice television shows have outlived their usefulness, it seems to me. Well, what new can they offer? They ride and perform elements. I don’t care how Galustyan evaluates Pirtskhalava’s skill. One doesn’t understand anything about figure skating, the other doesn’t know how to skate. "Ice Age" is propaganda of amateurism. Moreover, its most terrible form is when the audience is convinced that what is bad is actually good. Why don't professional athletes organize a boycott, a strike and stop participating in ice skating? Let Channel One organize a competition among professionals - what would be worse? After all, there are such projects on the “Culture” channel as “ Grand opera" And " Bolshoi Ballet". And since now it’s no good. We played once and that’s enough, we need to go forward and develop the sport. We need to prove our advantage with real daily victories, and not with hysterics before the next Olympics, convincing ourselves that there are only rascals around.

My verdict: you can watch “Ice Age” from 2016 only for the sake of your favorites, but in fact, this is another obscene program that lowers the sport many notches lower. You should never lower the bar - this is fraught. The bar can only be raised in order to develop. I give it two stars and do not recommend it, and you decide for yourself, dear readers.

Ice Age 2016 airs on Saturdays at 18.20 Moscow time. All episodes can be watched online in high quality immediately after the broadcast on the official project page .

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Ice Age is returning to screens. In the new television season, viewers will see legendary skaters, as well as new participants in the show. After a two-year break, the creators of the program have accumulated a lot original ideas and interesting surprises.

Thus, Olympic champion Maxim Trankov appeared on the show for the first time. His wife Tatyana Volosozhar announced this month that she is in interesting position. The famous figure skater will watch her husband from the spectators' stands, and he now has a double incentive to win. Yulianna Karaulova, a graduate of the Star Factory, will skate with the skater. The singer is already training hard and is determined to win.

Another surprise of “Ice Age” will be the appearance on the ice of single figure skater Adelina Sotnikova. The Olympic champion will try her hand at pair skating for the first time. She will be accompanied by Molodezhka star Alexander Sokolovsky.

Yulia Baranovskaya will master the skill of figure skating in pairs with Maxim Shabalin, Aglaya Tarasova with Alexei Tikhonov, Ekaterina Varnava with Maxim Marinin, and Daria Moroz will skate under the guidance of the legendary Oleg Vasiliev, whose appearance on the ice, according to Ilya Averbukh, is already an event .

“We were off the air for two years. During this time, both we and the audience managed to miss “Ice Age”. Eat good proverb about how difficult it is to step into the same river twice. Of course, we are very worried, because this is not the first or even the fifth season for us! And with every season ice show It’s getting more and more difficult: the demands of the audience are growing, the level of skating in previous projects was already very high, and we need to maintain it. We spend a lot of time training. I don’t want the viewer to get the impression that he has already seen it. It’s important for me that the artists don’t just skate with great champions, but that each performance leaves an aftertaste for at least five minutes,” Ilya Averbukh tells reporters about working on the new season of the show.

Interestingly, updates will occur not only in the composition of the Ice Age participants. So, viewers will not see Irina Slutskaya in the show. Instead, the program will be hosted by the star “Alexey Yagudin.” Evening Urgant» Alla Mikheeva. This news was shared with fans by the athlete’s wife, figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina, who will take to the ice with actor Mikhail Gavrilov.

The actress, along with her partner Alexei Tikhonov, left the show.

22-year-old Aglaya Tarasova gained fame thanks to the TV series “Interns”. She recently finished filming a feature film Fedor Bondarchuk“Ice”, in which she played a figure skater from Irkutsk. The actress's partner was Alexander Petrov, and the figure skater’s mother was played by Aglaya Tarasova’s real mother, a famous St. Petersburg actress Ksenia Rappoport.

And as soon as filming was completed, Aglaya was invited to participate in the TV show “Ice Age” together with Alexei Tikhonov. After the second stage of the show, the couple was nominated.

Yesterday all fans of Tikhonov and Tarasova closely followed the outcome audience voting and hoped that Tatyana Tarasova would stand up for the couple. But, unfortunately, yesterday's performance of the couple was the last, which greatly upset their fans. Alexey Tikhonov was in the lead for so many years, therefore, Tatyana Tarasova could have vetoed the audience’s decision, but she did not.

In their last performance, Tarasova and Tikhonov showed a touching number for a composition called “I"m A Fool To Want You.” Alexey Tikhonov, like a true gentleman, asked viewers to vote for his wife Maria Petrova, who also takes part in the project. He admitted that he, of course, wants to stay in the show, but at the same time he is more worried about Maria, knowing how much she and Alexey Serov train. According to Tikhonov, they are more worthy of staying in the project than he and Aglaya Tarasova. Moreover, the famous one admits. figure skater, after all, he and Maria are a family, and he, like a normal man, must give way to a woman.

Alexey Tikhonov explained why he and Aglaya Tarasova were among the contenders for relegation immediately after the second stage. The skater suggested that they didn't work hard enough. Although Alexey liked the number they skated, compared to the other duets, in Tikhonov’s opinion, they looked somewhat weaker. Therefore, he considers it natural to be nominated.