Famous pianists of the 21st century. The richest pianists in the world. The most titled film composer

1. Jamie Cullum (Jamie Cullum) Popularity - 1.95 million | Born 08/20/1979 | United Kingdom Known for his charisma and the highest skill jazz pianist and vocalist. He is mainly presented as a “performer,” that is, as a person who, first of all, puts on a show at concerts. Recognized several times by various publications as the best jazz performer year. And just my favorite musician :)

Some of his favorite “tricks” are to climb with his feet on the piano and sing from there, tapping rhythms on the piano, mixing everything with beatboxing. Mainly writes and performs music in the style pop jazz, plays wonderful and original covers of both songs from the 30s and songs recent years, for example, on Rihanna's song "Please Don"t Stop The Music". You can also find many recordings jazz standards performed by him, for example, "I"ve Got You Under My Skin" or "Devil May Care".

Platinum album Jamie Cullum"Twentysomething" became (and remains) the best-selling album in 2003. jazz album Great Britain of all times. Latest albums"The Pursuit" and "Momentum" (by the way, a few months ago I was at the presentation of this album in London during his world tour) gravitate more towards pop music than classical jazz. Notice how melodic and complete all his improvisations are, as well as the funky riffs he uses when he plays alone.

2. Keith Jarrett
Popularity - 3.55 million | Born 05/08/1945 | USA Keith is famous not only as one of the best jazz pianists and improvisers of our time, but also as a performer of the classical piano repertoire. He is also a composer: at the age of 7 he gave his first concert, in which he performed 2 own compositions, and at 17 he gave a concert entirely consisting of his own works.

Keith Jarrett's jazz improvisations are some of the most recognizable. His melodies are organic and soulful, just like his “whining” during the game (they usually even install microphones for him to add audio). During the most emotional moments, he stands up and shakes touchingly. In his youth, he wore an afro hairstyle and played with Miles Davis. Winner of many international jazz awards.

3. Bill Evans (Bill Evans)Popularity - 97.70 million | Born 08/16/1929 | USA One of the most significant jazz musicians 20th century. He made a huge contribution to the development of jazz. His harmonies and solos are sophisticated to the extreme, but at the same time easy to perceive and listen to. He was nominated for a Grammy Award more than 30 times and received 7 times. He received one of the awards posthumously.

This jazz performer is included in the jazz pantheon of fame. The genius of his art. When he plays, it feels like he merges with the instrument. What can I say? Watch and listen for yourself:

4. Herbie Hancock (Herbie Hancock)
Popularity - 4.79 million | Born 04/12/1940 | USA Herbie - jazz pianist, who today is rightfully considered the most influential jazz pianist of our time. Winner of 14 Grammy Awards, recorded over 45 studio albums, is known for his use of the synthesizer and the kitar (keytar or "comb", a guitar-shaped synthesizer).

This pianist was one of the first to use a synthesizer during solo performances. His piano riffs are so pumping that some of them would be great to hear as motivational music when heavyweight boxers enter the ring. The style in which Herbie plays is jazz with elements of fusion, rock, and soul. Considered one of the founders of post-bebop. He played with Miles Davis, Marcus Miller, and in general it is difficult to name a world-class musician with whom Herbie Hancock did not have joint projects. The musician is so versatile that many of his recordings at first glance seem to have been played by some kind of experimentalists, and some by romantic pianists. I advise all musicians to carefully study his work; I once downloaded all his albums, starting from the 60s, and followed his entire musical career. This approach will allow you to see the evolution of the musician’s work, which is very informative and interesting. As you listen, pay attention to the crazy sounds he chooses on his synthesizer. For me, Herbie is one of my favorite keyboard players.

5. Ray Charles
Popularity - 170 million | Born 10/23/1930 | Died 2010 | USA One of the most famous and significant musicians of all time. Winner of 17 Grammy awards. The main directions of creativity are soul, R"n B, jazz. As a 7-year-old boy, he went blind and had not seen all his life. He held more than 10 thousand concerts at which he sang and played the piano. A man of legend.

Possessing an extraordinary manner of performing his vocal parts, turning screams, moans, exclamations and giggles into music, emphasizing everything with rhythmic jazz piano and memorable body movements, Ray Charles is one of the most significant figures in music of the 20th century. Author of more than 70 albums. Being a multi-instrumentalist, Ray still prefers the piano to other instruments. His parts are so thoughtful and organic that it seems impossible to remove or add a single note. It is rightfully considered one of best jazz pianists and vocalists last century.

6. Bob JamesPopularity - 447.00 million | Born 12/25/1939 | USA The most popular pianist in this collection. Member of the group Fourplay, winner of 2 Grammy awards. Composer, pianist, arranger, music producer. one of the most famous jazz musicians of all time.

His music is so diverse that it's worth just taking a few weeks to study his work.

7. Chick Corea(Chick Corea) Popularity - 2.38 million | Born 06/12/1941 | USA A genius of classical and Latin American jazz motifs. Winner of many international awards, including Grammy. Chick Corea's compositions are considered very serious and difficult to perform among musicians. Many call his music higher mathematics. He loves loose, colorful shirts.

You need to be prepared spiritually and intellectually for the music of Chick Corea. His melodies are melodic, sometimes dramatic and difficult to understand at first. When playing, he uses non-standard intervals (for example, seconds), which, when played by other musicians, often hurt the ear. However, when Chick is at the instrument, his music is so captivating with its melody, complexity and at the same time extraordinary “airiness” that the listener simply forgets about everything and goes into a kind of trance, following the hands of the great pianist.

8. Norah JonesPopularity - 7.0 million | Born 03/30/1979 | USA A gentle and at the same time very serious jazz pianist and vocalist, actress. He performs his songs and has a memorable voice.

This singer and pianist is a fragile girl in appearance, but inside she has the solid core of a real jazz player. Notice her cute face while performing. I like to draw and think while listening to her concerts.

P.S. If you like Norah Jones, I think you'll probably like Katie Melua(Ketie Melua), she also sings very soulfully.

9. Count BasiePopularity - 2.41 million | Born 08/21/1904 | USA Big band leader, virtuoso pianist, organist. He made a significant contribution to the development of swing and blues. He allowed the musicians in his orchestra to improvise freely, which was one of the serious trump cards of his orchestra.

Listen to this jazz orchestra from the sixties, immerse yourself in the jazz of that time.

10. Oscar Peterson (Oscar Peterson)
Popularity - 18.5 million | Born 08/15/1925 | Died 2007 | Canada Oscar Peterson is a legend of world jazz. A virtuoso pianist, composer and teacher, he played with such world jazz legends as Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. One of the city squares in Toronto is named after Peterson.

The phenomenal speed of playing, virtuoso original bebop passages, harmonious chords, enormous length of fingers and the size of his torso make Oscar Peterson one of the most memorable figures in world jazz. One can often hear from modern smooth-jazz musicians that there is no need to “water on notes”, it is enough to play one note and if it is correctly chosen and played where needed, this is enough for a musical masterpiece. In the case of Oscar Peterson, it becomes obvious that 10-15 notes played in 1 second, but played the way Oscar does, also musical masterpiece. Numerous jazz publications still write that Oscar Peterson is best jazz pianist 20th century.

11. Lennie Tristano (Lenny Tristano)Popularity - 349 thousand | Born 03/19/1919 | USA Famous blind pianist, made a significant contribution to the development jazz music. He recorded with Charlie Parker, winner of many awards, and was recognized several times as the best pianist of the year by various magazines. Towards the end of his life he concentrated entirely on teaching music.

Unfortunately, Lenny Tristano's concerts are not so easy to find, but after listening to him play you will become his fan. In addition to the excellent sound, I am also amazed by the beauty of his playing. Yes, yes, exactly beauty! Watch his long fingers as he plays, they dance across the keys like living creatures!

12. Michel Petrucciani (Michel Petrucciani)Popularity - 1.42 million | Born 12/28/1962 | France Famous jazz pianist. His discography includes more than 30 albums. He passed away at the age of 37 from a congenital disease.

I love his improvisations, which grow in intensity every minute and develop into energetic passages with serious deviations in harmony.

13. Brian Cullbertson
Popularity - 1.66 million | Born 01/12/1973 | USA One of the best smooth jazz pianists, also plays the trombone. Winner of numerous awards, author of more than 13 albums.

Frankly, I was only able to rethink his work a few years ago when I listened to several of his funk records. Before that I had only heard him in the smooth-jazz style and, despite high level performance, I thought the sound of jazz was a little commercial. Later, I decided to get to know this jazz pianist better and listened more carefully to several of his concerts and albums. The compositions So Good and Back In The Day, as well as the pianist’s manner of mixing light smooth melodies with funky aggressive passages, made such a strong impression on me that today Brian Culbertson is one of the best jazz pianists for me. Notice in the recording below how harmoniously his band plays. I listened to this video dozens of times and each time I discovered something new in the arrangement and solo. By the way, this jazz pianist almost always plays standing, facing the audience.

14. Thelonius Monk (Thelonius Monk)Popularity - 1.95 million | Born 10.10.1917 | USA One of the founders of bebop, composer and pianist. He has a super-original style of playing. without this musician modern jazz might not have happened. At one time he was considered an avant-garde artist, a primitivist and the creator of new experimental jazz styles.

Pay attention to his fingers - they don’t seem to bend! Listen to his notes, despite the wide abundance of intervals that are incomprehensible at first glance, you can trace a clear melody that he leads. This pianist had a significant influence on me. By the way, he loved playing with a hat, it looks great.

15. Diana Krall (Diana Krall)Popularity - 3.4 million | Born 11/16/1964 | Canada Professional jazz pianist, recognized old-timer of modern jazz music. Performs to a greater extent classical jazz, winner of 3 Grammy awards, in different years was recognized as the best jazz performer.

This jazz performer born and raised in musical family, her parents and her grandmother were musicians and, naturally, Diana was instilled with a love of music, especially jazz, from childhood. Her voice has a twist, listen to it and you will understand what I mean.

I would like to note once again that this selection does not pretend to be complete, since within the framework of one article it is simply impossible to talk about all the significant figures of modern jazz piano. Still, I hope that I managed to place the main accents.

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Most famous pianist- not Mozart

If you take a poll about who is the most famous pianist in history, most people will probably answer Mozart. However, Wolfgang Amadeus not only mastered the instrument perfectly, but was also a gifted composer.

It is known that the unique memory, incredible ability to improvise and the talent of a great pianist developed only thanks to the father of the little genius. As a result of daily exercises under the threat of being locked in a closet, a child already at 4 years old could easily perform enough complex works, surprising others. No less famous is Salieri, who lacks a spark of genius, Mozart’s eternal opponent, unfairly accused by his descendants of his premeditated murder.

By the way, in most cases, a musician becomes a composer and thus achieves fame. Therefore, you should not be surprised that virtually any brilliant musician becomes an equally famous composer. It is very rare that someone manages to achieve fame only as a performer.

Domestic pianists

The history of music knows many examples when a famous pianist became popular to a greater extent due to incredible success of your creations. It's nice to know that many such geniuses were born in Russia. Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Shostakovich - only a small part of the galaxy of greats Russian musicians. Among modern famous performers Special mention should be made of Denis Matsuev, a worthy successor to the traditions of the Russian music school.

Anyone who was born in the Soviet Union probably remembers the success he gained during the years Cold War famous and virtuoso performer Van Cliburn. Winner of the first International competition named after Tchaikovsky, young American pianist I was not afraid to come to a country closed to Western society. Tchaikovsky's first piano concerto, performed by him, also became the first platinum album among classical musicians.

By the way, in the history of pianism there are three eras, which are named after the great pianists: Mozart, Liszt and Rachmaninov. Mozart's era represents classicism, Liszt's era is characterized by sophisticated romanticism, and Rachmaninoff's era, accordingly, marked the beginning of modernism. We should not forget that at the same time as these famous musicians did things like this greatest pianists, like Schubert, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin.

Modern pianists

Some people believe that the heyday of pianism is already over, and modern performers and composers have practically nothing to present to the spoiled public. However, the genius Svyatoslav Richter created at the end of the last century. In general, the 20th century is considered by experts to be the heyday of piano art. The beginning of the century was marked by the appearance of such magnificent pianists as Schnabel, Hoffmann, Paderewski, Carto and, of course, Rachmaninov. In the second half of the 20th century, such names as Richter, Horowitz, Gilels, Kempff, Rubinstein appeared.

Vladimir Ashkenazy and Denis Matsuev, piano virtuosos, delight fans with their talent even today. It is unlikely that the 21st century will be poor in musical talents in the future.

Great pianists past and present are truly the brightest example for admiration and imitation. Everyone who is interested in playing music on the piano has always tried to copy best features great pianists: how they perform the work, how they were able to feel the mystery of each note and sometimes it seems that it is incredible and some kind of magic, but everything comes with experience: if yesterday it seemed unrealistic, then today a person himself can perform the most complex sonatas and fugues.

The piano is one of the most famous musical instruments, permeating a variety of genres of music, and it has been used to create many of the most moving and emotional compositions in history. And the people who play it are considered giants musical world. But who are these greatest pianists? When choosing the best, many questions arise: should it be based on technical ability, reputation, breadth of repertoire, or ability to improvise? There is also the question of whether it is worth considering those pianists who played in past centuries, because then there was no recording equipment, and we cannot hear their performances and compare them with modern ones. But there was a huge amount of incredible talent during this period, and if they became world famous long before the media, then it is only right to pay tribute to them. Taking all these factors into account, here is a list of the 7 best pianists of the past and present.

Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)

The most famous Polish composer Frederic Chopin was one of the greatest virtuosos and pianist of his time.

The vast majority of his works were created for solo piano, and although there are no recordings of his playing, one of his contemporaries wrote: “Chopin is the creator of the piano and composer school. In truth, nothing can compare with the ease and sweetness with which the composer began to play the piano, moreover, nothing can compare with his work full of originality, peculiarity and grace."

Franz Liszt (1811-1886)

In competition with Chopin for the crown of the greatest virtuosos of the 19th century was Franz Liszt - Hungarian composer, teacher and pianist.

Among his most famous works are the insanely complex piano sonata in B minor Années de pèlerinage and the waltz Mephisto Waltz. In addition, his fame as a performer became a legend, even the word Lisztomania was coined. During an eight-year period of touring Europe in the early 1840s, Liszt gave more than 1,000 performances, although at the relatively young age of 35 he abandoned his career as a pianist and concentrated entirely on composing.

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Rachmaninov's style was perhaps quite controversial for the time in which he lived, as he sought to maintain the romanticism of the 19th century.

Many people remember him for his ability stretch your hand 13 notes(octave plus five notes) and even by glancing briefly at the etudes and concertos that he wrote, one can verify the authenticity of this fact. Fortunately, recordings of this performance have been preserved. genius pianist, starting with his Prelude in C sharp major, recorded in 1919.

Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

This Polish-American pianist is often quoted as best performer Chopin of all times.

At the age of two he was diagnosed absolute pitch, and when he was 13 he made his debut with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. His teacher was Karl Heinrich Barth, who in turn studied with Liszt, so he can safely be considered part of the great pianistic tradition. Rubinstein's talent, combining elements of romanticism with more modern technical aspects, turned him into one of the best pianists of his time.

Svyatoslav Richter (1915 - 1997)

In the fight for the title of the best pianist of the 20th century, Richter is part of the powerful Russian performers that appeared in the mid-20th century. He showed great commitment to the composers in his performances, describing his role as a "performer" rather than an interpreter.

Richter was not a big fan of the recording process, but his best live performances survive, including 1986 in Amsterdam, 1960 in New York and 1963 in Leipzig. He held himself to high standards and realized that at the Italian Bach concert, played the wrong note, insisted on the need to refuse to print the work on a CD.

Vladimir Ashkenazy (1937 -)

Ashkenazi is one of the leaders in the world classical music. Born in Russia, in at the moment he holds Icelandic and Swiss citizenship, and continues to perform as a pianist and conductor around the world.

In 1962 he won the International Tchaikovsky Competition, and in 1963 he left the USSR and lived in London. His extensive catalog of recordings includes everything piano works Rachmaninov and Chopin, Beethoven sonatas, Mozart piano concertos, as well as works by Scriabin, Prokofiev and Brahms.

Martha Argerich (1941-)

Argentine pianist Martha Argerich amazed the whole world with her phenomenal talent when, at the age of 24, she won the International Chopin Competition in 1964.

She is now recognized as one of the greatest pianists the second half of the 20th century and is famous for her passionate playing and technical ability, as well as her performances of works by Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff.

It's up to you to choose the path! But first -

To recognize the world's only best contemporary pianist is an impossible task. For each critic and listener, different masters will be idols. And that's the point strong point humanity: the world contains a considerable number of worthy and talented pianists.

Agrerich Marta Archerich

The pianist was born in the Argentine city of Buenos Aires in 1941. She took up the instrument at the age of three, and at the age of eight she made her public debut, at which she performed a concerto by Mozart himself.

The future virtuoso star studied with such teachers as Friedrich Gould, Arturo Ashkenazy and Stefan Michelangeli - some of the most outstanding classical pianists of the 20th century.

Since 1957, Argerich began to participate in competitive activities and won her first big victories: 1st place in the Geneva Piano Competition and the International Busoni Competition.

However, the real stunning success came to Martha at the moment when, at the age of 24, she was able to win the international Chopin competition in Warsaw.

In 2005, she won the highest Grammy award for her performance of chamber works by composers Prokofiev and Ravel, and in 2006 for her performance of Beethoven's work with an orchestra.

Also in 2005, the pianist was awarded the Imperial Japanese Prize.

Her ardent playing and amazing technical skills, with the help of which she masterfully performs works by Russian composers Rachmaninov and Prokofiev, cannot leave anyone indifferent.

One of the most famous contemporary pianists in Russia is musician Evgeniy Igorevich Kisin.

He was born on October 10, 1971 in Moscow, at the age of six he entered the music school named after the Gnessins. Anna Pavlovna Kantor became his first and only teacher for the rest of his life.

Since 1985, Kissin began to demonstrate his talent abroad. In 1987 he debuts in Western Europe.

After 3 years he conquers the United States, where he performs Chopin's 1st and 2nd concertos with Philharmonic Orchestra New York, and within a week he performs solo.

Another one of the most outstanding modern Russian virtuoso pianists is the famous Denis Matsuev.

Denis was born in the city of Irkutsk in 1975 into a family of musicians. Parents with early age taught the child to art. The boy's first teacher was his grandmother Vera Rammul.

In 1993, Matsuev entered the State Conservatory Moscow, and after 2 years he already becomes the leading soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic.

He gained worldwide fame after winning the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1998, when he was only 23 years old.

He prefers to combine his innovative approach to playing with the traditions of the Russian school of piano.

Since 2004, he has been holding a series of concerts called “Soloist Denis Matsuev,” inviting domestic and foreign leading orchestras to collaborate with him.

Christian Zimmerman

Christian Zimmermann (born 1956) - celebrated contemporary pianist Polish origin. In addition to being an instrumentalist, he is also a conductor.

Initial lessons Music was taught to him by his father, an amateur pianist. Christian then continued his studies with teacher Andrzej Jasinski in a private format, and then moved to the Katowice Conservatory.

He began giving his first concerts at the age of 6 and in 1975 won the Chopin Piano Competition, thereby becoming the youngest winner in history. Over the next year, he honed his piano skills with the famous Polish pianist Arthur Rubinstein.

Christian Zimmermann is considered a brilliant performer of Chopin's work. His discography includes recordings of all the piano concertos of Ravel, Beethoven, Brahms and, of course, his main idol, Chopin, as well as sound recordings of works by Liszt, Strauss and Respiha.

Since 1996 he has been teaching classes at the Basel University High school music. Received the Chigi and Leonie Sonning Academy Awards.

In 1999 he created the Polish Festival Orchestra.

Wang Yujia is a Chinese representative of piano art. She gained fame thanks to her virtuoso and incredible quick game, for which she was awarded the pseudonym “Flying Fingers.”

The Chinese contemporary pianist's birthplace is Beijing, where she spent her childhood in a family of musicians. At the age of 6, she began her tests on the keyboard instrument, and a year later she entered the Central Conservatory of the capital. At the age of 11 she was enrolled to study in Canada and after 3 years she finally moved to a foreign country for further studies.

In 1998, she received the prize of the International Competition for Young Pianists in the city of Ettlingen, and in 2001, in addition to the award described above, the judges gave Wang an award awarded to pianists under 20 years old in the amount of 500,000 yen (in rubles - 300,000).

The pianist also plays Russian composers with success: she has recorded Rachmaninov’s Second and Third Concertos, as well as Prokofiev’s Second Concerto.

Fazil Say is a Turkish contemporary pianist and composer born in 1970. He studied at the Ankara Conservatory, and then in the cities of Germany - Berlin and Dusseldorf.

In addition to his piano work, it is worth noting his qualities as a composer: in 1987, the pianist’s composition “Black Hymns” was performed in honor of the 750th anniversary of the city.

In 2006, the premiere of his ballet “Patara” took place in Vienna, written on the basis of Mozart’s theme, but already piano sonata.

Two composers occupy an important place in Sai's performing piano repertoire: musical titans Bach and Mozart. At concerts he alternates classical compositions with his own.

In 2000, he made an unusual experiment, taking the risk of recording the ballet “The Rite of Spring” for two pianos, performing both parts with his own hands.

In 2013, he came under criminal investigation for statements in social network related to the topic of Islam. The Istanbul court concluded that the musician’s words were directed against the Muslim faith and sentenced Fazil Say to 10 years of suspended imprisonment.

That same year, the composer filed a motion to rehear the case, the verdict of which was again confirmed in September.


Talk about everything in one article modern pianists there is simply no possibility. Therefore, we list those whose names are significant today in the world of classical music:

  • Daniel Barenboim from Israel;
  • Yundi Li from China;
  • From Russia;
  • Murray Perahia from the United States of America;
  • Mitsuko Uchida from Japan;
  • from Russia and many other masters.

Piano and similar musical instruments have existed for more than one century, but pianism - the art of playing them - as a separate science is only a little over two centuries old. And that's it for many years, have passed since its inception, the most best pianists, many of whom were also composers, created theoretical foundations and the basic techniques of this skill, improved it and delighted others with their own incomparable game.

If we talk about who were the best pianists in the world since the birth of the art of piano playing, then there is room for more than a dozen names from different countries and schools. At the present time, it is impossible to assess the degree of mastery of the instrument by many of them due to objective reasons: at the time when some of these outstanding musicians, composers and performers, sound recording simply did not yet exist. However, this does not mean that the merits of such people should be leveled in comparison with those who were born much later and were equally masterfully able to handle keyboard instruments, - after all, you can rely on the testimony of their contemporaries.

Among those great pianists of previous centuries, it is undoubtedly worth mentioning the brilliant Austrian Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who from an early age demonstrated miracles of performing skill and even then, at the age of four or five, was considered a genius. No less outstanding was his compatriot, but of Hungarian origin, Franz Liszt, who lived and worked a little later - already in the 19th century, who, according to experts, is the founder of the master class as a way to improve one's skills.

Around the same time, at the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries, in different European countries, mainly the Austrian Empire and Germany, a whole galaxy of truly outstanding pianists appeared, who were also composers. Germans Johannes Brahms and Robert Schumann, the Pole Frederic Chopin, the Austrians Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert, the Frenchman Charles Valentin Alkan - each of them created a lot of brilliant works and was remembered for their unique performing style. By the way, at that time in pianism there was a prevailing tendency towards improvisation, creating something of one’s own, and inevitably introducing interesting arrangements and original interpretations even into the works of previous centuries and eras.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention among the most outstanding masters of pianism Sergei Rachmaninov, whose unique, incomparable performing arts and recognizable works influenced many of his contemporaries and those who lived and echoed later.

The best pianists of our time and those who lived in the early to mid-twentieth century are also worthy of attention: Ignacy Paderewski, Joseph Hoffmann, Svyatoslav Richter, Alfred Cortot, Arthur Rubinstein, Harvey Lieven Van Cliburn, Wilhelm Kempff, Emil Gilels, Vladimir Ashkenazy and etc.

Thus, there really were quite a few truly outstanding masters of piano performance, and surely in future years those who will be destined to amaze will be born. music critics and his contemporaries with his incredible play.