Healing methods of dental treatment. How to cure your teeth yourself without a dentist Frog droppings and hare brain

The principle of the action of clay is the same - clay is a natural powerful adsorbent and antiseptic.
There are many varieties of clay. All of them are therapeutic to some extent - here everyone is his own sage. But for ingesting clay, the taste of the clay is very important, among other things! Once I tried one type of blue clay... And I started gagging! I found for myself that the most delicious clay is white. Therefore, if you have no alternative, buy white cosmetic clay (without fragrances!) in pharmacies.
In my practice, there have already been many situations in which I saved my friends from dentists. There was one case where a woman's gums swollen to the size of half a walnut; the woman was preparing for surgery. But she decided to test my recommendations for herself. And four days later she forgot about the toothache, drank hot tea, and her gums did not have the slightest sign of swelling.

Whatever happens to your teeth - periodontal disease, caries, enamel sensitivity, tumor, etc. the treatment method is the same (I’m sure there are nuances, but I’m just stating my experience):

1) Clay is the best natural and balanced source of essential minerals. In particular, the same calcium. Which peddlers of dietary supplements love to scam! Eat a teaspoon of clay in the morning 30 minutes before meals - and forget about all types of “calcium”! Checked! Even if you have severe tooth sensitivity, after using clay for a month you will be able to comfortably drink hot vinegar! This is our way!

2) If any problem occurs with your teeth, you need to apply clay to them for a long time. Naturally, the best time for this is night. Right before going to bed, pour a teaspoon (in extreme situations, a tablespoon) of clay onto the sore spot. You'll have eaten it before morning. In a week of such exposure you can relieve ANY complication!

3) Bolotov advises adding salt to the oral cavity to improve the health of the flora and fauna that live in our teeth;)
I tried it - good advice. Therefore, it makes sense to mix the clay with a pinch of salt before applying it to the tooth. Effective! But if your teeth react painfully to this, then you can abstain from salt for a couple of days until your teeth get stronger.

4) Quite unexpectedly, the beneficial effect of “dead” (electrolytic) water on teeth was discovered. Dead water, as usual, disinfects everything. And the toothache subsides very quickly.

So remember: clay, salt and dead water. These three magical ingredients will help you get rid of dental problems in the vast majority of cases, especially if you regularly look in the mirror and examine your teeth.

Having noticed an emerging problem in time, you will immediately be able to provide yourself with first and invaluable help!

And here is the experience of German Sterligov, who long ago refused to have his teeth treated in dental clinics.

Since childhood, dentists have drilled my teeth and damaged almost all my teeth irrevocably. Since fillings keep falling out at the dentist, people have to go to the dentist until they die - that’s the idea. One would hope not to jump off.

Six years ago, when I once again had pain, and my teeth were also loose, I went to the dentist as always, realizing what kind of Gestapo-level torture I was facing. A sadist in a white coat touched my teeth with tweezers and said that they were irretrievably lost and needed to be removed, and we were talking about all the front teeth. At that time I trusted dentists, but I had a very important public trip to London, where there was nothing to do without teeth, and I said that I would come in a week and left with an unbearable toothache. The teeth were so loose that it seemed you could take them out yourself and throw them away simply by holding them with two fingers.

And then, literally an hour later, I met a stranger named Artemy. Having learned about my trouble, he smiled and said: why are you suffering, go to the market, buy a beam and forget about dentists forever.

The zabrus was brought to me within an hour. Chewing it was painful at first, but after some time the pain went away and never returned. Since then I chew the delicious zabrus every day like chewing gum. My teeth were crippled by dentists throughout my life and remained the same - the drilled holes did not heal, but I JUST FORGOT ABOUT THE TEETH.
For six years I have not known grief.

Sometimes it becomes very bitter when you realize how brazenly and cruelly we were deceived and how the damned scientists abused all of us, making us forget everything that Almighty God created for us and slipping in this place the destructive satanic medicine of the sorcerer Paracelsus. Thank God that there is a way forward and upward - from the gloomy theater of the absurd to a joyful, God-pleasing life with a barbershop instead of dentists.

The experience of an unknown but sympathetic guy who shared his method of eliminating toothache and preventing caries and other dental problems.

Among the products for the care of problem teeth and gums, I can recommend a proven product called “taiga tar”, colloquially called “gray” in Siberia, it is sold at the grandmother’s market, and now in pharmacies under the name "taiga tar", "zhivichka" etc.
Chew whenever you want, instead of chewing gum, it perfectly massages the gums, it contains many microelements that are beneficial for teeth, has good antimicrobial properties, removes bad breath, and tastes great.

You can massage your gums simply with your fingers after brushing your teeth: in circular, light movements. In this case, the gums are strengthened and blood circulation in them improves.

And there is also an excellent remedy that will help with inflammation of the gums, sores in the mouth, stomatitis (there is, of course, oak bark, calendula, sage and other folk remedies - everyone chooses for themselves) - this turmeric. Turmeric is from the ginger family. So here is a solution of turmeric (1 teaspoon of powder per glass of warm boiled water), they need to rinse their mouth several times a day - it helps well with periodontitis, stomatitis and other sores of the gums and oral cavity, since ground turmeric root is an excellent antiseptic. If you don’t have white clay on hand, you can also put a pinch of dry turmeric on your gums at night. If anyone still wants to use turmeric, keep in mind that it can stain yellow clothes. Carefully.

Traditional medicine against toothache

Traditional medicine for relieving toothache If you are away from home, for example, you went to the country for the weekend, then traditional medicine will come to your aid.
Sage. Make a decoction of sage and rinse your mouth with it. Pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiled water, then boil for 10 minutes and let cool slightly and brew. Try to keep the decoction near the sore spot for as long as possible. The broth should be warm. After it cools down, it should be changed. You need to rinse your mouth 3 to 5 times every half hour.

Plantain root. To relieve toothache, place a plantain root in the ear on the side of which the painful tooth is located. The desired effect is achieved approximately half an hour after use.

Oregano infusion copes well with toothache. Prepare the infusion in a ratio of one to ten. Apply by rinsing.

In addition, traditional medicine suggests using propolis to remove teeth. We take a small piece of this substance and apply it to the diseased tooth. The substances contained in propolis are used to treat many diseases; they will also help in the case of teeth.

You can also use a mixture of salt, garlic and onion to relieve toothache. Prepare garlic and onion gruel, add salt to it, then mix it all well. Take all ingredients in equal quantities. Place this mixture at the bottom of the tooth cavity and cover with a swab.

In folk medicine there is a method that allows you to get rid of toothache using only garlic. To do this, rub the wrist, in the place where the pulse is usually felt, with garlic. And then tape a clove or chopped garlic to the same place - the main thing is that the garlic juice gets on the skin. Garlic is tied to the wrist of the right hand if the diseased tooth is on the left side of the mouth, and vice versa.

Unconventional methods for getting rid of toothache

In addition to household and folk remedies, there are so-called unconventional methods of getting rid of toothache.

Hand massage
Take an ice cube. Massage the hand on the opposite side of the painful tooth, in the area where the bones of the thumb and index finger intersect. Gently massage the area using even circular movements. To relieve toothache, 5-7 minutes of massage should be enough.

Ear massage
Massage of the auricle Grab the upper edge of the ear on the side of which the tooth hurts with your index finger and thumb. Massaging your ear should also take you up to 7 minutes, and you can massage both the upper edge and the earlobe. This method is considered very effective, so try it on yourself first.

Emotional suffocation
Crying has a good analgesic effect. How to call it - decide for yourself. You can chop an onion, for example. Scientists in their studies have found that crying reduces pressure in the gums, slightly dulling the pain.

Distraction from pain
Opposite emotions will also be beneficial in dulling pain in the teeth. Watch a good comedy, read jokes - the main thing is to have a good laugh. This will switch the receptors from pain to laughter.

Do something that will keep your mind busy. Anything interesting for you? It's time to get on with it. Be 100% distracted, so you can wait until the dental office or pharmacy opens (although the former is better).
Or you can just squat. Many scientists talk about the great effectiveness of this method for relieving toothache.

Be healthy and forget about the dentist!

If you asked most people whether cavities are treatable, 99 percent of the time you would get the answer that they are not. Traditional dentists would certainly agree with this assessment. Ask the average dentist during a routine cleaning whether you can treat your cavity yourself and he will most likely look at you as if you were crazy (tested it myself).

As a complete contrast to this generally accepted “wisdom,” Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS, described in his practice numerous cases in which carious cavities were cured without drilling or filling in the twenties and thirties of the last century. Dr. Price discovered through research that cavities in teeth are formed due to nutritional deficiencies, and when they are eliminated, they become overgrown.

If we look at the question from a broad perspective, discarding preconceived notions about carious cavities, does it really make no sense? Shouldn't the body heal cavities the same way it repairs broken bones or cuts on the hands? After all, why should teeth be any different than a broken wrist?

Having read Dr. Price’s monumental work “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” several years ago, I took the position of the scientific school, according to which cavities in the teeth can be cured over a certain period of time by proper nutrition. But being convinced of something on an intellectual level and knowing from your own experience that it works are two very different things, right?

For this reason, I can't wait to tell you a recent story that happened to one of my children. You see, my oldest has recently developed a cavity in his upper right incisor. It was on the back of the tooth right at the edge of the gums. My husband noticed it one night when he was checking his teeth to make sure he was brushing and flossing properly (he's too old for his parents to do that for him before bed).

There was definitely a hole in the tooth, and a rather big one at that. My husband called me over to look, and when I saw the hole, I became alarmed. To find out how deep it was, I used a dental probe we had with a rubberized tip. The tip of the probe went far inside. There was no doubt that it was a hollow, and we both agreed that it urgently needed to be filled. Our train of thought was as follows. Incisors are very prominent teeth, and we were very concerned about the risk that the nutritional approach might not work quickly enough to save the tooth. The situation was also complicated by the fact that our teenager's diet was impossible to control with the necessary precision to guarantee quick success.

I immediately called the dentist and made an appointment. At the same time, I began insisting that my son take 3 capsules of ghee every morning along with his usual daily teaspoon of fermented fish oil. I was always quite strict about my daily dose of fish oil before school, but to be completely honest, I did allow some indulgences with ghee.

But that's in the past. With such a big hole, he needed to consume both together. Dr. Price has found that dental cavities heal faster when these fats are taken at the same time.

There were still a couple of weeks left before the visit to the dentist, so we did not stop taking oil capsules for a single day. I also told my son that it would be a good idea for him to go back to breakfasts of two pieces of toast with raw butter and honey instead of toast with tahini and honey, which he has been eating for the past months.

He liked the idea because, in addition to getting rid of a boring routine, he likes raw butter. Did this simple change in breakfast affect the condition of his hollow?

May be.

I didn't change anything else. He didn’t give up breakfast cereals and still ate the sugar-rich junk food he bought at school from time to time (luckily it was Easter time and there was plenty of this stuff). After all, he was already almost a teenager. Try taking those crunchy cereals and sweets off their menu and you'll have a riot. Children need to learn some things for themselves.

I've learned that you can't protect your child from all this crap and raise your children away from the world - you can only teach them to be wise, and over time they will learn what moderation is from their own experience.

Be that as it may, let's return to our hollow.

As it turned out, the day before his visit to the dentist, his secretary called to say that the appointment needed to be postponed because the doctor was unexpectedly forced to leave town for family reasons. This pushed the visit back another couple of weeks, but all this time we kept our three capsules of ghee and a teaspoon of fermented fish oil after breakfast and two honey toasts with raw butter.

Last weekend I decided to take a look at the hollow to see if it had gotten any worse. About a month had passed since my husband discovered him, and I was a little worried. I took the flashlight, he threw his head back, and I looked, looked, LOOKED!


That's it. There was no hole there at all. It filled completely and was as smooth as the adjacent tooth. I told my husband and he looked too. His joy at seeing that the hollow had passed knew no bounds.

To be sure, I walked there with a probe and made sure that my eyes did not deceive me - the cavity had actually healed.

I will still take him to the dentist for checkups, but there is no doubt that there are no more problems with that tooth.

The best news is that I changed almost nothing to fix this tooth. He maintained a normal, nutritious diet at home with the inevitable disruptions that occurred at school or holiday events.

Later, I took my son to the dentist for a full examination, and not a single hole in the teeth was found in his mouth. There was no trace left of the hollow. Nutrition can actually heal cavities!

The primary cause of all reasons is, of course, caries. Tooth decay is caused by oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which convert sugar into lactic acid, which eats away enamel.

These bacteria live in our mouths and eat tiny pieces of carbohydrate food that stick to our teeth. To starve them, it is enough to maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day (in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed), and ideally after each meal.

In ancient China, henbane was often mentioned as a base for medicinal paste. It was also used to get rid of toothache in Egypt, Greece, Rome and in the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia.

The Romans called henbane “tooth grass” (Latin: “herba dentaria”). The Roman physician Scribonius Largus proposed removing “tooth worms” by smoking teeth with smoke from henbane seeds. At the same time, the Bukhara doctor Avicenna considered the best remedy for caries to be fumigating the patient with a smoking mixture of onions and henbane.

Bacteria living in the mouth have a terrible sweet tooth. So the best protection against caries is to reduce sugary drinks and foods (white sugar, honey and products that contain them). You should know that caries is most destructive during the first 20-40 minutes after eating. Moreover, the degree of destruction depends on the amount of sugar. Therefore, after each meal or drinking sweet water, it is important to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with a weak saline solution of water and sea salt. To prevent and treat caries, it is also useful to rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus and sage. It is very useful for the preservation of teeth to replace sweet water with melt water, silicon water or green tea with stevia or licorice root, which are the best natural sugar substitutes.

In order for your teeth to have enough calcium, you should eat flax, sesame, cabbage as often as possible, and also eat foods rich in silicon, without which calcium is poorly absorbed. Horsetail contains a lot of silicon. Therefore, it is useful to drink a decoction of it along with sweet herbs - licorice root and stevia.

To treat caries, pour 1 tablespoon of dry sage and calamus with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and rinse your mouth. You should also keep a cotton swab containing the infusion on the affected tooth for 30 minutes. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.

To treat caries, you should attach a pea of ​​propolis to the diseased tooth for half an hour. Place a cotton swab on top. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.

Sauerkraut is known to successfully treat periodontal disease. This cabbage is known to help treat stomach, liver and many other diseases. But it will also help you with periodontal disease. To do this, you should chew it for a long time. You can also rinse and massage your mouth with cabbage juice. It will take about 1-2 weeks before you notice how your bad teeth are getting better.

This recipe helps well if you have periodontal disease, bleeding gums, this procedure also strengthens your gums, whitens and strengthens your teeth, and is a good preventive measure to maintain their health. Mix a spoonful of fine sea salt with a teaspoon of olive oil. Rub your teeth and gums with this morning and evening for five minutes. If you don’t have olive oil, then use any other oil that you have in your home, but know that then the healing effect will decrease.

This is a very effective folk remedy for dental treatment. Calamus penetrates into the roots of teeth and anesthetizes them, and propolis fills all microcracks. Teeth are completely healed naturally! Take 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water and add half a glass of calamus roots. This is the first infusion. To prepare the second, take another 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water, and add 15-20 grams of ground propolis. Leave both infusions for 7-10 days. Both tinctures are used simultaneously. Mix one tablespoon of calamus tincture and a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Rinse your mouth with this for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, or can be done during severe pain. After 1-3 days, the pain will completely go away. Duration of treatment is 3-5 weeks.

If you do not drink alcohol, you can use the following treatment methods: To treat teeth, rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus. And also attach a pea of ​​propolis to a sore tooth for half an hour. And repeat this for so many days until the caries goes away (at least a month). Propolis can also be used effectively as “sugar-free gum.” Scientists have known for a long time that propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties. To this day, researchers at the University of Rochester in New York State have confirmed that propolis is particularly effective in combating bacteria that cause caries, since it can completely deprive them of their nutrient medium.

Propolis allows you to heal and strengthen teeth and enamel, because it contains about 300 useful components, and it contains 400 times more vitamin A than carrots. It is useful to chew propolis 1-3 g per day after meals. It has been proven that adding 1 drop of propolis to toothpastes and mouth rinses protects against periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, and protects against caries and premature aging of teeth. Adding 3-5 drops to water or food increases local immunity of the digestive system, promotes the healing of ulcers, and relieves irritation.

Still afraid of dentists? In vain! Because if you happened to live several centuries earlier, then it would definitely be scary

On International Dentist Day, which is celebrated on February 9, it’s time to remember how toothache was treated in the old days, and feel gratitude to modern dentists, so humane and enlightened.

Dancing with a tambourine and conspiracies

Imagine that you live in the Stone Age and you have a toothache. They will not leave you without help: an experienced shaman, having tasted the magic mushroom, will begin to perform certain rituals, sing and shake his hands so that your pain will be frightened and go away. It may even work for a while, but it will most likely end in tooth extraction in unsanitary conditions. However, if the Neolithic is already walking across the planet, you will be able to experience one of the primitive stone drills for yourself. Burials dating back nine thousand years, discovered in what is now Pakistan, confirm that even then people had their teeth drilled.

If you are a resident of Ancient Mesopotamia, they can put herbal paste into the hollow of your aching tooth, while reciting a very beautiful spell - “Conspiracy against toothache.” Since the herbs include henbane, the pain will subside for a while.

Hot iron and henbane smoke

Do you live in Ancient Egypt and are fairly wealthy? You are lucky: the doctors, of course, will rip you off like a stick, but they will also apply an anti-inflammatory lotion, and cement the hollow in the tooth, and if the tooth has to be removed, they will insert an artificial one (or your own, carefully ground), tying it to other teeth with a thin wires of gold.

Are you from Ancient Greece and, again, are you able to pay for the services of doctors? They can even cure your pulpitis! True, the treatment will resemble torture - the inflamed nerve will be cauterized with a hot iron. As an anesthetic, you will be asked to inhale henbane smoke. But if you dislocate your jaw, you will be treated in much the same way as now - with the help of splinting.

If you are an ancient Roman patrician, healing decoctions and powerful spells are at your service - but in the end, removal. You can, however, order dentures: if you want, from precious stones, or from the teeth of poor people or animals. But prosthetics will be more cosmetic: chewing with new teeth will be uncomfortable. If it is already the first century BC, you can pay attention to experimental treatment methods: for example, a doctor named Archigen, doctor of the emperor Trajan, has already dared to open the pulp chamber of a tooth with a drill. Alas, his achievements will remain unclaimed for many centuries.

Amalgam and arsenic

Are you a resident of Ancient Japan? The diseased tooth will first be rocked properly using a chisel and hammer, and then pulled out with bare hands.

If you are from Ancient China, you are lucky: your compatriots skillfully prepare herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory properties, make full use of fillings made of amalgam or molten silver, and most importantly, sell toothbrushes made from animal bristles.

It's the middle of the first millennium AD, and you live in the Middle East? You can also consider yourself lucky: dentists use paste containing arsenic to treat toothache; it kills the nerve, and the tooth no longer hurts. This practice was actively adopted in medieval Europe.

Toothworm and God's Punishment

But if you live in the Middle Ages, you can’t count on quality treatment. European science, alas, has taken several steps back. The Church does not favor surgical interventions; Surgeons and dentists, although they exist, are considered a lower caste among healers, which does not have the best effect on their qualifications. It is generally accepted that toothache is sent to people as punishment for sins, so treating teeth means going against God. If you are lucky, you will find an enthusiastic specialist who will numb your tooth with arsenic and try to cure it - for example, he will drill the tooth and cauterize the pulp with sulfuric acid, or put a gold filling. But most likely, your bad tooth will be mercilessly pulled out, and in front of all the honest people - for example, in a hairdresser's, in a public bath or in a market square.


Fortunately, all these horrors are behind us. Today, even the most run-of-the-mill clinic has an X-ray machine and effective painkillers. Modern dentures look so indistinguishable from real teeth. Are you still afraid to go to the dentist? In vain!

The first 450 professional dentists began work only in 1883, having graduated from a special school in St. Petersburg. However, teeth were treated in Rus' even before the advent of real dentists.

At the origins

The granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh Eupraxia-Zoya became famous for practicing “medical tricks” and even wrote the herbal book “Ointments”, which has survived to this day. It, in particular, describes various diseases of the oral cavity and methods of treating them that doctors needed.

Ordinary patients would have found a lot of useful things for themselves at that time if they could read Homer’s language. Thus, they would have learned that a potion made from wine and deer antler powder would help strengthen loose teeth, and that teeth could be whitened by rubbing a mixture of burnt bran and salt.

Later, recommendations for the prevention of dental diseases were included in Domostroy, which mentions sauerkraut as an effective remedy against scurvy, celery juice as a cure for toothache, and rose hips, which help “remove disease from the gums.”

In the 17th century, other works devoted to personal hygiene appeared, in which it was forbidden to whiten teeth with salt or gunpowder, and it was recommended to clean them with the modern analogue of toothbrushes - “chicken bones”.

To the dentist

If at the royal court it was still possible to find a foreign dentist who used more or less progressive achievements of dental science, then the common people had to turn to healers. Most of them were generalists who spoke against any ailment, but there were also those who specialized specifically in diseases of the oral cavity.

They were called toothworts, and for good reason. If the rinse prescribed to the patient, “seasoned” with the desired spell, did not help, a radical and only effective method of getting rid of pain was used - extraction (“dental dragging”).

The names of ordinary healers-dentists are not preserved in the chronicles, but a certain Agapius is mentioned, a 12th-century dentist from Kyiv, who prescribed decoctions of black henbane and tincture of iris roots to relieve toothache.

To the forest oak

Not everyone had the opportunity to pay healers, so turning to the pagan traditions of their ancestors and the healing power of nature was considered an effective method. There were several ways to cure a bad tooth - and each time with the help of oak.

In the first case, it was necessary to find an old tree in the forest, but certainly near the source. Soak the bark in its water and wear it around your neck in an amulet.

The second method is more radical. For acute toothache, it was recommended... to gnaw and chew the bark. Despite the fact that the principles of treatment seem, to put it mildly, strange, there is a rational grain in them.

Oak bark contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is not for nothing that healers recommended rinsing the mouth with oak decoction for bleeding gums, bad breath and colds.

To Saint Antipus of Pergamon

In an attempt to eradicate paganism, the Russian Orthodox Church offered an alternative - St. Antipas of Pergamon, a disciple of John the Theologian. God endowed Antipas with “the grace to heal from inconsolable toothache,” and from the times of Kievan Rus a special prayer to this saint has survived to this day.

In the 1560s, near the Borovitskaya tower of the Kremlin, on the site of a wooden church in honor of St. Antipas, a stone temple was erected, to which the entire Mother See flocked: both noble nobles and ordinary people.

There is evidence that Ivan IV and Alexei Mikhailovich asked for consolation from Antipas at different times. The latter, by the way, tried to appease the saint with a pair of “silver teeth,” paying tribute to the tradition of decorating the iconographic image of the great martyrs with objects symbolizing their “specialization.”

To the pharmacy

In 1581, the first sovereign pharmacy was opened in Moscow, in which medications for dental ailments also took pride of place. Some of the ingredients for the preparation of medicinal powders were imported, for example, opium or camphor.

The other part was purchased from the local population, who collected medicinal plants in forests and fields. There was a third source of supply - “pharmaceutical gardens”. True, pharmaceutical products were available only to the wealthiest townspeople.

Study Herbalist

Those who could not pay for “real medicine” found herbalists useful, which summarized all the knowledge of traditional medicine since the times of Kievan Rus. Herbalists could find ways to treat almost any ailment, including pathologies of the oral cavity.

Thus, honey and horseradish were recommended to eliminate stomatitis, “tooth worm” (caries) was expelled by chewing celandine, and gingivitis was treated by gargling with plantain juice. It was proposed to replace the exotic deer antlers mentioned above with burnt goat antlers. Rubbing the gums and teeth with this powder helped relieve severe pain.

To the monastery

In Kievan Rus, monks, as educated people who copied and translated a large number of books, including medical ones, practiced at church hospitals. Anyone could receive help from experienced “healers,” including those suffering from toothache.

The monks used traditional medicine, preparing medicinal herbs, and scientific achievements gleaned from books. Along with the therapists, there were also surgeons among the monks, who were called cutters. As medical historian Nikolai Bogoyavlensky writes, to open an abscess from an inflamed tooth they used a “cut” - a large knife, and when removing it they used pincers or “forceps”.

To the Bader bathhouse

In the 18th century, medicinal baths, intended “for sweating and diluting gumboils,” tried to compete with ordinary baths. It is clear that specialized baths were visited only by representatives of the upper classes “on a doctor’s recommendation,” and the establishments were opened by foreigners. Thus, Leman’s Bader bathhouse, opened in 1760, was especially popular in St. Petersburg.

However, the medicinal baths did not last long. This is understandable - what is the use of narrow specialization if the Russian bathhouse cures all ailments, and public steam rooms offered a wide range of services, including tooth extraction.

In addition, in practice, it was probably found that at the initial stage of inflammation it is impossible to go to the bathhouse, so as not to get up the next day with a swollen gumboil, and even after removal it is advisable not to steam, so as not to increase blood flow, allowing the wound to heal faster.