The meaning of an exclamation mark in a sentence. What does an exclamation mark mean

Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 3. Exclamation mark

§ 3. Exclamation mark

1. Exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence: Hey, it's a thunderstorm! (T.); Bon voyage!(Leather)

Note. An exclamation mark may be placed in exclamatory sentences after each homogeneous member to indicate emotional, intermittent speech: Played! lost! taken into custody by decree!(Gr.)

2. Always are exclamation marks sentences containing words what the, how, what etc.: What a wonderful person my friend is!(T.); How pale you have become!(P.); How extraordinary that girl on the truck was!(F.)

3. Exclamation mark is placed at the end of incentive sentences in which an order, a requirement expressed in the form imperative mood verb, emotionally charged: Get up! Get out of here!(Ch.); "Hold it!" - the old man moaned, pushing the longboat away from the shore(Sh.).

4. Exclamation mark is placed at the end of incentive sentences expressed in a non-imperative form of the verb: Phones! Fast!(Sim.); The officer threw the paper on the table. "Subscribe!"(M.G.); So that I don't hear such conversations anymore!

5. Exclamation mark is placed at the end of a nominative (nominative) sentence if it is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation: Emergency! (G.); This is my crown, the crown of shame!(P.)

6. Exclamation mark is placed at the end of an address word, an interjection sentence or an address sentence if it is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation: Of course! (T.); Right! Right!(Vs. Iv.); No no!(Crimea.); "Sabbath!" - someone shouted in an angry and torn voice(M.G.); Sonya (in a tone of reproach): Uncle! (Ch.)

7. Exclamation mark placed in brackets to express the author’s attitude towards someone else’s text (agreement, approval or irony, indignation): “Our observations were carried out over a number of years, the conclusions were confirmed by numerous experiments (!), the main provisions were discussed at various meetings” - one can completely agree with these words of the author of the new study.(See also § 2, paragraph 6.) To enhance the function of the exclamation (question) mark when expressing the writer’s attitude towards someone else’s text, a combination of both signs in brackets is found: ...The notorious...William Buckley, whom the New York Times called "a fierce supporter of conservative positions," published... a eulogy under the dashing headline: "The Neutron Bomb is a Unique Anti-War (?!) Weapon"(gas.).

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§ 3. Exclamation mark 1. An exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence: Eh, yes, it’s a thunderstorm! (T.); Bon voyage! (Leather) Note. An exclamation mark may be placed in exclamatory sentences after each homogeneous member to indicate

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Who can say exactly how many punctuation marks there are in the Russian language? No matter who you ask, the answers will be very different, but, as a rule, they will forget something. There are 10 punctuation marks in the Russian language, and they are used to express the most different meanings. Let's list them: period, comma, dash, exclamation point, question mark, semicolon, colon, parentheses, quotation marks and ellipses. Of course, such a punctuation system was not formed immediately, and, as you might guess, the first sign was the dot, but the last to be used were the ellipses and dashes. Today we are talking about the exclamation mark, the history of its origin, and also answering the question of why an exclamation mark is needed in the Russian language.

The history of the origin of the exclamation mark

So why does the exclamation mark have this shape? Some may be surprised, but this sign originated from letter combination"lo", which in Latin was used to express joy and was placed at the end of a sentence. Subsequently, the letter “o” began to be written under the “l” in the form of a small circle, which then completely turned into a dot. In this form, this punctuation mark entered the Russian language. So if you think that modern “emoticons” are some kind of new invention, then you are in vain. As they say, “there is nothing new under the sun,” and they knew how to express joy on paper several thousand years ago. We find the first mentions of the exclamation mark in the Russian language in the ancient grammars of V.E. Adodurov and M. Smotritsky, who wrote about the so-called “amazing” mark, as the exclamation mark was called in those days. But the first rules for using this sign were formulated in his grammar of the Russian language by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov in 1755.

Using an exclamation point

Surely many will turn to this article to write an essay on why an exclamation mark and other punctuation marks are needed. Therefore, first, let’s figure out what an exclamatory sentence is. An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses one or another emotional connotation. These can be sentences expressing joy, delight, surprise, fear, reproach and other emotions. It is also customary to place an exclamation mark at the end of sentences in which categorical motives are expressed and in which the question is accompanied by the expression of some emotion (that is, at the end of incentive and interrogative sentences, respectively). So, let's briefly formulate some rules for placing an exclamation mark.

  1. An exclamation mark is used at the end of all exclamatory sentences.
  2. The exclamation point is used at the end of sentences with rhetorical question(no answer required).
  3. An exclamation point instead of a comma is used in emotional appeals.
  4. An exclamation mark is placed at the end of sentences beginning with exclamation words ("how", "what", "what for", etc.).
  5. After interjections, as well as after the words “yes” and “no,” an exclamation mark is placed to indicate strong feelings and emotions.
  6. To indicate intermittency of speech, an exclamation mark can be placed after each homogeneous member of the sentence.
  7. If the interrogative sentence is also an exclamation point, then an exclamation mark is placed at the end after the question mark.
  8. In brackets, an exclamation mark is placed either to express different feelings, or it means “attention!”

As you know, human speech is emotional. However, written language unable to convey emotionality verbally. For emotional enhancement and better perception of text information, adopted in Russian typography following signs punctuation:

« ? » - question mark. Placed at the end of a sentence instead of a period to express a question or doubt.

« ! » - exclamation mark. Placed at the end of a sentence instead of a period to express joy, delight, amazement, etc. In addition, the exclamation mark is used when addressing someone (“Comrades!”, “Gentlemen!”), as well as to indicate an imperative mood or giving a command (“Stop!”, “Danger!”).

« !!! » - It can be used instead of an exclamation mark to indicate the highest degree of emotionality of the relationship.

« ?! » - exclamation question. Placed at the end of a sentence instead of a period to express a question, when the question must be emphasized emotionally.

« !.. » - exclamation mark-ellipsis. Unlike the ellipsis punctuation mark, only two dots are placed after the exclamation mark, not three.

« (!) » - . An unorthographic punctuation mark that is widely used in print. A common use is to draw attention to the absurdity of a quote or statement. In professional press, on the contrary, it is used to draw attention to special important points text. Used within a sentence, immediately after the text to which it relates. NOT the end of a sentence.

« (?) “- unfortunately, I don’t know the name of this sign. Also, an unorthographic sign used during reviewing to express bewilderment or disagreement with the stated thought, idea, quote.

We draw attention to typical errors in the use of question marks and exclamation marks:

1. Before the signs " ? », « ! », « ?! », « !!! », « !.. " there is never a space. Recording “Hello!!! How are you?" - incorrect, correct writing: “Hello!!! How are you?"

2. After the signs " ? », « ! », « ?! », « !!! », « !.. " is always followed by a space. There are objective reasons that prevent us from putting a space, for example, limiting the number of characters (SMS, Twitter). But there is no such restriction in blogs and diaries, so be literate.

3. Signs " (!) " And " (?) " are not punctuation marks; they are subject to the rules as if they were a sentence word. They are always preceded by a space. If satirical exclamation mark ends a phrase, followed by a punctuation mark.

4. The following spelling options for combinations of exclamation and question marks are not available in Russian and only emphasize the author’s illiteracy:
« ?? », « !? », « !! », « ?!?! “, - I think there are other options, which make no sense to list.

A punctuation mark (!), placed at the end (and in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, inverted) of an exclamation sentence, sometimes an address, etc.... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

exclamation mark- (Astonisher) punctuation mark [period, comma, colon, dash, ellipsis, etc.], expressing exclamation, increased intonation. Placed at the end of a sentence, and in some languages ​​(for example, Spanish) also at the beginning of a sentence in... ... Font terminology

Exclamation mark

Exclamation mark- An exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence (including the words of a sentence), for example: He loves me, he loves me so much! (Chekhov); Rather, an overcoat and a hat! (A. N. Tolstoy); Right! Right! (Vs. Ivanov). Note 1. In... ... A reference book on spelling and style

exclamation mark- a punctuation mark (!), placed at the end (and in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, inverted) of an exclamation sentence, sometimes an address, etc. * * * EXCLAMATION MARK EXCLAMATION MARK, punctuation mark (!) ,… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

exclamation mark- A punctuation mark that is placed: 1) at the end of an exclamation sentence. Oh, if only I could rise to the sky just once! (Bitter); 2) optionally in exclamatory sentences with homogeneous members after each homogeneous member to indicate... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

Exclamation mark (!)

Exclamation mark (!)- a punctuation mark that is placed after expressions containing surprise or invocation... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

exclamation mark- punctuation mark. It means expressiveness at the end of a sentence (exclamation): How vast these squares are, How echoing and steep the bridges are! or when addressing: Lord! I am careless, your stingy slave (A. Akhmatova. “How vast these areas are...”; “You gave me... ... Literary encyclopedia

Exclamation mark- see punctuation marks... Big Soviet encyclopedia


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The exclamation mark is essentially the most commonly used punctuation mark among the ten punctuation marks in the Russian language and the most significant significant sign punctuation in world languages. Although appearance it may vary slightly. In this publication, we have summarized information about what the exclamation mark means in various fields of activity and when it first began to be mentioned.

According to historians, the very first mentions of the exclamation mark go back to the 16th century. It was discovered in ancient grammars public figure and writer M. Smotritsky. Interesting detail- in that distant time, the exclamation symbol was called an amazing sign. However, the first rules for the use of this symbol were officially established by M. V. Lomonosov in the Russian Grammar in 1755. In England, a similar sign was introduced much earlier and was interpreted as a sign of admiration or exclamation “sign of admiration or exclamation”.

Versions of the origin of the exclamation mark

Nowadays, there are 3 versions of the origin of the exclamation mark:

First version. According to her, the exclamation mark was borrowed from English language "note of admiration" and is translated as a note of amazement. If we express " note of admiration“If we try to translate it in Google Translator, it will be translated as “exclamation mark.”

Second version. Some linguists argue that the exclamation mark was borrowed from Latin language"lo", which can be translated as "joy". To make the drawing of this symbol a little easier and simpler, the letters “l” were placed above the letter “o”.

Third version. There is an opinion that the exclamation mark came from a figure that was made with the hand, and which resembles the modern gesture - the middle finger raised up, only in our case the finger should be the index finger and such a gesture indicated that the words of this person had to be taken seriously .

The exclamation mark was used in different areas activities. It can be found in both programming and household appliances, and in transport and in mathematics, etc.

Using the exclamation mark in writing

  • Can replace a comma in some sentences to emphasize the emotional appeal.
  • An exclamation mark can be used at the end of a question sentence, but it should be placed according to the rules of Russian grammar, only after the question mark.
  • To emphasize some absurdity or lie, you can put in a sentence satirical exclamation mark, which is enclosed in parentheses.
  • There is an exclamation mark in the letter the sign is placed at the end of the sentence to emphasize joy, amazement, appeal, surprise, excitement, the importance of the appeal, etc.
Can also be used in many other situations!

Exclamation mark in transport

  • It can be found in traffic rules.
  • It is also present in the car's operating instructions. In this case, an exclamation mark highlights sentences on which you should focus your attention and on special nuances when operating a vehicle.
  • In addition, car enthusiasts can find this symbol and on the dashboard of their car if they made a mistake somewhere. For example, gas runs out, or the door is not closed. This is an alarming indication and should be avoided.
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However, most often the exclamation mark can be found on the rear window of the car. This means that the driver is an inexperienced beginner who has less than 3 years of driving experience.

Exclamation mark in mathematics

An exclamation point in mathematics denotes subfactorial first with the sign "!", followed by the letter "n" - "!n" or en factorial, then the designation is the opposite - "n!".

Exclamation mark in programming

  • In PHP or HTML (Hyper Text Markup Languages), the exclamation mark can be found in the creation of a comment when creating tables, styles, blocks, etc. This is done to make programming easier for the web developer.
  • Also an exclamation mark flanked by quotation marks "!" denotes the logical negation operation.

Exclamation mark in household appliances

A similar symbol indicates a violation of the main parameters or some kind of breakdown.
For example, in some refrigerators, when an exclamation mark appears on the external display, it means a violation of the temperature regime, namely its increase for some unknown reason. For example, in the refrigerator Veko model cn 332220 s an exclamation mark lights up, this most likely means a breakdown. In addition, in multicookers, an exclamation mark may also appear in case of warnings or malfunctions.

Inverted exclamation point - meaning

This sign is used V Spanish . It is placed at the beginning of an exclamation sentence, as an addition to the main exclamation symbol.