Eclipses, Or Signs of Fate. Solar Eclipse. Practices and Meditations

You should perform your operations for the first two objects only when the sun, earth and moon are in conjunction in the same line and in the same plane.

(c) Magical grimoire “Triangle book” by Count Saint-Germain.


Eclipse times are special. At this time, the moon passes between the earth and the sun and for some time the influence of the energy of light in us weakens and the entire shadow is exposed and clearly manifests itself. It is this time that nature freezes and stops, taking a pause. This pause is important because in order to take a breath, you must first exhale. To bring something into your life, you first need to free yourself from the unnecessary. This is precisely why this pause before planning is needed so that the liberated shadow side of our personality can manifest itself and thereby come into the light of awareness and transform.
People born during a time close to an eclipse are unfortunately deprived of much freedom of choice. Their path may be more predetermined on the one hand, but on the other hand, certainty can provide greater stability and solidity. After all, not many of us like too much change and uncertainty. The life of a person during eclipses is associated with a period of 18.5 years, the so-called Saros cycle. Events and situations in life can repeat themselves in this cycle, like a squirrel in a wheel. But this may not be a wheel, but a spiral along which a person rises higher and higher. Here it is important to look at the lunar birthday for women and the solar birthday for men.
The eclipse itself begins from the moment of the first touch. The moment when the shadow just touches the sun and begins to cover it. And it is at this time that you need to begin the practice of cleansing or summing up, depending on how many days there are in the current lunar month. I will give both practices. The practice of cleansing if there is a 29th lunar day before the first lunar day after a solar eclipse. And the practice of summing up if there were 30 lunar days in the current lunar month.
The difference between eclipses occurring at the transition of 29-1 lunar day and 30-1 lunar day is very large.
If the transition occurs after 29 lunar day then the main practice will be to cleanse and remove the blocks that prevent you from achieving what you want. When the transition starts from the 30th lunar day, we have a unique opportunity to move to new level. This must be taken into account in your meditation practice and preparation for the eclipse.
Thus, the practice of working through an eclipse is divided into two parts. The first is purification or purification and summing up. The second is the planning itself.
It is advisable to check in advance on what day relative to your personal lunar Mandala the eclipse occurs and the annual lunar mandala. View external and internal oppositions. This will make it easier for you to understand what exactly needs to be worked on at this time, where the obstacles will be and what the next cycle will be devoted to.
The first part can begin from the moment the shadow touches the luminary and end a few minutes before the highest point of the eclipse. The second begins at the beginning of the 1st lunar day. Therefore, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.
It is also important to know that by their nature, eclipses can be total, partial and annular. A total eclipse and a partial eclipse carry their influence until the next eclipse where adjustments can be made. The larger the shadow, the greater the influence. The ring bears its influence on a person’s life for as long as 18.5 years. It awakens karmic knots that will affect us for many years. person. The changes that will happen to you after a solar eclipse can often be predicted by the events that took place during the period lunar eclipse, before the sun. Be attentive to signs from space at this time.
If you want to find out in more detail how the ongoing eclipse affects you personally, then it is better to contact a professional astrologer. Based on the location of the sun and moon at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope, an astrologer can give you personal recommendations on elaboration. This is the best option.
The essence of the eclipse is read by nodes. And we need to see what sign they are in and what their connection with the planets is at the time of the eclipse.
South node carries information about what has already become obsolete. This is an experience that has already been mastered and does not need further elaboration. But at the same time, it's something we can lean on without getting attached.
North node speaks of what should enter our lives. This is something you need to pay special attention to when you write plans and perform meditation. Something you don’t need to resist, but rather remove internal obstacles. This is the area in which our spiritual and material development lies. next period time.
For example, the April 2013 eclipse took place along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Moon was in Scorpio, the Sun was in Taurus. This means that the main theme of elaboration of our world was emotions and related financial matters and stability issues. During this period, it was possible to increase cash and material flows, or it was possible..... vice versa. And this is for the next 18.5 years.

2.Keys to performing the solar eclipse practice.

As life has shown, if all the keys are fulfilled, then the implementation takes place within several weeks. Therefore, these keys are exactly that magical wand that launches your plans into realization. Therefore, preparation for an eclipse begins with the preceding lunar eclipse.

During a lunar eclipse (+- three days), everything that will be important for the next period will clearly manifest itself in your life. Be attentive to signs from space. Situations may escalate and must be urgently addressed and resolved. At the same time this best moment when you can get rid of the internal blocks that prevent us from fulfilling our desires.
Therefore, the first key is to pay attention to the signs during the lunar eclipse preceding the solar one.
The second key is the location of the sun at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope at the current moment. This is checked by an astrologer, where the main direction is determined, what you will remove and clean, and what you need to pay special attention to in making your plans. What to pay more attention to because then all heavenly and earthly space will help you in your implementation.
The third key is writing plans for the correct period depending on what type of eclipse.
Key four. Don't limit yourself. Sometimes Heaven offers us more high level, and we underestimate it in our plans. Try removing the top bar. Give Heaven the opportunity to give you a gift.
The fifth key and very important. Desires must be from the heart and true, and not imposed from the outside. Be sure to check everything you plan for compliance with your true intentions.
The sixth key is the most important. This should benefit all living beings. Then you receive help and support in the implementation of all your plans from all heavenly and earthly Forces.

3. Preparing for the eclipse and the necessary tools

You can write down a few days before the start of the eclipse practice everything that you want to plan for the next year (if the eclipse is partial) or for the next 19.5 years (if the eclipse is annular or total). This can be done on the 24,25,27 and 28 lunar days.
Check every point of your plans for truth and environmental friendliness. This is done on the 25th or 28th lunar day before a solar eclipse. This will strengthen planning practices and speed up implementation.
Before the eclipse, prepare three white candles. They are intended depending on what tradition you are in for the Highest Manifestations of the Divine. These could be the Three Norns spinning the thread of fate. You can light them for the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's up to you.
Also take a purple angel shaped candle, white or just wax. If you don’t find a curly one, then take a regular wax one.
And two working candles. You will light one for the first practice, the second directly for the planning itself. The candles should burn for about an hour. Don't go too big or too small. Although in practice I observed when absolutely identical candles burned out in five minutes during practice. The second one burned for two hours.
And now the keys to the practice itself.

4. Key first.

7. Meditation and planning practice during a solar eclipse:

Before practice, take a shower, put on clean clothes and prepare a place for meditation.
You can do any cleansing practice from my book “Moon Practices”
Light three candles as an offering to the Norns if you are in the Nordic tradition.
Ask higher powers to guide you during your practice. And so that everything is done correctly and on time and that your actions benefit all living beings.
Light a candle for your Guardian Angel. Ask him to help you during your practice
Have a glass clean water in small sips.
Looking into the candlelight, write a list of what you want to get rid of.
Look at yourself in the mirror.

7.1. Purification Meditation:

Purification meditation is performed before the sun has passed the peak of the eclipse and while the 29th or 30th lunar day is still underway.
Take a comfortable position. The arms and legs are open and do not cross.
During practice, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Breathing is soft and calm as usual. There is no need to open your mouth wide as you exhale. Just relax and open it slightly while exhaling.
Take three deep breaths. So that as you inhale, your stomach and chest expand as much as possible, and as you exhale, they relax and fall on their own under the force of gravity.
Feel the outer surface of your body and look at interior space(if you regularly performed the practice " The best remedy rejuvenation - Movement at rest" from my book women's practices then it will be easy for you to do it)
Imagine that in front of you is the image you just saw in the mirror.
Remember what you wrote on your list.
Find the place in your body where you see and feel the first problem on your list. Something you want to get rid of. How does it look and feel? Maybe it's some kind of symbol or object. For example, resentment may look like a stone or a knife in the back. Or just color and shape. Find a problem in your body that bothers you. Thank her for being in your life for the lessons that you learned thanks to her. Send it to the phantom image that we have created and which is in front of you outside of your body.

Then do the same for the other problems on your list. When all problems are sent to the created phantom. Look at him with love and gratitude. Now these problems are not with you but with the phantom. Thank the phantom for taking on these problems and sending them to those places where they should be outside of our world. Under your attention, the phantom may begin to shrink and gradually turn into a small, shining purple star. Take a deep breath and exhale and send it to the sky.
It is better that the launch into the sky occurs a couple of minutes before the transition begins.
Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and observe what happens to your sensations and experiences at the moment the sun passes through the maximum of the eclipse.

The next practice follows purification and begins only at the moment of the peak of the eclipse and the passage of the first lunar day!!!

And as the sun enters the new lunar day, we need to fill in the empty spaces.
Imagine that a ray of light is coming down from the sky towards you. It fills the entire space around with light, clear light. Feel your skin and the places where it comes into contact with the air and where it comes into contact with clothing. Think of your skin as the outer surface of your body. Start inhaling the light that comes from the sky through the surface of the body, through the skin. With each inhalation and exhalation, the body expands and contracts as balloon. Fill your body with light, especially those places that you have cleansed. Fill yourself with light and clarity.
When you do this, take three deep breaths and exhale, gently stretch your whole body and you can proceed to the next part of the practice. The purification practice is completed.
A sheet of paper with written problems is burned and the ashes are buried in the ground or sent with water into the toilet with the words “where the water goes, there is trouble.”

7.2. Working with planning.

Light a new white or wax candle. Take a sheet of yellow paper and a pen with red ink.
Looking at the candle, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near and not only future. Write a list of your plans.
Before writing each point, first look into the candlelight. Let it help your desire to be pure and clear. Avoid the word NOT and negative expressions. Write not in the future or in the past, but in the present tense. And may all your wishes be wise and bring benefit to all living beings. Having completed the list of plans and desires, we again drink a glass of fresh water in small sips and settle into a comfortable position for meditation.
We are already filled with light, so just remember this state of being filled with light, calm and relaxed. A state of clarity and peace. In this state, draw in your imagination living picture as if your desire and plan have already come true. Create a circle of blue light as a frame for the picture. Remember how in the fairy tale about the silver plate. Who is next to you when your wish is realized. How do you feel? Are you and the other participants in the film comfortable?
Check to see if your wish is true!!!
If the body is tense and there is no smile, then begin to change the picture until a joyful soft smile appears on the face, the body relaxes and the breathing is soft and calm, through the chest and stomach at the same time. And in your imagination you will be able to observe and feel peace, tranquility and calm joy from the picture of a fulfilled desire. Let the image go into the heavens with a blue glow. Smile and thank space, heaven, and your guardian angel for your help.
Then we do the same with two more wishes.
Having sent the third wish into the sky with blue light, check your body and scan your internal space. If there is no light somewhere, then again invite a ray from the sky and fill your entire inner space with the light of clarity. This concludes the practice.
Stretch gently, take a few deep breaths. Give thanks higher powers, guardian angel, God in whom you believe or higher self for help in practice.
Written plans can be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind. Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out on their own.

But each eclipse carries its own energies and each time the practice changes, emphasis is placed on various areas life. Therefore, stay tuned for new articles on eclipses in the group section

Source: Dietrich Pessin. Lunar eclipses: Trans. from English O. Matveeva, - M.: TsAI, 1997

The influence of solar eclipses in general outline varies depending on which Lunar Node the eclipse occurs near.

Solar eclipse in Ascending Node- this is a new moon near the Ascending Lunar Node. In any case, a solar eclipse brings serious changes to the life of large groups and to the personal life of each person if it forms an arc major aspect to the personal planets of the natal chart of a state, organization, pair union, or person. Later, recalling the events that occurred during the period of activity of the eclipse, people talk about these events as very important, and characterize them with such epithets as “most important”, “fateful”, “great”, “fatal”, “fatal”, “ turning".

A solar eclipse at the Ascending Lunar Node marks the beginning of a vital important events, which relate to our personality more than to the personality of those with whom we have a “you - to me, I - to you” relationship. During such eclipses, the emphasis is not on our relationships with other people, on issues of our alliances and associations, our open hostility and confrontation with others and the world as a whole. Solar eclipses in the Ascending Lunar Node, on the contrary, accentuate the sphere of our personal life where it does not come into contact with another significant person. Questions are raised of our purely personal interests, our sovereignty, individuality, physical body, appearance, demeanor, clothing style. This includes issues relating to personal freedom and personal living space. Usually these are issues that require our urgent inclusion and attention according to the “I” principle. This can cause us to become deeply involved in activities in which our personal end goal and interest are clearly visible. We may find ourselves working on our own or jumping into a big new endeavor with enthusiasm as the energies of this eclipse orient us toward entrepreneurship and encourage personal creativity. In any case, the influence of this eclipse is expressed in the fact that something new begins in our lives.

Solar eclipse in the Ascending (North) Node in signs and houses.

Aries or 1st house: the focus is on personal initiatives aimed at acting independently. Pay special attention to your general health. For example, intensive bodybuilding classes, massage courses, cosmetic treatments, new style clothes. Important topic independence becomes. Relationships fade into the background. There may be difficulties in relationships due to the fact that your aggressiveness has increased, your reaction to your partner’s behavior has become more spontaneous, your indignation is no longer hidden, and your proactive impulses are stronger. This may be the beginning of a period of developing your own individuality, associated with learning some new skills and abilities that develop your personality. You may feel that you are identifying yourself with some important mission or serious matter. You may be fighting for your rights or want to establish a completely new perspective for your life.

Taurus or 2nd house: the focus is on money, personal possessions, the ability to independently earn everything you need to live and spend your money. Questions of self-esteem and personal worth arise. You may be involved in financial management, securities, bonds. If you have been having problems with your spending habits, there may be events that will cause those habits to change. The way you make money may change. You can start making a living doing what you love most. You can seriously focus on your value system and change the emphasis of priorities in it. You may feel more loved and more valuable. Self-esteem may improve. Your attitude towards your own health as an energy resource may change.

Gemini or 3rd house: the focus is on communications, short distance travel, transport, brothers, sisters and neighbors, issues of education, documentation, teaching, learning, writing activity, trade. This may be a period of increased visits, business trips and visitors. There may be a change in the immediate environment as a result of moving or involvement in studies. The number is increasing paperwork. You may feel an irresistible attraction to writing. Perhaps they will talk about you in the press. Eclipses in Gemini and the 3rd house are characterized by an abundance of nervous tension and often give rise to anxiety. Your personal prospects may improve in relation to making decisions regarding your mental activity, your connections, acquaintances, communication, and everyday life. You can get important message, which will turn out to be the missing puzzle in the picture that you have been putting together for a long time. In one way or another, this eclipse may bring important information for you and new way deal with the facts.

Cancer or 4th house: the focus is on issues of home, real estate, care, raising children, relationships with parents, folk traditions, fundamental principles of worldview, events in the homeland. You can make an important move for yourself, buy or sell a house or land. A change in career is possible due to the need to solve the problem of personal safety, protect yourself, and get the desired emotions. Perhaps you will find some new information related to family, or become interested in your genealogy. You can begin a course of psychotherapy, a journey of self-discovery to the origins of your existence. You can strengthen, restore or destroy family ties.

Leo or 5th house: your time can be devoted to children. Your creative endeavors and hobbies may turn into something more meaningful. Yours may come to the fore love life. One of the themes of this period may be vacation, entertainment, play, pleasure, flirting, scam, risky adventure, gambling and speculation. It is possible to receive money from real estate or from parents.

Virgo or 6th house: there may be major changes in established home care practices, tools, household appliances, means of transportation, pets, in relations with servants and employees. The focus is on nutrition, all aspects of health, daily routines and habit patterns. Possible high tide physical strength. There may be sudden changes in your diet or tastes. Pets and their needs play an important role. Attention will be paid to home renovations and the details of daily life. You can create a more organized space in your home or office, or create a new type of service. Important changes may occur in relation to routine tasks, work routines, co-workers and unions.

Libra or 7th house: an eclipse in this house or sign does not necessarily indicate a new partnership or marriage, but it often does, especially if the ruler of the 7th house is favorably placed. You may find changes in your relationships with important others, partners, or a strong connection with someone new. Someone important to you may enter into marriage, union, or, conversely, leave this relationship. This eclipse can bring legal issues, litigation, litigation, and the need to restore justice.

Scorpio or 8th house: If you are expecting property settlements or money coming in from legal proceedings, this eclipse could bring revival in these areas. With this eclipse, you may also discover a way to repair your bad credit line. Your partners can pay off their financial debts and settle long-overdue obligations. Very often, the issues of this house are psychological in nature: mental crises, marginal situations, breaking stereotypes. This can be a time of complete personal transformation. Attention may focus on issues of fertility, pregnancy and childbirth. You may experience feelings of abandonment or feel like you have been emotionally robbed. During this eclipse, your understanding of your own sexuality or your sexual behavior may change. There may be a question of a serious abuse of your trust by another person.

Sagittarius or 9th house: this may be a period of major change in your cultural orientation. You can establish contact with people whose culture is foreign to yours. A long trip (one or more) is possible. Your prospects expand. If you want to publish something, then this is the time for you. Your sibling's marriage partner may be at the center of a major change in your life. Politics can play an important role in your life. Noticeable growth in your personal freedom and need for more personal space.

Capricorn or 10th house: attention is drawn to your most significant goals. During this time, you can work very hard on your career or pursuing your calling (which does not always coincide). This can be a time of receiving recognition for career achievements, propelling you forward. There may be questions related to high management or the company you work for. If you are a boss, there may still be questions regarding authority figures or organizations for you. The issue of your image and the corresponding presentation of yourself in society becomes incredibly important. If the ruler of the 10th house is located inharmoniously and has tense aspects, a long period of troubles in public life, career, calling, when you can be paralyzed by the fear of failure. You may find yourself becoming the head of the family in some ways, perhaps making decisions for older family members or becoming their main support. You may be thinking about your own home, but you will still have to wait for a new moon or eclipse in your 4th house.

Aquarius or 11th house: very often at this time people become involved in own initiative to some group work. You may be attracted to participating in joint public projects. The focus may be on your child's stepson/stepdaughter or marital partner. Your grown child may leave home and start independent life or bring a friend to the house who will stay for long time. Issues related to alienation are likely: You may feel like a stranger to your family, friends, employees, co-workers, or you may find that people around you are put off by your behavior.

Pisces or 12th house: The agenda may include issues related to the past, or issues related to visiting a hospital, prison, almshouse, closed institutions, rehabilitation centers, etc. You can meet your soul mate. Relationships during this period are characterized by sympathy and empathy. Questions often arise regarding the abuse of certain substances. Attention may be focused on poetry and dreams of visiting places associated with everything mysterious, unknown or long forgotten. This could be the beginning of new mystical activities. Exploring yourself and your inner relationship with your true self is good way using the energy of this eclipse. For those who suffer from loneliness, this eclipse can be brought out of isolation by some method. This eclipse may provide some much-needed downtime to do some behind-the-scenes work. This can be one of the most inspiring times of your life.

Look at the aspects of the eclipse to the planets and points of the horoscope.

November 21, 2011

An eclipse is a symbol of change. They will be felt especially strongly by people with personal planets or house angles in aspect to the Eclipse. Also born near a darkening. The rest are different. In any case, the February eclipse will be stronger and longer than many previous ones, which means its influence will be much more noticeable.

You can read about the meaning of the eclipse in February 2018 and how to work with their energy. In this same article, we will talk about the personal meaning of the eclipse for each of us.

In what area of ​​your life changes will occur as a result of this astrological event depends on what place, or in other words - house of the natal chart, the eclipse will fall. Find in which house the degree of the transiting Sun is located on the day of the eclipse and watch events. Eclipses usually have a certain element of fatality, so you can spread your sails and take advantage of the wind of change, improving the situation, or resist to the last, receiving pokes from the universe. But what needs to happen will happen. This is the nature of eclipses.

IN in this case It is important to consider not just one house, but the axis - the point of the eclipse and the point of its opposition. Opposition is always a choice, and an eclipse is fatality, suddenness, a situation of necessity, a turning point, the beginning or the end. There is no need to be afraid of eclipses, they simply indicate that energy is in certain place our lives will require more than others. It doesn’t matter whether circumstances turn out that way or whether we want it ourselves.

Somewhere we have to work hard, make an effort, focus our attention and change something or accept changes that happened without us. The eclipse will exacerbate a certain conflict and confrontation within us, setting us the task of finding our own “mean” between two extremes.

What does the eclipse have in store for us?

1st house I am 7th house partner - this is the sphere of everything that relates directly to our personality - character, image, charisma, behavior, initiative, vital energy. An eclipse in the first house indicates changes primarily at the level of attitude and oneself in the world. You will want or have to change yourself, your ways of presenting yourself, your level of activity, your image. Circumstances may require you to become tougher, more selfish, and not pay attention to the opinions of others. Or vice versa - learn to negotiate, seek compromise, adapt and build partnerships. After all, this is also the sphere of partnership, one-on-one relationships. Friends, lovers and spouses, business partners and competitors. So what exactly is required of you - circumstances will tell you - focus on your inner feelings and remember - the time has come for change. This means that if you previously chose one strategy, now you will have to act differently.

Key questions of the period - Which I am who I am, I am in a relationship, I am close to others, being alone or with someone, how to deal with someone, whom to choose.

Internal conflict - I-You

2 house-sphere of personal resources - 8th house - sphere of other people's resources. The sphere of the 2nd house includes both our personally earned money and any other material assets that belong to us. This also includes our body. Expect changes in this area. The level, methods or scope of earnings may change. Or perhaps you want to take up a new sport, or completely change your wardrobe, or finally buy that very cherished item that you have been saving for so long. “Other people’s money” may also appear on the horizon. Loans, loans, payments on deposits, business tied to common (group) capital.

In addition, an eclipse in this axis may indicate the receipt of an inheritance or the beginning of practices aimed at personal transformation - yoga, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, holotropic breathing, etc. If you have been planning spiritual work, the time has come. Also, an eclipse on the 2-8 axis can simply speak of a combination of events from different spheres that will result in serious and profound changes.

Questions that will be raised - on what I am capable of, what depends on me, how I deal with power and responsibility, how much I I take it upon myself, what’s mine?

Conflict - Mine - Yours (someone else's).

3rd house - the sphere of contacts and concrete information - 9th house - the sphere of authority, abstract information. An eclipse in the third house can bring changes in your social circle, new training, travel, moving within your home country. Or maybe you will have a nephew, since changes may affect your relatives - especially brothers and sisters. Also, this position may indicate receipt of fateful information or news. You may have a craving or need to work with information - writing texts, searching for materials, collecting and processing data.

There may also be important trips abroad, meeting high-status people, and increasing your authority. Perhaps you will defend your dissertation or publish your book, start teaching, or vice versa, meet your spiritual mentor. Questions of faith, tolerance, ideals and principles may arise.

The main internal issues are what I believe, what I am ready for for..., what I ready to share with others, what I am ready to take from others, what is true for me, what kind of person I am and what What does it mean to me to be human?

Conflict - My opinion - Your opinion (someone else's).

4th house - the sphere of family and home - 10th house career, social status. Changes may affect the structure and relationships in the family, usually the parental family. Perhaps one of your close relatives will change their status - retire or go to work, and this event will significantly affect the entire family. Changes can affect both the work team and, in general, everyone who is “like family” to you. Another place where the influence of the eclipse can be seen is your home. Repairs, moving, purchasing significant expensive items for the home or real estate itself. Or vice versa - the long-awaited sale of land or apartment.

Or maybe you decide to do family constellations or compilation family tree. Perhaps family issues will be raised in one way or another in connection with a change in your social status - starting a new job, promotion, retirement, marriage, changes professional responsibilities, or you decide to get rid of boring office work by replacing it with your own business.

The main internal questions of the period - where are my roots, what can I rely on? Where do I come from and where am I going? What is the purpose of my life? What do I live for?

Conflict - My feelings - my mind (family - work).

5th house - the sphere of creativity, joy, pleasure, fun and children, as well as good luck - 11th house of the group, the public and its opinion, the crowd. An eclipse in this sector may indicate the birth of a new creative project, in which you will become a key figure, a creator - a novel or a course of lectures, a workshop or a sports competition - it does not matter - any manifestation of your individuality in practice, demonstrating it through your work to the world. This also includes holidays and competitions - perhaps you will be lucky in the game or the universe has prepared a lot of entertainment for you during this period.

Or maybe this really concerns children? Directly - the birth of a child in the family, or changes associated with children - the first trip to kindergarten, school, college, marriage, winning a competition, etc. Or indirectly - you will have to spend a lot of time with your children. Or what is connected with them - working with toys, cartoons, etc. In addition, your social position, team, wide circle communication, increase your activity in society and the Internet.

The main questions are: Me as an individual, Am I part of society or a faceless detail of the crowd, Me and public opinion?

Conflict - My uniqueness is my desire to be like everyone else (part of the group).

6th house - the sphere of work, everyday worries - 12th house - the sphere of spirituality, secrets, soul. Whatever the changes of the eclipse affect, it will significantly affect your daily routine, routine activities, obligations, daily life. Responsibilities at work, relationships with superiors or subordinates may change, you may have to take care of someone, help someone, or someone will want to do this for you. A business or activity may arise that requires special attention to detail, concentration.

On the other hand, your attention may be focused on creativity, issues of immigration and abroad, and communication with foreigners. Or secrets - both in work and in personal life. Or maybe it’s the other way around - some secrets will be revealed, something will become clearer and finally find a clear framework and definition. Perhaps this is a time of gaining faith, miracles or insight, understanding the simple truth of life, when the fog dissipates and the world appears clear and clear, or a period of rethinking your entire life.

One way or another, the main questions will be - who am I - but this is not a question of the 1st house. This is a question arising from the experience gained, a question at the end of the cycle, final, summing up. What can I take from my experience and what should I leave behind? What can I change and what should I accept?

Conflict - I am a moment - I am eternity

Solar eclipses occur 2 to 5 times a year. Most eclipses go unmarked and unremarkable for an individual person. No wonder: in order to influence the solar eclipse (hereinafter referred to as SZ) signified some certain conditions must be met:

  • NW forms a conjunction with one of the natal planets
  • NW creates an opposition to one of the planets in the horoscope
  • NW conjuncts the South or North Lunar Node in the natal chart
  • NW connects with one of the angles of the horoscope (cusps of I, IV, VII, X houses)

Moreover, if a person was born shortly before or shortly after a solar or lunar eclipse, the influence of the eclipse affecting important points in the horoscope of this person will intensify and appear brighter.

If the influence of eclipses in aspects with natal planets and in astrological literature is described more or less exhaustively, then cases when the eclipse falls on the cusp of an angular house, to put it mildly, have been little studied.

IN best case scenario we can find vague indications that with such a constellation, for some time after the eclipse, we can expect changes in the theme of the house where the eclipse occurred. But what kind of changes, bad or good? The literature is silent about this.

I set out to figure out how to identify the plus and minus events that the NW marks on the cusp of the cardinal house. I did some research and found a marker that indicates whether an event will be negative or positive. More on this below.

Material for research

For research I selected 12 natal charts with time stamp. These there were cards me on past life events (for each card at least 7-10 significant events). Thus, I had at my disposal a dozen horoscopes with a well-verified time of birth of a person.

I determined the dates of solar eclipses that were associated with the I, IV, VII or X houses of the selected natal charts. Such There were 22 eclipses. In some cases there was only one eclipse with one corner house, in some cases there was one eclipse with all corners, in some cases there were 2 eclipses with the same corner of the horoscope with a difference of years.

Maximum orb to connect the NW point with the corner house of the natal chart - 2 degrees.

Since The effect of solar eclipses lasts up to six months(from one eclipse to another), I asked respondents to remember what events occurred within 6 months after the date of the designated eclipses. So, they noted the following.

Solar eclipse in conjunction with the Ascendant (1st house of the horoscope)

A solar eclipse on the Ascendant may indicate next events:

  • change in appearance or image
  • changes associated with a person's name
  • changes in personality, character, habits
  • beginnings, initiatives, new things
  • something that has to do with the body and/or physical form

Here's how it manifested itself at the event level in the lives of owners of natal charts in whose radixes an eclipse was recorded on the Ascendant:

  • the girl took a new online nickname and started communicating under it on forums
  • a woman filled out a lot of documents in her name before traveling abroad
  • girl got her first tattoo
  • one of the respondents underwent surgery, which left a scar on her body
  • another woman gave an important report at an international IT conference, which made her name known internationally, this had a great impact on her professional image
  • for two respondents, SZ on the Ascendant marked the beginning of new romantic relationships, that is, it was lost through the opposite house
  • the person was disappointed after getting an unsuitable job; it was a difficult period morally

As you can see, the range of events in the 1st house is quite wide: here is a new tattoo, an operation that almost cost a person his life, a new relationship and pumping up his image to the point of world fame. Events are multipolar: with both negative and positive connotations.

Let's see what SZ gives on the Descendant.

Solar eclipse conjunct the Descendant (on the cusp of the 7th house)

Such an eclipse may indicate the following events:

  • something important that concerns your partner
  • legal proceedings
  • acquiring open enemies

Those people in whose horoscopes the solar eclipse was on the cusp of the 7th house noted the following:

  • Things improved for the roommate with whom the card holder shared housing and he was able to make payments more regularly and punctually
  • The girl’s relationship with her boyfriend has cracked, her relationship with his mother has deteriorated, and her pregnancy ended unsuccessfully
  • another girl broke up with her boyfriend altogether

Here, too, there are both positive events (things have improved for the roommate) and negative ones (the relationship in the couple has fallen apart).

Let's consider the connection of the NW with the vertical axis.

Solar eclipse in conjunction with the IC (cusp of the IV house of the horoscope)

What events can be expected with such a connection? Events related to:

  • family, parents, father
  • family stories, family history
  • house, real estate
  • relocations and change of residence
  • completion, completion of some important, significant affairs

The interviewed respondents, whose charts included connections between the SZ and the cusp of the IV house, voiced the following events that took place in their lives within 6 months after the eclipse:

  • three people quit their jobs, ending their cooperation with employers
  • two people were involved in home renovation at that time
  • The girl's grandmother died of cancer
  • one woman signed up for a long-term women's training to get to the bottom of the reasons for the unsatisfactory situation in her marriage, which subsequently led to a divorce, which she did not regret for a day

And again: we get diverse events. Both sad (death of a family member) and those bringing positive changes (home renovation, moving to a new job).

And finally, consider the events of the X house.

Solar eclipse conjunct the MC (X house cusp)

Such an eclipse can produce memorable events associated with:

  • business, life's work
  • interaction with government structures and regulatory organizations, as well as with superiors
  • reputation or fame, fame
  • mom
  • change in social status

Thus, the respondents identified the following events that followed the eclipse on MC in their natal charts:

  • one girl moved out from her mother and stopped being dependent on her for housing
  • three others took new jobs
  • another girl changed hers social status from unmarried to married - married
  • a woman created her first significant project at work
  • one girl was fired from her job

As we see, there are also events with a “plus” sign (marriage, new job, traveling with mom) and events with a minus sign (dismissal from work).

How to determine what events an eclipse will bring, good or bad?

First of all, you need to remember: everything in this world is relative. What we perceive today as a negative traumatic experience may, over time, turn out to be something that brings us luck and prosperity.

For example, we were fired from work and we worry, perceive it as a tragedy. But time passes and we understand that if we had not been fired then, we would still be sitting in our little cozy swamp, and the dream would never have waited for us.

Or we broke up with a person who was significant and important to us, we are experiencing a strong emotional shaken up, we are in stress and melancholy. But here we are, with whom we are happy together. And we understand that the fact that the previous relationship is over is for the better.

However, we all ordinary people and everyone would like to know in advance where to lay the straw, to know what to prepare for. Therefore, it is logical to want to find out how to understand from the eclipse on the cusp of the corner house what events are ahead, whether we cry or laugh.

I spent a long time researching the natal charts of my clients. Most of the events indicated in the forecast through eclipses on the cardinal axes of the horoscope had either a neutral or positive connotation. But some of them were clearly depressing and sad.

I analyzed whether the following factors influence the positivity or negativity of an event:

  • eclipse on the South or North Lunar Node
  • Saros series
  • degree of eclipse
  • strength and aspects of the ruler of the eclipse in transit
  • the strength and aspects of the natal ruler of the house on whose cusp the eclipse occurred
  • aspects of the eclipse to the natal planets of the horoscope
  • aspects of eclipse planets to each other in transit

Unfortunately, I came to sad conclusions: all these indicators provide some information about the eclipse, but do not directly indicate whether the event indicated by the eclipse will be sad or joyful. In other words, using these parameters you can understand which area the changes will affect, but you cannot understand what kind of changes they will be.

Fortunately, having grouped events by color (positive in one group, negative in another), I drew attention to active participation of Lilith in a number of eclipses, after which negative events occurred in a person’s life. I was able to determine exactly how it is connected Lilith with eclipses - harbingers of failures and sad events.

If a solar eclipse is conjunct the cusp of the I, IV, VII or X house of the natal chart, you need to check if one of the following is present: Lilith's accents and if there is, we can say with great confidence (although not in 100% of cases) that events related to the house affected by the eclipse will not be joyful. If there are no such accents of the Black Moon on the day of the eclipse, then one should expect neutral or joyful events from the upcoming eclipse.

These are the indicators:

  • transit planet, topic manager the house of the natal chart with which the eclipse is conjunct, in converging conjunction with natal or transit Lilith (orb up to 8 degrees).
  • the transit planet that rules the house of the natal chart with which the eclipse is connected, in a divergent conjunction with the natal or transit Lilith (orb up to 8 degrees).

That is, either the ruler of the house in transit on the day of the eclipse is in conjunction with Lilith (transit or natal), or transit Lilith forms a conjunction with the natal or transit ruler of the house affected by the eclipse.

Example 1.

Eclipse on the Ascendant. The Ascendant is ruled by Jupiter. In transit Jupiter in conjunction with transit Lilith - most likely there will be negatively colored events on the subject of the 1st house.

Example 2.

Eclipse on MC. MC ruled by Mercury. On the day of the eclipse, at a distance of 8 degrees from natal Mercury, Lilith is in transit - that is, after some time she will connect with natal Mercury. You can expect unpleasant work-related events.

However, as I said above, eclipses still give more positive or neutral events than negative ones. This means that if you find in your chart a connection of the point of a solar eclipse with one of the corners of the horoscope and at the same time you do not find Lilith’s accents on the eclipse, you can relax: you will not be threatened with negative events in the coming years on the subject of this house.

It should be especially emphasized here that orb connection eclipses with a very small house cusp - only 2 degrees. And you need to have it at your disposal. Otherwise, you risk making mistakes, predicting events that, in general, should not happen. Therefore, it is important to have a professional astrologer whom you trust and who has already proven himself as a specialist.

In addition, eclipses alone cannot be a sufficient basis for compiling, but can be used as additional tool among other predictive techniques. should always be tested in 3-4 or more predictive methods.

Tatiana Klyachenkova,


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