Salaries of military personnel in Russia. When will the salaries of military personnel be indexed? Will the salaries of military personnel be raised

The government introduced a bill to the State Duma that would suspend the indexation of pay for military personnel in 2019.

This news will affect more than 10% of families in the Russian Federation.

What awaits the military and are there any other payments provided in return for the indexation of allowances?

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Legislative regulation

Since 2011, the salaries of military personnel have been formed on the basis of Federal Law 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them,” which establishes the salary amount and all possible allowances.

All additional payments depend on rank and length of service. They are paid monthly, added to the basic salary. The bonus part is formed by special conditions or the secrecy of the position.

A serviceman may receive additional payments for knowledge of a foreign language and physical training. Bonuses can be received for having a diploma of higher education, impeccable completion of military service, and the absence of emergency situations.

The size of wages is influenced by participation in hostilities and achievements in military service.

In addition, the law provides for the payment of bonuses for conscientious service of no more than three salaries per year. Military personnel can receive financial assistance once a year.

Every year the Government indexed the salaries of military personnel. The amount of indexation was approved upon adoption of the budget. Since 2013, the increase has been frozen; every year it is indicated that this is a temporary freeze, but next year the military will not have to wait for an increase in allowance.

Is indexation planned for 2019?

In 2019, from October 1, the salaries of military personnel will be indexed. When making calculations, it is planned to use the figure of 4.3%. Planned increase by 4.00% will also be held from 10/01/2020.

Increases in other cash payments for military personnel

Starting from October 1, 2019, the country will have new salaries for military personnel, the dimensions of which are given in the tables:





(from 10/01/2019)

Military ranks

until 01.10.2019

Salaries by military rank

from 01.10.2019

Private, sailor 5 200 5424
Corporal, senior sailor 5720 5966
Junior sergeant, sergeant major of the second class 6240 6509
Sergeant, petty officer first class 6 760 7051
Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer 7280 7594
Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 7800 8136
Ensign, midshipman 8320 8678
Senior warrant officer, senior midshipman 8840 9221
Junior Lieutenant 9880 10305
Lieutenant 10400 10848
Senior Lieutenant 10920 11390
Captain, Lieutenant Commander 11440 11932
Major, captain 3rd rank 11960 12475
Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank 12480 13017
Colonel, captain 1st rank 13520 14102
Major General, Rear Admiral 20800 21695
Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral 22880 23864
Colonel General, Admiral 26000 27119
General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet 28080 29288
Marshal of the Russian Federation 31200 32542

Official salaries of military personnel in 2019

Table of new salaries for the military position that will be effective from October 10, 2019.




(from 10/1/2019)

Tariff categories for regular military positions Name of typical (non-standard) military positions Salaries for military positions (rubles) until 10/01/2019. Salaries for military positions (rubles) from 10/01/2019.
1 2 3 4.
Military positions to be filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers, warrant officers and midshipmen performing military service under contract
1 Primary military positions of soldiers and sailors: shooter, camouflage, road worker 10 400 10848
2 Machine gunner, sniper 11 440 11932
3 Senior sapper, senior grenade launcher 12 480 11932
4 Tank commander, head of the race track, head of the pass office 13 520 14102
5 Squad leader in a motorized rifle (tank) platoon 15 600 16271
6 Paramedic, head of the training ground 16 640 17356
7 Deputy Platoon Leader 17 680 18441
8 Translator, assistant to the duty officer at the command post 18200 18983
9 Foreman (battalion, division, company, battery), senior technician 18720 18983
Military positions to be filled by officers
10 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) platoon 20800 18983
11 Engineer in the management of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion 21320 22237
12 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) company 21840 22780
13 Senior officer in the management of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment 22360 23322
14 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) company, anti-aircraft missile battery 22880 23864
15 Officer in the department of motorized rifle (tank) corps 23400 24407
16 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion 23920 24949
17 Head of Intelligence in the Directorate of a Motorized Rifle (Tank) Brigade 24440 25491
18 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion, missile (artillery) battalion 24960 26034
19 Officer in the Combined Arms Army Directorate 25480 26576
20 Officer in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment 26000 27118
21 Senior officer in the combined arms army department 26520 27661
22 Senior officer in the department of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy chief of staff of a motorized rifle (tank) division 27040 28203
23 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment, officer in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense 27560 28746
24 Head of the department in the department of the joint strategic command of the military district 28080 29288
25 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) brigade, deputy head of a department in the combined arms army department 28600 29830
26 Senior officer in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense, deputy head of the department in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district, commander of a ship (destroyer, frigate) 29120 30373
27 Senior Inspector-Navigator in the Air Force and Air Defense Command Directorate 29640 30915
28 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) brigade, head of a department in the combined arms army directorate, head of a group in a directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense 30160 31457
29 Head of department in the department of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) division 30680 32000
30 Deputy head of a department in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense, head of the arsenal (1st category) 31200 32542
31 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) division 31720 33084
32 Commander of a surface ships brigade 32240 33627
33 Head of a department in the main directorate, department of the Ministry of Defense, deputy head of a department in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district 32760 34169
34 Commander of an aviation base (1st category), deputy head of a direction at the main directorate of the Ministry of Defense 33280 34712
35 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) corps; Head of Directorate in the Directorate of the Joint Strategic Command of the Military District, Commander of a Division of Surface Ships 33800 35254
36 Deputy head of the educational and methodological center of the military educational and scientific center 34320 35796
37 Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army; Head of Department at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense 34840 36339
38 Deputy Head of the Main Directorate, Department of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Head of the Cosmodrome 35360 36881
39 Commander of a squadron of ships 35880 37423
40 First Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army 36400 37966
41 Deputy Commander of the Military District for Logistics 36920 38508
42 Head of the Main Directorate, Department of the Ministry of Defense, Head of the Cosmodrome 37440 39050
43 Deputy Head of the Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense 37960 39593
44 Commander of a combined arms army, deputy head of the main directorate, head (director) of a department of the Ministry of Defense 38480 40135
45 Head of the military training and scientific center, first deputy commander of the military district 39000 40677
46 Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces 39520 41220
47 Commander of the military district, commander of the branch of the Armed Forces, head of the main department, head (director) of the department of the Ministry of Defense 41600 43389
48 Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces 43680 45559
49 Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 45760 47728
50 First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 46800 48813

The issue regarding military salaries is planned to be reviewed in 2018. The question remains whether the salaries of military personnel will be raised.

Criteria for the formation of military pay

The prospect of employment in the army on a contract basis allows you to have a stable, high monthly income. Naturally, at the initial stages the salary will be minimal, however, with the acquisition of experience and length of service, the salary will increase significantly. The calculation of salaries for employees directly depends on several circumstances, which include:

  • the salary is determined by the rank of the serviceman, as well as the position held in the army;
  • location of a military unit on the ground;
  • features of the official position in a designated place or a number of troops associated with secrecy add about 65% to the entire salary;
  • successful completion of qualification exams (possibility of an increase of up to 30%);
  • increase in case of unsafe service conditions (up to 100%);
  • bonuses for special merits (100% of salary);
  • accruals in the form of bonuses for good performance (about 25%);
  • accrual of increases for extremely difficult working conditions (applies to regions of the northern part of the country);
  • compensation for housing costs;
  • one-time minor allowances to prepare living conditions in a new place.

Important! The last paragraph provides for an amount equivalent to 100% of the salary; family members of military personnel also fall into the category: also 25% of the same amount.

In any case, the salary of employees in law enforcement agencies primarily depends on rank and service conditions.

Salary of military personnel at the present time

The material side of the military structure was limited in December last year. At that time, the state administration adopted a law that abolished the indexation of wages for the military, which significantly affected their financial situation. External economic factors also contribute to this, since a significant increase in inflation and prices is noticeable.

These circumstances made it possible to devalue the work of law enforcement agencies by up to 48%, which is almost half of the salary. The deferment noted in the 2016 law is extended until January 2018. This can negatively affect employee morale and lead to grievances on their part.

In connection with the current situation, the question arises about returning to the use of indexation of wages for military personnel. This will not be marked by too intense indicators, however, there is a chance to resolve the issue in favor of the employees. A possible increase in military salaries in 2018 is planned, however, its exact figures have not yet been announced. The only forecast in this case is the possibility of a rise in line with inflation.

What is the situation with the salaries of civilian employees?

The circumstances of the civilian staff of law enforcement agencies largely correspond to the situation of law enforcement officials. Even before the abolition of indexations, the financial situation was not at a high level.

The aforementioned 2016 law also contained information regarding this category of employees. The new three-year budget for 2017-2019 confirmed the lack of government intentions to index or increase military salaries, including in 2018.

Should we expect an increase in salary?

Experts predict progress in solving the issue of military salaries in 2018. This is supported by several factors, the first of which indicates the possibility of wages depreciating to a critical level. The second is the formation of a high rate of dissatisfaction in a social group; this factor in the case of employees in law enforcement agencies acquires dangerous tendencies. Similar cases have already been noted in history, which the state government took into account. However, even based on this circumstance, the answer to the question of whether military salaries will be raised in 2018 is not known with certainty.

Experts have no doubt that an increase should be expected, but what limits this rise will affect still remains open. According to experts in the field of economics, sociology and political science, consideration of the issue of abolishing indexation is necessary. Otherwise, the government risks encountering indignation on the part of the military, and this threatens mass unrest.

Government agencies have already raised the issue of increasing military salaries for 2018. The result was the adopted bill, which provides for the return of indexation and an increase in salaries for employees. This bill also addresses issues regarding pay for law enforcement and federal employees. We also considered the possibility of returning the indexation of judges' salaries.

At the beginning of 2018, based on the specified points in the bill, the resumption of wage indexation for the military is predicted. At the same time, the mechanism and percentage of indexation will most likely be subject to changes. It is reliably known that the indexing position will now directly depend on the balancing and approval of the budget, and not on the percentage of inflation, as was previously accepted.

Due to the fact that discontent is already beginning to grow, officials allow themselves to make encouraging forecasts regarding the growth of military salaries in 2018. At the same time, today the situation remains within the same boundaries, and the economic part is in greater decline.

Salary forecasts for law enforcement agencies for 2018

Both independent experts and government representatives expressed their opinions regarding the expected increase. In this case, opinions agreed, the minimum salary should be 50 thousand rubles. This applies only to the salary itself, not counting the different plans for increases and bonuses.

For the period from 2017 to 2018, the government intends to allocate about 400 billion rubles for material compensation for the work of military personnel. This number takes into account the possibility of curbing inflation, however, even with this taken into account, it cannot cover the needs of the largest army. The Department of Military Affairs is already focusing government attention on considering the suspension of indexing. The indexing moratorium is scheduled to be lifted in January next year. The state leadership predicts that the depreciation of military salaries will stop in 2018, and an increase of 5.5% is expected. The data is based on the arguments of government experts. Such measures are planned to be taken in order to prevent outbreaks of discontent.

There is another possible way out of the situation, as experts note. If a financial opportunity arises to increase, such measures will be immediately applied. However, this will be marked by a completely insignificant increase, amounting to 3-4% of the current salary, which is now called compensation. So the question of whether there will be an increase in military salaries in 2018 remains open.

Defense spending is one of the most popular and discussed topics on various media platforms in the country. This is fair, because national defense in general is the root cause of the emergence of such an institution as the state. This item is the most expensive in the country’s budget; the majority of all taxes collected go to it. Hence the desire of society to know and control the costs associated with:

  • development of the latest promising weapons;
  • purchase of traditional military equipment for all branches of the military;
  • training qualified users of this equipment;
  • acquiring specialized training for all army personnel.

But the fact is that ready-made specialists and military personnel of a “broad profile” (i.e. ordinary soldiers and officers) also need to be supported - the media remember this only when the Supreme Commander-in-Chief issues certain messages or decrees in which this is stated openly text. It turns out that public attitude in this matter is formed according to the principle: “Exactly! They still need to be fed!”

Need to. Moreover, feeding procedures should be regular and so that portions do not decrease (this is important!). But it’s worth being more specific and considering the situation in relation to the present, looking into the prospects for 2018. Then “feeding” will primarily mean monetary allowance. Diet, of course, also matters, but since we’re talking about money, first “Army. Salary 2018".

Military salaries in 2018

In order to judge the prospects (including whether there will be an increase in military salaries in 2018), it is advisable to first understand what components this salary is compiled from. Then it will be possible to isolate the most potential from the point of view. growth term. So, military pay is formed from:

  1. – basic salary (BS);
  2. – risk premiums (up to 100% of BO);
  3. – bonus for secrecy: it is difficult to judge the difficulties associated with this restriction, but in order for a serviceman to remain silent, the state “finishes off” him as much as 65% of the BO;
  4. – qualifying additional payment (30% of BO);
  5. – coefficient of remoteness of the place of service: theoretically, this is a kind of analogue of the coefficient of remoteness, which compensates for the hardships and deprivations of staying in some remote place. However, the logic of the allowance in question has at the present stage outgrown its creators, and now a citizen serving on the territory of New Moscow can easily receive a larger allowance under this article than his colleague, for example, from Anadyr. (Apparently because: 1 – prices are higher in Moscow; and 2 – if you’re unlucky enough to end up in Anadyr, then don’t be unlucky until the end). This will directly relate to the resulting consequences indicated in this article;
  6. – bonuses for special achievements (up to 100% of the BO);
  7. – bonus for excellent service (up to 25% of BO);
  8. – allowances for hardships and hardships in the regions (up to 100% of the BO);
  9. – compensatory surcharge for renting living space;
  10. – one-time compensation for placement in a new duty station (100% of the military personnel’s bonus and 25% of the military’s bonus for members of his family).

If all this (sometimes repeated) is summed up, it may turn out that the person sent from Barnaul to Moscow is not particularly high, but in general a qualified Strategic Missile Forces specialist with a BO of 25 thousand rubles. with all the coefficients and allowances, he should receive about 200 thousand rubles a month... Is it appropriate in this case to discuss raising the salaries of military personnel in 2018?

However, not everything is so rosy. Firstly, the military has an equally extensive system of fines. Plus, no one has canceled the regular revaluation of the given coefficients. At all levels there is a certain acceptable level of wages. If someone tries to demand excess for themselves on formal grounds, then with the help of penalties, as a rule, they are quickly brought into an “aggregate” state.

And secondly, no one has canceled macroeconomic factors. Consisting of purely budgetary pay, military personnel, like no one else, are suffering the severe consequences of forced devaluation and falling oil prices. Based on the results of 2014 alone, the real purchasing power of military personnel’s salaries decreased by more than 2.5 times. So for them, news about military salaries in 2018 is the highlight of the agenda.

Increase in salaries for military personnel in 2018

Since the 2014 crisis regarding the financial support of the active army, stability has reigned in the administration. In December 2015, the State Duma considered, discussed and adopted in all readings the refusal to index the salaries of public sector employees through the Ministry of Defense (and since then has repeatedly extended it). Thus, with a permanent rise in the cost of the average standard of living, career military personnel could compensate for the decline in their purchasing power only through bonuses. But only once a year and at the end.

And the problem here is not even the nervous situation on the ground. Personnel policy is suffering: if this continues, dissatisfaction will disappear along with the personnel. In some divisions, there is a clear shortage of employees even without specialized knowledge and skills. Serving officers (especially those under 40 years of age) are seriously considering the possibility of retraining for civilian professions or even going into business “for free bread” due to the uncompetitive level of income in the army.

And of course, attracting young people. The first thing those interested in military service ask is whether military salaries will be increased in 2018. For them, on one side of the scale lies risk (inextricably linked with troops), and on the other? Nowadays, wages in the army cannot be called attractive. And the prospects are more like slogans.

Therefore, increasing the salaries of military personnel in 2018 is on the government’s agenda. This will be done through measures often not of monetary incentives, but included in the so-called. social package:

  1. Housing payments will be actively dated. This is still provided for now (see the components of a military salary above), but for various reasons it is not implemented in full.
  2. Also, the emphasis in increasing wages will be in the northern territories (to compensate for harsh service conditions). The law establishes a bonus of 100% of the base salary.
  3. Increased coefficients are provided for length of service. The length of service for each serviceman will be calculated individually, as well as the personal coefficient.

Indexation of military salaries in 2018

Of course, before asking the question of whether the salaries of military personnel will be raised in 2018 (at least), it is necessary to resolve the pressing and not always pleasant issue of restoring the status quo. Those. so that the basic level of income announced at the time, from which the Government retreated in the direction of reducing payments, should first be restored.

The Department of Defense's argument is reasonable: why build multibillion-dollar submarines and high-tech aircraft if there is no one to maintain them. Training a military specialist always takes years. And if he retrains as a manager because they pay much more, then what will be the budget costs for training new specialists? And will they want to work, seeing such social care and commitment from the employer?

Therefore, salaries for military personnel will be raised in 2018, and will be done as follows:

  • It has already been announced that from 01.2018 the existing indexation restriction will be lifted. The increase in income will now be carried out annually based on the results of an analysis of inflation and the exchange rate of the national currency.
  • It is also expected that the absolute level of salaries will increase by 5.5% to partially compensate for what has been lost over the past years.
  • It is planned to reach the salary level for a professional military man based on the amount given in hand - 50 thousand rubles per month.

When discussing compensation and growth, one cannot fail to mention their sources. According to the Government's intentions, very significant reductions are expected in the army. Of course, it will be accompanied by ongoing restructuring with an increase in the general level of qualifications of the specialists involved. But the fact is inexorable - there will be fewer military personnel. So, will military pay be raised in 2018? - Yes. Is it everyone? - Definitely not!

It just so happens that recently military pay increases only on the eve of presidential elections. Before 2018, the previous increase was in 2012, and since 2014, indexation was generally frozen by a separate law for 4 years until 2018. That normative act ceased to work on January 1 of this year, and the authorities again returned to indexing the allowances of military personnel. Increase in pay for the military in 2018: latest news regarding indexation of how much military salaries will increase.

There will be no further indexation of wages in 2018

In January 2018, there was an increase in pay for military personnel. Indexation was carried out by 4%, in accordance with inflation forecasts for this year. This is the only indexation of military allowances planned for this year.

Naturally, the lion's share of the military actually feels the decline in real income. Over the 6 years since the previous increase, prices have become much higher, and the Russian currency has depreciated on the world market by almost 2 times, which naturally affected the rise in cost of living for Russian citizens.

One way or another, in terms of the burden on the state treasury, military salaries are a large expense item. And the authorities are simply unable to compensate for the rise in cost of living for them.

In fact, the only thing the government is offering the military now is to agree to the allowance that they currently have. Yes, in real terms the amounts are less than several years ago. However, to be fair, this is still higher compared to the salaries of ordinary workers and, even more so, pensioners.

In the fall of 2017, in the process of preparing the budget for 2018-2020, the government introduced articles to increase allowances for military personnel for the following years.

The military should know: in subsequent years, pay increases will only take place in October.

On October 1, military salaries are usually indexed; 2018 is an exception, since the January indexation was the first in 6 years. In 2019-2020 The indexation of military allowances should take place as planned in October, so in fact the next increase will only take place in 1.5 years.

The indexation percentage previously budgeted by the government is again 4%, at the level of inflation expected by the government. In 2017, in fact, inflation was even less – 2.5%. In 2018, it will probably be around the desired 4%.

However, it should be noted: 4% for 2019-2020. – the figure is approximate and has not yet been reflected in financial documents. The government will include specific figures in the budget when the real inflation in Russia in 2018 for the entire reporting period is clear.

As the RBC publication wrote in 2017, for the period 2018-2020. The authorities will allocate an additional 300 billion rubles to increase allowances for military personnel. Which means that every 7th ruble of the budget will go to their salaries, which will amount to 14% of government spending.

Let us note that in this case, everything that we say in relation to the military concerns not only them, but also many other law enforcement agencies equated to the military in Russia:

  • police,
  • Russian Guard,
  • FSIN,
  • state fire service,
  • Foreign Intelligence Service.