Drivers will be hired according to new rules. Special interview sheet for drivers

Often, large companies hire certain peoplerecruiting specialists, which carry out all such actions.

At the same time, heads of departments for which an employee is required may be partially involved in such issues, or the director of the company will take part in its implementation. Also, such responsibility may be assigned entirely to them, depending on the situation.

How to conduct an interview correctly, how to behave, what are the best questions to ask and what to pay attention to in order to choose the most suitable specialist for hiring?

You can interview a candidate using one of the generally accepted types. Moreover, it can be used either separately or in combination of several of them:

Methods and places

The interview can be conducted either with a group of candidates or with each applicant individually. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages and allows you to determine the readiness of candidates for various situations and work moments.

As for the venue, the best option would be the organization’s office, where the employee will directly perform his work. For such a case, you can allocate a separate office or room, the furnishings of which are suitable for such work needs.

When inviting applicants for an interview, it is worth listening to advice on how to start it in order to lead the conversation in the necessary direction and form a positive opinion about the organization:

  1. Prepare a place for the interview. It should be clean, ventilated and not cluttered. The candidate's written resume or completed application form should also be taken with you.
  2. To defuse the situation somewhat, ask how quickly the candidate got to the right place or tell a short story.
  3. Any delays or delays must be avoided. Naturally, there may be many candidates, but this is not at all a reason to allow such moments.
  4. You can first ask them to tell you a little about yourself and clarify the answers to some.

Main stages

The interview procedure consists of several stages, each of which must be given due attention:

  1. Meeting the candidate. In this case, it is important for the employer not only to understand what abilities the applicant has, but also to present his company in the most favorable light.
  2. The interview itself. This stage is perhaps the most important, since it is during this process that the employer evaluates how suitable the potential employee is for him, and the applicant already determines whether he wants to work in this company.
  3. Organization. This stage involves discussing all issues of interest to the parties. The interviewer tells the candidate a short history company, what its activities are, what at the moment projects are being carried out, the basic conditions in which the employee will work. Based on such information, the applicant can finally determine whether he sees himself in such a job or not.

Sample interview sheet

Most employees who conduct interviews often use a specific interview sheet, in which they consistently reflect all the questions that will need to be asked to the candidate during the process.

Their list will depend on the format in which the interview itself will take place and the list of items may be next:

  • information about yourself;
  • the candidate's plans for the future;
  • the reason why the applicant left his previous job, voicing information about the former management;
  • give an example of a possible situation and listen to what the applicant sees as ways to solve the problem;
  • ask questions that may be relevant to direct activities potential employee.

Personnel assessment methods

The main assessment methods used during interviews are:

  1. Complex of technologies, with the help of which the selection of employees is carried out. As a rule, they are used by narrower specialists. This method allows you to most accurately assess the possibility professional growth employee.
  2. Aptitude testing. This method consists in assessing the mental qualities of the candidate; their topic and focus are more related to the functions that the applicant will have to perform if hired.
  3. Facial ability test. With its help, they get an idea of ​​​​the candidate's ability to learn, as well as his emotional state.
  4. Getting to know the applicant's biography. Consists in finding out certain facts from his life - marital status, presence and age of children, existing hobbies or interests. For this method, first of all, they use the questionnaire data and, possibly, ask to clarify some facts.
  5. Personal interview method. It is used in most cases and, as a rule, gives the most accurate assessment of the job applicant.
  6. Getting to know the recommendations– with their help, the employer receives information from the person’s previous bosses about his personal and professional qualities.

Using Questions

When conducting an interview, use several types of questions, each of which is of decisive importance.


When determining professional qualities, you can ask the applicant to tell him about the nature of his previous work and main responsibilities.

In addition, you should find out what technical means he used, what computer programs he used, what achievements he was able to achieve.

It wouldn't hurt to chat with him on foreign language, if the potential employee stated that he speaks it perfectly.


Questions of a personal nature can give an idea of ​​the composition of a person’s family, hobbies, how he spends his time free time. You can ask about availability bad habits what kind of books he likes to read (and whether he likes them at all), and whether he has any hobbies.


Situational questions are asked in order to better understand how an employee will behave under certain circumstances. You can also understand whether he is ready for non-standard solutions to problems that have arisen and how he will behave under certain third-party factors that will prevent him from fulfilling his official duties.

How to complete

You should end the interview either by immediately refusing the candidate, or (if the applicant is theoretically suitable, but you are going to think about this issue even more seriously) by informing him that you will call back and be sure to report the result.

There is no need to give the person hope by assuring that you will contact him - if you have already decided that you do not want to see him among your employees, it’s worth mentioning this fact.

The best way to evaluate several candidates for a position may be a kind of rating system, for each point of which an employee of the organization will mark a certain number of points.

As a result, you can give preference to the applicant who collects the largest number of them.

To achieve success in an interview, you must answer the following: requirements:

  • neatness and accuracy during the visit;
  • sufficient level of professionalism;
  • good recommendations;
  • high personal qualities;
  • providing only reliable information about yourself.

Refusal rules

If you are going to refuse employment to a candidate, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. State the reason why you decided that he is not suitable for the position.
  2. If you wish, you can offer the applicant employment for other vacant positions.
  3. Try to inform the candidate that you are not going to hire him, even if such actions do not seem very pleasant to you.

You can learn how to conduct an interview effectively from this video.

Interview sheets with the driver (a sample can be downloaded below) are drawn up during the professional selection process when conducting a conversation and determining whether the applicant is suitable for the vacant position. The presence of the sheet is provided for by the order of the Ministry of Transport dated 11.03. 2016. N 59, which defines not only the algorithm for professional selection, but also the professional training of future drivers of automobile and electric vehicles.

Why carry out

The selection of future drivers is carried out to attract to work those who have the appropriate level of development of competencies to perform the duties of the position and meet the qualification requirements established by law.

The future employer needs to identify among the applicants those who have sufficient qualifications to successfully perform labor functions.

Why do you need an interview sheet?

The completed driver interview sheet (you can download the form in Word at the end of the article) contains the results of the communication. It will allow the employer to record in writing the fact that applicants meet the requirements established for a specific position. This means that during the conversation the employer will identify the presence of:

  • driving license for vehicles of the corresponding category;
  • confirmation of the fact of medical examinations;
  • compliance of the applicant with certain requirements for the profession and level of qualifications;
  • relevant documents that confirm length of service and experience in the required field.

If compliance with the list of available requirements is confirmed, the applicant will be hired by the organization.

The document must be presented at the request of regulatory authorities.

What information to include on the sheet

The interview sheet for drivers (the sample is not established by law) must reflect information about existing experience and knowledge in the profession. It is one of the documents drawn up by the employer at the stage before the conclusion labor agreement, and is developed by the employer independently. For example, interview sheets with a bus driver may contain questions about knowledge of the specifics of legislation regarding the transportation of people by buses (regular and irregular), as well as insurance of the carrier’s liability for damage caused to the life, health, and property of passengers.

Be sure to include:

  • date;
  • applicant details (full name, position);
  • who conducted the conversation (full name and position);
  • the candidate's compliance with key requirements;
  • Brief conclusion.


How long to store

Such a document must be kept for at least 5 years. This requirement is set out in Order No. 558 of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010.

Important points

The interview process is carried out orally. However, by the decision of the employer, in addition to the oral conversation, a written conversation (test) can be conducted.

General requirements must be taken into account:

  • careful appearance;
  • arriving at the meeting without delay, at a strictly scheduled time (if you fail to arrive on time, be sure to notify about the changes);
  • have with you a complete list of required documents;
  • references from a previous workplace, if available.

During the conversation, the future employee will need to present his knowledge to the potential employer in such areas as:

  • rules traffic;
  • control in the “driver-vehicle-road” and “driver-vehicle” systems;
  • monitoring the situation on the road, monitoring traffic safety, the influence of weather and road conditions on it;
  • pedestrian safety;
  • safety of child passengers;
  • consequences of traffic violations;
  • first aid;
  • operation of the main mechanisms of the machine;
  • breakdowns on the road.

In addition to presenting knowledge and experience, the interview may also touch on personal issues:

  • about health;
  • about attitude towards bad habits.

The absence of the latter will have a positive effect on the image of the applicant.

The procedure for concluding an employment contract with a truck driver generally complies with general rules concluding an employment contract. At the same time, the specifics of the profession must be taken into account when formalizing labor relations. The following example of an employment contract with a truck driver will illustrate them with an example.

Truck Driver Interview Sheet

Even before the stage of concluding an employment contract with an employee, each employer, be it an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (regardless of its organizational and legal form), must comply with the procedure for hiring drivers defined by law.

First of all, the employer must conduct an interview with the job applicant for the position of truck driver, the results of which are entered into special so-called “interview sheets”. Interview sheets are kept by the employer for at least five years and must be presented upon request of regulatory authorities.

When conducting an interview, the employer’s task is to confirm that the candidate for the position of driver meets the requirements for professional training and professional selection.

The legal obligation of an interview is enshrined in Art. 328 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 11, 2016 N 59, which approved the Procedure for passing professional selection and vocational training.

Documents for concluding an employment contract with a driver

The specifics of working as a driver, regardless of the type of vehicle, determines the expanded list of documents required to conclude an employment contract.

Chapter 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the specifics of regulating the labor of transport workers.

In addition to the passport, work book, education documents, military registration documents, insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, an employee must present when applying for a job as a driver and concluding an employment contract additional documents:

  • driver's license of the appropriate category.

To drive a truck you must have category “C” and “CE” licenses. Categories “C1” and “CE1” confirm the right to drive a medium-sized cargo vehicle (from 3.5 to 7.5 tons) with or without a trailer;

  • document (certificate) confirming completion of a mandatory preliminary medical examination.

Concluding an employment contract with a truck driver

After completing the interview and filling out the interview sheet, you must document labor relations with the truck driver and conclude an employment contract with him.

Employment contract consists of a simple written form in two copies. One of the copies remains in the driver’s hands, the second copy is transferred for storage to the employer’s HR department. An employment contract must be signed with the employee no later than three days from the date of hiring the driver. Indeed, in the event of any dispute or conflict with the employer, it is this document that is intended to help resolve and exhaust mutual claims.

Employers hiring drivers of any ground transport must be guided by new rules for professional selection and training of personnel. The new procedure developed by the Russian Ministry of Transport will take effect on August 12, 2016

The Ministry of Transport of Russia, by order dated March 11, 2016 N 59, approved the Procedure for undergoing professional selection and vocational training for employees hired for work directly related to the movement of road transport vehicles and urban ground electric transport. The document comes into force on August 12 and its requirements apply to all, without exception, organizations and individual entrepreneurs that employ citizens directly related to the movement of vehicles.

New rules for hiring drivers

The officials decided that legal entities And individual entrepreneurs those who involve citizens in performing duties that are directly related to the movement of vehicles must check their level of competence necessary for the proper implementation of labor functions. The qualifications of applicants must meet the requirements imposed on them by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main document, which, according to officials, confirms the right to drive a vehicle, is a driver’s license with open categories in accordance with Article 25. In addition, the employee must have a document confirming that he has undergone a mandatory periodic medical examination, in accordance with Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To confirm the level vocational education or qualification, the employee must present a document confirming its receipt, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The applicant's compliance with the necessary work experience requirements is usually confirmed by his work record book.

If the driver candidate has provided everything necessary documents, then the employer must conduct an interview with him, and record the results on a special interview sheet. The employer must keep this document for at least 5 years, even if the employee was denied employment. Applicants who pass an interview and, if necessary, testing are hired as drivers.

If a candidate driver does not have sufficient work experience, or he is hired as a driver for the first time, the employer is obliged to ensure that he undergoes an internship before being admitted to the job. independent work. The terms and procedure of the internship are established by the organization or individual entrepreneur on the basis of internal regulations. However, the Ministry of Transport insists that it must take place on a vehicle of the type and model and on the route on which the driver will subsequently work independently. Completion of the internship is confirmed by an internship certificate with approved details. Employers must also keep such sheets for at least 5 years.

Professional driver training is carried out in accordance with. Only persons with the necessary qualifications may be allowed to work.

Question Entered new order hiring drivers from August 12, 2016, it is necessary to enter a sheet of interviews with drivers, do you have a sample? And is there a need for an order to enter this sheet? Answer Answer to the question: Indeed, from August 12, employers are required to enter the results of interviews with drivers into interview sheets, which must be kept by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for at least five years (clause 11 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 11, 2016 N 59) . However, the form of this sheet is not approved at the federal level. Therefore, the employer has the right to approve by order the form of the corresponding document ( That is, an order to enter the form of the corresponding sheet into the organization is necessary.

Driver interview

In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you do not have bad habits, in particular, mention that you do not drink alcohol. If you still have some habits ( we're talking about only about smoking), then you need to check with the employer about his attitude towards them. For example, if you are applying for the position of a personal driver, you should clarify where you will be allowed to smoke.
After all, it is unlikely that you will be allowed to smoke inside the car. And some people cannot tolerate cigarette smoke due to allergies, so you can trigger an attack by smoking. It is for this reason that this point is very important. In addition, the personal driver must undergo a medical examination.

Sample interview sheet for hiring a driver 2018

Let us consider in detail how to correctly format the specified information, and by what parameters it will be considered correctly presented. Job interview - example - candidate assessment Next, you need to clarify the driver’s work experience, which is registered in work book or another document in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Only after confirmation of compliance with all requirements can an interview be held with the employee.

Stage 3. Interview drivers. The interview is conducted orally. The employer also has the right to add testing to the oral form. It is important to note that the results of the interview must be entered into the interview sheets and stored for at least 5 years.

Stage 4. Refer the candidate for a preliminary medical examination. For more information about this, see here: Stage 5. Train drivers.

The new procedure for hiring drivers will come into force on August 12, 2016

New rules for hiring drivers Officials decided that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who engage citizens in performing duties that are directly related to the movement of vehicles must check their level of competence necessary for the proper implementation of labor functions. The qualifications of applicants must meet the requirements imposed on them by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main document, which, according to officials, confirms the right to drive a vehicle, is a driver’s license with open categories in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995.

N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”. In addition, the employee must have a document confirming that he has undergone a mandatory periodic medical examination, in accordance with Article 213 Labor Code RF.

How to create an interview sheet for drivers?

An employer is obliged to send a driver for an internship if:

  • the candidate is hired for the first time as a driver,
  • the candidate has a break labor activity driver for more than one year,
  • the candidate is transferred from one type of vehicle to another.

What does the internship include? The internship consists of instruction and practice. The number of internship hours is determined by the employer. It is necessary to keep documentary records of each driver's internships.
After the driver has completed the internship, his results must be confirmed with an internship certificate. The employer also keeps the internship certificate for at least 5 years. The order comes into force on August 12, 2016.

The Ministry of Transport introduces new rules for hiring drivers

Basic Questions Once the employer knows everything they need to know about you, you should also ask some questions. Among the main points that you should clarify at the interview, it is worth highlighting the following.

  1. Who is involved in car repairs: this is the responsibility of the driver or the car mechanic. If this is your responsibility, then it is worth finding out exactly when you will do it - after work, or before, or during.

    You should also ask how additional services will be paid for.

  2. Is there a trial period? If there is such a period, then you should be given an answer about how it will be paid and in what volume.
  3. Type of employment activity – rotational or permanent.

Professional selection of vehicle drivers

X ensure safe boarding and disembarkation of passengers in a vehicle of the appropriate category, their transportation or reception, placement and transportation of luggage X choose a safe speed, distance and interval in various traffic conditions X use rear-view mirrors when maneuvering X predict the occurrence of dangerous traffic situations in management process and take actions to prevent them X make timely decisions and act in difficult and dangerous road situations X provide first aid to victims of a road accident X use fire extinguishing means X improve skills in driving a vehicle of the appropriate category X Driver's license: Russian national driver's license certificate category B, C. _ Level of education: Secondary general education. GBOU city

We recruit a driver

Law “On Road Safety” and Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses"). Persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation can receive Russian driver license, if they have a document of registration in Russia. You can get a driver's license after passing general exams.

At the same time, rights are issued not for 10 years, but for the period of registration of a foreigner in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the personnel officer needs to request a Russian driver’s license and documents for migration registration from the foreign driver in accordance with Federal law dated July 18, 2006 N 109-FZ “On migration registration foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation": - a copy of the passport (1st page and page with marks on border crossing); - a copy of the migration card; - visa (if entry visa is required) or work permit (for temporarily staying foreign citizens).

New rules for hiring drivers

The employer is obliged to send a driver for an internship if: the candidate is hired as a driver for the first time, the candidate has a break in the driver’s work for more than one year, the candidate is transferred from one type of vehicle to another. Sample of filling out a resume when applying for a job Important Unfortunately, preparing answers to questions civil law does not relate to our topic, so we cannot provide an answer with proper expert assessment. Therefore, to receive a more detailed answer on civil law issues, we advise you to purchase access to the Lawyer System.
Thanks for understanding. And thank you for reaching out. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1.

Let us remind you that the professional and qualification requirements for drivers were approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 28, 2015 No. 287. Read also: Stage 2. Confirm work experience. Next, it is necessary to clarify the driver’s work experience, which is registered in the work book or other document in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Only after confirmation of compliance with all requirements can an interview be held with the employee.

Stage 3. Interview drivers. The interview is conducted orally. The employer also has the right to add testing to the oral form. It is important to note that the results of the interview must be entered into the interview sheets and stored for at least 5 years.