Vladimir Mayakovsky selected. The most famous works of Mayakovsky V. V. The most famous poem

Vladimir Mayakovsky


I am a poet. This is what makes it interesting. This is what I am writing about. About the rest - only if it is stated in words.

Burliuk said: Mayakovsky has the memory that the road is in Poltava - everyone will leave his galoshes. But I don’t remember faces and dates. I only remember that in 1100 some “Dorians” moved somewhere. I don’t remember the details of this case, but it must have been a serious matter. Remember - “This was written on May 2. Pavlovsk. Fountains” is a completely minor matter. Therefore, I float freely according to my chronology.

Born on July 7, 1894 (or 93 – the opinions of my mother and my father’s service record differ. At least not earlier). Homeland - the village of Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, Georgia.


Father: Vladimir Konstantinovich (Baghdad forester), died in 1906.

Mom: Alexandra Alekseevna.

Apparently there are no other Mayakovskys.


The concepts are picturesque. Location unknown. Winter. My father subscribed to the Rodina magazine. “Motherland” has a “humorous” application. They talk about funny things and wait. Father walks around and sings his usual “alon zanfan de la four.” "Motherland" has arrived. I open it and immediately (picture) yell: “How funny! Uncle and aunt are kissing.” Laughed. Later, when the application arrived and I really had to laugh, it turned out that previously they were only laughing at me. This is how our ideas about pictures and humor diverged.


Poetic concepts. Summer. A lot of people are coming. Handsome long student - B. P. Glushkovsky. Draws. Leather notebook. Shiny paper. On paper, a long man without pants (or maybe tight pants) in front of a mirror. The man's name is "Evgenionegin". And Borya was long, and the drawn one was long. Clear. I also struggle with reading this very “Evgenionegin”. The opinion lasted for three years.


Practical concepts. Night. Behind the wall are the endless whispers of mom and dad. About pianos. I didn't sleep all night. The same phrase was itching. In the morning he started running: “Dad, what is installment payment?” I really liked the explanation.


Summer. Amazing number of guests. Name days are piling up. My father boasts about my memory. For every name day I am forced to memorize poems. I remember especially for my dad’s name day:

One day in front of a crowd
Tribal mountains...

“Tribals” and “rocks” irritated me. I didn’t know who they were, and in life they didn’t want me to come across them. Later I learned that this was poetry and began to quietly hate it.


The first house that I remember clearly. Two floors. The top one is ours. Nizhny is a winery. Once a year - carts of grapes. They pressed. I ate. They were drinking. All this is the territory of the oldest Georgian fortress near Baghdad. The fortress is quadrangular with a rampart. In the corners of the shafts there are ramps for cannons. There are loopholes in the ramparts. Behind the ramparts are ditches. Behind the ditches are forests and jackals. Mountains above the forests. Grown up. I ran to the highest one. The mountains to the north are falling. There is a gap in the north. I dreamed that this was Russia. The pull there was incredible.


About seven years. My father began to take me on horseback riding tours of the forestry. Pass. Night. It was covered in fog. You can't even see your father. The path is narrow. The father apparently pulled back the rosehip branch with his sleeve. A branch with its thorns hitting my cheeks. Squealing a little, I pull out the thorns. The fog and pain immediately disappeared. In the parted fog underfoot - brighter than the sky. This is electricity. Riveting plant of Prince Nakashidze. After electricity, I completely gave up being interested in nature. An unimproved thing.

My mother and all my cousins ​​taught me. The arithmetic seemed implausible. We have to count the apples and pears distributed to the boys. They always gave it to me and I always gave it without counting. In the Caucasus there is as much fruit as you like. I learned to read with pleasure.


Some kind of “Bird-keeper Agafya”. If I had come across several such books at that time, I would have stopped reading completely. Fortunately, the second one is Don Quixote. What a book! He made a wooden sword and armor and struck at the surroundings.

We've moved. From Baghdad to Kutais. Gymnasium exam. I survived. They asked about the anchor (on my sleeve) - he knew it well. But the priest asked what an “eye” was. I answered: “Three pounds” (in Georgian). The kind examiners explained to me that “oko” is “eye” in ancient Church Slavonic. I almost failed because of this. Therefore, I immediately hated everything ancient, everything ecclesiastical and everything Slavic. It is possible that my futurism, my atheism, and my internationalism came from here.


Preparatory, 1st and 2nd. I'll go first. All in A's. I'm reading Jules Verne. Overall fantastic. Some bearded man began to discover in me the abilities of an artist. He teaches for nothing.


The number of newspapers and magazines at home has increased. "Russian Vedomosti", " Russian word", "Russian wealth" and so on. I read everything. Unaccountably excited. The postcards of cruisers are amazing. I enlarge and redraw. The word “proclamation” appeared. The proclamations were hung by Georgians. Georgians were hanged by Cossacks. My fellow Georgians. I began to hate the Cossacks.


My sister arrived from Moscow. Enthusiastic. She secretly gave me long pieces of paper. Liked: very risky. I remember it even now. First:

Come to your senses, comrade, come to your senses, brother,
quickly throw the rifle on the ground.

And something else, with an ending;

...otherwise there is another way -
to the Germans with his son, his wife and his mother...

It was a revolution. It was poetry. Poems and revolution somehow came together in my head.

No time for studying. Let's go deuces. I moved to the fourth class only because my head was hit with a stone (I got into a fight at Rion) - I regretted it during the re-exams. For me, the revolution began like this: my comrade, the priest’s cook, Isidor, jumped barefoot onto the stove with joy - General Alikhanov was killed. The pacifier of Georgia. Demonstrations and rallies began. I went too. Fine. I perceive it picturesquely: anarchists in black, Socialist-Revolutionaries in red, Social Democrats in blue, federalists in other colors.


Speeches, newspapers. Of all things – unfamiliar concepts and words. I demand an explanation from myself. There are white books in the windows. "Petrel". About the same thing. I buy everything. I got up at six in the morning. I read voraciously. First: “Down with the Social Democrats.” Second: “Economic Conversations.” I was amazed for the rest of my life by the ability of socialists to unravel facts and systematize the world. “What to read?” – it seems, Rubakina. I re-read what was recommended. I don't understand a lot. I'm asking. I was introduced to a Marxist circle. I got to Erfurtskaya. Middle. About the "lumpenproletariat". He began to consider himself a Social Democrat: he stole his father’s Berdankas to the Social Democratic Committee. Lassalle liked the figure. It must be because he has no beard. Youthful. Lassalle is confused with Demosthenes. I go to Rion. I speak with stones in my mouth.

In my opinion, it started with the following: during a panic (maybe acceleration) during a demonstration of Bauman’s memory, I (who had fallen) was hit on the head with a huge drummer. I was scared, I thought I had cracked myself.

Father died. I pricked my finger (stitching papers). Blood poisoning. Since then I can't stand pins. The prosperity is over. After my father’s funeral, we have 3 rubles. Instinctively, feverishly, we sold out of tables and chairs. We moved to Moscow. For what? There weren't even any acquaintances.

The best place is Baku. Towers, tanks, best perfume- oil, and then the steppe. Desert even.

We stopped in Razumovsky. Familiar sisters - the Plotnikovs. In the morning by steam train to Moscow. We rented an apartment on Bronnaya.


Food is bad. Pension – 10 rubles per month. My two sisters and I are studying. Mom had to be given rooms and meals. The rooms are crappy. The students lived poor. Socialists. I remember the first “Bolshevik” in front of me was Vasya Kandelaki.


Sent for kerosene. 5 rubles. In colonial change the amount is 14 rubles 50 kopecks; 10 rubles – net earnings. I was ashamed. I walked around the store twice (the Erfurt one stuck). “Who got shortchanged, the owner or the employee,” I quietly ask the clerk. - Master! – I bought and ate four candied breads. The rest I drove around in a boat Patriarch's Ponds. Since then I haven’t been able to see candied bread.

There is no money in the family. I had to burn it and paint it. Especially memorable easter eggs. Round, spinning and creaking like doors. He sold the eggs to a handicraft store on Neglinnaya. A piece is 10-15 kopecks. Since then I have endlessly hated Bemov, Russian style and handicrafts.


Transferred to the 4th grade of the fifth gymnasium. Units weakly varied by twos. Under the Anti-Dühring desk.

He did not recognize fiction at all. Philosophy. Hegel. Natural science. But mainly Marxism. There is no work of art that I am more fascinated by than Marx's Preface. Illegality was coming from the students' rooms. “Street Fighting Tactics,” etc. I clearly remember Lenin’s blue “Two Tactics.” I liked that the book was cut down to the letters. For illegal insertion. Aesthetics of maximum savings.

I am a poet. This is what makes it interesting. This is what I am writing about. About the rest - only if it is stated in words.

Burliuk said: Mayakovsky has the memory that the road is in Poltava - everyone will leave his galoshes. But I don’t remember faces and dates. I only remember that in 1100 some “Dorians” moved somewhere. I don’t remember the details of this case, but it must have been a serious matter. Remember - “This was written on May 2. Pavlovsk. Fountains” is a completely minor matter. Therefore, I float freely according to my chronology.

Born on July 7, 1894 (or 93 – the opinions of my mother and my father’s service record differ. At least not earlier). Homeland - the village of Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, Georgia.


Father: Vladimir Konstantinovich (Baghdad forester), died in 1906.

Mom: Alexandra Alekseevna.

Apparently there are no other Mayakovskys.


The concepts are picturesque. Location unknown. Winter. My father subscribed to the Rodina magazine. “Motherland” has a “humorous” application. They talk about funny things and wait. Father walks around and sings his usual “alon zanfan de la four.” "Motherland" has arrived. I open it and immediately (picture) yell: “How funny! Uncle and aunt are kissing.” Laughed. Later, when the application arrived and I really had to laugh, it turned out that previously they were only laughing at me. This is how our ideas about pictures and humor diverged.


Poetic concepts. Summer. A lot of people are coming. Handsome long student - B. P. Glushkovsky. Draws. Leather notebook. Shiny paper. On paper, a long man without pants (or maybe tight pants) in front of a mirror. The man's name is "Evgenionegin". And Borya was long, and the drawn one was long. Clear. I also struggle with reading this very “Evgenionegin”. The opinion lasted for three years.


Practical concepts. Night. Behind the wall are the endless whispers of mom and dad. About pianos. I didn't sleep all night. The same phrase was itching. In the morning he started running: “Dad, what is installment payment?” I really liked the explanation.


Summer. Amazing number of guests. Name days are piling up. My father boasts about my memory. For every name day I am forced to memorize poems. I remember especially for my dad’s name day:

One day in front of a crowd

Tribal mountains...

“Tribals” and “rocks” irritated me. I didn’t know who they were, and in life they didn’t want me to come across them. Later I learned that this was poetry and began to quietly hate it.


The first house that I remember clearly. Two floors. The top one is ours. Nizhny is a winery. Once a year - carts of grapes. They pressed. I ate. They were drinking. All this is the territory of the oldest Georgian fortress near Baghdad. The fortress is quadrangular with a rampart. In the corners of the shafts there are ramps for cannons. There are loopholes in the ramparts. Behind the ramparts are ditches. Behind the ditches are forests and jackals. Mountains above the forests. Grown up. I ran to the highest one. The mountains to the north are falling. There is a gap in the north. I dreamed that this was Russia. The pull there was incredible.


About seven years. My father began to take me on horseback riding tours of the forestry. Pass. Night. It was covered in fog. You can't even see your father. The path is narrow. The father apparently pulled back the rosehip branch with his sleeve. A branch with its thorns hitting my cheeks. Squealing a little, I pull out the thorns. The fog and pain immediately disappeared. In the parted fog underfoot - brighter than the sky. This is electricity. Riveting plant of Prince Nakashidze. After electricity, I completely gave up being interested in nature. An unimproved thing.

My mother and all my cousins ​​taught me. The arithmetic seemed implausible. We have to count the apples and pears distributed to the boys. They always gave it to me and I always gave it without counting. In the Caucasus there is as much fruit as you like. I learned to read with pleasure.


Some kind of “Bird-keeper Agafya”. If I had come across several such books at that time, I would have stopped reading completely. Fortunately, the second one is Don Quixote. What a book! He made a wooden sword and armor and struck at the surroundings.

We've moved. From Baghdad to Kutais. Gymnasium exam. I survived. They asked about the anchor (on my sleeve) - he knew it well. But the priest asked what an “eye” was. I answered: “Three pounds” (in Georgian). The kind examiners explained to me that “oko” is “eye” in ancient Church Slavonic. I almost failed because of this. Therefore, I immediately hated everything ancient, everything ecclesiastical and everything Slavic. It is possible that my futurism, my atheism, and my internationalism came from here.


Preparatory, 1st and 2nd. I'll go first. All in A's. I'm reading Jules Verne. Overall fantastic. Some bearded man began to discover in me the abilities of an artist. He teaches for nothing.


The number of newspapers and magazines at home has increased. “Russian Vedomosti”, “Russian Word”, “Russian Wealth” and so on. I read everything. Unaccountably excited. The postcards of cruisers are amazing. I enlarge and redraw. The word “proclamation” appeared. The proclamations were hung by Georgians. Georgians were hanged by Cossacks. My fellow Georgians. I began to hate the Cossacks.


My sister arrived from Moscow. Enthusiastic. She secretly gave me long pieces of paper. Liked: very risky. I remember it even now. First:

Come to your senses, comrade, come to your senses, brother,

quickly throw the rifle on the ground.

And something else, with an ending;

...otherwise there is another way -

to the Germans with his son, his wife and his mother...

It was a revolution. It was poetry. Poems and revolution somehow came together in my head.

No time for studying. Let's go deuces. I moved to the fourth class only because my head was hit with a stone (I got into a fight at Rion) - I regretted it during the re-exams. For me, the revolution began like this: my comrade, the priest’s cook, Isidor, jumped barefoot onto the stove with joy - General Alikhanov was killed. The pacifier of Georgia. Demonstrations and rallies began. I went too. Fine. I perceive it picturesquely: anarchists in black, Socialist-Revolutionaries in red, Social Democrats in blue, federalists in other colors.


Speeches, newspapers. Of all things – unfamiliar concepts and words. I demand an explanation from myself. There are white books in the windows. "Petrel". About the same thing. I buy everything. I got up at six in the morning. I read voraciously. First: “Down with the Social Democrats.” Second: “Economic Conversations.” I was amazed for the rest of my life by the ability of socialists to unravel facts and systematize the world. “What to read?” – it seems, Rubakina. I re-read what was recommended. I don't understand a lot. I'm asking. I was introduced to a Marxist circle. I got to Erfurtskaya. Middle. About the "lumpenproletariat". He began to consider himself a Social Democrat: he stole his father’s Berdankas to the Social Democratic Committee. Lassalle liked the figure. It must be because he has no beard. Youthful. Lassalle is confused with Demosthenes. I go to Rion. I speak with stones in my mouth.

In my opinion, it started with the following: during a panic (maybe acceleration) during a demonstration of Bauman’s memory, I (who had fallen) was hit on the head with a huge drummer. I was scared, I thought I had cracked myself.

Mayakovsky's works occupy a prominent place in Russian literature. His prose and plays became a notable phenomenon in poetry and drama in the first decades of the 20th century. His specific style and unusual form of constructing his poems earned him popularity and fame. And today interest in his work continues unabated.

Characteristics of futurism

Mayakovsky, whose poems are the subject of this review, entered into Russian literature as the brightest and most prominent representative of the direction of futurism. The peculiarity of this movement was a break with the traditions of the classics and, in general, all previous art. This approach determined the interest of its representatives in everything new. They were looking for new forms of expressing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Big role acquired in creativity fine arts, or rather the creation of bright and catchy posters that were supposed to attract attention to their works. The poet himself also became interested in new trends, which largely determined his style. However, the originality of his style allowed him to rise above the ordinary representatives of futurism and survive his time and era, joining the ranks of the classics of Soviet poetry.

Features of the poems

Mayakovsky's works are traditionally included in school curriculum on Russian literature. This is explained by the fact that his works and compositions very clearly characterize the trends and ideas of his time. The heyday of the poet’s work occurred in a very difficult era, when in literature and art in general there was a struggle between the most different directions. While maintaining the positions of traditional classical school young authors actively broke with past achievements and looked for new means and forms of expression. The poet also became a supporter of innovative ideas and therefore created a special poetic form that resembled staircase rhyme. In addition, he, having some experience in writing posters, used bright catchy phrases in his writings that resembled slogans.

Poems about creativity

Mayakovsky's works, as a rule, reflect the trends and ideas of an era full of serious struggle between various artistic movements and directions. Therefore, they can be conditionally called journalistic in their orientation, but in terms of content they are a most valuable source for studying the views and thoughts of not only the author himself, but also those who also belonged to the futurist camp.

Easy poems by Mayakovsky are learned simply and quickly thanks to the simplicity of rhyme construction. For example, the piece “Could You?” It is distinguished by its small volume, it is concise, laconic and at the same time in a concentrated form conveys the poet’s thoughts about his complex work. His language is very simple, accessible, and therefore is always liked by schoolchildren and teenagers. Another poem about creativity is called “An Extraordinary Adventure.” It is distinguished by its unusual storyline, very good humor and therefore very easy to remember.

Poet about contemporaries

Mayakovsky's works are dedicated to the most different topics, and one of them is an assessment of the activities of contemporary authors. In this series of essays special place is occupied by the poem “To Sergei Yesenin”, in which the poet, in his characteristic ironic manner, outlined his attitude towards his work and tragic death. This work It is interesting in that it is distinguished by greater softness and some lyricism, despite the rough manner of expressing one’s feelings. It is also significant in the sense that Yesenin was the poet’s unspoken rival: both, one might say, opposed each other, but Mayakovsky appreciated the latter’s talent, and therefore it would be appropriate to offer it to schoolchildren in class.

Works as a reflection of the era

Mayakovsky, whose poems are the subject of this review, was interested in him and reacted vividly to the events taking place around him. The first decades of the 20th century were marked by a complex search for new poetic forms and subjects. The poet actively experimented with rhyme and various linguistic means. In this way he paid tribute to an era that was very different turbulent events not only in the political, but also in the cultural fields. Mayakovsky's light poems become clearer and more accessible if they are considered as a reflection of the active search for new visual arts in the first half of the century.

Most famous poem

“I take it out of my wide trousers” is perhaps the poet’s most famous work. Probably every schoolchild knows his lines. The secret of the popularity of this poem is that it expresses in concentrated form the Soviet ideology of the first years of Bolshevik power. It is in this context that this essay should be understood. It is very easy and quick to remember and is still actively quoted by artists at various performances.


Mayakovsky's satirical works, along with his poetry, occupy a prominent place in Russian literature. First of all we're talking about about his works “Bedbug” and “Bathhouse”. In these works the poet in his characteristic unusual shape showed the phenomena of his time. The extravagant and original plot, pretentious vocabulary, and unusual images of the main characters provided these plays with enough long life. IN Soviet era, for example, very often one could see performances of these works with famous artist Andrey Mironov in the title role.

The place of the poet in Russian literature

Mayakovsky's famous works ensured his popularity during his lifetime. The lightness and unusualness of poetic forms, as well as original way expressions of thoughts and pretentiousness linguistic means immediately attracted attention to him. Currently, his works are very interesting for understanding the era Soviet power. A striking example of this is the poem “I take it out of my wide trousers.” This essay on the Soviet passport clearly demonstrates the attitude of the new intelligentsia to the order that was established in our country after 1917. However, this does not exhaust the author’s significance for Russian literature. The fact is that he was a very multifaceted person and tried himself in a variety of genres.

An example of this is the fact that he wrote not only plays, but also poems. The most famous of them, which are still studied in school, are “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” and “Good”. In them, the author in a very succinct and concise form expressed his attitude towards the most important events of its time. This is precisely what explains the interest in his work, which continues unabated to this day. His works clearly characterize cultural life a significant part of the intelligentsia under Soviet rule.


I am a poet. This is what makes it interesting. This is what I am writing about. About the rest - only if it is stated in words.

Burliuk said: Mayakovsky has the memory that the road is in Poltava - everyone will leave his galoshes. But I don’t remember faces and dates. I only remember that in 1100 some “Dorians” moved somewhere. I don’t remember the details of this case, but it must have been a serious matter. Remember - “This was written on May 2. Pavlovsk. Fountains” is a completely minor matter. Therefore, I float freely according to my chronology.

Born on July 7, 1894 (or 93 – the opinions of my mother and my father’s service record differ. At least not earlier). Homeland - the village of Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, Georgia.


Father: Vladimir Konstantinovich (Baghdad forester), died in 1906.

Mom: Alexandra Alekseevna.

Apparently there are no other Mayakovskys.


The concepts are picturesque. Location unknown. Winter. My father subscribed to the Rodina magazine. “Motherland” has a “humorous” application. They talk about funny things and wait. Father walks around and sings his usual “alon zanfan de la four.” "Motherland" has arrived. I open it and immediately (picture) yell: “How funny! Uncle and aunt are kissing.” Laughed. Later, when the application arrived and I really had to laugh, it turned out that previously they were only laughing at me. This is how our ideas about pictures and humor diverged.


Poetic concepts. Summer. A lot of people are coming. Handsome long student - B. P. Glushkovsky. Draws. Leather notebook. Shiny paper. On paper, a long man without pants (or maybe tight pants) in front of a mirror. The man's name is "Evgenionegin". And Borya was long, and the drawn one was long. Clear. I also struggle with reading this very “Evgenionegin”. The opinion lasted for three years.


Practical concepts. Night. Behind the wall are the endless whispers of mom and dad. About pianos. I didn't sleep all night. The same phrase was itching. In the morning he started running: “Dad, what is installment payment?” I really liked the explanation.


Summer. Amazing number of guests. Name days are piling up. My father boasts about my memory. For every name day I am forced to memorize poems. I remember especially for my dad’s name day:

One day in front of a crowd
Tribal mountains...

“Tribals” and “rocks” irritated me. I didn’t know who they were, and in life they didn’t want me to come across them. Later I learned that this was poetry and began to quietly hate it.


The first house that I remember clearly. Two floors. The top one is ours. Nizhny is a winery. Once a year - carts of grapes. They pressed. I ate. They were drinking. All this is the territory of the oldest Georgian fortress near Baghdad. The fortress is quadrangular with a rampart. In the corners of the shafts there are ramps for cannons. There are loopholes in the ramparts. Behind the ramparts are ditches. Behind the ditches are forests and jackals. Mountains above the forests. Grown up. I ran to the highest one. The mountains to the north are falling. There is a gap in the north. I dreamed that this was Russia. The pull there was incredible.


About seven years. My father began to take me on horseback riding tours of the forestry. Pass. Night. It was covered in fog. You can't even see your father. The path is narrow. The father apparently pulled back the rosehip branch with his sleeve. A branch with its thorns hitting my cheeks. Squealing a little, I pull out the thorns. The fog and pain immediately disappeared. In the parted fog underfoot - brighter than the sky. This is electricity. Riveting plant of Prince Nakashidze. After electricity, I completely gave up being interested in nature. An unimproved thing.

My mother and all my cousins ​​taught me. The arithmetic seemed implausible. We have to count the apples and pears distributed to the boys. They always gave it to me and I always gave it without counting. In the Caucasus there is as much fruit as you like. I learned to read with pleasure.


Some kind of “Bird-keeper Agafya”. If I had come across several such books at that time, I would have stopped reading completely. Fortunately, the second one is Don Quixote. What a book! He made a wooden sword and armor and struck at the surroundings.

We've moved. From Baghdad to Kutais. Gymnasium exam. I survived. They asked about the anchor (on my sleeve) - he knew it well. But the priest asked what an “eye” was. I answered: “Three pounds” (in Georgian). The kind examiners explained to me that “oko” is “eye” in ancient Church Slavonic. I almost failed because of this. Therefore, I immediately hated everything ancient, everything ecclesiastical and everything Slavic. It is possible that my futurism, my atheism, and my internationalism came from here.


Preparatory, 1st and 2nd. I'll go first. All in A's. I'm reading Jules Verne. Overall fantastic. Some bearded man began to discover in me the abilities of an artist. He teaches for nothing.


The number of newspapers and magazines at home has increased. “Russian Vedomosti”, “Russian Word”, “Russian Wealth” and so on. I read everything. Unaccountably excited. The postcards of cruisers are amazing. I enlarge and redraw. The word “proclamation” appeared. The proclamations were hung by Georgians. Georgians were hanged by Cossacks. My fellow Georgians. I began to hate the Cossacks.


My sister arrived from Moscow. Enthusiastic. She secretly gave me long pieces of paper. Liked: very risky. I remember it even now. First:

Come to your senses, comrade, come to your senses, brother,
quickly throw the rifle on the ground.

And something else, with an ending;

...otherwise there is another way -
to the Germans with his son, his wife and his mother...

It was a revolution. It was poetry. Poems and revolution somehow came together in my head.

No time for studying. Let's go deuces. I moved to the fourth class only because my head was hit with a stone (I got into a fight at Rion) - I regretted it during the re-exams. For me, the revolution began like this: my comrade, the priest’s cook, Isidor, jumped barefoot onto the stove with joy - General Alikhanov was killed. The pacifier of Georgia. Demonstrations and rallies began. I went too. Fine. I perceive it picturesquely: anarchists in black, Socialist-Revolutionaries in red, Social Democrats in blue, federalists in other colors.


Speeches, newspapers. Of all things – unfamiliar concepts and words. I demand an explanation from myself. There are white books in the windows. "Petrel". About the same thing. I buy everything. I got up at six in the morning. I read voraciously. First: “Down with the Social Democrats.” Second: “Economic Conversations.” I was amazed for the rest of my life by the ability of socialists to unravel facts and systematize the world. “What to read?” – it seems, Rubakina. I re-read what was recommended. I don't understand a lot. I'm asking. I was introduced to a Marxist circle. I got to Erfurtskaya. Middle. About the "lumpenproletariat". He began to consider himself a Social Democrat: he stole his father’s Berdankas to the Social Democratic Committee. Lassalle liked the figure. It must be because he has no beard. Youthful. Lassalle is confused with Demosthenes. I go to Rion. I speak with stones in my mouth.

In my opinion, it started with the following: during a panic (maybe acceleration) during a demonstration of Bauman’s memory, I (who had fallen) was hit on the head with a huge drummer. I was scared, I thought I had cracked myself.

Father died. I pricked my finger (stitching papers). Blood poisoning. Since then I can't stand pins. The prosperity is over. After my father’s funeral, we have 3 rubles. Instinctively, feverishly, we sold out of tables and chairs. We moved to Moscow. For what? There weren't even any acquaintances.

The best place is Baku. Towers, tanks, the best perfume - oil, and then the steppe. Desert even.

We stopped in Razumovsky. Familiar sisters - the Plotnikovs. In the morning by steam train to Moscow. We rented an apartment on Bronnaya.


Food is bad. Pension – 10 rubles per month. My two sisters and I are studying. Mom had to be given rooms and meals. The rooms are crappy. The students lived poor. Socialists. I remember the first “Bolshevik” in front of me was Vasya Kandelaki.


Sent for kerosene. 5 rubles. In colonial change the amount is 14 rubles 50 kopecks; 10 rubles – net earnings. I was ashamed. I walked around the store twice (the Erfurt one stuck). “Who got shortchanged, the owner or the employee,” I quietly ask the clerk. - Master! – I bought and ate four candied breads. The rest I raced in a boat on the Patriarch's Ponds. Since then I haven’t been able to see candied bread.

There is no money in the family. I had to burn it and paint it. I especially remember the Easter eggs. Round, spinning and creaking like doors. He sold the eggs to a handicraft store on Neglinnaya. A piece is 10-15 kopecks. Since then I have endlessly hated Bemov, Russian style and handicrafts.


Transferred to the 4th grade of the fifth gymnasium. Units weakly varied by twos. Under the Anti-Dühring desk.

He did not recognize fiction at all. Philosophy. Hegel. Natural science. But mainly Marxism. There is no work of art that I am more fascinated by than Marx's Preface. Illegality was coming from the students' rooms. “Street Fighting Tactics,” etc. I clearly remember Lenin’s blue “Two Tactics.” I liked that the book was cut down to the letters. For illegal insertion. Aesthetics of maximum savings.


The third gymnasium published the illegal magazine “Rush”. Offended. Others write, but I can’t?! It began to creak. It turned out incredibly revolutionary and equally ugly. Like the current Kirillov. I don't remember a single line. I wrote the second one. It came out lyrical. Not considering this state of heart compatible with my “socialist dignity,” I quit altogether.

1908 He joined the RSDLP (Bolshevik) party. He took the exam in the commercial and industrial subdistrict. I survived. Propagandist. I went to the bakers, then to the shoemakers and finally to the printers. At a citywide conference I was elected to the MK. There were Lomov, Povolzhets, Smidovich and others. He was called “Comrade Konstantin.” I didn’t have to work here - they hired me.

On March 29, 1908, he ran into an ambush in Gruziny. Our illegal printing house. Ate a notepad. With addresses and bound. Presnenskaya part. Security. Sushchevskaya Part. Investigator Voltanovsky (obviously, he considered himself cunning) forced me to take dictation: I was accused of writing a proclamation. I hopelessly got the dictation wrong. Wrote: “social democratic”. Perhaps he did. They released him on bail. In part I read “Sanin” with bewilderment. For some reason it was present in every part. Obviously, soul-saving. Came out. For a year - party work. And again a short-term stay. They took the revolver. Makhmudbekov, my father’s friend, then assistant chief of Krestov, who was accidentally arrested in my ambush, declared that the revolver was his, and they released me.


Those living with us (Koridze (illegal. Morchadze), Gerulaitis and others) are undermining Taganka. Release female convicts. They managed to arrange an escape from Novinskaya prison. They took me away. I didn't want to sit. Scandalous. They were transferred from unit to unit - Basmannaya, Meshchanskaya, Myasnitskaya, etc. - and finally - Butyrki. Single No. 103.


The most important time for me. After three years of theory and practice, I threw myself into fiction. I've read all the latest stuff. Symbolists - Bely, Balmont. The formal novelty was dismantled. But it was alien. Themes and images are not my life. I tried to write just as well myself, but about something else. It turned out the same about something else - it’s impossible. It came out stilted and tearful. Something like:

The forests dressed in gold and purple,
The sun played on the heads of the churches.
I waited: but the days were lost in the months,
Hundreds of tedious days.

I filled a whole notebook with this. Thanks to the guards - they took me away when I left. Otherwise I would have printed it! Having chastised modernity, he attacked the classics. Byron, Shakespeare, Tolstoy. The last book- “Anna Karenina.” Didn't finish reading it. At night they called “with things around the city.” I still don’t know how their story ended there, with the Karenins.

I was released. I had to (the secret police decided) to go to Turukhansk for three years. Makhmudbekov gave me a hard time at Kurlov's.

During the imprisonment, he was tried in the first case - guilty, but did not get out for years. Place under police supervision and parental responsibility.


He came out excited. The ones I have read are the so-called greats. But how easy it is to write better than them. I already have it now right attitude to the world. You just need experience in art. Where can I get it? I'm ignorant. I have to go through serious school. And I was kicked out even from the gymnasium, even from Stroganovsky. If you stay in the party, you have to become illegal. It seemed to me that you couldn’t learn illegally. The prospect is to write flyers all my life, laying out thoughts taken from correct books, but not invented by me. If you shake out what you read, what remains? Marxist method. But did these weapons fall into the hands of children? It is easy to wield it if you deal only with the thoughts of your own. What about when meeting enemies? After all, I still can’t write better than Bely. He talks about his joy - “he threw a pineapple into the sky”, and I about my whine - “hundreds of languid days.” Good for other party members. They also have a university. (A high school- I didn’t yet know what it was - I respected it then!) What can I oppose to the old aesthetics that have fallen on me? Wouldn't the revolution require serious schooling from me? I went to see my then party comrade, Medvedev. I want to do socialist art. Seryozha laughed for a long time: he had a lot of guts. I still think that he underestimated my guts. I interrupted party work. I sat down to study.


I thought, I can’t write poetry. The experiences are deplorable. I took up painting. Studied with Zhukovsky. Together with some ladies I painted silver sets. A year later I figured it out - I’m learning handicrafts. I went to Kelin. Realist. A good draftsman. Best teacher. Solid. Changing.

The requirement is skill, Holbein. Can't stand pretty things.

The revered poet is Sasha Cherny. His anti-aestheticism was pleasing.


I sat on my head for a year. Entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture: the only place, where they accepted without a certificate of trustworthiness. Worked well. I was surprised: they cherish imitators, but they persecute those who are independent. Larionov, Mashkov. I became a jealous instinct for those who were being kicked out.


Burliuk appeared at the school. Looks arrogant. Lornetka. Frock coat. Walks around humming. I started to bully. Almost got into trouble.


Noble meeting. Concert. Rachmaninov. Island of the Dead. I was running away from unbearable melodic boredom. A minute later and Burliuk. They burst out laughing at each other. They went out to hang out together.


Talk. From Rachmaninov’s boredom they switched to school boredom, from school boredom to all classical boredom. David has the anger of a master who has surpassed his contemporaries, I have the pathos of a socialist who knows the inevitability of the collapse of old things. Russian futurism was born.


This afternoon I published a poem. Or rather, pieces. Bad. Not printed anywhere. Night. Sretensky Boulevard. I read lines to Burliuk. Let me add – this is one of my friends. David stopped. He examined me. He barked: “But you wrote it yourself!” You’re a brilliant poet!” The application of such a grandiose and undeserved epithet to me delighted me. I completely lost myself in poetry. That evening, quite unexpectedly, I became a poet.


Already in the morning, Burliuk, introducing me to someone, said in a deep voice: “Don’t you know? My brilliant friend. The famous poet Mayakovsky." I'm pushing. But Burliuk is adamant. He also growled at me, walking away: “Now write. Otherwise you’re putting me in a stupid position.”


I had to write. I wrote the first one (the first professional one, published) - “Crimson and White” and others.


I think of David with everlasting love. A wonderful friend. My real teacher. Burliuk made me a poet. He read French and German to me. He put books in. He walked and talked endlessly. He didn't let go even one step. He gave out 50 kopecks daily. To write without starving. For Christmas I brought it to my home in Novaya Mayachka. I brought “Port” and other things.


We returned from Mayachka. If with vague views, then with refined temperaments. Khlebnikov in Moscow. His quiet genius was then completely obscured for me by the seething David. Here the futuristic Jesuit of the word, Kruchenykh, hovered. After several nights, the lyricists gave birth to a joint manifesto. David collected, rewrote, together they gave it a name and released “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste.”


Exhibitions "Jack of Diamonds". Disputes. My and David's furious speeches. Newspapers began to fill with futurism. The tone was not very polite. So, for example, they simply called me “son of a bitch.”


I never had costumes. There were two blouses - of the most vile kind. A proven way is to decorate with a tie. No money. I took a piece of yellow ribbon from my sister. Tied up. Furor. This means that the most noticeable and beautiful thing in a person is a tie. Obviously, if you increase the tie, the furor will increase. And since the sizes of ties are limited, I used a trick: I made a tie shirt and a shirt tie. The impression is irresistible.


The art generals grinned. Prince Lvov. Director of the school. He suggested stopping criticism and agitation. They refused.

The council of “artists” expelled us from the school.


We traveled to Russia. Evenings. Lectures. The governorship was wary. In Nikolaev we were asked not to touch either the authorities or Pushkin. They were often cut off by the police mid-sentence of the report. Vasya Kamensky joined the gang. The oldest futurist.

For me, these years are formal work, mastery of words.

Publishers didn't take us. The capitalist nose smelled dynamites in us. They didn’t buy a single line from me.

Returning to Moscow, he most often lived on the boulevards.

This time ended with the tragedy of “Vladimir Mayakovsky”. Staged in St. Petersburg. Luna Park. They whistled it to the holes.


I feel mastery. I can master the topic. Close. I pose a question about the topic. About revolutionary. I'm thinking about "A Cloud in My Pants."

He accepted it excitedly. At first, only from the decorative, noise side. The posters are custom made and, of course, quite military. Then it died down. "War has been declared."

First battle. War horror arose in the area. War is disgusting. The rear is even more disgusting. To talk about war, you have to see it. I went to sign up as a volunteer. They didn't allow it. No trustworthiness. And Colonel Modl had one good idea.

Disgust and hatred of war. “Oh, close, close your eyes, newspapers” and others.

I lost interest in art completely.

Won 65 rubles. Left for Finland. Kuokkala.


Seven-sign system (seven-field). Made seven dinner acquaintances. On Sunday I “eat” Chukovsky, Monday - Evreinov, etc. On Thursday it was worse - I eat Repin’s herbs. For a futurist a fathom tall, this is no big deal.

In the evenings I hang out on the beach. I'm writing "Cloud".

The consciousness of an imminent revolution strengthened.

I went to Mustamaki. M. Gorky. I read parts of “The Cloud” to him. The emotional Gorky cried all over my vest. Upset with poetry. I got a little proud.

It soon became clear that Gorky was crying on every poetic vest.

Still, I keep the vest. I can give it to someone for a provincial museum.


65 rubles passed easily and without pain. “In the discussion of what to eat” he began to write in “New Satire”.


July 915. I meet L.Yu. and O.M. Briks.

Shaved. Now I don’t want to go to the front. Pretended to be a draftsman. At night I learn from some engineer how to draw a car. Typing is even worse. Soldiers are prohibited. Only Brik makes me happy. He buys all my poems for 50 kopecks per line. Printed "Spine Flute" and "Cloud". The cloud turned out to be cirrus. The censorship was blowing at him. Six pages of solid dots.

Since then I have hated dots. Commas too.


Worst time ever. I draw (dodge) portraits of bosses. “War and Peace” unfolds in the head, “Man” unfolds in the heart.

"War and Peace" is over. A little later - “Man”. I publish pieces in the Chronicle. I don’t brazenly show myself off to the military.

I went with the cars to the Duma. I entered Rodzianka’s office. He examined Miliukov. Silent. But for some reason it seems to me that he stutters. After an hour I got tired of it. Left. Took over the Driving School team for a few days. Guchkovet. The old officers are walking around in the Duma as before. It’s clear to me that the socialists are inevitably behind this now. Bolsheviks. In the very first days of the revolution I am writing the Poetochronicle “Revolution”. I give lectures - “Bolsheviks of Art”.

Russia is gradually opening up. Lost respect. I'm leaving New Life. I’m planning a “Mystery-Buff”.

To accept or not to accept? There was no such question for me (and for other Muscovites-futurists). My revolution. I went to Smolny. Worked. Everything that was necessary. They begin to sit.

I went to Moscow. I'm speaking. At night “Cafe of Poets” in Nastasinsky. The revolutionary grandmother of today's cafe-poetry salons. I write film scripts. I play by myself. I draw movie posters. June. Petersburg again.

The RSFSR has no time for art. And I care about him. I went to Proletkult to see Kshesinskaya. Why not in the party? Communists worked at the fronts. In art and education there are still compromisers. I would have been sent to fish in Astrakhan.

Finished the mystery. Read. They talk a lot. Directed by Meyerhold with K. Malevich. They roared around terribly. Especially the communist intelligentsia. Andreeva didn’t do something. To interfere. They set it up three times - then they smashed it. And then came the Macbeths.

I travel with the mystery and other things of mine and my comrades to the factories. A joyful welcome. In the Vyborg region we organize comfut, we publish “The Art of the Commune”. Academies are cracking. I'm moving to Moscow in the spring.

“150,000,000” filled my head. I went to the GROWTH campaign.

Finished “One Hundred and Fifty Million.” I am typing without a last name. I want everyone to add and improve. They didn’t do this, but everyone knew his last name. Doesn't matter. I am typing here under my last name.

Days and nights of GROWTH. All sorts of Denikins are coming. I write and draw. I made three thousand posters and six thousand signatures.

Breaking through all the red tape, hatred, bureaucracy and stupidity, I put on the second version of the mystery.

Goes to the First RSFSR - directed by Meyerhold with artists Lavinsky, Khrakovsky, Kiselev and in the circus at German for the III Congress of the Comintern. Staged by Granovsky with Altman and Ravdel. It happened about a hundred times.

He began to write in Izvestia.

I am organizing the publishing house MAF. I gather futurists - communes. We arrived with Far East Aseev, Tretyakov and other comrades in fights. I started recording the “Fifth International”, which I had been working on for three years. Utopia. Art will be shown in 500 years.

Let's organize "Lef". “Lef” is the coverage of a large social theme with all the tools of futurism. This definition, of course, does not exhaust the question; I refer those interested to N%N%. They rallied closely: Brik, Aseev, Kushner, Arvatov, Tretyakov, Rodchenko, Lavinsky.

Wrote: “About this.” For personal reasons about general life. I began to think about the poem “Lenin”. One of the slogans, one of the great achievements of “Lef” is the de-aestheticization of industrial arts, constructivism. Poetic application: propaganda and economic propaganda - advertising. Despite the poetic hooting, I consider “Nowhere but in Mosselprom” poetry of the highest qualification.

"Monument to the workers of Kursk." Numerous lectures on the USSR about “Lef”. “Anniversary” - to Pushkin. And poems of this type are a cycle. Travel: Tiflis, Yalta - Sevastopol. “Tamara and the Demon”, etc. Finished the poem “Lenin”. I read it at many work meetings. I was very afraid of this poem, since it could easily degrade into a simple political retelling. The attitude of the working audience delighted and confirmed the need for the poem. I travel abroad a lot. European technology, industrialism, every attempt to combine them with the still impassable former Russia- the ever-present idea of ​​the Lefist futurist.

Despite the disappointing circulation data about the magazine, Lef is expanding its work.

We know this “data” - it’s just a frequent clerical disinterest in individual journals of the large and cold-blooded mechanism of the GIZ.

He wrote the propaganda poem “The Flying Proletarian” and a collection of propaganda poems “Walk the Sky Yourself.” I'm going around the world. The beginning of this trip is the last poem (from individual verses) on the theme “Paris”. I want to switch from poetry to prose. I should finish my first novel this year.

“Around” didn’t work out. Firstly, he was robbed in Paris, and secondly, after six months of driving like a bullet, he rushed to the USSR. I didn’t even go to San Francisco (they invited me to give a lecture). Traveled to Mexico, S.-A. S. Sh. and pieces of France and Spain. The result is books: journalism-prose - “My discovery of America” and poetry - “Spain”, “ Atlantic Ocean", "Havanna", "Mexico", "America". I finished the novel in my head, but didn’t translate it onto paper, because while I was finishing it, I became imbued with hatred for what was fictional and began to demand from myself that it be in the name, that it is in fact. However, this is also for the 26th – 27th years.

In my work I consciously transform myself into a newspaperman. Feuilleton, slogan. The poets are hooting, but they cannot write newspapers themselves, but rather publish more in irresponsible supplements. But it’s funny for me to look at their lyrical nonsense, it’s so easy to do it and it’s not interesting to anyone except my wife.

I write in Izvestia, Trud, Rabochaya Moskve, Dawn of the East, Baku Worker and others. The second work is continuing the interrupted tradition of troubadours and minstrels. I travel around cities and read. Novocherkassk, Vinnitsa, Kharkov, Paris, Rostov, Tiflis, Berlin, Kazan, Sverdlovsk, Tula, Prague, Leningrad, Moscow, Voronezh, Yalta, Evpatoria, Vyatka, Ufa, etc., etc., etc. d.

I am restoring (there was an attempt to “reduce”) “Lef”, now “New”. Main position: against fiction, aestheticization and psychologizing by art - for agitation, for qualified journalism and chronicle. Main work in " Komsomolskaya Pravda", and working overtime "Okay."

“Okay” I consider a programmatic thing, like “Clouds in Pants” for that time. Limitation of abstract poetic techniques (hyperbole, vignette self-valued image) and the invention of techniques for processing chronicle and propaganda material.

Ironic pathos in the description of little things, but they can be the right step into the future (“the cheeses are not overstayed - the lamps are shining, prices are reduced”), the introduction, to interrupt plans, of facts of various historical calibers, legitimate only in the order of personal associations (“Conversation with Blok”, “The quiet Jew, Pavel Ilyich Lavut told me” ).

I will develop what I have planned.

Also: scripts and children's books have been written.

He also continued to minstrel. I collected about 20,000 notes, I’m thinking about the book “Universal Answer” (to note takers). I know what the reading masses are thinking about.

I am writing a poem “Bad”. The play and mine literary biography. Many people said: “Your autobiography is not very serious.” Right. I have not yet become an academic and am not used to babysitting my own person, and my work interests me only if it is fun. The rise and fall of many literatures, symbolists, realists, etc., our struggle with them - all this happened before my eyes: this is part of our very serious history. It demands to be written about. And I will write.