Admission to museums. International Museum Day. Museum Night promotion: free admission in May

International Museum Day is celebrated annually on May 18th. The decision to establish the holiday was made on the initiative of the Soviet delegation at the XI General Conference of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), held in Moscow and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in May 1977.

ICOM is the global organization representing museums and museum professionals. ICOM's activities are aimed at protecting and promoting natural and cultural heritage- past and future, material and intangible.

The organization, created in 1946, has 37 thousand members in 141 countries.

Before official establishment International Day Museums ICOM held an annual event called the Museum Crusade.

In 1992 it was first proposed general theme International Museum Day.

In 1997, the official poster for International Museum Day was created for the first time. Since then, every year ICOM has developed a corporate identity and prepared layouts for posters, postcards and Internet banners, making them freely available in more than 10 languages. In 2011, institutional partners were attracted to organize events and new brand elements were introduced: a slogan, an official website on the Internet and an information kit. This year ICOM also became the patron of the European Night of Museums, which usually precedes International Museum Day.

Celebrations can last one day, a weekend or a whole week. On this day, museums hold events related to main theme holiday.

In 2018, the International Council of Museums chose the theme “Museums in the Age of Hypercommunication: New Approaches, New Audiences.”

The term "hypercommunication" was coined in 2001 to refer to the variety of communication tools that people have at their disposal today. These include personal communication, e-mail, social media, telephone, internet and much more. This global communication network is becoming increasingly complex and diverse, with museums also becoming participants.

Thanks to technology, museums can reach beyond their core audience and attract new visitors by promoting their collections in various ways— digitalization of cultural heritage, inclusion of multimedia in the exhibition, as well as the creation of a hashtag that will arouse additional public interest in the museum and its collections on social networks.

Museum activities in Russian Federation carried out in accordance with the provisions federal law"On the museum fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation", which was adopted on April 24, 1996.

In 2013, to exhibit works of art from major museums A mobile collection of leading Russian museums was created in the regions of Russia. Within the framework of this project, exhibition projects by any large federal museum for one or several small regional ones.

In the mid-1990s, virtual museums appeared in Russia, which, with the development of the Internet, became a noticeable phenomenon in museum life. Virtual museum (from virtual - possible, hidden, as if existing) - information on electronic media about a museum that really exists (museum websites) or only in the network space. The advantage of such a resource is that anyone with Internet access can watch it from any part of the world. permanent exhibition museum without leaving home, which is especially suitable for people with limited opportunity movement. Currently, over 200 virtual museums have been created in Russia.

Since April 2017, the Artifact platform was launched, thanks to which all museums in the Russian Federation have the opportunity to use augmented reality.

In 2017 Russian museums visited record number Human - .

Since 1999, the Intermuseum festival has been held in Moscow, which allows you to track. In 2017, the festival was attended by more than 40 thousand visitors. In 2018, the festival will unite about 400 museums from Russia, near and far abroad.

Traditionally, as part of the celebration of Museum Day, the “Night of Museums” event is held in many countries around the world. Its main goal is the opportunity to attract and interest visitors with bright, extraordinary programs dedicated to cultural and historical heritage. The main motto of the “museum night” is openness to spectators. Everyone can attend exhibitions, seminars, lectures and master classes at various venues for free.

In Russia, Krasnoyarsk was the first to open its doors to night visitors. museum center in 2002, in 2007 Moscow joined the action. Since 2008, “Night of Museums” has become an annual event in Moscow and is held on the third weekend of May. Since 2015, the event has included federal, departmental and private venues and museums throughout Russia.

In 2018, the event will take place on the night of May 19-20, this year’s theme is “Masterpieces from the Vaults.”

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Main holiday museum community around the world is traditionally held May 18. Celebrations can last one day, a weekend or a whole week. The main thing is that their essence corresponds to the principle: “Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, the enrichment of cultures and the development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace between people.”

On this day, museums taking part in the celebration implement events related to the main theme of the holiday. Every year, the theme of International Museum Day is developed by the expert network of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

Topics for future years:

2020 - Museum as a space of equal opportunity: diversity and inclusion / Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion

More information about International Museum Day 2020 - follow the link

International Museum Day is an excellent opportunity for museum workers to meet their regular public in unusual circumstances and attract a completely new audience. And as a result - to take their rightful place in the life of society.

A little history

  • 1977 decision. During the ICOM General Assembly in Moscow in 1977, it was decided to create International Museum Day
  • Museum Crusade. This was the name of the event held annually by ICOM before the official establishment of International Museum Day
  • Uniting around one topic. Since every year this day united more and more countries and museums around itself, and also to give harmony and unity, in 1992 the general theme of International Museum Day was proposed for the first time.
  • Creation of identity. In 1997, the official poster for International Museum Day was created for the first time. Since then, every year ICOM has developed a corporate identity and prepared layouts for posters, postcards and Internet banners, making them freely available in more than 10 languages. Anyone can download the layouts and use them in their work.
  • Strengthening communication. 2011 was a turning point in the history of the development of International Museum Day, in particular, institutional partners were attracted to organize the events and new brand elements were introduced: a slogan, an official website on the Internet and an information kit. This year ICOM also became the patron of the European Night of Museums, which usually precedes International Museum Day
  • International expansion. Today, International Museum Day is celebrated on all continents – in more than a hundred countries around the world. More than 20,000 museums around the world celebrate this holiday.


ICOM Russia invites you to join the global action and invites you to use its resources! Use graphic materials , created in the same style. Especially for you ICOM Russia translates everything into Russian! The layout of the poster and Internet banner leave the opportunity to add your museum’s logo and information about your events to the layout. Using MDM branding will allow you to position your museum’s events with status.

Take advantage memo for the preparation of the MDM, with recommendations for finding partners and developing a program of events. Share your plans and results - you can send information to ICOM about how MDM is planned to be celebrated in your museum or how the holiday went in your place, accompanying the report with photographs.

On the MDM website you will find an Archive of how MDM was celebrated in different museums in previous years and as planned this year.

In 2011, the Moscow Department of Culture issued an order “On the regime of free visits to Moscow museums.” According to this order, in museums subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow it is established free entry for all categories of visitors on the third Sunday of every month.

On what other days can you visit Moscow museums for free?

Moscow museums, subordinate to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, are open free of charge to everyone categories of visitors:

  • in days winter holidays- beginning of January;
  • on the Days of Cultural and historical heritage Moscow - timed (but may not coincide) with the International Day of Monuments and Historical Sites (April 18) and International Museum Day (May 18);
  • on “Night of Museums” - held annually on the third Saturday of May;
  • on City Day - held annually on the first Saturday of September.

List of Moscow museums that are free on the third Sunday of every month

Museum Association "Museum of Moscow"

  • Architectural complex "Provision shops" ( Zubovsky Boulevard, no. 2)
  • Chambers of the old English courtyard (4a Varvarka Street)
  • Museum of Archeology of Moscow ( Manezhnaya Square, building 1a)
  • Museum of Russian estate culture“Estate of the Golitsyn princes Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki” (Polar alley, 6, Starye Kuzminki street, 13)
  • Lefortovo Museum (Kryukovskaya street, 23)
  • Museum of Russian Harmonica A. Mirek (2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, 18)

Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege"

  • Moscow State Exhibition Hall " New Manege» (Georgievsky Lane, 3/3)
  • Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (Manezhnaya Square, 1)
  • Museum and Exhibition Center “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” (Mira Avenue, 123b)
  • Museum - workshop of D.A. Nalbandyan (Tverskaya street, 8, building 2)
  • Exhibition hall “Chekhov's House” (Malaya Dmitrovka street, 29, building 4)

State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

  • Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, 53)
  • Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (Arbat street, 55)
  • Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, 55)
  • Museum of I. S. Turgenev (Ostozhenka Street, 37)

Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve

  • Estate "Kolomenskoye" (Andropov Avenue, 39)
  • Estate "Lefortovo" (Krasnokazarmennaya street, vlad. 1)
  • Estate "Lyublino" (Letnyaya street, 1, building 1)
  • Estate "Izmailovo" (town named after Bauman, 1, building 4, Bridge Tower)
  • State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno” (Dolskaya Street, 1)

History and science museums

  • Museum-panorama “Battle of Borodino” (Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 38)
  • Museum of Heroes Soviet Union(Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, 24, building 3)
  • State Museum of Defense of Moscow (Michurinsky Prospekt, 3)
  • Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (111 Mira Avenue)
  • Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Koroleva (1st Ostankino street, 28)
  • Museum-memorial complex of the history of the Russian Navy park " Northern Tushino» (Svobody Street, property 44-48)
  • Museum complex “History of the T-34 tank” (Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, 88-a)
  • State Zelenograd Historical- local history museum Zelenograd (Gogol street, 11-v)
  • State Darwin Museum (Vavilov Street, 57)
  • State biological museum them. K.A. Timiryazeva (Malaya Gruzinskaya street, 15)
  • Local Lore Museum “House on the Embankment” (Serafimovicha Street, 2, subdivision 1)

Museums of culture and art

  • Moscow House of Photography (Ostozhenka Street, 16)
  • Moscow State art gallery People's Artist USSR Ilya Glazunov (Volkhonka street, 13)
  • Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova (Znamenka street, 5)
  • Moscow State Museum “Burganov House” (Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane, 15, building 9)
  • Moscow association "Museon" ( Krymsky Val, no. 10)
  • Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time (Shchetininsky Lane, 10, building 1)
  • House of N.V. Gogol – memorial museum And scientific library(Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a)
  • State cultural center-museum V.S. Vysotsky (Nizhny Tagansky deadlock, no. 3)
  • State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky (Lubyansky proezd, 3/6)
  • State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after. N.A. Ostrovsky (Tverskaya street, 14)
  • Museum of M. A. Bulgakov (Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 10, apt. 50)
  • House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva (Borisoglebsky Lane, 6)
  • Moscow Literary Museum-Center K.G. Paustovsky (Old Kuzminki street, 17)
  • Moscow State Museum S.A. Yesenina (Bolshoi Strochenovsky Lane, 24)
  • Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin (Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 11)
  • Moscow State Vadim Sidur Museum (Novogireevskaya street, 37, building 2)
  • Moscow Museum contemporary art(Petrovka Street, 25, building 1; Ermolaevsky Lane, 17; Tverskoy Boulevard, 9; Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 15; Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10)
  • Museum naive art(Soyuzny Prospekt, 15a)
  • Museum of Folk Graphics (Maly Golovin Lane, 10)

It should be noted that federal and commercial museums do not participate in the program of free admission to Moscow museums!

Annually museum workers around the world celebrate their professional holiday- (International Museum Day). And, of course, those of us who are looking forward to another trip to the local history museum of our city or meeting with rare exhibits of the Hermitage or Louvre are also involved in today's holiday.

It appeared on the calendar in 1977, when at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums, ICOM (International Council of Museums, ICOM) a proposal was adopted Russian organization about the establishment of this cultural holiday. Since 1978, International Museum Day has been celebrated in more than 150 countries.

According to ICOM, museums are institutions in the service of society and its development. And ICOM itself, created in 1946, is a global organization representing museums and museum professionals. ICOM's activities are aimed at protecting and promoting natural and cultural heritage - past and future, tangible and intangible. Today, the members of this organization are 35 thousand members from more than 130 countries.

According to Jacques Perot, ex-president of ICOM, “Museums must take a place at the heart of society and be open to the public. The development of our institutions depends to a large extent on the assistance of the public, and we must offer them the opportunity to support our goals and participate in our work. It is therefore necessary for museums and society to work together in a spirit of creativity and innovation.”

It is generally accepted that through museums society expresses its attitude towards historical and cultural heritage, and it is difficult to disagree with this. By collecting and storing monuments of material and spiritual culture, museums carry out extensive scientific, educational and educational work.

Every year since 1992, the holiday has its own a specific topic, dedicated to issues museum activities, for example, such as the illegal export of museum valuables, the role of museums in improving the culture of society and many others. In 2009, the theme of International Museum Day was defined as “Museums and Tourism”. In 2010, the theme of the Day was “Museums for Social Harmony,” and in 2011, “Museums and Memory.” In 2012, when International Museum Day celebrated its 35th anniversary, the theme of the Day was “Museums in a changing world. New challenges, new inspiration." 2013 was designated by the theme - “Museums (Memory + Creativity) = Social Change”, the slogan of 2014 was the words - “Museum collections unite”, in 2015 - “Museums and sustainable development society", in 2016 - "Museums and cultural landscapes". The theme of Museum Day 2017 was “Museums and controversial history: talking about complex things in museums,” and in 2018, “Museums in the era of hypercommunication: new approaches, new audiences.”

On the holiday itself, many museums in different countries world open their doors to everyone completely free of charge, preparing new exhibitions, thematic lectures, excursions, scientific readings. Currently, more than 20,000 museums around the world celebrate this holiday.

Often thematic festivals are timed to coincide with this important cultural event, the most famous of which is the “Night of Museums”, which has become recent years very popular. It is held in many cities around the world, usually on the night from Saturday to Sunday closest to May 18th.

Celebrations can last one day, a weekend or a whole week. The main thing is that their essence corresponds to the principle: “Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, the enrichment of cultures and the development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace between people.”

To workers of ancient treasures
On International Museum Day,
We say - you are worthy of praise,
And there is no work more worthy and important!

History hidden in centuries,
You keep it securely and forever,
All the best is in diligent hands...
Let us congratulate you warmly!

And wish you health and goodness,
Warmth, love, great success,
So that fate always leads you to happiness,
And there was a lot of joyful laughter!

Now you can get to any city museum for free on every third Sunday of the month. This is not entirely convenient for visitors who do not have time to visit several sites in one day. New program“Moscow Museum Week” will launch in April. Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to plan cultural leisure and visit all exhibitions and expositions of interest for free within seven days.

Museums and exhibition halls, subordinate to the capital, will work for free every third week of the month. For seven days, one museum will have one with free admission. For example, on Friday you can get into four city museums without a paid ticket, and on Sunday - at 21:00.

Now you can visit museums and exhibition halls for free on every third Sunday of the month. However, this is not entirely convenient for those who do not have time to visit several sites in one day. Therefore, they decided to change the format of the action.

“The Moscow Museum Week campaign starts in April this year. More than 40 institutions will take part in it. These are the Museum of Moscow, the Darwin Museum, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Cosmonautics and others. The first such week will take place from April 15 to 21. Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to go to the most interesting and educational exhibitions in the city for free,” said the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Culture.

No pre-registration or any documents are required to visit an exhibit or exhibition. You just need to get a free ticket at the box office. Museums and exhibition halls will operate as usual.

Schedule "Moscow Museum Week" It is not planned to change during the year. You can follow the poster on the Mosgortur agency website.

“Every third Sunday of the month, when there is no need to pay for a ticket, an average of 85 thousand people visited museums, and in total in 2018 - more than a million. The event turned out to be very popular, but often streams of people created queues at the entrance and interfered with viewing the exhibition. In addition, it is difficult to get to several cultural venues at once. The launch of a new project will allow redistributing the flow of guests. It will be more convenient for citizens to plan their cultural leisure,” noted general manager Mosgortur agency Vasily Ovchinnikov.

Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to visit more than 80 sites cultural institutions . Before doing this, you must check the opening hours and visiting conditions on the website of the museum or gallery.

List of museums participating in the action and their branches

In September 2017, the capital launched project “Museums for Children”, thanks to which schoolchildren can all year round free access to city exhibition halls and museums. Students can go to cultural sites either individually or with the class. To do this, they need to attach their student card or Moskvenok card to the reader at the checkout and receive a free ticket.

Since its launch, they have taken part in the project. The most popular platforms were Darwin Museum, Kolomenskoye, Lyublino and Izmailovo museum-reserves, as well as the Museum of Cosmonautics. Last summer was also free for children from different regions Russia.

And since February 2018, the program has been in effect. Lessons are held at the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Kuskovo Estate Museum, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Darwin Museum, the Moscow Defense Museum, the Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve, as well as in State Museum A.S. Pushkin. These institutions organize classes in several academic subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, stories, fine arts, geography, biology, literature, Russian language and technology. The topic of the lessons is related to the specialization of the museum where the lesson is held.