Vasily Buslaev and the Novgorodians. Vasily Buslaev. Battle with the Novgorodians

Zap. from Timofey Stepanovich Kuzmin, 68 years old, in the village of Telviska, Naryan-Mar district, N.P. Kolpakova, August 6. 1956
RO IRLEY, R. V, coll. 160, paragraph 3, no. 2, l. 3—9, mash. (Recording code: FA VI MF, 331.9).
The text is reproduced from the publication: Epics: In 25 volumes / Ros. acad. Sci. Institute of Russian lit. (Pushkin. House); SPb.: Nauka; M.: Classics, 2001. T. 2. P. 213-217.

In the glorious city of New Town:
There lived a young fighter Vasily son Buslaevich
With my dear one and my mother,
With Mamelfa, that’s right, Timofeevna,
He did not get along with the Novgorod men.
The men brewed pennago beer,
The men smoked and green wine,
They did not honor the light of Vasily Buslaevich -
They began to feast and eat.
How Vasily son Buslavevich comes here,
Here the men and Novgorod men say:
“There is still room for invited guests,
But there is no place for an uninvited guest.”
Vasily son Buslavevich says here:
“Even invited guests need a lot of space,
Oh, and I’ll have to sit on the benches.
Come on, men and Novgorodians,
Let’s fight with me, yes, the pledge is great,
Let's not talk about a hundred rubles, but about a thousand -
About your wild little heads!
Tomorrow we'll go to the Volkhov Bridge,
Here on the Volkhov bridge you can fraternize.
I’ll make some beer and not be drunk,
I'll probably smoke some green wine -
I also ask you to be kind enough to have a snack with me.”
Vasily brewed some foamy beer here,
Vasily smoked some green wine here.
I sent out labels and shorthand notes,
He invites his men to a feast.
How they walk, after all, they are old and everyone is small,
They all go to Vasily for the feast.
There are full vats in the yard,
There are gilded ladles in the vats.
As Vasily comes out with his club,
Also with a club - twelve pounds on it,
Vasily says these words:
Who will suffer my yes here is a scarlet elm,
He will be my friend, called brother.”
The men from Novgorod looked
Everything for beer, wine and everything for food -
Turned back to the path-path.
How Potanya Khromenkoy runs towards them,
They will also ask them and these are the words:
“You are a goy, you men from Novgorod!
Did you have a lot of food and drink with Vaska?” —
“Vaska and I didn’t drink, but we didn’t eat,
But they only saw a lonely injury!”
Potanyushka comes running here because Khromenkoy,
He is already scooping from the vat with a copper ladle.
Vasily son Buslaevich runs out here,
He also hits Potanya on the head,
He also hits Potanyushka on the shoulders -
How Potanyushka stands and doesn’t move,
Let the blue jacket on Potan not move,
The cup won't spill when it's full.
Vasily and Potanya Khromenky became friends here.
How Vasilyushka Buslaevich tidied up for himself
Thirty fellows without a single one,
I sat down as a kid myself, the thirtieth.
Like on a holiday on God's day
Men and people from Novgorod gathered on the Volkhov Bridge
Here and fight with Vasilyushka Buslaevich
Not about a hundred rubles, not about a thousand -
About their wild heads.
How did his mother recognize him here?
Svet Mamelfa Timofeevna,
She spoke these words:
“Oh, you are a goy, my dear child,
Light Vasilyushko and son Buslaevich!
What else are you doing, child?
There lived your father, Buslay, an old grandfather,
He wasn’t on friendly terms with Pskov,
He didn’t argue with New Town,
Who are you born into, dear child?”
She locked him in a dark dungeon
(mother Jehovah!),
She locked the door, probably an oak one,
She pushed with slingshots.
The men gathered here and from Novgorod on the Volkhov Bridge
Measure your strength with Vasenka.
How his comrades come out here -
That Potanyushka Khromenky,
Also Kostya Novotarzhenin.
They went out here to the Volkhov Bridge,
They began to fight and fight with the Novgorod men -
How the Novgorod men began to overcome them.
Just like the dark-haired girl went to the river to fetch water,
I saw Potanya Khromenkoy,
He shouted in his loud voice:
“You’re a black girl!
Call us here, Vasilyushka,
Our eldest brother, Vasenka Buslaevich:
Our heads are not clicked,
Our little legs are not broken,
Our hands are upside down!”
The girl threw the bucket,
The rocker scattered
She ran from the Volkhov Bridge,
She screamed in a loud voice:
“You’re Vasenka’s son Buslaevich!
You sleep at home, but you don’t know about adversity:
Is it your non and your squad?
Their heads are screwed up,
Their legs are quickly broken,
Their hands are white and upside down!”
After all, Vasilyushka’s son Buslaevich heard here -
He jumped off in just his shirt, just his boots,
I also squeezed out the oak door,
I broke out all the spears,
He ran out into the wide yard.
Vasily did not find a heavy club,
And Vasilyushka came across a cart axle,
A cart axle, a heavy axle.
Vasilyushko ran to the Volkhov Bridge,
He shouted in a loud voice:
“You are a goy, my good squad,
Take a rest, stop!”
Then Vasily son Buslaevich went to wave
With its subcorporeal axis:
Where it waves, the street lies down,
Turn around - side streets.
The men of Novgorod gathered,
Little children gathered,
They poured a spell of red gold,
They poured another pure silver,
They brought these charms to Vasilyushkov’s godfather,
I’ll be honest with Elder Andronisch:
“You are a goy, honest elder Andronishche!
Calm down, dear child,
Dear, beloved child,
Light of Vasilyushka Buslaevich:
He beat us every single one,
Let him leave it at least for the seed!”
How did Elder Andronishche go here,
He put old ones on his shoulders
Monastery copper bell.
He goes, Andronishche, to the Volkhov Bridge,
It is supported by paganism.
Vasily son Buslaevich saw him:
“You are a goy, honest elder Andronishche,
You’re my godfather, right, father!”
Here Vasily runs up to Andronisch,
He hits the bell with his axle.
How Vasenka hit the bell, right?
The mother earth hummed and cracked,
At that moment, grandfather Andronishche
He crouched on the damp ground.
Vasily looked in, right, but under the bell -
And my grandfather’s eyes popped out.
Then the men and the Novgorod men began to cry.
They poured a cup of red gold,
They poured another pure silver.
They came to Mamelfa and Timofeevna:
“You are a goy, honest widow Mamelfa and Timofeevna!
Calm down, dear child,
Light of Vasily son Buslaevich,
And leave us at least for the seed!”
Mamelfa da Timofeevna heard the light,
I heard it and cried tears, -
She ran to the Volkhov Bridge.
How Mamelfa Timofeevna runs up
She is behind her son Vasilyushka,
She grabbed him by the shirt:
“You are a goy, my dear child,
Svet Vasily and son Buslaevich,
What are you doing, I don’t know!”
Vasilyushka Buslaevich turned around and said:
Behind him stands his dear mother.
He tells her these are the words:
“You are a goy, my dear mother!
Well, mother, you thought,
Why did you rush towards me from behind:
In a hurry and out of mischief
I wouldn’t ask, Vasilyushka, and mothers -
I would kill you, darling,
Instead of the Novgorod guy!
The cart axle fell out of his hands,
Trolley axle, heavy,
Vasilyushka took his own mother by the hand
And he went to his home.
Vasilyushka collected a good squad
And the rest of the men and Novgorod men,
He ordered dirges to be sung for the murdered.

The Russian literary tradition originates from epics and tales that have evolved among the people over centuries and are passed on from mouth to mouth. These works glorified folk heroes, heroes and defenders of the Russian land. In addition, there were other representatives of the stronger sex, whom the common people were guided by. Vasily Buslaev was such a character.

History of creation

The protagonist of the epics composed by the Novgorodians, Vasily Buslaev, is a native resident of Novgorod, like Khoten Bludovich. The epic, which tells about their adventures, also conveys the typical everyday life of a large Russian city. Vasily Buslaev, the son of Buslay and Amalfa Timofeevna, was a character in more than 70 epic tales. Among them are “Vasily Buslaev’s dispute with the Novgorodians” and “Vasily Buslaevich went to pray.” Texts compiled by residents of the Russian North were passed from settlement to settlement and spread throughout the Perm, Vologda and Moscow regions, going to the Don.

Illustration for the tale "Vasily Buslaev"

Already in the 16th century, references to Vasily Buslaev were found in archaeological artifacts and folklore monuments. And in the 18th century, epics about Vasily Buslaev were published in the collection of V.A. Levshin "Russian Fairy Tales".

The chronicle says that the hero performed deeds in 1171, although there is no concrete evidence of this. But the songs composed in Ancient Novgorod of the 12th century described the hero.

Elements of the Russian epic were also reflected in the Icelandic sagas, where Bosi, the son of Busla, is mentioned. It is easy to draw a parallel between the name of this hero and Buslaev.

Historical evidence confirms that epic tales about Vasily Buslaev were formed during the period of development of the Ilmen lands by the Slavs. At this time, the state was experiencing a moment of self-determination in the fields of economics, politics and culture. There were strife between settlements and ethnic strife, followed by confrontations between princes and boyars. Poor guslar Sadko quickly became a rich Novgorod merchant. And Vasily Buslaev, who did not believe in anything and assured: “My God does not call me a slave,” died in Palestine.

Vasily Buslaev in epics

In 1136, Novgorod gained freedom from the princely henchmen, and the position of the rulers became strong. A strong squad was no longer needed, but heroes like Vasily Buslaev remained with a club in their hands. The pagan god bequeathed the use of the weapon in memory of himself and, fulfilling the order of the former deity, Buslaev gathered a squad using a club.

A special place in the epic is occupied by a plot describing the battle with the Novgorodians. With the help of the scarlet elm, Vasily defeats his rivals, but, having opposed the townspeople, he becomes an enemy of the city and the church. In the heat of excitement, the hero breaks the bell, symbolizing peace, thereby incurring the wrath of the Mother of God. She comes to Buslaev’s mother and asks her to calm her son down. Peace in the city is restored thanks to divine instructions.

The plot describing the skirmish with the Novgorodians was modified and constantly transferred in time space. In the finale, it was timed to coincide with the events of 1570. Vasily allegedly boasted at a feast in the tower that he was able to defeat the royal army. Contrary to historical realities, the hero keeps his word and becomes the ruler of Novgorod.

Facts and events of the life of the city are combined in the epic, regardless of the time of their implementation in reality. What is happening describes the events from the founding of the city to the 16th century, including the journey of Vasily Buslaev to Jerusalem. There are different interpretations of the narrative logic. In one version, Vasily Buslaev appears as a pilgrim of the 13th-15th centuries or a repentant man with a rich past. Alternatively, he is a fighter against religious prejudices and a skeptic. It is possible that there are two plots that have merged over time, giving rise to contradictory interpretations.

The 12th-13th centuries were an era of construction, the construction of architectural monuments of Russian architecture and shrines, so travel to Constantinople and Palestine was mandatory. The epic about Vasily depicts a campaign to the East. Military motives are seen in the need for maternal blessing and the collection of weapons. Pilgrimage journeys could do without these details. In the holy land, Vasily breaks into a stone and dies. In various interpretations, the death of a warrior is associated with the fight against infidels or with retribution for sins.

Illustration for the work "Mefodiy Buslaev"

Today, the writer continues the tradition of epic authors, chanting, the prototype of which was probably the character of the Russian epic.

Film adaptations

The 1982 film describes Vasily Buslaev as an adherent of paganism. The film had a fairy tale genre. Director Gennady Vasiliev told the audience about how the hero gathered a gang and, in the company of Ksenia, the daughter of Prince Gleb, went to Byzantium. In the course of various collisions, the residents of Novgorod find themselves captives, driven to Constantinople, the squad of Vasily and Ksenia is taken prisoner. The hero defends the honor of his native lands, repels enemies and returns Novgorodians to Russian soil. At the feast, he challenges those who disagree. The merchants attack the hero, but the news that an enemy is approaching Rus' reconciles the rivals.

The main roles in the film were played by and others.


The heroic power and glory of Vasily Buslaev inevitably follow the image in literary works and in film adaptations. The hero is described as a strongly built man who is not afraid of the vicissitudes of battles, but it is important to defend the truth. The only thing that distinguishes him from his fellow defenders of his homeland is his doubts about faith and God.

There are no insurmountable obstacles for a hero.

“The case is strong for Buslai! Follow Buslay, brothers, boldly! Wow! A street will wave in one direction, and a side street will wave in the other!” say the storytellers.

But the hero does not believe that his strength is granted by the Almighty. After the replacement of the divine pantheon of the pagans, the new god did not inspire confidence in everyone, and the skeptic Buslaev was among those of little faith.

For Vasily Buslaev, faith in the Lord is comparable to slavery. Not accustomed to obeying anyone’s will, in a conversation between a Christian and a Russian, he declares:

“If you call a slave a slave, he will either laugh or cry. If you call a free Russian a slave, he... will fight.”

For the hero, submission to the divine is comparable to the betrayal of his own heroic dignity. An important and decisive factor in his life is strength and courage. Therefore, the hero boldly gets involved in conflicts and strife and is not afraid of long campaigns, no matter what prospects they promise.

“In words, you are all on the harp, but when it comes to action, then go to the stove, save your strength!” says Vasily Buslaev, always ready to defend his native lands and defend Novgorod even in the fight against its inhabitants.

Songs about the mighty hero Vasily Buslaev were famous. He is known only for his strength, violence and revelry. This is an unsympathetic hero. [Cm. Vasily Buslaev - summary of the epic.]

Vasily Buslaev. 1982 film

As a child, his mother sent him to learn to read and write; he easily learned to “write with a pen,” read and sing in church. But science did not benefit him, because from a young age he began to show his violent, frantic temper and became friends with bad people,

He was already getting drunk;
And he walks around the city and disfigures;
Whose hand he will take,
He will rip his arm out of his shoulder.

He does this not out of malice, but out of mischief, out of a desire to fight.

Then Vasily, or Vaska, as he is often called in epics, recruits a squad for himself, luring them into his service with the promise of always eating and drinking sweetly, without much labor or work - in other words: to eat and drink the loot.

Recruitment of the squad occurs in the following original way. Vaska receives those wishing to enter his service in the courtyard, where he gives them wine and tests the strength of those who come to him, inflicting a terrible blow on the head to each one with a “scarlet elm” filled halfway with lead. Whoever passes this test deserves to be Vaska Buslaev’s warrior. His first warrior and associate was Kostya Novotorzhenin, a daring fellow whose hair didn’t even move from a terrible blow to the head.

So Vaska Buslaev recruits twenty-nine violent fellows into his squad, he himself is the thirtieth. With this squad, Buslaev invites Novgorod to “fight against a great pledge,” but a pledge of a different kind than Sadko. Vasily invites all the Novgorod men to fight with him and his squad, who will defeat whom? A terrible massacre begins; Vaska “disfigures” and goes on a rampage:

They started a great fight...
Vasily walked along the Volkh River.
And Vasily walks along the Volkh River,
Along that Volkhov street.
With those Novgorod men
He fights and fights day until evening.
They have already beaten many to death,
Doubled, tripled,
And the men have submitted,
They submitted and made peace.

They ask Vaska’s godfather, “Starchishche-Pilgrimishche,” to appease his estranged godson. But when Starchishche-Pilgrimishche with a church bell on his head comes to the scene of the massacre, Buslaev kills him too.

In the description of this terrible battle one can see an undoubted reflection of the famous Novgorod fights that often took place after veche gatherings, and the intervention of the Elder-Pilgrim with a church bell on his head resembles the intervention of church authorities, bishops and metropolitans of Novgorod, who often came to separate and reconcile the warring parties.

Finally, the Novgorod men prayed to Vasily Buslaev’s mother so that she would “calm down her dear child.” The mother managed to stop Vaska: she came behind him and put her hands on his shoulders. He looked around, stopped and praised his mother for her insight: “otherwise,” he said, “if you had come in from the front, I would have killed you too.” By this, Vaska shows that in the heat of battle he completely forgets himself, gets carried away: he is capable of killing his mother without even knowing it.

Another epic tells about the journey of Vasily Buslaev with his squad to the Holy Land, to Jerusalem.

From a young age I was beaten and robbed a lot,
In old age you need to save your soul.

But even in the Holy Land, Vaska does not abandon his “violent custom.” Approaching Jerusalem, he sees a human skull on the road, an “empty head” and next to it a stone. He kicks the “empty head” without any respect and jumps over the stone, not paying attention to the words of the dead head, which predicts that the one who jumps over this stone will break his “violent head.”

Approaching the Jordan, despite the general respect for the holy place, the river into which pious people once a year, on the day of Epiphany, immerse themselves in clothes and with prayer, Buslaev, without any reverence, and his retinue bathe in the Jordan naked.

But there is a limit to his rampant rampage. Returning to Jerusalem, Vaska again sees a human skull on the road and next to it the fatal stone. Vaska invites his squad to jump over the stone, saying that he himself will jump backwards.

Vaska ran backwards, tripped, fell on a stone and killed himself, “broke his violent head.” The squad buried him next to the death's head.

Buslavyushka lived - he did not grow old,
Live, Buslavyushka died.

Buslav still had a sweet child left,
Dear little child,
Young Vasilyushka Buslavevich.

Vasenka began to walk around the street,
Not easy jokes to make:
Take your hand - hand away,
If he takes you by the leg, the leg goes away,
And who gets hit on the hump
He will go and slouch himself.

And the Novgorod men say:

Well done to you with this luck

Vasily goes into the wide streets,
He goes home not happy, not happy,

“Oh, you, my dear child,
Dear little child,
Young Vasilyushka Buslavevich!
Why are you not going out cheerful, not happy?
Who offended you on the trick?” –
“And no one offended me on the street.

If I take anyone by the hand, hand away,
If I take someone by the leg, take the leg away,
And whose hump I’ll hit
He will go and slouch himself.

And the Novgorod men said,
What do I do with this good luck?
The Nakvasity River will be Volkhov.”

And the mother says these words:
“Oh, you, Vasilyushka Buslavevich!
Get yourself a good squad,
So that no one in Novegrad offends you.”

And Vasily poured a cup of green wine,
Measure a cup and a half buckets,
He placed the bowl in the middle of the yard
And he himself said to the cup:
“Who will accept this cup with one hand?
And he will drink this cup for one spirit,
He will be my good squad!”
And he sat down on the belt chair,
Wrote cursive labels,
Vasenka wrote in the labels:
“He calls for an honorable feast”;
I tied the labels to the arrows
And the arrows were shooting at Novugrad.

And the Novgorod men went
From that from the church from the cathedral,
The arrows began to move,
The gentlemen began to look through the arrows:
“Vasily invites you to an honorable feast.”

And the Novgorod men gathered in the ridges,
They gathered along ridges, passes,
And they went to Vasily for an honorable feast.

And they will be in Vasily’s wide yard,
And they themselves say these words:
“Oh, you, Vasilyushka Buslavevich!
We are now in your yard,
We will eat everything from gravity
And we’ll drink all your drinks,
We'll bring out the colored dress,
We’ll pull out the red gold.”

He did not like these speeches.

Vasily jumped out into the wide yard,

And Vasily began to walk around the yard,
And he began to wave the elm:
Wherever he goes, there is a street,
Jumps over - lane;
And the men lie in ridges,
They lie in ridges, passes,
It was packed with men like the weather.

And Vasily entered the golden-domed mansion:
Few of those are coming, few of the new ones are coming.
To Vasilyushka in the wide yard,
Kostya Novotorzhanin is coming
To that end there is green wine
And he took the charm with one hand,
I drank this spell for a single spirit.

Vasily grabbed the scarlet elm,
How he hit Kostya on the hump.

If Kostya stands, he doesn’t swear,

“Oh, you, Kostya Novotorzhanin!
May my squad be good,

There comes Potanyushka Khromenky
To Vasily in the wide yard,
To that charm there is green wine,
I took the charm with one hand
And he drank a spell for a single spirit.

As Vasily jumps out of the new entryway,
Vasily grabbed the scarlet elm,
He will hit Potanyushka on his lame legs:
Potanyushka stands and doesn’t swear,
On a wild head, curls will not tangle.

“Oh, Potanyushka Khromenky!
May my squad be good,
Come to my white stone chambers.”

Few of them go, few of the new ones come,
There goes Khomushka Gorbatenky
To that charm there is green wine,
I took the charm with one hand
And he drank a spell for a single spirit.

He didn’t even go to beat him from the new entrance:
“Go to the white stone chambers
Let us drink sweet drinks,
Foods, that is, sugar,
And we have no one to fear in Novegrad!”
And Vasily cleaned up three squads in Novegrad.

And the Prince of Novgorod started an honorable feast
For many princes, for boyars,
On strong mighty heroes.

But young Vasily was not honored.

He says these words to his mother:
“Oh, you, Empress Mother,
Honest is the widow Avdotya Vasilyevna!
I will go to the princes for an honorable feast.”

Avdotya Vasilievna will speak:
“Oh, you, my dear child,
Dear crazy child!
There is room for the invited guest,
But there is no place for an uninvited guest.”

He, Vasily, did not listen to his mother,
And he took his good squad
And he went to the prince for an honorable feast.

I didn’t ask the gatekeepers at the gate,
I didn’t ask the door attendants at the door,
I went straight to the dining room.

He puts his left foot into the dining room grid,
And with my right foot on the oak table,
At the oak table, in a large corner,
And he went to the bench at the pestno corner,
And Vasily pushed with his right hand,
Right hand and right foot:
All the guests became guests in the pestno corner;
And he moved to the bench in the right corner,
And he pushed with his left hand and left foot:
Everyone became guests in the new entryway.

The other guests were arguing
They ran home from fear.

And Vasily went to the oak table
With his good squad.

Everyone was gathering for a feast again,
Everyone ate their fill at the feast,
Everyone got really drunk,
And everyone at the feast boasted.

Kostya Novotorzhanin said:
“But I have nothing to brag about, Kostya;
I am left from my father's little one,
The little one remained and the little green one.

Should you, Kostya, brag about me:
Hit with you about a great pledge
About the violent head all over Novgorod,
In addition to three monasteries – the Transfiguration Monastery,
Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
And even the Smolensky Monastery.”

They struck a great bet,
And they wrote notes,
And they put their hands
And they bowed their heads:
“Vasil walks across the Volkhov Bridge in the morning;
Even if they knock Vasily over to the bridge,
- Lead to execution to death,
Cut off his violent head;
Even if they knock down Vasily at the bridge,
Lead to execution to death,
Cut off his violent head;
Even if they dump Vasily in the middle of the bridge,
Lead to execution to death,
Cut off his violent head.

And how will the third outpost pass?
There’s nothing more to do.”

And Vasily went home from the feast,
He goes home cheerfully, he is not happy.

And his beloved mother meets him,
The widow Avdotya Vasilievna is honest:
“Oh, you, my dear child,
Dear crazy child!
Why are you not going cheerful, not happy?”
Vasilyushka Buslavevich says:
“I struck a great bet with the men:
Go to the Volkhov Bridge in the morning;
Even if they throw me down to the bridge,
Even if they knock me down at the bridge,
Even if they dump me in the middle of the bridge,
Lead me to death row,
Cut off my violent head.

And once I pass the third outpost,
There’s nothing more to do.”

As Avdotya Vasilievna heard,
Locked me in an iron cage,
She propped up the iron doors
Are you the scarlet elm?

And she poured a cup of red gold,
Another cup of pure silver,
The third cup of rolled pearls,
And she brought it as a gift to the prince of Novgorod,
To forgive my beloved son.

The Prince of Novgorod says:
“I’ll forgive you when I cut off my head!”
Avdotya Vasilievna went home,
I went spinning, became sad,
Scattered red gold and pure silver,
And pearls roll across an open field,
She herself said these words:
“Neither gold, nor silver, nor rolling pearls are dear to me.

And dear to me is a wild little head
Your beloved son,
Vasilyushka Buslaeva is young.”

And Vasily sleeps and will not wake up.

How the men gathered in rows,
They gathered along ridges, passes,
With those traveling shawls;
They shout at the top of their lungs:
Go, Vasily, across the Volkhov Bridge,
Destroy the great covenants!
And Khomushka Hunchback jumped out,
He killed a hundred forces,
And he killed the forces for another hundred,
He killed the forces for the third hundred,
He killed up to five hundred forces.

Potanyushka Khromenky jumped out to replace him
And Kostya Novotorzhanin jumped out.

And the maid washed, Vasilyeva’s porto-washer,
Dress on the river on Volkhov;
And the girl’s yoke began to jump,
The rocker began to wave,
Killed the strength for a whole hundred,
Killed the strength for another hundred,
Killed the strength for the third hundred,
Killed up to five hundred forces.

And she jumped up to the iron cage,
She herself says these words:
“Oh, you, Vasilyushka Buslavevich!
You are sleeping, Vasily, you will not wake up,
And your squad is good
He’s walking around in blood, up to his knees.”

Vasily awakens from sleep,
And he himself says these words:
“Oh, my dear servant!
Unlock the iron doors.”

How she opened the iron doors for him,
Vasily grabbed his scarlet elm
And he came to the bridge to Volkhovsky,
He himself says these words:
“Oh, my dear, good squad!
Go ahead and hold it now,
And now I’ll start playing with the guys.”

And Vasily began to walk along the bridge,
And he began to wave the elm:
Wherever the street goes, that’s where the street goes,
Jumps over - lane;
And the men lie in ridges,
They lie in ridges, passes,
It was packed with men like the weather.

And the brother of the cross is coming to meet you,
In his hands he carries a shaliga of ninety pounds,
And he himself says these words:
“Oh, you, my brother of the cross,

Don't jump on your crusading brother!
Do you remember how you and I learned to read and write:
At that time I was your bigger brother,
And now I will be a bigger brother over you.”

Vasily says these words:
“Oh, you, my brother of the cross!
Is the devil carrying you towards me?
But things are going well for us,
We’re playing with our heads, brother.”

And his brother on the cross gets along
Shalyga will hit Vasily in the head.

Vasily grabbed the shalig with his right hand,
And my brother beat me with his left hand,
And he kicked with his left foot,
For a long time my brother has no soul;
And he himself said these words:
“No for a friend for an old one,
Whether it's the brother of the cross,
When my brother arrived, he brought a gun over his shoulder.”

And Vasily walked across the bridge with the shaliga.

And meet Vasilyushka Buslaeva
There comes the priest of the cross, the old pilgrim:
On the wild head there is a bell of a thousand pounds,
In the right hand there is a tongue of five hundred pounds.

The old pilgrim says:
“Oh, you, my little child of the cross,
Young chicken, don’t flutter around,
Don’t jump on your crusade father!”
And Vasily Buslavevich will say:
“Oh, you, my crusading father!
Are you the devil at that time?
For your beloved godson?
But things are going well for us,
Let’s play with our heads, father.”

And a shalig of ninety poods blew,
How the father whipped his violent head,
So the bell crumbled into knife cherries:
The godfather stands - he doesn’t swear,
Yellow curls will not flutter.

He jumped the priest against his eyes
And the godfather whipped
In a riotous head between clear eyes
And the eyes jumped out as clear as beer bowls.

And then Vasily attacked the stone houses.

And the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary came out
From that Smolensky monastery:
“Oh, you, Avdotya Vasilyevna!
Call your dear child,
Dear troubled child,
Vasilyushka Buslaeva is young,
At least I could leave it for the people to use as seeds.”

Avdotya Vasilievna came out from the new entryway,
She called to her dear child.

In glorious great Novegrad
And Buslay lived until he was ninety years old,
Lived with the New City, did not contradict,
With the men of Novgorod
Didn't say a word inappropriately.
The tenacious Buslay has grown old,
He grew old and moved.
After his century long
His life remained
And all the noble estates,
The mother left behind is a widow,
Matera Amelfa Timofevna,
And the dear child remained,
Young son Vasily Buslaevich.
Vassenka will be seven years old, -
My dear mother gave it,
Matera widow Amelfa Timofeevna,
Teach him to read and write,
And his literacy suited him well in science;
I made him write with a pen,
The letter to Vasily went to science;
She gave singing to teach the church,
Petyo Vasily went to science.
And we don’t have such a singer
In glorious Novgorod
Opposite Vasily Buslaev.
After all, Vaska Buslaevich was talking
From a drunkard, from a madwoman,
Well done to the cheerful, daring, good fellows,
He was already getting drunk,
And while walking in the city, he disfigures:
Whose hand he will take, -
He will pull his hand out of his shoulder;
Which one will be touched by the leg, -
Then he’ll break a leg out of the bush;
Which is enough across the ridge, -
He screams and roars and crawls.
That great complaint has gone, -
And the men of Novgorod,
Posadsky, rich,
They brought a great complaint
Mother widow Amelfa Timofevna
That's why Vasily Buslaev.
And his mother began to scold and scold him,
Scold and scold him, teach him about his intelligence.
Zhurba did not fall in love with Vaska,
He, Vaska, went to the high tower,
Vaska sat down on a strapped chair,
I wrote shorthand letters,
From wisdom the word is spoken:
“Whoever wants to drink and eat from ready-made food,
We fell into Vaska’s wide yard,
Drink and eat ready
And wear a multi-colored dress.”
I sent out those e-mails with my servant
Those streets are wide
And on those frequent side streets.
At the same time, Vaska put
Chant in the middle of the yard
Poured a vat full of green wine,
He lowered the charm into one and a half buckets.
It was glorious in Novegrad
Literate people went and read
Those labels are cursive,
Let's go to Vaska's wide yard,
To go with that vat of green wine.
In the beginning there was Kostya Novotorzhenin,
He came, Kostya, to the wide yard,
Vasily tried it here -
His bat became a scarlet elm,
Half was full
Heavy to the lead of Cheburatskogo,
That elm weighed twelve pounds;
And it hits Kostya on the violent head, -
Kostya stands here and doesn’t move,
And on a wild head the curls will not shake.
Vasily son Buslaevich said:
“Hey you are, Kostya Novotorzhenin!
And if you were my sworn brother,
And more than my dear brother.”
And after hesitating for a little while,
Two boyar brothers came,
Luka and Mosei, boyar children,
We came to Vaska in the wide yard.
Young Vasily son Buslaevich
Those fellows became happy and cheerful.
The men of the forest came here,
And Vasily did not dare to show up to them.
Seven Sbrodovich brothers also came here.
We gathered, we came together
Thirty fellows without a single one,
He himself, Vasily, became the thirtieth.
Whoever comes in, they will kill him,
They will kill him and throw him outside the gate.
Vasenka Buslaevich heard -
Among the men of Novgorod
Kanun is brewed, egg beer,
Vasily went with his squad,
I came to the brotherhood in Nikolshina.
“We pay you a lot in rash -
Five rubles for each brother.”
And Vasily gives fifty rubles for himself.
And that same church elder
He accepted them into the brotherhood in Nikolshina,
And they started drinking varen here on the eve,
And those beers are also eggy.
Young Vasily son Buslaevich
Threw himself at the Tsar's tavern
With his good squad,
They got drunk here with green wine
And they came to the brotherhood in Nikolypina.
And it will be day in the evening, -
From small to old
The boys have already begun to fight,
And in another circle, fight with fists.
From that childish struggle,
From that fist fight
A great fight began.
Young Vasily began to break up the fight,
And another fool came in off his toe,
Twisted him around the ear,
And then Vasily shouted in a loud voice:
“Hey you are. Kostya Novotorzhenin
And Luke, Moses, boyar children!
Vaska is already beating me.”
Good fellows galloped away,
Soon they cleared the street,
They have already beaten many to death,
They distorted it twice or three times,
Arms and legs were broken -
The townspeople are shouting.
Vasily Buslaevich says here:
“Hey you, men of Novgorod!
I bet you a great bet -
I'm going to let the whole of Novgorod fight and fight
With all the good squad;
So you and your squad will beat me with the New City,
I will pay you tribute after my death,
Three thousand for every year;
And if I beat you and you submit to me,
Then I will pay you the same tribute”;
And in that agreement they signed their hands
They started a great fight,
And the Novgorod men
And all the merchants are rich,
They all came together
They talked about young Vasyutka,
And they fight day until evening.
Young Vasily son Buslaevich
With his good squad
They landed in Novegrad,
Many have already been beaten to death.
And the Novgorod men guessed,
They went with expensive gifts
To the seasoned widow Amelfa Timofevna:
“Mather widow Amelfa Timofevna!
Accept dear gifts from us,
Calm down your dear child
Vasily Buslavich."
Matera widow Amelfa Timofevna
I accepted gifts from them,
Sent a black girl
That's why Vasily Buslaev.
The black girl came running,
She grabbed Vaska in her white hands,
She dragged me to my mother,
She dragged Vaska into the wide yard,
And that old woman is thoughtless
Planted in deep cellars
Vasilya Buslaeva is young,
She closed the iron doors,
She locked the locks with damask steel.
And his squad is good
From the top of the head the men of Novgorod
They fight and fight day until evening
And that black girl
I walked to the Volkh River on water,
And here the good fellows will pray to her:
“Hey you are, black girl!
Don't leave us in the military's business,
At that hour of death."
And then the black girl
She threw a maple bucket,
I took cypress rockers,
She began to swing the yoke
According to those Novgorod men,
I beat a lot of people to death.
And then the girl began to breathe,
She ran to Vasilyo Buslaev,
I tore off the damask locks,
Opened the iron doors:
“Are you sleeping, Vasily, or are you just lying there?
Your squad is good
Novgorod men
Everyone was killed, injured,
The heads of the rioters were pierced with clubs.”
Vasily awakens from sleep,
He jumped out into the wide yard, -
The iron club missed
That a cart axle hit him,
Vasily ran around Novogorod,
Along those wide streets.
An old pilgrim stands here,
He holds a bell on his mighty shoulders,
And that bell weighs three hundred pounds,
That old pilgrim shouts:
“Wait, Vaska, don’t flutter around,
Young fools, don’t fly:
You can’t drink water from Volkhov,
You can’t knock people out in Novegrad, -
There are good people resisting you,
We’re standing there, well done, we’re not bragging.”
Vasily spoke this word:
“And you are a goy, old pilgrim!
And I bet on a great bet
With the men of Novgorod,
Opriche of the honorable monastery,
Condemn you, old pilgrim.
If I get excited, I’ll kill you.”
He struck the old man's bell
And that same cart axle, -
The old man starts and doesn’t move.
He looked, Vasily, at the old man under the bell, -
And there are no eyes in the forehead for ages.
Vasily walked along the Volkh River,
And Vasily is walking along the Volkh River,
Along that Volkhovaya street,
The good fellows saw
And his squad is good,
Vasilya Buslaeva is young, -
The clear falcons have grown wings,
Well done, they have some thoughts.
Young Vasily Buslaevich
He came to the rescue of the fellows.
From the top of the head the men of Novgorod
He fights, fights day until evening,
And the men have submitted,
They submitted and made peace,
They carried strong notes
To the motherly widow Amelfa Timofevna,
They poured a bowl of pure silver,
And another cup of red gold,
We came to the noble court,
They strike with their foreheads and worship:
“And madam mother!
Accept dear gifts,
Calm down your child, dear,
Young Vasilya and her squad.
And we are happy to pay
Three thousand every year,
We will wear it for you every year
From the bakers, a piece of bread at a time,
From curled up to curled up,
Well done,
The girls are killed,
From all the people from the crafts,
Keep priests and deacons away."
Vtapory matera widow Amelfa Timofevna
Sent by the black girl
Bring Vasily and his squad.
That black girl has gone,
As she ran, that girl became out of breath,
You can't pass a girl down the street:
That half-thea is lying along the street
Those Novgorod men.
The black girl came running,
She grabbed Vasily by the white hands,
And she began to tell him:
“The men from Novgorod came,
They brought dear gifts,
And they brought handwritten notes
To your madam mother,
To the motherly widow Amelfa Timofevna.”
The girl Vasilya and her squad led
To that wide yard,
She led them to green wine,
And they sat down, well done, in a single circle,
We drank a glass of green wine
Since that time, well done
From the men of Novgorod.
Here the timid boys shout in a loud voice:
"The spendthrift and the drunkard,
At the young Vasyutka Buslavich
Not drunk, not drunk,
Not well-groomed in red,
And the colored dress was not worn away,
But the injury is permanently healed.”
And Vasily took them to dinner
To the motherly widow Amelfa Timofeevna.
Vtapor men of Novgorod
They brought Vasily gifts
Suddenly a hundred thousand
And then their peace went away,
And the Novgorod men
They submitted and bowed down themselves.