Tactics for chess to win. How to defeat a stronger opponent in chess

The chess game is very simple at first glance. Is it difficult to remember how the pieces move and move them according to the rules? Yes, this is exactly how a beginner or amateur talks, who does not yet fully know all the secrets of chess. First you need to get acquainted with the basics of strategy. What rules cannot be broken when playing in the opening, middlegame and endgame. Know the basic principles and direction of a chess game. Let's take a closer look at all these elements.

Basic principles of chess strategy

Any player who wants to end the game with a victory must follow the following principles of chess strategy:
  • analyze and evaluate the position that appears on the board
  • outline a future plan
  • constantly calculate options and choose the best

Strategy, analysis, plan

Analysis and evaluation of the position. What do you mean? First you need to identify Is it material equality? on the board? (Whoever doesn’t understand what we’re talking about should get acquainted with it, it describes what piece “costs” how much). The player must then evaluate the position of the kings(both your own and your opponent’s), and conclude whose king is better (that is, he is in the center, under attack, or has already castled). Next you need analyze the position of pawns- are there “isolators”, passed pawns, connected passed pawns. After that evaluate whose figures are worth better. Maybe the opponent has a knight on the edge of the board or a “bad” bishop, or as my coach called it, a “big pawn” - that is, a bishop that does not have a single square to move, or has only 1-2 squares, since his own pawns block his way. Based on all these conclusions, their totality, an assessment of the position is made, and a decision is made on further play, building a plan, or fixing a draw.

Plan in a chess game. In order to outline a plan, and not play thoughtlessly, as beginners do, you need to more or less already have a concept of chess. The book that I recommend everyone to read is Nimzowitsch's book - "". The book vividly describes all the basics of a chess game, without which you simply cannot become a good chess player. The book is very large, I think there are about 500 pages, so you will have to work hard to read it.

The most basic principles of strategy and plan construction can be systematized into the following series:

  1. Rooks must work along open lines.
  2. The rooks must rush to the 7th (or 2nd) rank and work along it.
  3. It is not advisable to move the same piece two or more times in the opening.
  4. You shouldn’t chase pawns, sometimes they are more important than any piece.
  5. You need to develop the pieces towards the center, and not to the edge of the board
  6. Hit the central pawn, no matter how bad you feel afterwards (within reason, of course)


Main goal chess opening – quick mobilization, i.e. bringing pieces to the strongest positions. The most important principle of mobilization is consistency. All your figures should develop as a single unit. Never play with just one piece. Remember the rule of time: any attack that is not covered from the rear is doomed to failure.

At the beginning of a chess game, never play with a queen. The queen is the most valuable piece. He's worth nine pawns. Acting alone, the queen will become an easy target. While the enemy is developing, your queen will run around the board to escape attacks. You will lose momentum and lose party.

Save the pace of development. Never move the same piece twice - you'll lose momentum. Avoid situations where your piece is forced to make an extra move. Your task, as a player, is to choose the best one from a variety of moves.

As the great Philidor said: “Pawns are the soul.” Build a strong pawn chain and don’t let your opponent get away with it. Properly lined up, they will prevent the enemy's light pieces. The enemy will not be able to break into your camp at full gallop. The pawns, in turn, will cover your attack well.

Quickly capture strong positions. The strongest position of any piece is the center of the board. The closer the figure is to the center, the greater its maneuverability and influence. If you manage to capture the center of the board, you will gain a tactical advantage that may lead you to victory.

Protect. He, as the most vulnerable figure, must be reliably protected. The only way to protect the king is to castling, taking into account the location of the enemy pieces, so that the fortification is not under direct attack.

Do not try to immediately attack the enemy king at the beginning of a chess game. Create a strategic plan. Direct your attack to the enemy's weak positions.

The second stage of the game, the middlegame, is considered the stage of active combinational actions. The scope of tactical maneuvers depends on the game at the beginning of the chess game. When playing the opening, try to anticipate what position you will be in at the end.

Please note

Take care of the pawn! Only at the beginning of a chess game does it seem that it means nothing, but at the third stage of the game, in the endgame, the pawns decide the outcome of the fight.

Useful advice

Usually the most vulnerable places are the flank pawns, which are on the second line after the knights and bishops.
To learn to predict the outcome of the opening fight, you need to study the Theory of Openings.


  • Basic chess openings

Chess party It is customary to divide it into three parts - opening, middlegame and endgame. To win, in the opening, introduce pieces into battle quickly so that none of them lags behind. In the middle of the game - the middlegame - attack the enemy king with all your might. In the final stage, when most of the pieces have been exchanged, to help the remaining pieces, bring the king into the battle to conquer pawns.


If you know that your opponent is playing much stronger, agree on a handicap. Otherwise, due to the obvious inequality of power, the party will be of no interest to either you or your partner. A handicap is an advantage that a weak player receives before the start of a game. Remove your partner's queen from the board and begin party. If you can win, use it as a handicap next time, etc. - until you learn to fight on equal terms.

At the beginning of the game, capture the center of the board with your pawns. Most likely, your opponent will do the same, but at least one of your pawns must be on the central square. If you play with white pieces, fight for squares e4 and d4. When playing as Black, the closest targets are the squares e5 and d5.

As quickly as possible, introduce “light” pieces into the game - knights and bishops. Place them so that you control the center of the board. When playing as White, knights can be brought to squares c3 and f3, and bishops to c4 and f4. Do the same if your pieces are black. Another option is to attack the horses with elephants. If your partner has placed the knight on f6, move the bishop to g5. There are other games that you will get to know later.

Chess is a difficult game that requires a lot of time and attention. Learning basic gaming techniques, combinations and strategies can even take a year. In order to understand how to always win at chess, you don’t have to spend a lot of time, just study the basic mechanics.

The most important advice would be to try to unravel your opponent’s plans, predict his moves in advance and effectively build a defense accordingly.

Entry level

For chess players who are at this stage, it is not worth going to the depths to understand how to win at chess.

Here it is important, first of all, to correctly assess the significance of each individual figure and protect it to the appropriate extent.

There is also a certain geometry for chessboard, after studying which, it becomes clear that some figures turn out to be more valuable than “their neighbors.” Remember this before you win quickly at chess. . So, for example, pawns are valued as one, and already a rook is equal to five, and a queen is already equal to nine.

This is a project approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve their playing skills, complete a chess level, and in a short time grow to a prize-winner of regional tournaments. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

The initial moves can determine the fate of the entire party, since it is at this stage that the main strategy emerges. If you are interested in the game and want to understand how to play chess to win , then be sure to consider the following points.

It is better to direct the pawns to the center of the field, thus clearing the way for other pieces.

For those who play with white, get ready to wage an active fight, and for those with black pieces, organize your defense efficiently and wait for your opponent’s rash move.

It is better to think through your maneuvers several moves ahead. Before you win a game of chess against a computer or a real opponent, make your attack more complex with each move to confuse your opponent and make him confused. Very often in a chess game, the first move predetermines the further alignment of forces on the board, giving the opportunity to actively attack or giving up parts of the field to your pieces. In order to learn how to learn to win at chess against almost any opponent, you should memorize at least four openings;

1. Spanish version. The first is the Spanish variation, when you need to remove your opponent's bishops.

2. English version. The second option is called English. Here you need to move your pawn to c2 and g2. Thus, you will give freedom of action to the bishop or knight piece.

3. The Queen's Gambit. The third opening option is quite extraordinary - the King's Gambit. Now we need to move our pawns to e2, f2 during the first moves.

4. Queen's Gambit. And the last, but no less effective, is the Queen's Gambit. White pieces start their move from d4 and c4. After this, the entire attack is concentrated in the middle of the field.

Intermediate level

Now you need to pay attention special attention the opponent's moves, since each movement of a piece across the field is part of a certain combination. Adapt to the enemy's strategy. Participate in the exchange of pieces, especially when it benefits you.

At this stage of the chess game, you should think through a combination of 6 steps.

At first it will seem too difficult, but it will soon bear fruit. Now the scheme for how to win at chess will have three main components. First, bring more pieces forward. Second, don’t lose sight of the center of the field. Third - do not leave the king without protection and escape routes.

Chess is one of the most difficult games of all time. Chess games can last several minutes, hours or even days. This game requires attentiveness, concentration and composure. But, like any ancient game, chess has several secrets.

All eyes on the enemy

There are a huge number of chess combinations. But it is hardly possible to remember them all. However, after the opening, you can try to calculate the enemy’s moves, not just one move, but three. If you managed to calculate correctly, then victory will not take long to arrive.

This is a project approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve their playing skills, complete a chess level, and in a short time grow to a prize-winner of regional tournaments. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

All figures will move

The opening - the beginning of the game - can be the key to a successful game. Read the article about beginning in chess -. One of the most important rules opening - to remove all your pieces from their places, but not to give such an opportunity to your opponent. If all the pieces are free, it makes it much easier to achieve victory. And if a piece remains in its place for a long time, then it is very easy to block it until the end of the game.

The king's safety comes first

Every player has the desire to “eat” all the opponent’s pieces. But in the heat of the party it's easy to forget about main figure- to the king. One wrong move and he could be defeated. Therefore, you always need to keep your king in sight, protecting it from your opponent’s pieces.

Pawns are not minor pieces

Some people believe that pawns are the most insignificant pieces that are of practically no use. Perhaps their “cost” is lower than a rook, knight and others, but the value is the same. Experienced chess players say that pawns are perhaps the main pieces on the field. Skillful manipulation of pawns can help you win quickly and beautifully.

Center control

The most important positions for victory are in the center of the field, so control over it must be established as quickly as possible. In this case, you need to be very careful and analyze positions. If, for example, a given position in the center would be fatal for pawns, then they should not be used, giving preference to piece pressure on the center of the chessboard.

The secrets of playing chess for beginners are a necessary and necessary point in developing skills that will help you win.

If you find it difficult to comprehend text and are planning to develop further, then watch the video: Secrets of playing chess

Chess is one of the most difficult games on Earth. The most important things in this game are attentiveness, strategy, patience and intelligence. There are countless moves that can easily defeat your opponent. There are also many ways to create a beautiful checkmate. One of these methods is a quick checkmate.

A chess game can last from a few minutes to several days. But there are combinations that will help you win at the very beginning of the game by trapping your opponent. There are many options for how to checkmate in the opening of the game. Let's look at some of them.

This is a project approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve their playing skills, complete a chess level, and in a short time grow to a prize-winner of regional tournaments. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

1. Stupid swearing

Such a checkmate can only be given to a novice opponent who has begun to get acquainted with the game. This checkmate is placed on the second move of a chess game, if you play with black pieces, but if you play with white pieces, then it can only be accomplished on the third move. There are eight combinations of stupid checkmate, but it is always placed with a queen or bishop (less often).

You can win this way by placing the black pawn on e7, and then moving the black queen along the h4 diagonal (in another situation, h5) to the e1 square (or e8, if moving along the h5 diagonal).

2. Quick checkmate in three moves without capturing pieces

To win a chess game in three moves, it is better to choose white pieces. You need to move the d2 pawn to d3, then put the king's pawn on e4. This is necessary to open the diagonal for the queen's moves. The opponent must reveal his king by placing the knight's pawn on g5. All that remains is to defeat your opponent by placing the queen on square h5. Checkmate!

This checkmate is very simple, so the opponent will immediately remember it and will not allow you to win in this way next time, because of this, you cannot rely on such a checkmate.

It is necessary to open the diagonal for the queen and force the opponent to open the king's defense, so the e2 pawn moves to e4. After this, you need to capture the opponent's pawn with your e4 pawn (e4xf5). The enemy king is exposed, so the queen moves diagonally to h5. Game over!

It’s nice to defeat your opponent in a couple of moves, but, unfortunately, all combinations of this kind are memorized in one go. Therefore, a quick checkmate can only be given to beginners or very inattentive players.

Interesting fact! Quick checkmate at the international championship

It is known that at major championships they gave a stupid checkmate twice. But sometimes there are other reasons for a quick checkmate. For example, in the 1970 international chess championship, world-famous grandmaster Oscar Panno refused to play at 7 pm due to religious beliefs, so his opponent Fischer won without making a single move.

Video – Quick checkmate in chess

Video - Children's checkmate in chess