Comparison of Vasnetsov’s paintings The Frog Princess and Alyonushka. Abstract of the OOD on the development of figurative speech in older preschoolers using the example of viewing the painting by V. Vasnetsov “The Frog Princess. Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov"Царевна-лягушка "!}

This painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was painted in 1918. The work is made in oil on canvas. The painting is in the V. M. Vasnetsov House-Museum, Moscow.

The Frog Princess is a Russian character folk tales. According to the usual plot of the fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich finds the Frog Princess by accident. Ivan Tsarevich shot from a bow so that the arrow would lead him to his bride, but instead of a girl he finds a frog in the swamp that holds his arrow. At the same time, the arrows of all the other brothers (usually there are two of them) fall into the houses of the boyar or merchant’s daughter.

Sometimes the Frog Princess turns out to be the daughter of a king, sometimes not. The frog princess in fairy tales is usually an intelligent, friendly, skillful girl who does the work quickly and efficiently. She often does housework at night so that her fiancé, Ivan Tsarevich, does not see it. In the form of the Frog, the Frog Princess must live for 3 years, since she disobeyed her father (option: she did not want to marry Koshchei the Immortal).

One day, while leafing through a book, I came across a reproduction of V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “The Frog Princess.” Looking at her, I immediately remembered a Russian folk tale, which in early childhood My beloved grandmother often told me this. The painting depicts the moment when, with one light wave of her hand, the Frog Princess creates a wonderful blue lake with beautiful swans that majestically swim in it. Hanging over the surface of the lake bright sky with fluffy clouds.

In the center of the canvas stands a stately girl. She gracefully and tenderly bent in the dance, her right hand froze, holding a lace handkerchief, left hand it is lowered. The girl's head is decorated with a crown of precious stones. Long, slightly reddish hair is braided into two twisting braids. The princess is dressed in white shirt, a floor-length dress is put on top with long sleeves. From a distance the dress resembles the skin of a frog: it is dark green with reddish spots of flowers. The cuffs and collar are decorated with elaborate openwork inserts. The girl's feet are shod in green boots. The beauty's face has noble features, her eyes are closed, her chin is proudly raised. The whole appearance of the Princess conveys pride, equanimity and calmness.

It is especially worth talking about the musicians sitting on the benches. They are dressed in traditional Russian clothes: loose, belted caftans and morocco boots. They all bowed their heads, enjoying the Princess's graceful dance and the miracles she performed. They have musical instruments in their hands.

In the right corner of the picture we see part festive table, covered with a snow-white tablecloth. You can look at its leg for a very long time: it is carved and multi-colored. It is immediately obvious that royalty is sitting at this oak table. The walls of the royal chambers are decorated floral ornament. Right in the center we see the miracle created by the girl: white swans, who fixed their gaze on the beautiful Princess.

I really like this picture. She takes me to fairy world where miracles easily happen. At the same time, she describes in great detail the life of the Russian people: dishes, furniture, room decoration, clothing.

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Description of Vasnetsov’s painting “The Frog Princess”

Vasnetsov is known for his folk motifs.
By using folk art he tried to convey all his beauty in the image.

In the center of the picture we see a girl wearing a green dress.
The outfit harmoniously suits the event.
Vasnetsov is trying to capture the moment when the girl dances.
Dancing can be indicated by arms raised in different directions.

According to historians and critics, the dancing woman is none other than Vasilisa the Wise, who came to the royal feast.
She captivated the guslar players with her dance.
Waving her arms, she created lakes and swans swimming on this lake.
Remembering the fairy tale and imagining it in action, in the background you can see a lake and swans swimming on it, and somewhere very far away, behind a field strewn with wheat, you can see a forest.

Birds in flight and clouds floating across the sky look very harmonious.
Many artists turned to fairy-tale motifs, and some managed to capture their vision of Vasilisa the Wise, but only Vasnetsov managed to most realistically present us with a picture told in fairy tales.
I would not be surprised if a person who does not know this fairy tale takes the picture for reality.
Low bow to the artist for his works.
I really want to be in them the main character, so that it is not for me to empathize with them, but on the contrary, so that they envy me.
Thanks to the artist for such a magnificent painting.
She made us plunge into the world of childhood, where it smells of candy and grandma's pies.
It is surprisingly pleasant to feel all the beauty and charm of your inner world through a canvas with an image.

The music is “Kamarinskaya” by I.P. Tchaikovsky

Children, where do you think this music invites us?

What instruments did you hear in this music?

Are these tools modern or were they used by man a long time ago?

This music invites us to ancient times, to distant kingdoms, to thirtieth states. Can you guess where?

Absolutely right. Let's sit down on the chairs and see what fairy tale we find ourselves in.

Children sit on chairs

  1. Looking at the painting

Look at the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov and tell me who is depicted in the picture?

Is this the heroine of what fairy tale?

How did you guess?

Who is in charge here in the picture and how did the artist show it?

Viktor Mikhailovich depicted the princess with her back to us, and we do not see her face. Do you think she is beautiful?

Describe the princess

  1. Game exercise “Describe the princess”

You can guess about her beauty by looking at the faces of the musicians who play for Vasilisa the Wise. They look at the girl with admiration and a smile. Look, their feet are dancing and their heads are tilting to the beat of the music.

The musicians hold ancient musical instruments in their hands. Did you recognize them?

And there are also such instruments as viola, domra, horn - a whole orchestra!

  1. Game technique “Enter the picture”

Do you want to go to the king's feast? Then I propose to step over the picture frame and:

Walk around, look around. How did you feel?

Touch something with your hand. What did you feel?

Inhale the smell. What does it smell like?

Try something from the royal table. Tasty?

Listen. What did you hear?

Do you want to try sitting down and dancing with the musicians, just with your feet?

  1. Dynamic pause

We did some wonderful dancing. Now let's see what is drawn around Vasilisa the Wise and the musicians. What do we see?

What season do you think the artist depicted?

Why is it summer?

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov used mainly what colors and shades to paint the picture?

Hence the feeling of joy, fun and celebration.

Who wants to choose a palette of colors for this painting?

  1. Game exercise “Choose a palette”

Well done. When an artist paints a picture, he can depict only one moment, one plot from a fairy tale, but we always remember what happened before and what will happen next. Who wants to talk about what happened before the holiday and the princess’s dance at the feast?

What will happen after?

  1. Retelling fragments of a fairy tale

Right. There is also a fairy tale hidden in Viktor Mikhailovich’s painting: Russians decorative patterns paintings of the royal chamber, ancient clothes of musicians and their instruments, a Russian dress with long sleeves in color reminiscent of frog skin.

Did you like this picture? This is how amazing and interesting the artist came up with, how unusually he built the plot for the image. I felt like I was a guest at a royal feast. What about you? Do you want to dance with Vasilisa the Wise?

  1. Dance “Barynya”, children come up with movements to the music
  2. Reflection

Did you enjoy visiting the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”?

Do you want to draw a crown for Vasilisa the Wise? Then we’ll say goodbye to our guests and start our visual activities.

Throughout creative path The great original Russian painter Viktor Vasnetsov was haunted by the theme of Russian antiquity and amazing world epics and folk tales. The painter's painting The Frog Princess was painted in the new, 20th century - in 1918. We are all familiar with the fairy tale about the enchanted beauty, the frog princess, from childhood, and this magic picture a great master, from whom the world of old epics and dreams literally emanates.

Description of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsova – Frog Princess by artist Vasnetsov

In the center of the fairy-tale painting The Frog Princess, a stately young woman is depicted in a rich outfit decorated with embroidery and gems, in a pearl headdress, and a precious necklace. Two heavy braids lie on the back of a young, full of strength Russian beauty. The heroine's figure is gracefully curved, she dances, listening to the cheerful ringing of the Russians musical instruments. From the terrace of the tower you can see the village. There, too, girls are twirling in a round dance, elegant Russian birches are reflected in the water of the lake, and the nature in the picture is so in tune with the state of joy that all the characters in the painting The Frog Princess demonstrate!

Painting of the Frog Princess famous artist Vasnetsov, like all other paintings related to the theme of Russian epic antiquity, is full of secret signs and symbols. Vasilisa’s dance is more than mesmerizing movements - right now she is working her magic. She waved her left hand - a beautiful lake spilled out in front of the tower, she waved right hand– white swans swam across the mirror surface. A beautiful, peaceful Russian landscape - birch trees, golden grain fields, and behind them a tall forest rises like a wall.

Russian character in the painting by artist Vasnetsov The Frog Princess

The sky is peaceful, clear, pouring soft, diffused light onto the earth. And here, too, there is a hint that there is no reason for alarm: the evil spell will dissipate, the frog will become a girl, and the long-awaited peace and quiet will finally come to Rus'. This peculiar characteristic picture artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, the frog princess very accurately conveys the mood of folk art, the whole inner beauty the Russian people, who do not at all seek to seize foreign territories, but want to live peacefully in their native land.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - famous Russian artist, singer of the Ancient epic Rus', drew inspiration from a treasure trove of folk art. He devoted dozens of years of hard work to trying to understand the deep spirit of the Russian people, to explore the Russian character and to convey in his works all its amazing beauty and originality. The embodiment of the artist’s desire to understand the Russian soul was the fairy-tale painting The Frog Princess.

Watch the video about the fabulous paintings of the artist Vasnetsov