Modern man has forgotten what real art is. An essay on the topic of art. An essay-reasoning on the topic:"Что такое настоящее искусство?". Современный мир и искусство!}

Essays at school are mandatory tasks that every student completed. But in order to learn how to write essays correctly, you should definitely know a number of theoretical rules that will help you cope with the task.

But if you express your thoughts on the usual topics “How I spent the summer” or school works is not so difficult, then it becomes more difficult to discuss more serious ones. One of these topics is the topic of art. Such reasoning requires the student to have deep thoughts and some historical knowledge. Let's try to write an essay on the topic of art.

What do we need?

First of all, you should specify the topic. After all, it is very broad, and talking about it in in a general sense It won't be that easy. If the topic of creativity affects a specific period of time, people, species, then you will need to carefully study the necessary information.

But since we only need to learn how to express our thoughts, we will consider general essay on the topic of art. Prepare a draft and get started.


What's the best way to start your essay? We can go several ways:

  1. The first of them is to define the concept of “art”. What is this? Example: “Art is something that evokes strong emotions and makes a person feel brighter and stronger the world around us" You should not use complex definitions in your essay, which may simply be incomprehensible. First, think for yourself about what is for you true creativity, then make sketches on a rough draft.
  2. The opposite option is to start with what is considered art. Example: “These days, the concept of art is very broad. It includes architecture, artistic activity, music, dancing and much more. The list goes on and on. But why?" By setting the intrigue in the introduction, you prepare the ground for the main part, in which you will express all your reasoning, answering the question “What is art?”
  3. Statement of the problem is one of the most best options for starters. Example: “These days, the boundaries of the concept of art are beginning to blur. And this is a real problem, because sometimes bad taste borders on a work of creativity. Is this really so? In this topic, you will need to write an essay on the topic “What is real art?”

Limit the scope of your introduction. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to include main idea your reasoning.

Main part

To write a good, literate essay on the topic “Real Art,” it is necessary that the main part be properly structured. This means that you need to sort your thoughts, reasoning and examples into categories. The main part should begin with your reasoning and smoothly reveal the topic at hand. How can this be done?


If the student is creative personality or simply studies in some creative section, then he can consider the topic of art using a personal example (in addition, this option for developing the topic is suitable for any entry option).

For example: “You can argue about art forever, rejecting one thing and asserting another, but, undoubtedly, everyone will agree that music is a real stronghold of creation. My life is closely connected with this type of art.” Then you can continue to direct the reasoning in the right direction and give personal examples from life.

History of art

If the student is not a fan of creativity, he can write an essay on the topic “Art”, referring to history.

“It is extremely difficult to compare the art of past centuries and the present. For example, if several centuries ago paintings, music, architecture in realistic or classic style, then today, if you visit any art gallery, you will see that it has undergone significant metamorphoses.”

Human psychology

To write an essay on the topic “What is real art?”, a student can study it from a psychological point of view, or rather, describe the influence and “It has been scientifically proven that creativity can improve mental state personality. After all, everything that is created by human hands can, to some extent, be considered art. And creating beauty allows you to express emotions, both positive and negative.”

Use any theme that is close to you. An essay on the topic “Art” can express any of your thoughts and views on the given direction, therefore the student should not be afraid to reflect and express his opinion.

In terms of volume, the main part should be the largest and occupy at least half of the total size of the essay.


Sometimes it happens that finishing an essay-argument on the topic “Art” is much more difficult than finishing a more simple themes. This is explained by the fact that the concept of art itself is quite vague, and it is difficult to give it an exact definition. Therefore, drawing a conclusion is not as easy as it seems. But you can also emerge victorious from this situation:

  • Since the conclusion should be only a few sentences, an essay on art can end with the student's personal opinion regarding the topic at hand. “I believe that art will always be present in a person’s life and will never disappear from it, transforming and going through many metamorphoses, adapting to personality changes.”
  • You can also leave the topic not completely closed. “It would seem that we have figured out what can be considered art. However, will this reasoning be relevant in 10 or 20 years? We cannot know this yet.”
  • By ending an essay on art on a positive note, the student can make a conclusion in the form of an appeal. “Notice the beauty around you. Morning birds singing. Slowly falling snowflakes or rays of bright sun in puddles. All this is the creativity of nature, which we sometimes do not notice.”

As you can see, talking about such a complex area turned out to be not so difficult. An essay on the topic “Real Art” can include any of your thoughts, the main thing is to present them correctly, and then your reasoning will be interesting and competent.

Real art is depiction of reality in artistic images, figurative understanding of reality, part of spiritual culture, source of knowledge of the world, process of expression inner world person in the image. This is a textbook of life, a person’s desire for perfection.

In the text K.G. Paustovsky talking about painting, about paintings famous artist I'm sorry about their influence on humans. It is in this - in the positive impact on the soul of each of us - that the authenticity of art is manifested. For arguments, I would like to turn to the text offered to me and life experience.

Firstly, in sentences 10-13 we read what emotions the hero experienced when he saw the engravings famous artist. The “beautiful engravings, slightly yellowed with time,” at first gave him a “strange feeling” (10). The portraits were so beautiful and accurate that it seemed as if real people were standing: “a crowd of ladies and men... looked... from the walls with deep attention” at the hero (13).

Secondly, to confirm that music is also part true art, I’ll give you an example from life. Once I was at the Nutcracker ballet, and what I liked most was the music to which the ballerinas danced. The melody was so soft that at some point I thought: this is not the music of ballet, but of life itself. And the dance itself turned my head so much that for those hours I was completely immersed in the dance, in the story that the ballerinas were telling me, and was not distracted by anything.

Thus, I proved that art, namely real art, is not only a reflection of our inner world, but also a textbook of life, allowing us to understand the reality around us. It's part of us.

What is real art? In my opinion, this is an image of reality in works of painting, literature, cinema, architecture and music. This is both a reflection of a person’s inner world through artistic images, and beauty captured in works of art. To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text offered to us V. Oseeva and to personal experience.

The first argument in favor of my opinion can be propositions 23-25. These sentences say that when Yakov touches the strings of the violin, a sound of unusual beauty flows, and you want to enjoy life. This is where we see real art.

As a second argument to support my point of view, I would like to take an example from life. One day during an art lesson, the teacher showed us two identical houses. At first glance, they were both beautiful... But if you look carefully, you can see: one of the buildings is intended for everyday life, and the other is a work of art. It is what made us understand true beauty more deeply.

Thus, after analyzing two arguments, I proved that only real art can have the strongest influence on the human soul.

Essay 1

Real art, according to the article “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova, is “a creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.” But is it possible to determine the meaning of this word in one phrase? Of course not! Art is charm and sorcery! This is exactly what T. Tolstoy’s text talks about.

Firstly, the famous writer constructs the heroine’s argument about real art, contrasting the seemingly incompatible in meaning: theater and cinema... Incompatible because she does not like theater! All the sympathies of the lyrical heroine are given to the movie that charmed and bewitched her! This is how she enthusiastically writes about her favorite form of art: “What I expect from cinema is a complete transformation, a final deception - “so as not to think why, so as not to remember when.”

My point of view about real art differs from the opinion of T. Tolstoy’s heroine: I love theater! A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend a wonderful performance of the mystery opera “Juno” and “Avos”. Everything that was there: wonderful scenery, and wonderful music by Alexei Rybnikov, and romantic story two love wonderful people- said that I was in the temple of art! And “the gods in it... are mine!”

Thus, real art is different for each person: some people love cinema, while others adore theater.


Essay 2

Art is component culture of humanity. However, only art that has a positive effect on a person, touching the innermost strings of his soul, we can call real.

We find examples of real art in the text of T.N. Tolstoy. The hero of the story, on whose behalf the narration is told, compares two types of art - theater and cinema. He comes to the conclusion that the theater is not his temple and the gods in it are not his (4-7). He really loves cinema, because there you can relax and dream, there are no flaws that are forgiven to artists in the theater in exchange for their art (8). In his opinion, “cinema is for those who love dreams and miracles,” “cinema is for children.”

In addition, you can give examples of real art from life. I really like paintings that depict real objects. And I can’t understand why people are willing to pay money for works of unknown purpose. For example, recently a rather interesting exhibit was exhibited in a local gallery - trash container with household waste, for which the author offered almost 3 million rubles. So why can’t a janitor, who has a lot of this “good”, do the same, because this doesn’t require anything? It seems to me that this fake art, but just a pitiful semblance of it.

Thus, we are convinced that real art should be made with soul and serve people as spiritual food, helping them become happier and kinder to others and to themselves.

Rogovaya Anna, student of I.A. Suyazova

Essay 3

Real art, in my opinion, is the depiction of reality in artistic images. These are those works of painting, literature, architecture that reflect the inner world of a person. Real art is not created for the sake of fame and money, it is just a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I will give examples to confirm what has been said.

T. Tolstoy’s text raises the problem of choosing between two types of art. Since childhood, the heroine tried to fall in love with the theater, as she was “told.” She understood that the theater was a temple, but not for her. She, like most people, enjoyed cinema, because everything is perfect on the screen, and the theater does not hide imperfections. The author wanted to express her opinion about contemporary art: “Theater is for adults, cinema is for children.”

Since I was not able to be a spectator in the theater, I give preference to cinema. Many old and modern films have influenced my worldview and my life. Another advantage of cinema is that you can watch it at any time. One of these films that made an impact on me deep impression, is " Green Mile" This is a film about humanity, it makes you think about a lot. At the heart of this work is a love for the world and all living things. The film truly teaches you to see the soul of a person, not to judge people by external impressions, superficially.

Thus, I proved that, no matter what art is, it should bring pleasure to people and educate them morally. True art plays an important role in the life of every person, because it introduces us to everything beautiful.

Kozhanova Polina, student of S.N. Mishchenko

Text 5. T. Tolstaya. Cinema (story from the series “Small Things”, collection “River”)

(1) As a child, I tried very, very hard to love the theater, as I was told: after all, this Great Art, Temple. (2) And I, as expected, should experience sacred awe, but remember at the same time that there are theatrical conventions in the theater. (3) I remembered, but when an elderly guy in a camisole with puffy sleeves, with a large velvet belly swaying over his thin legs, menacingly, like class teacher, asked: “Tell me, Laura, what year are you?” - and the overweight auntie barked in response: “Eighteen years!” - terrible confusion and shame crushed me, and all my efforts to love the theater were completely crossed out.

(4) Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater, there was a pleasant and complex smell in the hall, smart people were walking in the foyer, the windows were wrapped in curtains made of parachute silk, like cumulus clouds. (5) Yes, a temple. (6) Probably. (7) But this is not my temple, and the gods in it are not mine.

(8) But it’s a completely different matter - the Ars cinema, a poor little shed on the square. (9) There are uncomfortable wooden seats, there they sit in coats, there is garbage on the floor. (10) There you will not meet “inveterate theatergoers”, dressed up ladies, offended in advance by the fact that they, decent people, are forced to spend three hours in the company of clueless laymen. (11) There the crowd pours in and takes their seats, rattling their seats and spreading the sour smell of damp coats. (12) They'll start now. (13) This is happiness. (14) This is a movie.

Real art is a work that has a universally recognized artistic significance. To expand on this concept in the best possible way, The many-wise Litrekon uses examples from literature, which always help him express his thoughts. Exactly for you, dear readers, he dedicated his next collection.

  1. F.M. Dostoevsky, "Poor People". The heroine of the work, Varenka Dobroselova, often corresponds with her patron Makar Devushkin and notices that he is not at all developed. If he reads, it is second-rate literature, devoid of the charm of true art. Then she advises him of N.V.’s books. Gogol and A.S. Pushkin. After this, even the reader himself sees how Makar has changed: he began to write more interestingly and feel more deeply. Only true creativity can transform a person.
  2. I.S. Turgenev, "Singers". The narrator witnessed a competition between singers in a tavern. One of them sang clearly and loudly, many thought that he would win. However, the second performer sang hoarsely and drawlingly, but so soulfully and warmly that he made the listeners feel every note. There is no doubt that this is real art - to awaken genuine emotions in the public.
  3. N.A. Nekrasov, "Elegy". The famous poet touched on the topic of art more than once. In his opinion, it should not be sweet-voiced and soft, but honest and irreconcilable. “I dedicated the lyre to my people,” he wrote. True creativity is always dedicated to people and serves them, but not the interests of a separate class, but the entire society.
  4. N.V. Gogol, "Portrait". Main character story, he was a gifted painter, but greed and a thirst for luxury pushed him onto the path of an artisan: he began making paintings to order. In each of them, he went against the truth and against himself, doing what his customers wanted from him. In the finale, he realized that he had lost his talent, because real art is always free and sublime, it does not obey the bourgeois taste of the crowd.
  5. N.V. Gogol, " Dead Souls» . IN lyrical digressions the narrator argues that writers are divided into two categories: some write what people want to read, and others write the truth. Some flatter the world and receive its recognition, others become victims of those who do not want to see the truth and hide from it. Judging by the tone of his reasoning, the author considered real art to be precisely that literature that contains truthful, albeit critical, food for thought.
  6. A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin". The heroine of the novel was distinguished by her erudition and taste in her choice of literature. Tatyana spent all her time thinking about books and learned adult life even before full entry into it. That’s why Olga’s frivolity was alien to her; the heroine deeply felt and fell in love once in her entire life. Such a wealth of inner world can be explained by the fact that Tatyana understood real art and drew wisdom from it.
  7. M.Yu. Lermontov, "Hero of Our Time". Grigory Pechorin was unusually captivated by Bela’s dance. The girl moved easily and gracefully, her movements were impeccably beautiful. In them he saw the ideal of naturalness and simplicity, which he sought in vain in social life. It is real art, which became the reason for Gregory to fall in love with a stranger, that can give a person aesthetic and spiritual pleasure.
  8. M.A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita". Real art is always aimed at eternity; it does not take into account the present, which is why it is often not recognized during the creator’s lifetime. Bulgakov depicted a similar example: A master who wrote a truly talented piece is buried alive in a madhouse. He is not accepted and condemned only because his book does not fit into a narrow ideological framework. But the author proves with this example that true creativity will survive persecution and remain for centuries.
  9. A.T. Tvardovsky, “Vasily Terkin”. To entertain his comrades, Vasily plays the accordion, and often it is these simple melodies that inspire tired soldiers and allow them to remember home, peaceful days and their joys. Music helps them gather strength and make a miracle, which we call the Great Victory. This is real art that puts people in a good mood.
  10. 10.A.P. Chekhov, "A Work of Art". According to the plot of the story, a boy brings the doctor a beautiful candelabra in gratitude for his help. However, the man is ashamed to keep the item: it is beautiful and elegant, but the leg of the candlestick was made in the shape of naked women. The hero is afraid that people who visit him will think badly of him. In the same way, all his friends refuse this gift. Thus, the author showed that people cannot always understand real art, which stands out from the framework of everyday life and frightens the average person.

True art is a divine spark in a person that allows one to show the beauty of the world through the harmony of sounds and colors; it is a part of the soul of an artist or composer that he is ready to give to the world. Of course, real art is also a craft, but craft brought to perfection is the highest beauty, the highest bliss. True art certainly influences every person and can lead to greatest feat, and to the greatest villainy.

So what is real art? These include paintings by great artists, beautiful music, sculptures, buildings, and books.

But only those that make a person laugh, cry, think, empathize, in a word, experience some kind of emotion. Art, real art, cannot leave anyone indifferent, even the most callous and soulless person.

Let's look at examples from fiction.

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For example, in A. Green’s work “The Power of the Incomprehensible,” one musician heard in a dream wonderful music, which he could not reproduce during the day. He came to the hypnotist for help and in an altered state, a state of hypnosis, he played this melody. No one could describe it, but this music brought the one who heard it to an indescribable state. The hypnotist interrupted the musician's playing, and no one ever heard this divine music.

There is something similar in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot”.

In Rogozhin's house, Prince Myshkin saw a painting by Hans Holbein

"Christ in the tomb." This picture so impressed the prince with its rare realism, unusualness, and most importantly - its incredible power of influence on a person, not only moral, but also physical.

According to the prince, a person may lose faith from this picture, since it shows a really dead person, and not someone who will soon be resurrected.

To summarize, we can say that real art is what makes a person experience emotions, any, positive or negative.

It cannot leave anyone indifferent, otherwise it is not art.

True art will not leave anyone indifferent.

Updated: 2018-09-25

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