Dream interpretation of being on top. Dream interpretation of why you dream about heights

The article on the topic: “dream book why you dream about heights” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Interpretation of sleep Height in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Height in a dream– Seeing in a dream how you climb the stairs to an eerie height, foretells you the fulfillment of all your desires, the achievement of goals, respect and recognition of the people around you.

Seeing yourself flying high in a dream- to great luck.

See yourself at a great height and enjoy it- to success at work. Perhaps this is for promotion.

New opportunities and prospects will be opened for you.

If you dreamed of looking down from a great height, to achieve your goal.

If you dreamed that you climbed to a great height, and at the same time you were afraid of it, it means that in reality you are dreaming of something unrealistic.

If you dreamed that you were at a high altitude and did not feel any fear at all, it means that your career will soon take off.

If you dreamed that you were soaring at a great height above the ground, it means that stunning success awaits you, which can turn your ill-wishers against you.

If in a dream you climb to a height in the company of other people, it means that you will have many competitors.

If in a dream you try to climb to a certain height, but you fail, it means that you will have to encounter many obstacles on the path to success.

Being at heights and being afraid of them– in reality, you will make a mistake, make the wrong choice. Your mistakes will affect both your career and your personal life.

Fall from a height into the water- to new plans. Such a dream suggests that fate will give you another chance.

Fall from a height- to disappointment, illness, betrayal, loss of your achievements.

Falling from a height in a dream– to great difficulties associated with professional activities.

Looking at other people from above in a dream- such a dream speaks of your arrogance and pride, your manner of communicating with people “from above.” Such manifestations of your character traits do not decorate you at all, but, on the contrary, distance you from the desired promotion. Stop criticizing others for no reason, stop praising yourself, and you will notice that it will become much easier and more pleasant for you to communicate with people.

A dream in which you see a person falling from the height of a multi-story building foreshadows the loss of someone close to you.

Why do you dream about Height?, interpretation of sleep in other dream books

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Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and visions. Find out what your dream was about.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about heights?

Many people have a fear of heights; it is a kind of phobia. Why do you dream about heights? Is this a reflection of fears in reality? Or, if you dreamed about heights, then the dream has a certain connotation.

Seeing yourself at height in a dream

Sometimes people have ordinary dreams that do not evoke vivid, unforgettable emotions. But the height in a dream in which you will soar, and look at the ground, or go down, these are precisely those dreams that cause delight, or make you feel pretty scared.

Pleasant dreams

Why dream about the height at which you soar with the help of an aircraft means that you are a dreamer who likes to make ambitious plans for the future. It is worth looking at life more soberly, because falling is very painful.

If you dreamed about heights

When you looked down absolutely without fear, with peace, it means that you will soon be able to achieve dizzying heights.

Unpleasant visions

These include those dreams that made you scared. And instead of experiencing joy and delight, you wake up in a cold sweat, with a frozen scream on your lips.

Fall from a height

If in your night dreams you fly down, experiencing true horror, you set the bar too high, which you cannot always overcome. Although the vision is frightening, it does not bring anything terrifying to you; rather, it states a fact - treat yourself more leniently.

According to the dream book, the height from which you fall to the ground and even feel pain from the impact is a good sign. This means that in real life you will be able to achieve your goal, even if at the moment it seems unattainable.

Hanging under the sky

When you are high above the ground, standing or climbing doesn’t matter, the main thing is that if this plot scares you, again you are too self-critical. As the dream book says, height in this case is your high standard, which you simply a priori cannot meet. And the horror you experience is dissatisfaction from inflated ambitions.

Sitting at a height means career growth and improved material well-being. The money will simply “go” into your hands.

Why see yourself standing on the roof of a high-rise building?

Looking at the space below is your ambition. You have many plans and plans, you openly declare them, tell them loudly. This is not enough; concrete steps must be taken. Perhaps you should talk less and act more, and then everything will work out.

Look down and intend to jump, the vision may mean a desire to get away from your usual everyday life. After such visions, a person can suddenly leave work, a dusty metropolis, friends and go to live in the village, or vice versa, a quiet and reserved person can suddenly become the soul of any noisy party, open his own business, or take up extreme sports.

If you came down from a height

Why come down from a height in a dream?

  • If in a dream you had to go down, it is important to remember why this was done and at what speed, since this initially affects the interpretation of the dream.
  • Descending from a high cliff quickly means failures that will haunt the dreamer in the near future. If the descent was slow, then your affairs will go smoothly, you will clearly think through every step, which will earn everyone’s respect and honor.
  • Going down a rope ladder, without haste, carefully standing on each step - it’s hard to throw you off balance, you weigh your every step, which is why you almost never make mistakes.
  • If you descend straight from heaven to earth, then you will soon have to say goodbye to your illusions about a certain reason, or about a certain person.

What does high altitude mean, according to Miller?

Miller's dream book believes that if in a dream you had to be afraid of heights and try to go down, it means that you have found yourself in a situation from which you are no longer able to get out on your own.

Also, according to this source, if you happen to see heights in a dream, it means that you are trying to appear different from who you really are, to please someone, forgetting about your desires.

Other interpretations

If you get scared in a dream because your child has fallen from a height, pay more attention to him in reality. Perhaps a son or daughter is going through a difficult period in life, experiencing discomfort, and even fear.

Dream books also say that if you were very afraid of heights, it means that you should be more careful in reality, since circumstances will not be in your favor.

Very often, sick people dream about falling from a height; in this case, you can rejoice that the peak of the disease has passed and you are on the mend.

Why do you dream about heights - interpretation of dreams from dream books

Loff's Dream Book

height in a dream what is it for

If you had a dream in which a tall building appeared in front of you, then be prepared for a positive rise in your career. A promotion awaits you, which will bring financial stability. Climbing a high ladder means moving to a new spiritual level, improving your inner world.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

why do you dream about heights

If in your dream you are truly afraid of heights, then you and your loved ones are in danger. Every effort must be made to protect relatives from trouble.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

what does it mean if height is in a dream

A dream in which you are at high altitude foreshadows illness, and possibly a serious illness. A fall from a height also indicates serious illness. If you look up and see the sky, then such a dream does not foretell anything bad, only positive and joyful experiences and events await you.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

You have set yourself a high and difficult to achieve bar in life if you dream of heights. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are demanding too much from yourself and others, be more lenient. Perhaps the dream warns that you have committed to doing something that you cannot do.

Chinese dream book

why do you dream about heights

Height in dreams symbolizes spirituality. Also, the meaning of height in dreams can be interpreted as a desired goal, difficult to achieve, career and spiritual growth, financial well-being. Rising above someone in a dream means a change in social status.

Modern dream book

Being at a high altitude, above the ground in a dream and being afraid of heights means events or actions that will go against the letter of the law. If you do not feel fear, then you should expect a climb up the career ladder and a significant promotion.

Seeing yourself at your best in dreams means achieving what you have long dreamed of. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are afraid of the height at which you are, then you should be vigilant and careful, otherwise problems with the law cannot be avoided. A dream in which you are not afraid of heights warns of a significant increase. Watching someone from above means achieving goals through hard work and determination. The health of someone who in a dream sees himself falling from a great height will seriously deteriorate.

People also dreamed about heights

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Height according to the dream book

According to the dream book, those who in real life set themselves obviously impossible tasks most often fall from a height in a dream. The dream does not require you to stop dreaming, and at the same time, it does not advise you to include winning the lottery in your business plan.

Despite the fact that falling from a height is a rather scary dream, in this case it is just trying to open your eyes to the true reasons for your failures. The dream suggests that you are too demanding and critical of yourself.

If in a dream you had to fall from a height, the dream promises that you will be able to overcome a serious obstacle. A dream in which you were not injured in a fall suggests that in reality you will not be required to make serious sacrifices.

The dream book explains why you dream of fear of heights with your great ambitions. You are anxious about each of your achievements, at the same time, an unconscious fear of losses prevents you from fully enjoying your victories.

The dream in which you are about to jump from a height symbolizes your thirst for downshifting. You are so tired of responsibility and obligations that sometimes you just want to give up on everything. The dream book recommends a good rest instead of rash actions.

You can be afraid of heights in a dream for one reason: your idea seems too innovative to everyone around you, including you. The dream means that the desire to realize it will still overcome fear. The main thing is not to be disappointed with the result.

If in a dream you feel afraid of falling from a height, know that the dream is trying to show you your strengths and weaknesses. A high position is more of a whim for you than a true need. The dream book says that even if your desire to rise above the crowd comes true, the result will burden you.

The dream book interprets jumping from a height down in a dream as not a good omen. The probability of future losses, grief and disappointment is very high. Perhaps the upcoming events will not be so dramatic, you will just take them to heart.

The dream book associates why you dream of jumping from a height with the feeling of free flight. The dream says that one of the components of your being is preventing you from moving forward and reflects your very natural desire to free yourself from ballast.

A dream in which you had to watch a person fall from a height foreshadows a reassessment of your own values. Which might be for the best. The dream book believes that people themselves will be drawn to you if your communication style is less arrogant.

A fear of heights in a dream symbolizes the need to pull yourself together in reality. If you intend to achieve something, you don’t need to waste yourself on doubts. The dream is trying to mobilize you in this way and mentally prepare you for the upcoming trials.

A dream in which you happen to stand at a height is often a “reversal”, that is, the dream book interprets it exactly the opposite. If you experience fear in such a dream, it means that you are actually safe and your position is strong and stable.

Why else do you dream about heights in a dream?

The dream invites you to look down from the future into the past. This dream means that you will certainly achieve your goals, although you will need to make a lot of effort. The dream book promises that you will be satisfied with the result, and everything will turn out exactly as you planned.

Anything that dreams of a child falling from a height should be regarded as a warning, especially if the dream is about your own child. This dream reflects internal discomfort and calls for paying more attention to the child’s mood.

According to Miller's dream book, heights are most often dreamed of by those who in life are not conquerors of peaks. The dream book advises you to learn to accept your strengths and weaknesses as they are and not to waste yourself on meaningless competitions.

A child falling from a height symbolizes his unfavorable psychological state, which not directly, but indirectly can cause danger. If you dream of an abstract child, then this dream is about none other than you.

If you dreamed about how you decided to jump from a height, it means that in reality you are capable of an extraordinary act. And yet, the dream book urges you not to lose your prudence, so that you will not be disappointed later.

If in a dream you cannot look down from a height without slight fear, the dream means that you have actually reached some heights. The dream provides every reason to believe that you will be able to continue to stay on top.

What you dream of about being afraid of falling from a height calls for caution in reality. The dream means that the world around you is now less friendly towards you than usual. The dream book warns that there is a high probability of deception and injury.

If you saw in a dream how a child falls from a height, the dream book takes into account the child’s personality. If this child is familiar to you, then the dream is about him: it is this child who currently needs the support of adults.

If in a dream you had to be at a height, for example, on the top of a mountain, the top of a tree, or on the roof of a skyscraper in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to significantly move up the career ladder, the dream book promises.

Being afraid of falling from a height is a completely natural feeling, even if it’s just a dream. The dream book warns that you have a difficult fight ahead. It has been noticed that the stronger the fear that the dream causes, the higher the chances of winning.

The dream book associates everything that you dream about, that you are at serious risk of falling from a height, with your new status. The fact that you have managed to improve your position requires greater responsibility from you. The dream says that you doubt your abilities. Perhaps they just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

It has been noticed that people who are recovering often fall from a great height in a dream. Such a dream means that the crisis has passed. For a dreamer in good health, a dream means getting rid of serious danger.

There are a lot of versions, but I chose mine

I'm running after some girl who should show me the way to the sea. We find ourselves at the top. I look down and I'm scared. Even in real life I am afraid of heights. She invites me to take the elevator downstairs. I slowly follow her on my haunches so as not to fall off. We get into the elevator, and it is wooden - an unstable structure that instantly locks. Through the gap I see us rushing down at great speed. It's truly breathtaking. We land successfully and run on. We run through some apartments and meet her parents. At this point she can no longer accompany me. What could this mean?

Buy yourself a purebred puppy.

I dream that I am standing on a height, but I am not falling.

Everything will be fine

I dreamed that I was walking with my sister along a large balcony, and we looked down, and there was water in which mice first swam, and then colorful rats appeared. Then the rats began to climb up. I was very afraid of heights and rats going up! Why do you dream about this?

Having many versions is good

Why do I dream that my boyfriend is cheating on me almost every day?

Lisa, there can be many versions: fear of losing him, and your possible betrayal of him or you are afraid to tell him something. If you are afraid to admit something, then the dream tells you that you are doing wrong towards him, so my advice to you is to sit down and talk to him and tell him everything. Perhaps you are afraid to tell because he might misunderstand and go away to take revenge on you, which is why you have such a dream. Understand yourself and don’t leave anything in yourself; it’s better, of course, that this dream is simply a fear of losing a loved one.

I deliberately jumped from a very high height into the water, I even remember the feeling of flying, I can’t remember, but I didn’t seem to feel much fear, I clearly remember wet hair from the water, I can’t quite choose a definition here.


I dream about heights very often! Sometimes I fall down, but I get back to my feet, sometimes the dream ends when I fall. Today I dreamed that I was swinging on a huge multi-person swing without a safety net, and it started spinning the “sun”; the height was terrible, I was holding on with all my strength so as not to fall! It was very scary! I screamed and asked to stop. Everything ended well. The swing stopped. Here

I quit smoking, so I constantly started dreaming about stairs, I stand at the top and look down and seem to think to myself: what if I fall? Are the steps safe if I go down? And how I got out, but didn’t go down.

I dreamed that my cousin and I were flying on an airplane. I sat with my back to my sister, and we held hands. Suddenly I looked back sharply and saw that he was holding my hand and falling from the plane. I fall with her from a great height. We fell and nothing happened. Safe, unharmed and not even wounded. I realized that she was scared then without me and she sharply pulled my hand. We found ourselves in a clearing, there were houses and paths. I shout “let’s run after the plane!” But because The plane is flying very fast, we didn’t have time. In all my dreams, how strange it is that I cannot run fast. Well, in general, we were in a panic, but then we met my grandfather there from somewhere (what was he doing there). I don’t remember where we were flying, but he said that not far away there was this very village where we were flying. Well, we ran to this village, and then another dream just began. It's strange somehow. And why is this?

We came with friends to the cafe from one entrance. And I saw another and went to him with the words: oh, this is where we will come out. I open the door, and there is a steep wooden staircase, almost a stepladder, and it’s very scary not only to go down, but even to look at it. I jump back in horror, because... It seemed to me that I was already falling. And the rest, looking out the door, shrug their shoulders in surprise and persuade me to look again, like it’s not so scary. I didn't agree...

I really liked it.

Lately I've been having terrible dreams. In this dream, I dreamed that I woke up on the roof of a skyscraper, my brother was standing in front of me, holding a kitten in his hands. Here he throws out the kitten. And after a few moments he falls headfirst. The fall causes your brains to fly apart. Tough.

I dreamed that my child began to fall from the slabs into the abyss, but got caught on a wire, then there was a woman who caught him in her hands, I tried to save him too and jumped into this abyss, there were fragments of slabs and nettles below, I experienced terrible fear, why would that be?

And I dreamed that I was walking over an abyss on a thin rope and I was very afraid, but in the end I still crossed this abyss. Moreover, at first I deliberately walked and reached the thin pillar, realizing that it would be extremely difficult to return back. But it still worked out, despite the fear. And yesterday, I saw myself literally flying on the globe, together with my husband, and I was also very afraid of falling, but my husband reassured me :) these are miracles...

I dream that I am pouring concrete on a monolithic wall at the height of a tower crane and cannot hold on to the reinforcement, but I do not fall, although I was not afraid of this before.

I often dream about my fear of heights. Then I stand on the stairs at a very high height and am terrified of falling. But for just an hour I dreamed of a bridge at an unreal height, on which everyone walks and walks absolutely calmly, and I am SO SCARED that in reality I have never experienced such fear. Out of fear I often lie down in my sleep, but the bridge and I lie in fear of falling. It’s just TERRIBLE, I don’t even know what this fear is connected with, because in real life I’m not at all afraid of heights, but in a dream I’m just crazy. I have been having this dream once a week consistently, sometimes more often, for about 10 years now. Simply mystical.

I was walking along a long balcony, and below me was a clear river, everyone was jumping into it, but I didn’t.

I'm walking on the roof of a skyscraper. Suddenly this thought comes. What if I jump from here into the pool below as a bet? I roughly imagined that there should be “extreme players” around the city and I would put my loan debts on the line and jump. I look down from above, the pool is small, the children splash water up to their chests, and I understand that the bet is impossible, because if I jump, I will die, the water in the pool is shallow. I stood there and reasoned until the girl from the cafe took me away, to whom I gave the pear. After standing in line drunk, my colleagues saw me and I felt ashamed. Before that, I drove a black sports car, where I was handed a small white bear with claws. This is such nonsense.

I also dreamed about how I had to fall from a height, because they brought me there on something else... I could have fallen to the ground, but thank God the wind blew into the sea strait, into the middle of the water, and I still had to swim to the shore myself... but overall there was no fear, It was even interesting to test yourself! And I didn’t even remember the jellyfish... there was a continuation of the dream, but there it would have been possible to tell a whole movie.

Why do people dream of wearing fur coats inside out?

Excellent dream book, cracked the dream like a nut 😉 Thank you!

I dreamed that our dog returned, and he, like the rest of us, was sitting at the table. Suddenly dad started talking about geese, and for some reason we suddenly found ourselves in the mountains. It was a cliff. I was walking along the path and suddenly turned. I found myself at the very top of the cliff and held on. I was scared, as soon as I screamed I had a feeling that I would fall. I reassured myself that I would not die. Suddenly the wind started, not strong. He rocked me and then I let go and fell. There were relatives below. One boy caught me, that is, I fell on him. It was my classmate. After that, the alarm clock rang and I woke up.

I’ve almost had 3 dreams about falling from a height! And they were all in one place in my grandmother’s house, their house is 2 storey, which is located on the 7th and 8th floor, a gallery building. I was walking at the gallery with a friend, and she came into the house for a glass of juice. And suddenly her boyfriend came, who was disgusting to me, and so I shouted at him. He left, then a friend came out and saw me being rude to her boyfriend. She was offended, cried and said “goodbye” and jumped off the floor. I was shocked and jumped after her from the 7th floor. Landed on her own feet. I wasn’t afraid of heights before because I lived in this house since birth. But because of these dreams, I began to be afraid of heights, and in the dream I landed without wounds and successfully... What does this dream lead to?

I dreamed that I was riding a high bicycle; when I turned, I lost my balance and began to fall, but I grabbed a tree branch and calmly descended to the ground. Why would this be?

I dreamed that I lived in a very tall building, if you look down, you can even see clouds slightly, and it was as if you went out to smoke and there was no curb on one side, I was just squatting on the smooth slate and looking down, there was a strong fear of falling. Then I moved to a safe place where I could hold on to the curb, and as soon as I finished smoking I went down and as if I had flown on an airplane somewhere at the same altitude and as if at least someone would help me, with fear or something like 50% percent I began to imitate what I bad and difficult to breathe, but 50% was really bad, what does this mean?

I dreamed that my husband was hanging on the window from the street side, but did not fall.

This is the second time I have had the same dream, only the gap between dreams was about a month. It was as if I was riding a high rope, and there were a lot of people below me and I was looking at everything from above, it was as if I was in some huge crowded place. And in my hands I held my notebooks, which I was afraid of losing.

I tried to get to work with a friend, but he gets into an accident - he crashes into a tree, and I end up on this tree, then I climbed up the tree onto the roof and stayed there on my stomach and realized that it was very high. I just woke up with wild fear that I couldn’t even stand on this roof. I'm so glad I woke up.

The dream began with the fact that a woman I didn’t know threw a child wrapped in a diaper from a height of about 3 floors, let’s miss the small details of what happened next, the next moment, I’m in a place familiar to me, sitting in a squat on one knee, after which I make a very powerful jump up , to such an inconceivable height that I even remembered that the houses standing around from the top seemed absolutely tiny, I looked down without fear, after which I began to fall to the bottom, the fear of breaking appeared, but in vain, once at the bottom I was happy, everything was simply not it really looks like the truth. PLEASE help me interpret this dream correctly, thank you.

Help! And I had a dream that my mother stumbled and almost fell off a cliff into the river, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. Then my mother became ill, and I started calling an ambulance, but I kept getting the numbers wrong.

I dream about murders. Moreover, I kill and do not hide in any way. They're not even looking for me. I just go to bed and go kill. If you count how many I killed in my dreams, it was 3 families, 2 passersby and a whole bus of children. These dreams really scare me. I have become withdrawn and don’t always understand what I’m doing. Those. I'm not always responsible for my brain. I don't know what it could be, but I'm very afraid. Moreover, the first time I killed, it was my friend who asked me, I naturally didn’t tell her, I told my mother, but there’s no point in telling her anything.

I walked on the roof of a 10-12 storey building, completely without fear, with a current and former friend, with whom I have not spoken for 3 months. Why?

I had a dream that I was approaching a tree that stood on a cliff and trying to collect the fruits growing on it, but the fruits were hanging just above the cliff, I reached out and fell down, but managed to grab a branch, and with unexpected force it threw me out to the top. I'm leaving, but without the fruit.

Ancient dream books say that seeing heights in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Even just seeing yourself standing on top is a sign of illness. And falling from a height means a serious illness. On the other hand, if in a dream a person sees heaven, being at a certain height, this is a good vision, it portends joy.

In some eastern dream books it is believed that if in a dream a person stands at a height and is afraid of falling, this means that some kind of danger threatens his loved ones. However, there is no need to worry. There is still time to prevent trouble and cope with an unpleasant situation.

Modern dream books interpret such dreams from a psychological perspective. For example, if in a dream a person flies and sees the world from some height, this speaks of his desire for freedom.

What if you dream about heights?

On the outside of his life, everything may be quite well. But there are some factors that constrain him and give him a feeling of lack of freedom (for example, a job he doesn’t like, some unpleasant obligations). In addition, modern dream books say that if a person dreams that he is at a high altitude, but is not afraid of it, the path to further career growth is open to him.

If he is afraid of heights, this means that he may commit some wrong actions (sometimes even illegal). The more frightening heights are, the more pessimistic a person is.

If you are worried that you often have dreams of falling from a height, you need to first understand your own feelings, analyze your relationships with people in your environment, and also evaluate recent events. Often seeing at low altitude means worrying about one of the listed factors.

What does it portend?

Psychologists believe that such a nightmare indicates internal anxiety. Most often, a dream at altitude is the presence of some disturbing factors in life. That is, a night vision of falling from a height is a manifestation of the fear of a person who is afraid of losing his job or social status.

Such dreams begin to occur especially often when some difficulties appear in life. In addition, sometimes they talk about the fact that a person experiences emotions that he is afraid of. They don't have to be negative. But in any case, these are strong feelings, and often people do not want to admit them to themselves.

According to the dream book, those who in real life set themselves obviously impossible tasks most often fall from a height in a dream. The dream does not require you to stop dreaming, and at the same time, it does not advise you to include winning the lottery in your business plan.

Despite the fact that falling from a height is a rather scary dream, in this case it is just trying to open your eyes to the true reasons for your failures. The dream suggests that you are too demanding and critical of yourself.

If in a dream you had to fall from a height, the dream promises that you will be able to overcome a serious obstacle. A dream in which you were not injured in a fall suggests that in reality you will not be required to make serious sacrifices.

The dream book explains why you dream of fear of heights with your great ambitions. You are anxious about each of your achievements, at the same time, an unconscious fear of losses prevents you from fully enjoying your victories.

The dream in which you are about to jump from a height symbolizes your thirst for downshifting. You are so tired of responsibility and obligations that sometimes you just want to give up on everything. The dream book recommends a good rest instead of rash actions.

You can be afraid of heights in a dream for one reason: your idea seems too innovative to everyone around you, including you. The dream means that the desire to realize it will still overcome fear. The main thing is not to be disappointed with the result.

If in a dream you feel afraid of falling from a height, know that the dream is trying to show you your strengths and weaknesses. A high position is more of a whim for you than a true need. The dream book says that even if your desire to rise above the crowd comes true, the result will burden you.

The dream book interprets jumping from a height down in a dream as not a good omen. The probability of future losses, grief and disappointment is very high. Perhaps the upcoming events will not be so dramatic, you will just take them to heart.

The dream book associates why you dream of jumping from a height with the feeling of free flight. The dream says that one of the components of your being is preventing you from moving forward and reflects your very natural desire to free yourself from ballast.

A dream in which you had to watch a person fall from a height foreshadows a reassessment of your own values. Which might be for the best. The dream book believes that people themselves will be drawn to you if your communication style is less arrogant.

A fear of heights in a dream symbolizes the need to pull yourself together in reality. If you intend to achieve something, you don’t need to waste yourself on doubts. The dream is trying to mobilize you in this way and mentally prepare you for the upcoming trials.

A dream in which you happen to stand at a height is often a “reversal”, that is, the dream book interprets it exactly the opposite. If you experience fear in such a dream, it means that you are actually safe and your position is strong and stable.

Why else do you dream about heights in a dream?

The dream invites you to look down from the future into the past. This dream means that you will certainly achieve your goals, although you will need to make a lot of effort. The dream book promises that you will be satisfied with the result, and everything will turn out exactly as you planned.

Anything that dreams of a child falling from a height should be regarded as a warning, especially if the dream is about your own child. This dream reflects internal discomfort and calls for paying more attention to the child’s mood.

According to Miller's dream book, heights are most often dreamed of by those who in life are not conquerors of peaks. The dream book advises you to learn to accept your strengths and weaknesses as they are and not to waste yourself on meaningless competitions.

A child falling from a height symbolizes his unfavorable psychological state, which not directly, but indirectly can cause danger. If you dream of an abstract child, then this dream is about none other than you.

If you dreamed about how you decided to jump from a height, it means that in reality you are capable of an extraordinary act. And yet, the dream book urges you not to lose your prudence, so that you will not be disappointed later.

If in a dream you cannot look down from a height without slight fear, the dream means that you have actually reached some heights. The dream provides every reason to believe that you will be able to continue to stay on top.

What you dream of about being afraid of falling from a height calls for caution in reality. The dream means that the world around you is now less friendly towards you than usual. The dream book warns that there is a high probability of deception and injury.

If you saw in a dream how a child falls from a height, the dream book takes into account the child’s personality. If this child is familiar to you, then the dream is about him: it is this child who currently needs the support of adults.

If in a dream you had to be at a height, for example, on the top of a mountain, the top of a tree, or on the roof of a skyscraper in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to significantly move up the career ladder, the dream book promises.

Being afraid of falling from a height is a completely natural feeling, even if it’s just a dream. The dream book warns that you have a difficult fight ahead. It has been noticed that the stronger the fear that the dream causes, the higher the chances of winning.

The dream book associates everything that you dream about, that you are at serious risk of falling from a height, with your new status. The fact that you have managed to improve your position requires greater responsibility from you. The dream says that you doubt your abilities. Perhaps they just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

It has been noticed that people who are recovering often fall from a great height in a dream. Such a dream means that the crisis has passed. For a dreamer in good health, a dream means getting rid of serious danger.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Being at high altitude and being afraid of it- commit actions that are incorrect from the point of view of the law; don't be afraid- the path to a career is open.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Being on the big V. and being afraid of it means taking actions that are incorrect from the point of view of the law; Don’t be afraid – the path to a career is open.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • Seeing yourself somewhere high is a sign of serious illness.
  • Falling from a height means a serious illness.
  • Seeing the heights of heaven is a sign of joy.

According to the dream book, those who in real life set themselves obviously impossible tasks most often fall from a height in a dream. The dream does not require you to stop dreaming, and at the same time, it does not advise you to include winning the lottery in your business plan.

Despite the fact that falling from a height is a rather scary dream, in this case it is just trying to open your eyes to the true reasons for your failures. The dream suggests that you are too demanding and critical of yourself.

If in a dream you had to fall from a height, the dream promises that you will be able to overcome a serious obstacle. A dream in which you were not injured in a fall suggests that in reality you will not be required to make serious sacrifices.

The dream book explains why you dream of fear of heights with your great ambitions. You are anxious about each of your achievements, at the same time, an unconscious fear of losses prevents you from fully enjoying your victories.

The dream in which you are about to jump from a height symbolizes your thirst for downshifting. You are so tired of responsibility and obligations that sometimes you just want to give up on everything. The dream book recommends a good rest instead of rash actions.

You can be afraid of heights in a dream for one reason: your idea seems too innovative to everyone around you, including you. The dream means that the desire to realize it will still overcome fear. The main thing is not to be disappointed with the result.

If in a dream you feel afraid of falling from a height, know that the dream is trying to show you your strengths and weaknesses. A high position is more of a whim for you than a true need. The dream book says that even if your desire to rise above the crowd comes true, the result will burden you.

The dream book interprets jumping from a height down in a dream as not a good omen. The probability of future losses, grief and disappointment is very high. Perhaps the upcoming events will not be so dramatic, you will just take them to heart.

The dream book associates why you dream of jumping from a height with the feeling of free flight. The dream says that one of the components of your being is preventing you from moving forward and reflects your very natural desire to free yourself from ballast.

A dream in which you had to watch a person fall from a height foreshadows a reassessment of your own values. Which might be for the best. The dream book believes that people themselves will be drawn to you if your communication style is less arrogant.

A fear of heights in a dream symbolizes the need to pull yourself together in reality. If you intend to achieve something, you don’t need to waste yourself on doubts. The dream is trying to mobilize you in this way and mentally prepare you for the upcoming trials.

A dream in which you happen to stand at a height is often a “reversal”, that is, the dream book interprets it exactly the opposite. If you experience fear in such a dream, it means that you are actually safe and your position is strong and stable.

Why else do you dream about heights in a dream?

The dream invites you to look down from the future into the past. This dream means that you will certainly achieve your goals, although you will need to make a lot of effort. The dream book promises that you will be satisfied with the result, and everything will turn out exactly as you planned.

Anything that dreams of a child falling from a height should be regarded as a warning, especially if the dream is about your own child. This dream reflects internal discomfort and calls for paying more attention to the child’s mood.

According to Miller's dream book, heights are most often dreamed of by those who in life are not conquerors of peaks. The dream book advises you to learn to accept your strengths and weaknesses as they are and not to waste yourself on meaningless competitions.

A child falling from a height symbolizes his unfavorable psychological state, which not directly, but indirectly can cause danger. If you dream of an abstract child, then this dream is about none other than you.

If you dreamed about how you decided to jump from a height, it means that in reality you are capable of an extraordinary act. And yet, the dream book urges you not to lose your prudence, so that you will not be disappointed later.

If in a dream you cannot look down from a height without slight fear, the dream means that you have actually reached some heights. The dream provides every reason to believe that you will be able to continue to stay on top.

What you dream of about being afraid of falling from a height calls for caution in reality. The dream means that the world around you is now less friendly towards you than usual. The dream book warns that there is a high probability of deception and injury.

If you saw in a dream how a child falls from a height, the dream book takes into account the child’s personality. If this child is familiar to you, then the dream is about him: it is this child who currently needs the support of adults.

If in a dream you had to be at a height, for example, on the top of a mountain, the top of a tree, or on the roof of a skyscraper in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to significantly move up the career ladder, the dream book promises.

Being afraid of falling from a height is a completely natural feeling, even if it’s just a dream. The dream book warns that you have a difficult fight ahead. It has been noticed that the stronger the fear that the dream causes, the higher the chances of winning.

The dream book associates everything that you dream about, that you are at serious risk of falling from a height, with your new status. The fact that you have managed to improve your position requires greater responsibility from you. The dream says that you doubt your abilities. Perhaps they just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

It has been noticed that people who are recovering often fall from a great height in a dream. Such a dream means that the crisis has passed. For a dreamer in good health, a dream means getting rid of serious danger.

Height is usually synonymous with something significant that stands out from the crowd. “Reaching heights” means achieving outstanding success that few people manage to repeat, and “aiming high” means setting difficult but prestigious goals for yourself.

However, conquering heights can be very difficult, falling from them is dangerous to health and even life, and many people experience unconsciousness in front of heights. Dreams in which you have to climb a high mountain or ladder, stand on a roof or peak, or hover above the ground are quite common.

As a rule, rising to a height or staying at it relates mainly to good predictions, and such dreams in which being at a height causes discomfort, or a fall from a height occurs, should be classified as unfavorable harbingers.

Medieval dream book of Daniel. Meaning of the dream “Height”

Seeing yourself in a dream at a high altitude or falling from it is a sign of a dangerous illness. If you dream about the height of the heavens, this is a great joy.

Dream book of yogis. Height - what does such a dream mean?

If you see a tall building in a dream, then this is a harbinger of good earnings and promotion. Climbing a high ladder means achieving a higher level in something.

The newest dream book. What does the dream “Height” portend?

If in a dream you are at a high altitude and experience fear, beware of actions that are contrary to the law. If at the same time you are not afraid of heights, this portends career growth.


Dreams about being at a height or climbing usually indicate achieving your goals, but only if you do not experience any unpleasant sensations. If such a dream is accompanied by dizziness, palpitations, feelings of fear and numbness, this may be an indicator of your health condition, such as high blood pressure or vascular spasms.

As a rule, a dream in which you fall from a height warns of illness, and sometimes of financial collapse; but if you fall into the water, everything can be fixed. Esotericists interpret this usually frightening dream as a memory of past lives. To see someone else falling from a height in a dream means a misfortune will happen to a person close to you. If you are climbing to heights not alone, but in a large company, beware of competitors. If the climb is difficult, your pursuit of the goal will be associated with problems. Standing at a height and looking down is a great success; rising to the level of clouds or stars is a complete triumph.

A very happy dream is one in which you fly above the ground or soar at a high altitude. As a rule, children often have such dreams, and according to popular belief, they

Why dream high

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

People can relate to height differently. It attracts some, beckoning them to the mountains, the sky and giving birth to dreams of wings and flight. If you belong to this category of people, then a dream about heights reflects your feeling of inner lack of freedom, which may be present in you even against the backdrop of quite prosperous life circumstances. If you found yourself somewhere very high in a dream, it means that in reality you will try to do something that would change your life: change your environment, work, etc. However, the dream tells you that you need to change, first of all, your attitude towards the world, people and events. If you are one of those who are afraid of heights, a dream with such a plot speaks of your pessimism, problems will take you by surprise. There will soon come a period in your life when you will still have to take on new heights, no matter how much you fear it, so gather your courage.

Why dream high

Home dream book

A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and alarming. Heights are different, and some people experience fear and apprehension, sometimes even panic, while others, on the contrary, experience a craving for heights and euphoria from being above the ground. Height in dreams can be a symbol of achieving heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer’s ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn about something.

Why dream high

Women's dream book

Why dream that you are high up - you are overly suspicious and arrogant.

If you, being high, look at the people below - to universal recognition, a successful career, the beginning of a new life. Being high in a dream means meeting a high-ranking person who will provide you with good support in business or help you morally.

Seeing someone high means lack of self-confidence. Such a dream suggests that you are endowed with extraordinary strength that allows you to cope with any circumstances. However, you cannot find the best way out of a difficult situation in time, because you are unsure of your own abilities. Your potential may not be enough to think too long, so if you want to achieve your goals, act more decisively. Why do you dream of being high in relation to others in a dream - for glory, recognition, honors that you have earned through your work and efforts.

Why dream high

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing yourself somewhere high is a sign of serious illness.

Falling from a height means a serious illness.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: hardships, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

30 lunar day

The dream most often has a fantastic plot. Its overall energy is usually favorable. Such dreams are good: they promise the dreamer joy, luck and good changes. They come true.