Dreaming of rescuing a child from the water. Why dream of a drowning child and his rescue? Interpretation of the dream for a man

In rescue dreams, are you the savior or the person in need of rescue? If you save others, you may see yourself in the role of a HERO, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from and with what? The answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to understand the role that you assign to yourself in a certain system of relationships.

If you are being rescued, you may be feeling depressed or incompetent in a certain area of ​​your real life. It seems to you that the consequences of any miscalculation can lead to a fatal mistake. If your savior is a person you know from real life, then you should ask his advice regarding the strategy of the fight that you have to wage.

Was salvation something expected and therefore did not cause any ANXIETY (UNCASE)?

Did salvation take place despite obstacles; was it a success or a failure?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    For women who don't have children in dream save a boy means a subconscious desire to give birth to a baby, or to become a foster mother. Only appearance baby in the family will save you from boredom and disharmony, therefore, if possible, then now is the best time to replenish. Why dream save baby? If in dream you spent a lot of effort to ensure salvation newborn, and after fighting death the baby smiles at you, then thanks to your own work you will ensure a comfortable existence for yourself.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Save baby in dream, means to provide real help a person who is younger and weaker. If there are any projects in reality, then in dream they appear in the form baby, salvation which leads to the need help in them. It is important to pay attention to age saved, so you can determine at what stage the projects are.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Salvation baby in dream Save baby from a serious illness in dream, help the sick child get cured in dream child in dream doesn't want to be saved

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  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If I had to save his baby, That dream indicates that the parent knows (on a subconscious level) about the lack of his attention child in real life. Thoughts about this bother the dreamer. When solving a problem, why do you dream? salvation baby, you need to take into account that there is another peculiar interpretation sleep. Salvation baby in dream means providing real help a person who is younger and weaker than the dreamer.

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  • Dream book "DomSnov"

    Dream Interpretation save baby in dream. Why do you dream - save baby. Interpretation dreams. If you saw in dream, How you save out of trouble baby, then soon in reality you will receive a reward for some of your merits. A defenseless child in the face of danger can also be a symbol of mystery, and his salvation mean that you will finally be told a secret that has been hidden for a long time.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why do you dream saved baby in dream. Interpretation of a dream in which you you save child, depends on the details of the situation in which he finds himself. For example, save child from a snake speaks of your sacrifice. In reality, you are ready to give up everything for salvation your loved ones. A dream in which someone saved child, is considered a favorable omen, promising success in business.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Save, Save children, Save people Save baby, Save dog, Save drowning man Save drowning man Save person, escape, Salvation, Save, Save life, Save cat, Save kitten, Save yourself from a sinking ship. If in dream you had to Save People or child, you managed in dream Save someone’s Life, Dream Interpretations assure that in reality glory, Honor, Recognition and respect await you.

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  • Dream book "sonnik-tolkovatel"

    See your own salvation in dream– in reality you will successfully overcome the dangers that lie in wait. Another interpretation - interference and obstacles await you. In a dream salvation lies the answer to how to overcome them. According to dream books, save baby or children is interpreted as rendering help to someone who is younger or weaker than you. It could also mean that help your endeavors will require. After all children often symbolize your projects and ideas that you carefully nurtured, as if baby.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream you saw how it was drowning child in water, or child fell into the water, then in reality you will have a problem that will be very difficult for you to cope with, mainly due to emotional imbalance. The situation will unsettle you so much that you will not be able to react adequately without coping with your emotions. It will be very good if you you will save baby, pull him out of the water, don’t let him drown.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Meaning sleep: Salvation according to the dream book? escape - dream indicates that you fear for something, including your life. If in dream You saved themselves- and in reality everything will be fine. Look who is helping you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. Good afternoon! Today I had a dream dream: in the trash can child-baby(10 cm). I took him out of the trash can, but he was cold and not breathing. I began to give him a heart massage and artificial respiration, and after a minute, his heart baby began to beat, I began to look for milk to feed him and woke up.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it save child, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about save child in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream Have you seen this symbol? Try it! Good afternoon. I dreamed salvation baby. I was walking home from work and saw 2 boys playing near puddles after the rain. They were 10-12 years old.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Salvation in dreams - associated with the desire for sex, the desire to have children and pregnancy. Save woman from the water - strive for sexual contact with her. Save a man from the water - want from him baby. If you you save from the water baby or an animal, for example a cat - you subconsciously dreamed that saved baby from the abyss, I don’t know whose baby human or not, but as if I had just been born, I almost fell in dream but she pulled it out in her arms and went to give it to someone (apparently to the owner) what could it mean?

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  • Dream Interpretation "astrobiz"

    Why do you dream salvation baby? Through dream Every person receives a warning or foreshadowing of some event. So save in dream, means in reality to receive respect, honor, victory (over something or in something), fame, sometimes even worldwide. Feed someone else's baby in dream Dream Interpretation Baby.

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  • Dream book "dream book"

    Why do you dream save why do you dream salvation. escape in dream from some kind of trouble - a sign that you are now sick or in a very nervous state. Save in dream a woman from a pond - you want sex with her, a man - you want children from him. Save from water animal or baby– you subconsciously feel that you are paying little attention to your child.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    In your own dream save drowning man baby, or an animal is one of the best signs, because such dream can talk about the character of a person who cannot leave someone in need in trouble. If in dream save for the drowning man, the decision was not made immediately, and the sleeper hesitated for some time, not deciding to act - this is a warning sent by fate.

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  • Dream Interpretation "love-mother"

    If you saw baby in dream, then it is important to remember what state he was in, what he did, said, what kind of relationship there was between you during sleep. Did you actively participate in his life or were you an outside observer? Why did you dream child. Most dream books agree: if in dream see beautiful and healthy baby- This is a harbinger of well-being. That is, joy, fun and profit await you in the near future.

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  • Dream book "sonnikus"

    Salvation in dream drowning baby sleep save baby dream, success will follow.

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  • Dream Interpretation "galya"

    Salvation baby in dream from an emergency situation - a very good omen. Save baby from a serious illness in dream, help the sick child get cured in dream- to the opportunity to come out with honor from a very difficult situation that has developed in real life. If child in dream doesn't want to be saved, then you should pay attention to the behavior of your partner.

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  • Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    Why save anyone in dream? What does it mean salvation a drowning person or a person from another misfortune, save baby, animals, or some things? Of course, for interpretation it is important who you are rescued: man or woman, baby or maybe an animal? Under what circumstances does the plot take place? sleep? Was it a fire, flood or collapse of a dangerous building?

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Save yourself and baby I dreamed about why I dreamed in dream Save yourself and baby? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams in dream baby in dream in my arms baby

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Salvation in dream drowning baby speaks of an inner desire to take care of someone, to prove oneself and prove one’s importance to others. General value sleep can be understood by whether it succeeded save baby and is the water clear? If everything ended well, then in real life the person who saw such dream, success will follow. Sometimes dream in which he drowns child help or advice.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What does it mean Save in dream: Save someone - victory awaits you. Imagine that rescued thanks you and gives you a good gift. Why dream Save Sat January 23, 2016, 13:32:56. I dreamed that I was pulling out of a sunken bus children of different ages and even babies.at first I thought that it was too late they were dead, but after I pulled them out they turned out to be alive.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    See how you save baby or several children in dream, suggests that help the dreamer will be needed by a weak person, or a younger person. Therefore salvation baby in dream is a very good sign, it portends a good result for a person who is developing his own business. Also, in dream not only is it possible save a person from your close circle, or a stranger, but also yourself.

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  • Dream book "name-sonnik"

    Had a dream save baby - salvation in dream drowning baby speaks of your need to care for someone or a strong thirst for social recognition. If you dreamed that you you save his baby, then be careful, perhaps your child is really in danger in reality. If child in dream doesn't want to be saved, then you should pay attention to the behavior of your own baby.

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  • Dream Interpretation "galya"

    drowning child. Salvation in dream drowning baby speaks of an inner desire to take care of someone, to prove oneself and prove one’s importance to others. General value sleep can be understood by whether it succeeded save baby and is the water clear. Sometimes dream in which he drowns child, means that someone really needs help or advice. And if baby in dream succeeded save, the person will get this help. If a boy drowns in water, then he salvation in dream predicts financial profit.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See in dream baby running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity. Dream, in which child squeezes a snake or kills it, predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.See in dream baby picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment. Hold in dream in my arms baby- try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream manages to prevent the baby from falling, and the falling child saved- this can be regarded as a favorable sign. In reality, a person will be able to avoid some serious troubles by using his communication or communication skills. When child in dream hurts himself painfully and the person hears his loud crying - this indicates that the reason for the failure lies in the intrigues that close friends are plotting.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Saved drowning man baby I dreamed about why I dreamed in dream Saved drowning man baby? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).See in dream baby picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment. Hold in dream in my arms baby- try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

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  • Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    Save children in dream- fear for one's own life. If salvation children dreams on the eve of an important event, the sleeper is afraid for its outcome, is not sure of success, and this greatly reduces his chances. I dreamed that you save his baby from murderers - be afraid of competition. Why do you dream save, save yourself- Hasse's dream book. If you dreamed that saved a person from death - the sleeper himself will need help However, this dream has its exceptions.

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if you dream about drowning child? Drowning child in dream turned out to be child a person you know - most likely he will face difficulties in life. If child in dream- an acquaintance, then most likely help required by one of the relatives. If the sleeping person does not know baby, dreamed in dream- V help needs a distant person, perhaps an acquaintance.

Dream interpretation of saving a child

In reality, we call people who save other people's lives heroes. Many people have to do this as part of their job. But there are times when a person just happens to be in the right place at the right time.

It is worth recognizing that not everyone is able to risk their own life to save even a child. What if this happened not in reality, but in a dream? Why dream of saving a child?

Dream of Heroism

Most interpreters believe that when in a night vision you dreamed that you were helping someone out of trouble, it means that in reality the dreamer himself needs help.

But this is the general vision. And for a reliable interpretation, you need to clarify a number of points: who you saved and from what trouble. When you are competent in this, then half the work is already done.

Helping a stranger in a dream

Save a stranger

Of course, any person will throw himself into fire and water to help a loved one out of trouble, even at the cost of his own life. But not everyone will take such a desperate step, seeing how a threat hangs over the life of a complete stranger.

An adult is in trouble

Why dream of saving a complete stranger to you? Interpreters consider this a positive sign for achieving your goal. Don’t give up, continue the fight, then you will see a result that will exceed your wildest expectations. This will be both material reward and moral satisfaction from your capabilities.

According to Sigmund Freud, saving an acquaintance should be considered on an intimate level. If the victim was of the opposite sex, then you feel strong sympathy for him and desire physical contact.

A child dies

Saving a child is also a positive sign. If you are completely unfamiliar with him in real life, then you will receive material well-being, this will happen in the foreseeable future.

The dream of a baby is your own - the dream suggests that you are not paying him due attention. If you continue in the same spirit, your son or daughter may get into trouble.

When you save a girl, dream fortunetellers believe that you want to achieve success at the expense of other people. Remember: even if you manage to carry out your insidious plan, those around you will immediately understand whose merits it is.

I dreamed of a rescued girl

When someone else's baby was male, the dream takes a completely different turn. Dream books consider this dream for women who do not have children of their own. The vision means that you have reached the point where you should have your own children or think about adoption.

What does it mean to dream about saving a newborn? You try to provide a comfortable existence for everyone around you. When you diligently saved the baby from imminent death, you succeeded, and he smiled at you, then you will succeed and your wish will come true.

Rescue of a relative

Helping your younger brother means that pleasant changes will soon occur in your life. Fate will be merciful to you, accept its gifts with gratitude.

Did you happen to save your son from death? The dreamer is in dire danger. There will come a time when he will be on the verge of life and death. You should be extremely careful and have courage and patience.

Attention, drowning child

How often in real life do we hear terrible news that a child has drowned in a pond. This news leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, it is worth immediately clarifying that if you witnessed a tragedy or learned about it the day before, then a dream about a drowned child is simply a reflection of the anxieties experienced during the day.

What will psychology say?

I dreamed that a child was drowning

According to the psychological dream book, saving a child who is drowning is a reflection of the dreamer’s desires. A sleeping person needs to care for and love another living being. You don’t know who to pour out your love and affection on.

We associate children or cute animals with creatures that need our care. The dreamer feels his importance and boundless happiness when he takes care of others.

Miller's opinion

Why dream of saving a drowning child? Miller believes that such a vision can occur to a person who is accustomed to occupying a leading position and showing everyone his importance. Often such people are visited by the fear of losing their place in society, of becoming unnecessary. Therefore, in a dream you see a plot where a defenseless child will drown, and, of course, you are the first to rush to save him, because without you the world will collapse.

While sleeping, do you manage to save a drowning child? Your relative needs help, but is embarrassed to ask you for it. Think about who needs support and try to help the person.

You personally prevented the death of a little person - you will be doing a favor for a friend. It will be timely and very important for him.

Why dream of rescuing a child from the water, but not being able to help him? Your troubles in real life have reached such proportions that you already understand that you cannot cope with them, and you simply let them go.

Vanga's predictions

Pulling your daughter out of the water in a dream

The seer shared the dream about saving a child based on gender. The emphasis was on saving one’s own child:

  • son - the dreamer will have material well-being, but only if the baby was saved;
  • daughter - you will receive unexpected news, interesting events will happen, again, if everything in the dream ended well.

Rescue work in other dream books

There are a number of interpreters who consider the vision of saving the lives of children. Each of them has a different view on why to save a child from water in a night’s sleep.

Gypsy interpreter

A child drowning in a dream is a negative sign. Promises troubles, illness, ruin.

If you were unable to save him, and he is hiding under water, then you can seriously suffer, and this will happen due to ignoring the advice of loved ones.

Women's dream book

Dreaming of unsuccessful rescue attempts

According to this dream book, saving a child from the abyss of water means that the dreamer will have to fight for the feelings of her beloved man. But in the end everything will end well.

Why dream of saving a drowning child, but without success? You make a lot of efforts to save your beloved from trouble, but all attempts are in vain. You are in danger of an imminent separation. It is worth letting go of this person and opening yourself up to a new life. If you continue to try to fix something that no longer exists, you will only waste time.

Esoteric interpreter

You failed to prevent a tragedy in a dream, which means that in reality you will not be able to cope with your enemies. They will be able to seriously harm you.

This dream is especially negative for people doing business. Your competitors will turn against you, and you will lose quite a large amount of money.

In a night vision, you tried to snatch someone else’s child from a quagmire - you will become seriously ill, and at the same time you will spend a lot of effort and money. Even if you overcome the disease, you may face prolonged depression. You should not neglect your well-being; you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

When you dive for a baby into clear water and save him, good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. True, if a tragedy does occur, then there will be obstacles on the path to success, and you will be able to overcome them only by enlisting the support of your family and friends.

Diving after a baby in a dream

Family dream book

A baby is drowning in a ravine filled with water - these are fears and dissatisfaction that come from your childhood. Stop suppressing the child inside you, otherwise you risk falling into depression.

According to the dream book, if the drowned child was the child of your friends, then soon you will stop all communication with your friend. The separation will be your fault, since you haven’t spent any time with your friend lately.

Save a drowning child - you will achieve peace and quiet, but along the way you will have to cope with many difficulties and difficulties.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

When you failed to help your baby and he drowned, then expect big troubles related to your health.

When a pregnant woman dreams that she rushes to the aid of a baby and saves him, and it turns out that this is her own child, then she will soon safely give birth to a baby.

To be a drowning child in a dream

If you yourself are a child drowning in a stormy sea, then you should prepare for difficult life situations. Your life will hardly be called easy.

Velesov's dream book

In a dream, did you try to come to the aid of the baby, but in the end you died yourself? In reality, you will commit a rash act that will have disastrous consequences.

Try to protect yourself as much as possible, don’t make dubious deals, don’t trust strangers, stop acting careless.

If you learn about a tragedy and experience grief, you will also grieve in reality. Trouble will happen to your relative, and you will have to suffer a lot, as you will be worried about his fate.

Choking in water is not a dream for the faint of heart. The interpretation of a dream with a drowned child largely depends on the details of the dream and the outcome of the plot, but the general message of the vision is that the dreamer or his loved ones are in serious danger. A dream in which one’s own child is drowning carries a particularly negative message.

What to expect in reality?

Rescue of a drowning man

Saving a drowning child in a dream is a favorable sign that speaks of overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Such a dream also suggests that the dreamer is ready to take responsibility for someone’s life or that he is able to take care of someone or look after someone. In this case, saving a child foreshadows the appearance of a pet or temporary custody of someone else's child.

Another interpretation of the dream is the improvement of the dreamer’s financial situation. Saving a child in a dream is inextricably linked with improving the dreamer’s financial and social situation. If the child was saved not by the sleeping person personally, but by another person, this indicates outside help from a third party in solving problems.

Seeing a child washed ashore, portends imminent changes in life, including the appearance of a certain person who will play an important role in the upcoming events.

An important fact for interpreting the vision is the quality of water. Saving a child from clean, clear water marks liberation from any oppression, gaining independence and self-confidence. Pulling a child out of muddy, dirty water means that the dreamer is on the verge of depression, is moping and needs a change of scenery.

Saving a child from yellow, unpleasant-smelling water means that the dreamer managed to avoid deception and intrigue set up by insidious ill-wishers. Also a similar dream speaks of a disease threatening a person, that he neglects his health and risks acquiring some kind of pathology.

If a woman saves a drowning child, this indicates her imminent pregnancy or marriage. For a young girl, such a dream predicts meeting a potential groom.

Seeing a drowning child swim ashore on his own promises the dreamer and his loved ones strong and longevity.

Many children: what does it mean?

Seeing in a dream many children drowning in water, g indicates that a person has complexes and severely low self-esteem. Because of this, he experiences considerable problems in communicating with others, especially when it comes to communicating with the opposite sex.

In addition, seeing drowning children foreshadows a large number of small problems and everyday troubles, the solution of which will take a long time. For people who already have children, the vision indicates their improper upbringing, too much parental care.

Seeing little girls drowning indicates that the dreamer needs moral support and approval from the people around him. For women, such a dream is a reflection of their childhood impressions and hidden fear of water.

Seeing boys drown indicates financial losses, damage to property, material disputes with close people or relatives.

Where is he drowning?

A dream in which a child drowns in a river is an omen of change. If a child is literally carried away by the current and disappears from sight, this indicates a serious misfortune, a misfortune that will befall the dreamer and his family. If a child drowns in stagnant water or even in a lake, this indicates cunning manipulations against a sleeping person, which can only be avoided with the help of one’s ingenuity and enterprise.

A dream in which your child drowns in his own bathtub speaks of troubles in the family, in the house. For a woman to see her child drowning in the bathtub promises a quarrel with close relatives or the betrayal of a close friend whom the sleeping woman trusted so much. such a dream warns of unfair play by competitors and troubles at work.

Seeing a stranger drowning in the bathtub, portends deterioration in health or injury to one of the family members. For young people living with their parents, such a dream represents the desire to get rid of paternal care and protection and set out on an independent journey through life. The dream book claims that such a desire can result in trouble for a young man.

Seeing a child drowning in a well in a dream means the dreamer’s subconscious fear of losing his family and remaining childless. Also, such a dream hints at the death or deterioration of the parents’ well-being.

Be that as it may, a drowning child personifies the dreamer’s connection with his family, the world of children, and the subconscious desire to have them and protect them from the dangers of this world. This is a completely normal reaction even for those people who do not have their own children - such a dream indicates that a person’s parental instincts are working normally.

The dream book associates interpretations of why one dreams of saving a child with the natural need to be strong and significant, to patronize, to decide destinies. Interpretations will help you find out how much what you saw in a dream coincides with the real state of affairs.

Miller's interpretation

In Miller's dream book, the explanation of why one dreams of saving a child is based on the life values ​​of the sleeper. Individuals for whom an honorable position in society is above all else have to see this in a dream.

If this is not the first time you have dreamed of a heroic plot, it seems that the dreamer is tormented by the fear of losing his position.

The subconscious is playing with fire

Dream books contain explanations of why you dream of saving a child from a fire. If you happen to take your baby out of the fire, the Big Dream Book reports that the business situation is not very reliable. Your own projects require special attention. There is a high probability of an unfortunate mistake that threatens to destroy them.

The universal dream book believes that protecting a baby from a fire in a dream happens shortly before a friend gets into trouble and turns to you for help.

Clairvoyant Vanga warns that an ordinary situation can suddenly get out of control. It is not in your power to prevent such a turn, only self-control will help return everything to normal.


In dream books you can find out why you dream of saving a child from the water:

  • If you dreamed of pulling a drowning baby ashore, you will provide a valuable service to your neighbor;
  • Seeing a little drowning happens when a friend hides the fact that he is in trouble;
  • Helped you get out of the water at the cost of your own life? In reality you will find yourself in danger;
  • Those who gave up prematurely have to see the tragedy, but at the same time do nothing;
  • Did you dream about carrying a drowning man out of the water? Your moral support is priceless.

Extreme situations

When you dreamed of saving a baby from death, risking yourself, the Gypsy interpreter warns of a serious danger.

This is not the only explanation of what it means to save a child from death. The good done in the past will soon return to you, promises the People's Foreteller.

If you happen to see in a dream how someone saved a child from death, the Emperor’s oracle promises great honors.

Whose children?

It’s interesting to know why I had to protect someone else’s baby in a dream. The symbol reminds you that it’s time to take care of yourself and your psychological comfort. The esoteric interpretation allows for the presence of unresolved childhood problems, the influence of which is dangerous to underestimate.

When you happen to help someone else’s but well-known offspring out of trouble, be mentally prepared for an unpleasant surprise from your relatives.

If you dreamed of seeing your own child in danger and having time to take action, there is a big profit ahead, good news, an unexpected joyful event.