See what it is"2015 год" в других словарях. Смотреть что такое "2015 год" в других словарях Операция российской авиации в Сирии!}

Little by little, slowly but surely, New Year 2015 is approaching. We all, one way or another, think about what it will be like? What animal? What element? What colors will be popular? Whether it will be sad or cheerful, successful or not very successful, eventful or boring, much depends on which animal symbolizes the coming year.

New Year 2015 is fast approaching us!
Everyone will be spinning in the festive chaos,
It will bring a lot of interesting things and new things to everyone,
May everyone have a happy 2015!

It is still 2014, the Year of the Horse, which is difficult for many in terms of economic indicators. But this was to be expected, because the horse, a hard-working animal, is accustomed to shouldering an unbearable burden. This year we all worked a lot and didn’t get enough rest. But a goat is a completely different matter. The goat is a little timid, a little obstinate, a little capricious, but at least it is carefree and peaceful. In the year of the Goat, it is better to avoid quarrels and conflicts, not create drama over trifles, and be prepared for various surprises. Wise Chinese say that the Goat is favorable to those who are decent and honest, but for people prone to intrigue and squabbles, this year will bring many problems.

The goat does not like anything artificial, which is why the element that protects it is wood. The material is natural and noble. Stock up on wooden goat figurines and expect pleasant surprises. Since the color of the tree is brown, it is this, as well as the blue color of the sky and the green color of lush grass - the three pillars on which the color scheme of 2015 will be based. Use wooden jewelry - beads, bracelets, hairpins and brooches. Or wood elements in combination with other natural materials.

Feel free to use blue, green and brown in decorating your home and in New Year's outfits. You can also masterfully combine these three colors at your discretion.

With just one hoof a goat or sheep is on our doorstep, the reign of the blue wooden horse remains in just over a month. For those who thought that January 1 is already the year of the goat, you are very mistaken, because this horoscope is Chinese, and they celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar, and not according to a certain number like ours. Therefore, the year of the goat or sheep will begin on February 19, 2015.

What is the next year 2015 after the horse?

If the most popular “intra-annual” horoscope is the zodiac, then the most famous “animal” horoscope is the Chinese one. It is based on the movement of the celestial bodies of our solar system and forms a cycle that repeats every 12 years. Ancient Chinese astrologers gave each year its own “animal” name, thereby emphasizing the influence that the stars will have on everyone living on Earth. You can have different attitudes to ancient wisdom, but one thing is clear: animal mascots really exist and answering the question of what year 2015 will be next after the horse of the year will be simple - the symbols of this year are the green arboreal Goat (Sheep).

2015 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar?

On February 19, 2015, the Horse will be replaced by the Goat and Sheep as the main symbol of the eastern calendar. Eastern astrologers consider it the eighth sign of the “animal” zodiac and also give it the name green wood. Color in this case matters: it brings with it inconsistency, dynamics, a war between feeling and duty, intemperance and wisdom.

  • The best partner for a goat is Goat, Pig and Horse.
  • Positive character traits: creative, sensitive, generous and romantically inclined, sincere and modest.
  • Negative character traits: vindictive, lazy, indecisive, capricious and irresponsible.
  • The most suitable professions and occupations for Goats: actor, artist, musician, investor, shareholder, artist.
  • Trips: They love to travel to different countries, but very often they return to their old and favorite places, which shows a sense of romance.
  • Health: The physical strength of these people is at a high level, but due to vulnerability and uncertainty, they often suffer from headaches, but this also often gets better if they meet a person who can be completely trusted, then the mood quickly changes beyond recognition.

Year of the goat, what year of the sheep?

The Year of the Goat will bring good luck to those born under its auspices, namely in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 year. Such people have a steel core in their character; they are assertive and self-willed. People born in the year of the Sheep can sacrifice their principles in order to achieve goals, and at the same time they are very vulnerable and categorical, which makes it difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex.

What to expect in the year of the goat (sheep) 2015?

People born in the year of the Goat are endowed with diverse talents and rich imagination. They are kind and helpful, elegant and artistic. For the most part, these people have good taste, an understanding of color and shape. They also have a strong intuition when communicating with people and know how to please, especially when it is in their interests. They skillfully defend their views and beliefs, their point of view on all issues, which is very reminiscent of the Horse. This year, happiness will smile on creative people who believe in their dream and diligently pursue it, and the creative goat gives good luck to such people. So believe only in the good and strive for it and the result will not keep you waiting long.

2015 is the year of which goat (sheep)?

People who are lucky to be born in year of the green wooden Goat (Sheep), differ from the usual representatives of this talisman. Sheep are calm and balanced people, slowly moving forward with deep confidence that they have chosen the right path. They know how to listen well, are observant and always remain unshakable, and their non-standard type of thinking will help them make a career in the field of theater, PR, and art. Add to this courtesy - and you have the ideal presenter, designer, artist, writer. Below you will see how many great, creative people were born this year.

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Among the people who were born this year, there are many talented people whose names are forever inscribed in history. In many ways they were self-made, but partly they were favored by the stars and luck.

  • Actors and Singers: Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Pamela Anderson, Robert De Niro, Julio Iglesias, Mick Jagger, Catherine Deneuve, Rudolph Valentina.
  • Politicians and public figures: Bill Gates, Grigory Potemkin, Richard Sorge, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Semyon Budyonny, Boris Becker, Andrew Carnegie, Benito Mussolini.
  • Writers and scientists: Alexei Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, Christopher Columbus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Anton Chekhov, Mark Twain, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Honore de Balzac, Yaroslav Hasek.


Of course, the Year of the Goat is still a few days away, but you need to think about everything in advance in order to find out how and what is best to celebrate the New Year 2015, so that good luck will always be nearby.


During 2015, journalists and the public learned about more than two dozen Russian citizens involved in treason cases. The last court sentenced Lieutenant Colonel of the Baltic Fleet reserve Fyodor Boriskin to 12 years in prison

In October 2015, the Russian-language writer from Belarus Svetlana Alexievich became the Nobel Prize laureate in literature. The prize was awarded "for her polyphonic work - a monument to suffering and courage in our time"
RIA Novosti / Viktor Tolochko

In the spring of this year, natural fires raged in Siberia, spreading to several dozen settlements. In Khakassia, fires began on April 12. The fire engulfed almost 40 settlements. About five thousand people were left homeless
RIA Novosti / Danila Shostak

The outgoing year of 2015 has become difficult not only for Russia, which is plunging into an economic crisis against the backdrop of a record fall in the ruble and oil prices, but also for the whole world, forced to look for ways to combat the growing power of the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS, ISIS or Daesh , prohibited in the Russian Federation). At the same time, as experts have repeatedly noted, the air operation launched by the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria against the Islamic State allowed the Russian side to strengthen its position in the Middle East and made it possible to claim the role of a leader advocating the idea of ​​​​creating a broad coalition against terrorists. Against this background, it is fundamental the rhetoric has changed Russian media: federal TV, the press and the blogosphere have distracted themselves from the events in Ukraine and have practically stopped talking about the neighboring state in a hostile context. At the same time, a new “enemy of Russia” has appeared in the media space - Turkey, relations with which the Russian Federation cooled after the incident with the downed Su-24. And yet, having gotten involved in the Syrian campaign and severed ties with Ankara in many areas, Moscow never emerged from international isolation. EU and US sanctions against Russia have been extended, and the West still insists on the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Summing up the often disappointing results of the past year, the editors of the site wish you and your loved ones that the political and economic vicissitudes of this big world affect you personally as little as possible. And may the small world of your family be unbreakable...

Activist Ildar Dadin is sentenced for the first time under Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

In early December, the court found activist Ildar Dadin guilty of repeated violations at protest rallies: this was the first verdict under Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Repeated violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing”), which came into force in 2014. The judge sentenced Dadin to three years in a general regime colony. This turned out to be stricter than the two years that the prosecutor asked for.

In Dadin’s case, four protests in which he took part were studied: according to investigators, they were massive and uncoordinated. At the same time, during the judicial investigation, video recordings were added to the case, proving that in at least three cases Dadin stood in single pickets, which do not require approval. In addition, human rights activists called Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under which Dadin was convicted, unconstitutional.

The convict's lawyers have already filed an appeal against the verdict, and intend to challenge the article for the second time in the Constitutional Court (the first time the Constitutional Court rejected the complaint on formal grounds).

Now Dadin is in pre-trial detention center No. 4, where convicts are brutally beaten. The Memorial Human Rights Center recognized the convicted activist as a political prisoner. Amnesty International has called for his release. The activist's associates held in his support rally And round table, during which they agreed to demand that the country’s authorities abolish Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code.

FBK investigation into the business of the sons of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika

One of the most high-profile events of the end of 2015 in Russia was the publication of an FBK investigation into the sons of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika - Artem and Igor. Most of the materials are dedicated to the eldest son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika. In particular, the investigation alleges that the son of the Prosecutor General owns expensive real estate in Greece and Switzerland, the money for the purchase of which he received from a business that allegedly flourished thanks to his father’s connections. In addition, the report shows the connections of Artem Chaika’s business partner with the gang of the famous defendant in the case of the high-profile murder of 12 people in the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory, Sergei Tsapok.

Cooperation between Moscow and Ankara after the Su-24 incident ceased in many areas. In particular, all major Russian tour operators have suspended the sale of trips to Turkey. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that from January 1, 2016, the visa-free regime for trips to Turkey will be canceled.

In addition, on November 28, Putin signed a decree “On measures to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and the protection of Russian citizens from criminal and other illegal actions and on the application of special economic measures in relation to the Republic of Turkey.” In accordance with the document, a ban or restriction is introduced on the import of certain types of Turkish goods into the Russian Federation (on December 1, it became known what exactly will be prohibited from being imported into the Russian Federation), on the activities of organizations under the jurisdiction of Turkey, and from January 1, 2016, it is prohibited to hire Turkish workers for certain types of work citizens. The decree also envisages the introduction of a ban on charter air transportation between the Russian Federation and Turkey. Tour operators are also instructed to “refrain from working in the Turkish direction.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised to take retaliatory measures against Russia. Ankara has at least one “trump card”: Turkey can close the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, which connect the Black and Mediterranean seas.

Protests against the Plato system

After the terrorist attacks, French President Francois Hollande called for the creation of a broad coalition to combat terrorism, which would include the United States and Russia. In addition, a state of emergency was introduced in France and security measures were strengthened - amendments were made to the previous state of emergency law, adopted back in 1955. In accordance with them, the powers of the French security forces are expanded: they can block websites that may be considered a source of extremism, place suspicious persons under house arrest, and also ban the activities of various public organizations.

The Kogalymavia airline A321, flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, crashed on October 31 in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. There were 217 passengers and seven crew members on board, all of whom died. The terrorist group "Islamic State" (Daesh), banned in the Russian Federation, took responsibility for the plane crash. Then the militants posted an audio message online, in which they promised “in due time” to tell the whole world how they were able to shoot down A321.

As a result, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the suspension of Russian air traffic with Egypt for security reasons. As a result, Russians changed their popular resort destination to India, Vietnam and Thailand.

From the first day after the A321 crash, Western sources reported that the cause of the plane's crash could have been a terrorist attack. The director of the Russian Federal Security Service, Alexander Bortnikov, announced only on November 17 that the A321 crashed in Sinai due to the explosion of an improvised explosive device on board. A week later, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that the terrorist attack was organized by the Vilayat-Sinai group. At the same time, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is investigating a criminal case under Art. 263 and part 3 of Art. 238 (“Violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport” and “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The results of the investigation have not been officially reported, but media leaks indicate that a terrorist attack was committed on board the A321.

From the first days after the disaster, Egypt insisted on the version of the A321 crash due to a technical problem. In a preliminary report on the incident, Egyptian authorities also claim that they found no signs of a terrorist attack on board the plane.

It is worth noting that after the A321 crash, the Kremlin called not to connect the plane crash with the Russian air operation in Syria. Two months after the incident, former KGB agent Boris Karpichkov said that the Kremlin staged the terrorist attack on board the A321 to justify the operation in Syria.

Let us remember that before the A321 incident, in August 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that, in his opinion, every Russian should visit Egypt.

The Chinese were allowed to have a second child

On October 29, the Chinese authorities made a decision that experts called historic: all Chinese families were given the right to have a second child. According to sociologists, 100 million families in China will take advantage of this right.

The one-child policy was introduced in China in 1979 due to economic problems. Families who violated this rule were subject to fines and severe penalties. In recent years, restrictive measures have been gradually eased. In 2013, the Chinese authorities allowed families in which both parents are the only ones in their family to have a second child. Later, families in which one of the parents did not have siblings received the right to have a second child. In 2015, Chinese authorities admitted that they were facing a serious problem with an aging population.

The Russian national team made it to Euro 2016

On October 12, the Russian national football team played the final qualifying match of the 2016 European Championship at the capital's Otkritie Arena stadium, beating the Montenegro team and winning a ticket to the final tournament in France.

For the fifth time in history, Russia will compete in the final tournament of the European Championship. Previously, our team participated in continental championships in 1996, 2004, 2008 and 2012.

Russian-speaking author wins Nobel Prize in Literature

In October 2015, the Russian-language writer from Belarus Svetlana Alexievich became the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The prize was awarded "for her polyphonic work - a monument to suffering and courage in our time." The Belarusian writer is known for her artistic and documentary works “War Has No Woman’s Face”, “Zinc Boys”, “Chernobyl Prayer”, “Second Hand Time” and others. Alexievich became the first representative of Belarus to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. The previous Russian-language author to receive this award was Joseph Brodsky (1987).

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko first congratulated Alexievich on receiving the prize, and then scolded the Nobel laureate for “throwing mud” at Belarus. The writer responded to this by saying that the attitude of the head of state changed after the presidential elections were held in the country.

Russian air operation in Syria

In 2015, the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria began, according to the official version, against terrorist groups, in particular the Islamic State. Russian aircraft carried out the first airstrikes on Syrian territory on September 30.

Almost immediately after the start of the operation, the Russian Federation was subject to accusations from Western countries, which pointed out that only a small part of the strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces fell on the positions of the Islamic State, and the planes bombed the positions of various opposition groups opposing the government army of Bashar al-Assad. In addition, human rights activists reported hundreds of civilians killed in Russian air raids. In Russia, all such accusations are criticized and resolutely refuted, calling them “fakes and cliches.”

The United States, three months after the start of the Russian Aerospace Forces operation, called Russia’s main success the support of SAR President Bashar al-Assad. It is worth noting that Washington considers the current Syrian regime destabilizing and advocates the creation of a transitional government. Russia has repeatedly emphasized that it does not insist on keeping Assad in power, and that the Syrian people themselves must decide their fate. At the same time, Putin said during a large press conference that Russia will support the offensive movement of the Syrian army as long as it carries out military operations.

Putin's speech at the UN General Assembly

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the 70th UN General Assembly in New York on September 28. The Russian leader spoke out against “the only center of dominance in the world” and called for the creation of a “broad international anti-terrorist coalition” to fight the extremist group “Islamic State” (IS, ISIS or Daesh).

A day later, at the UN headquarters in New York, Putin met with US President Barack Obama, which the head of the Russian Federation called “useful” and “frank.” The one-and-a-half-hour talks in New York marked the first full-format meeting between the two leaders since 2013 (then they spoke during the G8 summit in Northern Ireland).

Following the results of the UN General Assembly, the Western press came to the conclusion that Putin managed to prove: Russia is not a regional power. Moreover, the “force method” helped the Russian leader in this - strengthening his positions in Syria against the backdrop of the United States’ lack of a strategy to promote its concept or counteract the Russian Federation.

Food, energy and naval blockade of Crimea

In the fall of 2015, Ukrainian activists attempted to return Crimea to Ukraine through a phased blockade. In September, food trucks were blocked from entering the peninsula. The activists acted on behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, an organization unregistered in Russia, under the leadership of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Refat Chubarov and Mustafa Dzhemilev. After this, the Ukrainian government temporarily banned the movement of freight transport to the peninsula.

The next stage was the energy blockade. The supply of electricity in Crimea was interrupted on the night of November 22 after the explosion of a power transmission line that supplied energy from Ukraine to the peninsula. Ukrainian activists blocked them, not allowing them to be repaired. As a result, Crimea found itself under the threat of a shortage of medicines, food and environmental disaster.

At the beginning of December the blockade ended. In addition, an energy bridge was launched from the Krasnodar Territory to Crimea. However, this did not solve all the problems of the peninsula. The state of emergency in Crimea remained until December 20.

Activists also promised to organize a naval blockade of Crimea. One of them, Lenur Islyamov, was charged in absentia with sabotage on the peninsula.

Yakunin's resignation and unsuccessful attempt to become a senator

Legalization of same-sex marriage throughout the United States

In the summer, Siberia was also engulfed in fire. Local residents even supported the proposal of media representatives to dismiss the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov. It was only on September 21 that forest fires in Buryatia and the Irkutsk region were extinguished.

A320 crash in the Alps

An Airbus A320 of a subsidiary of the largest German air carrier Lufthansa, operating flight 4U9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf, crashed on March 24. All 150 people on board died in the disaster.

Data from the black boxes showed that the crash was the result of deliberate actions by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. He locked the cockpit to prevent the crew commander from returning to the restroom, after which he activated the automatic descent mechanism and increased the speed of the airliner. As a result, the plane crashed into a mountain.

During the investigation, information emerged that Lubitz suffered from a mental disorder, but was cleared to fly. According to some reports, the company’s doctors hid the co-pilot’s health condition from the aviation authorities. After the high-profile crash in Germany, they started thinking about developing a system for emergency control of airliners from the ground.

Putin's disappearance in March 2015

In March 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin disappeared from public space for 10 days. The long absence of the head of state caused a wave of various rumors: either he had suffered a stroke, or was recovering from Botox injections, or was sitting at the bedside of his alleged lover, Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva, who, according to a number of European newspapers, at that time gave birth in a luxurious Swiss clinic. Some even believed that Putin had already died or had been overthrown in a palace coup. When the president “showed up” on March 16, he, commenting on rumors about his poor health, responded in a joking manner: “It would be boring without gossip.” As The Times wrote then, citing sources in Russian military intelligence, “Russia’s culture of politics and leadership is underdeveloped and incapable of recognizing the fact of any illnesses or weaknesses of the Russian leader.”

Murder of Boris Nemtsov

Co-chairman of the RPR-PARNAS party (now PARNAS) and deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma Boris Nemtsov was killed in the center of Moscow late in the evening of February 27. The tragic event caused a great resonance in Russia. More than 50 thousand people gathered for a procession in memory of the deceased. The politician’s associates are asking to name the Bolshoi Zamoskvoretsky Bridge, on which Nemtsov was shot, in honor of the murdered man.

Five people were arrested in the case of Nemtsov’s murder: Zaur Dadaev, brothers Anzor and Shchadid Gubashev, Khamzat Bakhaev and Tamerlan Eskerkhanov. According to the investigation, Dadaev was the direct perpetrator of the murder, the rest of the defendants followed the politician and helped Dadaev in carrying out his plan. Initially, Dadaev and the Gubashev brothers confessed, but then retracted them, saying that they were forced to incriminate themselves.

In his initial testimony, Dadaev stated that he was ordered to kill Nemtsov by a certain Rusik, who allegedly provided the perpetrators with weapons, a car and promised a substantial reward. The ICR “took on” the role of the customer and organizer of the crime of a representative of an influential Chechen family, the former commander of the “North” battalion, Ruslan Geremeev, and his driver Ruslan Mukhudinov.

At the same time, for a long time there was neither a customer nor an organizer in the case materials. Sources reported that the investigation designated them as “unidentified persons.” At the end of December, the Investigative Committee for the first time named the wanted Mukhudinov, an officer of the Sever battalion, as the customer and organizer of the murder.

The defense of Nemtsov’s family stated that investigators named Mukhudinov as the alleged organizer “to deflect the blow from Kadyrov’s inner circle.” “In addition, Mukhudinov has not yet been caught, not interrogated, his whereabouts are unknown, so it is impossible to say that he is the customer,” noted lawyer Vadim Prokhorov.

With weapons on a kosher food store on the outskirts of Paris, killing four people there and taking all the survivors hostage.

As a result of the assault, which was carried out by police special forces, Coulibaly was eliminated and the hostages were released. On the same day, in one of the Parisian suburbs, the Kouachi brothers were also killed during a special operation. The hostage they took was not injured.

In just three days, 17 people died at the hands of terrorists. Yemen's al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Several of Coulibaly's alleged associates were subsequently detained in France.

After the January terrorist attacks, the slogan Je suis Charlie (“I am Charlie”) appeared, symbolizing condemnation of the terrorist attack on the editorial office of the French publication and solidarity with journalists. Charlie Hebdo magazine is known for its scandalous cartoons, including those of the Prophet Muhammad. After the terrorist attack, publication of the publication continued, but the editors abandoned cartoons on religious topics.

The biggest migration crisis in Europe

In 2015, Europe was gripped by an unprecedented migration crisis. Due to the intensification of conflicts in a number of countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, the number of refugees arriving in the European Union from these regions has sharply increased. According to the EU border agency Frontex, about 1.2 million migrants arrived in the EU in the first ten months of the year. The European Commission has called the current migration crisis in the world the largest since the Second World War.

One of the most desirable countries for refugees is Germany. It was previously reported that up to 10 thousand refugees arrive in the country every day. At first it was expected that by the end of the year Germany would receive at least 800 thousand migrants. In October, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the total number of refugees arriving in the country in 2015 would be one million. In 2015, the German word "Flüchtlinge" ("Refugees") was named "Word of the Year" in Germany.

For her “open door” policy, Merkel was recognized as the most influential person of the year by the French news agency Agence France-Presse, and also received the title “Person of the Year” from Time magazine.

Due to the influx of migrants, a number of European countries have decided to build walls on their borders. As a result, the barrier was built by Hungary and Macedonia. And Croatia, Austria and Latvia have announced plans to build walls on their borders.

The refugee problem worsened at the beginning of 2015, including in connection with the armed conflict in Syria. Since 2011, civil war has continued in the Arab Republic. Numerous rebel groups are advocating the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Some rebel groups are supported by Western countries, including the United States, which consider the Assad regime destabilizing and bloody. Since 2014, the situation has worsened due to the strengthening of the Islamic State terrorist group, under whose control a significant part of the territory of Syria came to be.

Dozens of criminal cases of espionage

During 2015, journalists and the public learned about more than two dozen Russian citizens involved in treason cases. The last court sentenced Lieutenant Colonel of the Baltic Fleet reserve Fyodor Boriskin to 12 years in a maximum security colony. The former soldier was accused of spying for Poland and betraying state secrets. Boriskin was also stripped of his title. The defendant in the case fully admitted his guilt.

The most resonant case this year was the case against Svetlana Davydova, a mother of many children from the city of Vyazma, Smolensk region, suspected of treason, which was eventually closed for lack of evidence of a crime. The reason for initiating a criminal case against Davydova was her call to the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow last spring. According to the investigation, in a conversation with diplomats, Davydova stated that military unit N48886, located next to her house, where GRU troops are stationed, was empty. The woman believed that the military was sent to Ukraine. This fact caused concern for Davydova, which she reported to the staff of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission.

Lawyer Evgeny Smirnov reported on his page in

The coming year according to the Eastern calendar will be the year of the Goat/Sheep. In the 12-year list, the Goat takes 8th place, replacing the active and wayward Horse. The symbol of the Year of the Goat this time will be the Tree, which represents the personification of spring and morning, the awakening of nature and man. Blue, which is characterized by calmness and wisdom, also patronizes the year of the Goat.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the Goat is lightness, grace, peacefulness and hard work. This is exactly what the next year promises to be - peaceful, creative and very homely. The timid Goat should not be frightened by sharp attacks and rash actions; it is better to surprise her with the implementation of long-conceived creative ideas and plans for remodeling the house. The mischievous and playful Goat is frivolous, so making serious decisions in a hurry is not recommended; you can look at the problem from a different angle and give preference to alternative solutions. The Year of the Goat is considered ideal for marriage and having children.

The Goat's disadvantages include disorganization, but, on the other hand, it has the excellent quality of not getting lost in any chaos.

The goat is an amazing domestic animal; it does not like noisy companies and polyphony. Celebrating the New Year with family or closest friends, a quiet home holiday will be to the liking of the hostess of the year. You can successfully exchange a city apartment for a country house, decorate a Christmas tree on the street and light a fire in the fireplace. The best gifts will be elegant items made of wood, silver and copper.

Blue-white or silver colors will be relevant in home decoration this year, just don’t get carried away by the abundance of tinsel and shiny toys. Handmade toys that are pleasant to the touch will become the most appropriate decorations for both the Christmas tree and the interior. Toys made of wood, felt, felt and wool are held in high esteem. Let a few bells or a wreath with bells and fir branches greet guests at the front door. When decorating a house to your liking, remember that the main requirements should be restraint and elegance.

Sophistication and sophistication in the outfit will please the Goat, so we’ll leave the gloss and glamor for after the New Year’s week, and on the evening of December 31st we’ll put on our favorite dress of restrained colors, in which we feel comfortable. In addition to blue and its shades, all tones of brown, as well as peach and green, but without shine, would be appropriate. The presence of curls and frivolous curls in the hairstyle is welcome; it is better to refuse a smooth hairstyle. Neutral makeup is appropriate, highlighting the eyes and lips is an excellent choice. The choice of jewelry should be laconic, but a few bracelets with beads that will jingle with a hint of the Goat's bell are very welcome. Men who prefer formal suits should give preference to chocolate or coffee colors, or perhaps classic jeans and a chunky knit sweater.

An abundance of greens, vegetables and fruits, natural juices and fruit drinks, as well as dishes from - this is the basis of the New Year's table. Let the cheese plate become the main decoration, add nuts to it - the Goat will be delighted and will thank you for respecting its habits.

The simpler the dishes are to prepare, the better; it is much better to spend time decorating them, which children will be happy to join in with. Save complex snacks and hot dishes for the next few days, even after which there will be no heaviness left. The main rule for welcoming the New Year is positive thoughts and a good mood.

2015 was wonderful and terrible. The Islamic State terrorists entered the international arena, the world gained two princesses, scientists found water on Mars, and the Kremlin switched its attention from Donbass to Syria. “Forum” collected the most important and interesting stories of the year. Some of them, like Cecil the Lion, have an unexpectedly good ending.

A “spy mother” with many children is acquitted

In January, Russian special services officers almost stormed the apartment of Russian woman Svetlana Davydova, tore her and other children away from her infant, accused her of treason and put her behind bars. The mother of seven children was accused of calling the Ukrainian embassy to report that Russian soldiers from a nearby military unit were heading to Donbass. Two weeks later, Davydov , the Prosecutor General's Office apologized to her. Now the woman continues to be involved in social activities.

Legalization of same-sex marriage throughout the United States

Previously, gays and lesbians could only get married in certain states. In June of this year, the US Supreme Court ruled that : in any state and city, in court, church, synagogue and anywhere else where they are signed by a person who has the right to marry.

Islamic State threatens civilization

January 7, Islamic State militants to the editors of a satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, shooting 12 people and wounding almost as many.

October 31st in Egypt Russian plane with vacationers, 224 people (passengers and crew members) were killed. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack. Russia flights to Egypt and evacuated all tourists.

November 13th militants again Paris: Bataclan concert hall, several bars and restaurants, and a football stadium. Total in , more than 350 were injured. The world shook with horror, many began to say that the “Islamic State” and its atrocities pose a threat to the entire civilization.

And then terror came to America. On December 3, in the United States, a husband and wife who swore allegiance to the Islamic State and with weapons at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, which helped people with developmental disabilities. 14 people were killed, 17 were injured. History will soon — the weapon used to shoot people was bought by Maria Chernykh, who emigrated from Russia in 2009.

Solar eclipse and blood moon

Behind the solar eclipse, which occurred on March 20, people in all corners of the Earth, including Russia, Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania. To please passengers, pilots of dozens of regular flights routes in Europe. And on September 28, the people of America for a very rare phenomenon - a “blood moon”, when a lunar eclipse coincided with a supermoon.

Execution of American civilians

The past year has been marked by mass shootings, the victims of which were innocent Americans. In Louisiana in July, a 58-year-old man opened killing two and wounding nine. He had mental problems. Nine more people were killed by the 20-year-old shooter in South Carolina while serving. The criminal hoped to start a race war. In October, at a college in Oregon, a student based on his anti-religious views and belief in the superiority of white people. These and other tragedies have sparked intense public debate about the need for greater gun control.

Pope Francis's visit to America

The Pope visited the United States in September , within which he also UN in New York. Everything went very positively. The Pope was greeted by Barack Obama and his wife throughout the visit filled with Americans who greeted him. From the UN rostrum, Pope Francis called on the UN to end wars on the planet. And a little later, on Halloween, a charming child dressed as a pontiff came to visit Obama at the White House.

Russia bombs Syria

September 30 Russia its first airstrike in Syria in response to a request from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Two months later, the military contingent increased to four thousand people. Americans always accuse Russia of striking not only against the Islamic State, but also against all opponents of Assad, and they talk about casualties among the Russian military. The Kremlin denies that the military is filming patriotic videos about Russian pilots and .

Mother Teresa canonized

A nun who dedicated her life to helping the poor and sick, to the ranks of Catholic saints. This became possible after Pope Francis recognized the healing of a Brazilian man who had several brain tumors as a miracle. In 2008, he unexpectedly recovered after his priest prayed to Mother Teresa.

Murder of Boris Nemtsov

A well-known Russian oppositionist and opponent of President Vladimir Putin was shot three hundred meters from the Kremlin. . Those who ordered Nemtsov’s murder have not yet been found. The alleged perpetrator, a fighter from the Chechen battalion of internal troops, was detained. Activists proposed renaming the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge in honor of the politician, but the authorities refused. The court also refused to recognize the murder of Boris Nemtsov as political.

Frozen conflict in Donbass

Military operations in eastern Ukraine began in 2014 and, according to the UN, claimed nine thousand lives. More than 20 thousand people were injured, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians . Fighting between Russia-backed separatists and the Ukrainian army in the fall. Minsk and are more or less fulfilled, but the world there is far away - rather, . The Kremlin turned its attention to Syria and ordered militants from the self-proclaimed republics to concentrate on establishing systems for managing the occupied territories.

Russia and sanctions

In response to Russia banned the West almost all food products from Western countries, and also created a list of US and EU citizens who are prohibited from entering Russia. Bydecree of the Russian PresidentVladimir Putin, the country even began to demonstrate “sanctioned” products. And in November, when a Turkish bomber Russian plane, Kremlin instantly sanctions against Turkey - canceled the visa-free regime and banned Russian travel agencies to popular Turkish resorts.

70th anniversary UN Assembly

The presidents of the United States and Russia spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York, and the two of them talked on the sidelines. Experts called the speeches of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin programmatic in the background. At the same time, Putin and Obama presented absolutely current events in the world. Putin was also greeted by them.

Iran nuclear deal

In July, Iran, USA, France, UK, Germany, China and Russia agreement on the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Tehran. Under the agreement, Iran will allow inspectors into its nuclear facilities, and Western countries will gradually lift sanctions on Iran. Despite all the pride of the participants, the news is mixed. Many doubt Iran's sincerity, deal an important topic in the election debate of US presidential candidates, and former Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that this agreement “will remain in memory ”.

Two princesses

On the night of May 2, the Duchess of Cambridge the Queen of Great Britain's great-granddaughter, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Six months later, Prince William and Kate Middleton Photo of the baby on Twitter.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg too dad. The girl, who was born on December 2, was named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg. The happy father promised to someday give 99% of the company to charity, and then .

Cecil the Lion's death made sense

Cecil the Lion lived in a national park in Zimbabwe and was under the supervision of scientists from Oxford University. In early July, American dentist Walter James Palmer . The dentist woke up famous - about 35 million people Googled the story. Below his office . Cecil's death was not in vain - environmental legislation was changed in America and France, and Oxford received about a million dollars in donations for a program for the protection of wild animals.

FIFA corruption scandal

Grandiose (FIFA) drew a line under the 17-year period of rule. The powerful official was suspended from any football activities for a period of 8 years, and a criminal case was opened against him. The sanctions also affected French football legend Michel Platini, who led the European League and was considered the leading candidate for the post of FIFA president in the elections in February.

The US presidential race and the Trump phenomenon

The US presidential elections, which will take place on November 8, 2016, promise to be interesting. The clear favorite among Democrats is . But the Republicans have an intrigue. Donald Trump, whom no one took seriously back in the summer, is now the leader . Americans like him, despite (or perhaps because of) the huge amount of insults that literally pour from his lips against Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants and women. He even offered completely .

Syrian refugees

Since the start of the civil war in Syria, about four million people have fled the country. The main influx of migrants occurred in the countries of the European Union, and Europe has not experienced this since the Second World War. But the United States has hosted only one and a half thousand people since 2011 (about 0.03% of the total number of refugees). In September, the Barack Obama administration unveiled a plan to house 10,000 Syrians in the country - but after the November terrorist attacks in Paris against and many Republicans, including the same Trump.

Knife intifada in Israel

In 2015, a series of natural disasters began in Israel. . They are similar in handwriting: random Jewish passers-by in public places are attacked with knives by Arabs, most often young ones; in one case, they were two schoolgirls. The targets were Jews, although a couple of times the attackers made mistakes and stabbed other Arabs. Due to the fact that attacks are spontaneous and knives are used, they are difficult to prevent.

Water on Mars and lettuce in space

This year, humanity has made many exciting discoveries in space. Scientists found, made, and the first commercial shuttle, Space X, thereby opening the way for private, and not just government, initiatives.

And American astronaut Scott Kelly, who is on the International Space Station, became. Kelly constantly published beautiful pictures, answered even the stupidest questions from social network users (for example, how not to lose socks in space) and even fed it to his colleagues.

The fall of the ruble

Last year, many residents of the CIS began to live worse. The fall in oil prices, sanctions against Russia and other factors have led to the fact that the ruble exchange rate compared to the beginning of 2014 . On December 15, the ruble reached a record low against the dollar (70.82 rubles per dollar). They fell just as strongly in 2015 and Ukrainian hryvnia.

Volkswagen tightened up the meters

It turns out that Volkswagen software that cheated checks. For inspectors, the cleaning systems worked at full capacity, but during normal driving they did not, and in reality, the emission of harmful substances from some of the automaker's cars exceeds the established norm by 40 times. The company will be fined $18 billion for fraud.

Nobel Prize for Belarusian writer

Svetlana Alexievich became with the formulation “for the polyphonic sound of prose and the perpetuation of suffering and courage.” Before the award ceremony in Stockholm, the Belarusian writer spoke . Alexievich is the author of such books as “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face,” “Zinc Boys,” and “Second-Hand Time.” She became the first Russian-speaking author to be awarded the Nobel Prize since 1987, when Joseph Brodsky became the laureate.

Unusually Warm Christmas on the East Coast

Warm weather on the east coast of the United States all temperature records. In New York on Christmas it was +22 Celsius (70 Fahrenheit) and people walked around in T-shirts. The weather is so warm since the beginning of winter.

Food and energy blockade of Crimea

At the beginning of September, the Crimean Tatars imposed a food blockade on Crimea annexed by Russia. They blocked the highway and blocked transport with goods from mainland Ukraine. And in November, due to the explosion of two power towers, there was electricity in Crimea. Amid protests by Crimean residents due to a long lack of electricity, Putin flew to the peninsula and connected the first energy bridge from Russia. A week later, Ukraine, having repaired one of the power towers, also gave light to Crimea.

New Star Wars

The most anticipated film of 2015 record. The box office receipts of the new episode of the Star Wars film saga reached a billion dollars in just 12 days of worldwide release. And there are already guesses that two new episodes of Star Wars based on the universe created by George Lucas, but everything else will be different.