Street fortitude. OGE: arguments for the essay “What is fortitude? Strengthening inner resilience

What is fortitude? Deep down, every person knows the answer to this question. This is what makes you fight, overcome difficulties, keep your head up and move forward, no matter what happens. This is courage shown in times of danger. Courage that forces you to defend yourself and your loved ones. Persistence.

Strength of spirit is an inner core that not every person has inside. Like a willow rod, such people can be bent or subdued by force, but they can never be broken.

Strong-willed people can survive literally anything. Hunger, cold, loss of family, physical suffering. No matter how painful it may be for them, they will cope so that they can again boldly look fate in the eye and challenge the villain.

In some people this unknown, incomprehensible great power is inherent from birth. They are identified by a strong-willed look, a strong character, an unyielding will, determination, and the habit of being responsible for their words. Next to such a person you can say “like behind a stone wall.”

And in some, fate fosters fortitude. Turns your whole life into a struggle. And watches what comes out of a person as a result of the great battle for survival. Will he break or survive? And will he keep the person inside himself?

Example from life

If you need to give an example of people in whom life has cultivated fortitude by forcibly putting weapons in their hands for self-defense, then first of all, of course, the Great Patriotic War comes to mind.

Young girls - partisans who, having been captured, were tortured to death, but never betrayed their comrades - this is an example of true courage and dedication.

Fighters who throw themselves in front of bullets to fight for what they believe in, for what they love - this is an example of true courage.

Mothers, day and night waiting for their sons at the doorstep, starving, but saving the last piece of bread for children who may return - this is what can be called real strength of spirit.

People experiencing terrible wartime deserve not only respect, but also admiration and worship. Not many offspring of the modern generation will be able to repeat what those who disappeared into oblivion did.

Thinking first of all about others, caring about your neighbors, putting other people's interests above your own and overcoming difficulties - this is what real fortitude is.

Essay Strength of Spirit

Philosophers and sages talk about the relativity of everything in this world. In Ancient Greece, some philosophers considered man to be the measure of everything, that is, how a person thinks is how things really are in this world. Therefore, in different cultures and societies we have different traditions, different understandings of good and evil.

Moreover, there are phenomena that are difficult to define with exact parameters, for example, beauty, holiness, and fortitude. Many people now actively talk about spirituality, go to churches, and Russia is believed to be a particularly spiritual country. People in this country have a fortitude that allows them to overcome various difficulties.

It is not entirely clear to me what fortitude is and whether it is even possible to determine this parameter with any accuracy. It is difficult to even describe such a personality trait.

After all, it is not possible to measure spirituality or fortitude by the number of church visits or prayers. Moreover, even behavior that may be explained by something spiritual, in fact, is not always so. For example, abstinence is considered a spiritual quality and a sign of fortitude.

Monks and religious people fast a lot in order to pacify the flesh; they have a high goal in this and thanks to this they cultivate their own spiritual strength. There are also people who follow diets, for example, girls who want to look beautiful and be liked by many guys. Is there any spiritual component to such a fast (diet)?

Sometimes motivation can be absolutely primitive, but a person accomplishes very significant feats, for example, refusing food. However, there is little fortitude in this, but only attachment to the material world. Therefore, the question of what fortitude is and how such a property is manifested is difficult.

We can judge only by external data and do not have the opportunity to see what work this or that person does in the soul. Therefore, even if we see a bad person who acts to harm himself and others, we should not immediately condemn him. Perhaps he avoids many temptations in his own soul and shows real restraint, even more than some righteous people.

Option 3

Strength of spirit is a characteristic of a strong person. It has nothing to do with physical capabilities. Strength of spirit - tempered character, will, perseverance, etc. things. Each individual can cultivate an iron will. All you need is desire, time and energy to become an individual.

A person who is truly strong in soul and body is almost always visible at first sight. He has a special look - calm, balanced, direct. Such a person, in principle, has nothing to hide. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to withstand the gaze of others. But weak-willed people, on the contrary, get scared and avoid looking eye to eye.

Will helps to live. Develop, breathe, work, study, communicate with people. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the masses are pleasant to talk to. To endure the dialogue, you will have to show character. At the same time, it is important not to slip into hypocrisy. It's a fine line.

It is commonly said that the most strong-willed people lived centuries and millennia ago. They carried swords, spears, and bows. Weapons changed during the development of mankind. The wars, as they say, did not stop. There was always something to share. But these warriors were ready to die at any moment. In addition to fortitude, they also had excellent physical fitness. Otherwise, they would not have been able to constantly carry mountains of metal with them (not only weapons, but also armor).

Nowadays the picture has changed. People began to forget what heroism, will, strength and valor are. In the context of technological progress, more and more individuals appear who refuse to do anything on their own. The machine will do everything for them. Human laziness is accompanied by apathy, a complete reluctance to do anything, a lack of interest, and a desire to make any effort. Strength of spirit goes away, giving way to weakness and the desire to escape to an easier place to live and work. This happened precisely because of the huge number of concessions and opportunities that progress offers us.

Will can be cultivated in oneself. On your own or with the help of a psychologist. There are countless different ways and techniques through which you can develop your personality.

The task of the current population is not to forget the experience accumulated over the years, passed on by their ancestors. You should not allow technological development to take away a person’s personal qualities and desires. You cannot allow yourself to relax too much and lose the will and fortitude that is so necessary for everyone.

Grade 9, OGE, 15.3, text by Baklanov, Ulitskaya, Alekseev, examples from life, reasoning, arguments

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    15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase “strength of spirit”? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic "What is POWER OF SPIRIT". When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.


    (4) I knock loudly on the window frame. (5) There is no need to sleep now that we are back. (6) And now the plank door swings open. (7) Panchenko, my orderly, sleepy, yawning, stands barefoot on the threshold.

    - (8) Come in, Comrade Lieutenant.

    (9) It’s good to return home from the bridgehead at night like this. (10) You don’t think about it there. (11) You feel it here with all your might. (12) Before the war, I never had to return home after a long separation. (13) And we didn’t have to leave for a long time. (14) The first time I left home for a pioneer camp, the second time I left for the front. (15) But even those who returned home before the war after a long separation did not then experience what we are experiencing now. (16) They returned bored - we are returning alive...

    (17) Sitting on the windowsills, the scouts watch the two of us eat, and their eyes are kind. (18) And in the corner there is a wide country bed. (19) White pillowcase stuffed with hay, white sheet. (20) People did not understand or appreciate much before the war. (21) Does a person in peacetime understand what clean sheets are? (22)3 Throughout the war, I only slept on sheets in the hospital, but then they were not pleasing.

    (23) I lie down on my royal bed, smelling of hay and fresh linen, and sink into the ground. (24) My eyes are stuck together, but I barely doze off when, with a start, I wake up again. (25) I wake up from silence. (26) Even in my sleep, I got used to listening to the explosion of shells.

    (27) And thoughts about the guys remaining on the bridgehead come into my head. (28) I close my eyes - and again it’s all before my eyes: the signalmen’s dugout, which was hit by a bomb, the road in the forest and the black heights occupied by the Germans...

    (29) No, I don’t think I’ll fall asleep. (30) Carefully, so as not to wake the guys, I go out into the yard, carefully closing the door. (31) How quiet! (32) It’s as if there is no war on earth. (33) Ahead, the moon sets behind a clay pipe, only its edge glows above the roof. (34) And there is something so ancient, endless in this, which was before us and will be after us.

    (35) I sit on a stone and remember how at school forty-five minutes of a lesson were longer than two centuries. (36) States arose and collapsed, and it seemed to us that time had flown before us with amazing speed and now it was just taking its normal course. (37) Each of us had a whole human life ahead of us, of which we lived for fourteen, fifteen years.

    (38) I have been fighting for three years now. (39) Have the years really been so long before?.. (40) I return to the house, cover myself with my head and, shivering under my overcoat, fall asleep.

    *Baklanov Grigory Yakovlevich (1923–2009) – front-line writer. Among the author’s most famous works is the story “Forever Nineteen,” dedicated to the fate of young boys - yesterday’s schoolchildren who ended up at the front.


    Strength of spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. Thanks to the strength of spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with difficult memories, overcome his fears, believe in a bright future and provide support to others. I will prove the truth of my words with two examples.

    Let us turn to the text by G.Ya. Baklanov, whose hero, a young lieutenant, experienced all the hardships of the war. He saw with his own eyes how his comrades died, heard shells exploding next to him. All these difficult impressions affected the hero’s state of mind, but nevertheless he found the strength to live on and enjoy ordinary things. This example proves that strong-willed people can cope with life's difficulties.

    Let us also remember the story of two sisters, Nyura and Raya, who survived the difficult, terrible days of the blockade in Leningrad. Despite the death of their mother, hunger, and cold, the girls did not lose heart, they continued to live, were engaged in creativity and supported the sailors going into battle with their performances. The courage, resilience and fortitude of these girls is admirable.

    Thus, fortitude is the most important human quality that helps to win victory over oneself and circumstances.(173 words)

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    Which can be formed through perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Only thanks to the strength of spirit a person has the opportunity to achieve his goals and overcome the most difficult obstacles.

    The Divine in Man

    Much has been said about what fortitude is. This quality is often compared to willpower, or it is said that these two qualities go hand in hand. Human will is the ability to make decisions and strictly follow them. Fortitude is directly related to will, but it is more of an ideological concept.

    The Slavic Magi of antiquity have a prayer. One of the quotes in it is about the strength of the spirit: “My body is a sheath for the blade of my spirit.” In many religious, as well as esoteric treatises, one and the same idea can be traced: the spirit is endowed with the nature of fire, or ether - that is, that place of the universe where the gods live. Regardless of concepts, this part of a person is considered to be given to him from above.

    Some psychologists believe that alcoholics and drug addicts do not know what fortitude is. This is why the most expensive treatments are powerless against these addictions. From this follows the well-known principle that addiction cannot be cured - it only passes from one form to another. Therefore, a person can change as a person only by strengthening his spirit. Willpower is just one of the tools on the path to personal change.

    Strength of spirit: definitions

    The phrase “strength of spirit” has several definitions. Firstly, this is a quality that makes a person more courageous. It consists of several components: perseverance, willpower, perseverance. People who have this quality are metaphorically said to be made of iron. In this regard, we can quote about the strength of spirit of the poet N. Tikhonov: “If we could make nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world.” The poet said this about sailors who are ready to accept death. However, the development of inner strength is possible for every person; this process does not necessarily occur in the conditions of military service.

    There is another definition of fortitude: it is a person’s ability to endure discomfort and unpleasant conditions in order to achieve a future goal. From this point of view, fortitude can be developed when a person knows how to say to himself: “Today I will tolerate discomfort so that tomorrow my desired goal will be achieved.”

    What does fortitude give?

    Firstly, a strong person is more quickly able to disarm his inner critic. After all, on the way to any goal you cannot avoid obstacles. And at some point there is a risk of giving up, deciding that there is not enough strength to reach the end. Only those whose spirit is strong will have a chance of defeating this negative inner voice and further moving towards their goal.

    This quality also allows you to draw the right conclusions from mistakes made and not get stuck in self-accusation. A strong person will not waste his life energy on unnecessary repentance. Nor will he ignore his mistakes. His strategy is responsibility for the actions taken. Therefore, the strength of spirit allows you to consider every step as an acquisition of new experience.

    In addition, this quality allows a person to honestly face his fears. Leaving your “comfort zone” is never easy. However, if a person is strong, he knows that he will be able to cope with stress and move forward no matter what.


    One example of fortitude is Pasha Pasynkov from the work of the same name by K. Chukovsky. At the cost of his own life, he decides to take the fire of all enemy anti-aircraft guns on himself. Pasynkov's plane burns and becomes uncontrollable, but he still manages to land on the Neva. So the hero managed to keep intact not only houses and several bridges, but also many human lives. All this is thanks to the willpower of the protagonist.

    Also, an example of firmness of spirit can be found in the texts of L. Ovchinnikova. They talk about the children of besieged Leningrad. Many of them were left without parents; before their eyes, houses collapsed and people died of hunger. Children gathered at the first call in the Palace of Pioneers, despite hunger, cold and deprivation. There they practiced knitting, sewing, drawing, dancing and singing. Then they did not yet know about the power that art has. The kids came to perform on a military cruiser. Adults who had to deal with death every day were amazed at the strength of the children’s spirit.

    V. P. Astafiev: an example of spiritual power

    Also, an example of the strength of a person’s spirit can be found in the text of journalist G.K. Sapronov, who is also a member of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia. The author reveals this topic using the example of the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. He was able to go through many hardships in life - orphanhood, homelessness, the war years, as well as post-war poverty and devastation. However, he managed to cope with all the troubles and remain himself. At the same time, Astafiev worked tirelessly. Every day he sat down at his desk and completed the stories he created in order to feed his family. Despite all the hardships, he did not give up and continued to work for himself and his family. The author is confident that only a strong-willed person is able to endure all the trials of life, overcome obstacles along the way and at the same time preserve his best personal qualities. One cannot but agree with this position.

    The story of the pilot Maresyev

    The story of pilot Alexei Maresyev also tells us what fortitude is. His plane crashed behind enemy lines. After that, he crawled to his home for 18 days, as his legs were damaged. After the pilot's limbs were amputated, he began to learn to walk on prosthetics, and then to fly the plane again. Maresyev’s overcoming of all difficulties speaks of his unbending will and courage. This is a true example of perseverance and fortitude that has gone down in history.

    The best way to learn about fortitude is from quotes from great people. This is what Lucretius said about this: “The spirit is strong with joy.” One cannot but agree with this statement. After all, it is thanks to internal psychological resources that a person can be strong. Vitality, love and energy reserves allow you to move on, despite any obstacles. Joyful events of the past may be forgotten, but they continue to exist in the unconscious memory, giving strength to overcome obstacles and new achievements. When your soul becomes sad, you have no faith in your own strength, you are overcome by anxiety or fatigue, it is important to remember the words of Lucretius. By reflecting on good events, a person has the opportunity to strengthen his spirit.

    Strengthening inner resilience

    And here is what the French writer and entomologist J. Fabre said about this: “Happy, thrice happy is the man who is tempered by the adversities of life.” It is believed that by going through life's difficulties, a person becomes stronger. After all, a crisis is a turning point when previous actions turn out to be ineffective, and a person has not yet come up with new ways of behavior.

    A mentally strong person is one who knows how to invent these ways of coping with a difficult life situation. Anyone who does not know what fortitude is has every chance of finding it in difficult circumstances. It is the positive experience of meeting difficult situations that strengthens a person. After all, this knowledge will give him confidence in the future. If he was able to deal with problems before, he will know that he is capable of solving these problems.

    Circumstances in which a person has a chance to become stronger

    Sometimes it happens that a difficult situation in a person’s life does not find a solution for a long time. In this case, the human spirit does not become stronger. One does not lose hope that everything can change for the better. The other simply adapts to new living conditions. In the latter case, the person does not become stronger, his spirit remains weak. After all, avoiding a difficult situation is not a way to overcome life’s obstacles.

    For example, a person may quit a job where he is having problems. And at his next workplace a similar situation will await him. Or he cannot build good relationships and strives to find a new husband or wife. In this case, he will also face similar problems. After all, in the previous situation he did not learn a valuable lesson, which means that life will continue to confront him with similar circumstances until he learns to strengthen his spirit and overcome the obstacles facing him.

    >Essays by topic


    Fortitude is an abstract concept that has hidden meaning. I think that fortitude is, firstly, determination, faith in yourself and your strengths; secondly, positive ambition, perseverance and resilience. It allows a person to believe in the best even in the most seemingly hopeless situations, to overcome difficulties and adversity in life.

    Many people are accustomed to feeling sorry for themselves, but those who have truly encountered misfortune, for example, remaining disabled, find the vital strength to live on, their spirit strengthens, and they even enjoy life, adapting to it. It's hard not to admire such people. I recently watched a report by a journalist who, as an experiment, spent an entire day confined to a wheelchair with a public figure who was himself a person with disabilities. In fact, it is very difficult to be deprived of legs; even walking a few meters seems like overwhelming work. But such people do not give up, they try not to give up. The person participating in the experiment talked about his life, how he suddenly became disabled, how difficult it was to adapt, and how he became a public figure. This man prevailed over the circumstances, and even opened a sports club for the same disabled people, where they can train in various sports, sometimes they participate in the Paralympic Games. This is the power of the spirit!

    A striking example of a demonstration of willpower are stories about people who survived the terrible war years. War changes people, creating conditions for strengthening the spirit. People fought for every breath, stood to the death, not afraid of anything or anyone - real heroes. Their fortitude was so strong that nothing could stop them. For example, the hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” flew with amputated legs, overcoming pain. It is this kind of fortitude that should be admired.

    In conclusion, we can conclude that fortitude is the greatest quality of a person, which helps to overcome oneself and move forward towards the intended goal, no matter what.

    Strength of spirit is courage, kindness, respect, and love, which a person retains within himself, no matter what. This, in my opinion, is human nature as it should be. This topic has been covered quite often in both literature and cinema; in addition, strong-willed people live among us.

    Arguments from literature

    1. (49 words) The first work that came to mind, revealing the theme of the power of the human spirit, is “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy. A story about an ordinary person, an ordinary Soviet soldier, who was able to overcome not only cold, hunger, inhuman pain, but also himself. Having lost his legs, Meresyev overcame despair and doubt, proving that he was capable of anything.
    2. (38 words) Alexander Tvardovsky in the poem “Vasily Terkin” describes a simple Russian guy, a soldier fighting for his country. Using the example of Tyorkin, the author shows the strength of spirit of the entire Russian people. For example, in the chapter “Crossing” the hero swims across an icy river under fire to carry out an order.
    3. (38 words) “Young Guard” by A. Fadeev is another work that tells about the strength of human character, love for the Motherland, principles and unbending will. Despite their young age, the Young Guards did not retreat either from their own fear or from the enemy.
    4. (54 words) A strong-willed person is not always visible at first sight. From his modesty and calmness one may get the feeling that we are facing, rather, a weak personality. The gloomy and silent hero of V. Bykov Sotnikov, in fact, is an example of courage, perseverance, devotion and, of course, strength of character. While undergoing torture, he does not surrender his comrades and does not agree to serve the enemy.
    5. (62 words) Peter Grinev, the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” can be called a strong-willed person. Grinev faced a difficult choice: on the one hand, service under the leadership of Pugachev, betrayal; on the other hand, death and loyalty to oneself and duty. To preserve his honor, the young man strained all his strength and chose execution over treason. Even having saved his life, he still risked it more than once in order to act according to his conscience.
    6. (44 words) A strong-willed and strong-willed man is the hero of Nikolai Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer.” The strength of the human spirit here is manifested in the ability to overcome life’s difficulties, not give up, forgive and admit one’s mistakes. Trying to atone for his sins, Flyagin becomes a recruit instead of the son of poor strangers and accomplishes a feat.
    7. (53 words) Compassion is one of the most important qualities of a strong person, according to M. Gorky. Strength of spirit, according to the writer, is revealed not only in firmness of character, but also in love for people, the ability to sacrifice oneself for others, and to bring light. This is the hero of the story “The Old Woman Izergil” - Danko, who led his people out of the deadly thicket at the cost of his life.
    8. (45 words) M. Yu. Lermontov describes a strong-willed person in his work “Mtsyri”. A persistent character helps the prisoner fight the circumstances in which he finds himself, the difficulties that stand in his way, and go towards his dream. The young man escapes from the monastery and gains short-term, but passionately desired freedom.
    9. (46 words) “Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” This is what E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” is about. External circumstances: age, lack of strength, condemnation are nothing compared to the inner strength of a person. Old man Santiago fought against the elements, despite pain and fatigue. Having lost his prey, he still remained the winner.
    10. (53 words) A. Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” shows the eternal struggle between good and evil; in reality there is a very thin line between them. It would seem that the main character, who takes revenge on his offenders and cannot forgive, is a negative character, but, having got out of the Chateau d'If, he remains generous and kind, helping those who deserve them - these are the qualities of a person with a strong spirit.
    11. Examples from life

      1. (46 words) There are many examples of strong-willed people in the sports environment. Sport builds character and teaches you to never give up. A striking example is the fate of the Soviet athlete, Olympic champion, Valery Brumel. Having received a serious injury incompatible with sports, he found the strength to return and achieve high results.
      2. (31 words) Hockey player Valery Kharlamov, whose story was shown in N. Lebedev’s film “Legend No. 17,” had a strong character. Going ahead, despite the pain, achieving the goal is the quality of a strong-willed person brought up by sports.
      3. (49 words) Strength of spirit is also manifested in the ability to enjoy life, no matter what. In the film by O. Nakash “1+1. The “Untouchables” main characters help each other reveal their best qualities, preferring not to go with the flow, but to overcome obstacles. A disabled person gains fullness of life, and a poor African American gets an incentive to develop and become better.
      4. (56 words) Strong-willed people are among us. This is confirmed by the romantic comedy “Amelie” by J. Jeunet. The main character is a girl with oddities, but with a strong character. She strives to help people, starting with her own father, ending with a complete stranger to her, a man who lived in her apartment before her. In this pursuit, she forgets about herself, sacrificing her desires for the happiness of others.
      5. (54 words) In Grigory Chukhrai’s film “The Ballad of a Soldier,” the main character is a young soldier who received leave to see his mother. Despite the goal - to see the person closest to him - Alyosha Skvortsov cannot pass by people in need of help. For example, he helps a disabled war veteran find family happiness. In this desire for active good, true strength of spirit is expressed.
      6. (45 words) An example of fortitude is Admiral Pyotr Stepanovich Nakhimov, who has not lost a single battle in his entire life. A man of exceptional willpower who sacrificed his own health for the sake of his country. Carrying out orders that seemed impossible, he never complained or grumbled about fate, but silently fulfilled his duty.
      7. (30 words) History of M.V. Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, is known to many. Thanks to his fortitude and loyalty to his ideals, he walked towards his dream on foot from a remote village to become an outstanding world-class scientist.
      8. (51 words) Sometimes nature complicates a person’s life so much that it seems there is no way out at all. Only thanks to the strength of his character, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs, became known throughout the world. Nick not only gives motivational lectures and writes books, but also leads an active lifestyle: surfing, playing golf and football.
      9. (45 words) JK Rowling is a British writer who gave children all over the world faith in fairy tales and magic. On the path to success, J. Rowling had to face numerous obstacles: no one wanted to publish her novel. However, willpower allowed the woman to follow her dream and make it come true.
      10. (47 words) A person with a strong spirit does not necessarily have to accomplish feats or become famous. My friend is a strong-willed person. She is not afraid of difficulties, believes that they are necessary for character to be formed, tries to help people and animals if she sees that help is needed, does not remember the bad and sees only the good in people.
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