Sechin Igor Ivanovich is young. Sechin Igor Ivanovich is his real name. Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin

Today we will talk about one of the most influential people in Russia, a statesman whom the whole country knows, Igor Sechin. Today he is the chief executive officer of Rosneft and has enormous influence in society.

This figure has always attracted the attention of the media, which happily savor any details related to his life. Well, I must say that there is something to write about this man; if you are interested, read on for the biography of one of the most influential people in the largest country in the world.

If you are often well-known, rich and influential, then everyone urgently needs to know not only what you eat, when you sleep, with whom, but also your height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin is also not an unimportant question. The statesman turns 58 this year, his height is 175 cm, and there is no data on weight.

There are quite a few photographs on the Internet that depict Igor Sechin. Photos from his youth are still very popular today. There are also archival photos online in which he is very young at the beginning of his career.

There are constantly conflicting debates in the media about what nationality Igor Sechin is, hinting at his Jewish roots. As a result, it turned out that the head of the Rosneft company was a Russian, and there were no Jews in his family.

Biography and personal life of Igor Sechin

The biography and personal life of Igor Sechin is interesting material that has already been covered many times in the media. He is a native of Leningrad, few people know, but he also has a twin sister. Many will think that the parents gave impetus to the boy’s development from childhood and helped him in his career, but not. Igor Sechin’s family is representatives of the most ordinary working class, his mother is Nina Konstantinovna Sechina, his sister is Irina Sechina. There is very little information about my father, we only know that he worked at a metallurgical plant in Leningrad, and when Igor and his sister went to school, he abandoned his family.

Igor Sechin graduated from a Leningrad school with advanced French. Then in his hometown he entered the University. Zhdanov, choosing the Faculty of Philology. The study took place in a Portuguese group (10 people), in which he stood out for his level of knowledge. Igor Sechin’s last course of study at the university took place on a business trip to Mozambique, just during the civil war.

The student’s main task was to help the Soviet military organize various events for combat training and help provide them with the material and technical base.

Sechin hardly received a higher education diploma; he was immediately drafted into the army. Initially, the man’s service took place in Turkmenistan, and later in Angola. It is known from reliable sources that in general Igor Sechin was in hot spots for at least 4 years.

In 1986, the future head of Rosneft held a post at Technoexport, and two years later he worked on the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. Here his main task was concluding agreements with foreign partners. At this time, Igor Sechin had his first meeting with the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, which significantly influenced his career growth in the future and his fate in general.

In the early 90s, Igor Sechin was already working for the benefit of the St. Petersburg mayor's office under the leadership of Putin and in just a few years he had advanced well up the career ladder.

In the mid-90s, the future head of Rosneft changed his job to an even higher-ranking one and closer to V. Putin. Then Putin was deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and Sechin, here, got a position in the department of foreign economic relations.

By the end of the 90s, Igor Sechin became the head of the administrative apparatus of Vladimir Vladimirovich, who then occupied the place of first deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia. At a time when Putin holds the post of head of the Russian government, Igor Sechin begins to lead the secretariat of V.V. Putin.

At the beginning of the 21st century, when Vladimir Vladimirovich was officially appointed president of the country, Igor Sechin was invited to serve as assistant to the president of the Russian Federation.

Four years later, Igor Sechin becomes head of the board of directors of the Rosneft oil company. His chairmanship here lasted about 6 years.

At that time, the company was not yet promoted, but a few years later it became the most important oil company in the country, one of the largest.

5 years ago, Time magazine recognized Igor Sechin as one of the most influential people in the world.

Many citizens are interested in Igor Sechin’s earnings, because over the years of working for the government he has accumulated a fortune.

Many were surprised by the monthly salary that Igor Sechin receives, and this is a lot (about 20 million rubles).

No matter how the media tries to lift the veil hanging over Igor Sechin’s personal life, everything is in vain. There is little news here. He met his first wife, Marina Vladimirovna, in his youth. The marriage produced two children.

The second wife of the head of Rosneft is Olga Rozhkova, who is much younger than Igor Sechin. From the outside it was clear that the man was inspired, even rejuvenated, after meeting Olga. According to some reports, the luxury yacht for $150 million was bought by Igor Sechin specifically for his new lover, and the name is appropriate “St. Princess Olga,” but the oilman himself denies this.

Family and children of Igor Sechin

The family and children of Igor Sechin attract a lot of attention from the press and public.

As is already known, the man was previously married to Marina Vladimirovna, with whom they had two children - son Ivan and daughter Inga. According to the ex-wife, the reason for the divorce was Igor Sechin’s constant absence from home. Despite the divorce, Igor and Marina remained friends and still manage the family business together.

Igor Sechin’s children are already adults and independent people. The head of Rosneft has long been a grandfather; his eldest daughter Inga gave birth to a grandson, who turns 13 today.

Son of Igor Sechin - Ivan Sechin

The son of Igor Sechin, Ivan Sechin, was born in the first marriage of an oil worker in 1989. There is little information about the man, since the head of Rosneft carefully hides his personal life and family from outsiders. What is known is that Ivan Sechin graduated from the Higher School of Business at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. His place of work is first deputy director of the department of joint projects on the shelf in his father’s company.

At the age of 25, Igor Sechin’s son was awarded the medal “For Services to the Fatherland.” There are no details about Ivan Sechin’s personal life.

Daughter of Igor Sechin - Inga Sechin

Igor Sechin’s daughter, Inga Sechin, the first-born, was born in 1982. After school, the girl received higher education at the Moscow Mining Institute.

In Inga's first marriage to Dmitry Ustinov, a boy was born, the grandson of Igor Sechin. For the second time, Inga Sechina married Timerbulat Karimov, ex-vice president of VTB. Inga also has her own business, but what exactly and how much she earns, of course, is not disclosed.

Inga Sechina communicates well with both parents, and their divorce did not become an obstacle to this.

Daughter of Igor Sechin - Varvara

Igor Sechin's daughter is Varvara. Various sources have already repeatedly reported about Igor Sechin’s third child, Varvara. According to some reports, the girl was born in 2015, in the marriage of Igor Sechin with a certain Olga Rozhkova.

The fatal blonde, who may have broken up the first marriage of the head of Rosneft, eventually left him. The media insists that the divorce did not follow at all because of the scandal with the most expensive yacht in the world, on which Olga Rozhkova was repeatedly seen vacationing, but because of an affair with an Italian racing driver.

Igor Sechin's ex-wife - Marina Sechina

Igor Sechin's ex-wife is Marina Sechin, with whom the head of Rosneft married back in St. Petersburg. He lived in marriage with Marina Sechina for quite a long time, but in 2011 it became known about the divorce of the spouses.

Marina Vladimirovna has been involved in real estate since the early 90s, and after her divorce from Igor Sechin, she became the owner of 51% of the shares of Exect Partners Group, where she also held the position of personnel development and training. In addition to the above, Igor Sechin’s ex-wife is the head of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

After the divorce, the former spouses maintained friendly relations.

Igor Sechin's ex-wife - Olga Rozhkova

The second and also ex-wife of Igor Sechin is Olga Rozhkova, an employee of the Russian Government. In 2016, the woman worked as an analyst at Gazprombank.

Igor Sechin married Olga Rozhkova in 2012, almost immediately after the official divorce from his first wife Marina Vladimirovna. Igor Sechin and his young wife, whose photos often appear on social networks, were never able to build a strong family.

According to one version, it was because of the scandal with the luxurious and expensive yacht that the oilman allegedly purchased especially for Olga that the divorce followed.

It became known from the media that Olga Rozhkova, after her divorce from Igor Sechin, is in a relationship with the Italian racing driver. Perhaps these relationships on the side became the real reason for the divorce. It is known that it was the head of Rosneft who was the first to file for divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Sechin

Many citizens are interested in whether there is an Instagram and Wikipedia for Igor Sechin. As a serious statesman and a very influential person, Igor Sechin, naturally, did not open an account on the social network. But his second ex-wife, who is 25 years younger than him, after an official divorce from Igor Sechin, often pampers the public with fresh photographs with a new guy. Olga Rozhkova’s new lover is 32-year-old racing driver from Italy Francesco Provenzano.

Fresh photos of Igor Sechin's ex-wife are often savored by the yellow press.

Information about the head of Rosneft is on the Wikipedia website. It describes in detail the life of Igor Sechin, including service in the Soviet army and career ladder.

Wikipedia quite widely covers Igor Sechin’s work with the current President of Russia, in particular his work at Rosneft in detail.

Name: Sechin Igor Ivanovich. Date of birth: September 7, 1960. Place of birth: Leningrad, USSR.

Childhood and youth

Igor Ivanovich Sechin was born on September 7, 1960 in Leningrad into a family of factory workers. According to some reports, Sechin has Jewish roots, but it was not possible to establish the politician’s affiliation with this nationality.

Sechin has a sister, Irina, who was born on the same day as him. Both children studied at Leningrad school No. 133 with in-depth study of a foreign language. During their school years, the twins had to endure the separation of their parents, who still tried to maintain contact after the divorce.

At the age of 17, the future politician graduated from school and entered the philological faculty of the Zhdanov Leningrad University (now St. Petersburg State University), in the Portuguese group. Of the 10 students in the group, Igor stood out for his high academic performance. In 1982, Sechin was supposed to receive a diploma of completion of his studies, but in his last year he had to suspend his studies due to a business trip to the African continent as a translator.

It was only in 1984, upon returning from Mozambique, that I managed to complete my studies and receive a diploma as a philologist-novelist. In 1998, he defended his dissertation on the topic of investment in the transportation of oil and hydrocarbons and received his first academic degree.

After graduating from Leningrad State University. Zhdanov Igor Ivanovich was sent to serve in the USSR Armed Forces. At first, the service took place in Turkmenistan, after which he was transferred to South Africa, where he took the position of senior translator. Throughout his life, the future head of Rosneft spent about 4 years in the hot spots of Africa.

Political activity

Sechin had an excellent qualification: knowledge of Portuguese, Spanish and French, service in a hot spot.

Upon returning from the hot continent at the age of 26, Sechin began working in the foreign trade association Technoexport, which at that time was engaged in the sale of weapons to countries friendly to the USSR.

In 1988, Sechin joined the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, where his knowledge of Portuguese was useful for communicating with Brazil. According to some reports, it was in this country that his fateful meeting took place with the current President of the Russian Federation, who at that time was A. Sobchak’s deputy. According to other sources, Sechin met Putin while still a student at Leningrad State University.

With Sobchak's arrival as mayor of St. Petersburg, Sechin became part of his team. Igor Ivanovich worked at the mayor's office for 5 years and held various positions. When Sobchak was not elected for a second term, Sechin resigned after Vladimir Vladimirovich and went to Moscow.

In 1999, Sechin took the position of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia. Igor Ivanovich was appointed at the same time that Putin was elected acting president of the Russian Federation. Sechin held this position until 2008.

At the beginning of 2004, Igor Ivanovich was recommended to the board of directors of Rosneft, which at that time was one of the ten largest oil producing companies in Russia. A month after being elected to the board of directors of Rosneft, Sechin became chairman of the board.

At the beginning of 2007, Sechin became a member of the board of directors and chairman of the board of directors in another oil producing company, Rosneftegaz.

In May 2012, after the election of Vladimir Putin to the President of the Russian Federation, Igor Ivanovich also received a promotion, then he took the position of president of Rosneft. In the summer of the same year, he became the head of the commission for the strategic development of the fuel and energy complex and ecology under the President of Russia.

In 2013, the head of Rosneft became the only Russian to be included in the TOP 100 most influential people in the world.

In 2012, Sechin’s annual income was estimated at $25 million; in 2013, the head of Rosneft became the country’s first top manager and then earned $50 million.

Personal life

The personal life of the politician and businessman has always been carefully hidden from the eyes of journalists. According to some reports, Sechin first got married in Leningrad. From his first marriage he left two children - daughter Inga and son Ivan, whom he raised and provided for. But due to busy work schedules, the couple had to divorce. As they say, the former supregi maintain good relations to this day. After the divorce, Sechin’s ex-wife received a villa in Silver Port, where the couple often vacationed. She also became the owner of half the shares of several companies.

Ivan Sechin graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov. At first, the young man worked at Gazprombank, and then took one of the highest positions at Rosneft. At the age of 25, he received the medal “For Services to the Fatherland.”

Inga Sechina currently has her own company. She married the son of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy in the Southern Federal District Dmitry Ustinov and gave birth to his son.

Sechin's second wife was Olga Rozhkova. The couple met in the government apparatus when the man was still working in the Duma. After the wedding, Olga began working at Gazprombank. The yacht of the president of the Rosneft company was named after her. The yacht for 150 million caused a stir in the media, which did not particularly please Igor’s wife, who filed a lawsuit against the editors of Novaya Gazeta, where she spoke out about the violation of her rights to privacy. In 2017, Olga and Igor Sechin divorced.

Sechin Igor Ivanovich

Sechin Igor Ivanovich, born 09/07/1960, native of Leningrad. Russian manager and statesman, president of the state oil company Rosneft.


Sechin Igor Ivanovich, born 09/07/1960, native of Leningrad.

Graduated from Leningrad State University. Has an academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Sechin I.I. has state and departmental awards.

Married. Has two children.

Relatives. Sister: Shtukina (maiden name Sechin) Irina Ivanovna, born 09/07/1960. Married to Alexander Shtukin, head of the customs inspection department at the Pulkovo customs terminal.

Wife (former): Sechina Marina Vladimirovna, born 11/04/1962. Sechin divorced her in the early 2010s, but maintains a good relationship with her. In the 1990s, Sechina was actively involved in business, in particular selling real estate. Currently heads the Russian Equestrian Federation. Previously, she headed the energy holding Sustainable Development. He is a co-founder of several commercial companies. In 2013, she became the owner of 16.25% of the shares of RK-Telecom, a system integrator engaged in servicing law enforcement agencies and building networks for mobile operators. In the same year, she acquired 51% of Exect Partners Group and 49% of OHL Rus Private Limited. Exect Partners Group participated in the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, and Rosneft was among its clients.

Wife: Sechina (maiden name Rozhkova) Olga Anatolyevna, born on February 24, 1983, former employee of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2016, she was an employee of Gazprombank.

Daughter: Karimova (maiden name Sechin) Inga Igorevna, born on April 29, 1982. She graduated from the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute and worked at Surgutneftegazbank. Heads the company "Good People". She was married to Dmitry Ustinov, a graduate of the FSB Academy, the son of the former Minister of Justice and former Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov. Currently married to Timerbulat Karimov, former senior vice president of VTB, grandson of the Bashkir poet Mustai Karim. Together with her husband, Karimova established the “Dachny Festival” Foundation for the support of domestic musical culture and dacha traditions and the “Tradition and Culture” Foundation.

Son: Sechin Ivan Igorevich, born 01/03/1989. Graduated from the Higher School of Business of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Previously worked at Gazprombank. In March 2014, he received the position of deputy head of one of the departments of the department of offshore projects of Rosneft, then became the first deputy director of the department of joint projects on the shelf. On January 20, 2015, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, “for his great contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex and many years of conscientious work.”


In 1977 he graduated from secondary school No. 133 with in-depth study of the French language. In the same year he entered Leningrad State University. A. A. Zhdanov to the Faculty of Philology. He studied in a Portuguese group of 10 students. He was supposed to graduate from university in 1982, but in his fifth year he was sent as a translator to Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony where there was a civil war after independence. Soviet military advisers and specialists took part in the creation of the national Armed Forces, developing organizational structures, organizing troop service, combat training, and logistics. Weapons and military equipment came from the USSR. Returning to Leningrad from Africa two years later, Sechin completed his studies in 1984, receiving a specialty - philologist-novelist, teacher of Portuguese and French.

Labor activity

After serving in the Armed Forces of the USSR, he worked in the specialized foreign trade association "Technoexport" of the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Then he was an employee of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council.

  • From 1991 to 1996 he worked in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall.
  • From 1996 to 1999, he was successively an employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1999, he was appointed head of the secretariat of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • From 2000 to 2008, he was Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • From 2004 to 2011, he headed the Board of Directors of OJSC NK Rosneft.
  • In 2008, he became Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
  • In May 2012, he was appointed chief executive officer and chairman of the board of PJSC NK Rosneft. He is also Deputy Chairman of the company's Board of Directors.

In addition, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC ROSNEFTEGAZ, LLC National Oil Consortium, PJSC Inter RAO, JSC SPbMTSB, as well as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LLC PHC CSKA and a member of the Board of Directors of Pirelli & C. S.p.A.

Business. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Igor Ivanovich Sechin acts as the chief executive officer of the Public Joint Stock Company Oil Company Rosneft, TIN 7706107510. Main activity: Crude oil production.

The amount of the authorized capital is 105,981,778.17 rubles.

The founder was the Government of the Russian Federation, the share in the authorized capital was 90,179,359 rubles.

In addition, Igor Sechin’s daughter Karimova Inga Igorevna, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is the founder and general director of the Limited Liability Company “Good People”, TIN 772973858070. Main activity: Breeding poultry.

The amount of authorized capital is 10,000 rubles.


Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich, born 03/09/1958, Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of JSC NK RussNeft, Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of JSC Russian Coal. According to some reports, Sechin initiated criminal prosecution of Gutseriev in the late 2000s, after the latter tried to compete for the assets of the bankrupt Yukos with Rosneft. The press is actively circulating rumors that Sechin may be involved in the death of Gutseriev’s son.

Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich, born on September 25, 1948, Chairman of the Board of Directors and owner of AFK Sistema. In 2014, the court granted the claim to reclaim all shares of PJSOC Bashneft owned by AFK Sistema into the ownership of the Russian Federation. Later, these shares were re-privatized by Rosneft. In 2017, Rosneft sued AFK Sistema for 170 billion rubles, accusing the corporation of carrying out an unprofitable reorganization of the oil company as the owner of Bashneft. Many believe that Yevtushenkov could become Sechin’s next victim, since if the court satisfies Rosneft’s claim, the oligarch will be on the verge of ruin.

Zubkov Viktor Alekseevich, born 09/15/1941, special representative of the Russian President for interaction with the forum of gas exporting countries. Zubkov is a longtime associate of Sechin. According to some information, before the 2008 presidential elections, Sechin saw Zubkov as Putin’s successor.

Ivanov Viktor Petrovich, born May 12, 1950, former director of the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN). Sechin has been closely acquainted with Ivanov since the early 1990s, when both worked at the St. Petersburg mayor's office in Sobchak's team. In the early 2000s, Sechin and Ivanov represented a “new force” in the Presidential Administration, which waged a hardware struggle with representatives of the team of the previous President. Since Ivanov lost his position, Sechin has not maintained relations with him.

Ivanov Sergey Borisovich, born January 31, 1953, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport. Tensions developed between Sechin and Ivanov after the latter spoke in 2007 for the creation of a single investigative committee that would work under the Prosecutor General’s Office. Sechin, who was in charge of the security bloc at that time, supported the then Minister of Justice Vladimir Ustinov, who advocated the creation of an independent Investigative Committee. It is also believed that after Ivanov left the Ministry of Defense, it was Sechin who prevented him from installing his successor. Ivanov’s departure from the Presidential Administration is also linked to Sechin’s position.

Leontyev Mikhail Vladimirovich, born 10/12/1958, vice president and press secretary - director of the information and advertising department, advisor to the president of the Rosneft corporation. Sechin shares Leontyev’s position as a journalist, and in this regard, decided to appoint him to the post of vice president of the Rosneft corporation. At the same time, Leontyev, as a press secretary, allows himself to make resonant and rather rude statements “on the verge of a foul.”

Miller Alexey Borisovich, born January 31, 1962, Chairman of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom. Sechin's relationship with Miller can be called strained since 2004, when Gazprom tried to absorb Rosneft. The independence of the oil corporation was preserved through the efforts of Sechin. Also, Igor Sechin’s Rosneft is fighting to break the monopoly of the “Miller Company” on gas exports, in particular for access to the pipeline under construction to China - “Power of Siberia”. In addition, Miller left Rosneft without access to Gazprom’s transportation facilities on Sakhalin, which complicated the implementation of Sechin’s project to create the Far Eastern LNG plant. There is also an ongoing dispute between the heads of the two largest corporations about who brings more money to the budget. Every time the appearance of new incriminating evidence in the media on Miller or Sechin is associated with a hardware struggle between them.

Patrushev Nikolay Platonovich, born July 11, 1951, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. It is believed that Sechin heads an informal “power bloc” in power. Against this background, he developed a close relationship with Patrushev, who headed the FSB for a long time. Patrushev and Sechin are neighbors in a dacha in Serebryany Bor. Nikolai Patrushev’s son Andrei in the mid-2000s was an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of Rosneft, who at that time was Sechin. According to some reports, at the end of the 2000s, relations between Patrushev and Sechin deteriorated, since the former sided with Igor Ivanovich’s official opponent Sergei Ivanov, and Sechin himself began lobbying Alexander Bortnikov for the position of director of the FSB.

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, born 10/07/1952, President of the Russian Federation. Sechin met Putin in the late eighties, when both worked in the Leningrad City Council. Later, Sechin worked on the staff of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, which was headed by Vladimir Putin. Putin valued Sechin for his diligence and personal devotion. In this regard, he made Sechin one of his closest associates, and after becoming President of the Russian Federation, he entrusted him with the most important tasks.

Timchenko Gennady Nikolaevich, born 10/09/1952, owner of the private investment group Volga Group. Sechin has known Timchenko since his work in St. Petersburg. Sechin supported Timchenko when he began exporting petroleum products from the Kirishi Oil Refinery. When Timchenko parted ways with his partners in the early 2000s, Sechin helped ensure that large suppliers continued to cooperate with Gennady Nikolaevich. However, in the mid-2000s, strained relations arose between them, then Timchenko tried to promote his own man to the post of president of Rosneft. In the early 2010s, Sechin ensured that a number of top managers close to Timchenko left the company, and reoriented the head of Rosneft, Eduard Khudainatov, towards himself. After this, the company Gunvor, controlled by Timchenko, began to lose contracts for Russian oil.

Ulyukaev Alexey Valentinovich, born March 23, 1956, former Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Ulyukaev, as Minister of Economic Development, often criticized the possibility of privatization of the state stake in the oil company Bashneft by Rosnfet, as well as the possibility of Rosneft privatizing its own shares. In November 2016, Ulyukaev was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale for a positive conclusion issued by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, which granted Rosneft the right to carry out a transaction to acquire the state stake in PJSOC Bashneft. The media claim that the case against Ulyukaev was initiated by the head of the oil company's security service and former FSB officer Oleg Feoktistov.

Ustinov Vladimir Vasilievich, born 02/25/1953, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District. For a long time, Sechin was interested in cooperation with Ustinvov, who served as prosecutor general in the 2000s. In 2003, Sechin’s daughter married Ustinov’s son, Dmitry, a graduate of the FSB Academy. After the marriage broke up, Sechin’s relationship with Ustinov also went wrong. In addition, the chairman of the board of the SOGAZ Insurance Group, Anton Ustinov, who previously headed the legal department of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties in the years when the attack on YUKOS began, is called the nephew of Vladimir Ustinov. From 2008 to 2012, when Sechin served as Deputy Prime Minister, Anton Ustinov was first his assistant and then deputy head of his secretariat.

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, born July 26, 1963, former head of the Yukos oil company, founder of the Open Russia Foundation. It is believed that it was Sechin who initiated the criminal prosecution of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, after which most of the YUKOS assets went to the Rosnfet company. The assertion that Sechin is behind the criminal cases against the management of YUKOS was also heard from Khodorkovsky himself.

To information

In general, Sechin quite closely monitors the negative rumors associated with his name. Most often, he spares no effort to ensure that the information is refuted. In particular, he won lawsuits against publications that claimed that he manipulated the market and influenced the quotes of TNK-BP.

There are many legends about Igor Ivanovich’s personal income, to which he also reacts extremely sharply. Thus, in 2013, Forbes magazine compiled a ranking of the most valuable top managers in Russia, headed by Sechin. According to the magazine, the head of Rosneft earned $50 million in a year. Later, Igor Ivanovich forced the publication through court to refute this information. At the same time, he himself refused to publish data on the amount of his income, citing the fact that Rosneft is not a state company.

In 2014, the same Forbes, in its ranking of the highest paid executives of Russian companies, placed the head of Rosneft in third place with earnings of $17.5 million. In 2015, the company’s board of directors approved the “Standard on payments and compensation to top management,” according to which the monthly official salary of the president was set at 15–20 million rubles, excluding bonuses. In 2016, in the same ranking, Igor Ivanovich was already in second place with an income of $13 million.

In the summer of 2016, media reports appeared that Sechin had been building a new house since the fall of 2014 on a 3-hectare plot of land he owned in the area of ​​the Barvikha sanatorium on Rublevskoye Highway. Experts valued the site at $60 million. Igor Ivanovich again achieved through the court that the article from the website of the Vedomosti newspaper was removed, and the remaining printed edition of the newspaper was destroyed. A few months later, the resignation of Vedomosti editor-in-chief Tatyana Lysova followed, which many associated with the newspaper’s conflict with the head of the oil corporation.

The report about the house in Barvikha was followed by a high-profile investigation by Novaya Gazeta that the Sechin family had repeatedly used the yacht St. Princess Olga worth at least $100 million. And in this case, the “almighty” head of Rosneft, through the Basmanny Court, also proved that the information in the article was untrue and ordered Novaya Gazeta to refute it. At the same time, Putin, answering a question about publications related to Sechin’s wealth, recommended that heads of corporations with state participation “be more modest” with real estate and bonuses.

Igor Ivanovich Sechin is today one of the most influential politicians in Russia. It was through his efforts that a significant part of the Russian oil industry moved from private companies to a corporation with state participation, which he himself headed. But having returned, one way or another, oil resources to the state, Sechin cannot always manage them wisely, while he does not intend to share his powers with anyone and jealously guards his positions. The fate of opponents of the all-powerful head of Rosneft, be it print media or large oligarchs, is unenviable. Igor Ivanovich himself today has received virtually unlimited power, which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Today we will tell you about one of the most influential people in the Russian Federation, the president of Rosneft - Igor Sechin. Over his long life, he has achieved very great heights; in addition to everything, he is also the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The closest person to President V.V. Putin. He achieved such fame thanks to his perseverance and hard work. On the contrary, he found himself a beautiful and young wife, with whom he has been living for 6 years. Well, let's proceed to the detailed biography of Igor Sechin.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin

Like all influential people, there is at least a small fan base who are always interested in information such as height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin is also a fairly common question. You ask, we answer. Now the president of the Rosneft company, he is 56 years old, approximately 175 centimeters tall, and weighs 82 kilograms.

Many also ask the same question, what is the man’s nationality, to which we freely answer that he is Russian, born in Leningrad.

Biography and personal life of Igor Sechin

The biography and personal life of Igor Sechin is full of interesting moments. Our hero was born on September 7, 1960, in Leningrad. The boy’s parents were not rich and did not sit in the State Duma; they were ordinary workers. By the way, along with Igor, his twin sister Irina was born.

Sechin studied at school No. 133, the advanced subject in his class was French, which the guy was very good at. Even during their school years, the parents unfortunately separated, but maintained contact with each other, which did not affect the upbringing of their children.

After graduating from school, Igor enters St. Petersburg State University, where he studies at the Faculty of Philology. There were only 10 students in his group, among whom he was the leader in academic performance. During my studies I managed to work in Africa as a translator. After arriving, he graduates from the university with excellent marks.

But after graduating from this educational institution, he was drafted into the USSR Armed Forces. In total, the guy visited the “hot” spots of Africa for 4 years.

In 1986, Sechin finished his service and got a job at the Technoexport company, which sells weapons.

1988 is the time when Igor Ivanovich works in the committee of the Leningrad Council, holding a fairly high position there. Thanks to this work, at one of the negotiations, he met V. Putin, who at that time worked as an adviser to the chairman. It was after this acquaintance that all further work was connected with the current President of the Russian Federation.

From 1991 to 1996, our hero works on the same team with Putin. However, after Sobchak’s defeat in the elections, Igor resigns, following Vladimir Vladimirovich. But his career does not end there; he still continues to work together with Putin, where he holds an important position in the UDP of the Russian Federation. And a year later he received a promotion, becoming the head of the State Public Institution.

As soon as V. Putin took the presidency in 2014, the man became an assistant to the ruler of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Sechin became one of the directors of the oil refining company Rosneft. Thanks to him, this company became the largest in Russia. Despite the fact that he worked there, he also continued to work in the State Duma. However, in 2011, when Dmitry Medvedev took over as president, he was ordered to leave the ranks of the directors of Rosneft, but when Vladimir Putin returned to the government chair, he was already appointed president of this oil company. In the same year, thanks to Igor Ivanovich, the best deal in the entire history of Russia was concluded in the oil sector.

During his long career at Rosneft, no one knew about the man’s income, and if someone tried to make these figures public, he immediately received a subpoena from Igor Sechin himself, where he certainly won. As the man himself states, he is not obliged to tell everyone how much he earns, because the Rosneft company is not a state-owned company. enterprises and the law on notification of income does not apply to them. However, after the president’s decree to present a report on income, company employees immediately published these figures. Igor Ivanovich’s monthly salary is approximately 20 million rubles, but these figures are not yet complete, because various bonuses, etc. are not taken into account. As you understand, its condition allows it to top rating lists in well-known magazines, for example, Forbes.

By the way, quite recently our hero bought himself a yacht, which he named “Princess Olga”, but the amount that was paid for it amazed everyone, the cost of this beauty is 150 million dollars. The yacht for 150 million caused a stir among many media outlets, which did not particularly please Igor’s wife, who filed a lawsuit against the editors of Novaya Gazeta, where she stated that this was a violation of privacy rights. In this lawsuit, she demands the removal of all materials and issues of the newspaper, which contained information about one of the most luxurious yachts in the world.

The man’s personal life was very hidden from the eyes of journalists, but we know that Igor got engaged for the first time while still in his hometown. From his first marriage he had two children, whom he raised and provided for. But due to constant work, the couple had to divorce, although they still maintain a relationship. In 2011, our hero married a young Gazprombank employee, Olga. With whom he lives to this day.

Family and children of Igor Sechin

The family and children of Igor Sechin are still one of the hidden themes of the man. He was born into a very ordinary family, neither relatives nor friends were in the government. From which we can conclude that Sechin achieved everything himself.

The man’s first wife was a certain Marina Vladimirovna; they met in the city of Leningrad. Before Igor moved to work in Moscow, they had two children, the first was daughter Inga (1982), after which the couple decided to have another child, and in 1989 they had a son, who was named Ivan. But because of the man’s work, the lovers get divorced, but maintain a fairly warm relationship that lasts to this day. Now our hero is engaged to the beautiful Olga, but this couple does not have children yet.

Son of Igor Sechin - Ivan

The son of Igor Sechin, Ivan, was born in 1989. From an early age, the father instilled in the child hard work and responsibility. He graduated only from higher educational institutions, one of them, the Moscow State University Business School. Lomonosov. Thanks to Igor Ivanovich, the guy first worked at Gazprombank, and after which he began to work at Rosneft, in one of the highest positions. At the age of 25, he was able to receive the medal “For Services to the Fatherland.” Nothing is known about Ivan’s personal life yet; he, like his father, hides this topic from curious journalists.

Daughter of Igor Sechin - Inga

Igor Sechin’s daughter, Inga, was the first child in the family, so it was a gift for her parents. The girl was born in 1982. Graduated from the Mining University in St. Petersburg. Also, thanks to her father, she worked in quite significant positions. In 2005, she gave birth to a grandson for our hero. Has his own company. Now she is married to a certain Timerbulat Karimov, who at one time was the vice president of the VTB company. Inga maintains very close contact with her father and resorts to him for some advice.

Igor Sechin's ex-wife - Marina Sechina

Igor Sechin's ex-wife, Marina Sechina, met a man in the city of St. Petersburg (at that time Leningrad), where after several years of dating they decided to get married. Back in the 90s, she was engaged in a business that was related to the sale of real estate. At the end of the relationship with our hero, after the division of property, she received a villa in Silver Port, where the couple often vacationed. Also, after the divorce, she became the owner of half the shares of several companies. To this day he maintains a partnership with Igor.

Igor Sechin's wife - Olga Rozhkova

Igor Sechin’s wife is Olga Rozhkova, a rather hidden personality. The couple met in the government apparatus, when the man was still working in the Duma. After the wedding, she began working at Gazprombank. The yacht of the president of the Rosneft company was named after her. Olga crosses the expanses of the sea all year round. Igor Sechin and his young wife, a photo of them together that you are unlikely to find, got engaged in 2011, one might say immediately after Igor Ivanovich’s divorce from his ex-wife. The couple doesn’t think about children yet, or hides it well.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Sechin

Interesting sources for our hero are Instagram and Wikipedia of Igor Sechin, but we will make a small amendment, the man does not have Instagram, but there is a page for his company where you can scroll through the feed and find something interesting for yourself. Wikipedia, in turn, is one of the most reliable sources, which simply contains all the facts about Sechin. It describes in detail every year of men, from birth and schooling to the present day, so if you want to know even more information, go there and read.

Name: Igor Sechin

Age: 56 years old

Place of birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 82 kg

Activity: Statesman, President of the state company Rosneft

Marital status: Married

Igor Sechin - biography

They say a lot and different things about Sechin, but almost everyone agrees on one thing: he is completely devoted to Vladimir Putin.

Igor Ivanovich is called the “gray eminence” and even the “Darth Vader of Russian politics.” He is considered the second most powerful person - below the president, but above the prime minister. And this is one of the most non-public people standing at the helm of the Russian government today. When Igor Sechin began to appear in the media in 2007, he hesitated and chose his words for a long time: he had been in the shadows all his life, he was not used to it...

Igor Sechin - Childhood, youth, studies

Igor Sechin did not belong to the Soviet elite - together with his twin sister, he was born in 1960 on the factory outskirts of Leningrad; his father (his mother later divorced him) worked at a metallurgical plant. But the boy, who was destined by fate to also go to the factory, was lucky: he ended up in a French special school that was opened in their area.

Perhaps even then he intuitively outlined a certain path for himself. In any case, enrolling in the Portuguese group at the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad University was probably a deliberate step. The children of the elite studied there. According to the recollections of his classmates, he did not find himself in his environment, but it was noticeable how he wanted to join it.

Foreign languages ​​in the USSR are a strategic subject. The authorities looked closely at students who were promising, from their point of view. There is an opinion that by the third year they made Igor “an offer for the future.”

However, Sechin's affiliation with the KGB has never been confirmed. Only his style of behavior speaks about it, for example, the habit of turning documents over on his desk when someone comes into the office.

Igor Sechin - African Safari

In his fifth year, Sechin was sent to Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony (after the country gained independence, there was a civil war there, and the USSR helped create national armed forces there). According to the official “legend”, he was a translator at the Technoexport company.

However, he was returned home quite quickly to finish his studies. Sechin graduated from university and was then drafted into the Soviet army. He served in Turkmenistan on the basis of an international training center, where there were African cadets. However, some people who knew him then claim that he actually studied at the KGB higher school. Soon Sechin returned to Africa - to the much more dangerous Angola. At first he was among the Soviet advisers in Luanda, and later went to the front in the Namib province. In Luanda, Alexey Pobortsev, who later headed the special projects department at NTV, met him.

Then in Angola it was accepted that all the thieves ended up in quiet Luanda, and the children of the workers ended up at the front. Sechin broke this system,” he says.

The story is this: a certain assistant Bilyukin, a friend of Sechin, committed a fine and was exiled to Menongue, a terrible hole with a vile climate, where fighting was incessant. And Igor, already a captain, who had almost completed his special assignment, voluntarily went there with a friend. They say that after this, it became prestigious among Soviet advisers in Angola to serve in the most dangerous areas.

Angolan veterans call him their “comrade in arms, with whom it is not scary to go on reconnaissance.” But they don't go into details. And Igor Ivanovich does not like to discuss his “African” past with strangers.

First Mayor's Team

Excellent recommendations, service in a hot spot, excellent knowledge of Portuguese, Spanish, French and absolute loyalty - he was doomed to a brilliant career in the USSR. But would it have been so grandiose if the state had not changed?..

Sechin joined the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council in 1988 - his Portuguese was useful for communicating with Rio de Janeiro, the sister city of Leningrad. They say that it was in Brazil that his fateful meeting took place with Vladimir Putin, assistant to the head of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak. Although it is more likely that Sechin met him earlier, in the foreign department of Leningrad State University. In any case, when in 1990 Sobchak won the election for the post of mayor of the city and made Putin head of the Committee on Foreign Relations, he took Sechin into his staff. Here his main working qualities manifested themselves - invisibility and indispensability.

A touch that characterizes his style: he never sat at his desk, he did everything while standing. According to one of Sobchak’s assistants, Valery Pavlov, the reason for Sechin’s success in the apparatus - both then and in the future - is that he never made decisions for the boss and did not show emotions. “He is laconic, lapidary and at the same time friendly,” many say who was in contact with him then. He treated his subordinates with respect, but could put them in their place with one or two words. He had a peculiar sense of humor. At the same time, he was absolutely closed in everything related to his personal life.

In 1996, Sobchak was defeated in the gubernatorial elections, and Putin resigned. Leaving for Moscow, into the unknown, he said that “he doesn’t know what he will work as, maybe as a janitor.” To which Sechin replied: “Then I will give you brooms.” In the capital, Putin became deputy presidential manager.

In the foreign department of Leningrad State University in Moscow, Sechin remained the most important cog in a complex hardware mechanism. But the level was much higher than in St. Petersburg, and it had to be met. So the philologist became an economist. He defended his PhD in 1998 at the St. Petersburg Mining Academy, where Putin defended his defense a year earlier. The topic is the oil industry, the leading state industry.

Although Sechin was the deputy head of the presidential administration, few people still knew about him. But the events in which he played a key role disturbed Russian society. First of all, the YUKOS case. In any case, Mikhail Khodorkovsky later accused Sechin of having initiated both cases against him.

According to some reports, Igor Sechin was the main supporter of Putin’s third term, however, when he decided not to change the Constitution and became prime minister, he left after him. Despite the fact that Igor Shuvalov became deputy prime minister, Sechin managed to prove his indispensability here too. They told a story: Putin asks the telephone operator to connect him with Igor Ivanovich. “Shuvalov?” - he clarifies. “No, with the real one.” Whether this is true or not, Sechin’s absolute devotion to Putin is an indisputable fact. “Yes, everything about him is Putin, he is molded by Putin, he, excuse me, idolizes Putin,” says the daughter of one of the high-ranking officials, who knows the current Russian establishment very well.

The media write a lot about Sechin’s incredible money-grubbing. According to Forbes magazine, in 2012 he received a salary of $25 million from Rosneft (for this publication, Sechin sued the magazine and won the case). They discuss his second marriage with the young beauty Olga, her luxurious yacht and the huge compensation he paid to his first wife Marina. Son Igor, who at the age of 25 received the medal “For Services to the Fatherland” “for many years of conscientious work.” Ingu's daughter is the head of a large agricultural company. Finally, the latest scandal is the construction of a house in Barvikha on a “golden” plot for $110 million. However, there is other evidence. For example, American businessman Bob Forsman, who worked a lot with Sechin, is surprised by these rumors:

I can’t imagine where he would spend his money, this guy is always in the office, from morning to night...