Drawing flowers psychology. Random doodles and secret desires. Love of geometry

The scribbles we unknowingly scribble during a telephone conversation or a long face-to-face meeting can reveal many of the artist's hidden motives. A carelessly drawn drawing, a word or a line outlined dozens of times is of great importance, because they are determined by our subconscious. What do the careless pen strokes that we so often create mean?

Figures of people

If you can clearly see human figures among the author’s scribbles and drawings, he probably feels insecure and helpless. Thus, the subconscious gives out attempts to escape from responsibilities. Simple straight lines, outlined repeatedly, indicate the author's emotional instability. This person longs to isolate himself from other people, and conversation is very difficult for him.


Drawings depicting eyes reveal the inner essence of a person. If the eyes depicted on paper by the author are wide open, this indicates his openness. Squinting means observation, and closed eyes symbolize refusing the opportunity to look into your soul.


A person who, when talking with an interlocutor, writes his own signature on a piece of paper is unusually selfish, narcissistic and arrogant. If you sign an autograph without hesitation at the most crucial moment, subconsciously in solving the problem you intend to pull the blanket on yourself.

Circles and rings

Any circles connected together or placed within each other indicate the need to seek unity. On a subconscious level, the author feels that he desperately needs a new friend or increased attention from others.


Doodles and drawings that depict animals tell a lot about the current emotional component of a person. Tigers and wolves indicate hidden anger, foxes indicate cunning plans. The image of cats and squirrels characterizes the search for care and protection, lions indicate the arrogance of the author. In any case, a person tends to associate himself with a drawn animal, drawing parallels with its characteristic features.

Spirals and wavy lines

A person who carelessly draws spirals and wavy lines on paper during a conversation is in fact little concerned about the problems of those around him. If such a person is threatened with an emotional crisis, it will be associated with her own person. The author attaches too much importance to small details in life. If you recognize yourself in this person, try to keep your emotions under control. Sometimes you are unreasonably aggressive with others.

Geometric shapes

A love for symmetrical geometric patterns indicates certain goals and beliefs. Such a person will never keep his opinion to himself; he is stubborn and persistent. At the same time, the author is careful and attentive.


Many people unconsciously often depict arrows. Thus, they try to find the vector of direction for their own activities. An arrow pointing up indicates concern for other people's problems. If the vector falls down, the author focuses on his own interests. A line leading to the left indicates thoughts about the past. An arrow pointing to the right indicates a focus on the future.


If a person associates himself with a star, on a subconscious level he dreams of being the center of attention. The author enjoys the admiring glances of people and loves when passers-by turn to look at him. However, if the stars depicted have too many dots or are not depicted symmetrically, this may indicate a depressive disorder.

Flowers and natural phenomena

If you like to draw flower buds while talking, this indicates your satisfaction with the conversation. At this moment, you fantasize about good things that await you in the future. Drawings of the sun and clouds indicate the author's positive mood.


A person who draws crosses during a conversation tends to blame himself for mistakes.

Houses and boxes

The following types of drawings reveal your pathological love of order. The author carefully plans small details and likes everything to be in its place. This man knows exactly what he wants to get out of life. Goals are set and priorities are set. Nothing can force you to deviate from your intended path.


Recently, a person has been experiencing serious difficulties in life. On a subconscious level, he tries to cope with problems by playing a chess game. If queens and rooks are the constant heroes of drawings, a person is in search of formation.


Unconscious scribbles can reveal a lot about a person's psychological state.

Let's look at the pictures that we automatically draw at meetings or during business conversations on the phone.

At work we make a lot of calls. As a rule, we have a notepad in front of us, in which during a conversation we automatically draw various figures, lines and even entire pictures. And at meetings, my hand often draws patterns on sheets of paper. It turns out that each such sign can indicate hidden experiences, joys, and some even a predisposition to one or another type of activity.

The images that we display on paper reflect the internal state of a person, says practicing psychologist Vera Bekreeva.- Events happen in everyone’s life, as well as certain emotional reactions to these events. The need to draw is the need to transfer these emotions outward. We make drawings unconsciously when we are busy with something. When we automatically distract ourselves from this matter, then we manifest what is really inside us.

Let's look at groups of drawings that can tell about your emotional state.

Geometric shapes- figures of our emotional reactions. There is even a psychogeometric test that determines the type of person based on their emotional state: a triangle person, a circle, a square, etc. You can also determine a person’s emotions by drawings on automatic.

Circles or information circled- such a person tends to smooth out corners, avoid conflicts and difficulties, they are in favor of not provoking any conflict or difficult situation. But any drawing has two polarities. The second interpretation of the image of circles is that a person cannot cope with the current situation, task, and tries to circle it in order to give integrity. He seems to circle the negative feelings and experiences associated with the inscription.

Square- efficiency, consistency, focus, clarity, consistency. People who depict such drawings are accustomed to living according to plan; they are not characterized by spontaneous emotionality and unpredictable reactions to events. Such people are more predictable themselves and want the same from others. Any event that goes beyond the system causes internal discomfort in them. They usually choose professions that pose specific solvable problems. Moreover, when such people are given emotional tasks instead of specific ones, they get lost. For example, system administrators belong to this type. It is better to give them clear tasks: the keyboard, mouse, etc. does not work. In this case, a specialist will quickly solve everything. If they call and say: “Something is broken here, I can’t understand what, there’s some kind of nonsense on the screen” - in general, they give emotions - then the system administrator will not understand what they want from him.

Triangles- people who know what they want and how to achieve it. They are committed to achieving a goal. If a leader automatically draws triangles, then he is moving towards his goal; in this case, his subordinates show an unexpressed ability to show their capabilities. These are people who can do a lot of things, but don’t know how to say it. Afraid of not expressing themselves at all, they grab onto many things. Such people need to clearly define the vector of their movement and direct all their efforts to where they can easily make a successful career.

Straight lines- a person wants peace and balanced thoughts. Such people have a lot of worries in their heads, they take on a lot. Drawing lines calms them down, thereby balancing themselves, putting everything in its place, within its own framework.

Nature paintings (flowers, plants, sun)- people with positive emotionality, energetically strong, internally tuned to constant positivity, aiming to move forward. Such people always have a need for beauty, joy, they strive to bring positive emotions into their lives. If at a meeting a person begins to draw flowers or the sun, this indicates that he wants to complete this task as quickly as possible, he wants everything to end well. It is not typical for such an employee to get stuck in one state, he does not like long negotiations or meetings, he needs a change of activity.

If the sun and flowers often appear together in a drawing, then such people are usually called “saviors of humanity.” They are ready to give all their energy to others and make them happy. Sometimes this need to make everyone happy turns into the concept of selflessness and sacrifice. But we should not forget that if you want to make others happy, you must first be happy yourself. Giving energy to people, in the end you yourself will need recharge, and others are no longer ready for this: after all, you give them energy, they see you exclusively as a giver. You need to love yourself, and then you will involuntarily give joy to others, think about yourself.

Abstractions They are usually drawn by creative people who can find the unusual in ordinary things. Such people can look at things from a different angle. It is extremely difficult to work in the system because they can achieve results in their work in different ways. For example, a boss gives a task, and people drawing an abstraction can achieve the goal using different solutions. They are not used to working according to a given schedule; they can be successful in work where the result is important. Creative employees will find their own ways to achieve goals. Therefore, it is important for a boss to see such people and allow them to create.

Images, faces, emoticons- human observer. The internal state and emotions are important for him; he is more inside himself, creates a protective shell - he does not take his experiences and impressions outside, and is not ready to share them with others. Drawings of faces are a search for yourself, new facets of your soul. Smiley- fixed emotions, most often people draw smiling emoticons when they feel good and calm.

Circled dates, numbers, names- the need to focus attention on this, “I want to remember this.” Writing and circling one's own name indicates a lack of attention to oneself; the person does not value himself. Therefore, it is necessary to respect your actions, praise yourself for them, and pay more attention to yourself than to other people.

They don’t draw on the machine at all- people are as secretive as possible, they keep everything to themselves, they control everything. Such people are afraid that their actions may be assessed and used against them. Therefore, they do not draw, do not show their feelings and emotions, so that, God forbid, someone would declassify them. They are also secretive in life, they live in such a way as to meet general requirements and norms, without standing out, to be good and correct.

By the way

A person can identify a pattern in his drawings,” Vera Bekreeva sums up. - If for several years he draws the same images, it means that he is accustomed to this state and remains in it, he needs to reconsider his attitude towards his life. Also, the same drawings that have been accompanying your life for a long time may indicate that you do not want to change anything in it, that you have no need to stand out and you do not know how to behave if you take the initiative.

Buttercup flowers, hearts, curls, cats, eyes - what people don’t draw while talking on the phone or attending a meeting. They draw and do not always realize that their “masterpieces” can be assessed from the point of view of psychology and graphology.

Shapes made from straight lines

It doesn’t matter in what manner the drawing is made: both three-dimensional images with a 3-D effect, and the most primitive squares - rectangles - triangles indicate that their author is a very organized person. If the geometric shapes overlap each other and are superimposed on one another, then this indicates that the search for a way out of the problem situation has reached a dead end. It is also important to evaluate the thickness of the lines - thick, bright strokes indicate that the “artist” has excellent penetrating power and the ability to realize his intentions. If the pressure is so strong that the drawing seems to be squeezed out on the paper, then you need to not only relax the hand holding the pencil, but also begin to enjoy life right here and now, instead of gritting your teeth and moving towards your goals.

Flowers - curls

Wreaths of roses, armfuls of tulips, daisies, buttercups and any other flowers, even those that are not in the Plant Atlases, are painted by sympathetic, sociable people prone to extroversion. It is convenient to discuss work problems with them, laugh and even gossip. Pay attention to the drawing of details: the more carefully the drawing is made, the more diverse interests its author has. If, in addition to flowers, the composition also contains ants or trees, then we can assume that this is a particularly positive person.


Pictures in the style of Kandinsky or Malevich are drawn by very creative people who do not want to “give up everything” and immediately get down to business that is important, necessary, but very boring. Abstract sketches (site note: especially if you allow yourself to “throw out” your feelings on a piece of paper) are a great way to deal with stress. The more fantasy the drawing looks, the more emotional its author is. In addition, creative sketch writers hate it when people look over their shoulders or try to find out secrets in some other way - they prefer to keep their thoughts and secrets to themselves.


People who draw eyes are more prone than others to philosophical reflection about what is happening to their inner world, how much these changes depend on changes in the external world, etc. Oddly enough, it is the “eye” that serves as a true identifier of whether one is happy a man with his work. If the drawing is located closer to the top edge of the sheet, then its author is glad that there are prospects and/or interesting projects and tasks. If, on the contrary, the drawing is located closer to the bottom edge, then, to put it mildly, the current work does not cause much enthusiasm. In addition, this picture can be used to judge one’s temperament - on the left, the eyes depict slow movers, doing everything for a very long time, but carefully. And on the right, on the contrary, people are energizers, in whose hands everything is burning and blazing.


A person who has a whole zoo in his notebook after a meeting is usually a good team player who thinks of himself as part of the whole. Such people know how to listen and hear other people, encourage the weak, and support the leader. If we turn to more specific images, then a drawn cat is a sign that a person lacks intimacy, birds symbolize the thirst for freedom and carelessness, crocodiles symbolize the desire for power, and elephants symbolize a complete lack of fear of the boss.


The heart is one of the most frequently depicted objects. You don’t need to be a psychologist to guess what it represents: as a rule, it is either a thirst for a new romantic relationship, or a passionate affair that has just begun, when only one thought fits in the brain: “When will we meet.” Look at the shape of the heart: the rounder and more magnificent its barrel, the more emotional the author of the drawing. If the entire sheet is covered with hearts from top to bottom, then a hypersensitive nature has had a hand in it, who loves to be offended by everyone and everything in vain. If the drawing is made schematically - in separate strokes, then in front of you is a person prone to aggression; he will always think first of all about himself and secondly about others. Is the heart shape more like a triangle than a circle? The author of this sketch forbids himself to demonstrate his own weaknesses to others.

And finally - not about drawings, but about inscriptions: if a person constantly writes his own name, do not expect friendly support from him.

There is probably no person who, at least sometimes during a telephone conversation or at a boring meeting, does not draw strange figures in the margins of his diary. Have you noticed that these figures are often repeated? Look through your notebook, you can find a lot of interesting things there - strange curls, hearts, spirals, little people, etc. These mechanical drawings can tell a lot about their author.

Spontaneous drawings are a great way to learn something new about a person, because at the moment when they appear on paper, the subconscious controls us, and it is this that hides true human fears, complexes and desires. You just have to take a close look at your own scribbles, and you will be able to understand exactly what qualities do not allow you to grow in your career and why lately it has been especially difficult for you to listen to long stories about other people’s problems.

Personal signatures

They are most often depicted as rather self-centered natures. They think about themselves more than about anyone else. All their thoughts revolve around one person - themselves. This is especially obvious in cases where entire sheets of paper are covered with signatures. If this description suits you, think about it: are you paying too much attention to yourself? Perhaps those around you also deserve to be remembered at least occasionally?

Hands folded on your chest indicate your hostile attitude, while those hidden behind your back indicate your ability to stand your ground to the end.

Little people

The standard “stick, stick, cucumber” scheme suggests that you are not averse to building the Berlin Wall around yourself and not letting anyone get close. If the little man is also small, then most likely you feel like a helpless, small pawn. If the person looks quite realistic, pay attention to the details. Hands folded on your chest indicate your hostile attitude, while those hidden behind your back indicate your ability to stand your ground to the end. If your hands are spread out to the sides, then this signals that you have lost control over your life. Now about the face: if it is carefully drawn, then it is very important to you what others think of you. This especially applies to appearance. By the way, large ears also indicate dependence on the opinions of others, while small ears (or their complete absence) indicate a reluctance to listen to other people’s opinions.


They are painted by people overwhelmed with feelings. They sincerely love life and the people around them, but they cannot always express this openly. Either because of the fear of being rejected, or because of the fear that they will not be understood. They simply need to broadcast their emotions outside, but they control themselves with all their might, which is why they are often unhappy.

Hearts are drawn by those who love life and the people around them, but are not always able to openly declare this.


Such drawings show that their author really wants to be the center of attention, he dreams of recognition, admiration and worship. However, star is different from star, and if yours has too many rays, and some seem to be distant from it, then most likely we are talking about a depressive state.


With windows, roof and porch - everything is as it should be. As a rule, they are drawn by those who love order, clearly plan their day, expenses, vacations - in general, everything that can be planned. These people have clear goals and know how to achieve them. You have to try very hard to lead them astray or convince them on any issue.

Flowers, sun

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely you enjoy this conversation. In addition, while chatting with a friend about nothing, you can dream about a wonderful evening that you will spend with your loved one, and also draw mini-landscapes. Such drawings come from the pencils of optimistic and kind natures.

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely you enjoy this conversation.


And also circles and waves mean a certain fixation in an emotional sense. Perhaps you are going around in circles with your problems and can’t solve them. At the same time, other people’s difficulties do not bother you one bit, and you can easily lash out at someone who starts telling you about their troubles.

Geometric shapes

Squares, triangles, diamonds - all these angular figures are characteristic of persistent people with clear goals and strong convictions. They control their every step and are sometimes too suspicious of others. Sometimes this vigilance really gets in the way of enjoying life, so it’s worth at least occasionally letting go of the situation and letting events take their course.


Based on which animal appears in your notebook, you can judge your emotional mood. In fact, everything here is simple, as in children's fairy tales: a hare or a squirrel - you need care, a fox - you are weaving intrigues, a lion - you feel like the most important person in your environment. The image of any other animal can also be easily interpreted with the help of parables and stories for the little ones.


It is believed that they are drawn mechanically by those who are very concerned about the material side of life. It doesn’t matter whether you care about the amount of your salary, are going to take out a mortgage on an apartment, or want to pay off debts - if you constantly think about money, then the numbers will appear on paper more and more often.

Surely each of us has scribbled something more than once during boring lectures, meetings, or while talking on the phone. We draw some curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that you can learn a lot about a person’s personality, character, and mood from drawings has been confirmed by many psychological studies. Psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics for a long time. The meaning of reflecting a person’s inner world on paper is this: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends in movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper appear in front of us, the hand itself, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Pattern position Regarding the free space on paper, it can also say something, even if it is a small piece of a notepad page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high , but at the same time you may be dissatisfied with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are unsure of yourself, indecisive, or uninterested in increasing your own importance. If the pictures are predominantly on the left, you are emphasizing your past experiences, focusing on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates a desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer; your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If lines your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or you are very worried about some unresolved problem. Weak and thin “web-like” lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue, etc. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that at the moment it is difficult for you to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, uneven lines reveal insolence and hostility. And if the lines are smooth and rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “draw” one contour for a long time, outlining a figure in one movement, this means that you need privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we we shade some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes mean you are an excitable person, long strokes mean you are measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and persistent, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and unsure of yourself. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your “I” can easily be seen in size your creations. The picture is large - this indicates that you have quite high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then perhaps, with a feeling of self-doubt, you extol your status in your imagination in a compensatory way. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

If you are drawing stars, then you want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from it, this may indicate.

When you're drawing out patterns like wallpaper, this indicates that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting thing or clothes that are unusual for you, do an extravagant act - and the melancholy will go away by itself.

Build on paper honeycomb– you strive for peace, harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems don't bother you too much or don't interest you at all. Maybe you are even experiencing a slight emotional crisis: you are walking in a circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to lose your temper and lash out at others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes– you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Circle figure(especially if empty) symbolizes a tendency towards secrecy and isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You don’t like it when not only strangers, but also fairly close ones, meddle in your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly doing something shade or draw grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but will agree to everything that is offered to you, endure the insult and restrain your irritation. The drawing resembles grille- then you feel driven into a corner or try to isolate yourself from such an obstacle.

When they appear on your piece of paper chess fields, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, and doubt the correctness of your life.

Interweaving circles– it seems to you that you are outside of some important events, you want to take part in something, join some kind of community. But intertwining hearts means you are full of feelings and ready