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There once lived a king who claimed that he had never lied in his life; but he often heard courtiers say to each other: “This is not true!” You are a liar!” and he always got very angry. Finally he said to the courtiers:

You surprise and upset me. If a stranger heard you, he might think that I am governed only by liars. I wish this would stop. You will never hear such words from me, and I will willingly give my daughter in marriage to any person who catches me in saying to someone: “This is not true!” or: “You are lying!”

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Once upon a time there lived a king in France, and this king had three sons.

The eldest and middle were both good-looking, strong, and healthy. And the youngest grew up vain

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Once upon a time there lived in Périgord, in a small village, a shepherd; His name was Pierre and he was twenty years old. Pierrou was an abandoned child, a “foundling,” as they say about people like him. The old priest found him near the altar in the church and took the boy to his youngest daughter, Cadette - just at that time she was breastfeeding her baby, Jeanty, and agreed to accept the second baby, a foundling.

The family lived hard, and at the age of seven Pierre was forced to hire a shepherd for a rich lord from the castle, and from then on he tended sheep herds in the meadows and sandy plains of Périgord.

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Once upon a time there lived an old man who was left a widower with three daughters. One day one of his daughters says to him:

Father, will you bring me a pitcher of water from the well? There is not a drop of water in the house, and I need to cook soup.

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Listen, everyone who wants to, I’ll tell you a nice fairy tale. There are no lies in this fairy tale, and if there are, there are only two words.

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Once upon a time there was a man named Biron. All day long he walked around the city in a tall top hat. And everyone envied him because they thought his cylinder was made of pure silver.

Once Biron invited two dandies he didn’t know to a tavern. But it must be said that this innkeeper often fed Biron on credit and even lent him money. OK. The three of them sat at the table, had a hearty lunch, and when it was time to pay the owner, Biron took his famous top hat off his head and let him twirl it in his hand. He turns it over and over and says:

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Once upon a time there lived a weaver in Mounay-du-Our, a slacker like few. No one had ever heard his machine knock. And yet, this weaver had no equal and managed to weave as much fine and beautiful fabric as was ordered to him on time.

He never dug up his garden. I have never worked the land. I have never tended a vineyard. And yet, every year his harvest was thirteen times greater than that of his neighbors.

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Once upon a time there lived a widow who had two daughters: the eldest was so similar to her in character and face that anyone who saw her seemed to see her mother in front of him. Both mother and daughter were both so disgusting and so arrogant that it was impossible to get along with them. The youngest, who in her meekness and good manners was entirely like her father, was also one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. And since everyone, of course, loves someone like themselves, the mother was crazy about her eldest daughter, and felt a terrible hostility towards the youngest. She allowed her to eat only in the kitchen and forced her to work incessantly. This poor girl, among her other duties, had to go twice a day to the spring, half a mile from the house, and bring a large jug of water. One day, when she was standing at a spring, a beggar approached her and asked her to give her a drink. Here, grandma, please,” the beautiful girl told her and, immediately rinsing the jug and scooping up the freshest water, she handed it to her, supporting it all the time so that it would be more convenient for the beggar to drink. The woman got drunk and said: You are so beautiful, so kind and courteous that I can’t help but reward you with a magical gift. (For she was a sorceress who took the form of a poor peasant woman in order to test the girl’s good character.) This gift, the sorceress continued, will consist in the fact that with every word that you happen to say, either a flower or a precious stone. When the beauty came home, her mother scolded her for not returning for so long. “Forgive me, mother, that I hesitated so much,” answered the poor thing, and when she uttered these words, two roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips. What is this? - said the surprised mother. “It’s as if pearls and diamonds are pouring out of her mouth.” How is this so, my daughter? (It was my daughter who told her for the first time.) The poor girl innocently told her everything that had happened to her, without failing to sprinkle in countless diamonds. Really,” said the mother, “I’ll have to send my other daughter there too.” Here, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. Wouldn't it be nice for you to have such a gift? All you have to do is go to the well for water, and when a beggar asks you for a drink, give her a drink with all courtesy.

I will go to the spring for water! – the rude daughter answered arrogantly.

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Once upon a time there lived an old man who was so poor that he had nothing else except one bean. The old man planted this bean in his garden and visited him every day to see if it was growing.

So the old man says to Bob.

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Once upon a time there lived a tailor; he had a wife. Usually tailors' wives are lazy, and this one matched the others. Her name was Jeanne, and her husband's name was Jean Crooked Foot. In the morning, as soon as Jean left for work, Zhanna went to bed again, at about eleven or twelve she got out of bed and began walking from house to house, visiting gossips and chatting like a magpie. When Jean returned home in the evening, she always sat at the spinning wheel; so he imagined that Zhanna did not leave her side all day.

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Here's a fairy tale where there are no lies,

And if there is, then there are two words.

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In ancient times, there lived one poor peasant who, for better or worse, raised three children, three boys. The eldest was called Richard, the middle one was Pierre. And the name of the youngest son was Jean. All three were brave young men and were bored to death in their village. And then one day Richard came to his father and told him:

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Barbaic Lojo was a maid in Kerarborn, in the vicinity of Ploir. At that time she was still young and had a reputation for being a prankster and laughing. In Kerarborn, as everywhere else, there was a kind brownie who took care of the farm’s cows, which is why they gave so much of the best milk, fat and with thick cream. Kerarborn's brownie didn't care at all about horses - he catered only to the female sex. At night he swept the kitchen, washed the dishes, cleaned the pots and copper basins and made them shine, he polished the furniture, cabinets, sideboards and antique cabinets made of carved oak and did it in such a way that the kitchen of the old Markharit, the predecessor of Barbaic, was a pleasure to look at. Amazing cleanliness reigned everywhere, everything shone and glittered so much that you could look at every thing as if in a mirror. Needless to say, the cook in Kerarborn lived well! But every day, when Markharit went to bed, she always made sure that in winter there was enough heat in the oven; in the corner, right by the fireplace, she placed a round pebble stone, polished by the sea waves and shaped like a pumpkin, and, lying in bed, watched as her dear brownie, having finished all his work, made his way to this stone, settled down on it and warmed himself , listening to the songs of his friend the cricket until the roosters crow. He was less than a foot tall, but Markharit had never been able to see his face, since it was always hidden by a wide-brimmed hat, like those worn in Cornwallis. Everyone got used to the good brownie and was not afraid of him, because he did no harm to anyone.

But then old Markharit died, and the place of cook, which everyone was striving for, went to young Barbaik. She was happy and proud of it. At first everything went as well as possible. The brownie willingly helped the beautiful and cheerful Barbaik and spared her the roughest work: he liked her songs and her laughter, which echoed throughout the house all day long instead of the grumbling and grumbling of old Markharit. But Barbaik always had some prank or mischief on her mind, and then one day she decided to play a joke on her brownie friend. Alas, this was the beginning of all her misfortunes!

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They say that one man from Gieschen, having gone to the other world after death, approached the gates of heaven and asked St. Peter to let him in, because he needed to talk to the Lord God.

“The Lord God is not at home now,” answered the heavenly gatekeeper. “Wait a little.”

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Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful kingdom, and they ruled it happily. Only one thing upset them - they did not have children.

One day, while walking through the forest, the queen sat down to rest on the shore of a lake. Suddenly she felt so unbearably sad and lonely that she screamed loudly:

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Once upon a time, a very long time ago, perhaps back in the days when St. Paul came from Iberia to our island, there lived in Ouessant one beautiful girl of about sixteen or seventeen, and this girl’s name was Mona Karbili. Mona was so beautiful that everyone who saw her said to her mother with delight:

What a beautiful daughter you have, Zhanna! She is as beautiful as a Morgana; we have never seen such a beauty on our island. You'd think she was the daughter of some Morgan.

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One day a beggar was walking through the village, asking for alms. He knocked on the house where a man named Brenborjo lived with his wife Zhanna. Only his wife was at home, and she opened the door for him.

What do you need?

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Once upon a time there lived a French king and queen, and they had a son as beautiful as the sun. Every morning, just before dawn, the young man went hunting, and with him one hundred hounds and seven hundred dogs. And he always returned before sunset.

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Once upon a time there lived a tailor; he had a wife. Usually tailors' wives are lazy, and this one matched the others. Her name was Jeanne, and her husband's name was Jean Crooked Foot. In the morning, as soon as Jean left for work, Zhanna went to bed again, at about eleven or twelve she got out of bed and began walking from house to house, visiting gossips and chatting like a magpie. When Jean returned home in the evening, she always sat at the spinning wheel; so he imagined that Zhanna did not leave her side all day.

One morning Jean said to his wife:

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In ancient times, there lived a girl. When she was fifteen years old, she lost her mother, and the next year her father took as his wife a widow who had three daughters. All three sat at home and were lazy, and poor Annette spent the whole day in the field and tended sheep. In the evening, when she returned home, she was not allowed to rest, they forced her to wash the dishes, even though she was not the one who dirty them, after all. Annette had never eaten from a plate. Every morning they put a piece of stale bread in her pocket so that she could have lunch in the field without returning home, and even then her stepmother tried to give her a piece of bread; it is not surprising that the poor girl was often tormented by hunger.

One day, after eating her meager lunch and washing it down with water from the stream, which she scooped up by the handful, the young shepherdess began to think about how boring her life was.

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In mountain caves and in the depths of the earth there lives a tribe of little people called dwarfs or gnomes.

Dwarves are no more than a foot tall. They have long hair and long beards, they wear shaggy caps, red suits and silver shoes, and are armed with sabers and spears. These little men are not Christians. They will live until the end of the world, and then they will die, but will not be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.

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Captain La Rame was returning. He walked along the road cheerfully, cheerfully and was still happy that he would soon see his father’s house and his dear mother. On his way, he had to make his way through a dense forest, and here, in the forest, he met a wolf, an eagle and an ant. All three sat on the ground near the killed lamb and argued about how to fairly divide the spoils. They argued for a long time, but nothing was decided. In fact, if you divide the prey equally, it is not enough for a wolf, just right for an eagle, and too much for an ant.

La Rame heard their argument, came out from behind the trees and said:

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In ancient times, there lived in a small village a poor widow. She lived with her son, who I don’t know how old he was - maybe thirteen, maybe fifteen. He helped her in the field, but, admittedly, he worked with lukewarmness.

And then one day the widow said to her son:

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Pierrot, Jeannot and Claude were brothers, the sons of a poor widow. Having become adults, they saw that they had nothing to do at home, and decided to seek happiness in a foreign land. They all set off together and, having reached the crossroads, said goodbye with the words: “In a year we will meet here again.”

Walking his way, Clodo reached the village and stopped near a bakery.

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One day the wolf went for a walk. On the way, he found a piece of lard. At that time the wolf was not hungry; he sniffed the lard, touched it with his paw and said:

I would probably eat you, but you are so salty. The wolf left the fat and moved on. When he wanted to eat, he found nothing.

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Once a poor man ordered shoes from a shoemaker and, due to his poverty, could not pay him for a long time. The shoemaker is tired of reminding the poor man of his debt, so he says to him:

Listen, Jeantoinel, do you want me to help you repay your debt without paying a single sou?

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In ancient times, there was a brownie in Montier who got into the habit of going every night to Uncle Chaluan's stable; he cleaned the horses with a comb, combed their tails and manes, filled them with food and gave them water. The horses became fat and shiny, but the oats in the bins were disappearing very quickly, and it was impossible to find out who was stealing them. One day Uncle Shaluan said to himself: “I must finally find out who is brushing my horses and stealing my oats!”

As soon as it got dark, he hid in the stable. Soon he saw a brownie in a red cap enter there. Uncle Shaluan immediately grabbed a pitchfork and shouted:

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There lived a husband and wife. They lived without grieving, but the trouble was: fate did not give them a child.

Once, when my wife was alone at home, a gypsy woman with two small children knocked on her door and, without saying hello, asked:

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Once the people in the village started shouting: “Look, look, the fox is carrying away the rooster! This is Jean Larting's rooster!

“Fox,” said the rooster, which the fox held in its mouth, “and you would answer them: “Runs, what do you care?”

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Once upon a time lived in the castle of Lamothe a count and countess, immensely rich and equally generous. These good people had only one son, beautiful as the sun, reliable as gold, strong and brave like Samson. And then the day came when the young count kissed his father and mother and jumped on his mighty winged horse.

Farewell my father, farewell my mother. Today I turned twenty years old. I'm going to war to serve the King of France.

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Once upon a time there lived two kings in the world next door. They were so jealous of each other that one day they started a war. One king was all beaten and beaten, he could not cope with his army. It somehow stood on the bank of a river, and there was no bridge or perch across the river.

The king sends an officer to see what the enemies are doing. The officer climbed to the top of a tall tree, higher than the entire forest, looked here and there and suddenly saw: children were playing in the clearing almost below him, a fire had been lit. And then a man approaches them, with such a long nose that there is no end to his nose.

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In ancient times, many, many years ago, they say, winter and the wren quarreled among themselves. I don’t really know why.

I'll teach you a lesson, birdie! - winter threatened.

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The old miller had four sons. He was not rich, but still he raised four sons and, when dying, bequeathed to them: the eldest - a mill, the middle brothers - a rooster and a ladder, and the youngest - a cat. Tags: Russian folk tale cow lesson Russian folk tales films Russian folk tales

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An orphan named Jean lived in a village. His life was bad, he was hungry. And one day he decided to go to the city. Maybe happiness will smile on him there?

At first he hired himself as a servant to one master. And that master was none other than the devil himself. How could such a simple village guy like Jean know about this?

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Once upon a time there lived a man six feet tall with a waist-length blue beard. That's what his name was - Bluebeard. This man was rich, but he never gave alms to the poor. He never set foot in church. They said that Bluebeard was married seven times, but no one knew where his seven wives went.

In the end, bad rumors about Bluebeard reached the king of France himself. And the king immediately sent many soldiers and ordered them to seize this man. The chief judge in a red robe went with them to interrogate him. For seven years they searched for him through the forests and mountains, but Bluebeard was hiding from them somewhere.

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Once upon a time there lived two brothers. They were orphans and went from house to house for alms in their region. The eldest was called Cochenard, and the younger was Turken. They were never separated, and where one went, the other went with him. They turned twelve years old, but they still did nothing, but only begged for alms. Then people began to look at them not so pitifully, they said that it was time for them to start working and earn their own bread. Noticing this, the brothers left the village. One day Cochenard, who was smarter than Turken, but had bad inclinations, said to his brother:

I know what would need to be done so that we would be given a good welcome everywhere, so that we would be willingly given food and shelter on the farms and a lot of pennies at fairs and in monasteries.

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Once a wolf was walking through the forest and stepped on a snail.

In those days, animals still knew how to speak like people. So the snail told him:

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One poor man had three goats. In summer and autumn, he drove them out into the field or to the edge of the forest, where they somehow found food for themselves. But when winter came, the peasant had to sell two goats. He kept only the smallest one and tied it to the hedge in his garden. Every day he brought her some bread so that she would not die of hunger.

The goat would be glad to free herself and run to the neighboring forest - there she saw green spruce trees and thought that lush, tender grass was growing on them. So she decided to run away at the first opportunity. One fine day she chewed through her leash and jumped over the fence that separated her from the forest. That was the freedom for the goat to frolic in freedom and nibble on the remnants of grass that the early frosts had spared!

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Once upon a time there lived a king who was as reliable as gold, brave and strong as Samson. Every morning after mass, he generously distributed alms and carried out just justice on the poor and rich alike.

Unfortunately, the queen was not at all like her husband. No one in the world has ever seen or will ever see such a stingy and evil woman like her.

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There once lived in England a king who was passionate about hunting. There was not enough game for him in his lands, and he went to France, where it was found in abundance.

One day he saw a beautiful bird of an unknown breed on a branch and slowly crept up to it. But at that moment, when he was about to grab it, the bird took off and, flying from tree to tree, sat on the branch of an apple tree in the garden of the inn. The king wanted to catch the bird at all costs and entered the garden, but his efforts were in vain - the bird again eluded him and disappeared.

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Once upon a time there lived in the same village a poor widower and his son. His name was Ewen Congar. All his wealth consisted of a piece of land on which he worked himself, two cows and a horse. The son's name, like his father's, was Zuen, he was ten years old, and he was a lively and intelligent boy. So he once says to his father:

Father, send me to school to study.

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Once upon a time there lived two hunchbacks, two comrades, Nonnik and Gabik.

They were engaged in tailoring and every morning they went to look for work in the surrounding farms and castles: one in one direction, the other in the other.

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Aunt Miette from the village of Mess was so stingy, so stingy, that she was ready to cut the wool from an egg.

Once, with a spinning wheel in her hand, she was driving her cows into the Obespi field and found on the road a huge ball of wool that looked like some kind of animal. She quickly bent down to pick it up. She was in such a hurry, in such a hurry, that she didn’t even think about the spinner who had lost her ball. She had already seen it in the voluminous pocket of her apron, which seemed to be specially made for this purpose.

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In one of the regions of Brittany, during the time of early Christianity there was a city, now destroyed, called either Chris or Keris. In those days, that is, in the 5th century, the region was ruled by Gradlon, nicknamed Meur, which means “Great”. Gradlon was in respectful friendship with the holy man, Gwennole, the founder and first abbot of the first monastery in Armorica. This is all that history has preserved about this city, this ruler and this monk.

However, folk singers also provide other information. According to their version, Ker-is or the city of Is, the capital of the possessions of King Gradlon, was protected from sea floods by a huge well or reservoir, into which excess water flowed during strong tides. This well was closed by a secret door, and the king always kept the key to it with him in order to unlock and lock it when necessary. And then one day Princess Dahut, his daughter, wanting to finally amuse her lover, with whom she had been feasting all night, stole the treasured key from her father, unlocked the well, and the city was flooded. Saint Gwennole allegedly predicted this disaster, which formed the basis of the following ballad.

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In ancient times, there lived one woman. Once she was about to give her yarn to a weaver, but when she finished weaving, the devil entered the house and said:

Hello, hostess!

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In ancient times, there lived a young man named Firozet; he loved a girl whose name was Julia. Firozeta's mother was a fairy; she did not want him to marry Julia, but planned to force an old, ugly lame woman onto him as a wife.

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All entries in this category:

French Folk Tales: How the Devils Outwitted
French Folk Tales: The Cunning Curé
French Folk Tales: The Sexton's Dog
French Folk Tales: The Devil's Castle
French folk tales: Where did the fleas come from?
French Folk Tales: The White Wolf
French folk tale: Little Annette

French Folk Tales: The Magic Whistle and the Golden Apples

French folk tales: Gotcha, Cricket!
French Folk Tales: The Tale of the Rooster

French Folk Tales: The Three Hunters

French Folk Tales: The Tale of the Boy with the Boot

French Folk Tales: The Crystal Bridge
French folk tales: Courtillon-Courtilette
French folk tales: The eagle and the fox
French Folk Tales: Night Dancers
French Folk Tales: The Wolf, the Snail and the Wasps

French Folk Tales: The Tale of the Wolf Who Found a Piece of Lard

French folk tale: About the Princess Marcasse and the bird Dredane
French Folk Tales: A Tale of Father, Mother and Daughter
French Folk Tales: The Smart Soldier

French Folk Tale: The Spanish King's Daughter
French Folk Tales: The Golden Smut
French folk tales: How animals failed to keep their secrets
French folk tales: Little Red Riding Hood
French folk tales: The Prince and the Horse Bayard

French Folk Tales: The Fox and the Partridge
French folk tales: The farmer and his master

French folk tales: Saint Gramer
French Folk Tales: The Boys of Mayenne
French Folk Tales: The Night of the Four Storms
French Folk Tales: The Pecked Out Heart

French Folk Tales: The King of France's Son and the Beauty Joana
French Folk Tales: Son of the Devil
French folk tale: About the King, about Winter, about the Eagle and about the King's son
French Folk Tales: The Tale of the Cat, the Rooster and the Sickle

French Folk Tales: The Mouse Princess
French Folk Tales: Half Chicken

French Folk Tales: Three Fiddlers in Paradise
French Folk Tales: Three Clever Sons
French folk tales: Jean and Pierre
French Folk Tales: The Restless Cockerel

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French folk tales: La Belle Janeton
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French folk tales: Peasant Tolomé and the Devil

French folk tale: The Wolf and the Fox

French Folk Tales: The Spanish King's Daughter

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French Folk Tales: The Carpenter of Arles
French folk tales: Birdie

French folk tales: Firozet
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French Folk Tales: The Pearl
French folk tales: How animals celebrated Maslenitsa

French folk tales: Where did owls come from?

French folk tale: Courtillon-Courtilette

French Folk Tale: About the Shepherd and the King's Daughter

French Folk Tales: The Tale of the Clever Shepherdess
French Folk Tales: The Raven King

French folk tales: The Tale of Uncle Misfortune and His Dog Poverty

French Folk Tales: How the Donkey Swallowed the Moon
French folk tales: Princess Dangobert
French folk tales: Princess Troncolin
French Folk Tales: The Dragon of Tarascon
French folk tales: Sunny
French Folk Tales: The White Blackbird, the Lame Mule and the Beauty with Golden Hair
French Folk Tales: The Little Cabbage That Wouldn't Grow
French Folk Tales: The White Cat
French folk tales: Vadoyer
French folk tales: The bird that told the truth

French folk tales: The Devil's Braid

French folk tales: The Princess of Troyol
French Folk Tales: Old Pot of Gold Ecus
French folk tales: The blackbird and the fox

French Folk Tales: Goats and the Wolf

French Folk Tales: The Grotto of Corbières


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Each nationality has its own stock of stories and fairy tales for children and adults, both of folk origin and those written by famous authors.

Fairy tales take shape over the years, many of them are based on real events with elements of fiction, some turn into legends, but all children, without exception, love fairy tales, so why don’t you read a French folk tale to your child before bed and at the same time join the French cult in this sphere? Therefore, we present to your attention a couple of interesting tales from the great and beloved France.


Once upon a time there lived a very stingy woman - Aunt Miette, her stinginess could even force her to cut the hair off her eggs. And then one day, when she was driving her cows out into the field, she saw on the road a large fluffy ball that somehow looked like a small animal. Aunt Miette didn’t even think about returning it to its owner; she eagerly ran after it, and the ball, as if on purpose, rolled away further and further. Then the woman left her spindle by the road in order to free up her other hand, so that it would be more convenient for her to catch the rolling ball. She imagined it in her apron pocket, as if it had been originally intended for her.

The woman rushed after the ball like crazy, completely forgetting about her wonderful cows, which were moving further and further into the field, and also forgetting about her spindle, which remained by the road. Aunt Miette crossed the entire meadow, climbed the hill, and only then did she manage to grab the tip of the thread sticking out from the ball, but not the fast ball itself. She began to greedily wrap the thread around her fingers, then onto her hand, but the ball did not shrink one bit, continuing to roll away from the old woman, beckoning her with it.

She was so pleased. She did not feel tired at all, despite the distance she had covered, mentally imagining how she would knit many different things for her husband and herself, and also sell the remaining wool, but the ball became so huge that it was impossible to move anymore, and she had to break the thread with great chagrin .

And at that moment, the ball that was the object of her pursuit jumped sharply and disappeared behind the hill, and the one that she had wound for herself began to break out after the first, and no matter how she tried to delay it, her strength was not great, and efforts are in vain. This was repeated exactly twenty times. Aunt Miette grabbed the end of the thread, ran through the field and meadows, over the hills and lowlands, winding wool for herself, but the ball broke out, and the woman was left with only the end of the thread.

That day, the old woman ran around all the surroundings, she was seen far away from her native places, her husband took the cows home and found a spindle by the road, and the greedy woman is still running through the meadows and hills. The moral of this tale is this: if you find a ball on the road, then pick it up and be sure to return it to the spinner who is its owner, who accidentally dropped it.

The Tale of the Cat, the Rooster and the Sickle

Once upon a time there lived a miller, and when his time came, he left an inheritance to his sons, of whom there were three, a cat, a sickle and a rooster. What happened to the mill and the donkey? – a question arises. The mill was in the possession of the chief of the village, and the donkey died a week before the death of his father, the miller.

“What should we do now?” - the brothers thought as they returned from the cemetery.

What to do? What to do? - they echoed sadly.

“We’re unlucky,” said the eldest brother. - Let's then divide our father's inheritance equally and go around the world to seek happiness. And exactly one year later we will meet at the same place.

Okay, so be it,” the brothers answered. - You are the eldest, then you will share the inheritance.

Jean will take the rooster. Jacques will take the sickle. I'll keep the cat for myself.

After which the brothers set off, but separately, parting at a crossroads.

Pierre walked for a long time and finally reached the royal castle. And there this happened: 2000 royal guards, armed with knives and sticks, tried to overcome a horde of mice. Suddenly one very large mouse ran straight towards his older brother, followed by several dozen guards who, trying to catch it, hit each other with sticks as they ran. Then Pierre laughed, to which the guards answered him:

If you were in our place, stranger, you wouldn’t find it funny!

Why do you think so?

How why? You see how difficult it is for us to catch these terrible mice!

And I can catch this mouse very easily! If you don't believe me, look!

With these words, Pierre opened the bag and released his cat, who in an instant caught a fat, clumsy mouse and brought it to his owner.

Oh God! What kind of miracle is this? “What kind of animal is this?” the guards began to shout in surprise.

This animal is a cat, and he can very easily rid your kingdom of mice.

Won't your cat eat people?

No, the fact of the matter is that he is a lover of mice and rats!

Then follow us to our king, we think he will be very interested in looking at this cat! And, if you are ready to give your cat to the king, then know that he is very rich, and you can ask dearly for him!

And they all went to the king

I heard that you have a strange animal that is not dangerous to humans but dangerous to mice and rats, is this true?

Yes, absolutely right, and now I can show it to you.

Pierre looked around and saw mice running back and forth around the room, then he released his cat, who instantly dealt with them, after which, well-fed and satisfied, he returned to his master. The king was surprised and offered half the kingdom in exchange.

“My cat is not for sale,” Pierre answered, I value him very much and don’t want to part with him. Give me your daughter as a wife, then I will always be by his side, and the cat will also be yours!

This proposal suited the king.

The miller's second son, Jean, also reached the royal castle, but in another country, where he asked for temporary shelter. He was accepted, but he was very surprised by the chariot with black horses leaving the castle in the evenings. He then asked one of the guards

Where is this chariot going?

Well, you ask a question! Of course for a new day! Otherwise it will never come, isn’t there something like this on your lands?

No, no, but thanks for the answer.

The next day, Jean woke up at 6 in the morning - it was dark, at 7 - also dark, and at 8 the chariot arrived, which brought the day. Haven't people in this country heard of roosters, so what will happen tomorrow? These questions now worried the middle brother.

As night fell, Jean released the rooster and began to wait. Around 4 am, the rooster began to crow, flapping its wings and waking up the whole kingdom, and then it immediately began to get light. Everyone in the kingdom is alarmed, thinking that the chariot has returned, but they were mistaken. Then they listened, and again a “crow” was heard from the stranger’s bedroom. The king called him and asked:

So, then you brought us the day?

Yes, but it would be more correct to say that the rooster is the bird that I hold in my hands. As soon as he sings his “crow”, the day immediately comes.

Sell ​​me a rooster then, I'll give you half the kingdom.

Then the middle son asked his daughter, the princess, not to part with the rooster and so that day would come to the king. The king agreed. The wedding took place on the same day.

The younger one, Jean, wanted to throw away his sickle, believing that he had been deprived of such a distribution of inheritance as he saw in front of him a kingdom surrounded by endless fields of grain. And the reapers collected the harvest by knocking down the grain with sticks. And he decided to show the peasants what his weapon was intended for, cutting off several ears of corn at once in one movement.

The peasants reported about the arrival of a stranger and his extraordinary weapon, and the king, without hesitation, wanted to see him. After which Jean showed it to the king himself in action.

“Sell me your sickle then,” the king asked his younger brother.

I can’t sell it, it’s dear to me, but I can give it to you on one condition.

Which one, speak quickly!

I want to marry your daughter, then the sickle will be shared!

I agree, of course I agree!

And a beautiful and magnificent wedding took place on the same day.

A year passed, the brothers returned to their native land, met and hugged, talked about their happiness and good life. The moral of the story is that even the most insignificant thing, used wisely, can be of great benefit, like the poor miller's inheritance.

Besides these, there are many other interesting and useful French fairy tales that can teach you and your children important things. Read more about France, read fairy tales to children, read more!

Old French fairy tales existed until the 17th century only in oral form. They were composed for children by ordinary people - nannies, cooks and just villagers. Such fantasies were not published as a genre of low literature.

The situation was changed by folk art texts recorded, processed and published by Charles Perrault. Heroes of folklore stepped into the royal palace and castles of high society. Famous statesmen did not shy away from writing fairy tales and even remembered them from their own servants. They developed a sincere interest in unusual stories and felt the educational power of fairy tales for their own children.

Main plots and characters

As in most countries, French folklore contains children's tales about animals, as well as magical and everyday ones. Many of them were published under the names of those who found and edited oral histories. This is how folk tales turned into literary ones.

Small works could be significantly expanded, some of them became softer and kinder. The thought of the inevitability of punishment in children's heads was replaced by the desire to do the right thing. The fairy tale acquired new facets of beauty and miracles.

Why did French fairy tales spread throughout the world?

Natural humor, artistry and bright characters of the main characters, an abundance of amazing adventures have given French fairy tales worldwide fame. The processing of folk art by educated writers improved the style of presentation and understanding of what was happening. Children from different parts of the world saw what wonderful storytellers they write in France and began to read them with pleasure.

Such works have also been published in Russian. This gives our little readers and listeners the opportunity to plunge headlong into the fantasy world of French magic.

Barbaic Lojo was a maid in Kerarborn, in the vicinity of Ploir. At that time she was still young and had a reputation for being a prankster and laughing. In Kerarborn, as everywhere else, there was a kind brownie who took care of the farm’s cows - that’s why they gave so much of the best milk, fat and with thick cream. The brownie of Kerarborn did not care at all about horses - he catered only to the female sex. At night he swept the kitchen, washed dishes, cleaned pots
and copper basins and brought shine to them, he polished furniture, cabinets, sideboards and antique cabinets made of carved oak and did it in such a way that the kitchen of the old Markharit, the predecessor of Barbaic, was a pleasure to look at.

Here's a fairy tale where there are no lies, and if there are, then there are two words.
There once lived a king in France who had only one son named Charles. This king's brother was king of England, and he also had one and only son. Once Charles said to his father: “Father, you should write to my uncle, the English king, so that he lets his cousin go stay with us at court.” I want to meet him - after all, we have never seen each other before.
The King of France wrote to his brother, the King of England, asking him to let his son go to Paris to stay.
And the English prince, whose name was Henry, came to Paris with his tutor.

In ancient times, there lived a man who had three daughters. One day he told them that he was going on a journey.
- What will you bring me? - asked the eldest daughter.
- Whatever you want. Bring me an elegant dress. What do you want? - the father asked his second daughter.
- I want a dress too.
- And you, my child? - he asked the youngest, whom he loved more than the other two.
“I don’t need anything,” she answered, “How is it nothing?”
- Yes, father, nothing.

Once upon a time there was a man named Biron. All day long he walked around the city in a tall top hat. And everyone envied him because they thought his cylinder was made of pure silver.
Once Biron invited two dandies he didn’t know to a tavern. But it must be said that this innkeeper often fed Biron on credit and even lent him money. OK. The three of them sat at the table, had a hearty lunch, and when it was time to pay the owner, Biron took his famous top hat off his head and let him twirl it in his hand. He turns it over and over and says:
- Everything is paid in full! Everything is paid in full!

Once upon a time there lived an old man who was so poor that he had nothing else except one bean. The old man planted this bean in his garden and visited it every day to see if it was growing.
So the old man says to Bob:
- Grow up quickly, so that I can get to heaven and look for bread there.
“I will grow twenty feet tonight,” answered the bean.
The next morning the old man got up at dawn and ran into the garden to look at the bean.

Once upon a time there lived a man who had a grain of wheat, and his name was Vaduaye.
He came to one old woman and said:
- Great, auntie. - Great, Vaduaye.
- Please watch over my grain of wheat.
- Willingly. Put it over there, we will then put it into the bins along with our grain.
The next day Vaduaye came to the house of this good woman.

One poor man had three goats. In summer and autumn, he drove them out into the field or to the edge of the forest, where they somehow found food for themselves. But when winter came, the peasant had to sell two goats. He kept only the smallest one and tied it to the hedge in his garden. Every day he brought her some bread so that she would not die of hunger.
The goat would be glad to free herself and run to the neighboring forest - there she saw green spruce trees and thought that lush, tender grass was growing on them. So she decided to run away at the first opportunity. One fine day she chewed through her leash and jumped over the fence that separated her from the forest. That was the freedom for the goat to frolic in freedom and nibble on the remnants of grass that the early frosts had spared!
Unfortunately, the fox noticed her and went to the wolf with the news: “Uncle Mathieu’s goat ran away.” Do you want to eat it?

One day a wolf went fishing with a gossip fox.
- Who will carry the basket? - asked the wolf.
“You,” answered the fox, “your tail is thicker than mine.”
She tied the basket tightly to the wolf's tail. The catch was plentiful. The wolf was dragging and dragging a heavy basket, the tail could not stand it and broke off.
“I’ll eat you,” the wolf said to the fox, “because you played such a joke on me!”

Once upon a time there lived a widow who had two daughters: the eldest was so similar to her in character and face that anyone who saw her seemed to see her mother in front of him. Both mother and daughter were both so disgusting and so arrogant that it was impossible to get along with them. The youngest, who in her meekness and good manners was entirely like her father, was also one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. And since everyone, of course, loves someone like themselves, the mother was crazy about her eldest daughter, and felt a terrible hostility towards the youngest. She allowed her to eat only in the kitchen and forced her to work incessantly. This poor girl, among her other duties, had to go twice a day to the spring, half a mile from the house, and bring a large jug of water. One day, when she was standing at a spring, a beggar approached her and asked her to give her a drink.

At a time when the oldest old people in our parish were still running around without pants, Agnes Depe lived with her husband in a secluded house, where the road to Corbières began. This road passed by the fairy grotto, and its entrance was clearly visible from the sea. In the stillness of the night, Agnes often heard the spinning wheel clattering, and its dull sound seemed to come from under a stone near the hearth. Sometimes a rooster crowed under a stone, a child cried, and sometimes you could hear butter being churned in a churn. But neither Agnes nor her husband were afraid of these underground sounds, because they knew that they came from the fairies who lived in the Corbières grotto - these fairies were not evil, and no one could say anything bad about them.