Protocol of the rose bush technique. Motif “Rose bush.” Test “My self-portrait”

Drawing your inner child

You will need a sheet of A4 paper, simple pencils and colored pencils. Relax, close your eyes and try to see your inner child: what is his facial expression, what color are his eyes, how old is he, etc. Hold this image in your imagination for a while, then mentally thank the child for being with you . If this is difficult to do, start remembering the clothes you wore as a child or something else. And you will definitely see your inner child on your visual screen. Now take a simple pencil and draw it. The most important thing is not to be afraid that the drawing will not work out. Know that no matter how you draw, you and the child in the drawing drew it, whatever it may be, it is yours. Then color the drawing with colored pencils, gouache or watercolors the way you saw the child in your imagination. Now your inner child has fully emerged, and you can look at him and ask, what would you like to do for him?

A gift to your inner child

Take a sheet of A4 paper, a pencil and paints. Draw what you would like to give to your inner child. It can be flowers, sun, love and much more. At the end of the work, write ten thanks to your childhood.

Rice. 1. “My inner child.” Drawing of Maria, 55 years old, during stress (see illustrations).

Rice. 2. “My inner child.” Drawing of Maria, 60 years old, 5 years later (see illustrations).

Correction of internal state

What to do if your inner child in the picture turns out to be sad, crying, etc.? You can try to change your condition by drawing your inner child as often as possible, communicating with him, remembering that this is part of your soul. You will see, your inner child will cheer up and become different in the picture, because you do not forget him, which means he has no reason to be sad. Following this, your soul will feel warmer.

Rice. 3. “My inner child.” Drawing of Elena, 38 years old

Rice. 4. “A gift to the inner child.” Drawing by Elena, 38 years old

Rice. 5. “My inner child.” Drawing by Tatiana, 43 years old

Rice. 6. “A gift to the inner child.” Drawing by Tatiana, 43 years old

“Rose bush” technique

This technique allows you to obtain valuable information about inner world person. Drawing rose bush, you are actually drawing your inner world, and the rosebush is a metaphor for your state. This technique was developed by psychologist John Alan.


To perform the technique you will need a sheet of A4 paper, simple pencils and colored pencils, watercolor paints or markers. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax, breathe evenly, focusing on your bodily sensations. Use your imagination and imagine that you have turned into a rose bush, which you examine carefully. What kind of bush is it: small or large, tall or short? Are there flowers on it, and what kind are they: in the form of buds or with open flowers, what branches - with thorns, with or without leaves? Does your imaginary bush have roots, how deep do they penetrate into the ground. Where does the bush grow: in the city, in the desert, in a flowerbed, or in a vase? Is there a fence, trees, or other flowers around the bush? Who cares for the bush? And when the cold comes, how does he feel? Try to imagine, down to the finest detail, what it would be like to be a rosebush. Open your eyes and draw yourself as a rose bush. First make a sketch on a piece of paper with a simple pencil, and then color the drawing the way you want.

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In applying the symboldrama method to diagnose the dynamics of sexual identity in men, we used the “rose bush” motif proposed by H. Leiner, when the patient is asked to imagine a rose bush at the edge of a meadow, and then pick one flower from it. The symbol of a rose bush or a wild rose at the edge of a meadow is deeply connected with the German archetypal culture on which H. Leuner relied.

What is important is what the flowers look like, the patient's hesitation to pick a flower (“The rose will hurt...”), his fear of getting pricked, etc. This motive is central to the treatment of sexual disorders.

Research has shown that in Slavic culture The “rose bush” motif also turned out to be highly effective diagnostically and psychotherapeutically. At the same time, we have identified the following stages in the development of the imagination process, which are essential for the development of the diagnostic process.

After a preliminary conversation with the person sitting in comfortable chair or with the patient lying on the couch, a relaxation exercise is performed using a method close to autogenic training according to J. Schultz. After which the patient is asked to imagine a “meadow”.

After the image appears, the patient gives it general characteristics, including both detailed details and feelings and subjective assessments of the image as a whole. You should ask the patient about the weather, time of year, time of day; about the size of the meadow, about what is located along its edges, about the vegetation in the meadow. The image of a meadow is a maternal-oral symbol, reflecting both the connection with the mother and the dynamics of the experiences of the first year of life, as well as the current state, the general background of the mood. The mood factor can be represented by the nature of the weather, time of day and time of year. Normally, this is the summer season or late spring, day or morning, the weather is good, the sun is in the sky; There is rich, lush vegetation around, represented by an abundance of herbs and flowers; The meadow is welcoming, even gentle, flooded with bright sunlight. After 3-5 minutes of working on the “meadow” motif technique, the patient is asked to look around and see if there is a rose bush somewhere. As a rule, the rose bush appears somewhere on the edge of the meadow. The patient is asked to describe it in detail. This description makes it possible to explore the conceptual phase of the development of sexual libido according to Vasilchenko’s classification.

At this stage, the patient is instructed to choose one of the rose colors that he likes best. The patient gives a detailed description of the chosen flower and indicates the reasons for his preference. Particularly important is the subjective emotional feeling tone associated with the object of choice. According to Vasilchenko’s classification, this stage corresponds to the platonic phase of libido development.

Difficulties in choosing a specific flower on a rose bush can be caused by fixation on the combination of conceptual, erotic and sexual phases of libido development with underdevelopment of the platonic phase. Symboldrama opens up the possibility of carrying out appropriate diagnostics and psychocorrection.

The flower should be outlined in every detail, describe its color, size, shape, describe what is visible if you look into the flower's cup, etc. The color of a rose can reflect the degree of sexual maturity. It is believed that the color red evokes the strongest emotions in a person. The combination of red, yellow and orange is considered the sexiest. Pink flowers can symbolize infantility, “rose dreams”, the desire for others to treat you like a child; yellow roses can be associated with jealousy; white roses - chastity, platonic, spiritual relationships, idealization; orange roses are a symbol of personal strength and possible suppression of others. The leaves on the stem symbolize vital force or lack thereof. The stem itself symbolizes the phallic principle, the support, the core of the personality. The thorns on the stem of a rose symbolize the dangers that accompany passion. If there are too many of them in the patient’s imagination, then such a person is in the grip of fear and exaggerates the dangers. If there are no thorns or very few of them, then such a person neglects the dangers associated with sexual relations, does not notice them, is too frivolous.

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The “Rose Bush” technique in working with teachers.

6. Look into the very core of the rose. There you will see the face of a certain wise creature. You will immediately feel his kindness, care and love - he wants to help you and knows how to do it.
7. Talk to him about what is most important to you today. Ask the question that worries you most at this moment in life. Maybe you will be given an item or gift. Don't give up on it. Try to make sense of the clues and revelations you receive, even if you don't fully understand their meaning. Perhaps understanding will come later
8. Now identify yourself with the rose. Realize that she and the wise being living in her are always with you. You can contact them at any time, ask for support, and take advantage of some of their resources and qualities. Because you are this very rose. The forces that breathed life into this flower give you the opportunity to reveal your essence, your inner potential.
9. Then imagine yourself as a rose bush, the roots of which go into the ground, feeding on its juices, and the flowers and leaves are directed towards the sun, basking in its gentle rays. Then open your eyes.
In conclusion, I can say that the teachers liked this exercise; there was a lot of interesting and unusual things.

There are many modifications of this technique. This article will discuss several of them.

1. This technique is described by two authors: J. Alan, “Landscape of a Child’s Soul,” and V. Aucklander, “Windows to the World of a Child.” They consider the rosebush as a metaphor for a person, his condition, as a reflection of his inner world. The technique allows you to obtain information about the client’s inner world, but it cannot be the basis for an accurate diagnosis.

The client is invited to sit comfortably, close his eyes, relax, concentrate on breathing, on bodily sensations... “Imagine that you have turned into a rose bush. Look carefully at the bush. What kind of bush are you? Big, small? Tall or short? Strong or weak? Yes Are there many flowers on the bush and what kind are they? Are there only buds and branches? Are there any thorns on the branches? Look, how deep do they penetrate into the ground? where are you: in a city, in a village, in a flowerbed or in a vase? Are you breaking through concrete or growing inside something? Are there trees, birds, animals or people nearby? Who is looking after you? What is the weather like now? What happens to you when the season changes and it gets cold?

After a few minutes, ask to open your eyes and draw yourself in the form of a rose bush.

Options for further work may be different.

We listen to the author’s story about his drawing and ask clarifying questions. This form of work has a diagnostic focus. First of all, we pay attention to whether the client likes the resulting image and whether it is comfortable for him.

We estimate the size of the drawing. The smaller the rosebush is drawn in relation to the whole album sheet, the more insecure a person feels. If, on the contrary, the drawing literally “does not fit” on the album sheet, this may indicate disinhibition of the child’s mental processes, or a strong egocentric position, impulsivity.

Dark tones, brown, gray and purple colors indicate an unfavorable emotional background. Bright warm colors and shades are signs of psychological well-being and inner harmony.

A sign of aggressiveness is a large number of thorns and thorns on a rose bush. Thorns can express a need for protection and symbolize a feeling of insecurity.

Painted fences or picket fences around a flower indicate repressed fears. A plucked or broken flower is also a sign of emotional distress, possibly serious psychological trauma.

Signs of well-being are positive images: lush, flowering bush, having strong roots, with foliage, growing next to other plants, which someone is caring for. Additional indicators of emotional comfort can be considered the sun, sky, other flowers and trees. Unfavorable symptoms include: a drawing on the bottom of a leaf, pictures representing desolation and emptiness, lack of care, a bush without leaves, flowers, or roots. It is alarming if a bush grows in the desert, is cut off, or hangs in the air.

2. W. Steward writes: “The rose, like the lotus, is often used to personify the core of human existence, and the opening rose often symbolizes the unfolding psyche... If the rosebush is taken as a personification of personality, it is easier to see how the theme can be used... A rosebush in full bloom speaks one thing, a rose in winter is another, and a bush on which all the flowers have withered and drooped is something else.”

The “rose bush” technique symbolizes the emotional essence of a person.


1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. In a word, relax.

2. Then imagine a rose bush with many beautiful, blooming flowers and still very small, closed buds... Stop your gaze on one of these unopened buds. It is still surrounded by a green cup, but at the very top you can already see the first peeking pink petal. Focus all your attention on this flower.

3. And now the green cup begins to gradually open. It becomes clear that it consists of individual sepals, which gradually move away from each other, revealing more and more new petals.

4. Finally, all the petals have opened - the flower has fully blossomed. Feel its wonderful aroma.

5. Then imagine that a ray of sun fell on the rose. It gives its light and warmth to a delicate flower.

6. Look into the very core of the rose. There you will see the face of a certain wise creature. You will immediately feel his kindness, care and love - he wants to help you and knows how to do it.

7. Talk to him about what is most important to you today. Ask the question that worries you most at this moment in life. Maybe you will be given an item or a gift. Don't give up on it. Try to make sense of the clues and revelations you receive, even if you don't fully understand their meaning. Perhaps understanding will come later...

8. Now identify yourself with the rose. Realize that she and the wise being living in her are always with you. You can contact them at any time, ask for support, and take advantage of some of their resources and qualities. Because you are this very rose. The forces that breathed life into this flower give you the opportunity to reveal your essence, your inner potential.

9. Then imagine yourself as a rose bush, the roots of which go into the ground, feeding on its juices, and the flowers and leaves are directed towards the sun, basking in its gentle rays. Then open your eyes.





4. Picture:

Rose is without a doubt the true queen of beauty among flowers. A blooming rose is like a person who is ready for constant development, open to encounters with everything new, unknown and interesting. Psychologists who practice the symboldrama method are sure: by looking into an opening pink bud, we have the opportunity to see a lot of fascinating and unexpected things there, get answers to important questions and, perhaps, even discover ourselves in the very core of the flower... The main thing is to turn on your imagination.

But first, a few words about the symboldrama method itself. It is also called “day dreaming” or “psychoanalysis with the help of images.” The founder of this direction is the German psychotherapist Hanskarl Leiner. And the session goes something like this. A person, comfortably seated in a chair or lying on a couch, is asked to imagine a specific image, for example, a Meadow, a House, a Mountain, a Cave, a Stream, a Forest Edge, or even a Witch on a Broom. The client is asked to completely relax and focus on the visions appearing before his mind's eye, not forgetting to tell the therapist in every detail about everything that is happening in his imagination.

As a result, the client, practically in a trance, lulled by the soft, soothing sound of the therapist’s voice, seems to be talking about a Stream, a Forest Edge or a Flower, but in fact, in a symbolic form, he describes his own life situation.

Now let’s get back to our roses, or rather to the rose bush. This exercise - meditation, with which you can implement amazing trip into your own subconscious and discover your inner reserves for a more harmonious life.

1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. In a word, relax.

2. Then imagine a rose bush with many beautiful, blooming flowers and still very small, closed buds... Stop your gaze on one of these unopened buds. It is still surrounded by a green cup, but at the very top you can already see the first peeking pink petal. Focus all your attention on this flower.

3. And now the green cup begins to gradually open. It becomes clear that it consists of individual sepals, which gradually move away from each other, revealing more and more new petals.

4. Finally, all the petals opened and the flower blossomed completely. Feel its wonderful aroma.

5. Then imagine that a ray of sun fell on the rose. It gives its light and warmth to a delicate flower.

6. Look into the very core of the rose. There you will see the face of a certain wise creature. You will immediately feel his kindness, care and love - he wants to help you and knows how to do it.

7. Talk to him about what is most important to you today. Ask the question that worries you most at this moment in life. Maybe you will be given an item or a gift. Don't give up on it. Try to make sense of the clues and revelations you receive, even if you don't fully understand their meaning. Perhaps understanding will come later...

8. Now identify yourself with the rose. Realize that she and the wise being living in her are always with you. You can contact them at any time, ask for support, and take advantage of some of their resources and qualities. Because you are this very rose. The forces that breathed life into this flower give you the opportunity to reveal your essence, your inner potential.

9. Then imagine yourself as a rose bush, the roots of which go into the ground, feeding on its juices, and the flowers and leaves are directed towards the sun, basking in its gentle rays. Then open your eyes.