The President proposes a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government. Who appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation? Powers of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 11, 1998 N 28-P
"In the case of interpretation of the provisions of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution Russian Federation"

In the name of the Russian Federation

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation composed of Chairman M.V. Baglay, judges N.V. Vitruk, G.A. Gadzhiev, Yu.M. Danilov, L.M. Zharkova, V.D. Zorkin, A.L. Kononov, V.O.Luchina, T.G.Morschakova, V.I.Oleynik, Yu.D.Rudkin, N.V.Selezneva, A.Ya.Sliva, V.G.Strekozova, O.S.Khokhryakova, B. S.Ebzeeva, V.G.Yaroslavtseva,

with the participation of representatives of the State Duma, which sent a request to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation - deputy N.I. Shaklein, doctors of legal sciences V.V. Lazarev and V.M. Syrykh,

The State Duma, giving consent to the President of the Russian Federation to appoint the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts as a means of check, a certain counterbalance, but it cannot be a means of pressure, since the number of rejections of candidates by the State Duma is limited.

The President, when proposing candidates for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, must seek and find agreement with the State Duma, selecting the appropriate candidate. Methods (forms) of seeking consent may be different. It is to ensure such interaction that the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes appropriate deadlines for both the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma (parts 2 and 3).

Based on the literal meaning of the text of Article 111, taken in systematic form with other provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the following general rule follows: The President of the Russian Federation must each time present a new candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation if it is rejected by the State Duma.

If the State Duma does not give consent, then it is necessary to carry out further agreement between the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma on the issue of a new candidacy. The practice of methods (forms) for agreeing on a candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation may lead in the future to the formation of a constitutional custom that has the force of a constitutional norm.

The procedure for approving a candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of norms of a procedural nature can be established in federal law and reflected in the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma.

When the President of the Russian Federation presents the same candidate twice, and even more so three times, as the representative of the State Duma rightly pointed out at the court hearing, the State Duma is deprived of the right of independent choice, which is guaranteed to it and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and, therefore, it turns into " an instrument for carrying out the will of the head of state."

The presentation of the same candidacy for the second time (with a simultaneous ban on presenting this candidacy for the third time) for the post of Prime Minister in world practice is considered as an exception to general rule. It is directly enshrined in the constitution (basic law) of the state. The same approach is observed in the practice of constitutional (statutory) regulation of the appointment of the Chairman of the Government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (See: Article 109 of the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic; Article 104 of the Constitution of the Republic of Dagestan; Article 70 of the Constitution of the Republic of Mordovia; Article 33 of the Charter Irkutsk region; Article 54 of the Charter of the Sverdlovsk Region; Article 107 of the Charter of the Yaroslavl Region; Article 67 of the Charter (Basic Law) of the Stavropol Territory; Article 67 of the Charter (Basic Law) of the Murmansk Region).

The doctrinal (scientific) interpretation of the provisions contained in Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stands in the same positions. It proceeds from the fact that there must be “at least two” candidates for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and that “it seems undesirable for the President to act unilaterally, to put pressure on deputies when submitting a candidacy for Chairman for approval” (this is precisely the presentation of one and the same the same person for the second, and even more so for the third time) (See: Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. General edition by Yu.V. Kudryavtsev. M.: Legal Culture Foundation. 1996, P.465; Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation . Responsible editor L.A.Okunkov. M.: BEK Publishing House, 1996, p.477).

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, allowing for the possibility of the President of the Russian Federation nominating the same person as a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation twice or even three times, did not give a legal assessment to the additional legal arguments put forward by representatives of the State Duma.

The inadmissibility of presenting a rejected candidacy without the consent of the State Duma to return to its discussion, as well as the need to dissolve the State Duma after three times the State Duma has rejected the submitted candidacies for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, along with other guarantees, make it possible to avoid abuse of rights both on the part of the President and on the part of the State Duma .

With that said, my main conclusions are as follows.

From the constitutional provision on the exercise by the people of their power not only directly, but also through the organs state power it follows that identifying the will of the people in one form or another is also necessary when forming government bodies not directly elected by the population. This applies primarily to the Government of the Russian Federation, which exercises executive power in the Russian Federation.

Such identification of the will of the people is ensured by the procedure for approving the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, provided for in Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma, who received power directly from the people through free elections, participate.

The Government of the Russian Federation is vested with broad constitutional powers. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is provided for in Article 113 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation for approving a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation implies the search for a compromise, the resolution of possible disagreements between the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma regarding the candidacy for this position, taking into account both personal and business qualities candidate, and his proposed program of action for the Government of the Russian Federation.

From the coordinated functioning and interaction of government bodies prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (), it follows, in particular, the need to seek agreement on the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, which involves choosing one or another option for resolving this issue. Failure to reach agreement on the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation entails the dissolution of the State Duma and the appointment of new elections as a constitutional way to ensure the continuous functioning of the state authorities established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, including the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the formation of the Government of the Russian Federation as a whole and the new composition of the State Duma . Dissolution of the State Duma in in this case is a constitutional and legal measure adequate to her refusal to give the President of the Russian Federation consent to the appointment of the submitted candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the proposal by the President of the Russian Federation of not one, but several candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, as a desire to coordinate positions on this issue with the State Duma, if agreement is not reached, can serve as a basis for the dissolution of the State Duma.

3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not detail the procedure for the President of the Russian Federation to submit candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, does not contain a direct answer to the question of the possibility of reintroducing a candidate rejected by the State Duma, or to the question of whether the State Duma is dissolved only after the rejection of three different candidates . Part 4 of this article determines that the State Duma is dissolved “after three rejections of the presented candidates,” and not “after the rejection of three presented candidates.”

It also does not follow from the meaning of the provisions of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation that the President of the Russian Federation can nominate one candidate for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation three times. Otherwise, Part 4 of this article would have determined that the State Duma is dissolved “after three times the submitted candidacy or candidacies are rejected.”

The grammatical interpretation of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in its systematic connection with other parts of this article, as well as taking into account its teleological interpretation, allows us to conclude that the use of the plural in it - “after three times rejection of the submitted candidates” - means that two are implied or more candidates.

During the consideration of this case, representatives of the science of linguistics, who participated in the court hearing as independent experts and specialists, from the standpoint of the philological interpretation of paragraph 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, noted both “the uncertainty of the use of the word candidacy (candidacy) ... and its interpretation” and and the fact that “the philological interpretation of paragraph 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (without some violence against the semantics of Russian speech) does not allow us to say that in it we're talking about about one candidacy presented three times for consideration by the State Duma... otherwise, in the text of the Constitution, instead of the words “represented candidacies,” the words “presented candidacy” would be used.

The existing experience in implementing Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation has revealed the presence of different approaches to the use of the powers established therein, since there have been cases of approval of the proposed candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation at the first submission, when the same candidate was presented three times, as well as the use of conciliation procedures after the same candidate was rejected twice. These circumstances also indicate the existence of uncertainty in understanding the meaning of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which does not exclude the formation in the future of a constitutional custom based on one of these options for interaction between the head of state and the State Duma.

4. The meaning of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not contradict the re-introduction of a rejected candidacy in any sequence - either immediately after its rejection, or after the rejection of the second candidacy, as well as the semantics of the phrase “after three times rejection of the submitted candidates” (i.e. the meaning of the use it contains the words "candidacy" in plural) does not exclude in each of the three cases the possibility of presenting more than one candidate on an alternative basis. This will correspond to the plurality of meanings of the word "candidate".

At the same time, it does not follow from the wording, meaning and purposes of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation that the President of the Russian Federation can present the same candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation three times in a row, and in connection with this, the dissolution of the State Duma after three times rejection of this candidacy. This does not exclude the possibility of presenting this candidacy during the new formation of the Government of the Russian Federation after his resignation or after taking office again elected President Russian Federation.

From the above it follows that in accordance with the procedure established by Article 111 and related Articles 83 (clause “a”), 84 (clause “b”) and 103 (clause “a” of part 1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation Federations have the right to re-submit a candidate rejected by the State Duma for the specified position; the presentation of the same candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation three times in a row is not allowed. The State Duma cannot be dissolved on the grounds provided for in Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a result of the same candidacy for Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation being rejected three times.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 95, 96 and 97), the State Duma consists of 450 deputies and is elected for a term of five years. The procedure for electing deputies to the State Duma is established by federal law.

It can be dissolved after three times it rejects candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, presented by the President of the Russian Federation (Part 4, Article 111),

Article 111

  • 1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma.
  • 2. A proposal for a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is submitted no later than two weeks after the newly elected President of the Russian Federation takes office or after the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation, or within a week from the day the candidacy is rejected by the State Duma.
  • 3. The State Duma considers the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation submitted by the President of the Russian Federation within a week from the date of submission of the proposal for the candidacy.

On the interpretation of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, see Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 11, 1998 N 28-P.

4. After three times the State Duma rejects the presented candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections.

Article 111

The commented article defines the form of participation of the State Duma in the appointment of the Chairman of the Government by the President, the timing of the President’s submission of candidates and the timing of their consideration by the Duma, as well as the consequences of its three-time rejection of the submitted candidates.

  • 1. The principle of separation of powers, which is approved as one of the foundations of the constitutional system, presupposes certain forms of mutual participation of various branches of government in the formation of government bodies. The form of such participation of the Duma in the appointment by the President of the Chairman of the Government is its consent to the proposed candidacy.
  • 2. Since the process of forming the Government begins with the appointment of its Chairman, last procedure must take place within an extremely short but reasonable time frame. The President has a two-week deadline for submitting a proposal for the Chairman. This period is necessary to resolve the important issue of the Chairman of the Government in the event of the assumption of office by the President or in the event of the resignation of the Government. If the State Duma rejects a candidacy, the period for re-submission is naturally reduced to a week.
  • 3. For the State Duma, the period for consideration of candidates proposed by the President provides sufficient time to discuss the issue in factions and deputy groups.
  • 4. With regard to part 4 of the commented article on the consequences of three times rejecting candidates submitted by the President, leading to the dissolution of the State Duma, an unclear question arose as to whether the President can propose the same candidacy three times. On this occasion, the Constitutional Court made a decision on the interpretation of part 4 of Art. 111 of the Constitution. The decision of the Constitutional Court recognized that from the meaning of this article, in conjunction with other norms of the Constitution, follows the right of the President to present the same candidate twice or each time a new candidate, his right to insist on its approval, as well as the right of the State Duma to give or not give consent to appointment of the Chairman of the Government.

At the same time, the Constitutional Court noted that in the future the possibility of forming a constitutional custom based on any one option of interaction between the head of state and the State Duma from those permitted by Part 4 of Art. 111 and adequate to the goals of stable functioning of the system of public authorities.

1. The provision of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the three-time rejection of submitted candidacies for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation by the State Duma in conjunction with other provisions of this article means that the President of the Russian Federation, when submitting proposals to the State Duma on candidates for the position of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, has the right to submit the same candidate twice or thrice, or present a new candidate each time. The right of the President of the Russian Federation to propose this or that candidacy and insist on its approval, on the one hand, and the right of the State Duma to consider the presented candidacy and decide on consent to the appointment, on the other, must be implemented taking into account the constitutional requirements for the coordinated functioning and interaction of the participants in this process, including on the basis of the forms of interaction provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation or those that do not contradict it, which develop in the process of exercising the powers of the head of state and in parliamentary practice.

After a three-time rejection of candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation presented by the President of the Russian Federation - regardless of whether a new candidate was presented each time or the same candidate twice or three times - the State Duma is subject to dissolution.

From the above it follows that in accordance with the procedure established by Article 111 and related Articles 83 (clause “a”), 84 (clause “b”) and 103 (clause “a” of part 1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation Federations have the right to re-submit a candidate rejected by the State Duma for the specified position; the presentation of the same candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation three times in a row is not allowed. The State Duma cannot be dissolved on the grounds provided for in Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a result of the same candidacy for Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation being rejected three times.

Based on the above and guided by the first and second parts of Article 71, Articles 72, 74, 75 and 106 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation", the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled:

  • 1. From the provisions of Articles 84 (paragraph "b"), 109 (parts 1 and 2), 111 (part 4) and 117 (parts 3 and 4) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the provisions of Article 99 (parts 1, 2 and 4 ), as well as other provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it follows that the dissolution of the State Duma by the President of the Russian Federation means the termination, starting from the moment the date of new elections is set, of the exercise by the State Duma of the powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation to adopt laws, as well as its other constitutional powers that are being exercised by making decisions at chamber meetings. In this case, the exercise of the specified powers of the State Duma by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, and other government bodies is excluded.
  • 2. According to Article 106 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, the interpretation given by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this Resolution is official and generally binding.
  • 3. According to parts one and two of Article 79 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, this Resolution is final, not subject to appeal, comes into force immediately after its proclamation and is immediately effective.
  • 4. According to Article 78 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, this Resolution is subject to immediate publication in the “Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation” and “ Rossiyskaya newspaper". The resolution must also be published in the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation."

Chapter 17 of the Rules of the State Duma, how disagreements between the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma regarding a candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation can lead to the dissolution of the chamber.

The Constitution allows that the President’s proposal for the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government will be submitted to the State Duma three times. In this regard, based on the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 11, 1998 No. 28-P, it is necessary to clarify whether the President has the right to propose an already rejected candidacy for new consideration. It should also be reported whether the President, after rejecting the submitted candidates three times, can appoint as Chairman of the Government a person whose candidacy was not submitted by the State Duma.

It would be appropriate to express the author’s opinion on the issue of the relationship between parts 1 and 4 of Art. 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely, is it necessary in the situation provided for in Part 4 (Appointment of the Chairman of the Government contrary to the position of the State Duma and the dissolution of the Duma), to obtain consent to the appointment of a new Duma from the Duma.

The latest edition of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads:

1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma.

2. A proposal for a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is submitted no later than two weeks after the newly elected President of the Russian Federation takes office or after the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation, or within a week from the day the candidacy is rejected by the State Duma.

3. The State Duma considers the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation submitted by the President of the Russian Federation within a week from the date of submission of the proposal for the candidacy.

4. After three times the State Duma rejects the presented candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections.

Commentary to Art. 111 KRF

1. The commented part provides for the need to coordinate the will of the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma when appointing the head of the Government of the Russian Federation. This is a parliamentary element in the Russian form of government, characterized as a mixed (“presidential-parliamentary”) republic. Such coordination of wills is intended to give the Government the necessary stability and authority, to create best conditions for interaction between the legislative and executive powers.

The appointment itself takes place in the event of a change of President or his re-election, after which the Government of the Russian Federation resigns its powers (see comments to Article 116), or in the event of resignation of the Government for any reason (see comments to Article 117). First President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin in 1998 and 1999 dismissed the Government four times, after which a new Chairman of the Government was appointed. Second President V.V. After his inauguration, Putin appointed M.M. as Chairman of the Government on May 17, 2000. Kasyanov, who was replaced on March 5, 2004 by M.E. Fradkov.

It is important to note here that the candidacy of the future Chairman of the Government is determined by the President, and the State Duma only agrees or disagrees with it, but cannot nominate its own candidacy. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 1997 (SZ RF. 1997. N 51. Art. 5712; as amended and supplemented) establishes in the current version Art. 7, that the Chairman of the Government is appointed by the President from among citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have citizenship of a foreign state or a residence permit or other document confirming the right of permanent residence of a Russian citizen in the territory of a foreign state. The Chairman of the Government is dismissed from office by the President upon his resignation or in the event that the Chairman of the Government is unable to fulfill his powers. Thus, parts 1 and 2 of the stated article 7 of the Federal Law on the Government limit the right of the President to choose a candidate for the head of the Government and to dismiss the Government, which does not correspond to paragraphs “a” and “c” of the article. 83, commented article and part 2 of Art. 117 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which do not provide for any restrictions for the President in this matter (see comments to these provisions). The President notifies the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the dismissal of the Chairman of the Government on the day the decision is made. The dismissal of the Chairman of the Government simultaneously entails the resignation of the entire Government. The consent of the State Duma is not required for this.

2. The commented part sets the deadlines for the President of the Russian Federation to submit to the State Duma a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The need for a constitutional establishment of such deadlines is dictated by the desire to ensure the continuity of the functioning of the executive branch and to prevent a prolonged absence of the authorized Government.

The deadlines in the commented and following articles are set not in days, as in other articles of the Constitution, but in weeks, which leaves no opportunity for different interpretations relevant periods of time (there can be no question as to whether a working week is meant or a calendar week). From this definition of deadlines it follows that the State Duma cannot interrupt its work if the Chairman of the Government is not appointed. However, the lack of unification in determining constitutional terms is most likely explained by the shortcomings of the editors who prepared the text of the Constitution for submission to a referendum and did not have the necessary time to carefully work it out.

3. The commented part determines the period for the State Duma during which it must consider the candidacy submitted by the President for the post of Chairman of the Government.

The Regulations of the State Duma of January 22, 1998 (SZ RF. 1998. N 7. Art. 801; with amendments and additions) were regulated in Chapter. 17 the procedure for the State Duma to give consent to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (see commentary to paragraph “a”, part 1, article 103).

4. The commented part regulates the situation that arises in the event of a three-time rejection by the State Duma of candidates for the Chairman of the Government presented by the President. It is unclear from the text of the Constitution whether the President has the right to re-nominate an already rejected candidate and, if he does so, whether this will be considered a second or third nomination, respectively. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its Resolution No. 28-P of December 11, 1998 in the case on the interpretation of certain provisions of Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (SZ RF. 1998. N 52. Art. 6447) explained that the President of the Russian Federation, when submitting proposals on candidates for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation to the State Duma, has the right to present the same candidate twice or thrice or to present a new one each time candidate. The right of the President to propose this or that candidacy and insist on its approval, on the one hand, and the right of the State Duma to consider the presented candidacy and decide on consent to the appointment, on the other, must be implemented taking into account the constitutional requirements for the coordinated functioning and interaction of participants in this process, including on the basis of the forms of interaction provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation or those that do not contradict it, which develop in the process of exercising the powers of the head of state and in parliamentary practice.

From the text of the commented part it follows with certainty that after the third rejection by the State Duma of the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government presented by the President - regardless of whether a new candidate was presented each time or the same candidate twice or thrice - the President is already obliged to appoint the Chairman of the Government and dissolve State Duma with the appointment of new elections. When appointing the Chairman of the Government in this case, the Constitution no longer binds the President in any way: any of the candidates submitted to the State Duma, or even a person whose candidacy was not presented to the State Duma, can be appointed.

After the elections, however, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the new State Duma for the appointment. This follows from general principle contained in part 1 of the commented article. In the event of a three-time refusal to give consent, this State Duma must also be dissolved. Such a hypothetical situation would indicate the President’s complete inability to find compromises with political forces that are in opposition to him, but enjoy significant influence in the country, since from convocation to convocation they have an absolute majority of votes in the State Duma. No budget can withstand multiple parliamentary re-elections, and in addition, this could lead to acute crisis authorities against the background of irritation and fatigue of voters. Therefore, the implementation of the provisions of Part 4 of the commented article in practice is unlikely, and the second consecutive dissolution of the State Duma is almost completely unlikely.

Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court is the highest judicial body that exercises control over the compliance of laws and other regulations with the current constitution.

The court is a government body that belongs to the judicial branch of government and administers justice in the form of consideration and resolution of court cases.

The law is legal act adopted by a representative body of government on the most significant and topical issues public life.

Elections are the process of electing senior officials by citizens of the Russian Federation through a nationwide open vote.


The state is a special form of organization political power. The state as a special form of organization of political power is characterized by the presence of the following features: the presence of public power institutions (i.e., institutions of power located outside society, separated from it); the presence of governing bodies and maintaining law and order within the state; the presence of an organized tax system necessary to maintain the functioning of the state and state institutions, as well as solutions to other social issues; the presence of a separate territory and state borders that separate one state from another; the presence of an independent legal system, while, according to the majority of legal scholars: the state cannot exist without law; monopoly on violence, only the state has the right to use violence; the presence of sovereignty, i.e. independence in internal and external affairs.


A federation is a special form of state-territorial structure, which is a complex state consisting of many parts with a wide range of local powers - the subjects of the federation. Subjects of the federation have broad political and economic independence. The Russian Federation is an asymmetrical federation characterized by different constitutional status for its subjects.

Question type: Choice of possible correct answers

Possible answers:

1. appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

2. dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections

3. may not dissolve the State Duma and appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

4. independently appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and decides on the dissolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

5. may not dissolve the State Duma and himself begins to fulfill the duties of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Possible answers: 5

QUESTION No. 206. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, no later than... days after his appointment, submits to the President of the Russian Federation proposals on the structure of federal executive bodies.

Possible answers:

Possible answers: 8

QUESTION N 207. Judges can be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached... years

Possible answers: 2

QUESTION N 208. Judges can be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached a certain age, have a higher legal education and have worked in the legal profession for at least... years

Question type: Entering an answer manually using the keyboard

Possible answers: 2