Presentation on the topic of patriotism in modern society. Class hour"О патриотизме. О Родине…". Патриотическое воспитание учащихся через систему классных часов!}

Open lesson Russian language grade 9

Topic “Union-free complex sentence”

Goal: Formation of knowledge about a complex non-union sentence and punctuation marks in it.

Objectives: 1. Develop the ability to use the basic technique of identifying non-union complex sentences - comparing them with synonymous compound and complex sentences.

2. To develop special skills and abilities of students.

3. Educate students cognitive interest to the topic of the lesson.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Communicating the topic and setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

2. Psychological attitude:

Invented by someone simply and wisely,

When meeting, say hello: Good morning!

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning to you smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, sympathetic,

AND Good morning lasts until evening.

Let's guys look at each other and smile. After all, a smile will make everyone brighter. I hope that today you and I will work together amicably and actively in class.

3. Updating previous knowledge. What complex sentences have you studied?

Let's now check whether we can determine BSC and SPP. Let's write the number in a notebook and leave a line for the topic. You must write down the numbers of proposals according to the options (1st century - SSP, 2nd century - SPP)

1. My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room. (SPP)

2. The ice had already broken, and it was impossible to cross to the other side. (SSP)

3. It was terribly cold in the morning, but by lunchtime the sun came out. (SPP)

4. In order not to give himself away, the fisherman wrapped his oars in rags. (SPP)

5. The house where they took me was small, but cozy. (SPP)

6. Early in the morning a nightingale sang in the garden, and the croaking of frogs was heard from the pond.

7. I immediately realized that I could do this job. (SPP)

8. The boat moored to the shore, and we felt solid ground under our feet. (SSP)

9. Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks. (SPP)

10. The rain continued to lash, and I was chilled to the bone. (SSP) Have you written down all the proposals? No. Why? You will find out what kind of sentence this is by solving the crossword puzzle.

Reception "Crossword""(when solving which students will read the name of the species complex sentence, which will be the topic of the lesson)

Teacher: guess the word in the crossword puzzle and think about how it might be related to the new, as yet unknown topic of the lesson.

Prefix in the word restless (restless-)

A root is a part of speech with the help of which homogeneous members and simple sentences are connected as part of a complex one. (Union).

Suffix as in the word sleepy (-N-)

Ending an adjective in the middle gender singular

Teacher: did we end up with a word? - Student answers.

Teacher: formulate the topic of the lesson. - Students' answers.

Write the topic in your notebook: "Unionless Complex Sentence"

Setting a learning goal, creating a “challenge” situation.

Target « call » consists in creating a situation of overcoming: the teacher and student consciously set themselves or their partner a task, the solution of which will require certain efforts.

1) Get to know...

2) Study... Students formulate the goals of the lesson.

Technique “I know - I don’t know”

Connect the correspondence with arrows

Compound sentence

You, brothers, had to stand like a wall.

Simple sentence

Sadkov painted equally well not only urban but also rural landscapes.

Non-union complex sentence

A red stream of fire flowed past the window, looking into it...

Offer with homogeneous members

The oaks and pointed firs were turning green; centuries-old linden trees, hanging their curly crowns, covered the sky.

Complex sentence

Everyone wanted to know how he traveled, what he saw.

Offer with appeal

There was no use in hiding the truth, and I had no intention of doing so.

4. Studying a new topic. What do you know about BSP?

The main features of non-union complex sentences

1) Simple sentences as part of complex ones they are connected without the help of conjunctions and allied words.

2) In meaning they are close to conjunctional complex sentences.

3) They have a characteristic intonation.

4) Simple sentences in their composition are separated by a comma, semicolon, colon, dash.

Teacher: I suggest you look through the theoretical material on your tables and mark familiar information +, unfamiliar -, sign? information that needs further clarification

(Appendix 1)

Non-union complex sentence

The non-union complex proposal (BSP) is contrasted with union proposals due to the absence of union means. The parts of the BSP are connected in meaning and intonation.

The following are presented in Russian types non-union proposals:

1. Between parts it is observed semantic equality, the parts are connected by enumerative intonation, the order of the parts is free:

Cannonballs are rolling, bullets are whistling, cold bayonets are hanging(A.S. Pushkin) .

To my right was a ravine, bending like a snake; a narrow but deep river meandered to the left.

2. Parts of the BSP are unequal: the second part explains the first (or individual words in it) in any respect, the parts are connected by explanatory intonation, the order of the parts is fixed:

a) the second part reveals the content of the first (= namely):

Everything was unusual and scary: some rustling sounds were heard in the room.

b) the second part complements the meaning of the first (= What):

I looked out the window (and saw): dawn was breaking over the forest.

c) the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first (= because):

I was surprised: there was a note sticking out of the door.

As a rule, in sentences of this type, the first part contains the main part of the statement, and the second part explains and complements the content of the first (it is the functional equivalent subordinate clause).

3. The parts of the BSP are unequal and connected by a special contrasting intonation (the first part of the sentence is characterized by a high tone, the second by a sharp decrease in tone), the order of the parts is fixed:

a) the first part contains an indication of the condition or time of the action:

I come to the well - no one is there anymore(M. Yu. Lermontov).

In this case, the first part of the BSP is the functional equivalent of a subordinate clause or time, and the second part is an analogue of the main part.

b) the second part contains an indication of an unexpected result of an action or a rapid change of events:

Before I could blink, the ball was already in the goal.

c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first part:

Says a word - the nightingale sings.

d) the second part contains a contrast:

Try it on seven times, cut it once. Examples of sentences with different intonation connections: 1. Evening came, it was raining, and the wind blew intermittently from the north. (Enumeration.) 2. There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small. (Contrast.) 3. Echevin understood one thing: fear of independent opinion, fear of taking responsibility for himself became the reason for his actions. (Explanation.) 4. Evening came, it was raining, and the wind blew intermittently from the north. (Enumeration.)
5. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. (Contrast.)
6. A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers. (Explanation.) Teacher: What in the text seemed clear to you? What turned out to be new, completely incomprehensible? What needs further clarification?

5. Consolidation

Completing tasks. Determine which proposal is non-union and which is union. Write down the non-union people in your notebook.

1) Marya Dmitrievna soon dozed off, the girls and the maid fell asleep too.
2) The grass was tired, it smelled of hot pine bark and strawberries.
3) I ran out several times to see if it was snowing.
4) Alekhine said goodbye and went downstairs, but the guests remained upstairs.
5) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him and was also silent.
6) The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
7) Sad thoughts wandered through my head, my father was also sad.
8) I took it into my head to turn under the shed where our horses stood to see if they had food.
9) You go for a day, take bread for a week.
10) Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

Non-union proposals: 2,5,6,9,10.

2) Write down the sentences, add punctuation marks, explain. A monument was recently erected in Lomonosov's homeland. Lomonosov is depicted as an energetic man, full of strength and intense will; his high forehead imperceptibly turns into a fluffy wig; hands that knew no rest during life are lowered to their knees. (Sturgeon.) The river did not freeze for a long time; Steam rose from its green water. (K. Paustovsky.) Thick icicles hanging from the roofs melted in the sun; the drops falling from them hit the ice loudly; along all the streets the drops sang the ringing song of spring. (K. Paustovsky.) enumeration, equality

3) Working with the textbook. Ex.

4. Task: Determine the BSP (Stand up):

1. While you live, hurry to do good.

2. There can be no greater happiness than bringing happiness to the unhappy.

3. Don’t dig a hole for someone else – you’ll trip yourself.

4. You can’t buy good things.

5. Weak people waiting for favorable opportunities - strong in spirit they are created.

6. The fruit obtained by patience is like sugar.

7. And the sea has a bottom, and patience has a limit.

8. Gold settles at the bottom of patience.

9. Friendship came, happiness came, and wealth appeared.

6. Reflection

    What did you learn in class today?

    What task was the most interesting for you? Why?

    Which task did you find difficult and why?

7. Lesson summary:

    Guys, please remember what goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson?

    Have you achieved them?

8. Homework.

To strengthen your knowledge,

I give homework. ___________________________________________

9. Exhibitionratings.

Slide 1

NON-UNION PROPOSAL based on materials from the Russian language textbook. 9th grade: studies for general educational institutions / M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov; edited by M.M. Razumovskoy, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2008 Compiled by teacher of Russian language and literature Korzunova Zh.V.

Slide 2

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COMA AND SEMOLON Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples, . List of facts and the moon was shining, the July night was quiet. […]; […]. Enumeration of facts and All snowdrifts and ravines; Every minute the sleigh overturned, every minute he raised it.

Slide 3

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COLONS Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples: [reason]. because suddenly it got dark: a cloud ran into the sun. : [explanation]. namely, the morning was wonderful: the washed forest was smiling, the birds were singing. : [addition]. that I know: in your heart there is both pride and straight honor.

Slide 4

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence DASH Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples -. contrast: Summer stores - winter eats. [time ] - . When you have finished your work, go for a walk boldly. [condition] - . If you sow the wind, you will reap the storm.

Slide 5

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence DASH Sentence diagram. Semantic relations How can you replace a sign in the BSP Examples - [conclusion, consequence]. so the Children have become big - they need to study seriously. - . Quick change of events A shot rang out - the beast fell. - [comparison]. as if, as if, if he says a word, the nightingale will sing.

Slide 6

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence can be combined in one sentence different meanings: conditions and time; consequences and quick change of action, etc. The crow croaked at the top of its lungs: the cheese fell out - such was the trick with it. (cause and effect) Based on materials for N.V. Egorova’s textbook “Russian language. 9th grade.”

Slide 7

Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. History of the Fatherland. English language/ Under general ed.. O. L. Soboleva. – M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence. There would be no happiness _ but misfortune helped (last). Either I will arrange everything as before _ or I will challenge him to a duel (I. Turgenev). The forest _ which we entered _ was extremely old (I. Turgenev). He who speaks sows; he who listens gathers (A. Pushkin). I go out alone onto the road - through the fog the flinty path shines - the night is quiet (M. Lermontov).

Slide 8

Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. History of the Fatherland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 6. The red light of the fireplace fluttered on the floor, on the mirrors, on the ceiling - the long, fancy shadows from the palm trees trembled and got tangled (A. Kuprin). 7. The sun shines equally for everyone - man, beast, and tree (M. Prishvin). 8. I trust those who love - they are generous (K. Paustovsky). 9. I remember a wonderful vision - you appeared before me (A. Pushkin). 10. People behaved differently - some looked around worriedly, others seemed frozen. Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence.

Slide 9

Training exercises Based on the textbook “Student's Handbook, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. History of the Fatherland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 11. My custom is to not make peace with wolves except by skinning them (I. Krylov). 12. Cats fight _ mice have freedom (last). 13. The smoky sun is rising - it will be a good day (A. Tvardovsky). 14. Evening will come _ let's talk about everything. 15. You sang a bright song - like bells are ringing! 16. You do good - you elevate yourself, you do evil - you humiliate yourself (last) Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of complex sentence.

Slide 10