Presentation of architecture of the 1st half of the 19th century. Presentation on the topic Russian architecture of the 19th century. The central facade of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum

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Markovtseva Olga 8th grade

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The first third of the 19th century is called the “golden age” of Russian culture. Its beginning coincided with the era of classicism in Russian literature and art. Buildings built in the classicist style are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm and proportions. Back in the middle of the 18th century, St. Petersburg was surrounded by green estates, then the construction of the city began. St. Petersburg classicism is the architecture not of individual buildings, but of entire ensembles.

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Work began with the construction of the Admiralty building according to the design of I.K. Korobova and A.D. Zakharova, 1806-1823

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Great value At the beginning of the 19th century, the Exchange building was erected on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

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Senate and Synod building

Construction 1829-1834 architect K.I. Russia. The Senate and Synod building is the last one great work great architect. The architectural monument is distinguished by rich sculptural decor.

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Alexandrinsky Theater

The Alexandrinsky Theater (designed by K. Rossi) is part of an ensemble of two squares and a street; the theater is a masterpiece of Russian classicism. Grand opening theater took place in 1832, it was named after the wife of Nicholas I. It is one of the oldest professional theaters in Russia.

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Mikhailovsky Palace

The Mikhailovsky Palace theater building was conceived as a gift to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich from his brother Emperor Alexander I. Construction was carried out from 1819 to 1825 according to the design and under the leadership of K.I. Russia. In the composition of the palace, the traditional manor scheme for Russian classicism was used.

In the composition of the palace, the traditional manor scheme for Russian classicism was used.

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Auditorium Petersburg Bolshoi Theater in the 1820s

View of the Bolshoi/Kamenny Theater in St. Petersburg before demolition in 1886

The building of the Bolshoi Theater (construction in 1824, architects Beauvais, Gilardi, etc.) is one of the best examples of Russian, classical architecture.

Bolshoi Theater

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Monument to Minin (standing) and Pozharsky (sitting) against the backdrop of St. Basil's Cathedral

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was the first monument in Moscow erected not in honor of the sovereign, but in honor folk heroes. In 1803, the collection of donations began for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which was erected on Red Square in 1818.

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Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace is located on Borovitsky Hill. Its facade faces the Moscow River and stretches from west to east for 125 meters. The palace was built in 1838-1849 by a group of Russian architects under the leadership of K.A. Ton.

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Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Kazan Cathedral was conceived as main temple capital and was built in 1801-1811 according to the design and under the leadership of the outstanding architect A. N. Voronikhin. The cathedral became a monument to Russian military glory: trophies were placed in it Patriotic War 1812. In 1813, the great Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov was buried here.

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St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

St. Isaac's Cathedral is the most big building, erected in Russia in the first half of the 19th century according to Montferrand’s design.

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General Staff Building

In the center of the capital, on Palace Square, K.I. Rossi erected the General Staff building (1819-1829).

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The world-famous palaces, parks and architectural ensembles of Peterhof represent an outstanding monument to Russian artistic XVIII culture- XIX centuries, founded by Emperor Peter I.

Palace and park ensemble "Peterhof"

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The credit for its creation belongs to many outstanding architects, artists and unknown artisans.

Delightful parks, fountains of various shapes and types (176 in total), 4 cascades, majestic palaces, gilded statues of ancient gods and heroes, collections of sculpture, paintings and works decorative arts makes Peterhof a unique and invaluable asset of world culture.

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Gradually, eclecticism replaced classicism. This is a free choice and different historical styles. The early stage of eclecticism (1830-1860) is associated with romantic stylization. More and more previously unknown types of structures were built - railway stations, "passages", large industrial buildings, apartment buildings, new streets were laid, old ones were expanded and regulated, gardens, squares and boulevards were built, many shopping, banking, educational, entertainment and hospital buildings were built buildings and complexes.

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Polytechnic Museum

The initiators of the creation Polytechnic Museum There were scientists who united in 1864 to form the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography (IOLEAE). The idea arose to create a publicly accessible Museum of Applied Knowledge in Moscow. To collect exhibits for the museum, an All-Russian Industrial Exhibition was organized in Moscow. The grand opening of the exhibition took place on May 30, 1872.

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Historical Museum

The Historical Museum in Moscow was founded in 1872 and opened in 1883. It is the largest repository of monuments of Russian history and culture. The Moscow City Duma gave away its own site for the construction of a museum.

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Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In 1839, on the banks of the Moscow River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was founded according to the design of the architect K.A. Ton. He combined classicism with the “Russian style”.

It took almost 44 years to build, and in 1883 it was opened for worship. On December 5, 1931, the temple building was completely destroyed by an explosion.

The temple was restored in the 90s of the twentieth century and has been reopened for visits and services since 2000.

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The Hermitage opened its doors, where the artistic treasures of the imperial family were collected. The first public art museum appeared in Russia.

In 1852 in cultural life A remarkable event occurred in Russia.

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Tsarskoye Selo Admiralty

Tsarskoe Selo is a brilliant monument of world architecture and landscape art. Its three parks occupy 600 hectares, with more than 100 architectural structures.

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Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg

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Pavilion "Grotto" in the Catherine Park of Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg

At the beginning of the 19th century, public interest in works of art increased significantly, which contributed to the development artistic culture. Important feature the development of art in this period was a rapid change artistic directions and the simultaneous existence of various artistic styles.

In the architecture of the first half of the century, classicism lingered longer than in other areas artistic creativity. He dominated almost until the 40s. Its pinnacle at the beginning of the 19th century was the Empire style, expressed in massive forms, rich decorations, and strict lines inherited from imperial Rome. An important element Empire style there were also sculptures that complemented the architectural design of the buildings. Palaces and mansions of the nobility, buildings of higher government institutions, noble assemblies, theaters and even temples were erected in the Empire style. The Empire style was the embodiment of the ideas of state power and military strength.

Early XIX V. was a time of rapid development of the capitals - St. Petersburg and Moscow. As well as the central part of large provincial cities. A feature of the construction of this period was the creation architectural ensembles- a number of buildings and structures combined into a single whole. In St. Petersburg during this period the Palace, Admiralty and Senate Square. in Moscow - Teatralnaya. Provincial cities rebuilt according to special plans. Their central part now consisted not only of cathedrals, palaces of governors and mansions of the nobility, buildings of noble assemblies, but also new institutions - museums, schools, libraries, theaters.

Largest representatives ZAKHAROV Andreyan (Adrian) Dmitrievich, Russian architect. Representative of the Empire style. The creator of one of the masterpieces of Russian architecture, the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg ().

Zakharov created a monumental building in the strict forms of the Russian Empire style according to the traditional three-axis scheme: a tower surrounded at the top by a colonnade and topped with a dome with a spire, and two wings, each of which has a central portico and two side six-column loggias. Numerous statues (allegorical figures) and reliefs of facades and interiors by V. I. Demut-Malinovsky, F. F. Shchedrin, I. I. Terebenev and S. S. Pimenov are organically connected with architectural forms buildings. The Admiralty, to whose tower three highways of the city converge, is the center of the architectural composition of St. Petersburg.

VORONIKHIN Andrey Nikiforovich (), Russian architect, representative of the Empire style. His works in St. Petersburg, the Kazan Cathedral (), which laid the foundation for a large city ensemble on Nevsky Prospekt, and the Mining Institute (), are marked by monumental and strict solemnity. Participated in the creation of architectural ensembles of Pavlovsk and Peterhof.

BOVE Osip Ivanovich (), Russian architect. Representative of the Empire style. Chief Architect Commissions for the restoration of Moscow after the fire With the participation of Bove, Red Square was reconstructed and created Theater Square With Bolshoi Theater(), Triumphal Gate ().

MONFERRAN August Augustovich () - Russian architect, decorator and draftsman. A representative of late classicism, his work marks the transition from classicism to eclecticism. French by origin. From 1816 he worked in Russia. Such Montferrand buildings as St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column played a significant role in the formation of the ensembles of the center of St. Petersburg.

Ton Konstantin Andreevich - (), Russian architect, “Russian-Byzantine” style in Russian architecture. The Grand Kremlin Palace was built under his leadership. In 1837, according to his project, the construction of the grandiose Cathedral of Christ the Savior in memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 began in Moscow; in 1839, the architect designed the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin () and became their main builder. In Moscow, Thon also built the first railway station in Russia, Nikolaevskaya Road (now Leningradsky Station, 1849; in St. Petersburg now Moskovsky,).

Karl Ivanovich Rossi - () Russian architect. He made a new contribution to the history of Russian classicism. His largest works: the Mikhailovsky Palace in St. Petersburg (now the Russian Museum) with the entire Arts Square, the Palace Square ensemble with the General Staff building and the arch, etc.

First half of the 19th century went down in history as the beginning of the “golden age” of Russian artistic culture. It was distinguished by: the rapid change of artistic styles and trends, the mutual enrichment and close interrelation of literature and other areas of art, the strengthening of public sound created works, organic unity and complementarity of the best examples of Western European and Russian folk culture. All this made the artistic culture of Russia diverse and polyphonic, leading to an increase in its influence on the lives of not only the enlightened layers of society, but also millions ordinary people. First half of the 19th century went down in history as the beginning of the “golden age” of Russian artistic culture. It was distinguished by: a rapid change of artistic styles and directions, mutual enrichment and close interrelation of literature and other areas of art, strengthening of the social sound of the works created, organic unity and complementarity of the best examples of Western European and Russian folk culture. All this made the artistic culture of Russia diverse and polyphonic, leading to an increase in its influence on the lives of not only the enlightened layers of society, but also millions of ordinary people.

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Russian architecture in the first half of the 19th century Presentation prepared by: Romanova Zhenya Tanacheva Zhenya

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At the beginning of the 19th century, public interest in works of art increased significantly, which contributed to the development of artistic culture. An important feature of the development of art during this period was the rapid change of artistic directions and the simultaneous existence of various artistic styles.

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In the architecture of the first half of the century, classicism lingered longer than in other areas of artistic creativity. He dominated almost until the 40s. Its pinnacle at the beginning of the 19th century was the Empire style, expressed in massive forms, rich decorations, and strict lines inherited from imperial Rome. Sculptures that complemented the architectural design of buildings were also an important element of the Empire style. Palaces and mansions of the nobility, buildings of higher government institutions, noble assemblies, theaters and even temples were erected in the Empire style. The Empire style was the embodiment of the ideas of state power and military strength.

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Beginning of the 19th century was a time of rapid development of the capitals - St. Petersburg and Moscow. As well as the central part of large provincial cities. A feature of the construction of this period was the creation of architectural ensembles - a number of buildings and structures united into a single whole. In St. Petersburg during this period, Palace, Admiralteyskaya and Senate squares were formed. in Moscow - Teatralnaya. Provincial cities were rebuilt according to special plans. Their central part now consisted not only of cathedrals, palaces of governors and mansions of the nobility, buildings of noble assemblies, but also new institutions - museums, schools, libraries, theaters.

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The largest representatives ZAKHAROV Andreyan (Adrian) Dmitrievich, Russian architect. Representative of the Empire style. The creator of one of the masterpieces of Russian architecture - the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg (1806-23).

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Zakharov created a monumental building in the strict forms of the Russian Empire style according to the traditional three-axis scheme: a tower surrounded at the top by a colonnade and topped with a dome with a spire, and two wings, each of which has a central portico and two side six-column loggias. Numerous statues (allegorical figures) and reliefs of facades and interiors by V. I. Demut-Malinovsky, F. F. Shchedrin, I. I. Terebenev and S. S. Pimenov are organically connected with the architectural forms of the building. The Admiralty, to whose tower three highways of the city converge, is the center of the architectural composition of St. Petersburg.

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VORONIKHIN Andrey Nikiforovich (1759-1814), Russian architect, representative of the Empire style. His works in St. Petersburg - the Kazan Cathedral (1801-1811), which laid the foundation for a large city ensemble on Nevsky Prospekt, the Mining Institute (1806-1811) - are marked by monumental and strict solemnity. Participated in the creation of architectural ensembles of Pavlovsk and Peterhof.

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BAUVE Osip Ivanovich (1784-1834), Russian architect. Representative of the Empire style. Chief architect of the Commission for the restoration of Moscow after the fire of 1812. With the participation of Bove, Red Square was reconstructed, Theater Square with the Bolshoi Theater (1821-24), and the Triumphal Gate (1827-34) were created.

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MONFERRAN August Augustovich (1786-1858) - Russian architect, decorator and draftsman. A representative of late classicism, his work marks the transition from classicism to eclecticism. French by origin. From 1816 he worked in Russia. Such Montferrand buildings as St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column played a significant role in the formation of the ensembles of the center of St. Petersburg.

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Ton Konstantin Andreevich - (1794-1881), Russian architect, “Russian-Byzantine” style in Russian architecture. In 1838-1849, the Grand Kremlin Palace was built under his leadership. In 1837, according to his design, construction began in Moscow of the grandiose Cathedral of Christ the Savior in memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1839, the architect designed the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin (1843-51) and became their main builder. In Moscow, Thon also built the first railway station in Russia, Nikolaevskaya Road (now Leningradsky Station, 1849; in St. Petersburg - now Moskovsky, 1844-51).

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