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Imagine the surprise of fans of the author Harper Lee and in particular her “Mockingbird” when, more than half a century later, the second part of everyone’s favorite novel was released. It was called “Go Set a Watchman” - these are words from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Of course, the title of this work also contains the deepest philosophical meaning. Anyone who reads this book will definitely understand the essence of the title.

In fact, the history of creation of this work, quite extraordinary. The novel Go Set a Watchman was completed before To Kill a Mockingbird was released, but was not published because then-publisher Lee approached her with the idea of ​​creating a separate book based on the main character's memories of her childhood. Thanks to this, we now have a unique opportunity to read both books at once and finally find out what happened to the now grown-up Jean Louise.

The novel “Go Set a Watchman” tells about the events taking place in the “golden” fifties. Main character novel, Little Eye is no longer a little girl, she has grown up and gone to live in New York. But years later, by the will of fate, she returns to home to visit his already elderly and sick father. Theoretically, it was impossible to imagine how the places familiar and familiar from childhood, people, friends with whom the happiest time of her life had passed would change. However, everything has changed, and not to the best better side. About what happened behind for many years, about unexpected changes and unpredictable twists and turns of fate new novel Harper Lee.

By touching on social, philosophical, spiritual and moral components, the author managed to create a truly profound work that will not leave anyone who reads it indifferent. As always, rich and figurative language, bright, characteristic characters and an incomprehensible deep meaning of life.

Read the fascinating continuation of Harper Lee's brilliant work "To Kill a Mockingbird", the novel "Go Set a Watchman", enjoy unexpected continuation and the incredible writing talent of the author. Happy reading.

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Harper Lee

Go set a watchman

In memory of Mr. Lee and Alice

Translation from English by A.C. Bogdanovsky

© Harper Lee, 2015

After Atlanta, she began to look out the window with almost physical pleasure. Sitting with a cup of morning coffee in the dining car, I watched with my eyes how the last hills of Georgia were left behind and the red earth floated in, and on the ground - iron-roofed houses in the middle of clean courtyards, and in the courtyards - the inevitable verbena in tubs of old bleached tires. She smiled from ear to ear when she noticed the first television antenna on the roof of a shabby black house, and the more densely they walked, the happier her soul was.

Jean Louise Finch usually flew home, but on this fifth annual trip from New York to Maycomb she took the train. Firstly, last time she was scared to death: the pilot chose the path through the tornado. Secondly, my father is already seventy-two, it is not suitable for him to get up at three in the morning and rush a hundred miles to meet her in Mobile, especially since he still has to work all day.

She didn't regret that she chose railway. Since her childhood, trains had become completely different, and she enjoyed new impressions: when she pressed a button in the wall, a conductor appeared out of nowhere like an obese genie; At her command, a steel washbasin pulled out from another wall, and there was a toilet seat with comfortable footrests. She decided not to succumb to the threats of instructions posted here and there in the single-seat compartment, for which she paid: at night, going to bed, she neglected the advice to PULL THE LEVER DOWN ALL THE WAY and found herself caught as if in a trap between the shelf and the wall, so the conductor had to rescue her – much to the passenger’s embarrassment, since she liked to sleep in only a pajama jacket.

Fortunately, he was just making a round of his possessions and at the moment when the trap went off, he found himself near the compartment.

“Now, now, miss,” he said, hearing her banging on the shelf.

- No no! - she screamed. - Just explain how I can get out.

“Yes, I’ll turn my back and pull you out,” the guide promised. And he fulfilled his promise.

She woke up as a train was being coupled to another train at the rail yard in Atlanta, and, heeding another warning, did not get up until College Park flashed past the window. Then she put on what she was going to wear in Maycomb - gray pants, a black sleeveless blouse, white socks and white moccasins. And I heard my aunt snort disapprovingly, although it was still a four-hour drive to meet her.

By the fourth cup of coffee, the Crescent Limited Express, with the cackling of a giant goose greeting its fellow ship flying on a collision course to the north, was already roaring through the Chattahoochee into the depths of Alabama.

The Chattahoochee is a wide and quiet river. Muddy water in it today it stood low, and did not flow along the yellow sandbank, but oozed. Maybe she sings in winter - there was such a poem, what about it? “I walked through a virgin valley”? No, that's not it. Didn’t he also write about waterfowl - or was it about a waterfall?

She resolutely suppressed a malicious laugh, suddenly thinking that this same Sidney Lanier probably looked like her long-dead cousin Joshua Singleton St. Clair, whose literary reserves stretched from the Black Belt to Bayou La Batrie. The aunt did not allow a word of criticism towards him, repeating that his cousin was an example and model, the pride of the family, the ideal of a man, a poet kidnapped by death in the prime of his talent, and Jean Louise should not forget what a great honor it was to be with him in kinship And how could one not be proud if, judging by the photographs, the cousin was a copy - albeit much worse - of Algernon Swinburne.

Jean Louise smiled to herself, remembering what her father had told her and how the story ended. The blossoming talent was indeed cut short untimely - but not God's will, but Caesar's servants.

At the university, Cousin Joshua studied too hard, thought too much, and read his very image from novels. XIX century. He had a passion for lionfish and boots made from his own designs. Angry with the authorities, he shot several times at the rector of the university - this rector, in Joshua’s opinion, should not be heading the university, but cleaning cesspools. This was the absolute truth, but it did not serve as a mitigating circumstance in an attempted murder using firearms. At a considerable cost, the case was hushed up - and cousin Joshua, declared insane, was moved from a state correctional facility to a medical facility, where he remained until the end of his days. They said that he was normal in all respects, if the rector was not mentioned in front of him, but if they did, he, with a terribly distorted face, would freeze like a crane on one leg for eight hours, or even more, and until he forgot about his enemy, did not want to change his position for anything in the world. When enlightenment came, Cousin Joshua read the ancient Greeks and wrote poetry, a thin collection of which he published at his own expense in Tuscaloosa. His poetry was so ahead of its time that it remains dark and foggy to this day, but this book, as if accidentally forgotten on the table, flaunts in the most prominent place in Auntie’s living room.

Jean Louise laughed out loud and immediately looked around to see if anyone had heard. By telling his daughter what her aunt was keeping silent about, her father always nullified her ideas about the unconditional, birthright-granted superiority of any individual Finch over all others, and although he spoke with restraint and seriousness, Jean Louise invariably fancied that deep down in him a mocking sparkle sparkles in the eye - or was it just the reflection of the glasses? God knows.

The area outside the window, and with it the train, went gently downhill, and now only meadows with black cows were visible to the very horizon. She asked herself why she hadn’t realized before how beautiful it was here.

The station in Montgomery was perched on a steep bend in Alabama, and when Jean Louise stepped out onto the platform to stretch her legs, something old and sweet rushed towards her through the dim haze, lights, and strange smells. But something is missing, she thought. The smell of overheated axle boxes - that's what. A man with a crowbar walks along the train. You hear a clang, then “sh-sh-sh-sh”, clouds of white smoke rise, it’s like you’re in a heated pan. And now everything is running on oil.

For no apparent reason, the old childhood fear was resurrected. She had not been to this station for twenty years, since when she was a girl she went with Atticus to the capital and waited in horror that the rolling train was about to collapse into the river along with its passengers. But once she got into the carriage, Jean Louise forgot about it.

The train clattered at the junctions as it rushed through pine forests, and hummed mockingly, rushing past a brightly motley crawling along sidings. museum exhibit with a funnel pipe on the roof and the emblem of a woodworking company on the side. The Crescent Limited Express could swallow him whole and still have room left. Greenville - Evergreen - Maycomb Junction.

Jean Louise warned the conductor in advance not to forget to let her out, and since he was very middle-aged, she guessed that in Maycomb he would wave the flag like crazy bat wings, stop the train a quarter of a mile beyond the stop, and say goodbye: sorry, miss, I almost missed it. Trains change, but conductors do not. Making fun of young ladies at stops on demand is a professional trait, and Atticus, who can predict the behavior of any conductor from New Orleans to Cincinnati, when meeting his daughter, will be mistaken by no more than six steps.

She was at home in the election district of Maycomb, seventy miles long and about thirty at its widest, a wasteland dotted with tiny towns, the largest of which was Maycomb itself, the county seat. Until relatively recently, it was so cut off from the rest of the country that some residents, not knowing what political preferences had taken shape over the past ninety years in the South, continued to vote for the Republicans. There were no trains here—Maycomb Junction, so called as a courtesy, was in Abbott County, twenty miles away. Buses ran sporadically and as God pleased, but the federal government still cut a couple of expressways through the swamps so that citizens could evacuate if something happened. However, few people used the roads, and why did they give up? Those who don’t need much have plenty of everything.

The district and the city bore the name of Colonel Mason Maycomb, whose rare arrogance and unbridled self-will brought confusion and confusion into the souls of all who went with him against the Muscogee Indians. The theater of his military operations in the north was slightly hilly, in the south it was as flat as a table. The colonel, convinced that the Indians did not like to fight on the plain, searched the northern tip of these regions in search of the enemy. The general discovered that while Maycomb was scouring the hills to no avail, every pine forest in the south was full of Indians lurking, and he sent the colonel a courier - an Indian from a friendly tribe - with the following order: "Turn south, so you and so." But Maycomb, convinced that this was a cunning trick of the Indians luring him into a trap (and they were led by some blue-eyed and red-haired devil), took the friendly Muscogee prisoner and went further north until he brought his entire army into hopeless wilds, where it sat in considerable confusion until the end of hostilities.

For quite a long time, everyone thought that the bestseller “To Kill a Mockingbird” was the only work of the writer Harper Lee. Only later did it become clear that the book “Go Set a Watchman” was written first. It tells about events that took place twenty years after what is described in the book published earlier. This situation with books is due to the fact that the publisher seemed more interesting topic childhood of the main characters, and only after a while readers were able to see where the writer’s work began.

Years passed, Jean Louise got used to living according to the laws big city. She has changed, matured. The girl decides to return to her hometown to sort out her feelings. She remembers how everything was before, although she was still a child then, it seems to her that she knows what to do. But upon arrival, Jean Louise realizes that it is as if she has become a little girl again, and life in the city has changed. Now it’s difficult for her to adapt to the new rules that no one explained to her, but she must deal with what worries her so much. She must grow up not only physically, but also spiritually, and this is only possible when you can accept the past and let go of old experiences.

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