Poetry of Victoria Tkach. Tkach, Victoria Yurievna Collections of scientific works

Born in the city of Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine). Graduated from Tula State Pedagogical University (Faculty of Foreign Languages) in 1998. In the same year she was admitted to the Union of Russian Writers. From 2004 to 2006 – editor-in-chief of the museum newsletter “Living Life”, reflecting the history of the city of Tula, as well as the past and present of the V.V. House-Museum. Veresaeva. In January 2000, she founded the Youth Informal Literary Newspaper Izyum. She is the author of numerous poetry and prose publications and collections. At the end of 2004, she created the museum-literary association “Muse. Laureate of the literary award “Golden Pen of Tula” (2009). Diploma winner of the creative competition “My Pushkin” (III place – 2009, 1st place – 2011). Diploma winner of the annual competition of literary associations of Moscow and the Moscow region “Consonance” (I place, 2010) Diploma winner of the Second festival-competition of the best literary associations of Moscow and the Moscow region (I place, 2010). Engaged in active editorial and educational activities. Presented in Bibliographic reference book of the Tula regional branch of the Union of Russian Writers.

I'm scared that one day I won't wake up.

I'm scared that I'm weak and fleeting,

What will be the day when I'm deceived

At your mental invisible meeting.

I'm scared that everyday life is right,

And that again there won’t be enough miracles for everyone.

I'm scared when stupid rumors

Drinks hatred from a black vessel.

When a dream, like letters, is torn to pieces,

Rebelling against yesterday's truth,

When eccentrics go to heaven -

Oh, people, aren't you scared then?!..

It's not scary to come home blind,

In which they wait and believe in salvation,

Where is white bread at the holiday table?

Bitter from the realization of insight?!

And I’m afraid... And this fear is eternal,

Not allowing you to return to normality

And beating in misunderstood verses

A wounded but rebellious bird!

Inhale. Having bitten the bit,

The age is frenzied over the abyss.

Dreams and deeds are cut down

Snow-sky blades.

Exhalation. And a new countdown.

The old era is at the finish line.

Eager for the last flight

The future genius and the current one.

And on the seventh turn,

Replacing light with cruelty,

They are falling into fiction - already! –

Dreams and global news.

And they won’t see it later

How - through gray hatred -

Angel with a broken wing

Whispers desperately: “I believe...”

At night for some reason I dream

Scary city with the word "War".

A doomed, shot bird

Panic beat on the fragility of the window.

And the veins filled with foreboding,

Cut in half

With the biting cry of an air siren:

- This is for us!

- This is for us!

- This is for us!

And cold hands are powerless!

And a naive desire to live!

They rhymed the usual separation

With the unusual verb “to kill.”

And the broken nerves intertwined

With the black soil of the bloody earth,

So that suddenly - the millionth, not the first! –

He whispered, breathless: “We got there...”

It was... Distant faces

Spring begged for death,

Only dreams, like truth, dreams

Scary city

with the word


Sigh and not believe: “I am breathing?!”

Fall into the bottomlessness of the solar font

And realize - oh, my God, I’m writing,

Something that poets did not have time to do before.

And - freeze for fear of losing

Holy thread, given from above,

So that every line can soar reverently

An invisible dove from a pointed roof,

And give away your soul bit by bit,

Give warmth uncontrollably and boldly,

To write to someone later

What I once didn’t have time to do...

Blessed is the night that gives birth.

I'm at the edge again. Again a step to the sky.

An invisible sting pierces the falling stars,

And poison flows into sleep, and faith is only a sign.

The charioteer is in no hurry: his time is imperishable,

And the keys to someone’s lunar gate are waiting for me.

I'm at the edge again. Again I absorb the seed,

To give birth to the dawn, crucified to the sunset.

Blessed is the night! The paper is written on.

Through the open window - fragments of existence...

I lived the poems again within a step.

And just like wine:

Was it me?..

Tired autumn was no longer in a hurry

Along the fragile edge, anticipating separation.

I wasted my strength in the thick leaf fall,

Connecting the irrepressible sounds with fog.

Homeless autumn wandered with insight.

Crying with the winds. The mountain ash was silent.

She was not loved and without regret

They pushed us with umbrellas into the rainy back.

Then they called out and looked for a long time

Through the eyes of distant, forgotten poets.

The trees, stooping, grew old as usual

With dreams of a future sunny summer.

And the heavy marble sky grew cold.

And the days did not save me from random sadness.

...And the bright autumn was leaving again

A sublime mystery that we do not understand.


People leave - like dreams, like springs -

From us, the blind, into the font of light.

The arrows are frozen on the number “8”,

And the word “genius” is your sign.

Oh, poor angel! Beyond death

Always living, imperishable souls.

And it’s very simple to answer: “Believe!”

And the lines at night are no longer suffocating.

And time is eternity. And that's the beginning.

The eyes opposite are not at all strict...

Yes, only a little, insignificantly little

Razdolnaya, Russian, crazy anxiety!

The madness of the first, the ecstasy of creation

There, at the origins, they will not be able to come true,

Which means the time will soon come,

And you will return as a rebellious bird!

And there will be spring. And there will be books.

Again - insight and - awareness.

Fire on letters.

Ink chains.

And slim profile

A distant mystery.



She came down.

And she left the portrait,

Breaking the yellow-blue captivity -

Revelation, coolness of summer

Through the anticipation of change.

And flowed down

Fabrics flowed

And the elegance of the hands became white,

In Akhmatovian style, a little sad



“Oh, proud girl!” - others will say,

Having pricked himself on this article.

Do they know how to soot



How do nights lead you into madness?

How are your own eyes dead?

How, having humiliated, the crowd laughs -

Those who used to always use “you”

And then, clad in bronze,

Like shadows, following again?..

It's too late, people! It's all too late...

Only paints. And there is no death!

“I made a wish: if he finds a carnelian, we’ll get married.”

from the memoirs of Marina Tsvetaeva.

Revelation - into the firmament of the square.

I close a word from granite.

Nudity - possessed.

Chastity is harsh.

Hands, hands! Carry your soul

An overflowing cup of passion.

I will not break the harmony.

I am in the black mouth of chaos!

Giving, distancing, dividing.

Throw your heart into an unnecessary dress.

My faith is stronger than steel!

Do people pay for this?!

My views are a flock of crows.

What, passer-by, don’t you notice?

I'm running away from myself again into the night,

Welcoming foolishness during the day,

So that for a moment, when the sky gets cold,

Caress the carnelian with your palm.

I may not be the same Marina anymore,

But I remember the truth,

Irreversibility - to the end

A tired bird.

Again - flicker like a lamp,

Again, I can’t sleep.

And outside the window is a night cage

Habitual captivity.

Again - not to survive, not to make it in time,

Again - on the nerves.

And the book is an unsteady seraphim

Unnecessary lines

And we are silent, again we are silent

One at a time.

And only nearby, behind the wall,

At the bottom of the diapers,

Between this heaven and earth


Born in Dnepropetrovsk. A year later, the family moved to the city of Bogoroditsk, Tula region. After graduating from Bogoroditskaya secondary school, she entered the Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy (Faculty of Foreign Languages). In the 4th year, the first poetry collection “Dream” (1998) was published, which included early lyrics, as well as poetic translations of French poets (Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, Emile Verhaeren, Paul Verlaine, etc.) Then there were collections “Ladder of Time” (1999), “A Drop of the Sun” (2000), “Flashes” (2001), “Re-read my poems!” (2005), “Alien Century” (2007), “Dear One” (2012).

In 1998 was admitted to the Union of Russian Writers.

Laureate of the literary award “Golden Pen of Tula” (2009).

The creative biography is published in the book series “Tula Biographical Dictionary. New names" and the anthology of Tula poetry "Our Contemporaries".

Head of the only literary museum in Tula - the House Museum of the prose writer, translator and Pushkin scholar V.V. Veresaev. Organizer of the events “Literary Environments in the House-Museum of V.V. Veresaev" (meetings of Tula writers with their readers, the city's creative intelligentsia, as well as presentations of new poetry collections, books, literary newspapers and magazines).

In the field of museum pedagogy, she has developed a number of innovative programs for middle school and high school students, which have been introduced into the work of the museum and are being successfully implemented.

Editor-in-chief of the museum newsletter “Living Life”, reflecting the history of the city of Tula, as well as the past and present of the V.V. House-Museum. Veresaeva.

At the end of 2006, she created the museum-literary association “Muse” on the basis of the museum, based on two components of our culture - history and literature. Now the members of the association are the authors of publications in Tula newspapers, and also perform literary and musical compositions in educational institutions and museums of Tula and the region. Since 2009, the literary association has the status of a regional one. He is the founder and editor of the literary almanac of the Muse association.

Initiator of the creation and editor of the literary project “Youth informal literary newspaper “Izyum” (2000-2009). The newspaper creates space for creative self-realization in many literary genres. The authors of the project were the youth of Tula and the Tula region (Shchekin, Donskoy, Efremov, Aleksin, Novomoskovsk, Sovetsk, Venev, Bogoroditsk), as well as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tambov, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, Uzbekistan and Germany. Information support on the Internet is created by the newspaper's electronic website, thanks to which many Russian and foreign readers of the newspaper have appeared.

Founder of the youth mobile group "Extremum", which repeatedly performed poetry performances on the stage of the Tula Regional Teachers' House (2003-2004).

The biography of Victoria Tkach is published in the book series “Tula Biographical Dictionary. New names" (2003). The poems were included in the anthology “Our Contemporaries” (2009) and the anthology “Three Centuries of Tula Poetry” (2010).

Victoria Tkach - laureate of the literary award "Golden Pen of Tula" (2009) Diploma-recipient of the creative competition "My Pushkin" (III place - 2009, 1st place - 2011) Diploma-recipient of the annual competition of literary associations of Moscow and the Moscow region (1st place, 2010 .) Diploma winner of the Second and Third festival-competitions of the best literary associations in Moscow and the Moscow region (I place, 2010-2011). Winner of the III International Competition “Tsvetaevskaya Autumn, 2011”.

Conducts active lecture and educational work. He performs in general education and higher educational institutions, libraries, museums in Tula and the region, and conducts poetry master classes for creative youth.

Permanent member of the jury of literary regional and city competitions.

Tkach, Victoria Yurievna

Name = Victoria Tkach
Original name =

Width =
Signature =
Birth name = Victoria Yurievna Tkach
Nicknames = Terra incognita
Date of birth = August 17, 1976
Place of birth = Dnepropetrovsk, rep. Ukraine
Date of death =
Place of death =
Citizenship = Russian Federation
Occupation = Russian poet, novelist, senior researcher
Years active =
Direction =
Genre =
Debut = 1998
Premiums =
Lib =
Website =

Victoria Yurievna Tkach(b. August 17, 1976) - Russian poetess, prose writer, author of six collections of poems, member of the Tula regional branch of the Union of Russian Writers, senior researcher at the V.V. Veresaeva House Museum, initiator of the creation and editor-in-chief of the informal youth literary newspaper "Izyum" ", founder and director of the Museum and Literary Association "Muse".


In 1998 she graduated from Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy, Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​with a degree in French Teacher. He has a certificate of journalist and a diploma of a specialist in speech culture with the basics of speech therapy.

Creative activity

*From January 2001 to March 2003 - junior researcher at the N.I. House Museum Beloborodova.

He is engaged in conducting excursions (including in French), scientific descriptions of exhibits, drafting press releases, holding events, and writing articles for the media.

*Since March 2003 - junior researcher at the V.V. Veresaev House Museum.

In addition to scientific and museum work, Victoria Tkach organizes and conducts “Literary Wednesdays in the House-Museum of V.V. Veresaev" at which meetings are held with Tula writers and poets, with the creative intelligentsia of the city, as well as presentations of new poetry collections, books, literary newspapers and magazines.

*At the end of 2006, Victoria Yuryevna created the museum-literary association “Muse” on the basis of the museum, based on two components of our culture - history and literature. Now the members of the association are the authors of publications in Tula newspapers, participate and win competitions, and also perform literary and musical compositions in educational institutions and museums of Tula and the region. In addition, Victoria is the editor-in-chief of the museum newsletter “Living Life,” which reflects the history of the city, as well as the past and present of the V.V. House-Museum. Veresaeva.

*In May 2007 V.Yu. Tkach was awarded the rank of senior scientific employee.

Literary activity

*In 1998, the first poetry collection “Dream” was published, which included early lyrics, as well as poetic translations of French poets: Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, Emile Verhaerne, Paul Verlaine. Then there were the collections “Ladder of Time” (1999), “A Drop of the Sun” (2000), “Flashes” (2001), “Reread My Poems” (2005) and “Alien Century” (2007), published in collection of the almanac “Touch”.

*In 1998 she was admitted to the Union of Russian Writers. Her creative biography is published in the book series “Tula Biographical Dictionary. New names."

*Now Victoria is the author of poetic and prose publications in the literary and artistic magazine “Touch”, in the literary almanacs “Artifact”, “Tula”, the literary and artistic journal “Priokskie Dawns”, collective collections “Light of Love”, “Hello, Tula” , “Father's Land”, “Poetry of the 21st Century”, periodicals of Tula and the region. The author's creative treasure includes not only lyrics, but also short prose, allegories of a philosophical nature and literary experiments in the form of acrostics, ropals and free verse.

*Since January 2004, her literary project “Youth informal literary newspaper “Izyum”, the founder and editor of which is Victoria, has been successfully developing. The newspaper creates space for creative self-realization in many literary genres, and the authors of the newspaper are the youth of Tula and the Tula region (Shchekin, Donskoy, Efremova, Aleksin, Novomoskovsk, Sovetsk, Venev, Bogoroditsk, Belev, Sovetsk), as well as Moscow and the Moscow region (city Elektrostal), St. Petersburg, Tambov, Tomsk, Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Ryazan, the city of Mirny (Arkhangelsk region), the city of Monchegorsk (Murmansk region), the city of Nukus (rep. Uzbekistan) and the city of Ueterbog (Germany).


*Dream: Poems. - Tula: TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy, 1997.- 66 pp., 100 copies.
*Ladder of Time: Poems. - Tula: Lefty, 1998. - 60 pp., 70 copies. ISBN 5-86269-145-6
*A Drop of the Sun: Poems. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2000. - 66 pp., 100 copies.
*Flashes: Poems. - Tula, 2001. - 104 pp., 100 copies.
*Reread my poems: Collection of poems. - Tula: Infra, 2005. - 168 pp., 350 copies. ISBN 5-93869-046-3
*Alien Century: Poems. - Tula: Touch, 2007. - 100 pp., 100 copies.

Collections of scientific papers

*Upper Don region: Nature. Archeology. History: Collection of articles in 2 volumes. Volume I. - Tula: State Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field", 2004. - 320 pp., ill., 1000 copies. ISBN 5-93869-043-9
*Museum and intangible cultural heritage. Issue 6: Collection of works of the creative laboratory “Museum Pedagogy” of the Department of Museum Affairs. - APRICT. Moscow: ICAR, 2005.- 196 p.


*Artifact No. 1 2002: Literary and artistic almanac. - Tula, 2002. - 56 pp., 119 copies.
*Artifact No. 2 2003: Literary and artistic almanac. - Tula, 2003. - 128 pp., 110 copies.
*Touch No. 8: Literary and artistic magazine. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2004. - 219 pp., ill., 500 copies. ISBN 5-8125-0519-5
*Tula (28/07/2005): Socio-political regional newspaper. - Tula, 2005. - 48 pages, 9000 copies.
*Tula (03/30/2006): Socio-political regional newspaper. - Tula, 2006. - 48 pages, 9000 copies.
*BLOCK-4: Literary and musical collection. - Tula: Infra, 2006. - 136 pp., 300 copies.
*Sloboda No. 26 (06/28/2006): City newspaper. - Tula, 2006. - 88 pages, 102 thousand copies.
*Sloboda No. 28 (12/07/2006): City newspaper. - Tula, 2006. - 88 pages, 102 thousand copies.
*Sloboda No. 41 (11/10/2006): City newspaper. - Tula, 2006. - 88 pages, 102 thousand copies.
*UNION No. 3/2006: Journal of United Creative Unions. - Tula: Vlasta, 2006. - 34 pp., 999 copies.
*Priokskie Dawns 2006-3-4(4): Interregional literary, artistic and journalistic magazine. - Tula: Tula State University, 2006. - 250 pp., 150 copies.
*Priokskie Dawns 2007-2(6): Interregional literary, artistic and journalistic magazine. - Tula: Tula State University, 2007. - 244 pp., 300 copies.
*Tula: Literary almanac. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2005. - 248 pp., 1000 copies. ISBN 5-8125-0677-9
*Tula: Literary almanac. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2006. - 300 pp., 1000 copies. ISBN 5-8125-0839-9
*Tula: Literary almanac. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2007. - 272 pp., 1000 copies. ISBN 978-5-8125-1003-9
*Bulletin of the Association of Museums of Russia No. 1-2 (45) 2007.- Tula: Yasnaya Polyana, 2007.- 16 pp., 200 copies.
*Writers' newspaper No. 1 (1) 2007: Union of Russian Writers. Tula regional branch. - Tula, 2007. - 8 pages, 999 copies.
*Writers' newspaper No. 2 (2) 2007: Union of Russian Writers. Tula regional branch. - Tula, 2007. - 12 pages, 999 copies.
*Light of love: Lyrics of Tula poets. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2006. - 504 pp., ill., 130 eq. ISBN 5-8125-0766-X
*Hello, Tula: Literary collection. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2006. - 552 pp., ill., 250 copies. ISBN 5-8125-0857-7
*Father's Land: Collection of poetry and prose. - Tula: Grif and Co., 2007. - 556 pp., ill., 200 copies. ISBN 978-5-8125-0994-1
*Poetry of the 21st century: International Festival of Contemporary Poetry in Tula. - Tula: Infra, 2007. - 272 pp., ill., 500 copies.


*Tula Biographical Dictionary. New names. - Tula: Peresvet Publishing House, 2003. - 287 pp., 3000 copies. ISBN 5-86714-272-8

Literary creativity

* [ http://stihi.ru/author.html?izyum Victoria Tkach on Stihi.ru ]
* [ http://proza.ru/author.html?izyum Victoria Tkach on Proza.ru ]
* [ http://izyum.newtula.ru/index.php Informal youth literary newspaper “Izyum” ]

Articles in periodicals

* [ http://www.myslo.ru/gazeta/603/27/656/ “The most popular doctor” (Article by V.Yu. Tkach in the newspaper “Sloboda”) ]
* [ http://www.myslo.ru/gazeta/605/27/763/ “Notes of a Doctor” (Article by V.Yu. Tkach in the newspaper “Sloboda”) ]
* [ http://www.myslo.ru/gazeta/618/27/1341/ “Veresaev and Bunin” (Article by V.Yu. Tkach in the newspaper “Sloboda”) ]


* [ http://tula.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=3385 State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Tula about the presentation of the collection “Re-read my poems” ]
* [ http://tula.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=755&cid=7 State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Tula about the museum newsletter “Living Life” ]
* [ http://www.antology.org/news/detail.php?ID=1122&popup=2 Victoria Tkach in the news of the anthology “All Russia” dated September 14, 2007 ]
* [ http://www.antology.org/news/detail.php?ID=1137&popup=2 Museum and Literary Association “Muse” in the news of the anthology “All Russia” from 11/16/2007 ]
* [ http://tula.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=23643 State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Tula, 01/11/2008. Christmas holidays at the V.V. House-Museum Veresaeva ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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